SR :: Volume #8

#741: Elegant demeanor peerless violence esthetics

Too violence, was too overbearing, a grace and talent peerless female, is so beautiful, but aggressive is actually carrying two silver great doors, such directly pats the powerhouse who Deity Race catches up with great speed rottenly, was gripped including Paramount Weapon! 太暴力了,也太霸道了,一个风华绝代的女子,如此美丽,可是却生猛地拎着两扇银色巨门,就这么将天神族火速赶来的强者直接拍烂,连究极兵器都被夹住! dāng dāng dāng...... 当当当…… deity blade, was known as that one of the universe first ten big weapons, the lethality is astonishing, nobody stimulates to movement, it also in independent big change, murderous aura trillion heavy! 天神刀,号称宇宙前十大兵器之一,杀伤力惊人,没有人催动,它也在自主剧震,杀气亿万重! All people are speechless, the innermost feelings shock. 所有人都无语,内心震撼。 Deity Race expert and Paramount Weapon unite, turn into eternal blade light to fly together, all people think that this is swift and fierce strikes, fatal killing incurs, how can expect, he with scurrying to bring death. 天神族高手究极兵器合一,化成一道永恒的刀光飞来,所有人都以为这是凌厉一击,是致命的杀招,怎能料到,他就跟上赶着送死似的。 The profound starry sky, ice-cold outside territory, the innumerable life planet each other great distance is infinite distance, distributes across the universe. 深邃的星空,冰冷的域外,无数的生命星球彼此相隔无穷远,分布在宇宙各地。 At this time, Evolver of various clans were shocked, the Shining Upon All Heavens tragic death, Deity Race expert holds in the universe one of the first ten big Paramount Weapon to come, was killed directly. 此时,各族的进化者都被震撼,映照诸天者惨死,天神族高手持宇宙中前十大究极兵器之一而来,被人直接打死。 Moreover, dying is so aggrieved, if battles normally, he dies is too miserable, whole person struck exploding falls, turns into bloody mud, shocking. 而且,死的那么憋屈,要是正常激战也就罢了,他死的太惨,整个人都被拍击的爆掉,化成血泥,触目惊心。 Deity Race mother star, many people when paying attention to extraterrestrial great war, when saw this ancient of this clan and others became dark at present, some people faint directly. 天神族母星,许多人一直在关注地球外的大战,当看到这一幕时该族的宿老等眼前发黑,有人直接昏死过去。 This attacks to this clan too in a big way, solemn first ten big, used the Sect Protecting weapon, finally let the photograph is to pat the fly kills directly! 这对该族打击太大,堂堂前十大啊,都动用镇教兵器了,结果让人像是拍苍蝇般直接打死! Some Deity Race's senior statesmen realized, their this clan road aheads were gloomy, has not revived thoroughly, since then moves toward the deterioration, this clan is doomed to decline. 天神族的一些元老意识到,他们这一族前路已经暗淡,还未彻底复兴,就从此走向衰败,该族注定要没落。 Old Ancestor Great Deity in clan, was hit to explode by the Yaoyao grandfather, has meant that their magnificence never to return, now has this matter. 族中的老祖大天神,被妖妖的爷爷打爆,就已经意味着他们的辉煌一去不复返,现在又发生这种事。 Their knows, Uncle Ming and other crowd of old Saint have not been approaching, soon will visit their heaviness, must perform the group wolf to bite the aspect of tiger! 他们还不知道,明叔等一群老圣人正在临近,即将踏足他们的重地,要上演群狼噬虎的局面! Universe Star Sea, each region vibrates greatly. 宇宙星海,各地大震动。 Today is doomed by all people always remembered, Earth of decline, jumps out mysterious Supreme Being one after another, must be perplexed various clans simply! 今天注定要被所有人铭记,没落的地球,接连跳出神秘大能,简直要将各族打蒙! The Yaoyao grandfather, after all era once had also made an appearance, but, who this woman is, where comes? The graceful bearing is peerless, overbearing boundless. 妖妖的爷爷也就罢了,毕竟上古时代曾经露过面,可是,这个女人是谁,从哪里来的?风姿绝世,霸道无边。 hee-haw hee-haw, this war is really splendid peerless, the dragon wars, the tiger battles, heaven and earth turning upside down......” Old Donkey expresses the view in Beast Source Platform, the spittle flies horizontally, illustrated to all people, finally the summary speech, said: „The above is the idle talk, actually only used one move to pat the dead Deity Race giant, knows he dies? The head had been clamped by the gate, so is dead!” 儿啊儿啊,这一战真是精彩绝伦,龙争虎斗,天翻地覆……”老驴原兽平台发表看法,唾沫星子横飞,给所有人解说,最后总结性发言,道:“以上都是废话,其实只用了一招就拍死天神族巨头,知道他怎么死的吗?脑袋被门夹了,就这么死的!” At first, people also in doubt, but more listens is not the taste, particularly the troops of Deity Race department to finally simply are speechless, too dirty person. 起初,众人还在狐疑,可是越听越不是味,尤其是天神族系的人马到最后简直是无语,太埋汰人了。 Old Donkey goes all out the propaganda, said: hee-haw hee-haw, please always remember this moment, the Deity Race Supreme Being head is clamped flatly by the gate, like this dies a violent death.” 老驴卖力宣传,道:“儿啊儿啊,请铭记这一刻,天神族大能脑袋被门夹扁,这样死于非命。” On this day, is dark regarding the deity, is the shame, Abyss that the trend degenerates, the Shining Upon All Heavens level character connects die, this clan felt that the piercing chill in the air raids, raised the head to look up to the sky to be gloomy. 这一天,对于天神而言是黑暗的,是耻辱的,走向堕落的深渊,映照诸天级人物接连殒落,该族感觉到刺骨的寒意袭来,抬头仰望天空都是灰暗的。 In recent years, they slaughter Barbarian Race, annihilates planet, goes on an expedition innumerably, thinks that abatement first nine big outside, they are invincible, how can expect to crash so swiftly and violently and suddenly. 这些年来,他们屠杀蛮族,击灭星球,征战无数,原以为除却前九大外,他们是无敌的,怎能料到崩盘是如此的迅猛与突然。 great war is still continuing! 大战还在继续! Extraterrestrial, this female white clothing flap flap, the surroundings are the enemy blood, two leaves of silver gateways clamp that silver long blade to vibrate suddenly. 地球外,这个女子白衣猎猎,周围都是敌血,两扇银色门户夹着那口银色长刀在猛然震动着。 deity blade wants to fly away, has the prestige energy that not measures, independent illumination, even there is a fearful roar! 天神刀想飞走,拥有莫测的威能,自主发光,甚至有可怕的吼声! Arrived finally, a golden big hand appeared in hilt there towering, wants to draw out the long blade, this is very strange, is very sudden, making the surrounding person be startled. 到了最后,一只金色的大手突兀地出现在刀柄那里,想要拔出长刀,这很诡异,也很突然,让周围的人吃惊。 Summon deity...... Who is this is summoning?” The Netherworld Race's old monster narrows the eye, draws back draws back again, he sprouted to draw back intent, wants to leave. “召唤天神……这是谁在召唤?”幽冥族的老怪物眯起眼睛,一退再退,他已经萌生退意,想要离开。 Other people are also astonished, the so-called summon deity and deity take possession, is Taboo of this clan gives up study, is displaying including Great Deity, but where summoned? 其他人也都惊异,所谓召唤天神、天神附体等,乃是该族的禁忌绝学,连大天神都在施展,可是从哪里召唤而来? But who at this moment is also summoning? 而此刻又是谁在召唤? Is deity blade is summoning!” A person whispered, perceived clear and bright. “是天神刀自己在召唤!”一人低语,明锐觉察到。 Bang! 轰! At this time, the void sudden collapse, a huge golden sole appeared inexplicably, was boundless and terrifying, a sole generally was high with his Shining Upon All Heavens powerhouse, shocks world. 这时,虚空突然塌陷,一只巨大的金色脚掌莫名浮现,磅礴与恐怖,一只脚掌而已就跟他映照诸天的强者一般高,震撼世间。 Entire universe knows does not have many people to stare, is watching the live transmission, sees this dumbfounded secretly. 全宇宙也不知道有多少人在盯着,都在观看直播,见到这一幕后都傻眼。 In fact, battlefield nearby Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse is also startled, pupil contraction, is this person who where comes? 事实上,战场附近的映照诸天级强者也都在吃惊,瞳孔收缩,这是哪里来的人? Quick, they realized, this is not complete lifeforms, but is similar to some people are summoning likely intensely, uses the summon deity Taboo big method. 很快,他们意识到,这不是一个完整的生物,而像是如同有人在强烈呼唤,施展召唤天神禁忌大法。 Manifestation of this Deity Race secret technique! 天神族秘术的体现! deity blade is shivering, is thundering, blade light trillion heavy, must run out of impediment of silver front door, cuts to kill the female, then flies away. 天神刀在颤动,在轰鸣,刀光亿万重,要冲出银色大门的阻挡,去斩杀女子,而后飞走。 Bang! 轰! Another golden big foot appearance, treads directly toward the female! 又一只金色的大脚出现,向着女子直接踏去! Then, There is still one huge golden color fist also passes through void, the bang kills to that female. 接着,还有一个巨大的金色拳头也贯穿虚空,轰杀向那女子。 A little meaning!” The female white clothing dances in the breeze, loosens that blade, and evades the operation glow, copes that golden big foot and fist. “有点意思!”女子白衣飘舞,松开那口刀,并且避开刀芒,去对付那金色的大脚与拳头等。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The silver ray rises suddenly, when this to front door she waves, the day wind is enormous and powerful, the universe starry sky shivers, her overbearing bang on golden big foot and fist. 银色光芒暴涨,这对大门被她舞动起来时,天风浩荡,宇宙星空颤动,她霸道的轰在金色的大脚与拳头上。 Everybody, what also waits for? Our also take action!” Nan Ming does not dare to open the mouth to Fire Bird directly, but uses spiritual sound transmission in secret, summoned the people on neat. “各位,还等什么?我们也出手!”南明火雀没敢直接开口,而是暗中用精神传音,号召众人齐上。 He did not dare the drivehead, feared that stared by this woman. 他不敢打头了,怕被这女人盯上。 However, he thinks secret that makes, but that female has actually swept his one eyes, has completely understood likely, making his heart send coolly, is beating a drum. 然而,他自以为做的隐秘,可是那女子却扫了他一眼,像是看透了,让他心底都在发凉,在打鼓。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, golden big foot or fist, was hit to explode by the female, turns into the energy flowing light, is defeated and dispersed in the universe. 就在这时,无论是金色的大脚还是拳头等,都被女子打爆,化成能量流光,溃散在宇宙中。 However, deity blade is very strange, the zero forward velocity operation, whiz reduces from hundreds of thousands of heads to all of a sudden being similar to the meson, then the golden light blasts out, must vanish directly. 但是,天神刀很诡异,原地旋转,嗖的一声从数十万里长一下子缩小到如同介子,而后金光炸开,就要直接消失。 The females lift the hand to grasp to there, however, one crowd of Supreme Being also moved, is fighting, wants to seize this to place the first ten weapons in the universe, once will have the strength to rise suddenly. 女子抬手就向那里抓去,然而,一群大能也动了,全都在争抢,想要夺到这口在宇宙排名前十的兵器,一旦拥有实力将暴涨。 The females were blocked short, and universe most deep place transmits a fluctuation, bang, opens superior grade wormhole, this deity blade flushed. 女子短暂被阻,且宇宙最深处传来一股波动,轰的一声,开启一条超级虫洞,这天神刀冲进去了。 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Has Supreme Being to search the hand, some people cross void, but also some people open the god eyes, careful staring. 大能探手,也有人横渡虚空,还有人睁开神眼,仔细凝视。 Coordinate is...... Broken Universe in chaos!” Some person of suck in a cold breath, first deduce, that wormhole to lead to universe Wasteland's border, enters in the chaos. “坐标是……混沌中的残破宇宙!”有人倒吸冷气,第一时间推演出,那虫洞通向宇宙边荒,进入混沌中。 The females receive the hand, talked to oneself: A little way, not knows past Exiled Immortal Nest, Chaotic Divine Demon Palace, Amitabha Temple wait/etc. whether also in chaos.” 女子收手,自语道:“有点门道,不知道当年的谪仙巢混沌神魔宫弥陀寺等是否还在混沌中。” The Shining Upon All Heavens level characters on the scene are silent, look out universe Wasteland's border. 在场的映照诸天级人物都沉默,遥望宇宙边荒 At this moment, across the universe seethes with excitement, long before some people had mentioned, Deity Race, Dao Race, Monster Race and other ancestors, possibly come from Broken Universe in chaos. 这一刻,宇宙各地则沸腾,很早以前就有人提及过,天神族道族妖族等祖先,可能来自混沌中的残破宇宙 Now, looked that this sign has the possibility. 现在,看这个迹象真有可能。 First ten big may come from the chaos really that piece of Broken Universe, there wants vast many times compared with our piece of universes.” “前十大真有可能来自混沌中那片残破宇宙,据悉,那里比我们这片宇宙要浩瀚很多倍。” In Star Sea, innumerable Evolver are discussing. 星海中,无数进化者在热议。 Hearsay, first ten big cannot believe firmly whether oneself ancestor came from the ancient universe in chaos, has the evidence and clue until the recent antiquity.” “传闻,前十大自己都不能确信自己的祖先是否来自混沌中的古老宇宙,直到近古才有证据与线索等。” You said that deity blade should not be will enter in the chaos so-called Deity Palace?!” “你们说,那天神刀该不会是进入混沌中所谓的天神宫了吧?!” Some people make the association, immediately suck in a cold breath. 一些人做出联想,顿时倒吸冷气 Naturally, some people proposed that various suppositions, since recently the World of the Living's view mention again, some people was thought across the chaos, may approach World of the Living! 当然,也有人提出各种假设,最近以来阳间的说法被人一而再的提到,有人认为穿过混沌,有可能会接近阳间 Bang! 轰! great war is still opening, the extraterrestrial fight had not ended, the female white clothing flap flap, stares at Nan Ming to leave Fire Bird, has killed directly. 大战还在开启,地球外的战斗并未结束,女子白衣猎猎,盯上南明火雀,直接就杀了过去。 Moreover, she carries folding doors to overrun, even if the white clothing leaves the dust, the elegant demeanor is peerless, but such overruns now also makes the person be scared. 而且,她是拎着两扇门冲过去的,哪怕白衣出尘,风采绝世,可是现在这么冲过去也让人发毛。 Fellow Daoist helps me!” Nan Ming yelled to Fire Bird, it exhausts ability, preys, is impossible to sit waiting for death. “各位道友助我!”南明火雀大叫,它竭尽所能,进行搏杀,不可能坐以待毙。 However, at this moment, when the people noticed when this female carries the shutter is flushing, only then a response, that avoids, even some people run away. 然而,这一刻,当人们看到这个女子拎着门板冲过来时只有一个反应,那就是躲开,甚至有人逃遁。 This is such as evades the god of plague simply, no one wants to mess with on. 这简直是如避瘟神,谁都不想沾惹上。 Arrived the present, they understand finally, this female does not want to make war with them, in the Earth training, was compelled doubtful by them. 到了现在,他们总算明白,这女子原本不想与他们开战,疑似在地球修养,是被他们硬逼出来的。 She has killed three big powerhouses, is treading Deity Race, legendary beast and Bone Dragon three expert corpses, had proven her fearful elegant demeanor, who is willing dead to knock with her? 她已经击毙三大强者,踏着天神族梼杌骨龙三位高手的尸体而过,证明了她的可怕风采,谁愿意跟她死磕? Because, can definitely avoid with her fight, so long as no longer disturbs her, can live in peace with each other mostly. 因为,跟她的战斗完全可以避免,只要不再打扰她,多半可以相安无事。 Nan Ming to the Fire Bird tragedy, he discovered that oneself got rid, nobody goes forward, these people are all retroceding, even is escaping. 南明火雀悲剧了,他发现自己被人抛弃,没有一个人上前,那些人全都在后退,甚至在逃跑。 Even if relates the good several people with him, in giant for universe pirate, ran not to have the shadow. 哪怕跟他关系不错的几人,同为宇宙海盗中巨头,也都跑没影了。 He wants to shout abuse, who said that Shining Upon All Heavens level Evolver cannot get angry, does not have the temperament, disappears the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures? He thinks the family members and ancestors of warm greeting these people! 他真想破口大骂,谁说映照诸天进化者就不能发火,就没有脾气,就泯灭七情六欲?他想亲切问候那些人的家人、祖上! "Ah...... ” Nan Ming bellows to Fire Bird, goes all out thoroughly, changes to a fiery red god bird, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Between Heaven and Earth, the soaring head, the emitting regular roaring flame, releases the strength of Order, life and death preying. “啊……”南明火雀大吼,彻底拼命,化作一头火红的神雀,纵横天地间,高昂头颅,喷吐规则烈焰,释放秩序之力,生死搏杀。 Was a pity very much, he at all is not a match, bang, the female disregards his attack, a shutter racket falls, his bone that pounds breaks the muscle booklet, flies horizontally, the whole body was the blood, Order rune is shaken the powder, the bone broke not knows many roots. 很可惜,他根本不是对手,砰的一声,那女子无视他的进攻,一门板拍落下来,砸的他骨断筋折,横飞出去,全身是血,秩序符文被震散,骨头断了不知道多少根。 ! 噗! Then, another leaf of shutter also pounds to fall, Nan Ming was hit to explode to Fire Bird, blood splashing starry sky, tragic death here, very aggrieved. 接着,另一扇门板也砸落下来,南明火雀被打爆,血溅星空,惨死在这里,非常的憋屈。 Across the universe shocks, innumerable people was vibrated. 宇宙各地震撼,无数人大受震动。 The people have a premonition, the rank of Earth must rise dramatically mostly! Left a whole body is the monster that black grew hair, now came a fierce female, was one by one ruthless! 人们预感到,地球的排位多半要飙升!出了一个浑身是黑色长毛的怪物也就罢了,现在又来了一个厉害的女子,一个比一个狠! Deity Race should drop in a big way first ten, breaks myth that first ten will never crash, but Earth can don't tell me crush into first in ten?!” 天神族应该会跌落出前十大吧,打破前十永不坠落的神话,而地球难道要生生挤进前十内?!” Some people were whispering, the feeling was inconceivable, Earth has not recovered, native Evolver was on the other hand small and weak, is the present brilliant achievement one after another, across startled Star Sea is unable to be tranquil, seethes with excitement. 有些人在低语,感觉不可思议,地球还没有复苏完毕,本土进化者相对来说非常弱小,可是现在辉煌战绩一桩接一桩,惊的星海各地都无法平静,沸腾起来。 At this time this occasion, Uncle Ming has led one crowd of old Saint to throw Deity Race heavily, shouting: Confiscates family's property, the youngest brothers should not be impolite, like anything taking, everybody on, the manages suffices to guarantee all one wants to eat together!” 此时此际,明叔已经带领一群老圣人扑进天神族重地,喊着:“抄家,老兄弟们别客气,喜欢什么就拿吧,大家一起上,管够管饱!” Meanwhile, Spirit Race, Machine Race, Xilin Clan and other places have the same matter, astonishing are performing. 同时,灵族机械族西林族等地也在发生同样的事,惊人的一幕幕正在上演。 Naturally, before beginning, the first matter that they do ruins the inter-satellite network of this region, making several big mother star isolate with the outside, does not want to be detected, wants to strive for enough time looting to suffice. 当然,在动手前,他们做的第一件事就是毁掉这片区域的星际网络,让几大母星跟外界隔绝,不想被人发觉,想要争取到足够的时间洗劫个够。
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