SR :: Volume #9

#817: Innate lives

Chu Feng was really anxious, in heart anxious, because the time speed of flow of ferocious beast plateau is different from the outside, exceptionally fearsome! 楚风真的急了,心中焦躁,因为凶兽高原的时间流速跟外界不一样,异常可怖! I hope that Great Dream Pure Land's calculates to have mistake!” He prayed like this, otherwise troubled in a big way. “我希望大梦净土的计算有错误!”他这样祈祷,不然的话麻烦大了。 A Great Dream Pure Land night, ferocious beast plateau 100 years, what concept is this? 大梦净土一夜,凶兽高原100年,这是什么概念? He stayed in the outside could have about the 7-8 day, did the don't tell me ferocious beast plateau pass 7-8 for hundred years?! 他在外界呆了能有七八天左右,难道凶兽高原已经过去七八百年?! The Chu Feng's face somewhat was green. 楚风的脸都有些绿了。 What is most essential, according to this time speed of flow inference, Ying Zhexian, Qin Luoyin and the others, no matter lived were dying, affirmation already not in the ferocious beast plateau. 最为关键的是,按照这个时间流速推断,映谪仙秦珞音等人不管活着是还是死去,都肯定已经不在凶兽高原。 The 7-8 day passes by, the smelting trial affirmation had ended, if Great Dream Pure Land discovered that his fleshly body cannot move, can think that he did die? 七八天过去,试炼肯定算是结束了,如果大梦净土发现他的肉身不能动弹,会不会认为他死去了? If buried him , but if directly his spark...... Chu Feng thinks of these, in the heart is scared, the words that for a long time does not recover, fleshly body was equal to that a corpse, might have various matters. 若是把他埋掉也就算了,可如果直接将他火花……楚风想到这些,心中发毛,长时间不复苏的话,肉身等于是一具尸体,有可能会发生各种事。 Calm, cannot be irritable, the ferocious beast plateau 800 years pass by, Great Dream Pure Land is eight days passes, should occur occurred.” “冷静,不能急躁,凶兽高原800年过去,大梦净土则是八天流逝,该发生都已经发生了。” Chu Feng by oneself calm, avoided chaotically the discretion. 楚风让自己镇定,避免乱了分寸。 Is patronizing comprehending Small Six Paths Time Technique, he did not have to collect carefully in this place, soon will leave to start off, he has not wanted to bring point local product to go back eagerly for a while. 光顾着参悟“小六道时光术”,他还没有仔细在此地搜罗一番,即将动身上路,也不急于一时了,他想带点“土特产”回去。 But, except for god corpse or god corpse, moreover is containing grey strange matter, don't tell me brings had been polluted the skeleton to go back, this does not make sense. 可是,除了神尸还是神尸,而且都还蕴含着灰色的诡异物质,难道带点被污染过的尸骸回去,这不像话。 Several hundred god corpse associations leave behind anything, Artifact thoroughly damages along not necessarily. 数百具神尸总会留下点什么吧,随身器物不见得都彻底损坏。 Chu Feng seeks patiently, broken Full-Body Armor, succeeds in giving up the big bow that 18 sections of iron swords, rot...... The thing are really many, once was Divine Artifact, was after the stone mill plate crush, destroyed was similar, spirituality already lost. 楚风耐心寻找,残破的甲胄、断成18截的铁剑、烂掉的大弓……东西真不少,曾经都是神器,可是经过石磨盘碾压,毁的差不多了,灵性早已失去。 Especially on some Artifact, grey matter is strong, gathers loose, does not have no way to carry off. 尤其是有些器物上,灰色物质浓重,聚拢不散,根本没法带走。 Chu Feng does not dare to move the corpse with soul light, that grey matter hazardous nature is too strong, will meet with a disaster including the god, is not the evolution of this level can resist. 楚风真不敢用魂光去搬动尸体,那灰色物质危害性太强,连神都会遭殃,绝不是他这个层次的进化所能抵抗的。 He uses the rock and soil to turn the corpse. 他动用岩石、泥土都等去翻尸体。 „Is my this alternative picking corpse?” “我这算是另类的捡尸吗?” What a pity, after the crush of stone mill plate, even if the weapon that the gods refine also looks awful, can bring some broken artifact to be good. 可惜,经过石磨盘的碾压,哪怕是神明炼制的兵器也都不成样子,能带过来部分残器就不错了。 ...... 哧哧…… The rock is melting, some inexplicable liquid corrosiveness of god corpse overflow are very strong. 岩石在熔化,有些神尸溢出的莫名液体腐蚀性很强。 Chu Feng turned with the aid of various types of rock tools looked for more than 300 corpses, did not have anything to harvest, the weapon of remnant crack was being wrapped by grey matter, fierce of corrosion. 楚风借助各种岩石工具翻找了300多具尸体,却没什么收获,残裂的兵器都被灰色物质包裹着,侵蚀的厉害。 Well?!” “咦?!” Finally, in turning to more than 400 corpses, he sees the unusual thing, that is one group of fog shape, carefully looks is actually the metal, but winding around fog silk. 终于,在翻到400多具尸体时,他看到异常的东西,那是一团雾状物,仔细看其实是金属,但缭绕雾丝。 And, when it digs up from god corpse, it unexpectedly with grey matter separates, had not been pestered thoroughly on. 并且,将它从神尸身上扒出来时,它居然跟灰色物质分离,并没有被彻底纠缠上。 This is green skin bottle gourd, only then the thumb is so big, is pocket-sized, green and lush, is having the rich innate essence all over the body. 这是一个青皮葫芦,只有拇指那么大,非常袖珍,通体绿莹莹,带着浓郁的先天精气。 This place death aura winds around, strange matter is strong, bottle gourd has the full of vitality unexpectedly, this also is really strange. 这地方死气缭绕,诡异物质浓重,一个葫芦居然有勃勃生机,这还真是稀奇。 Chu Feng digs up to draw it to the point of safety, sizes up carefully, his pupil contraction, in the eyes presents two golden symbols, Discerning Eyes, projects divine light to stare. 楚风将它扒拉到安全地点,仔细打量,他不禁瞳孔收缩,双目中出现两枚金色符号,火眼金睛,射出神光盯着。 „Does innate thing, grow in the chaos?!” “先天之物,生长于混沌中?!” Chu Feng is surprised, felt that divine object that this looks like in the ancient book to mention the innate spirit root that is long very much. 楚风大吃一惊,感觉这很像古书中提及的先天灵根长出来的神物 This type of thing, some are before the world live! 这种东西,有些是先于天地而生的! green skin bottle gourd is very small, looks like also not mature, but actually winding around faint trace Primal Chaos Qi continuously, similarly also ripples the rich innate vitality. 青皮葫芦很小,看起来还没有成熟,但是却缭绕丝丝缕缕的混沌气,同样也荡漾出浓郁的先天生机。 He more looks more looks like, various aspect characteristics tally, this also really looks like innate bottle gourd. 他越看越像,各方面特征都符合,这还真像一只先天葫芦 This type of thing may with not be possible to ask, born in the chaos, but these places are the thunder symbol are generally crowded, immortal light to become sea, Divinity goes in must be rumbled to kill. 这种东西可遇不可求,诞生于混沌中,但是那些地方一般都是雷霆符号密集,仙光成海,神祇进去都要被轰杀。 Naturally, did not mean that the chaos certainly have been able to discover, do not say picks. 当然,并不是说进了混沌就一定能发现,更不要说采摘。 In fact, in the chaos does not have what vitality, the nihility is vast, if not there is a big chance, you are seek for a lot of th not possible to discover a spirit root. 事实上,混沌中没有什么生机,虚无而浩瀚,若非有大机缘,你就是寻找千百世也不可能发现一株灵根。 Really is innate bottle gourd?” Chu Feng was excited. “真是先天葫芦?”楚风激动了。 When the World of the Dead universe, he has been watching various treasure chat books, once mentioned this type of innate thing, is very difficult to seek. 阴间宇宙时,他一直在观看各种宝物杂谈书籍,曾提及这种先天之物,很难寻找。 However, he also notes, on this green skin bottle gourd has the slight small fissure, is similar to the spider web, this makes him quite regrettable, expectation by stone mill plate crush. 不过,他也注意到,这青皮葫芦上有细微的小裂痕,如同蛛网般,这让他相当遗憾,料想是被石磨盘碾压的。 Chu Feng sighed, that stone mill plate was also too fearful. 楚风叹气,那石磨盘也太可怕了。 "Um, is not right, but also once had encountered the thunder strike! ” Chu Feng discovered, in that fissure also some scorches, are only are not quite clearly obvious, was neglected easily. “嗯,也不对,还曾遭遇过雷击!”楚风发现,那裂痕上分明也有些焦痕,只是不太明显,容易被忽略。 He one sizes up, looked at a care with Discerning Eyes, reason that the ultimate analysis, this bottle gourd is damaged, completely is because ties, has not grown. 他一番打量,用火眼金睛看了个仔细,最后分析,这葫芦之所以受损,完全是因为才结出来,还没有生长开。 Because, it was too young, the thumb is big, all over the body also verdant, after normal is mature, is not bright yellow, is the golden purple luster, in the ancient book has the record. 因为,它太小了,拇指大,通体还青翠呢,正常来说成熟后不是黄澄澄,就是紫金色泽,古书上有记载。 In the past, the supreme powerhouse of World of the Dead universe has seen fortunately, but, actually does not dare to pick, helplessly looks at that chaos closing of fracture, the innate spirit root vanished. 当年,阴间宇宙的无上强者有幸看到过,但是,却不敢去采摘,眼睁睁的看着那片混沌裂缝闭合,先天灵根消失。 Chu Feng looked at for quite a while, thinks this green skin bottle gourd, although has not grown into, moreover there is a fissure, but can also use, moreover on it has not contaminated on grey matter. 楚风看了半天,觉得这青皮葫芦虽然还没有长成,而且有裂痕,但是还能用,况且它上面没有沾染上灰色物质 Then, he careful and discrete research, discovered that this green skin bottle gourd indeed uncut jade, had not been refined, quite primitive. 然后,他小心而谨慎的研究,发现这青皮葫芦的确还是“璞玉”,都没有被炼制过呢,相当的原始。 Normal, mature innate bottle gourd, can install the desert, may fill in trillion mountains, when spurts the thin ray, may destroy planet, but it has not grown into, surely does not have these prestige energies.” “正常来说,成熟的先天葫芦,能装瀚海,可填亿万山岳,喷薄光芒时,可毁星球,不过它没有长成,肯定没有这些威能。” Chu Feng ponders over, and controls it carefully, the attempt receives various types of rocks, discovered that can install massively, explained that the inner space is very big. 楚风琢磨,并小心控制它,尝试收各种岩石等,发现可以大量装进去,说明内部空间很大。 Then, he but actually came out the rock. 然后,他又将岩石等倒出来。 Then, he attempts to search oneself wisp of weak soul light, the flash, this wisp of psychic energy instantaneous turn into ashes, vanishes does not see. 接着,他尝试将自己的一缕微弱的魂光探进去,一刹那,这一缕精神能量瞬间化成灰烬,消失不见。 Refining up the god?!” “炼神?!” His expression grave, experiments once more, finally another wisp of weak soul light was disintegrated, vanished in green skin bottle gourd mouth there. 神色凝重,再次试验,结果又一缕微弱的魂光被瓦解,在青皮葫芦嘴那里就消失了。 This thing is not common!” Chu Feng determined that this green skin bottle gourd cannot install the living creature, during places oneself the words definitely dead without the burial ground. “这东西不一般!”楚风确定这青皮葫芦不能装活物,置身当中的话肯定死无葬身之地。 He pondered over, if the sacrifice refining up well, can perhaps become big Killing Weapon, may extinguish person soul light! 他思忖,如果好好祭炼一番,说不定就能成为一件大杀器,可灭人魂光 Now may not have the time to delay, he hurrying back, can't knows this thing be brought back to Great Dream Pure Land with him anxiously together. 现在可没时间耽搁,他急着赶回去,就是不知道这东西能不能跟着他一起被带回大梦净土 Then, Chu Feng considered that what local product brings to go back, cannot install a bottle gourd god corpse, when the time comes sees the acquaintance, every delivers one? 然后,楚风考虑带什么土特产回去,总不能真的装一葫芦神尸吧,到时候见到熟人,人手送一个? It is estimated that will be killed! 估计,会被打死! Ok, does not have what good thing, do not count on that wanted the gift, when the time comes delivered you God Level strange technique.” “算了,没有什么好东西,你们就别指望要礼物了,到时候送你们神级异术。” But such goes back not to be a little willingly, Chu Feng xue touches, finally he has observed closely the most dangerous thing-- strange fog. 可就这么回去有点不甘心,楚风踅摸,最后他盯住了最危险的东西——诡异灰雾。 This material is afraid including the gods, the old age by suffering extreme distress that it suffers, is very pitiful, is not only involves the fairy to be so simple, misfortune and deterioration. 这种物质连神都害怕,晚年被它折磨的死去活来,无比凄惨,不光是涉及到神鬼那么简单,还有厄运与衰败。 However, Chu Feng somewhat is also worried to be made to pay for one's evil doings, feared that directs the calamity upper body. 不过,楚风也有些担心玩火自焚,怕引厄难上身。 Does not manage, green skin bottle gourd is innate divine object, it is estimated that can install, first to take said again, if bumps into the Jun Tuo lamb that which does not enlarge ones vision, enjoys your bottle gourd directly.” “不管了,青皮葫芦是先天神物,估计能装走一些,先带上再说,万一碰到哪个不开眼的钧驮羔子,直接赏你一葫芦。” Afterward, the Chu Feng heart mentioned throat, stimulation of movement green skin bottle gourd cautiously, absorbed grey matter. 随后,楚风心都提到嗓子眼,小心翼翼的催动青皮葫芦,吸收灰色物质 He does not collect the hobby, but has saying that such absorption some extremely dangerous big Killing Weapon material is easy to become addicted, after he stimulates to movement green skin bottle gourd, cannot stop. 他不是收集癖,但是不得不说,这样吸收某种极其危险的大杀器般的物质容易上瘾,他催动青皮葫芦后就停不下来了。 As can be seen, surroundings many gray mist leap, crashes in the bottle gourd mouth rapidly, gradually, here blustery, becomes a stretch of misty gray area. 可以看到,周围许多灰色雾气都腾起,迅速冲进葫芦嘴中,渐渐的,这里风起云涌,成为一片蒙蒙灰色地带。 This startled Chu Feng has to fly to run away, after this place is tranquil, he once more collects. 这惊的楚风不得不飞逃,等到此地平静后他才又再次来收集。 Until finally, several hundred god corpses on does not brave the gray fog, he seals up this innate rare treasure with the plug of green skin bottle gourd bringing. 直到最后,数百具神尸身上不怎么冒灰色雾霭,他以青皮葫芦自带的塞子封住这先天秘宝。 Goes home!” “回家!” Chu Feng with lightning speed, dashes along the old route, five thousand li (500 km) regarding him are not anything, in the past when will not fly dashed about wildly to suffice the hour by both feet, idle talk now. 楚风风驰电掣,沿着原路飞奔,五千里地对于他来说不算什么,当年不会飞行时靠双足狂奔个把小时就够了,更遑论现在。 However, when sees that ray of light gate, Chu Feng a little violates the whisper, he goes back to estimate that should not have the issue, but will bring this green skin bottle gourd not to have an accident? After all its some cracks. 不过,当看到那道光门,楚风有点犯嘀咕,他自己回去估计应该没问题,可是带着这青皮葫芦不会出事吧?毕竟它有些裂纹。 This thing must blast out by some chance, he definitely dies. 这东西万一要炸开,他肯定没命。 First gives a try.” “先试试看。” Whiz, Chu Feng goes through the light gate, is quick sees the grinding pan, he directly first green skin bottle gourd throwing. 嗖的一声,楚风穿过光门,然后很快就看到磨盘,他直接先将青皮葫芦给扔进去了。 Well, not broken!” “咦,没碎!” Chu Feng does not dare to delay, afterward flushed, then the whole body illumination, that is paper talisman the light of veined pattern, he found green skin bottle gourd, shelters with the light of paper talisman. 楚风不敢耽搁,随后冲了进去,然后浑身发光,那是符纸纹路之光,他找到青皮葫芦,用符纸之光庇护。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Chu Feng feels the divine soul severe pain, he experiences one tore limb from limb by five horses the severe pain, soul light is ripped, with time, he was being disintegrated. 楚风感觉神魂剧痛,到底他还是经历了一遍五马分尸般的剧痛,魂光被扯裂,跟来的时候一样,他在被瓦解。 Fortunately, has paper talisman light to shelter, he cannot die, has to say the mysterious paper talisman background that takes out from the restricted area to be too astonishing, the light that it initially overflowed may guarantee his soul light not to extinguish, can reorganize. 还好,有符纸之光庇护,他死不了,不得不说从禁地中取出的神秘符纸来头太惊人,其当初溢出的光就可保他魂光不灭,能够重组。 In some sense, Little Daoist Priest that black paper talisman that brings from number one forbidden area is fiercer than Divinity, the most minimum many gods die here. 从某种意义上来说,小道士那从第一禁区中带出来的黑色符纸神祇还厉害,最起码很多神都死在这里。 Was bad!” The Chu Feng complexion sends green, the crack on this green skin bottle gourd are many, was more crowded, by the stone mill plate crush, it could not a little be withstood. “糟了!”楚风脸色发绿,这青皮葫芦上的裂纹多了一些,更加密集,被石磨盘碾压,它有点承受不住。 You may not blast out!” Chu Feng is scared, prepares to throw at any time it, this thing must explode broken in the side, dies without the burial ground simply. “你可千万别炸开!”楚风发毛,随时准备将它扔出去,这东西要在身边爆碎,简直是死无葬身之地。 Once that grey matter is encumbered, is unable to obliterate, cannot bear including the gods. 灰色物质一旦缠身,就无法磨灭,连神都受不了。 Is shocking but not dangerous all the way, Chu Feng escapes the Lishi grinding pan, flushed from this place, soul light knows was not ripped many times, but reorganized finally. 一路上有惊无险,楚风脱离石磨盘,从这地方冲出来了,魂光知道被扯裂多少次,但最后又重组好。 On green skin bottle gourd the crack is densely covered, the person who looks is fearful and apprehensive, has not damaged finally thoroughly. 青皮葫芦上裂纹密布,看的人心惊肉跳,总算没有彻底破损。 don't tell me really already past 800 years?” The Chu Feng heart shivers, is not out of anticipation, outside nobody, Ying Zhexian, Ouyang Feng, Qin Luoyin and silver-haired Little Loli wait/etc. not. 难道真的已经过去800年?”楚风心头颤动,不出意料,外面没有人,映谪仙欧阳风秦珞音、银发小萝莉等都不在了。 Does not need to ponder, the past time was too long, they and others. 无需细想,过去的时间太久,他们等不下去了。 Chu Feng opens Discerning Eyes, looked in the nearby looked, quickly, his both eyes observed closely some place, precisely initially their several people of stopovers. 楚风睁开火眼金睛,在附近看了又看,倏地,他双目盯住某一处地方,正是当初他们几人驻足之地。 He flew instantaneously, descends on the ground, sees somewhat carves characters, is that several people of message. 他瞬间飞了过去,降落在地上,看到有些刻字,是那几人的留言。
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