SR :: Volume #9

#820: The son, cannot kill you!

Red magma illumination, is sending out the flaming thermal energy, roasts roasts nearby rock and soil layer is all red. 红色的岩浆发光,散发着炽盛的热能,炙烤附近的岩石与土层皆通红。 Chu Feng will leave Little Daoist Priest rock carves characters to give burning down to be clean, the red liquid flows place, is similar to the molten iron wells up, spread. 楚风将留给小道士的“岩石刻字”都给焚烧干净,红色液体流淌一地,如同铁水汩汩而涌,蔓延而过。 Son, you in underground reads slowly, this hands down from generation to generation Supreme Treasure in our Chu Family's, is containing shocking secret, including World of the Living's Supreme Being learned that must be jealous, comprehends well.” “儿子,你在地下慢慢研读,这就是在咱们楚家的传家至宝,蕴含着惊世之秘,连阳间的大能得悉都要眼红,好好参悟。” After this words said that making among this heaven and earth as if have some mood, imitated, if neighbor some people were listening respectfully, seemed to be that the endless regret, was dissipating to go slowly. 这种话语说出后,令这天地间仿佛出现某种情绪,仿若附近真的有人在聆听,似有无尽的遗憾,在慢慢消散而去。 Child, good attractive care!” Chu Feng said. “孩子,好好看个仔细!”楚风说道。 However, at this time his in the eyes has the none remaining to flash through, has swept that group of fog of distant place. 然而,此时他的双目中却有精光闪过,扫过远方的那团云雾。 In the upper air that partial clouds are very light and lively, flutters to the distant place. 高空中那片云很轻灵,向远方飘去。 Whiz! 嗖! At this time, Chu Feng moved suddenly, rose straight from the ground, rushes to the upper air, arrived among the fog instantaneously, found out a hand big hand to grasp forward, to clouds take action. 这时,楚风突然动了,拔地而起,冲上高空,瞬间抵达云雾间,探出一只手大手向前抓去,对着云朵出手 Chirp chirp, quack!” In the fog hears the crying out strangely sound, first is similar to the chicken screams startled, then likely is a crow, whips the wing to run away to call out in alarm flurriedly. “叽叽,呱呱!”云雾中传来怪叫声,先是如同小鸡般惊慌叫出声,接着又像是只乌鸦,拍打翅膀慌乱逃窜惊叫。 In the fog has a falcon whole body golden yellow, does not have mixed wool, brightly is similar to the golden carving, is having the scared color. 云雾中有一只鹰隼周身金黄,没有一根杂毛,灿烂如同黄金雕刻而成,带着恐慌之色。 This is a baby bird, is not very big, mostly ruler, but the variety is uncommon, blood energy of whole body is very unexpectedly strong, far ultra similar bird of prey. 这是一头幼鸟,并不是很大,多半尺长,但品种不凡,周身的血气居然很浓重,远超同类猛禽。 Uncle do not kill me, I passed by, saw that some stone mill plate there people can approach unexpectedly, for a while is curious, then in far spatially peeps, I am well-meant, does not dare to have!” “叔叔不要杀我,我只是路过,看到石磨盘那里居然有人可以靠近,一时好奇,便在远空窥视,我没有恶意,也不敢有!” This golden yellow different birds and beasts make clearly and obviously immature sound, evidently indeed is only an underage golden Variation falcon, here begs for mercy unceasingly. 这只金黄的异禽发出清脆且明显稚嫩的声音,看样子的确只是一头未成年的金色异种鹰隼,在这里不断求饶。 Chu Feng stared is looking looked, then grasping in hand, whiz dived to the earth, stood on the stone mill panel outside territory hill. 楚风盯着看了又看,而后一把给抓在手中,嗖的一声俯冲向大地,站在石磨盘区域外的丘陵上。 Interesting.” Chu Feng carries this baby bird in the hand, finally like this appraises, the complexion is tranquil, both eyes are very profound, have divine light to appear intermittently. “有意思。”楚风将这只幼鸟拎在手中,最后这样评价,脸色平静,双目很深邃,有神光隐现。 Uncle, I feared, do not kill me to be good?” The baby bird entreated, the sound was tender, is having the vibrato, the eye pupil was limpid, slightly was scared, asking Chu Feng to spare and not punish too severely, do not kill it. “叔叔,我怕,你不要杀我好不好?”幼鸟哀求,声音柔嫩,带着颤音,眼瞳清澈,略显恐慌,请楚风高抬贵手,不要杀它。 Chu Feng smiled, then restrains happy expression quickly, has shot one finger/refers on its head, makes the golden baby bird call out pitifully directly, on head a large package, at the scene then swelling. 楚风笑了笑,然后倏地收敛笑意,在它的脑袋上弹了一指,直接让金色幼鸟惨叫,脑袋上起了一个大包,当场就肿胀起来。 Good pain, the good pain, the chirp chirp, the uncle do not kill me, do not eat me, yellow Er is small, has not grown up, the pulp is not delicious, lets off me,......” “好痛,好痛,啾啾,叔叔你不要杀我,不要吃我,黄儿还小,还没有长大,肉质不好吃,放过我吧,呜……” This baby bird wing golden yellow, sound is tender, miserable, a weak appearance, is very indeed easy the person who moves these to have a heart of stone. 这只幼鸟羽翼金黄,声音柔嫩,楚楚可怜,一副弱弱的样子,的确很容易打动那些铁石心肠的人。 However, this time Chu Feng actually remains unmoved, such is carrying this bird, appearance that simply has not sympathized with, but turns inside out moved in the past looks, inspected its whole body. 但是,此时的楚风却不为所动,就这么拎着这只鸟,根本没有同情的样子,而是翻过来调过去的看,检查它的全身。 Attire, plays the role pitifully also useless.” Chu Feng does not vacillate, carefully looked at the moment, he displays Yin and Yang Qi, turns into a ray of light, runs out of this region, arrives on the wilderness. “装,扮可怜也没用。”楚风不动摇,仔细看了片刻,他施展阴阳二气,化成一道光,冲出这片区域,来到荒原上。 Then, his both eyes project two golden light beams, uses Discerning Eyes, he is searching that four wings rhinocero, wants to look for once more it. 然后,他双目射出两道金色光束,动用火眼金睛,他在搜索那头四翼犀牛,想将它再次找出来。 Actually smart, but also wants to run away?!” Chu Feng brings desolate smiling, figure from same place to vanish in a flash, is flickers the emigration likely now ten li (0.5 km) beside, then once more moves, from vanishes same place. “倒是机灵,还想逃走?!”楚风带着冷淡的笑,身形一晃就从原地消失,像是瞬移出现在十里地之外,接着再次一动,又从原地消失。 He is Shrink the Ground to an Inch, the mountains earth performs likely under his both feet, moves slightly, is the length and breadth land backs up. 他像是缩地成寸,山川大地尽在他的双足之下,稍微一动,就是广袤土地倒退出去。 Bang! 轰隆! The sound of sonic boom sound and energy ebullition, is the startling thunderclap resounds on this piece of wilderness likely, cuts the deathly stillness, breaks tranquilly. 音爆声、能量沸腾之音,像是惊雷在这片荒原上响起,划开死寂,打破宁静。 Whiz, Chu Feng appears in the front directly, blocks the four wings flying rhinocero, has blocked this golden rhinocero. 嗖的一声,楚风直接出现在前方,拦住四翼飞犀,将这头黄金犀牛拦了下来。 Senior, forgives, I never have the meaning of affronting, was some time ago respectful to you, all questions will be answered, how you came.” “前辈,饶命啊,我从未有冒犯之意,不久前也对你毕恭毕敬,有问必答,你怎么又来了。” This flying rhinocero trembles, speech is not agile, appearance that feeling alarmed and anxious. 这头飞犀颤栗,说话都不利索了,一副担惊受怕的样子。 Chu Feng finds out a hand, is pressing its head, suppresses the ground from the midair directly, sneers to visit it. 楚风探出一只手,压着它的头,直接从半空中压制到地面,冷笑看着它。 Interesting, you two are golden color , appear here region, is congenial.” “有意思,你们两个都是金色的,也同时出现在这片区域,志趣相投啊。” Senior, you are what intent, I cannot understand.” The flying rhinocero is scared, the look is flurried, backs up unceasingly. “前辈,你这是何意,我听不懂。”飞犀发毛,眼神慌乱,不断倒退。 You, if in the heart does not have ghost, why wants to run away?” Chu Feng asked it. “你如果心中无鬼,为什么想要逃?”楚风问它。 The four wings flying rhinocero replied: I look at the senior to assume an awe-inspiring pose, unexpectedly can be free in the stone grinding pan region journey . Moreover, but also once threatened that wants the slaughter to fall Demon God, puts down the ferocious beast plateau, I have been afraid, wants to leave this place is apt to get into trouble earlier.” 四翼飞犀答道:“我看前辈发威,居然可以在石磨盘区域出行自如,而且,还曾扬言要屠掉魔神,扫平凶兽高原,我真的害怕了,想早点离开这是非之地。” Chu Feng smiles, said: Is well-founded, is well-founded, but, you are so flurried, the words are not agile, the orderliness is why clear, reveals the color of fear intentionally, are the regulations very calm?” 楚风哂笑,道:“有理由,有根据,但是,你这么慌乱,话语都不利落了,为什么条理还算清晰,故意露出害怕之色,实则很镇定吧?” No, I am afraid really very much, worried that you are one want existence of slaughter god, fears to ask for trouble, therefore wants to run away.” The flying rhinocero even more is afraid. “没有,我真的很害怕,担心你是一个要屠神的存在,怕惹火烧身,所以想逃。”飞犀越发害怕。 Was good, you also want to flicker I, really has the ability!” When spoke of here, Chu Feng forehead heavy line appeared, said: I long am so big, is first time by the person pit, moreover is so miserable, the mood fluctuation was some time ago fierce, the heartache wants certainly, you may be really good!” “行了,你还想忽悠我,真是有能耐啊!”说到这里时,楚风额头黑线浮现,道:“我长这么大,还是第一次被人坑,而且这么惨,不久前情绪波动剧烈,心伤欲绝,你们可真行!” He thinks that some time ago the sorrowful mood, as well as the tears appeared, carved characters to feel dejected to these, now wants to hit the person seriously, wants to go crazy. 他想到不久前悲恸的心情,以及泪光浮现,对那些刻字黯然神伤,现在当真是想打人,想发狂。 His knows, was swindled! 知道,上当了! That all not real! 那一切都不是真的! Chu Feng is who, trim starry sky knows his kidnapper given name, by one crowd of Holy Son and Divine Maiden name is Great Demon Chu, this matter some flaws, he can understand thoroughly the truth slightly. 楚风什么人,整片星空都知道人贩子的大名,被一群圣子神女称呼为楚大魔头,这种事稍微有些破绽,他就能洞彻真相。 Previously cared chaotically, now he is thoroughly sober. 早先关心则乱,现在他彻底清醒。 Little Daoist Priest, clear/pain difficulty, Chu Wuhen, I cannot kill you!” Chu Feng rampage like the thunder, carries that baby bird directly. 小道士,楚难,楚无痕,我打不死你!”楚风暴跳如雷,直接拎住那只幼鸟。 "Ah...... The seniors, how you catch me, I am quite afraid! ” Golden baby bird trembling with fear, the sound is tender, is having the terrified color, the pure big eye is perfectly round, looks at Chu Feng, appears incomparably pitiful. “啊……前辈,你怎么抓我呀,我好害怕!”金色幼鸟战战兢兢,声音柔嫩,带着惶恐之色,纯净的大眼溜圆,看着楚风,显得无比可怜。 Young brat, you biggest flaw should not premature coming out, your father am I who? divine awareness to any slightest sign of trouble can the reappearing hearts, you dare to hide in the clouds keenly unexpectedly peeps, you think that grasps to have previous life supreme Heavenly Venerate mystique method, can hide the truth from me? You are also cared that chaotic, cared about handed down in the family Supreme Treasure!” “小兔崽子,你最大的破绽就是不该过早的出来,你爹我是什么人神觉敏锐到任何风吹草动都能浮现心间,你居然敢藏在云朵中窥视,你以为掌握有前世无上天尊秘法,就能瞒过我?你也是关心则乱吧,太在意家传至宝了!” On the Chu Feng face is having the angry color, after all, when most starts he was hoodwinked, falls into the big hole, naturally mainly first impressions are most lasting, in addition cares about these people. 楚风脸上带着恼怒之色,毕竟,最开始时他真的被蒙蔽了,掉进大坑中,当然主要是先入为主,再加上太在意那些人。 Uncle, I could not understand you to say anything, do not eat me to be good, I was really good to be afraid.” The golden baby bird wail, the sound is immature and weak, the big eye flashes, pours down to sob, pitiful looks at Chu Feng, a very innocent appearance. “叔叔,我听不懂你说什么,你不要吃我好不好,我真的好害怕。”金色幼鸟哀鸣,声音稚嫩而又软弱,大眼睛扑闪,泫然欲泣,可怜巴巴的看着楚风,一副很无辜的样子。 Senior, here has anything to misunderstand, we cannot understand.” The four wings flying rhinocero also opens the mouth, trembles, very fears. “前辈,这里是不是有什么误会,我们真的听不懂啊。”四翼飞犀也开口,瑟瑟发抖,十分恐惧。 Chu Feng tramples the flying rhinocero, is staring at the golden baby bird, said: I acknowledged, your previous life mystique method is very fierce, almost can deceive my fiery eyes, but, my this pair of golden eyes thought as before you are somewhat unusual, what even if cannot see for a while, but can also feel that soul light of your within the body has the issue, does the incarnation become a bird comes the pit father?!” 楚风踹开飞犀,盯着金色幼鸟,道:“我承认,你的前世秘法很厉害,几乎能骗过我的火眼,但是,我这双金睛依旧觉得你有些异常,哪怕一时看不出什么,但也能感觉到你体内的魂光有问题,化身成一只鸟来坑爹?!” When spoke of here, Chu Feng started to knock the head of this golden baby bird ruthlessly. 当说到这里时,楚风开始狠敲这只金色幼鸟的头。 "Ah...... Loved me, stop, senior, your admitting mistakes person! ” “啊……疼死我了,住手啊,前辈,你认错人了!” Chu Feng clenches jaws, said: What is most hateful, you also look for a request unexpectedly, a good request, deceives me together!” Chu Feng more said that more air/Qi. 楚风咬牙切齿,道:“最可恨的是,你居然还找来一个托,一个牛托,跟着一起蒙骗我!”楚风越说越气。 Then, his palm of the hand claps on that flying rhinocero, making it also call out pitifully, immediately partly kneels to fly. 然后,他一巴掌拍在那头飞犀身上,让它也跟着惨叫,当即半跪着飞出去。 From beginning to end is a fraud, now the careful recollection, middle has many flaws.” Chu Feng been mad is not good, unexpectedly falls into the Little Daoist Priest pit, making him become angry out of shame, said: You carve that many characters on the rock, takes the trouble the hard sledding, moves the true meaning sensational, does all these for upholstery, finally to draw out comes home to pass on the Supreme Treasure matter, seems like careless mention slightly, but it is actually the key point, your this pit father's bastard, I cannot kill you!” “从头到尾就是一个骗局,现在仔细回想,当中有不少破绽。”楚风被气的不行,居然掉进小道士的坑里,让他恼羞成怒,道:“你在岩石上刻那么多字,费心费力,煽情动真意,所做这一切都是为了铺垫,最终只是为了引出来家传至宝的事,看似漫不经心的稍微提及,但它却是重点,你这坑爹的崽子,我打不死你!” crackle and rattle! 噼里啪啦 Chu Feng without delay, the direct start, beats that golden baby bird, seriously is the happiness of tidying up, making this baby bird pitiful yell unceasing, throws the corner the wing, rolls the eyes directly, is about dead. 楚风二话不说,直接开动,殴打那只金色幼鸟,当真是收拾的痛快,让这头幼鸟惨叫不断,扑棱着翅膀,直接翻白眼,都快断气了。 Stops, stop!” The golden baby bird yelled, said: All are your speculation, you are unfair to me, Uncle...... You cannot grass villous themeda bird life!” “停,住手!”金色幼鸟大叫,道:“一切都是你的臆测,你冤枉我,叔叔……你不能草菅鸟命啊!” fucking, did the biological fathers drop to uncle's position? I cannot kill you! Struggles until the last minute, you are owe to punch!” Chu Feng beats once more, suddenly golden feather flutters about. 特么的,亲爹都下降到叔叔的位置去了?我打不死你!不到黄河心不死,你就是欠揍!”楚风再次殴打,一时间金色羽毛纷飞。 "Ah, stop, you have any evidence, do not massacre the good bird. ” The golden baby bird yelled. “啊,住手,你有什么证据,不要乱杀好鸟呀。”金色幼鸟大叫。 I also spoke any evidence, in the heart have the feeling, awakened instantaneously, perceived that the flaw was enough, because I was your father, does not need to speak the evidence!” Chu Feng said, pours to raise it, direct ruthless racket. “我还讲什么证据,心中有感,瞬间醒悟,觉察到破绽就足够了,因为我是你爹,不需要讲证据!”楚风说完,倒提着它,直接狠拍。 "Áo...... Great Demon Chu you stop to me, father, stops, you hit me again, do not blame my impolite, I must revolt! ” The golden baby bird struggles, calling out. “嗷……楚大魔头你给我住手,爹,停下啊,你再打我,别怪我不客气,我要反抗了!”金色幼鸟挣扎,嚎叫着。 Little Daoist Priest does not hide, because, he thought that this father fucking was too boorish, does not bring to speak the evidence, carries him crazily to beat. 小道士不隐藏了,因为,他觉得这爹太特么的粗野了,都不带讲证据的,拎住他就就狂殴打。 If he installs again, can only suffer a loss dry/does, for no reason takes a beating, might as well lays cards on the table earlier, meets such a father, he also has the nod to be big. 他如果再装下去,只能干吃亏,平白挨揍,还不如早点摊牌,遇上这么一个爹,他也有点头大。 Some time ago, he was complacent, the pit father important matter went against heaven's will very much, all were very smooth, finally in such short time, the plot reversed, he instead by the pit, was suffered such one to punch fat. 不久前,他还洋洋得意呢,坑爹大计很逆天,一切都很顺利,结果这么短的时间内,剧情反转,他反被坑了,挨了这样一顿胖揍。 Chu Feng stares, breathes heavily, after hearing the Little Daoist Priest acknowledgment with one's own ears, he thinks really a palm of the hand claps is rotten his buttocks, this may really be Not just in name only, but also in reality...... Pit father. 楚风瞪着眼睛,喘着粗气,亲耳听到小道士承认后,他真想一巴掌拍烂他的屁股,这可真是名副其实的……坑爹。 Thinks oneself some time ago unexpectedly by repertoire, he is really ashamed and resentful, entire life first, therefore, he incomparably thinks that the violent punches this boy! 想到自己不久前竟被“套路”了,他真是羞愤,生平第一遭啊,所以,他无比想暴揍这小子! You are really good, carves characters on the rock, has not taken little a lot of care, all lonesome, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields and world only remaining person of lonely sad greatly atmosphere built to me including the whole world, had your!” “你真行啊,在岩石上刻字,没少费心思吧,连举世皆寂、沧海桑田、世间只剩下一人的孤独大悲气氛都给我营造出来了,有你的!” „, You give back to me to hire a cow unexpectedly, waits in the, has made a good request, group flickering your father, a point wraps one point, is linked together.” “还有,你居然还给我雇佣来一头牛,等在附近,弄了一个牛托,组团忽悠你爹,一环套一环,环环相扣啊。” When said here, Chu Feng gets more mad, crackle and rattle, punches this baby bird crazily. 当说这里时,楚风越想越气,噼里啪啦,又狂揍这头幼鸟。 Then, he beckons, gives to detain that flying rhinocero, but beating of vigor. 接着,他一招手,把那头飞犀也给拘禁过来,可着劲的殴打。 This especially is a request, unexpectedly coordination tacit of , gave to flicker Chu Feng, the repertoire, making him not be feeling well, one beat savagely. 这特么是个托,居然配合的很默契,将楚风都给忽悠了,套路了,让他非常不爽,一顿暴打。 Do not hit, hit the body to rot again, the father, the demon father, stops immediately, we discussed well!” Little Daoist Priest called out howlingly. “别打了,再打身体就烂掉了,爹,魔头老爹,立刻停下,咱们好好谈一谈!”小道士嚎叫道。 He feels depressed, the pit father is inadequate, now instead falls in the pit, this fat punched too fucking to be unworthy, he hurt from top to bottom, looks fierce. 他感觉郁闷,坑爹不成,现在反落坑中,这顿胖揍太特么的不值了,他浑身上下都疼,龇牙咧嘴。 The four wings flying rhinocero also wails, protested loudly, said: Senior, these do not close my matter, is the young Daoist priest threatens and intimidates me such do . Moreover, his also wisp of soul light is in charge in my flesh, these words were he say.” 四翼飞犀也哀嚎,大声喊冤,道:“前辈,这些不关我的事情啊,是小道长威胁与恫吓我这么做的,况且,他还有一缕魂光入主我的血肉中,那些话语都是他自己说出去的。” Little Daoist Priest called out: Do not hit, the father, Great Demon of your this black heart, you did not discover when to gives to fire the magma a fire the handed down in the family Supreme Treasure secret that you must say directly, my fucking what had not seen, you also do hit me? Your this old fox, stop!” 小道士叫道:“别打了,爹,你这个黑心的大魔头,你发现不对时直接将一把火将你要说的家传至宝的秘密都给烧成岩浆了,我特么的什么都没有看到,你还打我?你这个老狐狸,住手!” Your father I am only 14 -and-a-halfyears old, grace and talent luxuriant, little responsibility has not revealed the sharp sharp corner/horn, you dare saying that I am old? Cannot kill you!” The Chu Feng photo hits does not harm, the fighting with the fists baby bird, the foot kicks the rhinocero, here vents anger. “你爹我才14岁半,风华还未茂,小荷才露尖尖角,你敢说我老?打不死你!”楚风照打不误,拳打幼鸟,脚踢犀牛,在这里出气。 Installs to be struck by lightning tenderly, your details my knows, my biological mothers said!” Little Daoist Priest flew into a rage, said: Father, stop, this baby bird is a spirit egg that I discover with great difficulty, now hatches shortly, its flesh quite matches with my divine soul, do not destroy!” “装嫩遭雷劈,你的底细我知道,我亲娘都说了!”小道士急眼了,道:“爹,住手,这幼鸟是我好不容易发现的一枚灵卵,如今才孵化出来没多久,其血肉与我神魂相当匹配,你不要打坏!” Chu Feng stops finally, because, he thought that Little Daoist Priest soul light is few, does not suit. 楚风终于停下来,因为,他觉得小道士魂光很少,不太对劲儿。 Then, under his pressing for an answer, Little Daoist Priest said the truth, this was only soul light that he left behind, was the incarnation, True Body soul light not here, with Qin Luoyin they in the same place. 然后,在他的逼问下,小道士道出真相,这只是他留下的一道魂光而已,算是化身,真身魂光不在这里,跟秦珞音她们在一起。 Leaves behind together soul light, he mainly wants to boil down has with fleshly body, simultaneously while convenient...... Pit father. 留下一道魂光,他主要是想熬炼一具有用的肉身,同时顺带……坑爹。 Aiyu, how to hit? Stop, the father, are this time we are average good, you in the Reincarnation Road above pit I, snatch my black paper talisman, now a report also report, after your also my paper talisman, no one owes, naturally, you...... My biological father.” “哎呦,怎么又打?住手,爹,这次咱们算是扯平好不好,你在轮回路上坑我,抢我黑色符纸,现在一报还一报,你还我符纸后,就谁也不欠谁了,当然,你还是……我亲爹。” Little Daoist Priest admitted defeat, because, punched did not have the temperament quickly. 小道士服软,因为,被揍的快没脾气了。 But, Chu Feng as before is actually not feeling well, knew from the mouth of this boy, Little Daoist Priest this pit father goods, have gotten down thoughts seriously, on the rock carves characters, intentionally does old, seems like several hundred years of typeface traces, plants flowers to take a lot of care respectively, specially for pit father. 可是,楚风却依旧不爽,从这小子的口中得知,小道士这个坑爹货,当真是下了一番心思,在岩石上刻字时,故意做旧,看起来像是几百年的字体痕迹,各种花费心思,专为坑爹。 Actually now to pass how long?” Chu Feng inquired. “现在究竟过去了多长时间?”楚风询问。 „More than one year!” Little Daoist Priest replied. “一年多!”小道士答道。 Behind stone mill plate the time speed of flow of that five thousand li (500 km) long narrow and small spaces is different from Great Dream Pure Land's, contrasts the ferocious beast plateau to be equal to one day one month. 石磨盘后方的那个五千里多长的狭小空间的时间流速跟大梦净土的不一样,对比凶兽高原相当于一天一个多月。 At this time, Chu Feng very not being feeling well, is mainly because, what now hits is Little Daoist Priest Avatar, at all is not his true soul light oneself. 此时,楚风还是非常的不爽,主要是因为,现在打的是小道士的一道分身,根本不是他真正的魂光本人。 Guides!” The Chu Feng order said. “带路!”楚风命令道。 Where goes to?” Little Daoist Priest asked. “去哪里?”小道士问道。 Looks for your True Body!” Chu Feng said. “去找你真身!”楚风道。 „Do you want to do?!” Little Daoist Priest is afraid, somewhat is scared. “你想干啥?!”小道士心虚,有些发毛。 Naturally is beats genuine you!” Chu Feng felt by pit is very miserable, unexpectedly by crying that this Little Daoist Priest flickers, the feeling somewhat loses face. “自然是去殴打真正的你!”楚风感觉被坑的很惨,居然被这个小道士忽悠的落泪,感觉有些丢人。 In the past also nobody can such toss about him! 过去还没人能这么折腾他呢! He gets more mad, was shamelessly red, said: Son, I cannot kill you!” 他越想越气,老脸都红了,道:“儿子,我打不死你!” Chu Feng said that obviously, this is ferments to True Body. 楚风道,显然,这是对真身酝酿呢。 Little Daoist Priest Avatar shrinks the neck, felt that the important matter is not wonderful, does not want to guide, does not think that True Body was punched! 小道士分身直缩脖子,感觉大事不妙,根本不想带路,不想真身被揍! Father, as the saying goes, is not the whole family does not enter a home, you did not think that we do look like very much?” “爹,俗话说的好,不是一家人不进一家门,你不觉得咱俩很像吗?” Chu Feng heard, the nose is almost mad crookedly, after the pit ends the biological father, dares saying that two people do look like very much? He is carrying the neck of Little Daoist Priest directly, compelling him to guide, must hit the person, cannot kill that disaster! 楚风闻听,鼻子差点气歪,坑完亲爹后还敢说两人很像?他直接拎着小道士的脖子,逼着他带路,要去打人,打不死那个祸害! After the recent two chapters finished, looked at everybody's message, the general brothers and sisters are really powerful, had saying that wants to cry, had direct understands thoroughly the truth and pointed out that I also think the book review area and this chapter said could the reactionary reign of terror, fortunately, nobody scolded, everybody military might, can feel relieved next time outlined the spirited plot. 最近两章写完后,看了大家的留言,广大兄弟姐妹真是威武雄壮啊,有说想哭的,有直接洞彻真相并指出的,原本我还以为书评区、本章说都会血雨腥风呢,还好,没人骂,大家威武,下次可以放心了勾勒激昂情节了。
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