SR :: Volume #9

#823: World of the Living Heavenly Venerate

What saw below?” Ouyang Feng is searching the long neck, the Swan head, is looking around toward dark Abyss. “在下面看到了什么?”欧阳风探着长脖子,偏着天鹅头,朝黑暗的深渊中张望。 Walks, first left here to say again!” “走,先离开这里再说!” Chu Feng expression grave, informs them explicitly, this place is not ordinary, the guess of outside contains errors. 楚风神色凝重,明确告知他们,这地方不一般,外界的猜测有误。 Until walks to be very far, Chu Feng in detail recounted. 直到走出去很远,楚风才详细述说。 Old Vermilion Bird that anything, a capilli quickly falls out or off entirely, cannot induce the breath, not having the life to fluctuate, what is most important also has several small Hong Niao, my time, huge chance!” The Ouyang Feng saliva quickly flowed. “什么,一头毛都快掉光的老朱雀,感应不到呼吸,没有生命波动,最为重要的是还有几头小红鸟,我次,天大的机缘啊!”欧阳风口水都快流出来了。 You have not heard the key point, that several Young Vermilion Bird are gnawing flesh of food Sub Saint Level python!” Chu Feng is serious. “你没听到重点,那几头小朱雀在啃食一头亚圣级蟒蛇的血肉!”楚风严肃无比。 This means that old Vermilion Bird seems like does not have the life, but is living inevitably, moreover quite fearful, is somewhat odd for the food that the heir chooses. 这意味着,那头老朱雀看似没有生命,但必然还活着,而且相当的可怕,为子嗣所选的食材有些离谱。 Oh, the Sub Saint beast of prey takes food, I usually little eat.” Silver-haired Little Loli called out. “哇哦,亚圣猛兽作为食材,我平日都很少吃到。”银发小萝莉叫道。 Chu Feng caresses the forehead, thought that Jun Tuo his son also has the silver-haired Little Loli nerve too big strip, what are they paying attention to? 楚风手抚额头,觉得钧驮他儿子还有银发小萝莉神经太大条,他们两人都在关注什么? Qin Luoyin opens the mouth: Old Vermilion Bird since old age, this without a doubt, it in saving the physical strength, similar hibernation, falls the bottom the life consumption, when needs to prey on for the baby bird will recover.” 秦珞音开口:“老朱雀进入晚年,这毋庸置疑,它在节省体力,类似冬眠般,将生命消耗降到最低点,只有需要为幼鸟捕食时才会复苏。” She said the essence, that old Vermilion Bird life are not really many. 她道出本质,那头老朱雀生命真的不多了。 After Little Daoist Priest the pain punches, for these days was listless, now finally came the spirit, said: Big good fortune, after old Vermilion Bird died during meditation, we adopt Divine Bird, when the time comes person of Vermilion Bird works as the mount, Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, thinks excitedly, wants knows, this Divine Bird is too rare, the blood relationship is noble, this is dares with the god in the clear to slaughtering existence!” 小道士被痛揍过后,这几天都没精打采,现在终于来了精神,道:“大造化啊,等老朱雀坐化后,我们下去领养神禽,到时候一人一头朱雀当坐骑,无量天尊,想一想就激动,要知道,这种神禽太稀有,血统高贵,这可是敢跟神明放对厮杀的存在!” Little Daoist Priest more said is more excited, said: When the time comes I from standing one's ground steadfastly, sit cross-legged Vermilion Bird to carry on the back, soar in nine Heaven's Above, at that time I initially had the Heavenly Venerate pattern and imposing manner.” 小道士越说越激动,道:“到时候我自岿然不动,盘坐朱雀背上,腾飞于九天之上,那时我就初步具备天尊格局与气势了。” Is reasonable, when the time comes I makes Vermilion Bird help me pull a cart!” Ouyang Feng nods. “有道理,到时候我让朱雀帮我拉车!”欧阳风点头。 Silver-haired Little Loli blinks the big eye to look to him, said: „Aren't you Divine Bird? Right, you are female? When the time comes change small Duke Vermilion Bird, gives you, when dao companion, you will be very certainly happy.” 银发小萝莉眨巴着大眼望向他,道:“你自己不就是神禽吗?对了,你是母的吧?到时候找头小公朱雀,给你当道侣,你一定会很开心。” Ouyang Feng: #@¥%!” 欧阳风:“#@¥%!” He wants to fight with Ying Xiaoxiao, but saw that dead black face and love elder sister control are eying covetously to him, must for the appearance that the younger sister raises one's head, he bore. 他真想跟映晓晓掐架,可是看到那个死黑脸、恋姐控正对他虎视眈眈呢,一副要为妹妹出头的样子,他又忍住了。 Master male, before Ying Wudi you, is a pretty boy, recently ate damned child, a dirty look so is daily black.” “爷是男的,还有,映无敌你以前是个小白脸,最近吃死孩子了吗,一张臭脸天天那么黑。” The Ying Wudi serious color, said: Has you to be black, from the beginning as black as foot.” 映无敌一脸严肃之色,道:“有你黑吗,从头黑到脚。” Scratches, does not want to speak to you!” Ouyang Feng starts to walk the Swan step, the air/Qi turned head not to respond him. “擦,不想跟你说话了!”欧阳风迈开天鹅步,气的扭头不搭理他了。 Has the difficulty, there is dangerous.” The Qin Luoyin opens the mouth, she dreaded to that piece of Abyss, does not favor regarding adoption Vermilion Bird this idea that they said. “有难度,那里非常危险。”秦珞音开口,她对那片深渊忌惮,对于他们说的领养朱雀这种想法不怎么看好。 Chu Feng nods, indicated the approval, this was old Vermilion Bird, the formidable oddness, definitely will spread the good escape route for its heir, will otherwise feel relieved to leave the world? 楚风点头,表示认同,这可是一头老朱雀,强大的离谱,肯定会为它的子嗣铺好后路,不然怎么会放心离世? The Ouyang Feng heart moves, said: Well, I remember a matter, recently had other troops to inquire the Vermilion Bird Abyss matter repeatedly, previous time had group of people to pass by our dwelling places also to ask.” 欧阳风心头一动,道:“咦,我想起一件事,最近有其他人马频频打探朱雀深渊的事,上次有伙人路过我们的栖居地还问过呢。” This makes several people be startled, has a premonition the gravity of matter. 这让几人都一怔,预感到事情的严重性。 Other Abyss Divine Beast, or Divinity of ferocious beast plateau perceived to here, in the collection news, may begin to here mostly very much!” Ying Zhexian makes the inference. “其他深渊神兽,亦或是凶兽高原的神祇对这里有所觉察,多半在收集消息,很有可能会对这里动手!”映谪仙做出推断。 Divine Bird will die, on it the good thing to be too many, divine medicine, scripture book that in addition in its mansion collects wait/etc., is the gods must move. 一位神禽将死,它身上的好东西太多了,再加上它的府邸中收藏的神药经书等,就是神明也要动心。 What is most essential, Divine Bird young son, this lifeforms, once subdues and trains, the strength cannot imagine, has the possibility more formidable than it Divinity oneself finally. 最为关键的是,神禽幼崽,这种生物一旦收服并培养起来,战力不可想象,比之神祇自身最后都有可能强大。 Said, we were eliminated directly?” Silver-haired Little Loli is not willing. “这么说,我们直接出局了?”银发小萝莉不甘心。 How possible, everything depends on human effort, creates the opportunity also to pick up a Vermilion Bird son!” Ouyang Feng is ready to fight. “怎么可能,事在人为,创造机会也要抱走一只朱雀崽!”欧阳风摩拳擦掌。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, this matter we have the opportunity, by the experience of this Heavenly Venerate first, this old Vermilion Bird is not vertically and horizontally simple, perhaps will give all Divinity and a Divine Beast pleasant surprise, we certainly can when the time comes adopt the Vermilion Bird son not necessarily, but can definitely collect many divine blood!” 无量天尊,这种事我们还是有机会的,以本天尊纵横一世的经验来看,这头老朱雀不简单,说不定会给所有神祇神兽一个惊喜,到时候我们不见得一定能领养朱雀崽,但是肯定能收集到不少神血!” Little Daoist Priest makes the judgment, thinks that here must have Divine War mostly, the Divine Beast blood and God blood can sprinkle on the earth. 小道士做出判断,认为这里多半要发生神战,神兽血、神灵血会洒落大地上。 Ying Zhexian nods, said: Old Vermilion Bird may feign death, or detonates the crisis ahead of time on own initiative, I think, will draw in certain Divine Beast and gods to start off before it at the point of death mostly together.” 映谪仙点头,道:“老朱雀有可能会诈死,或者提前主动引爆危机等,我想,在它临死前多半会拉上某些神兽、神明一起上路。” A future picture appears in people at present, old Vermilion Bird had the heir, and oneself will die, this will be the big event, will initiate bleeding chaos. 一副未来画面浮现在众人眼前,老朱雀有了子嗣,且自己将死,这是大事件,会引发一场流血大乱。 Ouyang Feng called out: Was bad, we must hurry, told the Yaoyao elder sister, do not come nearby Abyss to loot, now here soon will become the place is apt to get into trouble!” 欧阳风叫道:“糟了,我们得赶紧回去,告诉妖妖姐,千万不要来深渊附近洗劫,现在这里即将成为是非之地!” Previously related according to them, Yaoyao will possibly come Abyss, although had not determined that actually must loot which Divine Beast heir, but, here divine medicine definitely has big attraction. 按照他们早先的联系,妖妖可能会来深渊,虽然还没有确定究竟要洗劫哪家的神兽子嗣,但是,这里的神药绝对有很大的诱惑力。 On the road, Chu Feng said: Frequently is preparing, when the time comes gods and Divine Beast, Divine Bird erupt great war, the head/number of people that can definitely kill is billowing, divine blood scatters, under we must ponder over well, looks that is actually to be dormant collects divine blood to be cost-effective here, copies other dens or Divine Beast of gods Abyss directly is more appropriate.” 在路上,楚风道:“时刻准备着,到时候神明与神兽神禽爆发大战,肯定会杀的人头滚滚,神血四溅,我们得好好琢磨下,看一看究竟是蛰伏在这里收集神血划算,还是直接去抄神明的老巢或者其他神兽深渊更合适。” Father, really the ginger is the old badness, you from head to foot are the crime gene, from the beginning went bad to the foot, how we still in want to toss about here, but you actually took a long-range approach, has seen clearly with your clear and bright crime vision inside and outside billion, admire.” “爹,果然姜是老的坏,你从头到脚都是犯罪基因,从头坏到脚了,我们还在想怎么在这里折腾呢,可是你却高瞻远瞩,已经用你那明锐的犯罪视觉洞察于千百万里外,佩服。” Disobedient son, you give me to come, I cannot kill you!” Chu Feng pursues. “逆子,你给我过来,我打不死你!”楚风追赶。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, the track walks one first!” Little Daoist Priest is digging the buttocks, starts to walk a pair of small short leg, is taking to one's heels to dash about wildly, he grasps to have previous life secret technique, has been very proud, thinks, even if were just born is not weak in people. 无量天尊,小道先走一步!”小道士撅着屁股,迈开一双小短腿,撒丫子狂奔,他掌握有前世秘术,一直很自傲,自认为哪怕刚出生也不弱于人。 The people see that must pursue in behind. 众人见状,只得在后面追赶。 This big nephew may not be really unambiguous, a pair of small short leg runs real quick!” After flying the most of the day, Ouyang Feng tired with sticking out one's tongue of strip old yellow dog, the big mouth respite, a little cannot bear. “这大侄子可真不含糊,一双小短腿跑的真快!”飞了大半天后,欧阳风累的跟条老黄狗似的吐着舌头,大口喘息,有点受不了。 Little Daoist Priest can draw support from the rusticity, one step steps, frequently is dozens li (0.5 km), was too quick, do not look that the small short leg is not long, but the thief is quick. 小道士可以借助地气,一步迈出去,动辄就是数十里,实在太快了,别看小短腿不长,但是贼快。 Other people are very exhausted, if Ying Xiaoxiao does not have her elder sister's Five Coloured Divine Light to bring, definitely early fell behind not to have the shadow. 其他人很疲累,映晓晓如果没有她姐姐的五色神光带着,肯定早掉队没影了。 All the way, they pursue pursue catch up, is accompanying also the Little Daoist Priest pitiful yell sound, after all this too young, the stamina is insufficient, was seized after by Chu Feng, was hung to hit unavoidably. 一路上,他们追追赶赶,同时也伴着小道士的惨叫声,毕竟这一世太年幼,后劲不足,被楚风捉住后免不了被吊起来打。 When they return to dwelling place originally, is six days later, when compares is quick. 等他们回到原本的栖居地时,已经是六天后,比去时要快。 They decide here, met with the Unextinguishable Mountain's person, informs the Abyss recent situation, cannot act rashly, reaps profits is the proper way. 他们决定等在这里,跟不灭山的人碰面,告知深渊的近况,不能妄动,坐收渔翁之利才是正途。 „It is not right, has any thing here!” Ouyang Feng vigilance. “不对,有什么东西在这里!”欧阳风警觉。 Then, they see a crippled old fox, a lead leg vanishes, hind leg remaining halves, a pair of eyes bead golden yellow, but fur is gloomy, the wool is about to have fallen out or off entirely, moreover latter half body nearly petrify, certain spots become the rocks, including that crippled. 然后,他们看到一头瘸腿的老狐狸,一条前腿消失,一条后腿剩下半截,一双眼珠子金黄,但皮毛暗淡,兽毛都快掉光了,而且后半部躯体近乎石化,某些部位成为岩石,包括那条瘸腿 What monster?!” Little Daoist Priest jumped, with instinct, he felt the old fox that this capilli must fall out or off entirely is not common. “什么妖怪?!”小道士跳了起来,凭着本能,他感觉这头毛都要掉光的老狐狸不一般。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, this poor Daoist was courteous.” This crippled yellow wool old fox face full is the genial color. 无量天尊,贫道有礼了。”这头瘸腿黄毛老狐狸一张脸满是和善之色。 Little Daoist Priest this called chatty, he was also Dao Race's, but, at present a crippled fox, both eyes golden yellow, read aloud same Dao name with him, making him dislike. 小道士这叫一个腻歪,他也是道族的,但是,眼下一头瘸腿狐狸,双眼金黄,也跟他诵一样的道号,让他膈应。 reckless Daxian, you change to read the amida!” The Little Daoist Priest toothache, looks at this yellow-haired fox, he read Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable embarrassedly. “胡大仙,你改念弥陀佛吧!”小道士牙疼,看着这头黄毛狐狸,他自己都没好意思念无量天尊 This poor Daoist pain, now...... Must be eliminated including the Dao Race status.” The old fox sighed. “贫道苦啊,现在……连道族身份都要被剥夺了。”老狐狸叹气。 Here, its eye socket was red. 说到这里,它眼圈都红了。 What situation? Several people suddenly cannot feel the brains. 什么情况?几人一时间摸不着头脑。 Ok, do not cry, I allow you to read Heavenly Venerate. You told me, your what status, ran up to our dwelling places, what goal had?” Little Daoist Priest inquired. “行,别哭,我允许你念天尊。你跟我说说,你到底什么身份,怎么跑到我们的栖居地了,有什么目的?”小道士询问。 Oh, my status did not say that says you not to believe.” The crippled fox shakes the head. “唉,我的身份不说也罢,说出来你们也不会相信。”瘸腿狐狸摇头。 Said, Daoist Master my nerve is thick, in the accent opinion, the track I can smile to face.” “说,道爷我神经粗大,在不着调的言论,小道我都可以微笑面对。” „, The letter or not at will, this poor Daoist is Dao Race one generation of Heavenly Venerate, once the bird's eye view world ups and downs, sat looked that the common people struggle to cross, has not thought of some day, oneself also becomes among mortal world ants, pitiful lamentable.” A yellow wool old fox very moved appearance, the color of whole face great changes, a pair of golden yellow pupil completely reveals the years aura particularly, as if the experience after eternal is so remote. “也罢,信与否随意,贫道乃是道族一代天尊,曾俯瞰世间沉浮,坐看苍生争渡,没有想到有朝一日,自身也成为红尘间一蝼蚁,可悲可叹。”黄毛老狐狸一副很伤感的样子,满脸沧桑之色,尤其是一对金黄的眸子更是尽显岁月气息,仿佛历经过万古那么久远。 Spoke the logical expression!” Ouyang Feng first said. “说人话!”欧阳风第一个叫出来。 reckless does Daxian, you want to use to attract the technique to us? Useless!” Little Daoist Priest does not do, daily read Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, finally today an old fox runs he to say to him in front of oneself were Heavenly Venerate, this tramples his face? “胡大仙,你是不是想对我们用魅惑之术?没用!”小道士也不干了,天天念无量天尊,结果今天一头老狐狸跑他到他面前说自己就是天尊,这是不是踹他脸吗? This poor Daoist you do not believe then knows, does not raise, the past events go with the wind, when Heavenly Venerate also has changes to the soil, there is anything unable to see through.” The crippled old fox shakes the head. “贫道就知道你们不信,不提也罢,往事随风去,天尊也有化作泥土时,有什么看不开的。”瘸腿老狐狸摇头。 Little Daoist Priest and Ouyang Feng naturally do not believe. 小道士欧阳风自然不信。 However, Chu Feng actually shocks, because he sees behind this crippled old fox outside cutting tail of abatement petrify, eight scabs, this meant that he most at least is Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox?! 但是,楚风却震惊,因为他看到这个瘸腿老狐狸背后除却一条石化的断尾外,还有八个伤疤,这意味他最起码是九尾天狐?! Therefore, the Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: Since you are Heavenly Venerate, why falls to this step?” 因此,楚风开口,道:“既然你是天尊,为何落到这一步?” Abandons the child.” Old fox mirthless smile. “弃子啊。”老狐狸惨笑。 Why was abandoned?” “为何被弃?” Far more than I abandon the child, was abandoned including this stretch of world, lives in this world is your pain, falls on this world is your difficult, if dwells for a long time here, the old age can die is very miserable.” “何止我是弃子,连这片天地都被遗弃了,生在这个世界是你们的苦,落在这个世界是你们的难,如果长久栖居在这里,晚年都会死的很惨。” Little Daoist Priest curls the lip, said: God stick, your this method was this poor Daoist in the past with remaining, was nothing to speak, whose knows did not practice the strange technique old age not to have the good end, do not install Heavenly Venerate.” 小道士撇嘴,道:“神棍,你这种手段都是贫道当年用剩下的,不值一提,谁不知道修炼异术晚年没有好下场,你就别装天尊了。” „, Meeting is the reason, this poor Daoist is counted an trigram.” The yellow wool old fox narrows the eye, one ponders over, suddenly raised the head saying: „It is not good, nearby Abyss will have the chaos, in three days will have Divine War, affect really broadly, everyone evades the calamity, when the time comes will have peerless Divine Bird to sweep away the world mostly!” “也罢,相见即是缘,贫道算上一卦。”黄毛老狐狸眯上眼睛,一番琢磨,突然抬头道:“不好,深渊附近将有大乱,三天内会有神战,波及甚广,诸位还是避祸吧,到时候多半会有绝世神禽横扫天下!” Several people stare blankly, if six days ago, this crippled fox dares such to divine according to the diagrams, they kill do not believe that but after Chu Feng witnesses under Abyss the old Vermilion Bird condition, now cannot help but the heart is startled. 几人都发怔,如果是六天前,这瘸腿狐狸敢这么算卦,他们打死也不相信,可是楚风亲眼目睹深渊下老朱雀的状态后,现在不由得心惊。 “Wú, the young scholar will have the disaster of blood light today mostly. ” The crippled fox stares at Little Daoist Priest to say. “唔,小居士今天多半会有血光之灾。”瘸腿狐狸盯着小道士说道。 Little Daoist Priest holds up the head, disdains saying: Whom deceives, then you must say, helping me melt, then makes me give you some incense and candle money? This matter my gate is clear, who also does not look at the track my previous life is, the expertise is exquisiter than you!” 小道士昂着头,不屑道:“骗谁呀,接下来你是不是要说,帮我化解,然后让我给你一些香火钱?这种事我门清,也不看一看小道我前世是谁,专业知识比你精湛!” This poor Daoist never lies, when World of the Living, all Divine King desire asked an trigram unable to me, today offers the trigram actually to be neglected by you on own initiative, the fate completely, said goodbye.” “贫道从不说谎,在阳间时,各方神王欲向我求一卦都不能,今日主动献卦却被你怠慢,罢罢罢,缘分已尽,就此别过。” Here, after he moved difficultly , the half petrify body, must leave here. 说到这里,他艰难的移动后半截石化的身躯,就要离开这里。 Moo!” “哞!” At this moment, the horizon hears a huge ox roar sound, vibrates four directions. 就在这时,天边传来一声巨大的牛吼声,震动四野 hee-haw hee-haw, Nanjiang region of rivers and lakes scholarly family aristocratic family one generation of talent Lu Feiyang here, asked the world, who with fighting? The destructive people come to kotow!” 儿啊儿啊,南江水乡书香门第世家一代天骄吕飞扬在此,试问天下,谁与争锋?蟊贼们都过来叩首!” The earth end killed, very obviously was Unextinguishable Mountain's these people. 大地尽头杀起来了,很明显是不灭山的那些人。
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