SR :: Volume #9

#825: The disaster of blood light

Felt relieved that is strange? Chu Feng is staring at him, always thought that this is the pit father goods. 放心才怪?楚风盯着他,总觉得这就是个坑爹货。 I told you, some words you must be clear, now cannot say , can you understand?” Chu Feng warned him. “我跟你说,有些话你得想清楚,现在是真的不能说了,你能明白?”楚风警告他。 „When Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, track my vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered world number one restricted area, the father you had not been born, what woman I have not seen, Princess and Divine King of immortal dynasty daughter, once became friends with, do not say this......” 无量天尊,小道我纵横天下第一禁地时,爹你还没出生呢,什么样的女人我没见过,不朽皇朝的公主神王的女儿,都曾结交,就更不要说这个……” Little Daoist Priest boasted, but does not dare to say the Yaoyao two characters finally obstinately, was mainly the previous time is tidied up miserably, now is also afraid. 小道士吹牛,但最后愣是没敢说出妖妖两个字,主要是上次被收拾惨了,现在还害怕呢。 Ok, a while I told the Yaoyao elder sister these, looked how you explained!” Silver-haired Little Loli opens the mouth, grinning. “行,一会儿我将这些告诉妖妖姐,看你怎么解释!”银发小萝莉开口,笑嘻嘻。 No, Little Aunt, biological aunt, do not harm me!” The Little Daoist Priest face was green, finally lowers the stance. “别,小姨,亲姨,你别害我!”小道士脸都绿了,终于放低姿态。 Whiz! 嗖! The world end, the variegated color light flies together, was too quick, is the heaven shaking rainbow crosses on the wilderness likely, suddenly arrived at this stretch of region. 天地尽头,一道斑斓彩光飞来,太快了,像是惊天长虹横贯荒原上,眨眼间就到了这片地带。 Yaoyao came, is leading the Unextinguishable Mountain's person, for example old Grandmaster Wu Qifeng, Zhou Quan, Old Lama as well as the Kunlun Mountains big monster, descended in the place. 妖妖来了,带着不灭山的人,比如老宗师吴起峰周全老喇嘛以及昆仑大妖等,降落在地。 In addition also has Young Lady Xi, she is liveliest, now were many after this Yang Qi nourished the spirit, the figure was slim, slightly was lazy, the grinning, juicy big eye was flashing. 此外还有少女曦,她最为活泼,现在经过此界阳气滋养后精神多了,身材修长窈窕,略显慵懒,笑嘻嘻,水灵灵的大眼扑闪着。 Aiyu, this is...... Great Demon Chu, did you resurrect?!” Young Lady Xi yells first, opens the beautiful pupil astonished. “哎呦,这是……楚大魔头,你复活了?!”少女曦最先喊叫,惊愕的睁大美眸。 Brother!” Zhou Quan and the others ran over, met with Chu Feng, is very excited. “兄弟!”周全等人更是跑了过来,跟楚风相见,很激动。 Brothers are living well, your courage was too big, next time do not burst in the Reincarnation grinding pan.” “兄弟活着就好,你的胆子太大了,下次千万不要乱闯轮回磨盘。” ...... …… One crowd of person incomparable enthusiasms and warm. 一群人无比热情与热烈。 Chu Feng after Young Lady Xi and the others met, looks up to Yaoyao, long time does not see, her peerless beautiful woman even more, abatement as before beautiful shocking outside, in the past that big change universe bloomed completely with the generation unpaired self-confident elegant demeanor. 楚风少女曦等人相见后,抬头望向妖妖,多日不见,她越发的绝代倾城,除却依旧美丽惊艳外,当年那股大变宇宙同代无对手的自信风采完全绽放出来。 In this world more than one year, Yaoyao has not fought little, is jumps the ranks each time great war! 在这个世界一年多,妖妖没少战斗,每次都是越级大战 At this time, although she is slim and graceful, beautiful and graceful is tall and graceful, as if Ruoxian being near dust, but also makings of flying upwards, only I alone revere, the beautiful pupil glances slantingly, simply is a vice- Queen model/pattern. 此时,她虽然亭亭玉立,婀娜挺秀,宛若仙子临尘,但是也有一种飞扬的气质,惟我独尊,美眸斜瞟,简直就是一副女王范。 Yaoyao...... Elder sister!” Chu Feng greeted, wants to call Yaoyao, but feared to take a beating, thinks or adds the elder sister character. 妖妖……姐!”楚风打招呼,想叫妖妖的,可是怕挨揍,想了想还是加个姐字吧。 This is odd Great Demon Chu that the face arrives at thick-skinnedly, like this to be how cautious?” Young Lady Xi is grinning, coerces him there. “这还是脸皮厚到的离谱的楚大魔头吗,怎么这样拘谨?”少女曦笑嘻嘻,在那里挤对他。 Yaoyao elder sister grace and talent peerless, looks is empress model/pattern, my cannot help but was serious, conversion was you, un, this.” Chu Feng walks, take action, has rubbed she smooth mild-mannered beautiful hair as quick as a flash, that is soul light. 妖妖姐风华绝代,一看就是女皇范,我不由自主的就郑重起来了,换成是你,嗯,也就这样。”楚风走过去,快如闪电般出手,揉了揉她一头光滑柔顺的秀发,那是魂光所化。 Chu Loli, you dare to raise a rumpus to me, look to extinguish!” Young Lady Xi jumped immediately. 楚萝莉,你敢对我动手动脚,找灭吧!”少女曦顿时跳了起来。 Behind, the people are speechless, particularly Qin Luoyin and Ying Zhexian corners of the mouth twitch, thought that Chu Feng too miserable, has also been in front of his son to be shouted Chu Loli. 后方,众人都无语,尤其是秦珞音映谪仙嘴角抽搐,觉得楚风也太悲催了,当着他儿子的面就被人喊成楚萝莉 The happiness that silver-haired Little Loli Ying Xiaoxiao smiles, said: Ka ka, the sunlight elder sister, you summarizes was too proper, after feeling rejuvenated Great Demon Chu to be able with me to compare really tenderly.” 银发小萝莉映晓晓笑的开心,道:“哇咔咔,曦姐,你总结的太到位了,返老还童后的楚大魔头真的能跟我比嫩。” The Little Daoist Priest eyeball rotation, he was looks, his father does not dare to be dissolute to Yaoyao, but did not fear to other people. 小道士眼珠子转动,他是看出来了,他爹对妖妖不敢放肆,但对其他人都不怕。 Sunlight little mother, your father said that has thought of you and Princess Yaoyao very much.” Little Daoist Priest opens the mouth. “曦小娘,你父亲说了,一直很想念你和妖妖公主。”小道士开口。 Chu Feng the nerve tightens immediately, this pit father's disobedient son really cannot idle, he a little regretted, should give the seal to get up him first, making him shut up. 楚风顿时神经绷紧,这个坑爹的逆子果然闲不住,他有点后悔,应该先将他给封印起来,让他闭嘴。 Young Lady Xi called out: Bah, the little fellow, I thought that you think pit your father, when really I cannot look, dares to call me the sunlight little mother, ka ka, your small face fat too hobby, the Yaoyao elder sister you pinched to look.” 少女曦叫道:“呸,小家伙,我看你是想坑你爹吧,真当我看不出来,敢叫我曦小娘,哇咔咔,你的小脸肉呼呼太玩好了,妖妖姐你捏捏看。” She Yaoyao pulling, making Little Daoist Priest not dare to avoid actually, appointed Young Lady Xi were pinching his small face, was rubbed the pig capitate, his suitable disaffection, but can only endure. 她将妖妖给扯进来,令小道士硬是没敢躲避,任少女曦捏着他的小脸,接着被揉成猪头状,他相当的不满,但是只能忍着。 The surrounding person wants to smile, had realized, this Little Daoist Priest has not really suppressed the great idea, thinks pit his father, is in front of the Yaoyao strong atmospheric field, unexpectedly does not dare the multi- languages. 周围的人都想笑,已经意识到,这小道士果然没憋好主意,想坑他爹,可是在妖妖的强大气场面前,居然不敢多语。 In this year you fortunately?” Yaoyao looks at Chu Feng, is having smile, she is very calm, is very calm, has a seedling source from the instinct self-confident bearing. “这一年来你还好吧?”妖妖看着楚风,带着微笑,她很从容,也很镇静,更有一种源自天性的自信气度。 Good, somewhat thinks of you.” Chu Feng replied. “挺好的,就是有些想念你们。”楚风答道。 Strange that the Little Daoist Priest big eyeball mumbling the rotation, he looks, his father Great Demon so is unexpectedly serious, does not dare present primary form in front of Princess Yaoyao. 小道士大眼珠子叽里咕噜的转动,他看的稀奇,他爹这个大魔头居然这么本分,不敢在妖妖公主面前“现原形”。 He even more determined, only then Yaoyao can surrender his father, can rub ruthlessly, he was at that time excited. 他越发确定,只有妖妖能降服他爹,可以狠狠地揉搓,他当时就兴奋起来。 "Um, what words Little Daoist Priest did you have to say? ” Yaoyao glanced his one eyes. “嗯,小道士你有什么话想说?”妖妖瞟了他一眼。 This......” Little Daoist Priest organization language. “这个……”小道士组织语言。 Chu Feng keeps silent, says goodbye Yaoyao, had including the kids, can he not be well-mannered? 楚风则不言不语,再见妖妖,连娃都有了,他能不规规矩矩吗? True words technique!” The Yaoyao light language said, soul light departs together, falls on the body of Little Daoist Priest, immediately makes him have a big shock, hurries to cover own mouth. “真言术!”妖妖轻语道,一道魂光飞出,落在小道士的身上,顿时让他大惊失色,赶紧去捂自己的嘴巴。 His previous life root foot is astonishing, naturally understands many mystique method, this true words technique is very rare, belongs to rare divine technique, but he can also, study. 前世根脚惊人,自然懂得许多秘法,这真言术很罕见,属于稀有神术,但是他也会,曾经研究过。 After this divine technique practices, hits on Evolver, definitely will make his mouth spit the true words, cannot help but outward reveals the secret. 这种神术练成后,打在进化者身上,肯定会让他口吐真言,不由自主向外吐露秘密。 Then, Little Daoist Priest could not provide lodging own mouth, wants saying that at heart anything was direct the opens the mouth, said: Aunt, rubs my father ruthlessly, him according to the ground, is oppressive his a lot of!” 然后,小道士就管不住自己的嘴了,心里想说什么就直接开口,道:“大娘,狠狠地揉搓我爹吧,将他按在地上,虐他千百遍!” My %@!” The Chu Feng complexion is bad, this pit father's son really does not have the suspense, has been suppressing the dirty trick, really owes to beat! “我%@!”楚风脸色不善,这坑爹的儿子果然毫无悬念,一直在憋坏水呢,实在欠殴打! Heavenly Venerate, help, this aunt was also too fierce, must pull out in track my heart the secret of most deep place, my how anything said that turns head not to be killed by my father, this is how good, the town word technique suppresses to me!” 天尊,救命,这个大娘也太厉害了,要掏小道我心中最深处的秘密,我怎么什么都说啊,回头还不被我爹打死,这怎么行,镇言术给我压制!” Little Daoist Priest wants to stimulate to movement a divine technique-- town word, the resistance and suppression true words technique. 小道士想催动一种神术——镇言,抵抗与镇压真言术。 The Yaoyao beautiful woman jumps directly, did this boy also call her aunt? 妖妖娥眉直接微跳,这小子又叫她大娘? Heaven, Aunt, do not lose one's temper, is quite sore, the aunt is only a name of respect, don't tell me must according to such shout really, you who my father teaches will not lose one's temper, but, I determined that he in the pit I, will kill me not to call. Aiyu, could not bear, the heart has an demon sound, must make me such shout...... Biological mother, on mother Sir!” 天啊,大娘,你别动怒,啊,好疼,大娘只是一种尊敬的称呼,难道真要按照我爹教的那样喊,你才不会动怒,可是,我确定他是在坑我啊,打死我也不会那么叫。哎呦,忍不住了,心底有一种魔音,非要让我那样喊出去……亲娘,母上大人!” At this moment all person petrify, turn the head to look to Chu Feng, admires to him really full of admiration, dares such to teach the son, sexually harasses Yaoyao, acts recklessly?! 这一刻所有人都石化,一齐转头看向楚风,对他真是佩服五体投地,敢这么教儿子,调戏妖妖,不知死活吧?! The Chu Feng cheek twitches, he thought, this pit father son shouted intentionally like this. 楚风面皮抽搐,他觉得,这坑爹儿子是故意这样喊出来的。 The critical moment, Yaoyao does not realize right, the first took out a ray of light curtain, wraps Little Daoist Priest, making his sound isolate with outside, simultaneously when Yaoyao looks again to Little Daoist Priest and Chu Feng, the smiling face is even more bright, but makes Little Daoist Priest want to cry. 关键时刻,妖妖意识到不对,第一时间祭出一道光幕,包裹住小道士,让他的声音与外面隔绝,同时妖妖再看向小道士楚风时,笑容越发灿烂,但是却让小道士想哭。 Side, Chu Feng big such as fights, this damn the true words technique comes out, can he pitiful? 旁边,楚风头大如斗,这见鬼的真言术一出来,他得有多凄惨? He looks to Little Daoist Priest, discovered that since having this son, he always in bad luck, this is really don't tell me the reincarnation does accounts? 他看向小道士,发现自从有了这个儿子后,他就总是在倒霉,这难道真是投胎来算账的? You chatted, nearby I the patrolling mountain, had a look whether had the enemy intelligence!” Chu Feng ran, first makes a getaway, does not have the loyalty very much abandons own son. “你们聊,我去巡山,看看附近是否有敌情!”楚风跑了,第一时间逃之夭夭,很没义气的扔下自己的儿子。 Ka ka, isn't Great Demon Chu Feng your courage small, dares to sexually harass the Yaoyao elder sister?” Young Lady Xi shouts in behind, anxious to stir up trouble. “哇咔咔,楚风大魔头你胆子不小,竟敢调戏妖妖姐?”少女曦在后面喊道,唯恐天下不乱。 Chu Feng big such as fights, this girl is provoking anger obviously, then burns down the oil, he dares to stop, was not killed! 楚风头大如斗,这丫头明显在拱火,然后更是火烧浇油,他敢停下来,非被打死不可! Father, do not run, is you teaches me!” Little Daoist Priest shouts in behind, naturally was blocked by the light screen, can only hear by Yaoyao. “爹,你别跑啊,都是你教给我的!”小道士在后面喊道,当然被光幕所阻,只能由妖妖听到。 Whiz, then people noticed that Yaoyao brings Little Daoist Priest to shoot up to the sky, latter sends first, blocks Chu Feng, and also plunders directly him, brings to the rough terrain deep place. 嗖的一声,然后人们就看到妖妖带着小道士冲天而起,后发先至,拦住楚风,并直接将他也掠走,带向丘陵地带深处。 "Áo, Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable! ” “嗷,无量天尊!” "Ah...... The track has incurred, is my father threatens me to do, I confessed! ” “啊……小道都招了,全都是我爹威胁我这么干的,我坦白!” The hill deep place, the Little Daoist Priest pain called, all questions will be answered, all pushed on his father. 丘陵深处,小道士痛叫,有问必答,所有一切都推他爹身上去了。 However, has the true words technique, he occasionally lies also good, for a long time carries on definitely full of holes, various types of reveal something that gives one away, incur a severer penalty finally, immediately the ghost crying god is howling. 但是,有真言术在,他偶尔撒谎还行,长时间进行肯定破绽百出,各种露马脚,结果招致更为严厉的惩罚,顿时鬼哭神嚎。 Aiyu my Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, rescues! That crippled old fox calculates, I really have the disaster of blood light really today, has not thought that should say on mother on the Sir!” Little Daoist Priest pitiful yell. “哎呦我的无量天尊,救驾啊!那瘸腿老狐狸算的真准,我今天果然有血光之灾,没有想到应言在母上大人身上!”小道士惨叫。 Side, Chu Feng wants to say very much, the wool, why has not calculated for him also has the disaster of blood light, the one had only known, he ensure ahead of time slips away. 旁边,楚风很想说,准个毛,为什么没有替他算出来也有血光之灾,早知如此,他保证提前溜掉。 Bang!” “砰!” "Ah...... Called the biological mother not to be good, calling on mother not to be good, can you not make my you call the elder sister? ” Little Daoist Priest wants to cry but have no tears. “啊……叫亲娘不行,叫母上也不行,你总该不会让我你叫姐姐吧?”小道士欲哭无泪。 Chu Feng is also very miserable, but is toughing it out, opens the mouth, said: Yaoyao, the elder sister, here obtains six God Level strange technique, in addition also has Small Six Paths Time Technique, you also got sucked in any case, taught you, was improved by you. Certainly the colorful capital perhaps ponders over the complete Six Paths of Reincarnation technique by your startled, finally solves the old age difficult problem. Meanwhile, on under the poor blue sky Yellow Springs, I definitely do not allow you to be pestered by strange matter, when the time comes, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, for your Dao Protector, guarantees you to be safe!” 楚风也很惨,但硬挺着,同时开口,道:“妖妖,姐,我这里得到六种神级异术,此外还有小六道时光术,反正你也深陷进去了,都教给你吧,由你去完善。以你的惊才绝艳之资说不定就琢磨出完整的六道轮回术,最终解决晚年难题。同时,上穷碧落下黄泉,我肯定不允许你被诡异物质纠缠,到时候,天上地下,为你护道,保你平安!” Little Daoist Priest wants to despise very much, this father has instigated, unexpectedly starts to compromise, with various divine technique exchanges, but also sends that pledge. 小道士很想鄙夷,他这个爹太怂了,居然才开始就妥协,用各种神术交换也就罢了,还发那种誓言。 Then, he has a look, his father bled off. 然后,他就看看到,他爹被放走了。 Then, Little Daoist Priest feels dizzy, and starts to call out pitifully, because Yaoyao starts to repair him with single-hearted devotion, nobody helped to allocate to injure. 接着,小道士眼晕,且开始惨叫,因为妖妖开始专心修理他,没人帮忙平摊伤害了。 He was anxious immediately, such gets down again, this time must certainly project on one month of life unable to take care of oneself. 他顿时急了,再这么下去,这次肯定要被打到一个月生活不能自理。 Elder sister, the track I also took.” Called the biological mother not to be good, he studied his father, called the elder sister, finally repaired pitiful yell. “姐,小道我也服了。”叫亲娘不行,他学他父亲,也去叫姐,结果被修理的嗷嗷惨叫。 Princess, the track I have divine technique, the capital of previous life Heavenly Venerate, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth focus attention on, my collection is very fierce, passes on your divine technique.” 公主,小道我也有神术,前世天尊之资,天上地下瞩目,我的收藏很厉害,传你一种神术。” Two types, I must be strongest!” Yaoyao opens the mouth finally, throughout smiling. “两种,我要最强的!”妖妖终于开口,始终都笑盈盈。 The true words technique is effective, but involves the secret of soul most deep place, will encounter the hindrance, simultaneously Yaoyao does not want such to display to him, is not the foe. 真言术有效,但是涉及灵魂最深处的秘密,也是会遇到阻碍的,同时妖妖也不想真对他那样施展,又不是仇敌。 Ginger is really old badness!” Little Daoist Priest cursed, his father first has instigated, it seems like that the choice was correct, did he support by strenuous efforts is effective? for no reason was beaten by the pain, finally must hand over divine technique! “姜果然是老的坏!”小道士诅咒,他爹第一时间就怂了,看来选择非常正确,他苦苦支撑管什么用?平白被痛殴,最后还是要交出神术 Shortly, Little Daoist Priest fills resentment thought came out, eye xue touches in all directions, is looking for his father. 不久后,小道士充满怨念的出来了,眼睛四处踅摸,在找他爹。 Ouyang Feng goes forward, sincere, said: Big nephew, it seems like you also insufficiently knew about your father, can hit he must project on the bottom absolutely, hits him certainly to want first to make a getaway, was a scapegoat for your father?” 欧阳风上前,语重心长,道:“大侄子,看来你对你爹还不够了解,能打的过的他绝对要打到底,打不过的他肯定要第一时间逃之夭夭,替你爹背锅了吧?” Abatement my father, a crippled fox, you sees not to have, to hurry to look.” Little Daoist Priest contorts one's face in agony to say. “除却我爹,还有一只瘸腿狐狸呢,你们看到没有,赶紧找一找。”小道士呲牙咧嘴说道。 You understood finally, finally posts with the bad fox your father in the same place, understood that is not late!” Big Black Ox laughs. “你总算明白了,最终将你爹跟坏狐狸并列在一起,懂得不算晚!”大黑牛哈哈大笑。 In the end, is Yaoyao is alarmed, looks that petrify yellow-haired fox, finally has achieved nothing, making all people be startled. 到头来,就是妖妖都被惊动,去找那头石化黄毛狐狸,结果一无所获,让所有人都吃了一惊。 Two younger sisters, here, some gifts deliver you.” Yaoyao is very temperate, when facing Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin, be with smile on the face, discusses harmoniously. “两位妹妹,这边来,有些礼物送你们。”妖妖很温和,面对映谪仙秦珞音时,面带笑容,相谈融洽。 Then, Young Lady Xi also collected. 然后,少女曦也凑过去了。 The distant place, Chu Feng sees that turns around to run decisively, that several people crowd together, is absolutely chaotic! 远处,楚风见状,果断转身就跑,那几人凑在一起,绝对要乱啊! He does not think that at present can establish a big harem, dares simple-minded collecting in the past, to guarantee slightly is killed. 他可不认为眼下能够建立一个大大的后宫,敢稍微傻呵呵的凑过去,保准被打死。 „......” Distant place, bugle sounds, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, the troops of ferocious beast plateau appear, is killing to some position, precisely Vermilion Bird Abyss there. “呜……”远处,号角吹响,惊天动地,凶兽高原的人马出现,在向某个方位杀去,正是朱雀深渊那里。 Little Daoist Priest said: Was weird, the crippled fox said, in three days must have Divine War, were hoodwinked by him right. Fellow uncle, we should send out, actually to loot the ferocious beast plateau Divinity den, goes to the Abyss Divine Beast old nest to pick divine medicine, everybody decided.” 小道士道:“邪门了,瘸腿狐狸说,三天内必有神战,又被他蒙对了。各位叔伯,我们该出动了,究竟是洗劫凶兽高原神祇的老巢,还是去深渊神兽的老窝采摘神药,大家决定。” All people realized, this region most turbulent and fearful time came, must have the blood stream Divine War occurrence! 所有人都意识到,这片地带最动荡与可怕的时光来了,要有血流神战发生!
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