SR :: Volume #9

#818: Whole world all lonesome, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields

Chu Feng, how haven't you come back?” This is the message of Ouyang Feng, seems very anxious, the handwriting somewhat is illegible. 楚风,你怎么还不回来?”这是欧阳风的留言,似乎无比焦急,字迹都有些潦草。 Three months, the father, have you also been able to come back? Where my hands down from generation to generation Supreme Treasure you not to tell me, why doesn't draw by the will ahead of time?” “三个月了,爹,你还能回来吗?咱家的传家至宝你还没有告诉我在哪里,为什么不提前立下遗嘱?” Chu Feng sees here, wants to pull out dead Little Daoist Priest, is really a non- loyal son. 楚风看到这里,想抽死小道士,真是个不孝子。 Then, he sees the message of Ying Zhexian, the literary talent is striking, the spoken language are not many, but suitable has the spiritual energy, the letting of person mood reading is affable, the last line of characters are to hope Chu Feng are well. 然后,他又看到映谪仙的留言,文采斐然,言语不多,但相当的有灵气,阅之让人心情舒缓,最后一行字则是愿楚风安好。 Also there is Qin Luoyin's to carve characters, is beautiful and exquisite, the words are reserved, but can also see the heart of concern. 也有秦珞音的刻字,娟秀而细腻,言辞内敛,但也能看到关切之心。 The message of Ying Xiaoxiao is pure wailing body, the article is cries out, for example: The brother-in-law do not die, the brother-in-law you hurries to resurrect, brother-in-law my elder sister must remain a widow...... 映晓晓的留言则是纯粹的“哀嚎体”,通篇都是“呐喊”,比如:啊,姐夫你不要死啊,姐夫你赶紧复活吧,姐夫我姐要守寡啦…… Chu Feng looks wants to hit the person, his live, this silver-haired Little Loli is all right to call out anything well, moreover her elder sister probably does not have the uncomfortableness that anything leaves, in most minimum Ying Zhexian writing has not manifested. 楚风看的想打人,他活的好好的,这个银发小萝莉没事嚎叫什么,再者说她姐好像没有什么离别的不适感,最起码映谪仙的文字中没有体现出来。 Chu Feng you rest, walks, I will take care of my elder sister!” This is the message of Ying Wudi. 楚风你就安息吧,一路走好,我会照顾好我姐的!”这是映无敌的留言。 The Chu Feng liver hurts, wants to seize him to beat savagely, this wife's younger brother perishes his not losing hope, loves elder sister's heart also not to extinguish, takes seriously this suppression! 楚风肝疼,真想揪住他暴打一顿,这个小舅子亡他之心不死,恋姐之心亦不灭,当真该镇压! The following writing makes Chu Feng quite shock, is a Little Daoist Priest person remains. 接下来的文字让楚风颇为震撼,都是小道士一个人所留。 Father, ten years, you had not returned!” “爹,十年了,你还是没有回归!” Father, it seems like you had the mishap, hundred years pass by, do not see you to return, to hope you in underground secure silent/solitary. I had urged mother, this sentiment may wait to recall, do not spend in distress oneself, marries other man other people.” “爹,看来你已经发生不测,百年过去,不见你归,愿你在地下安寂。我已经劝过娘,此情可待成追忆,不要苦熬自己,另嫁他人吧。” When read the first half, the Chu Feng heart trembled, did hundred years pass by? knows they did not experience anything in this world. Then, sees the latter half, his complexion slightly black, wants to carry Little Daoist Priest to beat savagely, unexpectedly urged his mother Qin Luoyin to get married earlier?! 当读到前半段时,楚风心头一颤,百年过去了?不知道他们在这个世界都经历了什么。然后,看到后半段,他脸色微黑,想拎过来小道士暴打,居然劝他娘秦珞音早点嫁人?! Meanwhile, he starts to waver the faith, no wonder Gods finally believes the fatalism, perhaps indeed has certain basis, otherwise, how he is Small Six Paths Time Technique names, here had some type to echo, was...... This sentiment may wait to recall. 同时,他开始动摇信念,难怪诸神最后都相信宿命论,也许的确有一定的根据,不然的话,他怎么才为小六道时光术重新命名,这边就有了某种呼应,也是……此情可待成追忆。 Behind has the Little Daoist Priest annotation, told Chu Feng, since Chu Feng vanished, stone mill plate here had the mutation, the ray was once dreadful. 后面有小道士的注释,告诉楚风,自从楚风消失后,石磨盘这里发生异变,曾经光芒滔天。 Abatement beside me, other people are unable to approach this place again, I guessed that is related with paper talisman, after all I once had also contacted, within the body has its mysterious energy.” “除却我之外,其他人都无法再接近此地,我猜测跟符纸有关,毕竟我也曾接触过,体内有它的神秘能量。” This is the message of Little Daoist Priest. 这是小道士的留言。 Was bad, the father, we could not go back, not having the vortex of means on through vault of heaven to return to Great Dream Pure Land, was kept this world, the vortex vanishes!” “糟了,爹,我们回不去了,没有办法通过天穹上的漩涡回归大梦净土,被留在这个世界,漩涡消失!” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor was hit remnantly, another road also broke!” According to the view of Little Daoist Priest, the Unextinguishable Mountain's person also once arrived at this world, grasps to have the second road, but, that road also broke finally, from gods domineering take action of this world! 妖祖之鼎被人打残,另一条路也断了!”按照小道士的说法,不灭山的人也曾来到这个世界,掌握有第二条路,可是,那条路最终也断了,源自这个世界的神明强势出手 Then, Chu Feng saw, on rock leaves a message one after another, is a Little Daoist Priest person carves, said according to him, other people do not have the means to approach here again. 然后,楚风看到,一块又一块岩石上都是留言,都是小道士一个人所刻写,按照他所说,其他人再也没有办法接近这里。 Father, we were detained for 150 years in this world, went far beyond hundred years of deadline, everybody wants to leave, but actually could not find the outlet.” “爹,我们在这个世界滞留150年了,远远超过百年期限,大家都想离开,但是却找不到出路。” Father, Ouyang Feng makes me tell you, thou wife he is self-supportive it, thou does not worry.” “爹,欧阳风让我告诉你,汝妻子他自养之,汝勿虑也。” After Chu Feng sees here, seething with rage of straight air/Qi, nearly jumps, this scoundrel Ouyang Feng was speaking any impudent remark. 楚风看到这里后,直气的七窍生烟,险些跳起来,这个混账欧阳风在说什么混账话。 Then, he sees the illustration of Little Daoist Priest: The Ouyang Feng literary talent is too bad, actually wants to say the wife and family member who takes care of the good father and others, do not think. 然后,他看到小道士的注解:欧阳风文采太差,其实只是想说照顾好爹的妻子与亲人等,你不要多想。 Do you carve to do really? Chu Feng wants to punch Ouyang Feng, wants to beat this son. 那你刻写出来作甚?楚风想揍欧阳风,同时也想殴打这个儿子。 Father, I wants to cry, we could not go back, 200 years, could not find any outlet, but mother's soul sends the silk no longer to have the gloss, the white hair takes root, person life essence of this world is low, the life is short to make the blood boil!” “爹,我想哭,我们真的回不去了,200年了,找不到任何出路,而娘的灵魂发丝已经不再有光泽,白发生根,这个世界的人寿元非常低,生命少到令人发指!” When sees this words, Chu Feng heart one startled, he thought that has understood on the ferocious beast plateau, the person of this world used the strange technique evolution to be quick, but also died was very early, compared with on mortal many, particularly the old age will not deteriorate, will have various unfortunate and fearful calamities. 当看到这种话语时,楚风心头一惊,他想起来了,在凶兽高原上了解过,这个世界的人利用异术进化非常快,但是也都死的很早,不比凡人强上多少,尤其是晚年会衰败,会发生各种不幸与可怕的厄难。 Father, they said, you after jumping in the stone mill plate exude together the pitiful yell sound, actually had the accident/surprise, at that moment possibly died, my knows, this should real. Now all people when mentioning you, is very moved and disappointed.” “爹,他们都说,你在跳进石磨盘发出一道惨叫声后,其实就已经发生意外,那一刻可能就死去了,我知道,这应该是真的。现在所有人在提及你时,都很伤感与怅然。” Father, 230 years passed, we cannot go back really again, do not have the outlet. Moreover, our people died one batch, I do not want to say that their names, feared that you in underground have the knowledge to be also sad, they are my uncle, they...... Walked.” “爹,230年过去了,我们真的再也回不去,没有出路可言。而且,我们的人死了一批,我不想说他们的名字,怕你在地下有知也会伤心,他们都是我的叔伯,他们……走了。” We did not have to become God, some people were killed by Martial God that bastard, how this chop suey has not passed away, should the vitality deterioration be right, now our situation is worrying.” “我们还没有成神,有些人是被武神那杂种杀的,这个杂碎怎么还不老死,应该气血衰败才对,现在我们处境堪忧。” Father, 260 years, mother was thoroughly old, she has not gotten married, has been waiting for you, but, you have not come back eventually, she does not have, when sees you finally one side.” “爹,260年了,娘彻底老了,她没有嫁人,一直在等你,可是,你终究没有回来,她没有等到见你最后一面。” When read here, the Chu Feng's lip and heart were shivering. 当读到这里时,楚风的嘴唇与心都在颤动。 Mother walked, is very peaceful, but this life is not joyful, long ago pestered with your gratitude and grudges, since there are me, met with you in this world again, finally had the favorable turn, you may walk together, but you actually disappear, died in grinding pan there mostly. Although my knows mother anything did not say, but the heart is very moved, I once noticed that she looks out silently, alone when a person facing stone mill plate direction in the eye has the tears.” “娘走了,很安静,可她这一生都不快乐,早年跟你恩怨纠缠,自从有了我后,在这个世界跟你再相遇,终于有了转机,你们有可能一起走下去,可是你却消失,多半已经死在磨盘那里。我知道娘虽然什么都不说,但是心底很伤感,我曾经看到她一个人默默遥望,独自一个人面对石磨盘这个方向时眼中有泪花。” „The short life last minute, mother except for was summoning the Great Dream Pure Land's name, missed her family member and master, I also heard her to read your name gently, although was very weak, was almost inaudible, but I heard, mother's heart actually had you.” 生命无多的最后一刻,娘除了在呼唤大梦净土的名字,思念她的亲人、师傅,我也听到她轻轻在念你的名,虽然很微弱,几乎不可闻,但是我真的听到,娘的心底其实有你。” Mother...... She forever walked! The father, I wants to cry, I think that loud crying, the trim world was gloomy!” “娘……她永远的走了!爹,我想哭,我想大声的哭,整片世界都灰暗了!” After seeing here, in the Chu Feng eye spills over the tears. 看到这里后,楚风眼中泛出泪光。 Father, I came. The mother left the first anniversary, but I cannot bear miss her frequently! Her silent elapsing, I can never forget her, finally the time, she was muttering, was holding my hand, was in suspense, then the vision was looking at a direction throughout, my knows, the both eyes of her pollution were looking at stone mill plate grid bearing, she to dying has not seen you to come back, has the bitterness and astringency, had does not abandon, the innermost feelings were regrettable, tragic......” “爹,我又来了。娘已经离开一周年,可我还是忍不住常常思念她!她无声无息的逝去,我永远忘不了她,最后时刻,她喃喃着,拉着我的手,放心不下,然后目光始终望着一个方向,我知道,她那浑浊的双目是在看着石磨盘这个坐标方位,她到死也没有看到你回来,有苦涩,有不舍,内心是遗憾的,凄楚的……” Mother, I do not think that you walk!” “娘,我不想你走!” Chu Feng as if hears the Little Daoist Priest rending big weeping sound, as if saw that regrettable, the bitter past events are reappearing at present. 楚风仿佛听到小道士撕心裂肺的大哭声,也仿佛看到那一幕幕遗憾的、酸涩的往事在眼前浮现。 He gets hold of the fist, the heart is trembling, the eye turns sour, has tears silent falling. 他握紧拳头,心都在颤,眼睛发酸,有泪水无声的滑落。 These people, these matters, just liked yesterday. 那些人,那些事,恍若就在昨日。 I want to become God, 100 years ago, in Unextinguishable Mountain that group of uncle aunts, originally some people soon to become God, but has the accident/surprise, died many uncle, I do not allow this matter to occur on me, I want to become God, must extinguish Martial God that old mixed up!” “我要成神,100年前,不灭山那群叔伯阿姨中,原本有人即将成神,可是发生意外,死了很多叔伯,我决不允许这种事情发生在我身上,我一定要成神,要去灭了武神那个老杂碎!” Is away from the rock, by these writing, Chu Feng as if can see the Little Daoist Priest irresistible determination. 隔着岩石,透过这些文字,楚风仿佛能够看到小道士不可阻挡的决心。 270 years, on this day, Aunt Ying Zhexian also walked, even if the life final time, she is also very beautiful, is only the soul white hair like the snow, my knows, she, although anything did not say, but also wants in the life finally frequently sees you to come back. She is not the pure rationality, is not the indifference of birth, is only reserved, before she just before leaving, anything had not said that but is looking at some direction dull.” “270年,这一天,映谪仙阿姨也走了,即便生命最后的时刻,她也很美,只是灵魂白发如雪,我知道,她虽然什么都不说,但也想在生命的最后时刻见到你回来。她不是纯粹的理性,也不是出世的淡然,只是过于内敛,她临走前什么都没有说,只是呆呆地望着某一个方向。” In Chu Feng heart grieved, the corner of the eye has clear waterdrop silent dripping to fall. 楚风心中酸楚,眼角有晶莹的泪滴无声的淌落。 Little Aunt was also old, when sees off her elder sister, crying sadness of , she unacceptable.” 小姨也老了,在为她姐姐送行时,哭的很伤心,她不能接受。” Invincible uncle, Ouyang Feng as well as Unextinguishable Mountain one group of uncle already elapsed many years, I do not want to relate in detail the process with you, I feared that your netherworld has the knowledge also to lament.” “无敌舅舅、欧阳风以及不灭山一群叔伯早已逝去很多年,我不想跟你细说经过,我怕你泉下有知也会哀恸。” Chu Feng wants to cry, sees these writing, his both eyes flood the full blood threads, has the tears to flow off, he cannot bear send out the low roar. 楚风想哭,看到这些文字,他双目充斥满血丝,有泪水流下,他忍不住发出低吼。 Finally, Little Aunt Ying Xiaoxiao also went, I am sad, but actually cannot cry, because they leave me to go, my tears already in multiple sadness dry, drips very much difficultly again. However, my heart is very painful! This time, the trim world was peaceful, remaining I, again have not only worried, I must go to to become God!” “终于,小姨映晓晓也去了,我伤心,但却哭不出,因为他们一个又一个都离我而去,我的泪已经在多次的悲伤中干涸,很难再淌出。但是,我的心真的很痛!这一次,整片世界都安静了,只剩下我自己,再也没有牵挂,我要去成神!” 281 years, my to become God!” “281年,我成神了!” I must kill Martial God that old codger, puts down the ferocious beast plateau! Father, you, if the netherworld has knowledge, or is living accidentally, that please bless me, certain success, even if made me die in battle, must draw in Martial God that old bastard!” “我要去杀了武神那个老不死的,扫平凶兽高原!爹,你如果泉下有知,或者万一还活着,那就请保佑我吧,一定成功,哪怕让我战死,也要拉上武神那个老杂种!” Father, the present is 282 years, the autumn, I live am arriving here, worshipped you to come. I have killed Martial God, Shaman God, puts down the ferocious beast plateau, revenged for these uncle! The process is very difficult, I do not want to say that the man bleeds does not flow the patho tears!” “爹,如今是282年,秋,我活着来到这里,祭拜你来了。我杀了武神,还有巫神,平掉凶兽高原,为那些叔伯报仇了!过程很艰辛,我不想多说,男人流血不流悲情泪!” I felt that strange technique has major problem, has not arrived at the old age, some strange matters started to happen on my body. The father, I will not come to here for a long time again, I must comprehend, studies various strange technique, must find the law of solution.” “我感觉异术有大问题,还未到晚年,一些诡异的事就已经开始发生在我的身上。爹,很长时间我都不会再来这里,我要去参悟,去研究各种异术,要找到解决之法。” 500 years, the father, I looked at you to come, I also gradually was old, the life span of god are not many, Evolver life essence of this world is too short, sometimes does not need I!” “500年了,爹,我又看你来了,我也渐渐的老了,神的寿命也不多,这个世界的进化者寿元太短暂,时不待我啊!” 700 years, the fire of life has dragged, I marched into the miserable later years, does not have the heir, does not have the children in the side, since has been only I alone. You, only remaining me, the date and time not many, the fearful matter should not say on me.” “700年了,生命之火摇曳,我已步入凄凉的暮年,没有子嗣,没有儿女在身边,一直以来都只是我一个人。你们都不在了,只剩下我自己,时日无多,很多可怕的事在我身上应言。” Now, I was old, blood energy is withered, but can also overlook the world reluctantly, nobody is my match, is, I actually such lonely, I thought mother, I also thought these uncle, I also thought Little Aunt and Ouyang Feng they.” “现在,我老了,血气干枯,但还能勉强俯视天下,没有一个人是我的对手,可是,我却这么的孤单,我想娘了,我也想那些叔伯,我还想小姨欧阳风他们。” Person arrives at the old age, is always recalling, cannot bear want to cry, but scratches with the hand, actually the discovery already could not flow out the tears.” “人到晚年,总在回忆,忍不住想落泪,可是用手去擦,却发现早已流不出泪。” Father, I am far from too many sentiments with you, you have not taken care of me, is mother raises me. I no longer haggle over you to seize my black paper talisman past event, haggles over also uselessly, I am the last years of life, could have the new god to appear, I will soon die......” “爹,我跟你谈不上太多的感情,你没有照顾我,是娘将我养大。我不再计较你夺我黑色符纸的旧事,计较也无用,我已是风烛残年,可能要有新神出现了,我即将死去……” Chu Feng stands is here, the body is trembling, he really cannot endure, on the face is hanging the soul tear stains. 楚风立身在这里,身体在颤动,他实在忍受不住,脸上挂着灵魂泪痕。 Father, 750 years, this should be my this lives last time to come to see you, my life will soon come to the end point, various types strange occur with the misfortune on my body, the new god appeared, momentarily can swallow me, but I do not want to take stone mill plate road, I must ask peaceful place to mediate.” “爹,750年,这应该是我此生最后一次来看你,我的生命即将走到终点,各种诡异与厄运都发生在我的身上,新神已经出现,随时会来吞噬我,但我不想走石磨盘这条路,我要找一个安静的地方自己去了断。” I miss and mother very much have Little Aunt they in the together day, although there is a good and bad in life, has to be moved and regrettable, but has the warmth very much, should be treasured entire life. Looks back on my this life, but also is really the failure, the capital of Heavenly Venerate, actually wanders about destitute Foreign Territory, died away from native place. But I am also very satisfied, woman is very good to me, this sincere kinship makes my eternal life unforgettable, not knows will have whether also next life, but can also see them, in this final time, will only have to face upward sighs!” “我很思念和娘还有小姨她们在一起的日子,虽然有酸甜苦辣,有伤感与遗憾,但很有温馨,值得一生珍惜。回首我这一生,还真是失败,天尊之资,却流落异域,客死他乡。但我也很满足,娘们对我很好,这种真挚的亲情让我永生难忘,不知道是否还有来世,还能不能见到她们,于此最后时光,唯有仰天一叹!” This life, I have many regretted, for example and father between you, there is the reality of fathers and sons, does not have the true fate. Good, mentioned these, I think that a past event, our Chu Family so-called handed down from generation to generation Supreme Treasure is anything, was a careful knot, now unexpectedly thinks of it, laughable!” “这一生,我有很多遗憾,比如和父亲你之间,有父子之实,却没有真正的缘分。好吧,提及这些,我又想到一件旧事,咱们楚家所谓的传家至宝到底是什么,也算是一个小心结吧,现在居然想到它,可笑!” Father, bye, or this do not see, son Chu Wuhen one's last written words!” “父亲,再见,或者说就这样再也不要见,儿子楚无痕绝笔!” Chu Feng stands here, on the face full is the tears, Chu Wuhen...... Was this passed away traceless? 楚风站在这里,脸上满是泪水,楚无痕……这是过世而无痕吗? At this moment, the Chu Feng tears collapse. 这一刻,楚风泪崩。
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