SR :: Volume #8

#738: White hair trillion zhang (3.33 m)

The giant silver gateway, the residual real dragon corpse human bone, as well as Yang Qi is similar to the World of the Living corpse of volcano spout, this makes bottom of this Abyss not astonishing. 巨大的银色的门户,残留的真龙尸骸,以及阳气如同火山喷涌的阳间尸体等,这让这深渊底部无惊人。 Roar!” “吼!” Yaoyao grandfather also as if in hesitant, but he occurred to bellow finally, attacks resolutely decidedly, is carrying that great cauldron in hand, pounds toward the silver front door. 妖妖的爷爷也似乎在犹豫,但是最终他还是发生大吼,毅然而决然出击,拎着手中的那口大鼎,向着银色大门砸去。 The Chu Feng pupil contraction, the eye was straight. 楚风瞳孔收缩,眼睛都直了。 Because, he neglects a matter, Yaoyao grandfather after outside territory great war, is this takes in within the body Cauldron of Monster Ancestor? Has not gone back, receiving and dispatching is free! 因为,他忽略一件事,妖妖的祖父在域外大战后,这是将妖祖之鼎收进体内?没还回去,收发自如! Bang! 轰! This great cauldron was treated as by the Yaoyao grandfather...... The brick, pounds directly on thousand zhang (3.33 m) high silver gateway, the sound is too big, the sound is astonishing. 这口大鼎妖妖的爷爷当作……板砖,直接砸在千丈高的银色的门户上,动静实在太大,响声惊人。 „It is not good!” Holy Master first wields catches up with the star whip, simultaneously Divine Magnet block and other crackle and rattle crash, keep off in the front, composes large-scale Domain, isolates with the front. “不好!”圣师第一时间挥动赶星鞭,同时神磁石块等噼里啪啦的坠落,挡在前方,组成大型场域,跟前方隔绝。 Then is so, in this piece of underground Abyss also the energy ebullition, is similar to the tsunami, rolling mountains. 便是如此,这片地下深渊中也能量沸腾,如同海啸般,大浪滔天。 The same time, on Abyss stone wall various linearity marks wind, the trace of spider web shape to interweave, is flaming, this underground oneself also has large-scale and terrifying Domain, the suppression, protects this place not to be damaged. 同时间,深渊石壁上各种条形纹络、蛛网状的痕迹交织,炽盛起来,这地下自身也有大型而恐怖的场域,镇压而出,保护此地不受损。 Otherwise, how in the past possibly to withstand various bloody battles! 不然的话,当年怎么可能承受的了诸强血战! Thump thump thump......” “咚咚咚……” The heavenshaking sound sends out, the Yaoyao grandfather is carrying a leg of great cauldron, with turning sledgehammer, has pounded more than 100. 震天之响发出,妖妖的爷爷拎着大鼎的一条腿,跟轮动大锤似的,一口气砸了100多下。 Cannot bear to Cauldron of Monster Ancestor finally, thought oneself were ruined, makes the mechanical sound, said: Formidable, you can literary some, after you and I blend, the coca holds your sword wheel.” 到最后妖祖之鼎都受不了,觉得自己被糟践了,发出机械般的声音,道:“强大的施法者,你可以文艺一些,你与我交融后,可加持你的剑轮。” It gives the suggestion, thought that this was too crude! 它给予建议,觉得这样太粗暴了! However, Yaoyao grandfather anything had not responded, now the brain is not miraculous, is carrying a cauldron leg, the bang has pounded once more than 100! 然而,妖妖的爷爷没什么反应,现在脑子不灵光,拎着一条鼎腿,再次轰砸了100多下! dāng dāng dāng...... 当当当…… sparks fly in all directions, the heavenshaking sound spreads, can see that there dazzling symbol is blooming, if in outside territory, various celestial body must be hit to explode. 火星四溅,震天之响传出,可以看到那里刺目的符号在绽放,若是在域外,各种星体都要被打爆。 This is the top powerhouse energy symbol, in addition the Cauldron of Monster Ancestor in addition holds, peerless terrifying! 这是至强者的能量符号,再加上妖祖之鼎加持,绝世恐怖! Fortunately, this piece of Abyss is special, was held by the mysterious Domain in addition, recovers, like has the life, swallows various energies crazily, maintains here does not destroy. 还好,这片深渊特别,被神秘场域加持,复苏过来,像是有生命般,疯狂吞噬各种能量,保持这里不毁。 At the same time, that silver front door distorts, gets down hollowly, bumpy, did not project on good, was simply tattered. 同一时间,那银色大门变形,凹陷下去,坑坑洼洼,被打到不行,简直要破烂了。 dang! 当! Finally, the silver front door opens wide, makes the huge sound, the endless chaos flushed, in addition is also mixing with massive Yang Qi, rolling wells up. 最后,银色的大门敞开,发出巨大的声响,无尽的混沌冲了出来,此外还夹杂着大量的阳气,滚滚而涌。 Arrived at World of the Living really?!” Chu Feng is fearful and apprehensive, at this time felt the unusual aura. “真到了阳间?!”楚风心惊肉跳,此时感觉到了不同寻常的气息。 Holy Master shakes the head, now was unable to judge. 圣师摇头,现在还不能判断。 Whiz, the Yaoyao grandfather moves sideways to disappear directly, enters in the silver front door. 嗖的一声,妖妖的祖父一闪身直接消失,进入银色大门中。 Chu Feng can only sigh, this old gentleman is too valiant, actually with brick breaking open the great gate, whom such fierce did not have. 楚风只能感叹,这老爷子太彪悍,硬是用“板砖”给砸开巨门,这么凶猛也没谁了。 uncle Holy Master we go in quickly!” Yaoyao was worried, urged Holy Master removes Domain, follows up that to thousand zhang (3.33 m) high silver front door behind. 圣师叔叔我们快进去!”妖妖担心,催促圣师撤开场域,跟进那对千丈高的银色大门后方。 They also rushed, this inside Yang Qi is really rich, scary, general Evolver definitely cannot bear, will melt here. 他们也闯了进来,这里面的阳气果然浓郁,骇人之极,一般的进化者肯定受不了,会在这里熔化。 Chu Feng was vibrated greatly, because he thought that here Yang Qi are more, purely and rich, this that on it Young Lady Xi passes simply likely is the World of the Living's land. 楚风大受震动,因为他觉得这里的阳气比之少女曦身上透出来的还要多,纯粹而浓郁,这简直像是阳间的土地。 If no Holy Master to shelter, his own dull may be here uncomfortable, Yang Qi is overbearing, is similar to the tide is rushing, scalding hot is similar to Divine fire is burning down! 如果没有圣师庇护,他自身呆在这里的话可能会非常难受,阳气霸道,如同潮汐在澎湃,灼热的如同神火在焚烧! "Um?! ” Holy Master halts, the discrete alert, is staring at the front. “嗯?!”圣师止步,谨慎戒备,盯着前方。 Here abatement skeleton everywhere, for example Dragon Race the body of break, the World of the Living lifeforms skeleton, blood energy has not dried up, but also outward spout Yang Qi. 这里除却满地的尸骨,比如龙族的断裂的躯体,还有阳间生物的尸骸,血气不枯竭,还在向外喷涌阳气 „It is not World of the Living!” Yaoyao definitely said. “不是阳间!”妖妖非常肯定地说道。 They lead the way once more, shortly after halts quickly, to ultimate destination. 他们再次前行,不久后倏地止步,到了终极目的地。 The old gentleman stands there, carries great cauldron, in the mouth is roaring lowly: Gives me...... Elixir!” 老爷子站在那里,拎着大鼎,口中在低吼:“给我……仙药!” Front, Primal Chaos Qi is rich, Yang Qi is rich must turn into Heavenly Fire, likely is a giant volcano spout, flaming shocking. 前方,混沌气浓郁,阳气更是浓郁的要化成天火,也像是一口巨大的火山在喷涌,炽盛惊世。 Grave, buries the bone institute!” The Yaoyao opens the mouth, sends the silk clear, the figure beautiful and graceful, flies high to stand, is staring at the front. “坟地,埋骨所!”妖妖开口,发丝晶莹,身段婀娜,凌空而立,盯着前方。 Abyss has not arrived at the end, but, the front had been blocked. 深渊还未到尽头,但是,前方已经被挡住。 A vermilion inner and outer coffin lies, lends the astonishing aura, the Yaoyao grandfather is arriving in the near, is staring there. 一口朱红色的棺椁横陈,散发着惊人的气息,妖妖的爷爷抵达近前,正在盯着那里。 Has a person!” Chu Feng pupil contraction. “有一个人!”楚风瞳孔收缩。 Has silhouette together in the place above of vermilion big coffin, hangs to hang, both feet falls into the coffin, some bodies wander in the midair, is strange and fearful. 在朱红色大棺的上方有一道身影,垂吊下来,双足落入棺中,部分躯体游荡在半空中,诡异而可怕。 Primal Chaos Qi also has Yang Qi to submerge here! 混沌气还有阳气将这里淹没! Chu Feng pupil golden light a big magnificence burst, he is using Discerning Eyes, is, unexpectedly the expiration, has the inexplicable aura here, has the strength of Order, is suppressing all. 楚风瞳孔金光大盛,他在动用火眼金睛,可是,居然失效,在这里有莫名的气息,有秩序之力,压制着一切。 Until Yaoyao grandfather all over the body magnificent rays of light, likely is round solar burning down, illuminates all, this place gradually was seen clearly. 直到妖妖的爷爷通体光芒大盛,像是一轮太阳般焚烧,照亮一切,此地才渐渐被看清。 At this time, held breath including Holy Master cold air, felt that the heart was startled. 这时,连圣师都倒吸一口凉气,感觉心惊。 Above vermilion ancient coffin, there is hanging a woman, Bai Ling sews on above stone wall, restrains her, hangs her there, loafing. 朱红色古棺上方,那里吊着一个女人,一条白绫钉在上方的石壁上,勒住她,将她悬在那里,游荡着。 This is somewhat astonishing, likely is a ghost! 这有些惊人,像是一个吊死鬼! However carefully looks to be not true, there is having the strange matter! 不过仔细看并非如此,那里发生着诡异的事! So-called Bai Ling is her sending silk, a bright as snow silver hair, oneself sew in stone wall, hangs oneself body, the back to several people, is shedding skin. 所谓的白绫是她的发丝,一头雪亮的银发,自己钉在石壁中,吊住己身,背对几人,正在脱皮。 Right, her on half body is very empty, lacks the gloss, even is split, because that is only human skin, having the inexplicable Order mark to wind. 没错,她的上半截躯体很空洞,缺少光泽,甚至干裂,因为那只是一张人皮,带着莫名的秩序纹络。 But below pair of fair thigh is snow white, clear has the gloss, is having the full of vitality, falls off the half from the leather bag of that human form! 而下方一双白生生的大腿雪白细腻,晶莹有光泽,带着勃勃生机,从那人形的皮囊中脱落出来半截! And, all Yang Qi are that pair of snow white long leg sends out! 并且,所有的阳气都是那双雪白的长腿发出的! What situation is this? Chu Feng is a little dumbstruck, this so-called World of the Living secret land, billowing is Yang Qi this is creating in the woman who leaves the half from the withered leather bag? 这是什么情况?楚风有点发懵,这所谓的阳间密土,滚滚阳气都是这个正在从干枯皮囊中脱出半截的女人造成的? „Does corpse transformation, shed skin to rise immortal?” “尸体蜕变,脱皮升仙?” Holy Master expression grave, in the words is having the suspicion, is alerting seriously, is critical situation! 圣师神色凝重,话语中带着怀疑,严肃戒备着,如临大敌! This is several hundred more than ten million years ago the corpse that leaves behind is right, in the end she struggles from the vermilion big coffin, here can the ecdysis, come back to life?! 这是数百上千万年前留下的尸体才对,到头来她从朱红色的大棺中挣扎出来,在这里蜕皮,要复生过来?! This absolutely is a strange and terrifying event, has similar legend in this piece of universe, but, who once had seen? 这绝对是一件诡异而恐怖的事件,在这片宇宙中有类似的传说,但是,谁曾见过? Before top powerhouse died during meditation of some Shining Upon All Heavens levels, will do everything possible, hopes to be able to regenerate, who can succeed? Finally must die! 有些映照诸天级的至强者坐化前会想尽办法,希冀能再生,但是谁能成功?最终都得死! However, today here has a living example, this mysterious woman must succeed. 然而,今天这里有个活生生的例子,这个神秘的女人要成功了。 She is the World of the Living's person!” Yaoyao opens the mouth. “她是阳间的人!”妖妖开口。 After dying , when so, sheds skin has such rich Yang Qi, definitely is not this universe lifeforms! 死后都如此,脱皮时有这么浓郁的阳气,肯定不是这个宇宙的生物 Gives me!” Yaoyao grandfather very valiant, which manages her is the leaving one's body behind with one's soul becoming an immortal immortal, or billion years ago invincible existences, such carry great cauldron to go forward, prepare to pound. “给我!”妖妖的爷爷非常的彪悍,哪管她是尸解仙,亦或是千百万年前的无敌存在,就这么拎着大鼎上前,准备砸下去。 Chu Feng changes countenance, is also amazed, he thought that the Yaoyao grandfather knows matter are many, thinks in the past had not come to here, has seen some ancients' personally written letter records. 楚风动容,同时惊诧,他觉得妖妖的爷爷知道的事情很多,想必当年不是来过这里,就是看到过一些古人的手札记载等。 At this time, is Yaoyao is then speechless, reveals startled accommodates, her grandfather too ruled by force domineering, has been threatening this mysterious incomparable female under transformation. 这时,便是妖妖都无语,露出惊容,她爷爷太强势霸道了,在威胁这个正在蜕变中的神秘无匹的女子。 Without a doubt, this transformation knows did not continue many ten thousand years! 毫无疑问,这种蜕变不知道持续多少万年了! In so-called Abyss mine tunnel strange, possibly is related with her. 所谓的深渊矿洞中的诡异等,都可能跟她有关。 This mine tunnel, knows is not any age mines artificially, should be Origin Gold Mine!” Holy Master were most sensitive to the topography, here makes the judgment. “这座矿洞,不知道是什么年代人为开采出来的,应该是一座母金矿!”圣师对地势等最为敏感,在这里做出判断。 Then, he lifts the hand, holds is catching up with the star whip to aim at the front, prepares critical moment take action, with the Yaoyao grandfather stands. 然后,他抬起手,持着赶星鞭对准前方,准备关键时刻出手,跟妖妖的爷爷站在一起。 Obviously, the female corpse of that ecdysis has the consciousness, has the induction, already perceived all these, at this time is angry, having one to suppress the air/Qi of depressed. 显然,那个蜕皮的女尸有意识,有感应,早已觉察到这一切,此时非常愤怒,带着一股憋郁之气。 She wants to manifest suddenly really very much, even if she this situation, she is a little as before unendurable now, she is any status, unexpectedly was threatened! 她真的很想发作,哪怕她如今这种处境,她依旧有点难以忍受,她是什么身份,居然被人威胁! Bang! 轰! The Yaoyao grandfather is too valiant, is carrying the brick, has patted directly, but has not pounded but actually on that female corpse, but at bang on vermilion big coffin. 妖妖的爷爷太彪悍,拎着板砖,直接就拍了过去,不过倒也没有砸在那女尸身上,而在轰在朱红色大棺上。 Thump! 咚! The sound is huge, likely is the immortal thunder of 33 space crack, the Abyss illumination that shakes, the mark winds to interweave, then has the Domain protection, almost must make underground blast out. 响声巨大,像是33天上的仙雷炸响,震的深渊发光,纹络交织,便是有场域保护,都几乎要让地下炸开。 Gentle!” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor makes the mechanical sound, reminded the old gentleman there. “温柔点!”妖祖之鼎发出机械般的声音,在那里提醒老爷子。 Has saying that vermilion big coffin is very solid, unexpectedly has not collapsed. 不得不说,朱红色的大棺很结实,居然没有崩坏。 Chu Feng wants Yaoyao, or Holy Master felt two bunches of scary vision, ignition world, can burn down all likely. 无论是楚风还是要妖妖,亦或是圣师都感受到了两束骇人的目光,灼烧世间,像是能焚毁一切。 Has flash that the female turns the head doubtful, has swept their one eyes, but, Chu Feng has not seen clearly, because that leather bag is withered, but her True Body also in that old skin. 有那么一刹那,那女子疑似转头,扫过他们一眼,但是,楚风没有看清,因为那皮囊干瘪,而她真身还在那老皮内。 Takes away!” “拿去!” Finally, this woman endured, has not manifested suddenly, has not fallen to the ground to go all out, because she is at the critical moment of transformation, is not suitable begins. 最终,这个女人忍了,没有发作,不曾落地下来拼命,因为她正处在蜕变的关键时刻,不宜动手。 She perceived that the Yaoyao grandfather was not good to cope, carries that cauldron is very dangerous, otherwise, she will not allow the person to visit here. 她觉察到了妖妖的爷爷不好对付,拎着那口鼎亦很危险,不然的话,她绝不会允许人踏足这里。 Vermilion big coffin ka-cha, the coffin lid to sideslips, a withered rotten tree root flew, commonplace, even looks at some likely is mildewy. 朱红色的大棺喀嚓一声,棺盖向一侧滑去,一段干枯的烂树根飞了出来,毫不起眼,甚至看着有些像是发霉。 It such floats, falls in the grandfather hand of Yaoyao. 它就这么漂浮起来,落在妖妖的爷爷手中。 The Chu Feng eye was straight, is this so-called elixir? 楚风眼睛都直了,这就是所谓的仙药? In fact, the Yaoyao grandfather confirmed by the practical action, this should be, because after he attains, transfers the body to walk, leaves directly. 事实上,妖妖的爷爷以实际行动证实,这应该就是,因为他拿到后转过身躯就走,直接离开。 That is hanging the female sees his Origin Metal chains, reveals to puncture the person once more, but may burn down the void vision, said: Poor man.” 那吊着的女子看到他身上的母金锁链,再次露出刺人而可焚烧虚空的目光,道:“可怜人,罢了。” She makes this appraisal unexpectedly, then withdraw vision. 她竟做出这种评价,然后收起目光。 Even if evidently, sends out the big medicine, she later will not give up, after seeing that Yaoyao grandfather within the body plants has Origin Metal, she likely understands thoroughly many matters, shook the head. 看样子,哪怕送出大药,她以后也不会善罢甘休,不过当看到妖妖的爷爷体内种有母金后,她像是洞彻许多事,摇了摇头。 We walk!” “我们走!” Holy Master whispered, this place cannot stay for a long time, was too mystical. 圣师低语,这地方不可久留,太神秘了。 On Earth, has this kind of Origin Gold Mine unexpectedly, moreover this female hides, keeps off on the road, the mine tunnel has not arrived at the end! 地球上,居然有这样一座母金矿,而且这女子藏在当中,挡在路上,矿洞还未到尽头呢! They run out, the Yaoyao grandfather gives Yaoyao that section of rotten wooden root directly, the look slightly is temperate. 他们一路冲出,妖妖的爷爷直接将那截烂木根递给妖妖,眼神略显温和。 However, quick, he lost control, soon when will arrive above the surface, he cannot bear face upward to roar, shouts sound shaking outside territory! 但是,很快,他又些失控了,即将来到地表之上时,他忍不住仰天咆哮,嘶吼声震动域外 Extraterrestrial, the quantity of Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse increased, was paying close attention to below stars. 地球外,映照诸天级强者的数量增多了,在密切关注下方的星辰。 Some people hear this shouting sound, immediately shows the light happy expression, said: This monster oneself really had the big problem, you said that I and others, if attacked Kunlun Mountains, can cause Purgatory to open, thus lets be buried there monster?!” 有人听到这种嘶吼声,顿时露出淡淡的笑意,道:“这个怪物自身果然出了大问题,你们说,我等如果进攻昆仑,会否导致炼狱开启,从而让正在那里的怪物葬身?!” Do not act unreasonably, where is Purgatory? The careful ignition immolates oneself!” An old monster warning. “别乱来,炼狱是什么地方?小心引火自焚!”一个老怪物告诫。 Do not be worried, Deity Race was anxious, today died in battle two giants, particularly Great Deity die, they lift the clan all sorrow unexpectedly, shocking and angry boundless, bringing the Sect Protecting weapon of this clan to come, could block Purgatory backlash.” “别担心,天神族急了,今日一战死了两尊巨头,尤其是大天神竟然殒落,他们举族皆哀,震惊与愤怒无边,带着该族的镇教兵器过来了,或许能挡住炼狱反噬。” “Wú, a little meaning, could try whether to kill that monster, he is in Kunlun Mountains, indeed is a good opportunity! ” Some people echo. “唔,有点意思,或许可以试一试能否干掉那个怪物,他身在昆仑,的确是个好机会!”有人附和。 Earth, Kunlun Mountains there, Holy Master revealed the look of surprise, said: We from underground walk, return to Purple Golden Mountain, Uncle, just before parting before , you roar again several, appealing attention.” 地球,昆仑那里,圣师露出异色,道:“我们从地下走,回紫金山,叔叔,临去前你再吼几声,吸引人注意。” He understood that outside territory these people, do not have one good kind, particularly he arranges monitoring Domain on moon, the real and secret capture the trend of these people, he first understands thoroughly these people to make anything. 他了解域外那些人,没有一个善类,尤其是他布置在月亮上的监控场域,真实而隐秘的捕捉到那些人的动态,他第一时间洞彻那些人要做什么。 Holy Master reveals the meaningful color, looked at Origin Gold Mine hole Abyss, looks up to the universe outside hole. 圣师露出意味深长之色,看了一眼母金矿深渊,又抬头看向洞外的天宇。 The next quarter, he uses the Domain method, large expanse of rune is wrapping them, the flash vanishes from here, returns to Purple Golden Mountain directly underground. 下一刻,他利用场域手段,成片的符文包裹着他们,一刹那从这里消失,直接返回紫金山地下。 Bang! 轰! Some outside territory person of take action, transmit laughs, said: Monster, enjoys slowly!” 域外有人出手,传来大笑,道:“怪物,慢慢享受吧!” In that sound, killing intent is piercing! 那声音中,杀意刺骨! Kunlun Mountains, that piece of ancient Abyss, the strenuous vibration, that was shedding skin, the female corpse of transformation long years to get angry immediately, she was alarmed once again, was intervened by the external force. 昆仑,那片古老的深渊,剧烈震动,那正在脱皮、蜕变漫长岁月的女尸顿时怒了,她又一次被人惊扰,被外力干预。 Next quarter, bang, white hair trillion zhang (3.33 m), pierces stone wall directly, passes through the universe, the white sending silk turns into the bolt of white silk together, attacks to outside territory! 下一刻,轰的一声,白发亿万丈长,直接洞穿石壁,贯穿天宇,一道白茫茫的发丝化成匹练,冲击向域外
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