SR :: Volume #8

#742: Let Earth that Supreme Being spits blood

Deity Race, Spirit Race, Xilin Clan, Machine Race and other places, were almost attacked when same fierce, the foreign enemy invades on a large scale, suddenly killed frigidity, several Great Clan group direct descendant pitiful yell sounds continuously. 天神族灵族西林族机械族等地,几乎在同一时遭受凶猛攻击,外敌大举入侵,一时间被杀的惨烈,几大族群嫡系的惨叫声此起彼伏。 Too sudden, how many years, who has dared to kill to visit to attack them on own initiative? Today fights erupts suddenly, one crowd of Saint were sneak attacking, has gotten down the cruel methods. 太突然了,多少年了,有谁敢主动杀上门来进攻他们?今天战斗突然爆发,一群圣人在偷袭,下了狠手。 Several clans heavy, the blood light splashes, has the fearful massacre! 几族的重地,血光溅起,发生可怕的惨案! The relatively extraterrestrial fight, Uncle Ming is equal to opening the second war field, is of far-reaching influence, is doomed by various clans to be always remembered, many years cannot forget. 相对地球外的战斗,明叔等于开辟第二战场,影响深远,注定要被各族所铭记,多少年都忘不了。 Because, this is the war of subversion, place of decline, these many years later unexpectedly can instead kill, attacks first ten in a big way! 因为,这是颠覆之战,一片没落之地,时隔这么多年后居然能反杀,进攻前十大! This occasion, extraterrestrial, the fight reaches last act, was struck to kill to Fire Bird along with Nan Ming, almost nobody is willing to fight to the death in this place, is not worthwhile. 此际,地球外,战斗进入尾声,随着南明火雀被击杀,几乎没有人愿意在此地决一死战,真犯不上。 When this female at first then gives forewarning, this is they compels her take action, is courting death purely. 这个女子起初时便有言在先,这是他们逼她出手的,纯粹是在找死。 Everybody, the old man walks one first!” “各位,老夫先走一步!” Whiz, thumb in the universe pirate ran, direct without a trace. 嗖的一声,一位宇宙海盗中的巨擘跑了,直接无影无踪。 Mountain does not change the green water long class, said goodbye, I thought that the significance of life in this place, I did not go to the distant place to track down the evolution true meaning!” “各位青山不改绿水长流,就此别过,我觉得人生的意义不在此地,我去远方追寻进化真谛!” Some people such said, the face loyalty does not jump, suitable nature, very running away of literary arts. 有人这么说道,脸不红心不跳,相当的自然,很文艺的逃了。 Starry sky is so radiant and magnificent, your I am restless at this battle, really spoils the fun, this!” Some people run away to go crazily, does not return. “星空如此璀璨与瑰丽,你我却在此争斗不息,真是大煞风景,本座去也!”有人狂逃而去,头也不回。 People: „......” 众人:“……” People who across the universe, watches the live transmission are speechless, originally the powerhouse of Shining Upon All Heavens level also has the fear time, escapes in the speed of light unexpectedly. 宇宙各地,观看直播的人都无语,原来映照诸天级的强者也有害怕的时候啊,居然在光速遁。 Then is person who in Shining Upon All Heavens runs away, some oneself many people are also speechless. 便是映照诸天中逃遁的人,自身也有不少人无语。 fucking, does the coward, why want to run away?!” Some powerhouses cursed in secret, unstated criticism, but, this Supreme Being also ran in the end. 特么的,懦夫,为什么要逃?!”有强者暗中大骂,腹诽不已,但是,到头来他这位大能自己也跑了。 Others run away, he has not dared to stay behind, otherwise, was patted by two leaves of silver gateways directly rottenly, becomes bloody mud, is too pitiful. 别人都逃,他还真不敢留下,不然的话,直接被两扇银色门户拍烂,成为血泥,实在太凄惨。 Some people hate bitterly, expect too much, because he is supposing those present, if collaborates, even if this female is formidable, can extinguish her. 有些人痛心疾首,恨铁不成钢,因为他估摸着在场的人如果联手,哪怕这个女子再强大,也能灭她。 Does not have the means that the will of the people are simultaneous/uniform, does not come from the same clan, is guarding, who can be willing to make war with the fearful female who an originally can avoid? 没办法,人心不齐,不来自同一族,彼此间都在防备呢,谁会愿意跟一个原本可以避开的可怕女子开战? Therefore, in an instant, the person in extraterrestrial outer space ran away not to have, the rapidness that ran one by one, many people almost disappeared in an instant. 所以,转眼间而已,地球外太空中的人就逃没了,一个比一个跑的快,很多人几乎是刹那间就不见踪影。 However, what making some people be startled, this female is too overbearing, unexpectedly has not received the hand in light of this, but also is pursuing. 然而,让一些人吃惊的是,这女子太霸道,居然没有就此收手,还在追击。 Even if the established powerhouse, the each and every one name reveres to make ancestor many years, puts down the face, starts rapidness that who competes to run away, so long as compared with others quick then line, who falls behind who has bad luck! 哪怕是老牌强者,一个个称尊做祖很多年,也放下脸面,开始比赛谁逃的快,只要比别人快过一线就行,谁落后谁倒霉! Bang! 轰! Finally, the female halts instant, pounded the silver shutter. 最终,女子止步的刹那,将银色的门板砸出去了。 Some people are piercing the starry sky, wants to cross the universe directly, vanishes thorough, finally but actually big mildew. 有些人正在洞穿星空,想要直接横渡宇宙,消失个彻底,结果倒大霉。 For example, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Old Ancestor, although has been low-key, after arriving at Earth , being a willing worker person who takes the lead, is not observing and looks for the opportunity throughout in secret. 比如,刺天穹的老祖,虽然一直比较低调,来到地球后不肯做出头鸟,始终在暗中观察与寻找机会。 However, he stared unexpectedly, because he is a killer, is dark hunter, although previously was dormant, but crazy killing intent of heart deep place has existed, was hostile toward all on this planet, unexpectedly by that the female sensation that was condensed by spiritual strength. 但是,他居然被盯上,因为他是杀手,是黑暗狩猎者,早先虽然蛰伏,可心底深处的疯狂杀意一直存在,仇视这颗星球上的一切,竟被那由精神力凝聚的女子感知到。 dang! 当! He uses the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Supreme Treasure blood sword to prevent, flash, all over the body scarlet such as a Divine Sword collapsing section of magma, previously was broken by smashing with stone one section by the Yaoyao grandfather with great cauldron, now ruins the part, lets his heart in the drop blood. 他用刺天穹的至宝血剑阻挡,一刹那,通体赤红如岩浆的神剑崩断一截,早先就被妖妖的爷爷用大鼎砸断一截,现在又毁掉部分,让他心都在滴血。 Moreover, the matter has not ended, his frightened discovery, after the silver shutter pounds in the wormhole, pats on his body, making the old killer call out pitifully at the scene. 而且,事情还未完,他惊悚的发现,银色门板砸进虫洞中后,又拍在他的身上,让老杀手当场惨叫。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Finally, the scarlet remnant sword sends out the dazzling light, bringing his small half body to vanish, leaves behind the big piece same place blood mist. 最终,赤红的残剑发出刺目的光,带着他小半截躯体消失,原地留下大片的血雾 At the same time, Netherworld Race's Old Ancestor also in stuffy, in angry roaring, his mount Bone Dragon was struck to kill, at this time he also withstands the bombardment of another leaf of silver front door, by distant pounding, was exploded at the scene, the last group of blood essences are wrapping his soul, rips open the space, flees distressedly. 同一时间,幽冥族的老祖也在闷哼,在怒吼,他的坐骑骨龙被击杀,此时他自己也承受另一扇银色大门的轰击,被远远的砸中,当场爆开,最后一团血精包裹着他的灵魂,撕开宇宙空间,狼狈遁走。 The extraterrestrial great war conclusion, this female carried two leaves of silver front doors to return to Kunlun Mountains Abyss, vanished in light of this does not see. 地球外的大战结束,这个女子拎着两扇银色大门回归昆仑深渊,就此消失不见。 For a long time, the result that in the starry sky one silence, this fights is too astonishing, that crowd of Supreme Being ran, the rapidness that runs away one by one, making people really speechless. 好长时间,星空中都一片寂静,这一战的结果太惊人,那群大能都跑了,一个比一个逃的快,让人实在无言。 Naturally, people also knows, this is they intends to avoid, is not willing to knock, is not true runs away scared. 当然,人们也知道,这是他们有意避开,不愿死磕,并非真正的恐慌而逃。 Afterward, in the universe sweeps across storm, various clans are whooping, can Earth also be regarded as the place of decline? Cannot overlook absolutely at will. 随后,宇宙中席卷起一股风暴,各族都在议论纷纷,地球还能被看做没落之地吗?绝对不能随意俯视了。 On this ancient planet, presents three Shining Upon All Heavens unexpectedly! 这颗古老的星球上,居然出现三尊映照诸天者! The character of this progression, in the event of 3-4, that is similar to Deity Race and Netherworld Race, in addition Cauldron of Monster Ancestor this type can with Supreme Treasure that the universe first ten big weapons compare favorably with, this just like is a super ethnic group is rising, returns in the recovery! 这个级数的人物,一旦出现三四尊,那就跟天神族幽冥族相仿,再加上妖祖之鼎这种能跟宇宙前十大兵器媲美的至宝,这俨然是一个超级族群在崛起,在复苏归来! Once ranked in the universe the 11 th life source area, this wants the thorough homing!” “曾经在宇宙排位第11的生命源地,这是要彻底归位了!” This must take Deity Race simply, but generation it!” “这简直是要取天神族而代之!” Under the starry sky, various clans shocked, not having any ratio real success more persuasive, all Evolver none who does not shocked. 星空下,各族都震撼,没有什么比真实的战绩更具有说服力了,各方进化者莫不震撼。 Finally, Dark Blood Colosseum and Heavenspan Worm-hole Company this type ancient and top big plutocrat, their related appraisal departments give Earth once more brand-new rating. 终于,黑血角斗场通天虫洞公司这种古老而顶级的大财阀,他们的相关评估部门再次给予地球全新评级。 Earth true strength, most conservative estimate also in first 20!” “地球真正的实力,最保守估计也在前20内!” Perhaps, can rank first in 18!” “或许,可以排位前18内!” This is soars simply, two big organizations give the brand-new appraisal, raises the rank. 这简直是直线飙升,两大机构给予全新评价,上调等级。 This is because of Earth at the time of temporary shortage, the reason of Evolver fault/chasm, otherwise, if there is Evolver of large quantities of Golden Body level, many Sub Saint, some Ancient Saint, that can nearby ten big side by side! 这还是因为地球处在青黄不接的时代,进化者断层的原因,不然的话,如果有大批的金身层次的进化者,有不少亚圣,有一些古圣,那就可以跟前十大比肩! Their appraisals are quite on the other hand rigorous, simultaneously they also said, perhaps is too conservative, otherwise the rank of Earth will be higher. 他们的评价相对来说较为严谨,同时他们自己也说,或许太保守,不然的话地球的排位会更高。 Naturally, the rating organizations of these two big organizations are also persuasive, gives the viewpoint, said that the Yaoyao grandfather condition was unwarranted, but the mysterious female doubtful is only a traveler, not necessarily is Earth. 当然,这两大组织的评级机构也是让人信服的,给出观点,说妖妖的爷爷状态无保证,而神秘女子疑似只是过客,不见得属于地球。 They also consider these uncertainties. 他们将这些不确定因素也考虑进去。 Otherwise, looks at Earth high-end strength only today the most magnificent time, that is really the vision of severe blow person, after all gives dozen of remnants Deity Race! 不然,单看地球高端战力今日最辉煌的时刻,那实在是严重冲击人的视觉,毕竟将天神族都给打残! At this time, Holy Master leaves Earth quietly, aids Uncle Ming and the others, feared that they have an accident! 此时,圣师悄然离开地球,去接应明叔等人,怕他们出事! After all, one crowd of Shining Upon All Heavens level Evolver very much did not have the competition of moral integrity to escape a moment ago, all retreated. 毕竟,一群映照诸天进化者刚才可是很没节操的比赛逃跑,全都撤退了。 Some Holy Master enter in the starry sky quietly, immediately some enormous guarantee, he has carried Monster Ancestor great cauldron to go! 圣师悄然进入星空中,顿时有了极大的保证,他是拎着妖祖大鼎前往的! In fact, something Holy Master have not thought that Supreme Being that swarm of noisy crowds run compared with wants tenaciously many, is not true retreating that he imagines, but evades that and Earth is irregular the point of woman temporarily. 事实上,有件事圣师没有想到,那群一窝蜂跑路的大能比他想象的要坚韧不少,并不是真正的溃逃,只是暂避那个与地球“不相干”的女人的锋芒。 Finally, some large number of people came back, stands in the Solar System, is staring at Earth, is not really willingly. 最后,有相当一部分人又回来了,站在太阳系中,盯着地球,真的不甘心啊。 That woman disappears in Kunlun Mountains, should be dormant, sinks once more dormancy, so long as we do not annoy her to be good.” “那个女人消失在昆仑,应该是蛰伏,再次沉眠,我们只要不惹她就行。” Really is hateful, has provoked the old man, my palm of the hand racket breaks to pieces this planet, draws out Purgatory, swallows them!” “真是可恨啊,惹恼了老夫,我一巴掌拍碎这颗星球,引出炼狱,吞噬他们所有人!” Old friend, the abstention is hot-tempered, must make Purgatory be born, that will be the terrible disaster, the trim universe will have the disaster, your don't tell me has not looked at the record on unearthed prehistoric Stele, before our piece of universes, will have Yang Qi, only because of the Purgatory catastrophe, oh!” “老友,戒躁,真要让炼狱出世,那将是滔天大祸,整片宇宙都有大难,你们难道没看过出土的史前石碑上的记载吗,我们这片宇宙以前也是有阳气的,只因炼狱大祸啊,唉!” One group of people in extraterrestrial, in pupil flashes on and off erratically. 一群人在地球外,眸子中明灭不定。 Old man is really the air/Qi!” The old man really cannot bear, finds out big hand, wants to pat Earth to go really very much! “老夫真是气啊!”有一个老者实在忍不住,探出一只大手,真的很想拍进地球去! Stop, do not overdo it!” Immediately several people dissuade. “住手,别乱来!”顿时有几人劝阻。 Do not block me, making me leave the one breath!” That old man is furious, but, that palm actually does not dare to make an effort to press, but is very slow, light downward according to going. “别拦我,让我出一口气!”那个老者气哼哼,但是,那只手掌却是没敢用力压下去,而是很缓慢,轻飘飘的向下按去。 The people are speechless, saw that he does not dare, but was venting. 众人无语,看出他不敢,只是在发泄而已。 However, some people dissuade saying: Fellow Daoist, you are discrete and careful, do not pound a palm, annoys the catastrophe!” 不过,还是有人劝阻道:“道友,你还是谨慎与小心一些吧,别真砸下去一掌,惹出大祸!” That old man really a little cannot get out, red that finally the complexion suppresses, said: Might as well, I have the discretion.” 那个老者实在有点下不来台,最后脸色憋的通红,道:“无妨,我有分寸。” He was saying, that palm shook shook, but does not dare to fall, making other people even more think funny, he became angry out of shame, said: What smiles, thinks really I don't dare?” 他说着,那只手掌晃了又晃,可就是没敢落下去,让其他人越发觉得好笑,他恼羞成怒,道:“笑什么,真以为我不敢吗?” His xue has traced for quite a while, finally searches the next hand, in shrinking *** in Earth! 他踅摸了半天,最终探下一只手,在缩***近地球内! Fellow Daoist, be careful!” 道友,小心啊!” Dao Brother, you dare to act unreasonably really!?” 道兄,你真敢乱来!?” The old men are worried, said: I do not hit Kunlun Mountains, changes a place to vent anger casually!” 老者气闷,道:“我不打昆仑,换个地方随便出口气而已!” He looked for quite a while, looked for the block big desert in the western region of Earth Tibetan region, has pressed the palm, he thought, this bleak place should not have what mysterious cave mansion, is safest. 他找了半天,在地球藏区的西部地域找了块大沙漠,将手掌按了下去,他觉得,这种荒凉的地方应该没有什么神秘洞府,最安全。 In fact, he also feigns vitality/angry, the real situation is some wicked interests, if later said that can also bicker with the person, others ran away in fear, only has him to dare to slap Earth! 事实上,他也算是佯装生气,真实情况是有些恶趣味,以后若是说起来,也能跟人抬杠,别人都吓跑了,唯有他敢打地球一巴掌! However, when his palm of that reduction close to that golden deserts, the phenomenon occurred, everywhere is the other shore flowers, blue clear, but rose beautiful, likely is the vast expanse of water. 然而,就在他那缩小的手掌临近那片金色沙漠时,异象发生,遍地都是彼岸花,蓝的晶莹而瑰美,像是一片汪洋。 This is really changes suddenly greatly, was one piece bare, lacked the vitality a moment ago the big desert, finally his palm approached, immediately the shore flower bloomed, the blue fog filled the air. 这真是眨眼间大变样,刚才还是一片光秃秃、缺少生机的大沙漠,结果他的手掌才一临近,顿时边岸花开,蓝色雾霭弥漫。 His palm is stiff immediately in midair, felt that does not suit. 他的手掌顿时僵在半空中,感觉不对劲。 Because, how this scene sees how thinks familiar, conforms to some hearsay likely. 因为,这场面怎么看怎么觉得熟悉,像是符合某种传闻。 Quick, he alerts, fine body hair but is actually then vertical. 很快,他警醒,而后寒毛倒竖。 Day kills, I have done anything, I...... Annoys a piece of blue other shore flower, this was not the past universe flower of death, was accompanying the fearful legend!” “天杀的,我干了什么,我……惹出一片蓝色的彼岸花,这不是当年宇宙中的死亡之花吗,伴着可怕的传说!” The old men want to shout 'motherfucker', wants to pull out a oneself mouth, his palm backs up fast, wants withdraw. 老者想骂娘,更想抽自己一嘴巴,他的那只手掌快速倒退,就要收起来。 Fellow Daoist, your law harnesses to visit, has to lose welcomes, but also please make reparations.” In the big desert, the large expanse of blue other shore flower drags, broadcasts together the gentle sound. 道友,你法驾光临,有失远迎,还请赎罪。”大沙漠中,成片的蓝色彼岸花摇曳,传来一道平和的声音。 Now, let alone wants to pat a Lord of palm a moment ago, is other people also curses, really fantasy, in the legend did some possibility die ruthless stubble run Earth to come up? 现在,别说刚才想拍一掌的正主,就是其他人也都诅咒,真是活见鬼了,传说中某个可能殒落的狠茬子什么时候跑地球上来了? Extraterrestrial, returns to here Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse once more, many people with eating damned child, complexion that called an ugliness, that feeling is really the incomparable discomfort. 地球外,再次回到这里的映照诸天级强者,不少人都跟吃了死孩子似的,脸色那叫一个难看,那种感觉真是无比的难受。 These person really knows did not say any good, yes damn, unexpectedly annoys Great Demon on this planet simply! 这些人真是不知道说什么好,简直就是见鬼,居然在这颗星球上又惹出一尊大魔头来! Fellow Daoist, you are looked that I quite bully, wants to make war with me?” In the desert, among the blue other shore flowers broadcasts the sound. 道友,你们是看我好欺负吗,想要跟我开战?”沙漠中,蓝色彼岸花间传来声音。 outside territory, Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse: „......” 域外,映照诸天级强者:“……” They want to curse , was this but actually eight lifetime blood mildew? All things are not suitable, where did planet of this declining become? A casual racket palm of the hand, can pound a ruthless person, is makes the person spit blood simply! 他们真想诅咒,这是倒了八辈子血霉吗?诸事不顺,这颗破落的星球到底成什么地方了?随便拍一巴掌,都能砸出一个狠人,简直是让人吐血!
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