SR :: Volume #8

#737: Is related with World of the Living

At this moment, Chu Feng thinks, this place too much is different, when he initially passed feels the monster evil aura to soar to the heavens by oneself, is strange and fearful. 此刻,楚风真的想到很多,这地方太特殊,他当初通过时亲身感受到妖邪气冲天,诡异而慑人。 Now the Yaoyao grandfather came, here shouts, here don't tell me and World of the Living are connected, are some people responsible for guarding in this? Chu Feng such as is the suspicion! 现在妖妖的爷爷来了,在这里嘶吼,这里难道阳间相连,有人负责镇守在此吗?楚风如是怀疑! If, seriously is panic-stricken world, so-called World of the Living is what kind, some day can pass finds out!? 若是真的,当真是惊骇世间,所谓的阳间到底怎样,有朝一日可以过去一探究竟吗!? But, Chu Feng thinks that another issue, is astonishing from the World of the Living's Young Lady Xi family background, in the clan has unparalleled expert to assume personal command, is actually studying World of the Dead, but could not find the road. 可是,楚风又想到另外一个问题,来自阳间的少女曦出身惊人,族中有盖世高手坐镇,却也只是在研究阴间,而找不到路。 Even, was suspecting in World of the Living many Supreme Being whether has World of the Dead truly. 甚至,在阳间许多大能都在怀疑,是否真正存在阴间 In this case, if there is a World of the Living's person to be responsible for guarding here, that was fearful, this pool of water is too deep! 在这种情况下,如果有阳间的人负责镇守在此,那就非常可怕了,这池水太深! However Chu Feng also thought, possibly has thought that this place was not 12 generations of can manage, place that was also not 1-2 peerless expert can living of town. 不过楚风也觉得,可能是自己多想了,这地方不是12代人能经营起来的,也不是一两个绝世高手所能镇的住的地方。 Thinks of Shining Death City, thinks of that grinding pan, becomes bloody mud including the Saint crush, even there is Undying Bird, Dragon Race and Shining Upon All Heavens lifeforms also to throw in the middle of the corpse, was ground to bloody mud, he is afraid. 想到光明死城,想到那磨盘,连圣人都碾压成血泥,甚至有不死鸟龙族映照诸天生物也投尸当中,被磨成血泥,他不寒而栗。 The Reincarnation Road's end, such black deep pool, as well as ancient cave of black deep pool opposite shore, in addition the unpainted clay idol, he more ponders over, more thinks fearsome. 轮回路的尽头,还有那样的黑渊,以及黑渊对岸的古洞,此外更有一个泥胎,他越是琢磨,越是觉得可怖。 Roar!” “吼!” The Yaoyao grandfather bellows, Chu Feng fast told the previous experience to Holy Master and Yaoyao, then, the Holy Master facial color changed, followed up directly! 妖妖的爷爷大吼,冲进去后,楚风快速将上次的经历告诉给圣师妖妖,然后,圣师面色变了,直接跟进! Chu Feng takes out stone box directly, middle also has reincarnation fire a little, this is he intends to stay behind, hopes for that one day returns to Shining Death City to look, he with the Yaoyao also manhole. 楚风直接取出石盒,当中还有有点轮回火,这是他有意留下的,希冀有一天回光明死城去看一看,他跟妖妖也进入洞中。 Chirp chirp chirp...... 啾啾啾…… Suddenly, the strange sound in sound, is trillion little rascal is whispering likely, even if has Holy Master in side, Chu Feng also felt that the whole body cold and gloomy bone to inter the body, with initially first time arrived here is the same. 突然,诡异的声音在响,像是亿万小鬼在低语,并且哪怕有圣师在旁,楚风也感觉浑身森冷入骨,就跟当初第一次走到这里一样。 Then, he opens Discerning Eyes, but follows time to be similar, this place is too weird, is the strongest eye technique is also useless, does not look thoroughly. 然后,他睁开火眼金睛,可是跟上次相仿,这地方太邪门,就是最强眼术也都无用,看不透彻。 But can actually feel, this place presents the inexplicable thing, is using the cold air/Qi to his neck. 可是却能够真实的感受到,这地方出现莫名的东西,对着他的脖子吹冷气。 Moreover at this moment, Holy Master coldly snorted, in hand catches up with the star whip to wield suddenly, void blast that bang hitting, has the strange pitiful yell sound to send out. 而且就在这时,圣师一声冷哼,手中赶星鞭猛然挥动,砰的一声打的虚空炸开,有诡异的惨叫声发出。 Even if so, Chu Feng has not seen is any thing. 哪怕如此,楚风也没有看到是什么东西。 Then, his speechless, oneself jet-black, some small hand imprints, knows is not any thing racket, under the Holy Master eye hides, these things dare to act unreasonably! 然后,他一阵无语,自己身上乌漆墨黑,有很多小手印,不知道是什么东西拍的,在圣师的眼皮子底下,这些东西就敢乱来! The Chu Feng scalp sends to explode, he looked at reincarnation fire in hand, that may really be lamplight the size of a bean, the flame is too small, possibly could not suppress the evil spirits of this place. 楚风头皮发炸,他看了看手中的轮回火,那可真是一灯如豆,火苗太小,可能压制不住了此地的邪祟。 At this time, Holy Master halted, Chu Feng and Yaoyao also stopped. 这时,圣师止步,楚风妖妖也停了下来。 Front, the Yaoyao grandfather stops there, the distance will enter again a void crack, is the secret room that Chu Feng initially saw, scares to death in the middle of that while still alive some several tens of thousands years ago powerhouses! 前方,妖妖的爷爷停在那里,再有一段距离就会进入一处虚空裂缝,也就是楚风当初看到的密室,在那当中活活吓死一些数万年前的强者! However, the Yaoyao grandfather has not gone, he do not enter Purgatory, but in furcation place there of this mine tunnel, is whooshing to this mine tunnel most deep place, roared loudly. 然而,妖妖的爷爷并没有进去,他不是要进炼狱,而是在这条矿洞的分叉处那里,对着这座矿坑最深处嘶吼,大声咆哮。 Chu Feng is startled, because he saw, when the Yaoyao grandfather roared suddenly all over the body magnificent rays of light, the whole person was similar to a Sun is radiant. 楚风吃惊,因为他看到,妖妖的祖父猛然咆哮时通体光芒大盛,整个人都如同一轮太阳般璀璨。 At this time, Holy Master bloomed to protect body divine light hurriedly, sheltered Chu Feng and Yaoyao, kept off in the front. 这时,圣师急忙绽放护体神光,庇护楚风妖妖,挡在前方。 The old gentleman is going crazy likely, then Chu Feng first time sees the inexplicable thing, in Yaoyao grandfather's outside the body, protects body Yang Qi to be dazzling, shines something. 老爷子像是在发狂,然后楚风第一次看到莫名的东西,在妖妖祖父的体外,一层护体阳气璀璨夺目,照耀出一些东西。 Some little girls are running, there is a huge monster to reveal phantom in the noisy wail, is Discerning Eyes could not see, but now visualization under flaming Yang Qi. 有小女孩在奔跑,也有庞大的怪物露出虚影在长嚎,原本便是火眼金睛都看不到,但现在在炽盛的阳气下显形。 These things are unexpectedly bold, regarding in the Yaoyao grandfather's near, to him according to going to and striking against, how Chu Feng on the knows small hand imprint to come immediately. 这些东西居然胆大包天,围绕着在妖妖祖父的近前,向他身上按去、拍击,楚风立刻知道自己身上的小手印是怎么来的了。 Roar! 吼! Along with roaring of Yaoyao grandfather, these things, these strange phantom, all blast out. 随着妖妖祖父的咆哮,那些东西,那些诡异的虚影,全都炸开。 However, this likely is a special energy, after they blast out, reorganizes rapidly, turns into the little girl, turns into the beautiful female, various monsters, throw once more forward. 然而,这像是一种特殊的能量,在它们炸开后,又迅速重组,化成小女孩,化成美丽的女子,还有各种怪物,再次向前扑去。 Bang! 砰! The Yaoyao grandfather no longer pays attention to these, he charges into is similar to Abyss mine tunnel most deep place, roared again: Gives me...... Elixir!” 妖妖的爷爷不再理会这些,他冲向如同深渊的矿洞最深处,再次咆哮:“给我……仙药!” Finally, feels including Holy Master ice-cold, the whole body fine body hair is but actually vertical! 终于,连圣师都感觉到冰冷,浑身寒毛倒竖! Chu Feng believes firmly, the Yaoyao grandfather does not go to Purgatory, but aims in the mine tunnel any thing of deep place! 楚风确信,妖妖的爷爷不是冲着炼狱去的,只是针对矿洞中深处的什么东西! At this time, is Holy Master is startled, he was born in archaic Earth in the past, has lived long time in Kunlun Mountains, not knows here There is still one inexplicable existence. 此时,就是圣师都吃惊,他当年出生于上古地球,在昆仑生活过很长时间,都不知道这里还有一个莫名的存在。 His knows, this road is very dangerous! 他只知道,这条路很危险! Walks, looks!” Holy Master naturally did not feel relieved that a Yaoyao grandfather person goes, feared that he has the accident/surprise. “走,去看一看!”圣师自然不放心妖妖的爷爷一个人进去,怕他出现意外。 This pothole deeply, exactly said is Abyss, walks toward , the gloomy cold aura must be frozen stiff the soul of person simply. 这个坑洞很深,确切的说算是深渊,一路向里走去,阴森冷冽的气息简直要将人的灵魂都冻僵了。 Chu Feng is imposing, initially when he does not dare to inquire into, passed by had not looked, now believes firmly, that is the wise choice. 楚风凛然,当初他可没敢探究,路过时都没多看,现在确信,那是明智的选择。 This piece of Abyss, fully dozens li (0.5 km) deep, advance downward, dim boundless, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, on the road no longer has the chirp chirp clever sound, was silent. 这片深渊,足有数十里深,一路前进向下,昏暗无边,伸手不见五指,路上不再有啾啾鬼音,寂静无声了。 However, this even more fearful, they saw ground withered bone on the road, after treading, sends out the resounding, dispersed and breaks to pieces. 但是,这越发的可怕,在路上他们见到了地上一层枯骨,踏上去后,发出脆响,都散架与碎掉了。 Then, Chu Feng does not dare believe that simply own eye, sees half dragon head here, glittering and translucent, is having the most sacred brilliance, even if were covered thick one by the dust, shows the shining gloss. 然后,楚风简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,在这里见到半颗龙头,晶莹剔透,带着最为神圣的光辉,哪怕被灰尘掩盖厚厚一层,也透出灿灿光泽。 Chu Feng has a feeling, this possibly is true Dragon Race, fearful existence, was killed here, leaves behind half skull! 楚风有种感觉,这可能是真正的龙族,一个可怕的存在,被打杀在此,留下半颗头骨! Holy Master is imposing, said: This is a powerhouse of Shining Upon All Heavens level, dies here!” 圣师凛然,道:“这是一位映照诸天级的强者,死在这里!” Chu Feng and Yaoyao hearing this, in heart vibrates, in this profound pothole, is what kind is at? 楚风妖妖闻言,都心中震动,这个深邃的坑洞中,到底是怎样的所在? Holy Master also said: These dead, most at least are 5 million years ago the above remains, at that time were expert, even was remote, might in thousands of years above!” 圣师又道:“这些死者,最起码都是5000000年前以上的遗骸,当时算是高手,甚至更久远,有可能在千万年以上!” On several hundred more than ten million years ago mother star, has had inexplicable great war? This was earlier than the years of antiquity by far, at that time Evolver on this planet had not risen, had this big event?! 数百上千万年前的母星上,发生过莫名大战?这可是远远早于上古的岁月,当时这颗星球上的进化者还远未崛起呢,就已经发生这种大事件?! But, in the universe actually nobody knew, extinguishes radically has anything to record, outside not clear here terrifying great war! 可是,宇宙中却无人得知,根本灭有什么记载,外界不清楚这里的恐怖大战 Chu Feng thinks quickly, his stone box also picks in this Kunlun Mountain with three seeds, whether in great war with ancient time is related? 楚风倏地想到,他身上的石盒与三颗种子也是在这片昆仑山捡到的,是否跟古老时代中的大战有关? Sees these half dragon head, he thinks, before hundred million ten thousand years, Dragon Race no.1 expert, was the past universe first powerhouse, at the point of death before , once deduced, sees the Kunlun Mountains topography, the doubtful discovery had the thing that he must look for! 看到这半颗龙头,他又想到,亿万载前龙族第一高手,也就是当年的宇宙第一强者,临死前曾推演,看到昆仑地势,疑似发现有他要找的东西! However, that time universe no.1 expert in the died during meditation process, is unable to seek the accurate Coordinate of Earth. 但是,那时的宇宙第一高手正在坐化过程中,无法寻到地球的确切坐标。 Here fight is later generation expert before the Dragon Race first powerhouse at the point of death the chart mark that carves a reproduction found, great war is then the result, said that before Dragon Race no.1 expert deduces occurred? 这里的战斗是后世高手依照龙族第一强者临死前摹刻的图痕找到的、然后大战所致,还是说,在龙族第一高手推演前就已经发生? Suddenly, Chu Feng thoughts constantly welling up! 一时间,楚风思绪万千! Do not move here skeleton, has the violent poisonousness!” The Holy Master prompt, making Chu Feng do not bump randomly. “别动这里的骨骼,有剧毒!”圣师提示,让楚风不要乱碰。 Chu Feng, halts embarrasedly immediately, saw half real dragon head, he must delete dust withdraw to come, this thing absolutely is the Artifact Refining Supreme Treasure material! 楚风讪讪的,顿时止步,原本看到半颗真龙头,他就要去擦去灰尘收起来,这东西绝对是炼器至宝材料! Dark Abyss, put out a hand not to see the five fingers, the general energy is unable to bloom radiance in this, but there is Holy Master, all are not a problem. 黑暗的深渊,原本伸手不见五指,一般的能量都无法在此绽放光华,但是有圣师在,一切就不成问题了。 „The universe first poisonous insect!” At this time, Holy Master suck in a cold breath, was staring at ground remains. “宇宙第一毒虫!”这时,圣师倒吸冷气,盯着地上一具遗骸。 It can have the hundred zhang (333 m) to be long, is not specially huge, but quite fierce, the the tails and toad lumps of centipede and scorpion of body and centipede of head and spider of snake old skin, whole body golden yellow, ray dazzling, these many years pass by, it is as before lifelike! 它能有百丈长,算不上特别庞大,但是相当的狰狞,蛇的头颅、蜘蛛的身体、蜈蚣的百足、蝎子的尾巴、蟾蜍疙疙瘩瘩的老皮,周身金黄,光芒刺目之极,这么多年过去,它依旧栩栩如生! Unexpectedly has this type of thing!” The Holy Master look is serious. “居然有这种东西!”圣师神色严肃。 According to the explanation of Holy Master, this is the poisonous insect evolves to the product of maximum level, was known as that the universe first poisonous insect, when it is small and weak can be the poisonous snake, can be the scorpion and centipede, by ordinary poisonous insect evolution, after ultimate condition of growth, the exuviate turn into this appearance. 依照圣师的解释,这是毒虫进化到最高层次的产物,号称宇宙第一毒虫,它弱小时可以是毒蛇,也可以是蝎子与蜈蚣等,由普通毒虫进化,直至成长的终极状态后,蜕变成这个样子。 This is the ultimate shape of poisonous insect! 这是毒虫的终极形态! Its poison, special corrosion soul, may kill by poison existence of Shining Upon All Heavens level, is one type is truly fearful to pinnacle lifeforms, generally speaking dozens over a million years are also hard to see one. 它的毒,专门腐蚀灵魂,可毒杀映照诸天级的存在,是一种真正无比可怕到极致的生物,一般来说数十上百万年也难以见到一只。 Its fleshly body can the bang of firmly resist Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse kill, as for the poison of its soul, simply non-solution!” “它的肉身硬抗映照诸天级强者的轰杀,至于它的灵魂之毒,简直无解!” Holy Master expression grave, even more feels the fearfulness of this place, unexpectedly on Earth, in the past their not knows. 圣师神色凝重,越发感觉到这地方的可怕,居然就在地球上,当年他们都不知道 On the head of ultimate poisonous insect has together the fatal wound, the sword mark, a sword punctures thoroughly the skull together, twists to break to pieces its divine soul, making it keep the body spatially, dies in this place. 终极毒虫的头颅上有一道致命的伤口,一道剑痕,一剑刺透头盖骨,绞碎它的神魂,让它空留躯壳,死在此地。 Can a sword kill its Evolver to be very fearful, extraordinary!” Holy Master is serious. “能一剑杀它的进化者很可怕,了不得!”圣师严肃无比。 The first poisonous insect is Taboo exists in the universe, is teaching various Old Ancestor does not dare to provoke, only if the putting out first ten big Sect Protecting weapons carry on the bang to kill! 第一毒虫在宇宙中算是禁忌存在,就是各教的老祖宗都不敢招惹,除非拿出前十大的镇教兵器进行轰杀! Chu Feng was a little numb, sees half real dragon head bone, sees the ultimate poisonous insect, this place gives his accident/surprise to be too many. 楚风有点麻木了,见到半颗真龙头骨,又见到终极毒虫,这地方给他的意外太多。 Along with the advance, the bone in Abyss more comes more, not only everywhere is, is on stone wall is also hanging some inexplicable skeletons, was very difficult to imagine here to have what kind of fight in the past, died many people. 随着前进,深渊中的骨头越来愈多,不仅遍地皆是,就是石壁上也挂着一些莫名的尸骸,很难想象当年这里发生了怎样的战斗,死了多少人。 World of the Living's person!” The Yaoyao opens the mouth, stares at the front, in Abyss is having a stretch of open field, was a stretch of battlefield, Yang Qi is likely billowing, washes out the gloomy air/Qi. 阳间的人!”妖妖开口,盯着前方,深渊中有一片开阔地,像是一片战场,阳气滚滚,冲散刚才的阴森气。 In this place, corpses of many illumination, even if died, in braving Yang Qi, is similar to one after another active volcano, blood energy is billowing, is similar to the rocket, direct impact on. 就在这块地方,有很多发光的尸体,哪怕死去了,都在冒阳气,如同一座又一座活火山,血气滚滚,如同狼烟般,直冲而上。 Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, said: This is also several million years ago, more than ten million years ago died in battle the person here?” 楚风倒吸冷气,道:“这也是数百万年前,上千万年前战死在这里的人?” Yes!” Holy Master nods, his body illumination, is sheltering Chu Feng, otherwise he cannot withstand. “是!”圣师点头,他身体发光,庇护着楚风,不然的话他承受不住。 Died is so long, blood energy such as the active volcano spout, Yang Qi arrived at the ebullition richly, this could not imagine simply. 死去这么久,还有血气活火山喷涌,阳气浓郁到沸腾,这简直不可想象。 This is...... World of the Living's Supreme Being, died in battle here!” Yaoyao said. “这是……阳间的大能,战死在这里!”妖妖道。 Does not use the multi- languages, this most at least is also existence of Shining Upon All Heavens level, horizontal corpse 12, some crowns were lifted here, some forehead have the fearful blood hole, some were stood chops for two halves! 不用多语,这最起码也得是映照诸天级的存在,横尸在这里12尊,有的天灵盖被人掀开,有的眉心有可怕的血洞,有的被人立劈为两半! Suddenly, Holy Master halts, Chu Feng and Yaoyao also stop. 突然,圣师止步,楚风妖妖也跟着停下来。 Because, the front old gentleman stood there was motionless, at this time has come to the Abyss end, had no way out. 因为,前方的老爷子站在那里一动不动了,此时已经走到深渊的尽头,无路可走。 A pair of giant gateway keeps off there, all over the body silver white, the best pupil has thousand zhang (3.33 m), firm immortal, even if the past billion years, it had the ice-cold gloss as before, blocked the road ahead. 一对巨大的门户挡在那里,通体银白,高足有千丈,坚固不朽,哪怕过去千百万年,它依旧有冰冷的光泽,挡住前路。 The silver front door near, has half dragon bone to be pinched-off, in the past when closed, twisted a Dragon Race terrifying powerhouse! 银色大门近前,有半截龙骨被夹断,当年关门时,将龙族的一位恐怖强者绞断! Chu Feng is terrified, he thinks that half dragon head bone that previously saw, with here can on! 楚风悚然,他想到早先看到的那半颗龙头骨,跟这里的能对上! Where is this? In his heart shocks, inexplicable with the Yaoyao grandfather, arrives at so bottom of Abyss, unexpectedly sees these fearful truth. 这是什么地方?他心中震撼,莫名的跟着妖妖的爷爷,来到如此深渊底部,居然见到这些可怕的真相。 „Should the back of this silver great gate, not connect World of the Living really?” Yaoyao opens the mouth. “这银色巨门的背后,该不会真的连接着阳间吧?”妖妖开口。 Even if not, is related with World of the Living!” The Holy Master look is serious, that several World of the Living Supreme Being corpse that sees on the way, that astonishing, they come from World of the Living, why arrives in this place? Definitely is having some mission! “即便不是,也与阳间有关!”圣师神色严肃,途中看到的那十几具阳间大能的尸体,至今还那么的惊人呢,他们怎么从阳间过来的,为何抵达此地?肯定带着某种使命!
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