SR :: Volume #9

#885: fleshly body Sanctification

This is lonesome and quiet starry skies, does not have the sound, does not have the vegetation, does not have the mountains, some are only the star human bones, broken. 这是一片幽静的星空,没有声音,没有草木,没有山川,有的只是星骸,一片残破。 Chu Feng has not entered any life planet, but alone chose a piece of universe to be void. 楚风没有进入任何生命星球,而是独自选了一片宇宙虚空。 Dark, silent and ice-cold, this is in the universe the eternal subject, Chu Feng sits cross-legged, he does not need the air, to this level, so long as has the energy to go on living. 黑暗、寂静、冰冷,这是宇宙中永恒的主题,楚风盘坐,他不需要空气,到了这个层次只要有能量就可以活下去。 At this time, he is boiling down oneself fleshly body, prepares to cut that last slight defect! 此时,他在熬炼自己的肉身,准备将那最后一点瑕疵斩去! In the Foreign Territory hundred years, his spirit already reached the limit of Golden Body level, formidable cannot be strong, if were not worried that the fleshly body carrying/sustaining, by burned into ashes, he already will be attacked Sub Saint Dominion, without question. 异域百年,他的精神早已到了金身层次的极限,强大的不能再强,若非担心肉身承载不了,会被焚成灰烬,他早已冲击进亚圣领域,毫无问题。 In fact, is now, if his affiliation Human King Physique, recovers this blue blood, can enter Sub Saint Dominion ahead of time. 事实上,就是现在,如果他藉人王体,复苏这种蓝色血液,也能提前进入亚圣领域 However such appears imperfect, after all his real fleshly body also has the flaw, has not reached this altitude, when Great Dream Pure Land fights a decisive battle with small Saint Luo Yong he deeply realizes insufficient of fleshly body. 但是那样就会显得不完美,毕竟他真实的肉身还有缺陷,还不曾达到这个高度,在大梦净土跟小圣罗雍决战时他深深体会到肉身之不足。 Plundering Guide Breathing Method, fair and honest, gentle and mild, only had World of the Living to play the tremendous role according to the guess, since for all this, it also has been the basis that Chu Feng rises has been. 盗引呼吸法,中正平和,据猜测唯有到了阳间才能发挥巨大作用,尽管如此,它一直以来也是楚风崛起的根本所在。 At this time, his Yang Qi is full, even if environment ice-cold, Yang Qi that now absorbs is few, does not buy in anytime and anywhere, but, his practicing was also more violent than the past. 此时,他阳气十足,哪怕大环境冰冷,现在所吸收到的阳气很少,不是随时随地吸纳,但是,他的修行也比以往猛烈。 Chu Feng's fleshly body illumination, gradually is similar to a small Sun, Yang Qi and energy wrap the whole body, flushes the flesh and internal organs unceasingly, the injury healing. 楚风的肉身发光,渐渐的如同一轮小太阳,阳气与能量包裹全身,不断冲洗血肉与脏腑,伤势痊愈。 In addition, his each inch fleshly body was being boiled down, was nourished, is tenacious. 此外,他的每一寸肉身都在被熬炼,被滋养,坚韧起来。 Because, he has eaten Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, this is for specially is the person preparation of Golden Body level, several hundred hundred million universe coin, value expensive scary. 因为,他吃了一颗又一颗六道轮回丹,这是为专为金身层次的人准备的,数百亿宇宙币一颗,价值昂贵的吓死人。 Outside Evolver in abatement Major Sect, rogue cultivator of other Golden Body levels are very difficult to obtain one, but now he actually, when the sugar bean eats, chews, lower pharynx unceasingly. 除却大教中的进化者外,其他金身级的散修很难得到一颗,而现在他却将之当糖豆吃,不断咀嚼、下咽。 Chu Feng within the body divine glow is similar to a sharp sword, to/clashes from the flesh, is really scary, the golden energy is rich, lets him in Plundering Guide Breathing Method, gradually becomes sacred, dazzling. 楚风体内神芒如同利剑般,从肌肤冲出来,着实骇人,金色能量浓郁,让他在盗引呼吸法中,逐渐变得神圣起来,璀璨夺目。 Plundering Guide, steals Heavenly Mystery, steals the Order deep meaning, robs the root of Great Dao......” Chu Feng to talk to oneself, in the heart some clear(ly) became aware. 盗引,盗取天机,盗取秩序奥义,盗大道之根源……”楚风自语,心中有些明悟。 The evolution itself is the boat sailing against the current, Plundering Guide Breathing Method, adopts actively in the adverse circumstance, points to the essence, making him even more feel immeasurably deep of this breathing method. 进化本就是逆水行舟,盗引呼吸法,在逆境中采取主动,直指本质,让他越发感觉这门呼吸法的深不可测。 What a pity, in World of the Dead, it is throwing over a tissue throughout likely, some essential meaning cannot manifest. 可惜,在阴间,它始终像是披着一层薄纱,有些要义体现不出来。 Because, it was abstruse, was too formidable, regarding the request of cultivator high, Chu Feng is indistinct thought that some oneself places do insufficient good, for example the beforehand evolution, extremely the hooligan, is short of anything. 因为,它深奥了,也太强大了,对于修行者的要求过高,楚风隐约间觉得,自己有些地方做的不够好,比如以前的进化,太过野路子,欠缺一些什么。 don't tell me, only then enters World of the Living, can make it bloom the extraordinary splendor?” 难道真的只有进入阳间,才能让它绽放出异彩吗?” He talked to oneself, but quick calms the mind, at this time is not suitable thinks, starts to comprehend once more, revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, suddenly in the universe various energies were condensed to come, from dark energy of star light to universe. 他自语,不过很快又静心,此时不宜多想,再次开始参悟,运转盗引呼吸法,一时间宇宙中各种能量都被凝聚而来,从星光到宇宙中的黑暗能量。 Six Paths of Reincarnation pill who in addition he takes, the Chu Feng whole body color glow bursts out, circles the body the line, among his mouth and nose, like has Dragon Serpent in the turnover, in turnover world Order. 再加上他服食的六道轮回丹,楚风周身彩芒迸发,绕体而行,他的口鼻间,像是有龙蛇在进出,在吞吐天地秩序 Then, his outside the body clank called, that was one after another Order Divine Chain, appeared fuzzily, with his fleshly body must link. 接着,他的体外铮铮而鸣,那是一条又一条秩序神链,模糊地浮现,跟他的肉身要连接在一起。 This is becomes one step that Sub Saint must walk, communication world Order, with it blending, to the energy that institute has wielded is not only oneself, some incomplete deep meanings of world. 这是成为亚圣必须要走的一步,沟通天地秩序,与之交融,到了那一步所挥动的能量就不仅是自身的,还有天地的部分残缺奥义。 Arrived that time, said is really the law, kills one person when depend on the big strength of Heaven and Earth bang, seriously is too easy! 真到了那个时候,言出即法,挟大天地之力轰杀一人时,当真是太容易! Chu Feng swallowed dozens grains of Six Paths of Reincarnation pill successively, if there are other cultivator certainly to be here dumbfounded, creepy feeling, because this does not conform to the common sense. 楚风先后吞了数十粒六道轮回丹,如果有其他修炼者在这里一定会目瞪口呆,头皮发麻,因为这不符合常理。 Common Golden Body level powerhouse was enough, more than a time eat several words, that estimate must explode, cannot withstand. 寻常金身级强者一颗就足够了,一次多吃几颗的话,那估计就要爆炸,根本承受不了。 But now he is similar to Divinity, flesh golden yellow, even the five main internal organs (entrails) and bone are similar to the gold cast, was too brilliant, in addition the energy of other universe places welling up, in outside the body construction color light, he is even more sacred and formidable. 而现在他如同一尊神祇,肌肤金黄,甚至五脏六腑与骨头都如同黄金铸成,太绚烂了,再加上从宇宙其他地方涌来的能量,在体外构建彩光,他越发的神圣而强大。 Bang! 轰隆! Formidable blood energy comes in his within the body surges, sweeps across each inch body rapidly, the aura of whole person changed, that is cutting the completely final slight defect forcefully, lets him to the utmost. 一股强大的血气在他的体内翻腾开来,迅速席卷每一寸肌体,整个人的气息都变了,那是在强行斩尽最后的瑕疵,让他强到极尽。 Finally, Chu Feng felt similarly. 最后,楚风感觉差不多了。 Clenches teeth, starts to eat Sub Saint Level Medicinal Herb! 一咬牙,开始吃亚圣级药草 This days, his other harvest does not have, is evolution resources collection many of too, including auctioning an evening banquet needs the Sub Saint old medicine, some people willing to accept. 这段日子,他别的收获没有,就是进化资源搜集的太多,连拍卖一场晚宴都需要亚圣老药,有人愿意接受。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In Chu Feng's within the body, the thunder is thundering, in his outside the body, Order Divine Chain is shivering, with his body surface penetration, his energy aura is rising suddenly! 楚风的体内,雷霆在轰鸣,在他的体外,秩序神链在颤抖,跟他体表贯通,他的能量气息在暴涨! Also almost!” Chu Feng not anxiously breakthrough, but starts nourish fleshly body once more, boils down itself. “还差一点!”楚风没有急着突破,而是再次开始温养肉身,熬炼自己。 After long, his fleshly body even more formidable, golden yellow dazzling, and color light winds around, this is the Golden Body level arrives at the extreme, momentarily must break through, overruns this ridge. 很久之后,他的肉身越发的强大,金黄的刺眼,且彩光缭绕,这是金身层次到达极点,随时要破关,冲过去这道坎。 However, Chu Feng thinks improper, is unsatisfied, he wants to be stronger, before the hooligan, some flaws, he wants to make up in behind. 然而,楚风还是觉得不妥,不满意,他想要更强,以前过于野路子,有些缺陷,他想在后面弥补一些。 Earth has true dragon's lair, I am Domain Great Grandmaster, can definitely go, moreover can draw support from the mountains using the Domain method there, with the aid of dragon nest, realizes the sublimation of life level, carries on big Nirvana, swift and violent breakthrough.” “地球有个真龙巢穴,我是场域大宗师,肯定能进去,而且可以利用场域手段在那里借助山川,借助龙巢,实现生命层次的升华,进行大涅槃,迅猛突破。” However, Chu Feng thought some words waste that now goes, that place can only use one time, but now he can solve the problem by oneself, not suitable rash action true dragon's nest. 不过,楚风觉得现在去的话有些浪费,那种地方只能利用一次,而现在他靠自身就能解决问题,不宜妄动真龙巢 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Chu Feng take action, various god magnetism took out, will carve to fill the symbol, arranges in all around, arranges artificially. 楚风出手,将身上各种神磁祭出,都刻写满了符号,排列在四周,人为布置起来。 In a flash, the surrounding universe energy rich several fold continues, then he once more improves, until as boundless as several times, including Order rune crowded several times. 一瞬间,周围的宇宙能量浓郁数倍不止,接着他再次完善,直到磅礴到十几倍,连秩序符文都密集十几倍了。 Meanwhile, he took the Sub Saint Level old medicine once more, the body must explode! 同时,他再次服食亚圣级老药,身体都要爆炸了! Notice, he to not attack Sub Saint, now as in tenacious and firm boils down the Golden Body level fleshly body. 须知,他不是为了冲击亚圣,现在依旧在固执而坚定的熬炼金身层次的肉身 Must do achieves well, I want is not general Sub Saint fruition, but enters this Realm to rumble to kill these established Sub Saint, manages you to cultivate many years, evolves many year, same kills it!” “要做就做到最好,我要的不是一般的亚圣果位,而是进入这个境界就能轰杀那些老牌亚圣,管你修炼多少年,进化多少载,一样杀之!” The Chu Feng faith is firm, he does not think, because enters Sub Saint Realm, is in initial stage, but by one group of old fogies, was encircled and hunted and suppressed at Sub Saint of Great Perfection level. 楚风信念坚定,他不想因为才进亚圣境界,处于初期,而被一群老家伙,处在大圆满层次的亚圣围猎与压制。 Bang! 轰! After two days two nights, Chu Feng feels the Golden Body crack, soon scrap, but Plundering Guide Breathing Method lets him buzz prosperous, blood energy is dreadful, will be void many Order rune to touch. 两天两夜后,楚风感觉金身龟裂,即将炸碎,但是盗引呼吸法却又让他嗡隆一声,血气滔天,将虚空中许多秩序符文触及了一遍。 "Um? Ok! ” Chu Feng is accidental/surprised and joyful. “嗯?可以!”楚风意外而欣喜。 Touches these Order by blood energy, brand mark their aura, he suppresses Realm, transforms in the Golden Body level forcefully once more, boiled down once more, making him feel a terrifying aura. 血气触及那些秩序,烙印它们的气息,他压制境界,强行在金身层次再次蜕变,再次熬炼,让他感觉到了一股恐怖的气息。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Within the body big change, the skeleton, internal organs split, experiencing great war is more terrifying. 体内剧震,骨骼、脏腑等都裂开了,比经历一场大战都恐怖。 With Plundering Guide Breathing Method, holds an old medicine with the mouth, he immediately quickly restores to come, blood energy is dreadful. 凭着盗引呼吸法,凭着口中含着一株老药,他又在第一时间迅速恢复过来,血气滔天。 fleshly body has no time, already solved the final hidden danger, the shortcoming is not, is perfect and tenacious, can achievement Sub Saint!” 肉身无暇,早已解决最后的隐患,缺点不在,完美而坚韧,能够成就亚圣了!” In fact, far more than already fleshly body tenaciously had no time, before one day and one night he already exceeded the standard, at the present is promoting fleshly body forcefully, the suppression does not get down again. 事实上,何止早已肉身坚韧无暇,早在一天一夜前他就早已超过标准,而今是在强行提升肉身,再也压制不下去了。 Bang! 轰隆! The Chu Feng release, fleshly body exudes humming sound the sound, is filling clear brilliant appearance, the strenuous vibration, must push the collapsing universe to be void simply, the formidable aura erupts, carries on final one time to/clashes the pass/test, this is the action of fish dive ninth heaven/day! 楚风释放自我,肉身发出嗡嗡声,弥漫着晶莹的宝辉,剧烈震动,简直要挤塌宇宙虚空,强大的气息爆发开来,进行最后的一次冲关,这是鱼跃九天之举! Buzz, his body and universe shiver void together fiercely, to the light of dazzling Order. 嗡的一声,他的身体与宇宙虚空一同剧烈颤抖,冲起刺目的秩序之光。 The formidable aura blots out the sky, gathers to come from the universe likely, various Order symbols interweave, is similar to endless Heavenly Book sparkles here, finally crashes in Chu Feng's within the body completely. 强大的气息铺天盖地,像是从宇宙中聚集而来,各种秩序符号交织,如同无尽的天书在这里闪耀,最后全部冲进楚风的体内。 But in an instant, that type of formidable aura erupts from Chu Feng within the body, submerges this piece of space. 而刹那间,那种强大的气息又从楚风体内爆发开来,淹没这片宇宙空间。 This is Order, is blending with him. 这是秩序,在跟他交融。 Finally, fleshly body is the carrier, but the spirit can control some world rune, constructs Order Divine Chain, kills the match depend on the world divine might bang, easy. 最终,肉身将是载体,而精神可以掌控部分天地符文,构建秩序神链,挟天地神威轰杀对手,轻而易举。 However, at this moment, when Chu Feng achievement Sub Saint position, actually has not actually controlled with the spirit, but is eruption dreadful blood energy, goes with controlling Order with fleshly body. 然而,这一刻,楚风成就亚圣位时,却没有用精神却掌控,而是爆发滔天的血气,用肉身去跟掌控秩序 The road of fleshly body Sanctification he takes. 他走的肉身成圣之路。 He does everything possible, for become stronger, is stronger, in his opinion, fleshly body is not only the carrier, is fusion, control, digests these Order Divine Chain truly. 他想尽办法,就是为了变强,更强,在他看来,肉身不仅是载体,也是融合者,掌控者,真正消化掉这些秩序神链 Outside even/including universe small Saint Luo Yong in this road, but does he defeat Luo Yong, don't tell me cannot achieve? He must be stronger! 连外宇宙的小圣罗雍都在走这条路,而他击败罗雍,难道做不到吗?他要更强! Dreadful blood energy that he fills, binds everywhere Order symbol to return, fused one day and one night with the flesh of oneself, complete digestion. 他弥漫出的滔天血气,裹着漫天的秩序符号而归,跟己的血肉融合了一天一夜,全部消化。 His achievement Sub Saint position! 他成就亚圣位! Is weak, I must be stronger!” Chu Feng shouted. “还不够强,我要更强!”楚风喝道。 He senses the world nature once more, inspires secret power in universe starry sky, innumerable Order Divine Chain appear once more, blends with his fleshly body in the same place. 他再次感悟天地自然,引动宇宙星空中的秘力,无数的秩序神链再次浮现而出,跟他的肉身交融在一起。 Bang! 轰隆! He is wrapping with blood energy, complete absorption. 他又用血气包裹着,全部吸收。 This flesh digestion and smelts the Order symbol to be quite rapid, only passed quite a while he to succeed. 这次血肉消化与熔炼秩序符号较为迅速,仅过去半天而已他就成功了。 When third time wants so to do, he discovers too difficultly, only reluctantly succeeds. 当第三次想要这般做时,他发现太困难,仅勉强成功。 When the fourth time, Chu Feng was compelled to use Human King bloodline, is within the body too full, had the implication to fill Order including the skeleton, internal organs and flesh, was very difficult to collect are more. 第四次时,楚风被逼动用人王血脉,可是体内太“饱胀”,包括骨骼、脏腑、血肉都有蕴含满了秩序,很难收集更多。 Finally, he uses Human King bloodline, completes forcefully one time! 最后,他用人王血脉,强行完成一次! fleshly body is thorough, is unable to hold again, the Chu Feng whole body must explode likely generally, the strength is strong, felt that can grasp a moon single-handed, can hold up stars! 肉身彻底饱和,再也无法容纳,楚风浑身像是要爆炸了一般,力量强大无边,感觉能单手抓起一颗月亮,能举起一颗星辰! Sub Saint! 亚圣 Chu Feng enters this Dominion successfully, moreover is especially formidable, surmounts same Sub Saint initial stage Evolver, because, he wants can strike higher level Evolver's strength horizontally! 楚风成功进入这一领域,而且格外强大,超越同样亚圣初期进化者,因为,他要的就是能够横击更高层次进化者的实力! Especially, what he walks is the road of fleshly body Sanctification, will be more formidable. 尤其是,他走的是肉身成圣之路,会更强大。 „It is not good, the spirit must surmount!” “还不行,精神也要超越!” Bang! 轰隆! When Chu Feng gathers Order Divine Chain once more, his spirit runs out, boundless incomparable, gathers the full starry sky light of Order, by the spiritual strength absorption. 楚风再次聚集秩序神链时,他的精神冲出,磅礴无比,聚集满星空中的秩序之光,以精神力吸收。 Such does too dangerously, in fleshly body was saturated, but spiritual nourish in fleshly body, is like this easy to create the collision, causes the large explosion! 这么做太危险,肉身中已经饱和,而精神温养肉身中,这样容易造成碰撞,导致大爆炸! Generally speaking the people control Order by the spirit, by the fleshly body carrying/sustaining spirit, this is the road of normal Sanctification. 一般来说人们都是以精神掌控秩序,以肉身承载精神,这才是正常的成圣之路。 But now Chu Feng not only fleshly body Sanctification, but must walk one roads of other people, employs two methods to achieve one goal, must be Sub Saint this level the strongest condition! 而现在楚风不仅肉身成圣,还要走一遍其他人的路,双管齐下,要达到亚圣这个层次的最强状态! Bang! 轰隆! World just like at large explosion, even if Chu Feng's fleshly body and spiritual strong oddness, continuously presents the fissure in this time, by Order and other impacts must destroy simply. 天地宛若在大爆炸,哪怕楚风的肉身与精神都强的离谱,也在此时不断出现裂痕,被秩序等冲击的简直要毁灭了。 His another fills the old medicine to the mouth, is Sub Saint Level, they go home in Great Dream Pure Land defeats some Holy Son escorting obtained. 他一株又一株的向嘴里塞老药,都是亚圣级的,是在大梦净土中击败一些圣子后“护送”他们回家所得。 Buzz prosperous! 嗡隆! Arrived finally, the Chu Feng outside the body thunder, Divine flame has reached as high as hundreds of thousands of zhang (3.33 m), rune wait/etc. submerged this place, is similar to the mountain torrent is falling in torrents, was too terrifying. 到了最后,楚风体外电闪雷鸣,神焰高达数十万丈,符文等淹没此地,如同山洪在倾泻,太恐怖了。 His fleshly body wound healing, spirit even more full, spirit transformed into divine rainbow, void interweaves in this piece, catches Order Divine Chain, in continuous growth oneself. 他的肉身伤口愈合,精神越发的饱满,精神化成神虹,在这片虚空中交织,捕捉秩序神链,在不断壮大自身。 Bang! 轰隆! Finally, Chu Feng rises with a spring, face upwards long and loud cry, a fist bang puts on the universe to be void! 最终,楚风一跃而起,仰天长啸,一拳轰穿宇宙虚空! Is tranquil until him, his body clear like the jade, the shiny black long hair is bright, hangs to the waist border, he looks like only has the fifteen to sixteen years old appearance, is a beautiful youngster, is now his actually achievement Sub Saint position, moreover is not general Sub Saint! 直到他平静下来,他的肌体晶莹如玉石,黑亮长发光可鉴人,垂到腰际,他看起来只有十五六岁的样子,是一个偏偏美少年,可是现在他却成就亚圣位,而且不是一般的亚圣 This achievement shocks universe starry sky sufficiently! 这种成就足以震撼宇宙星空! I...... Went out!” “我……出关了!” Any starry sky Knight, any Xilin Clan, any Corpse Race, any Deity Race, you dare to jump, the complete bang kills it!” “什么星空骑士,什么西林族,什么尸族,什么天神族,你们敢跳出来,全部轰杀之!” These people still clamor in the starry sky now, making him visit to apologize, humiliates intentionally. Chu Feng sneers, the words that he must present, this time who will frighten whom? 这些人如今还在星空中叫嚣,让他登门谢罪,故意折辱。楚风冷笑,他真要出现的话,这一次谁会吓到谁? Some people also want to intercept him, does not make him go to Sub Immortal Clan to get married, these Sub Saint and these clan present old monster, if appears, is doomed to forsee the concomitant tragedy. 有人也想截杀他,不让他去亚仙族娶亲,这些亚圣、这些各族如今的老妖怪如果出现,注定要乐极生悲。 At this moment, in Star Sea uneasy is indeed static, many people were discussing the Sub Immortal Clan's matter, referred to Wu Lunhui whether dares to get married. 此刻,星海中的确不宁静,许多人都在谈论亚仙族的事,谈及吴轮回是否敢去娶亲。 "hē hē, does he also dare to appear? Previous time almost makes the person destroy completely, I dares affirm that he must withdraw, just went to the Sub Immortal Clan's words, will be killed on the road, any Demon Chu, any Divine King Chu, this time before fellow Sub Saint seniors, he is only an insect! ” “呵呵,他还敢出现吗?上一次差点让人灭掉,我敢肯定他要龟缩起来,真刚去亚仙族的话,会被打死在路上,什么楚魔头,什么楚神王,这次在各位亚圣前辈面前,他只是一条虫子而已!” Without a doubt, said that the person of this words and other with Netherworld Race, Xilin Clan, Corpse Race, Deity Race. 毫无疑问,说这种话的人跟幽冥族西林族尸族天神族等有关。
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