SR :: Volume #9

#824: Whole family

„The first under the heavens person here, 20 years of vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered world, who with resists?” The distant place, donkey sound is billowing, the air/Qi is full. 天下第一人在此,20年纵横天下,谁与相抗?”远处,驴声滚滚,中气十足。 Moo!” “哞!” Meanwhile, is accompanying the ox roar sound, piece of black light runs amuck Between Heaven and Earth, just like a mountain, that is Big Black Ox, the physique is huge, like the lightning, is battling with the person quickly. 同时,伴着牛吼声,一片乌光横行天地间,宛若一堵大山,那是一头大黑牛,体格庞大,快如闪电,在跟人激战。 Dares to bully my brother, copies on fellow!” Ouyang Feng first calling out, flushed away forward, saw Old Donkey and Big Black Ox unexpectedly, must look for them. “敢欺负我兄弟,抄家伙上!”欧阳风第一个叫道,向前冲去,竟看到老驴大黑牛,原本就要去找他们呢。 Chu Feng sees that any words had not said, flushes away to the horizon end directly, Light of Yin-Yang sweeps, shells these enemies. 楚风见状,什么话也没有说,直接向地平线尽头冲去,阴阳之光扫出,轰击那些敌人。 These aggressors are one group of roving bandits, middle some people have ferocious beast, runs amuck on the wilderness, is very aggressive, if not Big Black Ox and Old Donkey they are intrepid, possibly was killed. 那些攻击者是一伙流寇,当中有人也有凶兽,横行于荒原上,都很凶悍,若非大黑牛老驴他们还算强悍,可能就被杀了。 Behind, Ying Zhexian, Qin Luoyin, Ying Wudi and the others also send out, from the same piece universe, naturally must help one another. 后面,映谪仙秦珞音映无敌等人也出动,来自在同一片宇宙,自然要相助。 Little Daoist Priest braces oneself to go forward, he looked, one group of uncle can have 5-6, all has not come fortunately, otherwise light called to make him have a headache. 小道士硬着头皮上前,他看了看,一群叔伯能有五六个,还好没有全来,不然的话光是一路叫下去就让他头疼。 Moo, Chu Feng? Is the person is the ghost? Did not say that you did throw into stone mill plate to commit suicide?” Big Black Ox cries out strangely, jumped excitedly. “哞,楚风?是人是鬼啊?不是说你投进石磨盘自杀了吗?”大黑牛怪叫,激动的跳了起来。 A while ago learned about Chu Feng to vanish, that is really the clear sky thunderclap, suddenly made them extremely be worried. 前段时间得悉楚风消失,那真是晴空霹雳,一时间让他们都非常担心。 Throws into the stone mill plate suicide? Chu Feng's complexion slightly black, who this is fabricating a rumor, he looks to Ouyang Feng and Little Daoist Priest, has swept Ying Wudi, it is estimated that cannot be inescapable their three. 投进石磨盘自杀?楚风的脸色微黑,这是谁在造谣,他看向欧阳风小道士,又扫了一眼映无敌,估计跑不了他们三个。 hee-haw hee-haw, scared to death donkey master, I also thought in broad daylight fantasy. Haha, brother Chu Feng saw you is really too happy, cannot think, we in this place of reunion degeneration. The fate, Old Donkey I heard you throw into the stone mill plate suicide, immediately has scared, felt that lives not to have the love, currently finally also had the courage of going on living.” 儿啊儿啊,吓死驴爷了,我还以为大白天活见鬼呢。哈哈,楚风兄弟见到你真是太高兴了,想不到,咱们会在这堕落之地重逢。缘分啊,原本老驴我听说你投进石磨盘自杀,顿时吓坏了,感觉生无可恋,现在终于又有了活下去的勇气。” Chu Feng hearing this, the corners of the mouth twitch, reprimand: What chaotic 7-8 is bad, I who said with your very ambiguous as, you think that your outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman, is world enchanting?” 楚风闻言,嘴角抽搐,斥道:“什么乱七八糟的,说的我跟你很暧昧似的,你以为你绝色倾城,世间妖娆?” The Old Donkey hollow laugh and explained: „It is not, you have misunderstood, I meant, heaven you damage like this do not receive, coming back that you can jump for joy as before, really gives our greatest inspirations, the good person like us, little sells Holy Son and Divine Maiden, certainly can live is long-time.” 老驴干笑并解释道:“不是,你误会了,我的意思是说,老天连你这样的祸害都不收,你依旧能都活蹦乱跳的回来,实在是给予我们莫大的鼓舞,像我们这样的好人,很少卖圣子神女,一定能活的更长久。” Space dragon meat, ground donkey meat, do you want to make me taste foods newly in season?” Chu Feng sneers is looking. “天上龙肉,地上驴肉,你想让我尝尝鲜吗?”楚风冷笑着看向它。 Absurd, when you this is the paper sticks, before me flirts with one another, should kill!” The leader in roving bandit shouted. “岂有此理,你们当本座是纸糊的吗,在我面前打情骂俏,都该杀!”流寇中的头领喝道。 This is a mammoth shape, the whole body is the golden color grows hair, the body is big, when rush through gets up everything may become vulnerable, dashes barbarically toward Chu Feng here. 这是一头猛犸象,浑身都是金色长毛,身体高大,奔行起来时地动山摇,向着楚风这里野蛮冲撞过来。 Scratches, your anything vision, your which eye saw that the donkey master was flirting, was the scholarly family aristocratic family, donkey master very legitimate lineage, the aesthetic standard also very normally is always good.” His knife edge a pair of greatly long ear, is baring a mouth big thread chaser, said: I like the ear being big, smiles the tooth to be snow white, best is the Pegasus clan, is really not good, a beautiful woman of unicorn clan, you in the aesthetic orientation of question donkey master?” “擦,你什么眼光,你哪只眼睛看到驴爷在调情,身为书香门第世家,驴爷一向很正统,审美观也十分正常好不好。”他支棱着一双大长耳朵,龇着一嘴大板牙,道:“我喜欢耳朵大的,笑起来牙齿雪白结实的,最好是天马族的,实在不行,独角兽一族的美女也可以,你这是在质疑驴爷的审美取向吗?” Chu Feng wants to kick to death him, wants to rumble to fly. 楚风想踹死他,想轰飞。 Directly turns the head to kill likely toward Old Donkey as for that mammoth, pair of ivory shines, turns into two rare treasures to depart, the cold light twinkle, just like must separate void. 至于那头猛犸象则直接转头朝着老驴杀过去,一对象牙发光,化成两件秘宝飞出,寒光闪烁,宛若要割裂虚空。 “Chi!” “哧!” The critical moment, Ouyang Feng take action, suffices the loyalty very much, helping Old Donkey block two sickles, slaughters with the roving bandit leader in the same place. 关键时刻,欧阳风出手,很够义气,帮老驴挡住两柄弯刀,跟流寇首领厮杀在一起。 Brother, hurries take action, here has Golden Body level expert!” The distant place, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger calls out, crazily runs away. “兄弟,赶紧出手,这里有金身高手!”更远处,东北虎嚎叫,一路狂逃。 At this time, Ying Zhexian and Little Daoist Priest they also killed, Chu Feng not hesitant, feared that delayed to have an accident, rushes to the Ying Zhexian near, the request collaborates to display Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique, fought a battle to force a quick decision. 此时,映谪仙小道士他们也杀到了,楚风没有犹豫,怕耽搁下去出事,冲到映谪仙近前,要求联手施展七宝妙术,速战速决。 Chī! 哧! Under two people wing to wing flying together, across the sky, such as together the brilliant rainbow, has sprinkled the big piece light rain, the prestige can be terrorist, below roving bandit called out pitifully unceasingly. 两人比翼齐飞,横空而过,如一道绚烂的彩虹般,洒落下大片的光雨,威能恐怖,下方的流寇不断惨叫。 A wave of bang kills, several people are killed violently. 一波轰杀而已,十几人就毙命。 Walks!” “走!” The mammoth startles likely greatly, turns around runs, however was late, Chu Feng and Ying Zhexian just like a pair of deity family companion, cross void, sweeps drops the variegated color light, rumbles to kill him, huge fleshly body blasts out directly, becomes the blood and bone. 猛犸象大骇,掉头就跑,然而已经迟了,楚风映谪仙宛若一对神仙眷侣,横渡虚空,扫落下斑斓彩光,将他轰杀,庞大的肉身直接炸开,成为血与骨。 One crowd of roving bandit heart and galls are all cold, frighten to look pale, scatter in all directions to flee, finally was chased down by one, the 90% people die here. 一群流寇心胆皆寒,吓到面色苍白,四散奔逃,结果被一阵追杀,九成的人都死这里。 Brother, want dead I, you are all right well.” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and Horse King also flushed, warm hug. “兄弟啊,想死我了,你没事就好。”东北虎马王也冲了过来,热情拥抱。 In addition, Mastiff King, in addition Old Donkey and Big Black Ox, altogether five people rush to here. 此外,还有獒王,加上老驴大黑牛,一共五人赶到这里。 Brother, the person is all right the good, safe return, may celebrate encouraging.” Big Black Ox also goes forward, warm hug. “兄弟,人没事就好,平安归来,可喜可贺。”大黑牛也上前,热烈拥抱。 What a moment ago Chu Feng and your older sister displayed was what time that is, wing to wing flying together in legend, the heart had the cleverness, said the pure dual Cultivation merit?” Old Donkey asked Ying Wudi low voice. “刚才楚风和你姐施展的是那是什么功夫,传说中的比翼齐飞,心有灵犀,还是说纯粹的双修功?”老驴小声问映无敌 Ying Wudi complexion black turning purple, strong has not gotten angry from the restraint. 映无敌脸色黑的发紫,强自克制没有发火。 The people meet, is very naturally warm, lively, for a long time is tranquil. 众人见面,自然无比热情,热热闹闹,很长时间才平静下来。 Finally Chu Feng asked: Yaoyao they?” 最后楚风问道:“妖妖他们呢?” Monster Princess discovered that Divine Beast heir's trail, having the person to pass discusses some following cooperation matters concerned in a friendly way.” Horse King informs. 妖公主发现神兽子嗣的踪迹,带人过去友好商谈一些后续合作事宜。”马王告知。 Discussed that what cooperates?” Chu Feng is curious. “谈什么合作?”楚风好奇。 „To the opposite party taking advantage of selecting the Divine Beast blood mostly.” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger face proper replying. “多半是想向对方借点神兽血。”东北虎一脸正经的答道。 Chu Feng is speechless, this was robs the Divine Beast descendant to go, said such elegantly did, was not the bystander! 楚风无语,这是抢劫神兽后代去了,说的这么文雅作甚,又不是外人! (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger said: "cough, this is not...... The sisters-in-law, me feared that the influence is not good, therefore pays excessive attention to wording, as far as possible said is not so bold. ” 东北虎道:“咳,这不是……弟妹都在吗,我怕影响不好,所以咬文嚼字,尽量说的不那么奔放。” This must call elegantly, this also called to pay excessive attention to wording, wasn't the big vernacular? 这也要叫文雅,这也叫咬文嚼字,不都是大白话吗? „, The big nephew was whoops getting better and better -looking.” Old Donkey warm going forward tries to get close, greeted with Little Daoist Priest, gave to hug directly, gave a tongue-lashing the tooth to smile to him. “哎呦,大侄子越来越俊俏了。”老驴热情的上前套近乎,跟小道士打招呼,直接就给抱起来了,呲牙对他笑。 Little Daoist Priest also smiles, after all was praised. 小道士也微笑,毕竟被人夸赞呢。 You look, am I with the big nephew the unique uncle nephew appearance, had the fate, same long ear, tooth also snow white, looks pleasant.” “你们看,我跟大侄子是不是特有叔侄面相,太有缘分了,都一样的长耳朵,牙齿也雪白,看着就赏心悦目。” The small face of Little Daoist Priest was black immediately, fuck, any look, looks like the yarn with you. 小道士的小脸顿时黑了,尼玛,什么眼神啊,跟你像毛线。 Big Black Ox said finally sentence just words, said: Do not mix chaotically, big nephew is so handsome, can it be that you can compare, sees not to have, his face chest cavity slightly black, the skin color is close with me, our type has the healthy and upright model makings.” 大黑牛总算说了句公道话,道:“别掺乱,大侄子这么英俊,岂是你能比的,看到没,他脸膛微黑,肤色与我相近,我们这类型的都拥有健康而忠厚的典范气质。” The face of Little Daoist Priest was blacker, look bad looks at Big Black Ox, you from the beginning as black as foot, felt all right saying that I with your type, was this praises the person to curse at people? 小道士的脸更黑了,神色不善的看着大黑牛,你都从头黑到脚了,也好意思说我跟你一个类型,这是夸人呢还是骂人呢? Big Black Ox further nods saying: You looked that big nephew's face was blacker, tallies with my heroic makings more and more, the small appearance was good -looking, saw that his I have cannot help but remembered childhood.” 大黑牛进一步点头道:“你看大侄子的脸更黑了,跟我的豪迈气质越来越相符,小模样太俊俏了,看到他我不由得想起了小时候的自己。” You shut up, have such praise the person, in a moment do not say!” Horse King berated them, traces itself brightly burnished big went forward baldly, shows the genial smiling face. “你们都闭嘴,有这么夸人的吗,不会说话就不要说!”马王喝斥他们,摸了摸自己锃亮的大光头上前,露出和善的笑容。 Little Daoist Priest the vigilance, first said immediately: I have a pitch-black long hair, is not bald, with you not like!” 小道士顿时警觉起来,抢先道:“我有一头乌黑的长发,不是光头,跟你不像!” You look, the big nephew is intelligent, by the fear that you praised, ahead of time inoculated to me, relax, your Uncle Ma careful such as sent, how could same to speak to their one group of big uneducated people are so rough. The big nephew is truly pretty, you look at this cherry small mouth, this both eyes eyes, are......” speak of here him to look simply to Ying Zhexian, said: Has looked like with Fairy Ying, is simply exactly the same, in the future the inevitably abundant god like the jade, will become the Number One Under the Starry Sky handsome man, mother and child elegant demeanor will be all outstanding, such as the immortal being near dust, will come down in a continuous line.” “你们瞧,大侄子多聪明,都被你们夸奖的害怕了,提前给我打预防针呢,放心,你马叔叔心细如发,岂能跟他们一群大老粗一样说话那么粗犷。大侄子确实漂亮,你看这樱桃小嘴,这双目秋波,简直是……”说到这里他看向映谪仙,道:“跟映仙子太像了,简直一模一样啊,将来必然丰神如玉,成为星空下第一美男子,母子皆风采出众,如仙临尘,一脉相传。” Horse King said after complacent, thinks that flatter marvelous ability old horse dares to say first under the heavens, nobody dares saying that the world second, look together praised including the kid's mothers. 马王说完后得意洋洋,自认为马屁神功老马家敢说天下第一,没人敢说天下第二,这不,连孩子他妈都一块夸了。 However, person petrify of scene, relatively is silent, particularly Qin Luoyin and Ying Zhexian are the elegant face slightly black, wants to beat his. 然而,现场的人却石化,相对沉默,尤其是秦珞音映谪仙都是俏脸微黑,想殴打他一顿。 Little Daoist Priest has turned around silently, felt that is heavier than the injury of a moment ago receiving, this group of uncle...... It is not reasonable! 小道士默默转过身去,感觉比刚才受到的伤害还重,这群叔伯……太不靠谱了! You how?” Horse King has not clarified what's the matter, asked that is reflecting the day, said: Reflects the big brothers, you said that has such a biological nephew, biological elder sister's child, is you by the Ying Family's good fortune.” “你们怎么了?”马王还没闹清楚怎么回事呢,问映着天,道:“映大兄弟,你说是不是,有这么个亲外甥,亲姐的孩子,也是你们以映家的福气。” Ying Wudi complexion from becoming dark to changing green, the vision was green and glossy, clenches jaws saying: You shut up to me!” 映无敌脸色由发黑到变绿,眼光都绿油油了,咬牙切齿道:“你给我闭嘴!” Horse King straightens one's neck, said: Scratches, any meaning, you look down upon our Earth, now we are also first ten big one, properly matched, the Ying Family fairy maiden marries into Earth not to be suffering from injustice. My knows, you are the typical feudal guardian countenance, wants to beat with a club the affectionate couple, does not have the gate, the children had, you how?!” 马王梗着脖子,道:“擦,什么意思,你看不起我们地球吗,现在我们也是前十大之一,门当户对,映家仙子嫁入地球不委屈。我知道了,你是典型的封建家长嘴脸,想棒打鸳鸯,没门,孩子都有了,你咋地?!” Horse King dai bo dai, Ying Wudi spurting a stream of abuse, the soul light saliva has scattered, is fiercer than toad, the Ying Wudi whole face that spurts is. 马王嘚啵嘚,将映无敌给喷了个狗血淋头,魂光口水四溅,比蛤蟆还猛,喷的映无敌满脸都是。 Stops!” Chu Feng hurries to block him, otherwise here must hit. “停!”楚风赶紧拦住他,不然的话这里非打起来不可。 After Horse King knows truth, almost turns head to walk, simultaneously his unstated criticism, clearly sees Chu Feng with Ying Zhexian wing to wing flying together, displays the dual Cultivation merit, how child's mother has someone else, too does not make sense, does not take care of their these single several hundred years of senior citizens, making them feel sad?! 马王知道真相后,差点扭头就走,同时他腹诽,分明看到楚风映谪仙比翼齐飞,施展双修功,怎么孩子的母亲另有其人,太不像话了,一点也不照顾他们这些单身几百年的老年人,让他们情何以堪?! "Ah, sorry, this is...... Aha, the big nephew has looked like with the Luoyin goddess, the 90% mother, an image formation his father, no wonder so is likely handsome! ” “啊,抱歉啊,这是……啊哈哈,大侄子跟珞音女神太像了,九成像娘,一成像他爹,难怪这么俊!” However, too the awkward silence, two females both paid no attention to him. 然而,太冷场了,两女都不理他。 Finally, is the Little Daoist Priest shift topic, said: Well, that crippled Heavenly Venerate old fox?” 终于,还是小道士转移话题,道:“咦,那头瘸腿天尊老狐狸呢?” After they come back, fox trace floating, does not see silhouette, already made a getaway to disappear. 当他们回来后,狐踪飘然,不见身影,早已逃之夭夭不见了。 Really is the swindler, god stick, you want to deceive me saying that has the disaster of blood light, to be how possible!” Little Daoist Priest also violates the whisper at first, but hears Yaoyao in not far away, he thought that has such one intrepidly to the aunt who letting him feels dizzy, or mother Sir, whom it is estimated that does not have to dare to injure her. “果然是骗子,神棍,你想蒙我说有血光之灾,怎么可能!”小道士起初还犯嘀咕呢,但是听到妖妖就在不远处,他觉得有这么一个强悍到让他眼晕的大娘,或者说母亲大人,估计没谁敢伤她。 Therefore, he also specially they tries to prove to Big Black Ox and Old Donkey, Yaoyao must arrive. 为此,他还特意向大黑牛老驴他们求证,妖妖是不是真的要到了。 „After I estimate to borrow divine blood, immediately!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger nods, affirmative replying. “我估计借到神血后马上就到!”东北虎点头,肯定的答道。 Yaoyao must come, Little Daoist Priest grows the one breath, said: Then I have felt relieved, definitely will not have the disaster of blood light.” 妖妖要来了,小道士长出一口气,道:“这下我就放心了,肯定不会有血光之灾。” However, Chu Feng is actually the eyelid crazily jumps, speculated that is clearly opposite with him, he was supposing Little Daoist Priest must have the disaster of blood light also should really to say on Yaoyao! 然而,楚风却是眼皮狂跳,推测跟他截然相反,他估摸着小道士真要有血光之灾也是应言在妖妖身上! He somewhat regretted, should not teach Little Daoist Priest, a while must see that really Yaoyao randomly acknowledges as relatives, Little Daoist Priest has blood light disaster, possibly has blood light disaster including him, the fathers and sons will possibly be tidied up, that was miserable! 他有些后悔了,不该教导小道士,一会儿真要见到妖妖就乱认亲,小道士有血光之灾也就罢了,连他都可能有血光之灾,父子可能都会被收拾,那就惨了! Chu Feng urged, said: Son, let me tell you, a while saw the Yaoyao elder sister, you must respect, do not speak at a venture, your knows?” 楚风临阵叮嘱,道:“儿子,我跟你说,一会儿见到妖妖姐,你得尊重,不要乱说话,你可知道?” Father, I handles matters, you felt relieved!” Little Daoist Priest is fearless. “爹,我办事,你放心!”小道士昂然自信。
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