SR :: Volume #9

#819: Has the truth of blood

Nearby, rock and gravel everywhere. 附近,岩石与砂砾遍地。 The wind curls up the sand dust, forms the tornado, Chu Feng stands motionlessly, how can accept here, such sad news is too cruel! 风卷起沙尘,形成旋风,楚风站在这里一动不动,怎能接受,这样的噩耗太残忍! Finally, he exudes one to yell, is similar to the injured wild animal, dashes about wildly to go, this brutal result makes his whole body tremble. 最后,他发出一声大叫,如同受伤的野兽般,狂奔而去,这种残酷的结局让他浑身都在颤栗着。 Chu Feng lowers is roaring, picks up speed, brings violent strong winds, immediately the blown sand walks the stone. 楚风低吼着,加快速度,带起一阵猛烈的狂风,顿时飞沙走石。 Suddenly he disappears, leaves this stretch of region, then arrives at the exterior domain! 瞬息间他就消失,离开这片地带,而后来到外部区域! Chu Feng searches on the wilderness, from the emotion, is with the grim realities, he is not willing to believe, he wants to clarify, searches to understand. 楚风在荒原上寻觅,无论是从情感上,还是与严酷的现实间,他都不愿相信,他想弄个清楚,探个明白。 On the wilderness has lifeforms, but is few, but Chu Feng by keen and formidable divine awareness quick in exterior domain then a fixed four wings flying rhinocero, he rushed over instant. 荒原上有生物,但是很少,不过楚风以敏锐而强大的神觉很快在外部区域就锁定一头四翼飞犀,他刹那冲了过去。 That golden yellow four wings flying rhinocero is very over the body vigilant, saw when brings together the human form strong winds of sand and crushed stone are sweeping across to come, it exudes one to shout, launches the yellow Golden Feather wing rapidly to soar to the heavens on. 那头通体金黄的四翼飞犀很警觉,看到一道带着砂石的人形狂风席卷而来时,它发出一声嘶吼,展开黄金羽翅迅速冲天而上。 Whiz! 嗖! After Chu Feng, sends first, blocks its way, a hand presses forward, surrenders directly. 楚风后发先至,挡住它的去路,一只手向前按去,直接降服。 Do not kill me, I am very pitiful, the clansmen were cut completely, a narrow escape runs away to this place, if I died, our clan exterminated the clan.” Four-way flying rhinocero trembling sound said, this is lifeforms of Eating Rosy Cloud level, the strength already good, but meets present Chu Feng, was far then the difference. “不要杀我,我很可怜,族人都被人斩尽,九死一生逃到此地,我如果死了,我们这一族就灭族了。”四翼飞犀颤声道,这是一头餐霞层次的生物,实力已经算不错,但是遇上眼下的楚风,那就差远了。 Chu Feng is staring at it, covers the sad mood, said: I asked you, Martial God now whether also on the ferocious beast plateau?” 楚风盯着它,掩盖自己悲伤的情绪,道:“我问你,武神如今是否还在凶兽高原上?” Martial God? Very ancient name, this seemed one died very long Divinity, should have several hundred years.” Four-way flying rhinocero trembling with fear, replied carefully. 武神?很古老的名字,这似乎是一位死去很久的神祇,应该被有数百年了。”四翼飞犀战战兢兢,小心谨慎地答道。 When hears this information, the Chu Feng body shakes, nearly from the midair plants to fall. 当听到这一信息,楚风身体摇动,险些从半空中一头栽落下去。 He felt that in heart inexplicable pain, was having also the little hopes, thinks carving characters on that Stele not real, but, this comes out to try to prove, he encounters the blow to the head. 他感觉心中莫名的痛,原本还抱着几许希望,认为那石碑上的刻字不是真的,但是,这才出来求证,他就遭遇当头一棒。 He hopes that Martial God is also living, even if the foe! 他多么希望武神还活着,哪怕是仇敌! If that gods are also living, can overthrow the previous guess, all tragedies will not perform. 若是那个神明还活着,就能推翻早先的猜测,一切悲剧都不会上演。 Now, golden flying rhinocero simple a few words, tear hope in his heart, making him completely discouraged, is deeply grieved. 现在,金色的飞犀简单的一句话,就撕裂他心中的希望,让他万念俱灰,悲痛欲绝。 That hand that Chu Feng extends is trembling, in the suppressed golden rhinocero, his soul light does not shake, said: What age the present is, can you hear Chu Wuhen?” 楚风伸出的那只手都在哆嗦着,不在压制金色的犀牛,他魂光摇动,道:“现在是什么年代,你可听说过楚无痕?” „The present was Demon God undergoes for 121 years, Demon God your majesty controls the ferocious beast plateau more than 100 years.” Golden four wings rhinocero replied. “现在是魔神历121年,魔神陛下统驭凶兽高原100多年了。”金色的四翼犀牛答道。 Meanwhile, it is afraid very much, sound shivers, said: „When Chu Wuhen, dying should also more than 100 years, he personally be cut Divinity that kills by Demon God, the old age...... Dying is very miserable!” 同时,它很害怕,声音略带颤抖,道:“楚无痕,死去应该也有100多年了,他是被魔神亲手斩杀的神祇,晚年时……死的很惨!” The flash, Chu Feng both eyes divine glow rises suddenly, cannot bear get hold of the fist, then face upwards to roar, he felt a pain, rending. 一刹那,楚风双目神芒暴涨,忍不住握紧拳头,而后仰天咆哮,他感觉到了一种痛,撕心裂肺。 This is real, all real! 这是真的,一切都是真的! Previously, he was still telling himself, all were illusory, was false, should not so, unable so! 早先,他还在告诉自己,一切都是虚幻,都是假的,不该如此,不能如此! But, the reality is brutal, the truth is cruel, lets his heart in the drop blood, he must go crazy. 可是,现实是残酷的,真相是残忍的,让他的心都在滴血,他已经要发狂了。 The son Chu Wuhen one's last written words, that several characters appear in his at present, unexpectedly so dazzling, the Little Daoist Priest last time holds a memorial service for him, leaves behind the one's last written words! 儿子楚无痕绝笔,那几个字又浮现在他的眼前,竟是如此的刺目,小道士最后一次来祭奠他,留下绝笔! Father, 750 years, this should be my this lives last time to come to see you, my life will soon come to the end point......” “爹,750年,这应该是我此生最后一次来看你,我的生命即将走到终点……” Father, bye, or this do not see, son Chu Wuhen one's last written words!” “父亲,再见,或者说就这样再也不要见,儿子楚无痕绝笔!” Chu Feng in the eyes has the tears to turn unceasingly wells up, he is thinking these characters, these messages, Chu Wuhen was old at that time, knows were dying, must be substituted by the new god, was killed. 楚风双目中不断有泪花翻涌,他在想那些字,那些留言,那个时候楚无痕已经老了,知道自己要死了,要被新神取代,被杀死。 „Has Demon God killed Chu Wuhen?!” Chu Feng asked that during the spoken languages was very excited, the whole person was trembling, wishes one could to tear the vault of heaven. 魔神杀了楚无痕?!”楚风问道,言语间很激动,整个人在哆嗦,恨不得要撕裂苍穹。 He sees on the rock these passing, his son once said that strange, deterioration occurred on oneself, after marching into the later years, blood energy is withered, must go to itself to mediate, choosing a nobody's place to end this life. 他在岩石上看到那些过往,他的儿子曾说诡异、衰败已经发生在自己身上,步入暮年后,血气干枯,要去自己了断,选一个没人的地方终结这一生。 But, Chu Wuhen had been killed in the end, was swallowed by that Demon God! 可是,到头来楚无痕还是被人杀了,被那个魔神吞噬! Yes, Demon God locks the old god who that strength plummets ahead of time, has not allowed him to run away, the thunder attacks, rumbles to kill him before piece of Abyss, at the scene refining his all divine nature kernel and Dao Ancestral Matter.” “是的,魔神提前锁定那位实力骤降的老神,未容他逃走,雷霆出击,将他轰杀在一片深渊前,当场炼化他所有的神性颗粒道祖物质。” Flying rhinocero creepy feeling, whispered here, does not dare to look at Chu Feng, frightened almost to be weak. 飞犀头皮发麻,在这里低语,不敢看楚风,吓到几乎要瘫软。 Little Daoist Priest......” Chu Feng whispered, was very grieved, although this son opposed with him repeatedly, but, eventually was his heir, moreover carving characters from these rocks looked, Chu Wuhen very heavy friendship, unexpectedly death was so miserable. 小道士……”楚风低语,真的很心痛,尽管这个儿子一再和他作对,但是,终究是他的子嗣,而且从那些岩石上的刻字看,楚无痕很重情义,居然死的这么惨。 What god is Chu Wuhen?” Chu Feng endures to ask sorrowfully. 楚无痕是什么神?”楚风忍着悲痛问道。 He says Heavenly Venerate, did not call the god, all people called him Heavenly Venerate.” The golden rhinocero replied discretely. “他自称天尊,不称神,所有人都称他为天尊。”金色犀牛谨慎地答道。 Demon God, I must kill you, extinguishes your entire clan!” At this moment, Chu Feng demon, both eyes incomparable deep and quiet, nearly is nearly pitch-dark. 魔神,我要击毙你,灭你全族!”这一刻,楚风近乎魔化,双目无比的幽邃,近乎黑洞洞。 The sound that he makes is not very high, but actually ice-cold piercing, invades in the bone and soul of person. 他发出的声音不是很高,但是却冰冷刺骨,侵入人的骨子与灵魂中。 Too the grief, Little Daoist Priest dies very is miserable, finally thinks that mediate is not good, stared by the new god, by living swallowing. 太伤痛,小道士死的非常惨,最后想自己了断都不行,被新神盯上,被活生生的吞噬。 My son!” Chu Feng whispered, then suddenly face upwarded roars loudly, if shape Great Demon King! “我的儿子!”楚风低语,而后突然仰天大声咆哮,状若大魔王 I must conquer by killing this world, destroys completely the trim ferocious beast plateau, your gods damn!” This manifesto, this fearful sound, vibrates this stretch of region. “我要血洗这个世界,灭掉整片凶兽高原,你们这些神都该死!”这种宣言,这种可怕的声音,震动这片地带。 The ground rock rolls, the soil layer cracks. 地面山石滚动,土层崩裂。 The whole body that the four wings flying rhinocero frightens shivers, kneels to bend down directly, is very terrified, said in a low voice: Do not shout, if were heard, your majesty was known by Demon God, we must die, do not go on living.” 四翼飞犀吓的浑身颤抖,直接跪伏下去,很惶恐,低声道:“不要喊了,万一被人听到,被魔神陛下知晓,我们都要死,活不下去。” Also knows how long, Chu Feng gradually had not been tranquil, bringing the golden rhinocero to descend on the ground, asked: „Have you heard Qin Luoyin this female?” 也不知道过了多久,楚风才渐渐平静下来,带着金色犀牛降落在地上,问道:“你听说过秦珞音这个女子吗?” Has heard, probably is the Heavenly Venerate mother, dying is very early.” “听说过,好像是天尊的母亲,死的很早。” Ying Zhexian?” 映谪仙呢?” Also has heard, in the past and Heavenly Venerate mother was called the peerless beautiful woman, the name moves the world.” “也听说过,当年与天尊的母亲并称为绝代丽人,名动天下。” ...... …… Chu Feng spoke thoughtlessly the inquiry, was listening to the past past event, is thinking these people, in several day that he passed, this world the past more than 800 years, he felt that incomparable regret, moved, the thing was the person not, in heart filled with grief. 楚风随口询问,听着昔日的旧事,想着那些人,在他度过的几天中,这个世界已经过去800多年,他感觉无比的遗憾,伤感,物是人非,心中悲怆。 Chu Feng abandons the four wings flying rhinocero, turns around to charge into the stone grinding pan region, vanishes from the wilderness instant, has gone through the rough terrain, arrives at this silent places again. 楚风扔下四翼飞犀,转身冲向石磨盘区域,刹那从荒原消失,穿行过丘陵地带,再次来到这片寂静之地。 Stands before these rocks, looks at these to engrave the handwriting of years wind and frost, Chu Feng was feeling that sentiment difficult automatic control, the whole person is absent-minded, the heart was too painful. 站在这些岩石前,看着那些镌刻着岁月风霜的字迹,楚风感觉情难自控,整个人都恍惚,心真的太痛了。 Some time ago, he from here rush out, but also was suspecting, but also hugged is hoping, wanting the certificate to have these matters that to be unreal, was false, however the reality so was brutal, after exposing the scabs bloody, was more painful! 不久前,他从这里冲出去,还在怀疑,还抱着一些希望,想要证明发生的那些事是虚幻的,是假的,然而现实却这么残酷,揭开伤疤后血淋淋,更痛! In any event, Chu Feng is hard to accept, is too sudden, he does not have any preparation, is too big to his impact. 无论如何,楚风都难以接受,太突然,他没有任何心理准备,对他的冲击实在太大。 The tears blur his both eyes, the voice and face smiling faces of these people appear once more at present. 泪水模糊他的双眼,恍惚间,那些人的音容笑貌再次浮现眼前。 But, they died, has elapsed, lets in the Chu Feng heart the severe pain, had been delimited the heart by the large-scale bird of prey sharp claw likely, he is trembling, soul light fierce fluctuating, flashes on and off erratically, he wants to shout, wants loud howling Between Heaven and Earth. 可是,他们都死了,都已逝去,让楚风心中剧痛,像是被大型猛禽锋利的爪子划过心脏,他在颤栗,魂光剧烈起伏,明灭不定,他想嘶吼,想要大声的呼啸天地间 How can so? These people, these matters, imitate, if also yesterday. 怎能如此?那些人,那些事,仿若还在昨日。 But, short distinction, when he comes back, is actually the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, the thing is the person not, a person did not have, including always with the sons who he does against already the soul war casualty, moreover fate that miserable. 可是,短暂分别,等他回来,却已是沧海桑田,物是人非,一个人都没有了,连总是跟他对着干的儿子都已经魂殇,而且下场是那么的惨。 Could not see again, once were left, is 800 years, becomes dies to leave, these people from this piece of Between Heaven and Earth thorough dissipation. 再也见不到,一经离别,就是800年,成为死别,那些人从这片天地间彻底消散。 The Chu Feng low roar, loudly roared afterward, vibrates this stretch of world, then he lifted the fist bang to the sky, was driven beyond the limits of forbearance, he wishes one could to kill immediately to the ferocious beast plateau, has killed Demon God! 楚风低吼,随后又大声咆哮,震动这片天地,而后他举拳轰向天空,忍无可忍,他恨不得立刻杀向凶兽高原,杀了魔神 Meanwhile, he also very much wants to kill Martial God personally, however this personal enemy dies in the years continually, cannot see again. 同时,他也很想亲手击毙武神,然而连这种仇人都死在岁月中,再也见不到。 Your has not lived, why returns to our universes the eddy currents to disappear?!” Chu Feng pants for breath rapidly. “你们一个都没有活下来,回归我们自己的宇宙的漩涡为什么不见了?!”楚风喘息急促。 If that vortex also, these people even if died can also return, but can also reappear universe in originally. 如果那个漩涡还在,这些人哪怕死去也能回归,还能再现原本的宇宙中。 However now, once died, that really forever vanishes, this life could not see. 然而现在呢,一旦死去,那就是真的永远消失,这一生都见不到了。 This pain, this low-spirited alone sad mood is indescribable, Chu Feng wants to bellow, wants to fight with the person, kills in ancient times, does not want to immerse in this type sadly. 这种痛苦,这种黯然独怆的心情难以言表,楚风想大吼,想与人战斗,杀到地老天荒,不想沉浸在这种伤悲中。 Trim Between Heaven and Earth is his shouting sound, is similar to an this one wolf in sad howl, in the howling moon/month, he is shivering finally coming back, stands before these leave behind the rock that carves characters. 整片天地间都是他的嘶吼声,如同一头孤狼在悲吼,在啸月,最终他颤抖着回来,站在这些留下刻字的岩石前。 He uses the hand to stroke gently, is touching the writing on ice-cold stone carefully, caresses to another fresh/live face likely, these people appear in his at present. 他用手去摩挲,仔细的触摸着冰冷石块上的文字,像是抚到一张又一鲜活的面孔,那些人又浮现在他的眼前。 For a long time, he did not speak, silent, on the face was hanging the soul tear stains, finally the stone chip fluttered about, he carved the writing under each rock, the response past message. 很长时间,他都不语,沉默着,脸上挂着灵魂泪痕,最后石屑纷飞,他在每一块岩石下方都刻写文字,回应当年的留言。 Each is embodying his painstaking care, is containing his sentiment, as if, he sees these old friends, was talking with them. 每一篇都凝聚着他的心血,蕴含着他的感情,仿佛间,他又看到那些故人,在和他们对话。 Leaves the dust chilly tranquilly Ying Zhexian, silver-haired Little Loli of mischievous and ancient spirit demon, is always slanting the eye to look at good brothers Ouyang Feng of person, lifetime not joyful, life at the last minute is looking out stone mill plate direction Qin Luoyin...... 清冷宁静出尘的映谪仙,调皮而又古灵精怪的银发小萝莉,总是斜着眼睛看人的好兄弟欧阳风,还有一生都不快乐、生命最后一刻在遥望石磨盘这个方向的秦珞音…… Chu Feng carves characters on the rock, was talking with them, narrated that heart all, exchanged with them, he thought that as if surmounted the life and death, cut the Yin-Yang, saw them once more. 楚风在岩石上刻字,在跟他们对话,讲述心底的一切,同他们交流,他觉得仿佛跨越了生死,斩开了阴阳,再次见到他们。 Suddenly, the tearful eyes dance, Chu Feng is greatly sad. 一时间,泪眼婆娑,楚风大悲。 He injures really very much, is very painful, felt that trim world dry lonesome, again not happy, does not have the smiling face, the sky was gloomy. 他真的很伤,很痛,感觉整片世界都枯寂了,再也没有欢乐,没有笑颜,天空都灰暗了。 The stone chip flutters about, he in this here one by one to these message responses. 石屑纷飞,他在此这里一一对那些留言回应。 Arrived finally, saw the Little Daoist Priest handwriting, thinks he dies is so pitiful, in the Chu Feng heart is depressed, cannot bear sighs. 到了最后,看到小道士的字迹,想到他死的那么凄惨,楚风心中发堵,忍不住一叹。 He carves unceasingly, the ground full is the stone powder, is away from the space and time in carrying on the fathers and sons likely talks, he has never forgotten and write in caring handed down in the family Supreme Treasure Little Daoist Priest, where told him to hide in starry sky. 他不断刻写,地上满是石粉,像是隔着时空在进行父子对话,他将小道士念念不忘、一直在惦记的家传至宝写了出来,告诉他藏在星空中的何地。 Suddenly, Chu Feng feels the difference, disperses divine awareness, discovered that far has fog to float spatially. 突然,楚风感觉异样,散开神觉,发现远空有一片云雾漂浮。 Son, since you keep thinking about Supreme Treasure like this, I then am carve to give you to look also uselessly, your netherworld cannot induce, I give to burn to you!” “儿子,既然你这样惦记至宝,我便是刻写出来给你看也没用,你泉下感应不到,我都给烧给你!” Then, Chu Feng decisive burning down, soul light beats, the Yang Qi ebullition, will carve a moment ago to Little Daoist Priest several bulk rocks fires the red magma. 然后,楚风果断焚烧,魂光跳动,阳气沸腾,将刚才刻写给小道士的几大块岩石都烧成红色的岩浆。
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