SR :: Volume #9

#821: Reunion

Chu Feng acknowledged that Little Daoist Priest is a talented person, almost the pit goes bad him, unexpectedly deceives him to cry, has this disobedient son is really gratified...... Does not get up! 楚风承认小道士是个人才,差点坑坏他,居然骗他落泪,有此逆子真是欣慰……不起来! Let the son tossing about the tearful eyes dance, the Chu Feng cheeks have a fever, wants to beat savagely to this son really! 让儿子给折腾的泪眼婆娑,楚风脸颊发烧,对这个儿子真想一路暴打到底! Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, the father, we must say, your this is incorrect, you said you, has not raised me, meets hits, what matter did this call? Owes I to hesitate not to urge my mother to get married immediately earlier.” 无量天尊,爹,咱得说道说道,你这样是不对的,你说你,没养过我,见面就打,这叫什么事?亏我还犹豫了一下没有立刻劝我娘早点嫁人。” Disobedient son!” Chu Feng hits. “逆子!”楚风又打。 They return to the stone grinding pan region, Chu Feng to rob the Little Daoist Priest space bracelet, and engraved the handwriting the rock to give to receive Little Daoist Priest. 他们回到石磨盘区域,楚风抢走小道士的空间手链,并将小道士刻上字迹的岩石都给收了起来。 „Do you want to do?!” Little Daoist Priest is scared. “你想干啥?!”小道士发毛。 These are not you described, said your mother life at the last minute, but also was summoning the Great Dream Pure Land's name, was talking over my name, gave her to look.” “这些不都是你描述出来的吗,说你娘生命最后一刻,还在呼唤大梦净土的名字,也在念叨我的名字,给她去看一看。” „It is not good!” Little Daoist Priest was stepped on tail to jump likely, these are the matter that he does, for no reason draw in that several people to endorse, if now reveals, he definitely incessantly suffers a Chu Feng person to hit, but must beat by Qin Luoyin, Ying Zhexian and Ouyang Feng one group of people crazily. “不行!”小道士像是被踩了尾巴般跳起来,这些都是他自己搞出来的事,平白拉上那几人背书,现在要是揭穿,他肯定不止挨楚风一个人打,而是要挨秦珞音映谪仙欧阳风的一群人狂殴。 These things that because, he writes ripple. 因为,他写的那些东西太荡漾。 For example, the Ying Zhexian final white hair in his description like the snow, the deepness that loves, but is reserved, at the last minute maintains total silence, but is dull to look at some direction to be lost in thought. 比如,在他的描述中映谪仙最后白发如雪,爱的深沉,但性格内敛,最后一刻一语不发,只是呆呆出地望着某一个方向出神。 Good, writes is very good.” Chu Feng from the beginning looked, the satisfactory nod, said that conforms to the Ying Zhexian disposition very much. “不错,写的很好。”楚风从头看了一遍,满意的点头,说很符合映谪仙的性格。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, the father, you are insincere, you want to provoke my mother and Fairy Ying taking advantage of my writing skill, this...... Was not good, is unjustly discredited makes me carry, the advantage made you result in!” 无量天尊,爹,你不厚道,你是想借我的手笔去撩拨我娘与映仙子,这……不行,黑锅都让我背了,好处都让你得了!” Little Daoist Priest flies into a rage, his more taste more thought, this father is too not concerned about face, this clearly must pull up the fairy maiden, finally had not said with oneself, put out several Stele to be enough, but also appeared deep, steady. 小道士急眼,他越品味越是觉得,他这个爹太不要脸了,这分明是要去撩仙子,结果还不用自己多说,拿出几块石碑就足够了,还显得深沉,稳重。 He stamps one's foot, how not to have thought of this, too deceptive, pit he. 他跳脚,怎么就没有想到这茬儿呢,太坑人了,坑了他自己。 Little Daoist Priest called out: Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, the father, you cannot such pit, I be killed! Did not say that reflects two mothers, only that uncle is jealous to eat, will have peeled me exactly!” 小道士叫道:“无量天尊,爹,你不能这么坑,我会被打死的!不说映二娘,单是那个舅舅吃醋就能吃死,会活剥了我!” What you said that doesn't the winner Old Second love elder sister's heart of die as before?” Chu Feng asked. “你说啥,赢家的老二恋姐之心依旧不死?”楚风问道。 Yes, a person celebrates there frequently, said that you did not come back, walks, meeting year enmity burns paper resembling money to you!” A Little Daoist Priest pair of big eye flashes was saying, shift hatred value. “是啊,经常一个人在那里庆祝,说你回不来了,一路走好,逢年过节给你烧纸!”小道士一双大眼扑闪着说道,转移仇恨值。 You mentioned Unextinguishable Mountain when carving characters, did that group of people come really?” Chu Feng inquired, he somewhat suspected. “你在刻字时提到不灭山,那批人真的来了?”楚风询问,他有些怀疑。 Came , a road that Cauldron of Monster Ancestor makes a connection with, this group of people are really evil, we have not thought that they can run into them. Then, they are quite fierce, in the broad product grain slow name king, had not exposed, the abatement we meet accidentally/surprisingly, other person not knows.” “真来了,妖祖之鼎打通的一条路,这群人真邪,我们都没有想到他们能够遇到他们。说起来,他们相当厉害,一直在广积粮缓称王,没有暴露,除却我们意外相遇,其他人都不知道。” However, according to narration of Little Daoist Priest, these people are not really law-abiding, most minimum Yaoyao once take action, spirit prestige Hou Residence looting, to have robbed the Divine Beast blood, has not remained rare thing one in treasure house moves a cleanness. 不过,依照小道士的讲述,那些人可不是真安分,最起码妖妖出手,将灵威侯府给洗劫了,把神兽血都抢走,将宝库中的稀珍物件一个没剩的搬个干净。 Spirit prestige Hou is almost insane, this is really the great shame, now also knows is not who does, but the suspicion is the moon goddess is here combat general committing a crime that is not concerned about face. 灵威侯差点疯掉,这实在是奇耻大辱,现在还不知道是谁做的,只是怀疑是月亮女神系这边的不要脸的战将作案。 So has been low-key, does not leak the identity, this is attempts really in a big way, can here Shining Upon All Heavens?” Chu Feng suspected that Yaoyao this is to go all out , to promote itself crazily. “一直这么低调,不泄露身份,这是所图甚大,要在这里映照诸天?”楚风怀疑妖妖这是想拼命,疯狂提升自己。 Was right, why you raise Unextinguishable Mountain each time are bring, hadn't related in detail?” The Chu Feng doubt, the Unextinguishable Mountain's person is so fierce, particularly Yaoyao dares to loot their personal enemy spirit prestige marquis, Little Daoist Priest not to raise unexpectedly. “对了,为什么你每次提不灭山都是一笔带过,没怎么细说?”楚风狐疑,不灭山的人这么厉害,尤其是妖妖敢洗劫他们的仇人灵威侯,小道士居然都没怎么提。 This, they like low key, moreover I do not like discussing others in the back.” Little Daoist Priest said seriously, but some complexion many non- natures. “这个,他们喜欢低调,而且我也不喜欢在背后议论别人。”小道士一本正经地说道,但脸色多少有些不自然。 Said that what's the matter?” Chu Feng asked him. “说吧,到底怎么回事?”楚风问他。 Little Daoist Priest is coy, narrates the secret facts. 小道士扭捏,讲述隐情。 First meeting, he sees Yaoyao to be uncommon, went forward to try to get close directly, called an aunt, finally tidied up for half a month cannot live to take care of oneself. 第一次见面,他就看出妖妖不凡,直接上前套近乎,叫了一声大娘,结果被收拾的半个月不能生活自理。 Chu Feng is speechless, the appearance that no wonder Little Daoist Priest dreads, is not willing to raise Yaoyao, this was tidied up has feared, felt timid to her. 楚风无言,难怪小道士一副忌惮的样子,不愿意提妖妖,这是被收拾怕了,对她犯怵。 Now the Little Daoist Priest indignation, had not said: My good intention gives her enough respect, arranges her above the Ying Zhexian two mothers, reveres her for the aunt, finally...... Said that is the tears.” 现在小道士还不忿呢,道:“我好心给予她足够的尊重,将她排列在映谪仙二娘之上,尊她为大娘,结果……说多了都是泪。” You are silly.” The Chu Feng education son, said: In years past her not only strength showed disdain for various clans, but also is called Number One Beauty Under the Starry Sky, you open mouth call the aunt, this is not easy to cause the misunderstanding, called her obviously old, you should call the biological mother directly, called her mother Sir!” “你傻啊。”楚风教育儿子,道:“昔年她不仅实力傲视各族,还被称为星空下第一美女,你张嘴就叫大娘,这不是容易引起误会吗,明显将她叫老了,你应该直接叫亲娘,称呼她母亲大人!” Little Daoist Priest visits him, the color of face despising, said: Father, I discovered that your this isn't concerned about face? Don't you dare to try to get close? Also wants I to explore and explore the way through the track, helping you pull up, is a scapegoat for you!” 小道士看着他,一脸鄙夷之色,道:“爹,我发现你怎么这样不要脸啊?你自己也不敢套近乎吧?又想通过小道我去探险、探路,帮你去撩,替你背锅!” Nonsense, I did not visit you to suffer a loss, was educating you earnestly!” Chu Feng righteousness words said, urges Little Daoist Priest might as well to try next time. “胡说,我不是看你吃亏了吗,在认真教育你呢!”楚风义正言辞地说道,叮嘱小道士下次不妨试试。 Next time I will fear one month of life cannot take care of oneself!” “下次我怕一个月生活不能自理!” ...... …… They leave here, Chu Feng asked Little Daoist Priest their this recent one year of experiences. 他们一路离开这里,楚风小道士他们这最近一年的经历。 In this year, we, work as the chicken to make the duck painstakingly, drifts about destitute, realized helpless and miserable feeling that the half one's life has wasted time.” “这一年,我们苦啊,当过鸡作过鸭,颠沛流离,体会到了半世蹉跎的无奈与凄凉感。” Spoke the logical expression!” “说人话!” Said simply, is very at first miserable, we were chased down frequently, divine soul hides in within the body of oversized cockerel and wild duck to dwell, avoids the archenemy, this is the common matter, we harbor in the hardships to yearning of happy life, spends in distress.” Little Daoist Priest cocky, air/Qi Chu Feng wants to trample him. “简单说,起初很惨,我们经常被人追杀,神魂躲进过大公鸡、野鸭的体内去栖居,躲避大敌,这是常有的事,我们在艰难困苦中怀着对美好生命的向往,一路苦熬下来。”小道士得瑟,气的楚风想踹他。 The four wings flying rhinocero with, was treated as the mount, is obedient very much, was already subdued by Little Daoist Priest. 四翼飞犀跟下来,被当作坐骑,很是听话,早已被小道士收服。 Shortly after on the wilderness, Little Daoist Priest also summoned a fiery red bird, the wing was sharp, was very striking, without a doubt this was also a request, for the Chu Feng preparation. 不久后在荒原上,小道士又召唤来一头火红的鸟雀,羽翼亮丽,很醒目,毫无疑问这也是一个托,是为楚风准备的。 The Chu Feng look is bad, wants to punch him. 楚风神色不善,又想揍他了。 Ten days later, Chu Feng their to get close to Qin Luoyin, Ouyang Feng and Ying Zhexian temporary dwelling place, is not the ferocious beast plateau, on this piece of wilderness. 十天后,楚风他们接近秦珞音欧阳风映谪仙暂时的栖居地,并非凶兽高原,就在这片荒原上。 Moreover, this region adjoins to Abyss. 而且,这片区域毗邻深渊 In this world, two most formidable influences, one is Divinity on ferocious beast plateau, next is Divine Beast in Abyss, both sides have the conflict frequently. 在这个世界,有两股最强大的势力,一个是凶兽高原上的神祇,其次就是深渊中的神兽,双方经常发生冲突。 We were very recently low-key, live in seclusion, in the crevices of two Great Influence strength.” Little Daoist Priest introduced. “最近我们都很低调,隐居起来,处在两大势力的夹缝间。”小道士介绍。 The wilderness, stretches to the horizon, region length and breadth. 荒原,一望无垠,地域广袤。 Golden Scales Dao Child, releases great Bodhisattva , Flying Immortal Divine Physique and White Phoenix clan young lord and yellow autumn spider and other people also to move in this region, occasionally can meet.” 金鳞道子、释宏佛子羽化神体白凤少主、黄金天蛛等一批人也在这片区域活动,偶尔能遇到。” Little Daoist Priest informs, the person from same piece universe does not feel better, now one year passes by, many people turn into up the rain, returns to Great Dream Pure Land along the vortex. 小道士告知,来自同一片宇宙的人都不好过,如今一年过去,很多人都化成光雨,沿着漩涡回到大梦净土 Other people are hiding, saves the strength. 其余的人都在躲藏起来,积蓄力量。 „The people who lives were not simple, may have the relation with the people of Divine Beast department, even, some people wait/etc. exchanged the Divine Beast blood with our that breathing method, wonderful technique.” “活下来的人都不简单,有可能跟神兽系的人有了联系,甚至,有人用我们那一界的呼吸法妙术等交换到神兽血。” Recently, we prepared to shift, no longer here stayed, because, the Yaoyao biological mother could arrive, we suspected seriously she must loot the Divine Beast heir, this stretch of region met the chaos mostly.” “最近,我们准备转移,不再这里呆下去了,因为,妖妖亲娘可能要驾临,我们严重怀疑她要洗劫神兽的子嗣,这片地带多半会大乱。” Chu Feng hearing this, a dumbness. 楚风闻言,一阵无言。 According to Little Daoist Priest, Yaoyao spiritual strength promotes at present swiftly and violently, previous time crosses five times Thunder Tribulation continually, this has tied the record of all previous Divinity. 按照小道士所说,妖妖目前精神力提升迅猛,上一次连渡五次雷劫,这已经追平了历代神祇的纪录。 But this is without fleshly body, what end is goes against heaven's will. 而这还是在没有肉身的情况下,端的是逆天。 Chu Feng hearing this, the brow deep lock, he very much dreaded to strange technique now, particularly the Little Daoist Priest rock carves characters, making him frightened. 楚风闻言,眉头深锁,他现在对异术很忌惮,尤其是小道士的岩石刻字,让他惊悚。 Although said that is Little Daoist Priest self-directed develops, but, this boy actually does not scribble, mixes with his worry, strange matter of old age is making the father and son be afraid, somewhat is scared. 虽然说都是小道士自导自演,可是,这小子也却不是乱写,夹杂着他的担忧,晚年的诡异物质让父子二人都不寒而栗,有些发毛。 Matter that some time ago experienced, even if only a farce, may touch the Chu Feng's soul! 不久前所经历的事,哪怕只是一出闹剧,可还是触动楚风的灵魂! Even if obtained Small Six Paths Time Technique, he also hesitated now, must practice. 即便得到了小六道时光术,他现在也犹豫了,到底要不要练下去。 Chu Feng sinking sound said: Now everybody practices strange technique, the promotion strength is quick, don't tell me did not fear that the fearful old ages of these gods also do occur on us?” 楚风沉声道:“现在大家都练异术,提升实力很快,难道就不怕那些神明的可怕晚年也发生在我们身上吗?” Yes, we were also worried, in this year is very prudent, does not dare to use strange technique, according to our deductions , to promote some strengths here, the issue is not big, so long as do not get sucked then the line. Moreover in this year, we have been exploring the Abyss actual situation here, the preparation tell me that...... Biological mother Yaoyao, her strength enough strong words can begin, pick divine medicine!” “是,我们也担心,这一年来很慎重,没怎么敢用异术,按照我们的推演,在这里提升部分实力,问题不大,只要别深陷进去就行。另外这一年来,我们在这里一直在探索深渊的虚实,准备告诉我那……亲娘妖妖,她实力足够强的话可以动手,采摘神药!” divine medicine of this world, that affirmation incomparably goes against heaven's will, because Yang Qi is abundant, property firm and fierce is overbearing, surpasses a World of the Dead's divine medicine equivalent not to be a problem. 这个世界的神药,那肯定无比逆天,因为阳气充沛,药性刚猛霸道,超过阴间的神药一个等阶都不成问题。 But, Yaoyao such crazy revolution strange technique, she later what to do?” Chu Feng worried, his knows Yaoyao wants to promote the strength as soon as possible, after returning to own universe, goes to fight a decisive battle with the Shining Upon All Heavens level character. “可是,妖妖这么疯狂运转异术,她以后怎么办?”楚风担忧,他知道妖妖是想尽快提升实力,回归自己的宇宙后,去跟映照诸天级人物决战。 Abyss here has a legend, before long years, in Divine Beast leaves behind one group of nine color blood to the high Divine Beast leader, can baptism completely all grey matter.” 深渊这里有个传说,漫长岁月前,神兽中的至高神兽首领留下一团九色血液,能洗礼尽所有灰色物质。” This legend makes the ferocious beast plateau Divinity move, before once killed many times, but is fruitless. 这个传说让凶兽高原的神祇都动心,以前曾经杀过来很多次,但都无果。 Arrived!” “到了!” Very is all the way smooth, they arrive at destination, here is a piece of hill, is away from the Abyss region is not very remote, usually the person of ferocious beast plateau little comes. 一路上很顺利,他们来到目的地,这里是一片丘陵,距离深渊区域不是很遥远,平日间凶兽高原的人很少过来。 Aiyu, person, ghost?” Just now goes near this region, black Swan jumped, did intentionally elegantly, leisurely and carefree is stepping the Swan step, now the whole body black feather explodes stands, throws the corner the wing, after seeing Chu Feng, quite excited. “哎呦,人啊,鬼啊?”才刚接近这片区域,一头黑天鹅就跳了起来,原本还故作风雅,悠闲的迈着天鹅步,现在则浑身黑色羽毛炸立,扑棱着翅膀,看到楚风后相当的激动。 His boasts, several other people also appear. 他这一咋呼,另外几人也都出现。 Father, you came back, the facial expression is good, my mother wants dead you.” Most positive is Little Daoist Priest True Body soul light, the whole face smiles, was saying disgusting words, wants to drag down her mother completely, the shift will possibly blot out the sky the injury of coming. “爹,你回来了,气色不错,我娘想死你了。”最积极的就是小道士真身魂光,满脸是笑,说着肉麻的话,完全是想将她娘拉下水,转移可能会铺天盖地而来的伤害。 He quite afraid, saw that Chu Feng comes back with own status golden color baby bird, he digs the buttocks, prepares to travel at any time. 他相当的心虚,看到楚风跟自己的身份金色幼鸟回来,他就撅起屁股,随时准备跑路。 Son, comes, thinks of you for father really!” Chu Feng runs forward, wishes one could to seize his True Body immediately, makes an effort to beat. “儿子,过来,为父甚是想念你!”楚风向前跑,恨不得立刻掐住他的真身,使劲殴打。 Father, waits to meet hee-haw, I go to dig a big medicine to you, grows in the back side of the mountain, we return to see!” Little Daoist Priest specially skidding, turns around to run. “爹,等会儿啊,我去给你挖一株大药,就在后山生长,咱们回见!”小道士特别滑溜,转身就跑。 However, whiz, was assigned directly with Five Coloured Divine Light by Ying Zhexian. 然而,嗖的一声,被映谪仙直接用五色神光给定住。 Little Daoist Priest calls out pitifully immediately, said: Mother, help!” 小道士立刻惨叫,道:“娘啊,救命!” Then, Chu Feng goes forward, opens arm, has Qin Luoyin there to walk toward the Ying Family sisters, in addition Ying Wudi also there. 然后,楚风上前,张开手臂,向着映家姐妹还有秦珞音那里走去,此外映无敌也在那里。 The Ying Wudi eye braves the green light, looks when him the look is bad. 映无敌眼睛冒绿光,看着他时神色不善。 Wife's younger brother, stands out of the way troublesome!” Chu Feng direct impolite digging up to draw him one side. “小舅子,麻烦靠边站!”楚风直接不客气的将他给扒拉到一边。 Ying Wudi: ¥%&\;@#......” he thought that lacked exists to feel. 映无敌:“¥%&\;@#……”他觉得太缺少存在感了。 Brother-in-law, you came back finally, we think that you have the accident/surprise, my brother burns paper resembling money to you frequently, said lets you under enjoyable.” Silver-haired Little Loli said. “姐夫,你终于回来了,我们都以为你发生意外,我哥经常给你烧纸,说让你在下面过的舒心。”银发小萝莉说道。 Then, she jumps directly, came a warm hug with Chu Feng. 然后,她直接跃起,跟楚风来了个热情拥抱。 Side, the Ying Wudi face direct green, an elder sister was insufficient, the younger sister also such mounted Great Demon Chu Feng, making in his eyes the green light glossy, murderous aura was steaming. 旁边,映无敌的脸直接绿了,一个姐姐还不够吗,妹妹也这么黏楚风大魔头,让他眼中绿光油油,杀气腾腾。 Can see that you were good!” Chu Feng is full of the sentiment saying that thinks carving characters of Little Daoist Priest, he had the feelings, most minimum he realized at that moment parting forever, as well as endless sorrowful and moved also had the regret. “能够看到你们太好了!”楚风饱含感情地说道,想到小道士的刻字,他太有感触了,最起码那一刻他体会到了生离死别,以及无尽的悲恸与伤感还有遗憾。 Then, his facial skin thief is thick, direct stand forth, must also come a warm hug with Ying Zhexian and Qin Luoyin. 然后,他脸皮贼厚,直接向前走去,要跟映谪仙秦珞音也来个热情拥抱。 Two female cast a sidelong glance slantingly, backs up fast. 两女斜睨,快速倒退。 But Ying Wudi joins a production team decisively, stares to visit him. 映无敌果断插队进来,瞪着眼睛看他。 Hey, Chu Feng you see color to forget the friend, what good thing did you bring?” Ouyang Feng asked. “嘿,楚风你见色忘友,你都带回来了什么好东西了?”欧阳风问道。 Thing extremely Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering that brings, we dare to practice not necessarily, but, here also small gifts give to you.” “带回来的东西太过惊天动地,我们不见得敢修行,不过,我这里还有些小礼物送给你们。” Chu Feng said, takes to inscribe the handwriting from space bracelet outward the rock, moreover comes, gives to them in private, is accompanying the exchange. 楚风说罢,从空间手链中向外取刻有字迹的岩石,而且是一个一个来,私下送给他们,伴着交流。 "Ah...... ” Little Daoist Priest sees that immediately called out pitifully. “啊……”小道士见状,顿时惨叫。 To ask for leave, the tears tears long class, under the heavy cold, has a headache about the body acid, felt that was corroded by the World of the Dead universe. The second chapter everybody do not wait, because my knows can't write the second chapter tonight, the heavy cold is especially uncomfortable. 本来想请假的,涕泪长流,重感冒下,头疼身体酸,感觉被阴间宇宙侵蚀了。第二章大家就别等了,因为我不知道今晚还能不能写出第二章,重感冒特难受。
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