SR :: Volume #8

#739: The storm gets up

Dazzling white glow direct impact outside territory, silver hair like the snow, passes through the universe, anything did not prevent! 刺目的白芒直冲域外,银发如雪,贯穿天宇,什么都阻挡不了! The take action person, was bringing a moment ago temperate smiling, but the next flash, the high hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) huge body shook suddenly, moved aside to side. 刚才出手的人,原本还带着温和的笑,但是下一刹那,高数十万里的庞大身体猛然一震,向旁躲闪。 Although he build is huge, but movement is vigorous, extremely fast avoidance, moreover he tears the space, the energy of eruption was too vast. 他虽然体形庞大,但是动作矫健灵敏,极速躲避,而且他又撕裂宇宙空间,爆发的能量太浩瀚了。 What Evolver of this level let alone sends out is True Body, is spouts an essence also to break nearby planet, grinds fine powder! 这个层次的进化者别说出动的是真身,就是喷出一口精气也可震碎附近的行星,碾成齑粉 However, now the accident/surprise happens, even if he movement is quick, has the rich energy protection, that may trillion zhang (3.33 m) white light pass through his palm as before, bloody, the bone appears. 但是,现在意外发生,他哪怕动作很快,更有浓郁能量守护,那可亿万丈的白光依旧贯穿他的一条手掌,血淋淋,骨头浮现。 "Ah...... ” his low roar, moves the arm suddenly, then figure explodes once more draws back. “啊……”他一声低吼,猛然甩动手臂,然后身形再次爆退。 However, the silver-haired trillion zhang (3.33 m), the female under Kunlun Mountains Abyss was enraged obviously, has not received the hand, she was disturbed time and time again, does not plan such easily to give up. 然而,银发亿万丈,昆仑深渊下的女子显然被激怒,并未收手,她一次又一次被人打扰,不打算这么轻易罢休。 ! 噗! silver light rewinds, if hangs Star River to wind around, twines that person of arm, when his shocking vision, in he makes furiously, wants to get rid, twists his half arm, brings the big piece blood. 银光倒卷,若一挂星河缭绕,缠绕上那人的手臂,在他震惊的目光中,在他奋力挣动、想要摆脱之际,哧的一声,绞断他的半截手臂,带起大片的血。 Then, that silver hair retreats, this place restores tranquilly. 然后,那银发才退走,此地恢复宁静。 Extraterrestrial, the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse is not infrequent, each and every one is formidable, only then individual one meter nine appearances, are similar to the normal person. 地球外,映照诸天级强者不在少数,一个个都非常强大,只有个别不过一米九的样子,跟正常人差不多。 But other build is scary, smallest has hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) high, but the eyes of some terrifying giant beasts are bigger than planet, is more radiant than Sun! 但其他都体形骇人,最小的都有数十万里高,而有些恐怖巨兽的眼睛都比星球大,比太阳璀璨! One group of fearful powerhouses, now are so surprised, revealed the look of surprise, this puts in an appearance, does a powerhouse discard the half arm? Too swift and fierce. 这么一群可怕的强者,现在都非常吃惊,露出异色,这才一个照面而已,一位强者就丢掉半截手臂?太凌厉了。 Yi Chen, you yes, sneak attack me very much unexpectedly, if you have enough courage to come out a war, our head confrontation!” 亦尘,你很是可以啊,竟然偷袭我,如果你有足够的勇气就出来一战,我们正面交锋!” After being short quiet, the powerhouse opens the mouth of being wounded, his both eyes are gloomy, the gigantic pupil explodes shoots black light, is two black Sun hangs likely on the vault of heaven. 短暂沉寂后,负伤的强者开口,他双目阴森,硕大的眸子爆射乌光,像是两轮黑太阳悬在天穹上。 Earth, under Purple Golden Mountain. 地球,紫金山下。 Chu Feng is stunned, one crowd of Kunlun Mountains big monsters that draws back are also a face strange color, but Yaoyao is bringing smiling, leads the Yaoyao grandfather to enter the center of the earth deep place as for Holy Master. 楚风愕然,重新退回来的一群昆仑大妖也都是一脸诡异之色,而妖妖带着笑,至于圣师则带着妖妖的爷爷进入地心深处。 Today...... Must have the pleasant surprise!?” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger almost excited yelled makes noise, but does not dare such to do, but was exchanging with divine sense. “今天……要有惊喜!?”东北虎差点兴奋的大叫出声,但是没敢这么做,只是用神念在交流。 Might as well, here by Holy Master lay out Domain, they could not be heard!” Yaoyao smile. “无妨,这里被圣师布下场域,他们听不到!”妖妖微笑。 "Áo...... Moo! ” Big Black Ox cries out strangely, the violent force held up the head, has gathered together the big long hair combed straight back, was rocking rough big horn, said: Kills this flock of tortoise lambs!” “嗷……哞!”大黑牛怪叫,猛力昂首,拢了拢大背头,晃动着粗糙的大犄角,道:“打死这群王八羔子!” hee-haw hee-haw, that group of grandson some received, hits!” Old Donkey the big thread chaser to cry out strangely. 儿啊儿啊,那帮孙子有的受了,打吧!”老驴呲着大板牙怪叫。 Chu Feng really has not thought, with is the silver hair, unexpectedly has this effect, outside territory that powerhouse admitting mistakes person, an arrogant appearance, must die to knock. 楚风真是没有想到,同为银发,居然有这种效果,域外的那位强者认错人,一副盛气凌人的样子,要死磕到底。 Now, was praying including Chu Feng, hits, sure, should not be lenient! 现在,连楚风都在祈祷,打吧,千万别客气,别手软! He personally has experienced, realized profoundly the woman who that shed skin is terrifying, must be born, can absolutely the piercing the Heavens Lord. 他可是亲身经历过,深刻体会到那个正在脱皮的女人多么恐怖,真要出世,绝对是可以捅破天的主。 outside territory, here has huge Bone Dragon, flaps the bone wing in void, in the eye hole departs the deep green fearful ray, carries on the back is wearing the bone Full-Body Armor old monster muddily. 域外,这里有巨大的骨龙,在虚空中拍动骨翅,眼洞中飞出碧绿慑人的光芒,驮着浑身披着骨质甲胄的老怪物。 Also there is a fiery red bird of prey, returns magnificently intense compared with Sun of distant place. 也有火红的猛禽,比远处的太阳还盛烈 In addition, huge human form lifeforms, each and every one puts on Full-Body Armor, stands erect in the dark universe, passes is sending boundless killing intent, fearful boundless. 此外,还有庞大的人形生物,一个个穿着甲胄,矗立在黑暗的宇宙中,透发着磅礴的杀意,可怕无边。 „The Deity Race's person brought the Sect Protecting weapon to arrive, everybody, anything had not dreaded that I first take action!” That person of arm regenerated a moment ago, he overlooked below dark blue planet. 天神族的人带着镇教兵器要到了,各位,没什么忌惮的,我先出手!”刚才那人手臂再生,他俯视下方的深蓝星球 Then, his decisive take action, a jet black palm presses to go downward, breaks through the defense of Earth, in fact at this time Holy Master also already removed all Domain, appointed his big hand searches. 然后,他果断出手,一只漆黑的手掌向下按去,突破地球的防御,事实上此时圣师也早已撤开所有场域,任他的大手探下去。 Finally, this person somewhat dreaded, he indeed feared ruins this planet, shatters Purgatory, in the end the big hand stops, hangs outside in the outer space, finally sends out the immeasurable ray, condenses an energy symbol, falls toward Kunlun Mountains, must lock on the goal, targeted attack! 最终,这个人有些忌惮,他的确怕毁掉这颗星球,震裂炼狱,到头来大手停下,悬在外太空中,最后发出无量光芒,凝聚成一个能量符号,向着昆仑落去,要锁定目标,有针对性的攻击! The next quarter, in Abyss everything may become vulnerable, the quarry stone tumbles, several hundred more than ten million years ago the Domain symbol that leaves behind has shone completely, shines in this. 下一刻,深渊中地动山摇,乱石滚落,数百上千万年前留下的场域符号全部亮了起来,在此照耀。 This ancient history, is very difficult to trace the end Origin Gold Mine deep place, that female startled anger, she slightly executed the light punishment a moment ago, finally the outside territory person does not receive the hand, but also is intense. 这座历史久远,很难追溯到尽头母金矿深处,那个女子惊怒,她刚才不过略施薄惩,结果域外的人不收手,还变本加厉。 If no accident/surprise in this piece of universe, she is the what kind of status, who dares to neglect? At this moment she naturally cannot multi- languages, launch an attack directly. 如果不是在这片宇宙中出现意外,她是何等的身份,谁敢怠慢?此刻她自然不会多语,直接就发难。 This time, she spits piece of rune lightly, shakes the powder the outside territory that powerhouse knock down energy, then to send the silk absorption, then the white light rises suddenly, runs out of Kunlun Mountains. 这一次,她轻吐一片符文,将域外那位强者打落的能量震散,然后以发丝吸收,接着白光暴涨,冲出昆仑。 She got up has killed the heart, silver hair like the waterfall, counter charged into the day, locked that powerhouse, has gotten down the killer directly. 她起了杀心,银发如瀑,逆冲向天,锁定那位强者,直接下了杀手。 "Um? Also dares to come?! ” “嗯?还敢来?!” outside territory that powerhouse sneers to make noise, in the hand presents a light sword, has been cutting to the silver bolt of white silk, the corners of the mouth are leading cold intent. 域外的那位强者冷笑出声,手中出现一柄光剑,对着银色匹练就斩了过去,嘴角带着冷意。 dang! 当! The next quarter, he feels to suit, the silver hair that impact comes is too astonishing, pierce void, contains the energy actually not to spurt thinly, until erupts, shakes the light sword in his hand! 下一刻,他感觉对劲,那冲击而来的银发太惊人,根根洞穿虚空,蕴藏能量却不喷薄,直到近前才爆发,将他手中的光剑震断! ! 噗! At the same time, the silver hair such as the snow-white hair passes his arm, pierced his abdomen, making his blood dye the starry sky at the scene. 同一时间,银发如雪刺透他的手臂,也刺穿了他的腹部,让他当场血染星空。 Everybody detains him, he dares so, that is others was declaring war to me!” “各位将他拘禁上来,他竟敢如此,那是在对我等宣战!” He shouted, suggested people together take action. 他喝道,建议众人一起出手 However, next quarter he is frightened, the arm severe pain, the flesh by the cracking-off, that thorn thoroughly his silver hair shatters his left hand and abdomen there, divine blood scatters. 然而,下一刻他惊悚,手臂剧痛,血肉被剥脱,那刺透他的银发将他左手与腹部那里震裂开来,神血四溅。 Roar! 吼! His bellows, changes to a jet black monster, obviously melts the tenacious law body, with resist. 他一声大吼,化作一头漆黑的怪兽,显化坚韧的法体,用以对抗。 This is a fearful monster, the scales is dense, a little looks like the hyena, but absolutely is not, somewhat looks like legendary beast, the neck sinister hand black wool is very long, the back also has a pair of black great wing. 这是一头可怕的怪物,鳞甲森森,有点像鬣狗,但绝对不是,又有些像梼杌,颈黑手黑色兽毛很长,背后还有一对黑色的巨翅。 Its beast hair root root coarse and stiff, is similar to the steel needle, but many spots are also covering the scales, this appearance very to terrify person. 它的兽毛根根粗硬,如同钢针,而许多部位则也覆盖着鳞甲,这种长相很瘆人。 ...... 嗷…… Huge shouting sound gets up, it wants to shake the silver hair, finally in the surprised vision of other people, before its, was pulled apart fully. 巨大的嘶吼声响起,它想震断银发,结果在其他人的吃惊的目光中,它的一条前足被扯断下去。 Meanwhile, his abdomen was cut open, bloody, internal stomach is indistinct obviously. 同时,他的腹部被剖开,血淋淋,内部的肠胃都隐约间可见。 Wants knows, this is the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, this fights is compelled obviously to melt the main body, but also has eaten such big owing, not to be how shocking. 知道,这可是映照诸天级强者,这才一交手就被逼显化本体,还吃了这么大的亏,怎不让人震惊。 Fellow Daoist, I help you!” 道友,我来助你!” The Netherworld Race's old monster moved, is riding Bone Dragon, grasps a god of death sickle, the detachment, must cut off the silver long hair forward. 幽冥族的老怪物动了,骑着骨龙,手持一杆死神镰刀,向前劈去,要割断银色长发。 everyone, we extinguished him!” Some other person proposed. 诸位,我们灭了他!”另有人倡议。 Fiery red ferocious bird was fierce, leads the dreadful roaring flame to throw, flame Burning all the Heavens, was too terrifying, this was cultivation years incomparably remote inferior (Asia) Divine Bird-- Nan Ming leaves Fire Bird! 一头火红的凶禽狰狞无比,带动着滔天的烈焰扑了过去,火光焚烧诸天,太恐怖了,这是一头修炼岁月无比久远的亚神禽——南明火雀 The flame that it emits is very fearful, lights the starry sky, this is can destroy the energy of myriad things, is Divine fire-- Nan Ming in true legend leaves the fire. 它喷吐的火光很可怕,点燃星空,这是能毁灭万物的能量,是真正传说中的神火——南明离火。 That shouted, when this type of flame swept across came to the silver hair is very threatening. 呼的一声,这种火光席卷而来时对银发还是很有威胁的。 That Nan Ming to Fire Bird was one of universe pirate ancient times giants, always liked looting, but these many years passed by, after its strength rose suddenly, little take action, the thing that because could have a liking for were not many. 南明火雀是宇宙海盗中的远古巨头之一,一向喜欢洗劫,不过这么多年过去,它实力暴涨后,很少出手了,因为看得上的东西不多。 In the past, an antiquity wartime, it took one of universe pirate Overlord, it seized every opportunity, obtained many advantage from destruction Earth here. 当年,上古一战时,它作为宇宙海盗中的霸主之一,它见缝插针,从覆灭的地球这里得到很多好处。 Therefore, this time also came. In fact, the take action people are because afraid, had aimed here antiquity Evolver. 所以,他这次也来了。事实上,出手的人都是因为心虚,曾经针对过这里的上古进化者 Bang!” “轰!” The critical moment, the silver hair erupts billowing Yang Qi, attacks all Nan Ming to leave the fire, rolls up and pushes along violently. 关键时刻,银发爆发出滚滚阳气,冲击开所有的南明离火,猛烈卷动起来。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” That black ferocious beast pitiful yell, before this time, was pulled apart fully, the chest and belly was cut open, some silver hair pass through his flesh deep place, swallows his life energy crazily. 那头黑色的凶兽惨叫,此时前足被扯断,胸腹被剖开,更有部分银发贯穿进他的血肉深处,疯狂吞噬他的生命能量。 You...... It is not Holy Master!” He yelled. “你……不是圣师!”他大叫。 But now already late, the female in Kunlun Mountains Abyss, since chooses take action, has not planned to stop. 可是现在已经晚了,昆仑深渊中的女子既然选择出手,就没有打算停下。 ! 噗! This black monster was forced to break the body, the break is two sections. 这头黑色的怪兽被勒断身体,断裂为两截。 dang! 当! Meanwhile, the silver hair erupts the radiant ray, waves the heel Netherworld Clan old monster the god of death sickle to hit in together, sparks fly in all directions, has saying that this old monster is extremely fierce. 同时,银发爆发璀璨光芒,舞动起来后跟冥族老怪物的死神镰刀撞击在一起,火星四溅,不得不说这个老怪物极其厉害。 Bang! 砰! Meanwhile, the silver hair moves, violent pulling out in Nan Ming to Fire Bird on, it could not avoid unexpectedly, was covered by Yang Qi, had been imprisoned by the silver symbol short instantaneously, caused to suffer to strike, bird beak opens the mouth, blood splattering. 同时,银发甩动,猛烈的抽在南明火雀身上,它居然躲避不了,被阳气笼罩,被银色符号短暂禁锢了瞬间,导致生生挨了一击,鸟喙张口,鲜血喷溅。 Such the flash, powerhouses in the outer space shock, this is who, is far from Holy Master Yi Chen, is overbearing and fearful, the success is fearful. 就这么一刹那,外太空中的强者都震撼,这是什么人,绝非圣师亦尘,非常霸道与可怕,战绩慑人。 Everybody, does not need to care, even if hit to collapse this planet, I looked do not have anything greatly not, my clan Sect Protecting Supreme Treasure to!” “各位,不用在意,哪怕将这颗星球打崩了,我看也没什么大不,我族镇教至宝到了!” At this time, in universe starry sky, heard the shouts out sound, the Deity Race's person came, bringing the universe to place first ten Supreme Treasure, passed sends out the terrifying aura. 这时,宇宙星空中,传来大喝声,天神族的人来了,带着宇宙排名前十的至宝,透发出恐怖的气息。 Fellow Daoists, when take action has not treated!” Similar to the hyena likely is the legendary beast monster all over the body jet black, the body reorganization of break, bellows there. 诸位道友,还不出手更待何时!”如同鬣狗又像是梼杌的怪兽通体切漆黑,断裂的身体重组,在那里大吼。 Its exceedingly indignant, unexpectedly by one bunch of silver-haired tearing bodies, this to it is the great shame. 它无比愤怒,居然被一束银发撕裂身体,这对它来说是奇耻大辱。 However, many people somewhat are dumbstruck at this time, their innermost feelings are shocking, this were planet also when many top powerhouse? Another Shining Upon All Heavens level terrifying exists, was too weird! 然而,很多人此时却有些发懵,他们内心震惊,这颗星球什么时候又多了一位至强者?又一个映照诸天级恐怖存在,太邪门了! Kills!” Restores the free body, to run out of billowing Yang Qi Overlord Nan Ming in universe pirate to leave Fire Bird, calls out, he also feels the shame. “杀!”恢复自由身、冲出滚滚阳气的宇宙海盗中的霸主南明火雀,一声暴喝,他也感觉很耻辱。 Everybody, puts to death this person together!” “各位,一起诛杀此人!” The distant place, some people control Deity Race's Supreme Treasure, extremely fast come, to approach this place, is having the vast momentum, in the universe one of the strongest Paramount Weapon, really may frighten world. 远方,有人驾驭天神族的至宝,极速而来,接近此地,带着浩大的声势,宇宙中最强究极兵器之一,果然可震慑世间。 That energy flowing light, making Star Sea shiver, makes all Evolver scared along the way, palpitation. 那种能量流光,让星海都在颤动,沿途让所有进化者都胆寒,心悸不已。 In fact, universe deep place, close to one crowd of old Saint of Deity Race heavy place, actually all cannot bear want to yell at this time makes noise, in them has the prisoner who escapes from prison from the universe dark prison cell, there is an ominous person who the universe black market runs, all joyful incomparable. 事实上,宇宙深处,临近天神族重地的一群老圣人,此时却全都忍不住想大叫出声,他们中有从宇宙黑牢中越狱出来的囚犯,也有宇宙黑市跑来的凶人,全都喜悦无比。 Uncle Ming shouts: Fellow youngest brothers, Deity Race's Sect Protecting Supreme Treasure carried off, this is ten thousand years the opportunity that is difficult to meet, is your my big chance, kills, so long as can rush in their supreme headquarters, these scripture book, divine medicine wait/etc., enough I and others profited life-long, this whole life did not need to worry!” 明叔喊道:“各位老兄弟们,天神族的镇教至宝都被带走了,这是万载难逢的机会,是你我的大机缘,杀进去,只要能闯进他们的大本营,那些经书神药等,足够我等受益终生,这辈子都不用愁了!” At this time, Uncle Ming has the energy of misleading, but he said is also the truth. 此时,明叔极具蛊惑之能,不过他说的也是实情。 Everybody, here has divine medicine, will eat up one possibly to feel rejuvenated, the gravity head will come again, can make the breakthrough again, the luck says erratically to seek the Shining Upon All Heavens access!” “各位,这里可是有神药啊,吃下一株就可能会返老还童,重头再来,可以再做突破,运气好说不定能寻到映照诸天的门径!” Uncle Ming is incessant, raises the morale, making one group of people with hitting the chicken blood was the same. 明叔滔滔不绝,鼓舞士气,让一群人跟打了鸡血一样。 Does this ticket, our stealth lives incognito, who was the universe so big to find? Moreover, is not really good we to enter Broken Universe in dun, there has the Great Influence strength, has Exiled Immortal Nest, has Chaotic Divine Demon Palace wait/etc., is Deity Race does not dare to annoy!” “干完这票,我们隐形埋名,宇宙这么大谁能找到?再者说,实在不行我们就进沌中的残破宇宙,那里有大势力,有谪仙巢,有混沌神魔宫等,就是天神族都不敢惹!” In my opinion, this Deity Race must end, their take away the Sect Protecting Supreme Treasure powerhouse, simply is the gambler, lost red the eye, this time will possibly make Deity Race beyond redemption!” “依我看,这次天神族要完了,他们那位带走镇教至宝的强者,简直是赌徒,输红了眼睛,这次可能会让天神族万劫不复!” Walks, the youngest brothers, do the ticket to be big, perhaps we will extinguish Deity Race today, obtains their all divine object!” “走,老兄弟们,干票大的,说不定我们会在今日灭了天神族,得到他们所有的神物!” Deity Race dozens over a million exterminate the clan innumerably, the good thing that obtains to be too many, for example true Kunpeng True Form chart, Divine Beast picture scroll and inheritance!” 天神族数十上百万来灭族无数,得到的好东西太多了,比如真正的鲲鹏真形图,还有神兽图卷与传承等!” One crowd of old Saint and old convicts, by exciting one's blood bubbles up to the brim, were being called, charges into Deity Race. 一群老圣人、老囚徒,被刺激的热血沸腾,嗷嗷叫着,冲向天神族 They are worried backward, several other gangs of troops already charged into Spirit Race, Xilin Clan and other places, now possibly begins. 他们担心落后,其他几股人马早就冲向灵族西林族等地了,现在都可能动手了。 Extraterrestrial, that silver long hair waves, unexpectedly the firmly resist 5-6 position expert bang kills, contests with the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse. 地球外,那银色长发舞动间,居然硬抗五六高手的轰杀,跟映照诸天级强者过招。 However, this is one bunch sends the silk eventually, is not the honorable person, she is impossible to go against heaven's will, how initiates by one wisp can cut to kill universe Overlord. 不过,这终究是一束发丝而已,不是真人,她不可能那么逆天,凭借一缕引发怎能斩杀宇宙霸主 In the end, she incautiously, the small sections sends to burning down by Nan Ming. 到头来,她一不小心,有一小截发丝被南明离火烧断。 Chī! 哧! Bone Dragon that the Netherworld Clan old monster sits down spits the breath, that is the Netherworld flame, is one of the Divine fire, aims at that silver white illumination the sending silk. 冥族老怪物坐下的骨龙吐息,那是幽冥火焰,也是神火之一,亦对准那银白发光的发丝。 Earth, under Kunlun Mountains Abyss. 地球,昆仑深渊下。 The female sends out coldly snorted, innumerable years pass by, in key process that her transformed, unexpectedly were disturbed like this, her killing intent fills the air. 那女子发出一声冷哼,无数岁月过去,她正在蜕变的关键过程中,居然被人这样打扰,她杀意弥漫。 In the past, Supreme Being that here, her World of the Living chased down has killed several, will this type domineering and overbearing tolerate is provoked again? 当年,在这里,她连阳间追杀过来的大能都杀了十几尊,这种强势与霸道又怎么会容忍被人一而再的挑衅? Even if she moves about with difficulty now, she overbearing attack! 哪怕她现在行动不便,她还是霸道的出击了! Bang! 轰! One group of spiritual Primeval Light appear, condenses the human form, the silver hair like the waterfall, grace and talent peerless, then her the body and spirit of spiritual condensation one step arrived extraterrestrially. 一团精神元光浮现,凝聚成人形,银发如瀑,风华绝代,而后她的精神凝聚的体魄一步就到了地球外。 Bang! 砰! A fist, fist mark thinks so delicately, snow white clear, but spits the fire to burn down Bone Dragon of her silver hair to hit that directly to explode, the dragon bone is split up, charges into various starry sky places! 就这么一拳而已,拳印看着秀气,雪白晶莹,但是直接将那头吐火焚烧她银发的骨龙打爆,龙骨四分五裂,冲向星空各处! She came, to outside territory. 她来了,到了域外 „Do you want dead?!” She shouts a question with the most ancient Atlas language. “你们都想死吗?!”她以一种最古老的宇宙神语喝问。
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