SR :: Volume #9

#827: Divine Beast also frightened trembles

At this time, Chu Feng and Ying Zhexian were separated, are distanced a distance, cannot the earliest possible time use Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique, therefore they display divine technique respectively, shelters the injured person. 此时,楚风映谪仙被隔开,相距一段距离,不能第一时间动用七宝妙术,故此他们纷纷各自施展神术,庇护受伤的人。 Golden Scales!” Ying Wudi roared angrily, now most uncomfortable was he, knew the person to know the surface not to be intimate, he intersected well with Golden Scales, knew for many years, was the good friend. 金鳞!”映无敌怒叫,现在最难受的就是他,知人知面不知心,他同金鳞相交不错,认识多年,算是好朋友。 Usually, Golden Scales Dao Child does not struggle not to do, quite whether there is for the character, has the disposition from the moral character absolutely good, finally this kind of modest and self-demanding gentleman so is unexpectedly shameless and gentle and reserved, suddenly under killer to him. 平日间,金鳞道子不争不作,颇有无为的风骨,从品格有心性上来说绝对上佳,结果这样一个谦谦君子居然如此无耻与阴柔,突然对他下杀手。 Furthermore, before also had the experience of sharing hardships, one place is in difficulty, another side support, cooperation good of , each other trusts very much. 再者,以前也有过共患难的经历,一方有难,另一方支援,合作的很好,彼此很信任。 Bald person, bald, amida, fuck off!” Big Black Ox indignation, roaring, being split up the light of reorganization of soul, was protected by Yellow Ox in behind. “秃子,光头,弥陀佛,你大爷的!”大黑牛也不忿,咆哮着,四分五裂的灵魂之光重组,被黄牛护在后面。 He was angry, has gone bad depressed, the good intention life-saving comes, finally paying kindness with enmity, was actually killed him, if there is fleshly body, the flesh and blood affirmed that has ruined. 他气坏了,也郁闷坏了,好心救人而来,结果却被人恩将仇报,袭杀他,如果有肉身的话,血肉之躯肯定已经毁掉。 Even if the soul light condition, he is also injured now heavily, releases the great golden law seal very fearful, will trade to be the ordinary person to be hit to explode. 即便是魂光状态,他现在也受伤极重,释宏的金色法印非常的可怕,换作一般的人有可能会被打爆。 Big Black Ox now is the Good Fortune Ox Demon God body, can reduce the injury, is known as without the tribulation. 大黑牛现在是无劫牛魔神体,可以减轻伤害,号称无劫。 In the palace, Unextinguishable Mountain's one group of people have exploded, some people were sneak attacked, carry the severe wound, nearly the direct soul returns to go! 殿宇中,不灭山的一群人都炸了,部分人被偷袭,身负重伤,险些直接魂归而去! to forget favors and violate justice, the farmer and snake, our good intention save you and others, in the end actually backlash we!” The Ying Wudi complexion is pale, he in vomiting soul blood. 忘恩负义,农夫与蛇,我们好心救你等,到头来却反噬我们!”映无敌脸色铁青,他在呕魂血。 This time is he proposed that saves others, finally actually falling people in dangerous situation. 这次是他提议来救人的,结果却陷众人于危险境地中。 Golden Scales sighed: Brother Ying, sorry, actually I also for your own good, want to deliver you to return to Great Dream Pure Land directly, otherwise, I feared that you have the accident/surprise.” 金鳞叹道:“映兄,抱歉,其实我也是为你好,想送你直接回大梦净土,不然的话,我怕你出现意外。” Little Daoist Priest heard, first jumps, said: Golden Scales, the evildoer, in the pond the thing, Daoist Master I said to you, dismisses Dao Race you, asks pond to stay going!” 小道士闻听,第一个跳起来,道:“金鳞,贼子,池中物,道爷我对你说,将你开除道族,找个水塘自己呆着去!” Not is only he, other people also thought that Golden Scales Dao Child is too false, after the person cuts in two at the waist, this stance, annoying hateful. 不仅是他,其他人也都觉得道子金鳞太虚伪,将人腰斩后还这番姿态,可恼可恨。 Brother Ying, we have no recourse.” Releases great also opens the mouth. 映兄,我们也是迫不得已。”释宏也开口。 What reason?!” The Ying Wudi soul light twinkle, the fierce beat, felt that must explode with rage. “什么理由?!”映无敌魂光闪烁,剧烈跳动,感觉要气炸了。 „When initially, we went to Te Huang Sub Saint, mentioned Chu Feng Fellow Daoist to have Soul Bell, may resist to connect I that vortex, can detain the soul light granule.” “当初,我们投奔螣荒亚圣时,提及楚风道友有一口魂钟,可对抗连通我界的那口漩涡,能拘禁魂光粒子。” Releases great says calmly, one year ago they Chu Feng selling, have joined in Sub Saint Te Huang to sit down, otherwise, as the Divine Beast fifth generation grandson, why to grant them the Divine Beast blood, the light is offers breathing method and strange technique is insufficient, is in the hope that this world strange technique rapidly rises. 释宏平静道出,一年前他们就将楚风给卖了,投身亚圣螣荒坐下,不然的话,身为神兽第五代孙,凭什么赐予他们神兽血,光是献上呼吸法异术是不够的,在这个世界异术才是迅速崛起的希望所在。 Te Huang, the facial color looks gentle, but is ambitious, will lofty, has wanted to kill this stretch of world, enters so-called Foreign Territory. 螣荒,面色看着平和,但是野心勃勃,心志高远,一直想杀出这片天地,进入所谓的异域 In his opinion, that Soul Bell may is hopes to be, can bring his soul light to cross the universe wall, enters Golden Scales, releases great them that stretch of big world. 在他看来,那口魂钟有可能就是希望所在,能带着他的魂光横穿宇宙界壁,进入金鳞、释宏他们所来的那片大天地。 Therefore, he makes Golden Scales, release great, Flying Immortal Divine Physique and the others to pay attention, once discovers Chu Feng, executes summarily, seizes Soul Bell, if cannot cope immediately to inform him. 因此,他让金鳞、释宏、羽化神体等人留意,一旦发现楚风,格杀勿论,夺来魂钟,如果对付不了则立刻通知他。 Golden Scales, releases great, although you explained like this, but in my opinion, you are shameless enough, first day sells out Chu Feng, today also feels all right to request reinforcements, if some time ago did not have us, you were extinguished.” Ying Wudi is burning with anger. 金鳞,释宏,你们虽然这样解释,但是在我看来,你们还是够无耻的,第一天就卖掉楚风,今天也好意思求援,不久前如果没有我们,你们就被人灭了。”映无敌怒火中烧。 Golden Scales Dao Child nodded, said: Possibly thought, here must forget eventually, finally we will not recall to mind again, therefore, then opened in the heart to imprison that shackles of devil, no longer restrained itself.” 金鳞道子点了点头,道:“可能是觉得,这里的一切终究要忘掉,最终我们都不会再记起,所以,便打开了心中囚禁魔鬼的那座牢笼,不再克制自己。” According to his explanation, sends off Ying Wudi and the others should better like this, but, otherwise, after Sub Saint Te Huang grasps Soul Bell, they possibly cannot get away! 按照他的解释,这样送走映无敌等人最好不过,不然的话,等亚圣螣荒掌握魂钟后,他们可能都走不了! After all, this Soul Bell can leave behind all people forcefully. 毕竟,这口魂钟可以强行留下所有人。 Brother Ying, I urged you to be mediate, turn into the soul rain to return in light of this.” Golden Scales Dao Child urged. 映兄,我劝你还是自己了断,化成魂雨就此回归吧。”道子金鳞劝道。 At this time, Sub Saint Te Huang opened the mouth finally, said: You have considered thoroughly, if coordinates to me, how I will injure you, you will be the same with Golden Scales, Flying Immortal Divine Physique and the others, keep side me, works for teng snake Abyss, perhaps in the future my teng snake clan can enter your universes with you.” 这时,亚圣螣荒终于开口,道:“你们多虑了,如果对我配合的话,我怎么会伤害你们呢,你们会和金鳞羽化神体等人一样,留在我身边,为螣蛇深渊做事,说不定将来我螣蛇一族会和你们一起进入你们的宇宙。” „Does the teng snake calculate Divine Beast?” Old Donkey asked (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger low voice, he had the strength of spirit rarely one time, had not instigated. “螣蛇算神兽吗?”老驴小声问东北虎,他难得有骨气了一次,没有怂。 Little Daoist Priest opens the mouth: Should calculate, the track I had eaten in the past, the taste is really good, after cooking is ripe, is more delicious than the black dog meat!” 小道士开口:“应该算,小道我当年吃过,口感真不错,炖熟后比黑狗肉还要好吃!” Actually, their two mainly thought, Yaoyao should with, kill Sub Saint not to be simple? 其实,他们两个主要是觉得,妖妖应该会跟下来,杀亚圣还不简单? Therefore, they dare to be so bold. 所以,他们才敢这么大胆。 Otherwise, by the dispositions of these two people, that most fears death absolutely, temporarily disguises to revolt has the possibility. 不然的话,以这两个人的性格,那绝对是最怕死的,临时假装叛变都有可能。 Obviously, they want to be many, Yaoyao pursues the crippled fox, does not have first with. 显然,他们想多了,妖妖去追瘸腿狐狸,没有第一时间跟下来。 On the throne that in palace "hē hē...... ” rough stone builds, Te Huang both eyes open and close, cold lightning radiate all around, he is bringing light sneering, said: Dares to blaspheme Saint, this is courting death!” “呵呵……”粗糙石头堆砌的殿宇内的宝座上,螣荒双目开阖间,冷电四射,他带着淡淡的冷笑,道:“敢亵渎圣人,这是在找死!” dang! 当! At this time, Chu Feng took out black Soul Bell, grasped directly in the hand, said: „Do you want this?” 这时,楚风祭出一口黑色的魂钟,直接抓在手中,道:“你想要这个?” Brings!” The Te Huang cold sound said, resolute is overbearing, unquestionable, in the place above is overlooking Chu Feng. “拿来吧!”螣荒冷声道,语气坚定而霸道,不容置疑,在上方俯视着楚风 Chu Feng said: This Soul Bell offered a sacrifice to refine by me, it is very special, is Supreme Treasure, but, it is also very frail, the interior has the self-destruction principle, I read may activate this principle.” 楚风道:“这魂钟被我祭炼过,它很特殊,是一件至宝,但是,它也很脆弱,内部有自毁法则,我一念间就可激活此法则。” „Does ants thing, dare to threaten me depending on you?!” Te Huang cold sound said, thermal shock of trim main hall, and passes Saint who sends out to let present many person trembling with fear, trembles, did not endure. “蝼蚁般的东西,凭你也敢威胁我?!”螣荒寒声道,整片大殿的温度骤降,且透发出的圣威让在场许多人战战兢兢,瑟瑟发抖,根本忍受不了。 Even if the will is formidable, but, soul light is trembling stemming from the instinct! 哪怕意志非常强大,可是,魂光出于本能还是在颤栗! Has moistened a Saint character, even if Sub Saint, the strength is also heaven and earth turning upside down, compared with Golden Body level tall too much, is no comparison between them. 沾了一个圣字,即便是亚圣,实力也是天翻地覆,比金身层次高太多,不可同日而语。 Thump!” “咚!” Soul Bell makes a depressed sound, the ripples and Yang Qi also spreads, shelters Chu Feng. 魂钟发出一声沉闷的声响,涟漪与阳气同时扩散,庇护楚风 Chu Feng said: In our piece of universes, any died to the people who I such spoke, moreover died was very miserable, said that person ants, was patted the ants a palm of the hand, that was laughable.” 楚风道:“在我们那片宇宙,凡是跟我这么说话的人都死了,而且都死的很惨,说人蝼蚁者,被人一巴掌拍死成蝼蚁,那就可笑了。” "hē hē...... ” Te Huang sneers, the ridicule means obviously, said: Small goods that let alone your can pat conveniently, was true Sub Saint came, in front of having divine blood me, insufficiently looked!” “呵呵……”螣荒冷笑,嘲弄意味明显,道:“别说你一个随手能拍死的小货色,就是真正的亚圣来了,在拥有神血的我面前,也不够看!” Idle talk little said, you make my person leave, I satisfy your desire, gives you Soul Bell, does not activate its destruction principle!” “废话少说,你让我的人都离开,我满足你的愿望,给你魂钟,不激活它的毁灭法则!” What thing you are, dares to threaten me?!” Te Huang overlooks Chu Feng densely, the pupil is cold, is similar to blade light is common. “你算什么东西,敢威胁我?!”螣荒森然俯视楚风,眸子冷冽无比,如同刀光一般。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The flash, black Soul Bell shivers, the energy ebullition, as if momentarily must blast out. 一刹那,黑色魂钟颤抖起来,能量沸腾,仿佛随时要炸开。 Naturally does not have the so-called destruction principle, but is the Chu Feng affection, he believes, the opposite party such cares about Soul Bell, definitely Huining may believe, is not willing to take risk. 自然没有所谓的毁灭法则,不过是楚风作态而已,他相信,对方这么在意魂钟,肯定会宁可相信有,不愿冒险。 Sediment, get lost to me!” Te Huang scolds, is staring at Ying Wudi, Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng, Qin Luoyin, Young Lady Xi and the others. “渣子,都给我滚出去!”螣荒呵斥,凝视着映无敌大黑牛欧阳风秦珞音少女曦等人。 I......” the Young Lady Xi small face tightens, gets angry the pinnacle, when World of the Living, who dares such to shame her? Naturally, she acknowledged that she is not weak, but she can look for her grandfather, Sub Saint Level Divine Beast how, the direct finger stabs to death! “我……”少女曦小脸绷紧,怒到极致,在阳间时,谁敢这么羞辱她?当然,她承认自己不不够强,但是她可以找她爷爷,亚圣级神兽又如何,直接一根指头戳死! Meanwhile, she also greatly hates, can't bring for the wool Heavenly Dao umbrella? 同时,她也大恨,为毛天道伞带不进来? „......” Ying Xiaoxiao is also having the weeping voice, long is so big, such has not been wronged. “呜……”映晓晓也带着哭腔,长这么大,还没有这么受委屈过呢。 The Ying Wudi complexion embarrassedly arrives at the extreme, if today is not he extremely upholds justice, must save others, will not have these matters, he rebukes oneself very much. 映无敌则脸色难堪到极点,今天如果不是他太过仗义,非要来救人,根本就不会有这些事,他很自责。 Clever, you exit!” Chu Feng has rubbed the Ying Xiaoxiao bright as snow silver hair, making the people leave. “乖,你们都出去吧!”楚风揉了揉映晓晓雪亮的银发,让众人离开。 Worthily is my father, 20 years later, the track revenges for the father!” Little Daoist Priest whiz, vanishes from here, is quite decisive. “不愧是我爹,20年后,小道替爹来报仇!”小道士嗖的一声,从这里消失,相当果断。 Then, he also shouted a throat, said: Do not be womanishly fussy, do not disappoint my father's painstaking care!” 然后,他又喊了一嗓子,道:“都别婆婆妈妈,不要辜负我父亲的一番心血!” Ouyang Feng is rousing the cheek, wants on silhouette to that throne to spurt the saliva very much, but has borne finally, these person of one by one came to hug with Chu Feng, drew back completely. 欧阳风鼓着腮帮子,很想冲那宝座上的身影喷口水,但最后忍住了,这些人一一过来跟楚风抱了一下,全部退出去了。 The Golden Scales opens the mouth, said: „The Te Huang senior, this is not safe, according to our knowledge, this Chu Feng has the name of demon, cruel and merciless, lets go these people, after has not impeded, he will possibly have other methods.” 金鳞开口,道:“螣荒前辈,这样不稳妥,据我们了解,这个楚风有魔头之称,心狠手辣,放走那些人,没有掣肘后,他可能会有其他手段。” Chu Feng looks to him, said: Golden Scales, you said that you are because after arriving at this world, for a while is at a loss hits happy the prisoner's cage, emits the devil, is in my opinion, you from the start are not the good thing!” 楚风看向他,道:“金鳞,你说你是因为来到这个世界后一时迷惘才打开心中的囚笼,放出魔鬼,可是在我看来,你压根就不是什么好东西!” Chu Feng dense is staring at him, to this moment, Golden Scales also in the reminder opposite party, was not the good kind. 楚风森然的盯着他,到这种关头了,金鳞还在提醒对方,不是什么善类。 Since stands in the hostile position now, all that I make are normal.” Golden Scales replied, he was thin and tall, looks at the inactivity, stood aloof from the world, but now angry, wishes one could to kill him immediately. “既然现在是站在敌对立场上,我所做的一切都是正常的。”金鳞答道,他高高瘦瘦,看着无为,与世无争,但现在让人恼怒,恨不得立刻杀他。 Princess Yaoyao!” 妖妖公主!” Elder sister!” “姐姐!” After Big Black Ox, Young Lady Xi and the others ran away, dashes about wildly along the old route, and sends out the spirit to roar to the specific position, was summoning Yaoyao, hopes that she can the earliest possible time kill, rescued Chu Feng. 大黑牛少女曦等人逃出来后,沿着原路狂奔,并且冲着特定的方位发出精神咆哮,在召唤妖妖,希望她能第一时间杀来,救下楚风 Aunt, where you, have not come out quickly!” “大娘,你在哪里呀,还不快出来!” On mother the Sir, hurries numb Liuliu, a bit faster gives me obviously, comes to rescue, otherwise my father must be killed!” “母上大人,赶紧麻溜溜,快点给我显化,前来救驾,不然我爹就要被人害死了!” At this moment, Little Daoist Priest called, that may really be with roar, the sound was great, passes on was especially distant. 这一刻,小道士叫起来,那可真是跟狮子吼似的,声音宏大,传的格外悠远。 People while anxious, revealed the look of surprise, the secret guess, the buttocks of a while Little Daoist Priest will make into 18 petals mostly. 众人在紧张的同时,也露出异色,暗暗猜测,一会儿这小道士的屁股多半会被打成18瓣。 In stone palace, Divine Beast Te Huang indifferent heartless looks at Chu Feng, is similar to the big dragon is overlooking the insect, that look is unfriendly, and despises completely. 石头殿宇中,神兽螣荒冷漠无情的看着楚风,如同巨龙在俯视虫子,那种眼神太不友好,且完全是蔑视。 Brings!” He extends take action. “拿来吧!”他伸出手 Ok, gives you!” “可以,给你!” Chu Feng said here, grabbed black Soul Bell, then handed over past at the same time forward, suddenly shook the clock. 楚风说道这里,抓着黑色魂钟,然后向前递过去的同时,突然震钟。 Chī! 哧! green skin bottle gourd previously was covered by Soul Bell, now obviously melts, sprays terrifying grey matter violently. 一个青皮葫芦早先被魂钟笼罩,现在显化出来,猛烈喷射恐怖灰色物质 Idiot, you grasp Divine Artifact, I sit stand one's ground steadfastly here, you could not kill me......”, however, just spoke of here, Te Huang called out pitifully all of a sudden, frightened incomparable, bang cracked-up the stone palace, anxious such as the stray cur, the complexion was pallid, almost scared to death. “蠢货,你就是手持神器,我坐在这里岿然不动,你也杀不了我……”然而,刚说到这里,螣荒一下子惨叫,惊悚无比,轰的一声撞碎石头殿宇,急急如丧家之犬,脸色煞白,差点吓死。 God Level strange matter, damn......” he wants to run away. 神级诡异物质,该死啊……”他想逃走。 However, late, he was corroded by grey matter, was pestered on. 但是,已经晚了,他已经被灰色物质侵蚀,被纠缠上了。 What is most fearful, this grey matter comes out, compared with Chu Feng imagination fearfulness of , especially seems to be sensitive and greedy regarding Divinity and Divine Beast, recognizes this lifeforms, kills suddenly on own initiative, the speed is too fast. 最为可怕的是,这种灰色物质一出来,比楚风想象的还可怕,似乎对于神祇神兽格外的敏感、贪婪,认准这种生物,猛然主动扑杀,速度太快。 Even if Te Huang were previously vigilant, first runs away, not necessarily can avoid. 哪怕螣荒早先警觉,第一时间逃遁,都不见得能避开。 "Ah...... ” the Te Huang sad and shrill noisy wail, rushes to high sky, but directly falls to fall, pounds in the mountainous region, melts the huge teng snake main body, is thick and scary, breaks many mountain tops. “啊……”螣荒凄厉长嚎,冲上高天,可是又直接摔落下来,砸在山地中,化出庞大的螣蛇本体,粗大而吓人,将许多山头都砸碎。 Chu Feng saw that grey matter turns into together silhouette unexpectedly, lies gnaws to nip on the teng snake . Moreover, in this time, that silhouette is glancing back, saw that Chu Feng reveals the tooth to smile unexpectedly, sad and shrill and fierce incomparable, compared with the evil spirit also to terrify person. 楚风看到那灰色物质居然化成一道身影,趴在螣蛇身上啃咬,而且,正在此时,那身影蓦然回首,看到楚风竟露齿一笑,凄厉与狰狞无比,比厉鬼还瘆人。 At this moment, Chu Feng shivered, he is frightened, really actually knows does not collect that many grey strange matter to come back with green skin bottle gourd is to or wrong. 这一刻,楚风打了个冷颤,他惊悚,真不知道青皮葫芦收集那么多灰色诡异物质回来究竟是对还是错。 However now, he thinks very useful. 但是现在,他觉得很有用。 Chu Feng coldly opens the mouth, said: I have said that died to the people who I that spoke, you...... Divine Beast? Sub Saint? Also then that matter!” 楚风冷冷地开口,道:“我说过,对我那么说话的人都死了,你……神兽亚圣?也就那么一回事儿!”
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