SR :: Volume #9

#822: Vermilion Bird Abyss

This what meaning?” Ouyang Feng looks at Chu Feng to give his rock, looked looked, ponders over the meaning, there doubt. “这啥意思?”欧阳风看着楚风送给他的岩石,看了又看,琢磨意思,在那里狐疑。 Then, his withdraw rock, steps the Swan step to arrive in front of Ying Wudi, the serious color, said: thou wife I am self-supportive it, thou does not worry.” 然后,他收起岩石,迈着天鹅步来到映无敌面前,一脸严肃之色,道:“汝妻子吾自养之,汝勿虑也。” Ying Wudi is in a daze first, then flies into a rage, grasps firmly his Swan neck, must with his life and death war. 映无敌先是发呆,而后勃然大怒,一把攥住他的天鹅颈项,要跟他决死一战。 Immediately, here is in chaotic situation, two people pinched. 顿时,这里鸡飞狗跳,两人掐起来了。 My time, your elder sister controls, the vinegar jar, stops to me, this is Little Daoist Priest writes, under I want to consult with you, stops!” Ouyang Feng yelled. “我次,你个姐控,醋坛子,给我住手,这是小道士写的,我只是想跟你请教下,停!”欧阳风大叫。 Two people pinch endlessly. 两人掐个没完。 ...... …… Another side, Chu Feng was whispering with Qin Luoyin, gave her the rock, a very gentle appearance, inquired after the well being , the whole face was the smiling face. 另一边,楚风正在跟秦珞音低语,将岩石送给她,一副很平和的样子,嘘寒问暖,满脸都是笑容。 Qin Luoyin looks down carving characters on rock, first is stunned, then on the face the cold meaning appears, then complexion slightly red, finally the critical silver tooth, maintains total silence, turns into stream of light to appear in the Little Daoist Priest near, carries his ear is being a pain punches. 秦珞音低头看着岩石上的刻字,先是愕然,而后脸上冷冽之意出现,接着脸色又有些微红,最后紧要银牙,一语不发,化成一道流光出现在小道士的近前,拎着他的耳朵就是一顿痛揍。 Aiyu, hurt me, mother, do not hit, behind also one group of people lined up to wait to hit me, under you handled gently!” “哎呦,疼死我了,娘,别打了,后面还有一群人排队等着打我呢,你下手轻点!” Little Daoist Priest called out pitifully, he quite understands actually the present situation, knows one group of people will not let off him, had expected that must have anything. 小道士惨叫,他倒是相当明白眼下的处境,知道一群人都不会放过他,已经预料到要发生什么。 What a pity, he by the Five Coloured Divine Light anchorage, could not be been inescapable, otherwise was already taking to one's heels to slide. 可惜,他被五色神光定住,根本跑不了,不然的话早就撒丫子溜了。 The Ouyang Feng black Swan feather is disorderly, he throws the corner the wing, at the back of the black tortoise shell, with only aggressive of bald tail dog, exclaimed: clear/pain difficulty, I kills your young bastard, dares to slander me to entice the sister-in-law!” 欧阳风黑色天鹅羽毛凌乱,他扑棱着翅膀,背着黑龟壳,跟只秃尾巴狗似的凶悍,吼道:“楚难,我打死你个小王八蛋,竟敢污蔑我勾引大嫂!” Side, the Qin Luoyin's complexion direct black, she has wanted Ouyang Feng and Little Daoist Priest hits together! 旁边,秦珞音的脸色直接黑了,她想连带着欧阳风小道士一起打! Little Daoist Priest called out: Brother Ouyang have the words saying that our friendship sworn friend, you are calm first, should not be excited.” 小道士叫道:“欧阳兄弟有话好说,咱们交情莫逆,你先冷静,别激动。” "Ah! ” Ouyang Feng has spat soul saliva, Little Daoist Priest according to there, one punches fat, and reemphasized, said: Big nephew, I am your uncle!” “啊呸!”欧阳风吐了一口灵魂口水,将小道士按在那里,一顿胖揍,并再次强调,道:“大侄子,我是你叔!” Aiyu, hurt dead Daoist Master, Jun Tuo his son you stopped to me, otherwise turned head I to criticize with you, do not think that I could not hit you, words that Daoist Master assumed an awe-inspiring pose, you were not my match!” “哎呦,疼死道爷了,钧驮他儿子你给我住手,不然回头我跟你清算,别以为我打不过你,道爷发威的话,你们都不是我对手!” little bastard, you also dare to threaten me!” Ouyang Feng is pressing him, one rubs. 小王八羔子,你还敢威胁我!”欧阳风按着他,一顿揉搓。 Little Daoist Priest has instigated immediately, said: Uncle Ouyang, stops, Daoist Master I took!” 小道士顿时怂了,道:“欧阳叔叔,停,道爷我服了!” Another side, Chu Feng with the Ying Zhexian happy conversation, was asking she who cares very much in this year condition, will have delivered about her rock. 另一边,楚风正在跟映谪仙愉快的交谈,很关心的问她这一年来的境况,同时也将关于她的岩石送了出去。 The Ying Zhexian makings are elusive, does not dye world smoke and fire smell, but, carefully looks at this Stele after now, the complexion is unexpectedly crimson, then pounds the rock directly in the head of Little Daoist Priest. 映谪仙气质空灵,不染人间烟火气,但是,现在仔细看完这块石碑后,脸色居然绯红,然后将岩石直接砸在小道士的头上。 "Ah, two mothers, can you kill people? Loves me! ” Little Daoist Priest everywhere sways back and forth, instigated there attire. “啊,二娘,你要杀人吗?疼死我啦!”小道士满地打滚,在那里装怂。 Ying Wudi walks, that may really be the complexion black like the bottom of the pot, because Little Daoist Priest again carved characters saying that in the rock he was an elder sister controls, he believes, this ruined his reputation completely. 映无敌走来,那可真是脸色黑如锅底,因为小道士一而再的在岩石刻字说他是个姐控,他认为,这将他的名声败坏尽了。 Uncle, what reputation do you have? You ask, here whose knows you don't love the elder sister?” Little Daoist Priest dead duck stubborn to admit mistakes. “舅舅,你还有啥名声?你问一问,这里谁不知道你恋姐?”小道士死鸭子嘴硬 Ying Wudi was angry, strokes the arm to pull the sleeve, here the pain beats Little Daoist Priest. 映无敌气坏了,捋胳膊挽袖子,在这里痛殴小道士 Uncle, the sea of bitterness which knows no bounds, repents and is saved. tai, you have not waked up!” Little Daoist Priest wants to give Ying Wudi to come severe warning unexpectedly. “舅舅,苦海无边,回头是岸。呔,你还不醒来!”小道士居然想给映无敌来个当头棒喝。 Ying Wudi complexion immediately black shines, clenches jaws, said: „Did you say one again?!” 映无敌脸色顿时黑的发亮,咬牙切齿,道:“你再说一句?!” „Do you hit me one to give a try again?” Little Daoist Priest speaks the last words. “你再打我一下试试看?”小道士叫板。 Bang!” “砰!” Aiyu, do you also really hit? The uncle, loves the elder sister is gets sick governs!” Little Daoist Priest has also been ready for any sacrifice, dead duck stubborn to admit mistakes. “哎呦,你还真打?舅舅,恋姐是病得治!”小道士也是豁出去了,死鸭子嘴硬到底。 However, is quick he not to be balanced, saw that his father is taking two rocks also to have Ying Zhexian with his mother there warm sound song, is exchanging anything. 然而,很快他就不平衡了,看到他爹正在拿着两块岩石跟他娘还有映谪仙在那里温声细语,交流着什么。 Little Daoist Priest is angry, this ignominious father also really with his carves characters to arouse, must irritate him simply, he takes a beating here, his father in the there sight fluttering flags, the color of face rippling, was too hateful, is too not concerned about face. 小道士气坏,这个可耻的爹还真用他的刻字去撩人,简直要气死他了,他在这里挨揍,他爹在那里风光旖旎,一脸荡漾之色,太可恨了,太不要脸了。 Then, Ying Xiaoxiao sends a punitive expedition, said: Little Daoist Priest, you have the heavy affectionate righteousness that my elder sister the Luoyin elder sister described, the life last minute still in missing Chu Feng, in the person heart that looked at ripples, why is one's turn here one to bring, hasn't described minutely?” 接着,映晓晓来兴师问罪,道:“小道士,你将我姐还有珞音姐描述的重情重义,生命的最后一刻还在思念楚风,看的人心中涟漪点点,为什么轮到我这里就一笔带过,没有细描?” Then, a small fist pounds on the eye socket of Little Daoist Priest, making him call out pitifully. 然后,一只小拳头就砸在小道士的眼眶上,让他惨叫。 I #¥%......” “我#¥%……” Little Daoist Priest wants to shout 'motherfucker', what matter did this call? Has not arranged silver-haired Little Loli, she is not glad on the contrary, therefore beats him. 小道士想骂娘,这叫什么事?没有编排银发小萝莉,她反倒不乐意了,因此来殴打他。 He asks the heaven speechless, wants to ask that this world also does have the justice? 他真是无语问苍天,想问一问这世间还有公道吗? „Should you not want to be my little mother really?” Asking that he acts recklessly. “你该真不会想作我小娘吧?”他不知死活的问道。 Then, large bowl that big fist fell, Ying Wudi still, decisive take action, once more beat savagely him. 然后,海碗那么大的拳头就落下来了,映无敌还在呢,果断出手,再次暴打他。 „...... Loved me, stopped, I took, fellow mothers, fellow uncles, I apologize, the thousand faults were my mistake, you received the hand!” “呜……疼死我了,停,我服了,各位娘,各位叔舅,我道歉,千错万错都是我的错,你们收手吧!” ...... …… For a long time, here is unable to be quiet. 很长时间,这里都无法平静下来。 Chu Feng has not concealed, narrated oneself in stone mill plate that side experience, mentioned several hundred god corpses to lie place, making those present facial color change. 楚风没有隐瞒,讲述自己在石磨盘那边的经历,提及数百具神尸横陈一地,让在场的人面色都变了。 How becomes the god? In the end difficult to run away dies . Moreover the old age is so miserable, by the grey matter entanglement life, died with injustice unredressed, is really frigid. 成为神又如何?到头来还是难逃一死,而且晚年那么凄凉,被灰色物质纠缠一生,死不瞑目,实在惨烈。 „, The brother-in-law, you grasps to have God Level strange technique, highest inheritance of six Divinity?!” The silver-haired Little Loli big eye illumination, hears Chu Feng to attain, is quite inspired. “哇,姐夫,你掌握有神级异术,六位神祇的最高传承?!”银发小萝莉大眼发光,听到楚风所获,相当振奋。 Do not be busy happily, I asked you, dares to practice really?” Chu Feng expression grave. “别忙着开心,我问你们,真的敢练吗?”楚风神色凝重 He more and more dreaded now, attains many in this world, obtains strongest Divinity strange technique, but he actually a little does not dare to practice. 他现在越来越忌惮,在这个世界所获甚多,得到最强的神祇异术,可是他却有点不敢练下去了。 Ying Zhexian is very sane is also very calm, said: This is a very serious issue, needs to face, we try not to fall excessively deeply.” 映谪仙很理智也很冷静,道:“这是一个很严重的问题,需要正视,我们尽量不要陷进去过深。” Was too regrettable, God Level strange technique, was doomed to be able to become God mystique method, in actually cannot practice then the swayed at present, was too upset.” Ouyang Feng touches own ears and cheeks. “是不是太遗憾了,神级异术啊,注定可以成神秘法,就摆在眼前却不能修行,太闹心了。”欧阳风抓耳挠腮。 Chu Feng sinking sound said: This thing can not bump temporarily do not bump, waited to find the solution to study again might also as well, moreover our practicing breathing method routinely, if really hundred years passed by, psychic energy can also promote to very astonishing situation.” 楚风沉声道:“这东西能不碰暂时还是不要碰了,等找到解决办法再学也无妨,况且我们按部就班的修行呼吸法,真要是百年过去,精神能量也能提升到非常惊人的地步。” After Chu Feng sees with one's own eyes these Divinity dead the pitiful condition, is having the stench including divine blood, has the rotten smell, the fog fills the air, he thought that in the heart is scared. 楚风亲眼看到过那些神祇死后的惨状,连神血都带着腥臭,有腐烂的气味,灰雾弥漫,他觉得心中发毛。 Provides lodging we!” Qin Luoyin agreed, does not contact strange technique as far as possible. “管住我们自己!”秦珞音同意,尽量不接触异术 Those present seriously nod, actually precious of this piece of space because of having strange technique, but is the time speed of flow is different from the original universe. 在场的人都郑重点头,其实这片空间的宝贵不是因为有异术,而是时间流速跟原来的宇宙不一样。 Was right, did you discover divine medicine near Abyss?” Chu Feng inquired, he is somewhat excited. “对了,你们在深渊附近发现神药了?”楚风询问,他有些心动。 Yes, that divine medicine will fly, the phenomenon numerous, the rich fragrance greets the nostrils, was too attractive, what a pity we do not dare to pick, has been waiting for Yaoyao to arrive!” Ouyang Feng spoke of these to be excited. “是啊,那神药会飞,异象纷呈,浓香扑鼻,太诱人了,可惜我们不敢去采摘,一直在等妖妖到来呢!”欧阳风说到这些就兴奋。 I have decided that from now, starts to research in thorough detail Domain!” Chu Feng sets firm resolve. “我决定了,从此以后,开始精研场域!”楚风下定决心。 He thought that if uses here time speed of flow difference to comprehend Domain, works loose the Domain Master level sufficiently the shackles , to promote to Grandmaster Dominion. 他觉得,如果利用这里的时间流速差参悟场域,足以挣脱场域大师层次的桎梏,晋升到宗师领域 In that case, blood-color mountain peak or Abyss here Medicinal Herb, has the possibility to pick smoothly! 那样的话,无论是血色山峰还是深渊这里的药草,都有可能顺利采摘到! In this case, the Domain attainments strive, pick the medicine to take, the strength with greatly will also enter, kills two birds with one stone. 这样的话,场域造诣精进,采药服食,实力也会跟着大进,一举两得。 Moreover, will not have the strange matter entanglement, does not need to be worried that the old age has the catastrophe to arrive. 而且,不会有诡异物质纠缠,不用担心晚年有大祸降临。 Chu Feng more wants more to be intent moves, said: Leads me to go to Abyss to look.” 楚风越想越是意动,道:“带我去深渊看一看。” He decided that does not practice Small Six Paths Time Technique unless it is absolutely essential temporarily, he hopes that on the day of never arrive. 他决定,不到万不得已,暂时不练小六道时光术,他希望那一天永远不要到来。 Good, transferred one revolution together in the past.” Ouyang Feng guides, several other people, Little Daoist Priest finally no longer was also beaten, the color of his face hidden bitterness. “好,一起过去转一转。”欧阳风带路,其他几人也跟着,小道士终于不再被殴打,他一脸幽怨之色。 Said that adjoins to Abyss, but actually also needs the 6-7 day actually the distance, because in that Abyss has Divine Beast, they do not dare to leave excessively near, feared that was seen clearly anything. 说是毗邻深渊,但其实却也需要六七天的路程,因为那深渊中有神兽,他们不敢离的过近,怕被洞察出什么。 Seven days later, they rush to strange places along wilderness. 七天后,他们沿着荒原赶到一片奇异之地。 Huge Abyss spans front, deeply does not see the bottom, pitch-dark, as if will swallow the soul of person, it was too big, is similar to the black vastness, is vast. 一口巨大的深渊横亘前方,深不见底,黑洞洞,仿佛会吞噬人的灵魂,它实在太大了,如同黑色的汪洋,非常浩瀚。 This is only one of the six Abyss, here is quite on the other hand peaceful, usually does not have who to be close.” Qin Luoyin introduced. “这只是六口深渊之一,这里相对来说较为安静,平日没有什么人接近。”秦珞音介绍。 Chu Feng nods, after arriving here, smelled the light medicine to be fragrant. 楚风点头,来到这里后,就已经闻到淡淡的药香。 Under Abyss, ray, often has the small birds crying sound to transmit, Chu Feng opens golden eyes, careful staring, under has Vermilion Bird to circle unexpectedly doubtful, is fiery red and bright. 深渊下,光芒点点,不时有雀鸟啼鸣声传来,楚风睁开金睛,仔细凝视,下方竟疑似有一头朱雀在盘旋,火红而灿烂。 According to several people, that was divine medicine, oneself can flying through the skies or escaping through the ground. 据几人讲,那是神药,自己就能飞天遁地 „Does here nobody protect?” Chu Feng is astonished. “这里没有人守护?”楚风讶异。 This Abyss is quite special, the deep sleep very ancient existence, it is not needing to protect, usually the unhappy bystander disturbs, therefore is very peaceful.” Ying Zhexian informs. “这座深渊较为特殊,沉睡着一个非常古老的存在,它不需要守护,平日不喜外人打扰,所以很安静。”映谪仙告知。 Outside other five Abyss entirely different, not only there is an underground city, medicine field and Market wait/etc., usually very lively. 其他五处深渊外截然不同,不仅有地下城池,还有药田坊市等,平日非常的热闹。 Divine Beast whether practices strange technique?” Chu Feng asked. 神兽是否修行异术?”楚风问道。 Some practice, therefore life essence is very short, but some do not lead a pious life, for example ancient existence of here deep sleep, does not have the so-called strange old age, it lived was very long, making all parties dread.” “有的修行,所以寿元很短暂,但有的不修行,比如这里沉睡的古老存在,没有所谓的诡异晚年,它活了很久了,让各方忌惮。” Naturally, does not repair strange technique to mean that must endure quite long ordinary years, looks at others to shoot up to the sky, but oneself can only strive slowly. 当然,不修异术就意味着要熬过相当长的一段平凡岁月,看着别人冲天而起,而自己只能慢慢精进。 However, the Divine Beast talent is astonishing, in the end can definitely grow. 但是,神兽天赋惊人,到头来肯定能成长起来。 divine medicine under Abyss will occasionally turn into the red bird to fly, spreads the wings to hover, fills the medicine to be fragrant, leaves behind the big piece bright red and clear light rain, it is very what a pity discrete, cannot hold it.” 深渊下的神药偶尔会化成红色小鸟飞出来,展翅翱翔,弥漫药香,留下大片鲜红而晶莹的光雨,可惜它很谨慎,抓不住它。” The Ouyang Feng look is earnest, under that divine medicine to Abyss quick was mouth-watering. 欧阳风眼神热切,对深渊下那株神药都快流口水了。 Other Abyss, least are 2-3 Divine Beast coexists in together, only has here Divine Beast to live alone, possibly is Divine Bird Vermilion Bird! 其他深渊,最少都是两三头神兽共处在一起,唯有这里一头神兽独居,据悉,可能是一头神禽朱雀 precisely this clan year to year lives here, their blood essence and aura nourish divine medicine. 正是该族常年居住在此,它们的精血与气息滋养出神药 The outside guessed, a Vermilion Bird clan person is frail, the bloodlines are getting fewer and fewer, soon will exterminate the clan, remaining only one by one old Vermilion Bird the deep sleep, wants to continue the blood relationship of this clan throughout as far as possible, is trying to find the solution. 外界猜测,朱雀一族人丁单薄,血脉越来越少,即将灭族,剩下的唯一一头老朱雀始终沉睡,就是想尽可能的延续该族的血统,在想办法。 „Won't my words, alarm that old Vermilion Bird here?” Chu Feng asked. “我在这里施法的话,不会惊动那头老朱雀吧?”楚风问道。 Do not make too big noise then the line, that Divine Bird deep sleep many years, a short time did not wake.” Ouyang Feng said. “别闹出太大的动静就行,那头神禽沉睡很多年了,一时半会醒不过来。”欧阳风道。 Chu Feng flies high, revolution Discerning Eyes, stands above Abyss, watches toward, two golden light beams appear, but has not actually broken in underground, turns into the symbol, splendid. 楚风凌空而起,运转火眼金睛,站在深渊上方,朝下方观看,两道金色光束浮现,不过却没有冲入地下,化成符号,熠熠生辉。 He uses this divine ability now already adeptly enough, not necessarily wants the ray to rise suddenly, alarms the four directions. 他现在动用这种神能已经足够娴熟,不一定非要光芒暴涨,惊动四方。 This Abyss is too profound, moreover is great, the underground length and breadth, Chu Feng felt that most at least has several hundred li (0.5 km) deep, then, he searches carefully, finally has a sleep/felt. 深渊太幽深,而且非常宏大,地下广袤,楚风感觉最起码有数百里深,然后,他仔细寻觅,终于有所觉。 That is...... 那是…… His pupil contraction, sees a lair on piece of stone wall, there has lifeforms. 他瞳孔收缩,在一片石壁上看到一个巢穴,那里有生物 Careful staring, an old birds and beasts whole body feather quickly fell off cleanly, revealed old fleshly body, motionless, did not have a life aura, bent down there, has elapsed likely. 仔细凝视,一头老禽浑身羽毛都快脱落干净了,露出苍老的肉身,一动不动,没有一点生命气息,伏在那里,像是已经逝去。 Those who most make him be startled, in the lair several red birds, are very small, the whole body wing is bright red, the step limps, is worrying a python to eat. 最为让他吃惊的是,巢穴中还有几头红色的鸟雀,都很小,浑身羽翼鲜红,步履蹒跚,正在撕咬一头蟒蛇吃。 Sub Saint?!” 亚圣?!” Chu Feng is surprised, that python died, the energy that but, its head golden horn fills is very absolutely formidable, doubtful Sub Saint. 楚风大吃一惊,那头蟒蛇已经死去,但是,它头上的金色犄角弥漫的能量绝对无比强大,疑似亚圣 Whose this was says, a Vermilion Bird clan did not have the descendant, the obvious news contained errors. 这是说谁的,朱雀一族没有后代,明显消息有误。 Chu Feng takes back the vision quickly, hurries to back up. 楚风倏地收回目光,赶紧倒退。
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