SR :: Volume #8

#736: Earth ranks to return

In the extraterrestrial outer space, some fuzzy silhouette appear, the each and every one aura terrifying, the pupil opens and closes, can Shining Upon leave Sun and Moon die and scene of starry sky avalanche. 地球外太空中,一些模糊的身影浮现,一个个气息恐怖,眸子开阖间,能够映照日月殒落、星空崩塌的景象。 They are Divinity, is ancient existence that in the altars of various universe clans needs to consecrate, is established Shining Upon All Heavens level Evolver! 他们是神祇,是宇宙各族的祭坛上需要供奉的古老存在,是老牌的映照诸天进化者 Right that Holy Master said that the person of suffering defeat and fleeing is not willing, very not the indignation, facing a monster of losing, unexpectedly killed being off their feet, the blood splashing starry sky, flees pell-mell, they want to come back to look. 圣师说的对,败走的人不甘心,也很不忿,面对一个迷失的怪物,居然被杀的人仰马翻,血溅星空,丢盔卸甲,他们想回来看一看。 These people are extremely the powerhouses, some lived Old Antique and living fossil of very long years, naturally understands that the Yaoyao grandfather condition does not suit, may have very strong repercussion, can perhaps wait till the opportunity. 这些人都是绝顶强者,有些更是活了很漫长岁月的老古董、活化石,自然明白妖妖的爷爷状态不对劲,可能会有很强的后遗症,说不定就能等到机会。 Holy Master induced, but fearless, to present this situation, had the Yaoyao grandfather born, in addition he found to continue the medicine of life for himself, must be cruel-hearted , can definitely give it all! 圣师感应到了,但是无惧,到了如今这个地步,有妖妖的爷爷出世,再加上他为自己找到续命之药,真要狠下心来,完全能放手一搏! Perhaps they have not been able the upfront to resist all foes of past, but, if touches to visit in secret, any Dao Lineage cannot bear! 或许他们还无法正面去对抗昔日的所有仇敌,但是,如果一个一个暗中摸上门去,任何一个道统都受不了! Only what is a pity, the Yaoyao grandfather is unconscious, this is the biggest malpractice. 唯一可惜的是,妖妖的爷爷神智不清,这是最大的弊端。 „Can Deity Race be squeezed out first ten in a big way?” Holy Master shows a faint smile, at this time, he used the hand to part Purple Golden Mountain nearby magnetic field fog, stared at outside territory. 天神族会否被挤出前十大?”圣师微微一笑,这个时候,他用手拨开紫金山附近的磁场云雾,凝视域外 His relaxed stance, making some outside territory face discolorations change. 他这种轻松姿态,让域外一些人脸色变了又变。 Some person of joy , some people of like grieve for like, worry next is one's turn oneself ethnic group to cause heavy losses, after all in the past they had gotten down the cruel methods to Earth. 有人欣喜,也有人兔死狐悲,担心下一个就轮到自己族群被重创,毕竟当年他们对地球下过狠手。 Holy Master, you such self-confident, was not worried that my palm of the hand destroys completely your mother star, ruins here all creature?!” 圣师,你这么的自信,就不担心我一巴掌灭掉你的母星,毁掉这里所有生灵?!” An old man opens the mouth, hides in the chaos, but the eye pupil is fearful, likely is the magma ebullition, compels the person flamingly, Shining Upon in outside territory, huge boundless! 一位老者开口,躲在混沌中,但是眼眸可怕,像是岩浆沸腾,炽盛而迫人,映照域外,庞大无边! This lets the person with amazement, because that eyeball can compare with Earth. 这让人骇然,因为那眼球可以跟地球相比。 The Holy Master tranquil opens the mouth, said: „Does Purgatory on this planet, you dare to ruin this place? Some that boldness give a try, in the past also had the person to hit to explode Earth, the result does not run away?” 圣师平静开口,道:“炼狱在这颗星球上,你们敢毁掉此地吗?真有那种魄力就试试看,当年又不是没有人想打爆地球,结果不都是逃走了吗?” These words, outside territory is silent, Purgatory in Earth, must the rumbling crack words, day knows have anything really again, but in the past oversized issue. 这些话语一出,域外默然,炼狱在地球,真要再次轰裂的话,天知道会发生什么,当年可是出过大问题。 Has the Shining Upon All Heavens great person almost but therefore die. 映照诸天的大人物几乎因此而殒落 However, in the past they received hand to be prompt finally, has not worked. 不过,当年总算他们收手及时,不曾进行下去。 Holy Master opens the mouth once more, said: You dare to threaten me like this, in fact is reminding me, provokes us, turns head to go to you to be at Star Territory that to step onto, extinguished your foundation, hits to explode your mother star, I thought that you are again rampant!” 圣师再次开口,道:“你敢这样威胁我,事实上是在提醒我,惹恼我们,回头就去你们所在的星域走上一遭,灭了你们的根基,打爆你们的母星,我看你们再敢嚣张!” Netherworld Race, an old monster rode Bone Dragon also to come, after hearing this words , the body became stiff at the scene, their this clan most was worried. 幽冥族,一个老怪物骑着一头骨龙也来了,听到这种话语后当场身体发僵,他们这一族最为担心。 In the past Netherworld Race was one of the main armies, if now were retaliated, they must certainly bear the brunt. 当年幽冥族是主力军之一,现在如果被报复的话,他们肯定是要首当其冲。 As for Deity Race, the foundation is solid, has to be known as words that universe first ten Paramount Weapon, must go all out, it is estimated that very terrifying. 至于天神族,底蕴深厚,有号称宇宙前十的究极兵器,真要拼命的话,估计会非常的恐怖。 The Netherworld Race old monster is gloomy the face, said: Yi Chen, you, if acts unreasonably, I do not mind to go all out, because even if the bang breaks to pieces this planet by Purgatory backlash, refuses to balk!” 幽冥族老怪物阴沉着脸,道:“亦尘,你如果乱来,我不介意拼命,哪怕因为轰碎这颗星球而被炼狱反噬,也在所不惜!” Dares to threaten this planet, we can one by one visiting, will happen one day ask for all dead horses.” Holy Master light response. “敢威胁这颗星球的,我们会一一拜访,终有一天会讨回所有旧债。”圣师平淡的回应。 Such simple dialogue, making outside territory powerhouses extremely imposing, Holy Master in gentle lesson and threat , is negotiating, in view of all people. 这么简单的对话,让域外的绝顶强者都凛然,圣师在温柔的教训与威胁,也是在谈判,针对所有人。 All giants all dreaded, somewhat worried unexpectedly. 各方巨头皆忌惮,竟有些担忧了。 No one has thought, the antiquity fought already destruction planet, in today's inexplicable such, a monster reveals itself, Holy Master lived difficultly, and Shining Upon All Heavens, this let the outside territory person heart reappearing haze. 谁都没有想到,上古一战已经覆灭的星球,在今日莫名这么的强,一个怪物出世,还有圣师艰难活过来,并映照诸天,这让域外的人心头浮现阴霾。 Especially today this war, being doomed is of far-reaching influence, will rewrite some existing influence patterns! 尤其是今天这一战,注定影响深远,会改写现有的一些势力格局! The people realized, the Holy Master words had the profound meaning, did not say casually, was not the casual threat, Deity Race that even, said including him must fall mostly first ten, this was in the reminder people, will therefore possibly deduct the boundless reactionary reign of terror! 人们意识到,圣师刚才的话有深意,不是随便说,不是随便威胁,甚至,连他说的天神族多半要跌出前十,都这是在提醒众人,因此可能会演绎无边的血雨腥风! Because, first ten big, if some people drop, that absolutely is very terrifying matter, how many ethnic groups some established Dao Lineage and can ranks most before, dispatch troops at this important moment, carves up Deity Race!? 因为,前十大若是有人跌落,那绝对是非常恐怖的事情,有些老牌道统、排名最靠前的几个族群,会否在这关键时刻出兵,对天神族进行瓜分!? Without a doubt, once was the first ten big ethnic groups, accumulation heavenly material earthly treasure and practicing resources were too rich, anybody must be jealous. 毫无疑问,曾位列前十大的族群,积累的天材地宝、修行资源等太丰厚,任何人都要眼红。 If some ethnic groups decline in a night suddenly, own strength does not match with the galaxy that controls, divine medicine and supreme that scripture book then grasps wait/etc. could not preserve mostly, may be conquered by killing, thus seizes! 有的族群如果在一夜间突然衰落,自身的实力与所统驭的星系不相匹配,那么掌握的神药无上经书等多半就保不住了,有可能被人血洗,从而夺走! everyone, the storm must come, did you prepare?” 诸位,风暴要来了,你们准备好了吗?” Holy Master said again superficially, previously the people may despise, does not care, but now was prudent, has thought of the gravity of issue. 圣师再次轻描淡写的说了一句,早先人们或许会轻蔑,不在乎,但是现在都慎重了,想到了问题的严重性。 Today after fights, the situations of some ethnic groups will have the change. 今日一战过后,一些族群的处境将会发生改变。 For example Spirit Race, after this clan Old Ancestor died, do they have the Shining Upon All Heavens powerhouse? 比如灵族,该族老祖死掉后,他们还有映照诸天的强者吗? For example Deity Race, Great Deity died in battle, in their clan indeed the There is still one powerhouse, how many months ago that great war but once was hit to explode by Holy Master, Realm drops, restored? If this clan fiercer old monster has not assumed personal command, this clan...... Possibly will stare by the group tiger! 比如天神族,大天神阵亡,他们族中的确还有一个强者,但在几个月前的那场大战中曾被圣师打爆,境界跌落,已经恢复了吗?如果该族没有更厉害的老怪物坐镇,该族……可能会被群虎盯上! In fact, in this time universe was unable to be tranquil, major Dao Lineage, in some big platform, are discussing, their ranks in various discussion universe clans! 事实上,此时的宇宙中已经不能平静,各大道统,一些很大的平台上,都在热议,他们在谈论宇宙各族的排名! Today this fights is too accidental/surprised, many Evolver knows, the ranks of some formidable races must change. 今天这一战实在太意外,许多进化者知道,一些强大种族的排名要变了。 Netherworld Race, but can also be listed at 11 th? Certainly must drop, can give back to archaic Earth that group of Evolver's descendants this position?!” 幽冥族,还能排在第11位吗?肯定要跌落,会否将这个位置还给上古地球那群进化者的后代?!” This is a topic, countless people were arguing. 这是一个热门话题,无数人在争辩。 Everybody, I looked that Deity Race is most difficult, may be carved up by Dao Race, Primitive Demon Race and Monster Race, if Sub Immortal Clan and Buddha Race also take action, they definitely have the extermination of the clan disaster!” “各位,我看天神族最艰难,有可能会被道族始魔族妖族瓜分啊,万一亚仙族佛族出手,他们肯定有灭族大难!” This topic, thinks that does not cause the stir not to be good! 这种话题,想不引起轰动都不行! Spirit Race is definitely scared, who asked them to make widely known, finally Spirit Ancestor was killed destroy both body and soul directly, they let alone ranked the front row, is unable in first hundred to base mostly!” 灵族肯定傻眼,谁叫他们那么张扬,结果灵祖直接被杀了个形神俱灭,他们别说排名前列了,多半无法在前百立足!” In this moment, countless people believes firmly, even if Earth still in recovering, but after this service , must once more forest of ascending a height to get a broad view powerhouse. 就在这一刻,无数人确信,地球哪怕还在复苏中,但经过这一役后,也必然要再次登临强者之林。 Holy Master determined that has continued the life, can go on living, but the Yaoyao grandfather reveals itself accidentally/surprisingly, this can hardly be imagined the high-end strength! 圣师确定延续了生命,可以活下去,而妖妖的爷爷意外出世,这都是不可想象的高端战力! Some people estimated, the most conservative rank, Earth can also return to first dozens! 有人估计,最保守的排位,地球也能回归前数十名内! Reduces a minute of reason is, how long Holy Master can continue assigns to be full of the uncertainty, as well as the Yaoyao grandfather lost, can't knows come soberly. 减分的原因是,圣师能续命多久充满不确定性,以及妖妖的爷爷迷失了,不知道还能不能清醒过来。 Otherwise, the rank will be higher! 不然的话,排位会更高! Really, the time is not long, Dark Blood, the exceedingly high wormhole the most established universe plutocrats, the rating organization of give Earth to locate, the rating rises dramatically. 果然,时间不长而已,黑血、通天虫洞等最老牌的宇宙财阀,旗下的评级机构给予地球重新定位,评级飙升。 Their preliminary judgment, Earth can arrange to enter first in 50. 他们初步论断,地球可以排进前50内。 Comprehensive that quite they consider, Earth has divided into periods after all, lacked the middle tones Evolver, the pyramid peak has two life unstable antiquity powerhouses, was, lacked many time the nuclei. 他们考虑的比较全面,毕竟地球断代了,缺少中间层次的进化者,金字塔顶端有两个生命不稳定的上古强者,可是下面,缺少很多个时代的中坚力量。 This causes the tremendous sensation! 这造成巨大轰动! archaic Earth recovers, To rise from the ruins, their ranks killed!” 上古地球复苏,将在破败中崛起,他们的排名又杀回来了!” This becomes the hottest topic. 这成为最热话题。 Although has not arranged to 11 th, but can appear in the ranking, can the homing come back once more, was commendable, matter that particularly among evenings have, were go against heaven's will. 尽管还未排到第11,但是能出现在排行榜中,能够再次归位回来,已经难能可贵,尤其是一夕间发生的事,算是逆天了。 The people were also waiting for, looked Deity Race, Netherworld Race, Spirit Race wait/etc. whether will drop the rank, some terrors ancient hunter they presented the crisis in static! 人们也在等待,看天神族幽冥族灵族等是否会跌落排名,有些恐怖古老的“捕猎者”在静等他们出现危机! Roar!” “吼!” Suddenly, the center of the earth deep place of Earth transmits moves restlessly, in that side Small World the iron chain keeps ringing, the Yaoyao grandfather has had problems, must work loose. 突然,地球的地心深处传来躁动,那方小世界内铁链响个不停,妖妖的爷爷出问题了,要挣脱出来。 Formidable such as the Holy Master facial color also changed, is unable again to maintain tranquil! 强大如圣师的面色也变了,无法再保持宁静! Yaoyao incomparably worried, feared her grandfather has problems, this saw that if there is an accident/surprise to occur, she did not accept. 妖妖更是无比担忧,怕她爷爷出问题,这才见到而已,若是有意外发生,她接受不了。 All right, the old gentleman has gone against heaven's will, will not have the danger.” Chu Feng low voice comfort. “没事的,老爷子已经逆天,不会有危险。”楚风小声安慰。 The Holy Master opens the mouth, said: We are not worried about the old gentleman, his vital sign value formidable oddness, I am feared that he cannot control himself to affect Earth.” 圣师开口,道:“我们不担心老爷子,他的生命指标数值强大的离谱,我是怕他控制不住自己而波及到地球。” Whiz! 嗖! The next quarter, Holy Master, Yaoyao and Chu Feng crash in the center of the earth deep place together. 下一刻,圣师妖妖楚风一起冲进地心深处。 Before Purple Golden Mountain, one crowd of big monsters also crawled, although is contorting one's face in agony, but also expression grave, feared that the Yaoyao grandfather has the accident/surprise, present stage old person cannot have problems. 紫金山前,一群大妖也爬了起来,虽然在呲牙咧嘴,但是也神色凝重,怕妖妖的爷爷出意外,现阶段这个老人决不能出问题。 Otherwise, but outside territory one flock of wicked tigers, momentarily are waiting for a minute of food! 不然的话,域外可是有一群恶虎,随时等着分食呢! ka-cha! 喀嚓 Underground, that ancient coffin has blasted out, grandfather both eyes of Yaoyao flushed scarlet, knocked Holy Master to stay here bronze hall. 地下,那个古棺炸开了,妖妖的爷爷双目猩红地冲了出来,同时也撞翻了圣师留在这里的青铜馆。 He like this lowly is roaring, must run out of this side Small World! 他就这样低吼着,要冲出这方小世界 Holy Master big, including his facial color blanch, because Yaoyao grandfather, once rushes to the surface, goes crazy on this planet, it is estimated that cannot be left over several people. 圣师头大,连他都面色发白,因为妖妖的爷爷一旦冲到地表上,在这颗星球上发狂,估计剩不下几人。 He was considering, must use the Domain method, first sends out Earth the Yaoyao grandfather, in this case, may suffer the blockade of outside territory powerhouse, will unable to avoid the life and death struggle! He thought, the condition of old gentleman is not good, may have the danger. 他在考虑,要不要施展场域手段,先将妖妖的祖父送出地球,可是这样的话,可能会遭受域外强者的阻击,免不了生死战!他觉得,老爷子的状态非常不好,可能会有危险。 Grandfather, you awake!” Yaoyao was summoning, to be full of sentiment, repeatedly. “爷爷,你醒一醒啊!”妖妖在呼唤,饱含着感情,一遍又一遍。 Finally, her grandfather stops figure, both eyes blood light restraining are many, the eyeground deep place presents the ray, glitters with the scarlet ominous light alternately. 最后,她的爷爷止住身形,双目的血光收敛不少,眼底深处出现光芒,跟猩红的凶光交替闪烁。 My granddaughter, Yaoyao......” he is roaring lowly, but, runs out of Small World finally suddenly, like this rushed. “我的孙女,妖妖……”他低吼着,但是,最终猛然冲出小世界,就这样闯出去了。 Holy Master with amazement, because this time has not blocked, Domain expires, the Yaoyao grandfather such rushes, Holy Master was worried that outside has Great Calamity, pursued. 圣师骇然,因为这次真的没有挡住,场域失效,妖妖的爷爷就这么强闯而过,圣师担心外面有大劫,一路追了下去。 Yaoyao and Chu Feng nature arrives at the surface rapidly. 妖妖楚风自然迅速跟着来到地表。 Person?” “人呢?” Kunlun Mountains, charges into the Kunlun Mountains direction!” Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng and the others were fearful and apprehensive, was too a moment ago terrorist, that type of aura makes them shiver, oneself must blast out simply. “昆仑,冲向昆仑方向!”大黑牛欧阳风等人心惊肉跳,刚才太恐怖了,那种气息让他们颤抖,自身简直要炸开了。 Chu Feng grows the one breath, the Yaoyao grandfather has not lost thoroughly, understood that controls own fluctuation of energy, otherwise has to let loose, that dying countless people. 楚风长出一口气,妖妖的爷爷没有彻底迷失,懂得控制自身的能量波动,不然的话真有要放开,那会死无数人。 What does he go to Kunlun Mountains to make?” Ouyang Feng muttered. “他去昆仑做什么?”欧阳风咕哝。 Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… Yaoyao and Chu Feng charge into Kunlun Mountains, in the meantime, one crowd of big monsters also rushed. 妖妖楚风冲向昆仑,同时,一群大妖也跟着闯过去了。 outside territory, some people have smiled, reveals the color of anticipation. 域外,有人笑了,露出期待之色。 Formidable such as they, naturally may see the situation in ground, heard Grandpa Yaoyao shouting sound, knows his body condition is very bad. 强大如他们,自然可看到地面上的情况,听到了妖妖爷爷的嘶吼声,知道他的身体状态很糟糕。 Makes him fall insanely, hopes that has the opportunity to kill him!” Some people open the mouth. “让他疯掉吧,希望有机会干掉他!”有人开口。 At this moment, outside territory powerhouses extremely changed, they had a premonition a rare opportunity possibly to! 这一刻,域外的绝顶强者人数变多了,他们预感到一次难得的机会可能到了! Kills the sword twinkle scarlet, was that severe wound dying, only Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Old Ancestor of remaining heads also came, he dropped the blood regeneration, the body restores, but already the vitality damaged severely, raised is killing to say Supreme Treasure, hidden in secret, waited for the opportunity. 赤红杀剑闪烁,就是那重伤垂死、只剩下一颗头颅的刺天穹的老祖宗也又来了,他滴血再生,身体修复好了,不过早已元气大伤,提着杀道至宝,隐在暗中,等待机会。 top powerhouse of other clans say nothing of! 其他族的至强者就更不用说了! Kunlun Mountains, the Yaoyao grandfather direct impact Gate of Hell goes, is that frequently erupts the thunder strike, very strange place. 昆仑,妖妖的祖父直冲“地狱之门”而去,也就是那个经常爆发雷击,非常诡异的地方。 Initially, Chu Feng first came to Kunlun Mountain, once was deceived Gate of Hell by golden purple pecking wooden Bird King, was attacked by the thunder. 当初,楚风初次来昆仑山,就曾被紫金啄木鸟王骗进地狱之门,遭受雷霆攻击。 Afterward, when space crack of Chu Feng from Purgatory in ran away together, a road of discovery exit|to speak Gate of Hell there. 后来,楚风炼狱中一道空间裂缝中逃出来时,发现出口的一条路就连着地狱之门那里。 Now, the Yaoyao grandfather throws into Gate of Hell, rushes underground, this makes Holy Master frown, where his knows this is, follows into. 现在,妖妖的祖父一头扎进地狱之门,闯进地下,这让圣师都皱起眉头,他知道这是什么地方,跟随入内。 After Yaoyao and Chu Feng came, finally along that type of aura, with. 妖妖楚风来了之后,最终沿着那种气息,也跟进来了。 Really, Chu Feng's guessed real, the Yaoyao grandfather rushed along that road unexpectedly to a ancient mine hole, there was connecting Purgatory! 果然,楚风的猜测成真,妖妖的祖父居然沿着那条路闯向一个古矿洞,那里连接着炼狱 The Chu Feng facial color changed, because the ancient mine hole is too terrifying, he initially in walk process, simply suffered heavy. 楚风面色变了,因为古矿洞太恐怖,他当初行走过程中,简直被折磨的不轻。 However, he thought, the Yaoyao grandfather definitely did not fear these clever thing, fearless is strange and ominous, but old gentleman, if rushes like this, will go directly to Purgatory, day knows will have anything! 不过,他觉得,妖妖的爷爷肯定不怕那些鬼物,无惧诡异与不祥,可是老爷子如果这样闯进去,会直达炼狱,天知道会发生什么! Still Chu Feng has not understood that the secret in Purgatory, definitely also has the terrifying place that many he does not understand. 至今楚风都没有明白炼狱中的秘密,肯定还有许多他所不了解的恐怖之处。 Chirp chirp chirp...... 啾啾啾…… The clever sound gets up, then, sound of footsteps, wail does in a big way in ancient mine. 鬼音响起,接着,脚步声、哭泣声等在古矿中大作。 "Um, is not simple, definitely has the unimaginable thing, contains in this piece of this topography! ” Holy Master discovers the major problem. “嗯,不简单,绝对有不可想象的东西,蕴藏在这片这地势中!”圣师发现大问题。 Roar!” “吼!” The Yaoyao grandfather has gone, rushes in ancient cave, bellows, that shakes fills strange ancient mine to vibrate ancient all of a sudden, these clever sounds all vanish. 妖妖的爷爷进去了,闯进古洞,一声大吼,震的这座古老而充满诡异的古矿一下子震动起来,那些鬼音全都消失。 Gives me...... The elixir, I must rescue Yaoyao!” “给我……仙药,我要救妖妖!” The old gentleman is roaring lowly, the sound is ambiguous, but that meaning, does he rush to here to ask the elixir?! 老爷子在低吼,声音含混不清,但是那个意思,他跑到这里来求仙药?! Chu Feng one startled, he thinks that the Yaoyao grandfather's family background, from World of the Living, does not belong to this piece of universe, perhaps knows Purgatory ultimate secret. 楚风一惊,他想到妖妖的爷爷的出身,来自阳间,不属于这片宇宙,说不定知道炼狱的终极秘密。 Even, Chu Feng had suspected, wants to enter World of the Living, could take the Purgatory road of Reincarnation, no matter the reincarnation goes to the reincarnation, can have the means in the past, is mostly related with the Reincarnation Road's end. 甚至,楚风一直怀疑,想进阳间,可能就要走炼狱中的轮回之路,不管是投胎去转生,还是能另有办法过去,多半都跟轮回路的尽头有关。 At this time, the Yaoyao grandfather rushes to here to bellow, is this is existing to demand the elixir with some position? The Chu Feng mind shocks, feels to be startled. 此时,妖妖的爷爷跑到这里来大吼,这是在跟某位存在索要仙药吗?楚风心神震撼,感觉吃惊。
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