SR :: Volume #8

#743: Conquers by killing Deity Race mother star

Drinks the mouth cold water to stick between the teeth, eats the root icicle to stimulate the nest...... Is the mildew transports simply is encumbered, all things are not suitable, this is they today the most direct experience. 喝口凉水都塞牙,吃根冰棍都能戳心窝子……简直是霉运缠身,诸事不顺,这就是他们今天最直接的体会。 Was this antiquity is hit remnant Earth? Is this also place of decline? The extraterrestrial Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouses must spit up blood, this experience makes their faces black like the bottom of the pot. 这还是上古被打残的地球吗?这还算是一片没落之地吗?地球外的映照诸天级强者都要呕血了,这种经历让他们脸黑如锅底。 , Has again unceasingly pleasantly surprised! 一而再啊,不断有“惊喜”! Now, most restless and awkward was the take action old man was naturally peaceful a moment ago, his being in charge has not withdrawn, there, was really in a dilemma stiffly. 现在,最为不安与尴尬的自然是刚才出手的老者安生,他的掌印还没撤走呢,僵在那里,真是进退维谷。 Although wants to shout 'motherfucker' at heart, but in his surface is bringing smiling, said: Fellow Daoist was polite, work your honorable self do not greet, my this does not disturb you to cultivate carefully clear, the old man retreats now.” 虽然心里想骂娘,但是他面上却带着笑,道:“道友客气了,不劳你大驾迎接,我这是不小心打扰你清修,老夫现在就退走。” That please make reparations.” In the desert, the blue other shore flower shakes, spreads hears the temperate sound. “那就请赎罪吧。”沙漠中,蓝色彼岸花摇动,传出闻温和的声音。 What?!” Enhances the sound peacefully, previously the opposite party said, has to lose welcomes, but also please make reparations, he also thought to misunderstand, thought that should forgive. “什么?!”安生提高声音,早先对方说,有失远迎,还请赎罪,他还以为听错了,觉得应该是恕罪。 Has not thought, this also really must make him make reparations, was really the legend flower of that death! 没有想到,这位还真是要让他赎罪啊,果然是传说中的那株死亡之花! Old man, apologized to Fellow Daoist, says goodbye.” His palm contracts in extremely fast, must vanish from here. “老夫,给道友赔礼,就此别过。”他的手掌在极速收缩,就要从这里消失。 However, rustle the sound transmits, the blue other shore flower blooms, the fog is dim, space deep blue of solar Shining Upon, the rich blue bad fog covers this place, imprisons that hand. 然而,沙沙的响声传来,蓝色彼岸花绽放,雾霭朦胧,将天上的太阳都映照的一片湛蓝,浓郁的蓝色大雾覆盖此地,禁锢那只手。 Comes out, gives me...... Comes out!” outside territory, the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse makes an effort to pull out that hand peacefully, he felt that quite resentful, this catches a fish by hand with the hand simply likely, finally by the old sea turtle biting, refused stubbornly to let go with one's mouth. “出来,给我……出来!”域外,映照诸天级强者安生用力抽那只手,他感觉相当的愤懑,这简直像是用手摸鱼,结果被老鳌给咬住了,死不撒嘴啊。 Fellow Daoist, has the words saying that does the arranging for an interview old man stop doing to be good?” Lowers the stance peacefully. 道友,有话好说,先容老夫抽手回来可好?”安生放低姿态。 The Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouses who surroundings, these come together are speechless, then simultaneously makes a response, that is whiz whiz whiz backs up, does not think a turbid water. 周围,那些同来的映照诸天级强者都无语,而后同时做出一个反应,那就是嗖嗖嗖倒退出去,不想蹚浑水。 Below blue other shore flower drags, does not have what response, locking is peaceful, keeping his hand from pulling out leaves, what is more fearful, has imprisoned his some soul energies, locks in that arm. 下方蓝色彼岸花摇曳,没有什么回应,锁定安生,让他的那只手无法抽离,更为可怕的是,禁锢了他部分灵魂能量,锁在那条手臂中。 If the flesh, peaceful direct rejection, has lost face loses face, but soul flaw that is more serious, was equal to that caused heavy losses. 如果是血肉,安生直接舍弃就算了,丢脸就丢脸,可是灵魂缺失的话那就严重多了,等于被重创。 „When old man explores the vestige, discovers nine revolutions of Golden Core furnaces, although takes was similar, but also some, gives Fellow Daoist to work as the gift on first meeting.” “老夫探索遗迹时,发现九转金丹一炉,虽然服用的差不多了,但还有一些,送给道友当见面礼。” Welcome Fellow Daoist to discuss next time again, fortunate meeting.” Other shore flower opens the mouth, a very polite appearance. “欢迎道友下次再来论道,幸会。”彼岸花开口,一副很客气的样子。 Whiz, takes back the palm peacefully, is having the smiling face of becoming stiff, if this is others he definitely is ready to go to war, but this is the other shore flower in legend, this old demon ominous was too abundant in the past, many people do not dare to provoke. 嗖的一声,安生收回手掌,带着发僵的笑容,这如果是别人他肯定不惜一战,可这是传说中的彼岸花,这个老魔头当年凶名太盛,没多少人敢招惹。 It is reported that before he in the past at the point of death, draws in many enemies to start off together, after this is goes crazy, including the ruthless stubble that oneself body dares to explode. 据悉,他当年临死前,拉上多位对头一同上路,这是一个发狂后连自己身体都敢爆掉的狠茬子。 Who can think, this old demon is also living, moreover takes root in Earth evidently, few people dare dead to knock with him really! 谁能想到,这个老魔头还活着,而且看样子在地球扎根,真没有几人敢跟他死磕! It is said that initially spends great war with the other shore also had in Broken Universe the Chaotic Divine Demon descendant, finally was given to kill by him actually! 据说,当初跟彼岸花大战的还有残破宇宙混沌神魔的后代,结果硬是被他给干掉! Unlucky!” Peaceful such talked to oneself in secret, he rather suffers a shutter, is not willing to become enemies with this old demon. “晦气!”安生暗中这么自语,他宁愿挨一门板,也不愿意跟这种老魔头结仇。 Because, he should be able to live self-confidently by a that female shutter, so long as does not continue by the shutter and that's the end, but pesters with this other shore flower, that definitely does not have the good end, the flower of death was not white call. 因为,他自信挨那女子一门板应该能活下来,只要不继续挨门板就是了,可是跟这彼岸花纠缠起来,那肯定没好下场,死亡之花可不是白叫的。 Fellow Daoist said goodbye, the old man went!” Turned around to run peacefully, did not have the face to stay. 道友就此别过,老夫去也!”安生转身就跑了,真没脸呆下去了。 Nearby, has the acquaintance of Shining Upon All Heavens level to coerce him, said: old secure your this leaves, do not vent anger here?” 附近,有映照诸天级的熟人挤对他,道:“老安你这就离开,你原本不是要在这里出口气吗?” Life is so happy, you like this are hot tempered, Realm is too low, does not understand in this true meaning, the old man goes, this world is hopeful, looked forward to, the poem and distant place, walk!” “人生如此美好,你们却这样暴躁,境界太低,不懂此中真谛,老夫去也,这世间还有希望,还有憧憬,还有诗与远方,走也!” He ran, does not have shadow instant. 他跑了,刹那没影。 The people are speechless. 众人无语。 In fact, the Earth war completely ended, other Supreme Being also flee, does not need to stay. 事实上,地球战事彻底结束,其他大能也都遁走,没有必要呆下去了。 A casual racket desert, can make other shore to spend, if hits holds Mount Tai, bang fist Dragon Tiger Mountain, day knows can jump da to leave other any things. 随便拍一下沙漠,都能打出一个彼岸花来,要是打一掌泰山,轰一拳龙虎山,天知道会不会蹦跶出什么其他东西来。 Earth this pool of water is too deep, making the person be scared. 地球这池水太深,让人发毛。 Naturally, in their hearts believes, Earth should not have the monster that other heal from a wound, some impossible that many travelers. 当然,他们心中相信,地球应该不会有其他养伤的怪物了,不可能有那么多过客。 But, at present person of discovery has made them dread, was sufficed, this place had no way to hit again. 可是,就眼前发现的人就已经让他们忌惮,受够了,这地方没法再打了。 planet, four Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouses assume personal command, what concept is this? First ten big last Deity Race could not compare, most minimum duel words, Great Deity was killed. 一颗星球,四位映照诸天级强者坐镇,这是什么概念?前十大最后一名天神族都比不了,最起码单挑的话,大天神都被弄死了。 Since is unable to fight to attack and capture Earth, that run to well. 既然无法一战攻克地球,那就是跑路为好。 They have the person of foot, if were stopped up, or extinguishes their posterity to go, their mother star definitely cannot preserve. 他们也是有根脚的人,万一被人堵住,或者灭他们的子孙后代去,他们的母星肯定保不住。 At this time, in the starry sky rushed out of the nest, the major platforms were similar to the boiling water in copper cauldron, a piece clamored, noisy. 这时,星空中炸窝,各大平台如同铜鼎中的沸水般,一片喧哗,吵吵嚷嚷。 All people were startled, planet four are Shining Upon All Heavens, leave alone the native places, but there indeed is dwelling now such four fierce people, who dares to refuse to accept? 所有人都被惊到,一颗星球四位映照诸天,别管是不是本土的,但如今那里的确栖居着这样四个猛人,谁敢不服? „The words of whose indignation, some you do not hit to look to me, had not looked that likes the old person in poem and distant place, saw that the other shore flower travelled directly!” “谁不忿的话,有种你打过去给我看一看,没看那个喜欢诗与远方的老人家吗,看到彼岸花直接就跑路了!” Earth...... Rose, gives them the time, this is must be in charge of first ten in a big way!” “地球……真的崛起了,给他们时间,这是要入主前十大啊!” Is some old monsters is sighing, no one has thought that ancient planet will jump fourth Supreme Being! 就是一些老怪物都在叹息,谁都没有想到,那颗古老的星球会跳出来第四尊大能 The situation wanted tranquilly, may finally after the Yaoyao grandfather and mysterious female, comes a ruthless person, this made all old fogies speechless. 原本事态都要平静了,可结果继妖妖的爷爷、神秘女子后,又来一个狠人,这让所有老家伙都无语了。 At this time, the people are paying attention, Earth this rank can rise dramatically many. 此时,人们在关注,地球这次的排名能飙升到多少。 We decided, raises Earth to place in this, we thought consistently, it most at least can rank in tenth to the 13 th this range.” “我们决定,在此上调地球排名,我们一致觉得,它最起码可以排位在第十到第13这个范围内。” Dark Blood Colosseum makes such adjusting wage levels. 黑血角斗场做出这样的调级。 We believe, Earth could return to 11 th, even tenth, is certainly worst also Heavenspan Worm-hole Company also revises in 12 th”. “我们认为,地球或许可以重归第11位,甚至第十位,当然最差也在第12位”通天虫洞公司也进行修正。 However, in the universe various clan Evolver many people do not approve, after Earth presents fourth Supreme Being, making people feel that the water is too deep, looks airtight. 不过,宇宙中各族进化者很多人不认可,自地球出现第四尊大能后,让人感觉水太深,一眼望不透。 Many people believe, Deity Race had been finished, can definitely be displaced by Earth, most minimum high-end strength was swept away! 许多人认为,天神族完蛋了,完全可以被地球取而代之,最起码高端战力被横扫掉了! Everybody, we in line with the long-term perspective, as well as the strategic perspective of sustainable development weigh.” The person explanation of Dark Blood platform. “各位,我们是本着长远眼光,以及可持续发展的战略高度来衡量的。”黑血平台的人解释。 They believe that four Supreme Being on Earth, is reasonable then Holy Master, other three people, some act like a madman, some are only the travelers, momentarily will vanish. 他们认为,地球上的四位大能,也就一个圣师还靠谱,其他三人,有的疯疯癫癫,有的只是过客,随时会消失。 In addition, in the long run, Earth will not have the appropriate reliver for a long time. But Deity Race and Netherworld Race foundation is solid, perhaps soon, will have new Shining Upon All Heavens level Supreme Being to appear! 此外,长远来看,地球很长时间内都不会有合适的接替者。而天神族幽冥族底蕴深厚,也许用不了多久,就会有新的映照诸天大能出现! In addition, Deity Race's Paramount Weapon flew away, enters in the chaos, there possibly has Deity Palace in legend, if goes out of 12 mysterious powerhouses, that really unimaginable! 此外,天神族的究极兵器飞走了,进入混沌中,那里可能有传说中的天神宫,万一走出12尊神秘强者,那真是不可想象! Heavenspan Worm-hole Company is also this explanation, in the long run, Deity Race and Netherworld Race will also rise, the potential is huge. 通天虫洞公司也是这种解释,长远来看,天神族幽冥族还会崛起,潜力巨大。 Before then, some people were still worried, the people in two clan pyramid peaks were extinguished, will be carved up by other Great Influence strength, but, since deity blade flies into the chaos, that made all parties dread. 在此之前,有人还在担心,两族金字塔顶端的人被灭,会被其他大势力瓜分,可是,自从天神刀飞进混沌后,那就让各方忌惮了。 Since old times had the legend, the Deity Race's ancestor came from Broken Universe in chaos, now looks like, mostly real! 自古就有传说,天神族的先祖来自混沌中的残破宇宙,现在看来,多半是真的! So long as Deity Race mother star, had not been attacked and captured, then they can rise as before, becomes universe Overlord, deity breathing method did not say, the prestige can be infinite, even can arrange this piece of universe first six, in the past this clan declined, was related with the war of Chaotic God Sea!” “只要天神族母星还在,不被人攻克,那么他们依旧可以崛起,成为宇宙霸主,天神呼吸法不是说说而已,威能无穷,甚至能排进这片宇宙前六,当年该族没落,跟乱神海之战有关!” The Heavenspan Worm-hole Company's spokesman said. 通天虫洞公司的发言人说道。 In fact, when their rating, Uncle Ming and the others is slaughtering, domineering take action, has swept across mother star of several Great Clan groups, is bathed in blood to be crazy. 事实上,在他们评级时,明叔等人正在大开杀戒,强势出手,席卷了几大族群的母星,浴血而狂。 Outside at all not knows, because the inter-satellite network shut off! 外界根本不知道,因为星际网络都被切断! Deity Race mother star here is very special, even if the person of Golden Body level wants flying through the skies or escaping through the ground to have the difficulty, but is not a problem regarding Saint. 天神族母星这里很特别,哪怕是金身层次的人想要飞天遁地都有难度,不过对于圣人来说不成问题。 This planet is too formidable, Order rune is densely covered, regarding fierce that Evolver suppresses! 这颗星球太强大,秩序符文密布,对于进化者而言压制的厉害! Naturally, this to practicing is also formidable tempering, this is also one of the Deity Race extremely formidable reasons. 当然,这对修行也是一种强大的磨砺,这也是天神族极其强大的原因之一。 At this time, in Deity Race mother star biggest Divine City, shouted "kill" heavenshaking, one crowd of old Saint killed insanely, various holy artifact danced in the air, drives out one after another palace. 此时,天神族母星最大的神城中,喊杀震天,一群老圣人杀疯了,各种圣器飞舞,轰开一座又一座宫殿。 Without a doubt, here has Domain rune, has rule Order, exceptionally fearful. 毫无疑问,这里有场域符文,有规则秩序,异常的可怕。 But, Uncle Ming prepares fully, he has met with Holy Master, has brought Holy Master for magnanimous Divine Magnet that he provides, is ready-made Domain! 可是,明叔准备充分,他跟圣师碰过头,带来了圣师为他提供的海量神磁石,都是现成的场域 Along with Uncle Ming took out, Domain heaven shaking, covers the front, has paralyzed Deity Race's Divine City! 随着明叔祭出,场域惊天,覆盖前方,瘫痪了天神族的神城 Otherwise, even if came troop Saint also not necessarily to attack and capture this place, even if did not have Great Deity to assume personal command, and lost the Sect Protecting weapon, here was not Saint can break through. 不然的话,哪怕来了一大群圣人也不见得能攻克此地,即便没有大天神坐镇,且失去镇教兵器,这里也不是圣人所能攻破的。 But all are rewritten at present, Holy Master leaves the Uncle Ming Domain prestige to be huge, this specifically aims at Deity Race, but carves ahead of time. 可眼下一切都被改写,圣师留给明叔场域威能巨大,这专门针对天神族而提前刻写的。 Since the long years, Holy Master constantly does not want to revenge, wants to kill Deity Race, Netherworld Race and other places, therefore taught Grand Array wait/etc. to study thoroughly their protecting! 漫长岁月以来,圣师无时无刻不想报仇,想杀进天神族幽冥族等地,因此将他们的护教大阵等研究透了! The time of now harvesting arrived, one crowd of old Saint simply are such as in the bullying, conquers by killing Deity Race! 现在收获的时刻到了,一群老圣人简直是如虎入羊群中,血洗天神族 Young brat, but also made me find you, you were not rampant, relied upon is in itself the Deity Race's direct descendant juniors, must receive my grandchild for the retinue, had the revolt slightly, had been abandoned by you, today the father extinguished your this young animal!” “小兔崽子,还真让我找到你了,你不是嚣张吗,仰仗自己是天神族的嫡系子弟,要收我孙儿为仆从,稍有反抗,就被你废了,今天老子灭了你这个小崽子!” In a square, an old man carries a Deity Race's young powerhouse, that tittered, directly pinching to explode. 在一处广场上,一个老者一把拎住天神族的一位年轻强者,噗嗤的一声,直接给捏爆了。 Also insufficient, your this group of young animals can have the 5-6 person at that time, must die to me!” This old Saint is searching. “还不够,你们这群小崽子当时能有五六人,都要给我死!”这个老圣人在寻觅。 Another old man bellows: „The Deity Race's old ordinary man you run anything, accept your coming fate, you suffer to death to me, because in the past only the quarrel/corners of the mouth struggled you to have the person to feed in the universe dark prison cell the old man, you were what kind of overbearing, now the grandfather got out of trouble, you rolled to me!” 另一位老者大吼:“天神族的老匹夫你跑什么,纳命来,你给我受死吧,当年只因为口角之争你就带人把老夫送进宇宙黑牢,你是何等的霸道,现在你爷爷脱困出来了,你给我滚过来!” Deity Race expert are many, but, today old Saint are more than them, abatement Uncle Ming the person who emits from the universe dark prison cell, many powerhouses also respectively called people friends readily, the person who got are too many. 天神族高手很多,但是,今天来的老圣人比他们更多,除却明叔从宇宙黑牢中放出的人外,许多强者还各自呼朋唤友,领来的人太多了。 Naturally, what is most essential, they cooperate with the universe black market, invite the sincerity sinister hand spicy old fogy, this crowd of person benefits are supreme, now Great Deity died, deity blade escapes in the chaos, they have anything to be fearful, is regards Deity Race simply is together the tasty big fat. 当然,最为关键的是,他们跟宇宙黑市合作,请来一片心黑手辣的老家伙,这群人利益至上,如今大天神都死了,天神刀都遁进混沌中,他们还有什么可怕的,简直是视天神族为一块鲜美的大肥肉。 Kills, do not bleed off Saint!” “杀啊,不要放走一个圣人!” Deity Race, the destruction nears, fellow youngest brothers harvest at present, tries harder to kill!” 天神族,覆灭在即,各位老兄弟们收获就在眼前,加把劲杀啊!” On Deity Race mother star shouted "kill" heavenshaking, Divine City of this clan was ruined by great war. 天神族母星上喊杀震天,该族的神城大战毁掉。 Heaven, can the day perishes my Deity Race, how so?!” Established Saint bellows, he bristles with anger, seethes with rage, gets angry and hate and grief and indignation. 天啊,天亡我天神族,怎能如此?!”一位老牌圣人大吼,他怒发冲冠,七窍生烟,恼恨而又悲愤。 However, this useless, one crowd of Saint collaborate, is the ruthless stubble, nobody is softhearted, below cruel methods! 但是,这没什么用,一群圣者联手,全都是狠茬子,没有人心慈手软,都在下狠手! Heavenly Dao is unfair, my Deity Race receives the world big destiny to live, how can fall to this region?” Has Old Antique to shout, bristles with anger, went all out with Uncle Ming and the others, the anger exclaimed: evil remnants, Chang Ming, you damn, is you leads the person to attack unexpectedly, I must make you also die!” 天道不公啊,我天神族秉承天地大气运而生,怎能落到这番境地?”有老古董嘶吼,怒发冲冠,跟明叔等人拼命,怒吼道:“余孽,常明,你该死啊,竟是你率人来攻打,我要让你也去死!” Do not have a dream, your grandfather I to extinguish you come!” Uncle Ming shouted, he Heavenly Dao umbrella that borrowed from Young Lady Xi there will rumble quietly in the past. “别做梦了,你爷爷我是为灭你们而来!”明叔喝道,悄然间,他将从少女曦那里借来的天道伞轰了过去。 Bang! 轰! blood mist ruptured, a Deity Race famous elder meets a cruel death. 血雾崩开,天神族一位名宿粉身碎骨。 Uncle Ming bursts into tears, face upwards to exclaim: Youngest brothers, you look at Finally, this arrived naively, moreover comes is so quick, I revenged for you!” 明叔流着泪,仰天吼道:“老兄弟们,你们看到了吗,这一天真的到来了,而且来的这么快,我为你们报仇来了!”
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