SR :: Volume #9

#826: Shameless

...... 呜…… The distant place bugle was shocking, has fight occurrence, the person of ferocious beast plateau kills, slaughtered with Abyss nearby creature. 远方号角震天,有战斗发生,凶兽高原的人杀来了,同深渊附近的生灵厮杀。 Chī! 哧! The horizon end leaps piece of four color rays, the Shining Upon sky is especially dazzling, this makes Ying Wudi, Qin Luoyin, Ouyang Feng and the others the facial color change. 地平线尽头腾起一片四色光芒,映照的天空格外耀眼,这让映无敌秦珞音欧阳风等人面色微变。 How?” Big Black Ox asked puzzled. “怎么了?”大黑牛不解地问道。 This is our universe person, Golden Scales Dao Child, Flying Immortal Divine Physique and Bodhisattva releases great and the others to seek help!” Ying Wudi opens the mouth. “这是我们宇宙的人,道子金鳞羽化神体佛子释宏等人在求助!”映无敌开口。 These people also on this piece of wilderness, distance place are not very remote, usually they have also had to do, once referred, one place is in difficulty, another side should support positively. 那些人也在这片荒原上,距离此地不是很遥远,平日间他们也打过交道,曾经谈及,一方有难,另一方应积极支援。 Had had in this period also similar matter, each other has supported. 期间也发生过类似的事,彼此支援过。 They attack in the bitter experience, after all came from the same piece world, we should rescue.” Ying Wudi said. “他们在遭遇攻击,毕竟来自同一片天地,我们应该去救援。”映无敌道。 He came from Sub Immortal Clan, as first ten big successors, the relations of nature with this group of people also calculates, and also needs to strengthen the relations. 他来自亚仙族,身为前十大之一的继承人,自然跟这群人的关系还算可以,且也需要巩固彼此间的关系。 Other people have not said anything, Little Daoist Priest responded Ying Wudi then first, a fervent appearance, said: Say/Way is, although thousands of people I toward! Life-saving, this is the principle of righteousness!” 其他人还没说什么,小道士就第一个响应映无敌,一副慷慨激昂的样子,道:“道之所在,虽千万人吾往矣!救人,这是大义!” Looked at his cocky, Chu Feng wants to punch him. 看他这么得瑟,楚风又想揍他了。 However, in the end Chu Feng actually also nods, said: Our generation Evolver, must speak morality and justice, spoke the principle of righteousness, saves others!” 然而,到头来楚风却也点头,道:“我辈进化者,要讲道义,更讲大义,去救人!” The people see the father and son, somewhat is speechless, first is clear their thoughts, these two want to flee this place temporarily, here is not comfortable. 众人看着这父子两人,都有些无语,第一时间清楚他们的念头,这两人是想暂时逃离此地,在这里不自在。 Little Daoist Priest just had been repaired, lest touches the mildew head again. 小道士刚被修理过,唯恐再触霉头。 As for Chu Feng now the heart still in hanging, several female gathering same places, is letting in his heart perturbed. 至于楚风现在心还在悬着呢,几个女子凑到一起,让他心中七上八下。 Clash/To, to be ideal, for the grand plan, for the justice and friendship of world, we saves others, kills!” Little Daoist Priest is digging the small buttocks, here summoned, and runs forward. “冲啊,为了理想,为了宏图,为了人间的正义与友情,我们去救人,杀啊!”小道士撅着小屁股,在这里号召,并向前跑去。 However, what makes his awkward is, he stepped the small short leg to run, other people have not moved including his father, this was putting on a one-man show simply. 然而,让他尴尬的是,就他自己迈着小短腿跑出去了,其他人包括他爹都没动,这简直是在唱独角戏。 Everybody, but also invited the aid!” Ying Wudi holds the fist in the other hand, seeks help from the Unextinguishable Mountain's person. “各位,还请援手!”映无敌抱拳,向不灭山的人求助。 Finally, the people comply, no matter beforehand what kind, but since now forms the offensive and defensive alliance, that helps one another also to might as well. 最终,众人答应,不管以前怎么样,但现在既然结成攻守同盟,那就去相助一把也无妨。 You go, I saw probably that old fox that in your mouth described, went to meet it first.” Yaoyao opens the mouth. “你们去吧,我好像看到了你们口中描述的那头老狐狸,先去会一会它。”妖妖开口。 Then, she whiz vanishes from here, the end loses the trace instant arrogantly. 说罢,她嗖的一声从这里消失,刹那自大地尽头失去踪影。 That old fox also in nearby? The people are imposing, particularly the Little Daoist Priest eyeball almost stares, he dreaded to that crippled fox heart, said that he has blood light disaster, in the end also really had! 那头老狐狸还在附近?众人凛然,尤其是小道士眼珠子更是差点瞪出来,他对那头瘸腿狐狸心有忌惮,说他有血光之灾,到头来还真就有了! The people leave, with lightning speed, the passing over gently and swiftly big piece wilderness region, discovered along the way several gangs of troops are slaughtering, but they have not participated. 众人动身,风驰电掣,掠过大片荒原地带,沿途发现数股人马在厮杀,但他们没有参与进去。 Until finally, they rush to the destination, a short mountain region on wilderness, here has the big piece troops to slaughter, Flying Immortal Divine Physique and yellow autumn spider, Golden Scales Dao Child and White Phoenix clan young lord and the others, in an extremely difficult situation, they once body possession, integrated this piece of wilderness, but now the body is tattered, fleshly body destroyed was similar. 直到最后,他们赶到目的地,荒原上的一片矮山区域,这里有大片的人马在厮杀,羽化神体、黄金天蛛、金鳞道子白凤少主等人都在,狼狈不堪,他们曾夺舍,融入这片荒原,而现在身体破烂,肉身被毁的差不多了。 Originally is you, Yin Soul, the Foreign Territory clever thing, is really damn, this place looked for your more than one year, cannot think that can actually see in this, haha, narrow escape!” The leaders laugh. “原来是你们,阴魂,异域的鬼物,真是该死啊,本座找你们一年多了,想不到竟然能够在此看到,哈哈,天幸!”为首者大笑。 He is the spirit prestige marquis fifth, is the Pu Lin Elder Brother. 他是灵威侯的第五子,是普林的哥哥。 Recent one year, spirit prestige marquis is badly battered, youngest son Pu Lin died, when fourth child chases down these Yin Spirit also inexplicably passed away, lets his violent anger. 最近一年,灵威侯焦头烂额,最小的儿子普林死了,第四子去追杀那些阴灵时也莫名亡故,让他暴怒。 He wishes one could to conquer by killing outside the ferocious beast plateau all Yin Spirit, but, these people disappeared, could not find. 他恨不得血洗凶兽高原外所有阴灵,但是,那些人都消失了,一个也找不到了。 Especially, his spirit prestige Hou Residence was looted unexpectedly, the treasure house was evacuated, making him regard as the great shame, who is not does to present knows. 尤其是,他的灵威侯府居然被人洗劫,宝库被人搬空,让他视为奇耻大辱,到现在都不知道是谁做的。 If knows this is also the Yin Spirit Yaoyao behavior in his eyes, it is estimated that meets the exploding with rage lung. 如果知道这也是他眼中的阴灵妖妖所为,估计会气炸肺。 „Does the Putian young marquis, these kill your brothers' Yin Spirit? It looks like also not much, gives us to kill!” Has divine arrow to say with a smile. “普天小侯爷,这些就杀害你兄弟的阴灵?看起来也不怎么样吗,交给我们来射杀吧!”有神箭手笑道。 This time, Divinity on ferocious beast plateau must launch an attack to Vermilion Bird Abyss, mobilizes the army, some feudal lords advance, are responsible for the barrier on clear brooming. 这一次,凶兽高原上的神祇要对朱雀深渊发难,发动大军,部分诸侯先行,负责清扫路上的障碍。 The spirit prestige marquis in team of going to battle, his several sons also sends out, fifth child Heavenly Road diameter here, runs into Golden Scales Dao Child and the others. 灵威侯在出征的队伍中,他的几个儿子也都出动,其中第五子普天路径这里,遇到金鳞道子等人。 "Um, do not bleed off one person, had better be able capture alive, gives to my father them, such can make him satisfy. ” Putian said. “嗯,不要放走一人,最好能活捉,将他们献给我父亲,那样才能让他满意。”普天说道。 The fight is even more intense, Golden Scales Dao Child, released great Bodhisattva and yellow autumn spider and the others to become friends with many different kind on Abyss nearby wilderness in more than one year, therefore they did not fight in isolation. 战斗越发激烈,金鳞道子、释宏佛子、黄金天蛛等人这一年多来在深渊附近的荒原上结交了不少异类,因此他们不是孤军作战。 This stretch of region, has their troops more than 500 people. 这片地带,有他们的人马共500多人。 However, hand/subordinate insufficiently looks facing Putian 3000 cavalries radically, these 3000 troops are elite, selects from 30,000 armies. 然而,面对普天手下的3000骑兵根本不够看,这3000人马都是精锐,是从30000大军中挑出来的。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 The arrow feather across the sky, the light beam interweaves, a divine arrow salvo will let these formidable Evolver pitiful yells, large expanse of getting down but actually. 箭羽横空,光束交织,神箭手一次齐射就会让那些强大的进化者惨叫,成片的倒下去。 Even if promptness that Chu Feng they come, is almost the earliest possible time kills, was startled to witness to dying too many people, the ground full was the blood, troops more than 500 people of Golden Scales Dao Child one side, in the shortest time the personnel losses to less than 100 people, more than 400 people were shot to explode! 即便是楚风他们来的及时,几乎是第一时间杀到,也吃惊见证到死去了太多的人,地上满是血液,金鳞道子一方的人马500多人,在最短的时间内减员到不足100人,400多人被射爆! Generally speaking, facing becoming army Divine Archer of organization system, these rogue cultivator insufficiently look. 总的来说,面对成建制的军队神射手,这些散修不够看。 If not Golden Scales, releases great, Flying Immortal Divine Physique to be formidable enough, they were also shot to explode. 若非金鳞、释宏、羽化神体足够强大,他们也被射爆了。 In addition, they can support, is related with the order of Putian, the request captures alive them. 此外,他们能支撑下来,也跟普天的命令有关,要求活捉他们。 Puts down the weapon, kneels surrenders, forgives you and others not dead!” Putian shouted. “都放下武器,跪地投降,饶你等不死!”普天喝道。 So-called Abyss Divine Beast, is nothing radically, when facing ferocious beast plateau Divinity, all previous dynasties are the defeat much win few, you should put intelligently.” The army, some people berated. “所谓的深渊神兽,根本算不了什么,在面对凶兽高原的神祇时,历代都是败多胜少,你们最好都放聪明一点。”军队这边,有人喝斥。 Troubled in a big way!” Big Black Ox feels creepy feeling, Divine Archer that this type becomes the organization system is not best to cope, simply non-solution regarding rogue cultivator. “麻烦大了!”大黑牛感觉头皮发麻,这种成建制的神射手最不好对付,对于散修来说简直无解。 Only if the strength is by far they, sweeps away directly. 除非实力远胜他们,直接横扫过去。 Otherwise, a Divine Archer salvo, only if Sub Saint came, otherwise other Cultivator can block? 不然的话,神射手一顿齐射,除非亚圣来了,不然的话其他修士怎么挡得住? This place is good, has the natural magnetic field, there are massive magnets, I arrange then I to collaborate the bang to kill with Zhexian!” Chu Feng opens the mouth to say. “这地方不错,有天然的磁场,有大量的磁石,我去布置一下然后我跟谪仙联手去轰杀!”楚风开口道。 Then, his soul light since then vanished, submerges underground, arranges Domain. 然后,他的魂光就从此地消失了,没入地下,去布置场域 When Chu Feng appears again, greeted Ying Zhexian, two people collaborated, submerged to the army in quietly, towering displaying Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique! 楚风再次出现时,招呼映谪仙,两人联手,悄然潜入到军队中,突兀的施展七宝妙术 Bang! 轰! The variegated color light erupts, suddenly, kills more than 80 cavalry bang, because they stand is too near, each other is bending the bow, simply has not guarded against some people to appear with the aid of Domain in their teams directly. 斑斓彩光爆发,瞬息间,将80多位骑兵轰杀,因为他们站的太近,彼此都在弯弓,根本没有防备到有人借助场域直接出现在他们的队伍中。 „The evildoer who which comes, kills to me!” Putian is angry. “哪来的贼子,给我射杀!”普天大怒。 Rushes in his cavalry team unexpectedly two people, wing to wing flying together, was too rampant, dares to rush to the organization system the bow to shoot the group hardly. 在他的骑兵队伍中居然闯进来两个人,比翼齐飞,实在太嚣张了,敢硬闯成建制的弓射团。 Gives me to execute them immediately!” “给我立刻毙掉他们!” „It is not good, the haze, they disappeared, but spiritual strength is unable to lock them unexpectedly!” Had Divine Archer to call out, distributed the two to disappear. “不好,起雾了,他们消失了,而精神力居然无法锁定他们!”有神射手叫道,发下那两人已经不见踪影。 Is Domain, we retreat, leaves here rapidly!” Some other person shouts. “是场域,我们撤退,迅速离开这里!”另有人喊道。 Putian hearing this, complexion cloudy clear uncertain, said: Leaves here, uses Domain Breaking Flag, breaks open so-called Domain to me!” 普天闻言,脸色阴晴不定,道:“离开这里,动用破域旗,给我破开所谓的场域!” The army most fears anything, naturally is Domain, even if 100,000 armies, if astrays in fearful Domain, will be annihilated in a short time. 军队最怕什么,当然是场域,哪怕是100000大军,如果误入可怕的场域中,也会在短时间内全军覆没。 However, in the army also has the related dealing method, for example Domain Breaking Flag! 不过,军中也有相关的应对手段,比如破域旗等! chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Bang! 轰! At this moment, Chu Feng and Ying Zhexian collaborate the bang to kill once more, towering appearance in the Putian near. 就在这时,楚风映谪仙再次联手轰杀,突兀的出现在普天近前。 You......” “你们……” Remember, kills your Sixth Brother Pu Lin as well as your Fourth Brother's person is we, now also delivers you to start off!” Spiritual sound transmission resounds at the same time, seven color rays sprinkle. “记住,杀死你六弟普林以及你四哥的人就是我们,现在也送你上路!”精神传音响起的同时,七彩光芒洒落。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Putian yelled, was rumbled, was hit to explode at the scene. 普天大叫,被轰个正着,当场被打爆。 However, his within the body has Death Substituting Talisman, has light of other his father spirit prestige marquis Sub Saint Level wisp of soul, instant eruption. 不过,他体内有替死符,更是有他父亲灵威侯亚圣级别的一缕灵魂之光,刹那爆发。 However, Chu Feng and Ying Zhexian are not first dealing, the experience is rich, kills Putian in a minute thoroughly. 然而,楚风映谪仙不是第一次应对,经验丰富,片刻间而已,彻底干掉普天。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The time is not long, two people collaborate the direct bang to add up totals hundred people, the army thorough chaos, when they run out of the Domain range, discovered that the backbone was rumbled to kill. 时间不长,两人联手直接轰杀数百人,军队彻底大乱,等他们冲出场域范围时,发现骨干都被轰杀了。 Although also remaining more than 2000 people, but is actually defeated and dispersed. 虽然还剩下2000多人,但是却都溃散。 In fact, so long as this share of troops rally, deals with Chu Feng truly they, that definitely has the overwhelming superiority, what a pity, was hit to be caught off guard, the dying director as well as some high levels in Domain, collapsed immediately. 事实上,只要这股人马重整,真正应对楚风他们,那肯定占据绝对优势的,可惜,被打了个措手不及,在场域中死掉主事者以及一些高层,顿时崩溃。 The distant place, Ying Wudi, Qin Luoyin, Big Black Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others already, released great Bodhisattva and the others to rescue Golden Scales Dao Child, these person severe wounds, the situation is not good. 远处,映无敌秦珞音大黑牛东北虎等人早已将金鳞道子、释宏佛子等人救出,这些人都重伤,情况不是多好。 Walks, we leave here first, if that army rallies, kills our situation very not to be as before wonderful once more.” Chu Feng said. “走,我们先离开这里,万一那股军队重整,再次杀回来我们情况依旧很不妙。”楚风道。 When sees Chu Feng once more, these people stare obviously, he did not disappear for more than one year, has not thought to reappear today. 当再次见到楚风,这些人明显一愣,他不是消失一年多了吗,不曾想今日再现。 Meanwhile, they also see the Unextinguishable Mountain's person, Golden Scales Dao Child, releases great Bodhisattva , or Flying Immortal Divine Physique and the others, stare dumbfounded. 同时,他们也看到不灭山的人,无论是金鳞道子,还是释宏佛子,亦或是羽化神体等人,都瞠目结舌。 You...... How to come?” The yellow autumn spider has stuttered, they come from Great Dream Pure Land, but, there does not have these people obviously. “你们……怎么来的?”黄金天蛛都结巴了,他们是从大梦净土进来的,可是,那里明明没有这些人。 hee-haw hee-haw, here is the Unextinguishable Mountain's back garden, you said how we do come?” Old Donkey is complacent. 儿啊儿啊,这里是不灭山的后花园,你说我们怎么来的?”老驴得意洋洋。 Also who?” Golden Scales Dao Child asked. “还有谁?”金鳞道子问道。 All came, here.” Chu Feng replied. “全来了,都在这里。”楚风答道。 Many thanks Brother Chu does not count the past animosity, comes to aid, apologizes!” Golden Scales, releases great salutes earnestly, expressed gratitude. “多谢楚兄不计前嫌,前来援手,谢过!”金鳞、释宏认真施礼,表示感谢。 Walks, goes to our another supreme headquarters, there has Abyss some troops, should be safe.” White Phoenix clan young lord said. “走,去我们另一处大本营吧,那里有深渊的一部分人马,应该还算安全。”白凤少主说道。 They are on good terms with the Abyss person wait/etc. once had received in exchange for divine blood using breathing method, wonderful technique with the Abyss juniors, this was not the secret, Ying Wudi and the others already knows. 他们跟深渊的人交好,利用呼吸法妙术等曾跟深渊的子弟换取过神血,这不是什么秘密,映无敌等人早就知道了。 Finally, Chu Feng, Ying Wudi, Big Black Ox and the others escorted them to start off, these person lost/carrying severe wounds, do not deliver a regulation the words, might have the accident/surprise. 最终,楚风映无敌大黑牛等人护送他们上路,这些人都负重伤,不送上一程的话,有可能会出现意外。 This is piece of mountain region, on the wilderness the unusual mountain ridge region, belongs to the foothold in teng snake Abyss surrounding, some talented Evolver assume personal command. 这是一片山地,荒原上少有的山岭地带,属于螣蛇深渊外围的一个据点,有一些实力不俗的进化者坐镇。 Golden Scales and Flying Immortal Divine Physique, released great and the others are not first time came, was very familiar with here, but the person who was stationed in this place also knew them, reported slightly, made them go. 金鳞羽化神体、释宏等人不是第一次来了,对这里很熟悉,而驻扎此地的人也都认识他们,稍微一禀告,就让他们进去了。 In the mountain, several rough stone main halls, are responsible for guarding here expert seclusion place generally. 山中,有几座粗糙的石头大殿,一般都是负责镇守这里的高手坐关地 Recently who was assuming personal command?” Golden Scales Dao Child inquired. “最近谁在坐镇?”金鳞道子询问。 Sir Te Huang assumes personal command in this.” Some people inform. 螣荒大人在此坐镇。”有人告知。 In the Golden Scales eye presents divine glow, Te Huang is the fifth-generation grandson of present age Divine Beast teng snake, entered Sub Saint Realm, the strength is as deep as a well. 金鳞眼中出现神芒,螣荒乃是当代神兽螣蛇的第五代孙,已经进入亚圣境界,实力高深莫测。 Comes, me tells that you met anything to trouble.” The sound that in rough stone palace transmits a temperate middle-aged man, precisely has Te Huang of Divine Beast bloodlines. “都进来吧,跟我说一说你们都遇上了什么麻烦。”粗糙的石头殿宇中传来一个温和的中年男子的声音,正是拥有神兽血脉的螣荒 When enters in the main hall, Chu Feng and the others raised the head, sees a skin color fair man, is sitting on the throne of palace, visits them very much amiably. 当进入大殿中,楚风等人抬头,看到一个肤色白皙的男子,正坐在殿宇的宝座上,很随和的看着他们。 !” “噗!” Suddenly, Golden Scales take action, cuts in two at the waist Ying Wudi! 突然,金鳞出手,将映无敌腰斩! Meanwhile, releases great also forms one of the golden big hand imprint bang to strike to his side Big Black Ox, unexpected, Big Black Ox shaken being split up. 与此同时,释宏也结成金色大手印轰的一声拍击向他身边大黑牛,猝不及防,大黑牛被震的四分五裂。 ! 噗! Flying Immortal Divine Physique and yellow autumn spider, White Phoenix clan young lord and the others also sneak attack, instant take action. 羽化神体、黄金天蛛、白凤少主等人也都纷纷偷袭,刹那出手 Good guts, your this flock of poisonous snakes, paying kindness with enmity!” Even if temperament best Yellow Ox, is angry at this time, the eye was red, the opposite party dares unexpectedly so! “好胆,你们这群毒蛇,恩将仇报!”哪怕脾气最好的黄牛,此时都大怒,眼睛都红了,对方居然敢如此! Golden Scales you......” Ying Wudi does not dare believe that simply your eye, forms Golden Scales that the offensive and defensive alliance relates to begin to him, moreover their ordinary day friendship, unexpectedly cut in two at the waist him. 金鳞你……”映无敌简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,结成攻守同盟关系的金鳞会对他动手,况且他们平日的交情也还可以,居然将他腰斩。 Is really shameless enough!” The Chu Feng cold sound said, flies into a rage. “真是够无耻的!”楚风寒声道,勃然大怒。
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