SR :: Volume #8

#735: Fellow sufferers

When hears this name, Chu Feng thought, carries on the back the cold air whiz whiz, he does not dare to turn around to look at Overlord Chu, but reveals a ratio to cry also the ugly smiling face. 当听到这种称呼,楚风觉得后背上凉气嗖嗖,他都没敢转身去看楚霸王,而是露出一个比哭还难看的笑容。 He shifts the topic decisively, in an instant on face passionate, greets Yaoyao and Holy Master. 他果断转移话题,刹那间脸上热情洋溢,迎接妖妖圣师 However, Overlord Chu is very obstinate, sees Chu Feng not to reply, shouted a Second Brother again, moreover arrives at the near from behind, this time quite clear, the enunciation is no longer unclear. 然而,楚霸王很执拗,见楚风没有应答,再次喊了一声二弟,而且从后面走到近前,这次相当的清晰,不再口齿不清。 Clarity that Holy Master hear of clarity of Yaoyao, look at! 妖妖圣师听的清楚,看的真切! Yaoyao whole body shining white illumination, beautiful is not real, Zhexian is not enough to describe that her elegant demeanor, the true graceful bearing is peerless, colorful crown world. 妖妖周身都莹白发光,美丽的不真实,谪仙子都不足以形容她的风采,真正的丰姿绝世,艳冠天下。 In the antiquity time, she for Number One Under the Starry Sky, was not only the talent talent and strength, appearance, was the first beautiful woman of that time. 在上古时期,她为星空下第一,不仅仅是天赋才情与实力,还有容貌,也是那个时期的第一美人。 Many years pass by, her black eyebrow coloring eyebrow curved, if the pupil the autumn waters, grace and talent peerless as before, the beautiful local products, among red lip white teeth are not having the light smiling face at this time, the beautiful pupil is staring at Chu Feng! 多年过去,她黛眉弯弯,眸若秋水,依旧的风华绝代,美丽不可方物,此时红唇贝齿间带着淡淡笑容,美眸盯着楚风 Yaoyao, I think of you very much, such for a long time in the past, I extremely had been worried!” At this moment, Chu Feng has also been ready for any sacrifice, the facial skin is very thick, is very disgusting, goes forward to approach. 妖妖,我很想念你,这么久过去,我一直非常担心!”这一刻,楚风也是豁出去了,脸皮很厚,无比肉麻,上前凑近乎。 Because, at present this aspect simply is the non-solution, the Overlord Chu brain is not after all miraculous, exceptionally obstinate, unexpectedly a road arrives black, is still greeting with Chu Feng to the present! 因为,眼下这局面简直是无解,楚霸王毕竟脑子不灵光,异常的执拗,居然一条路走到黑,到现在还在跟楚风打招呼呢! Right?” During the Yaoyao faint smiles completely reveals the beautiful woman condition, her figure beautiful and graceful, comes light and lively, is similar to divine lotus drags the fresh splendor. “是吗?”妖妖浅笑间尽显倾城之态,她身段婀娜,轻灵而来,如同一株神莲摇曳生辉。 Then, her corners of the mouth light, hints saying: Since this, we go to forests to stroll, I want to listen to you to pour out.” 然后,她嘴角轻努,示意道:“既然这样,我们去林间漫步,我想听你倾诉。” Although her big eyes are nimble and resourceful, when pouts slightly is smart-alecky, is bringing smiling, but Chu Feng is actually scared, this wants to tidy up him absolutely ruthlessly! 虽然她大眼灵动,努嘴时略显俏皮,带着笑,但是楚风却发毛,这绝对是想狠狠地收拾他啊! Chu Feng changes the topic decisively again, looks to Holy Master, said: Holy Master, you are the hero in my heart, is radiant lighthouse on my road ahead, will be I must the goal that from now on will try hard to pursue and surmount.” 楚风果断再转话题,看向圣师,道:“圣师,您是我心中的英雄,是我前路上的璀璨灯塔,是我今后要努力追赶与超越的目标。” Holy Master is very gentle, both eyes are profound, a bright as snow silver hair, he quite handsome, nods to the Chu Feng smile, said: Old gentleman situation is not right, I must comfort first, must make him sink the dormancy by Copper Coffin!” 圣师很平和,双目深邃,一头雪亮的银发,他相当的俊朗,冲着楚风微笑点头,道:“老爷子情况不对,我得先去安抚,要以铜棺让他沉眠!” dang! 当! The azure Copper Coffin lid opens, then Holy Master takes the Yaoyao grandfather, vanishes together since then, submerges the underground deep place! 铜棺盖打开,然后圣师带上妖妖的爷爷,一起从此地消失,没入地下深处! Second Brother!” Overlord Chu also said. “二弟!”楚霸王又叫上了。 This Chu Feng must cry, now also has him then the remaining his swearing brotherhood big brothers and Yaoyao, temporarily vanished including the person of Holy Master this good nature, what to do? 这次楚风真要哭了,现在就剩下他的结拜大哥与妖妖还有他,连圣师这个好脾气的人都暂时消失了,怎么办? Yaoyao, in the middle of this has misunderstanding!” He explained hurriedly. 妖妖,这当中有误会!”他急忙解释。 Walked, goes to that side saying that listened to me!” Yaoyao clear white hands, very natural build in his shoulder, blooms divine light, binds to lead him, extremely fast goes. “走,去那边说给我听!”妖妖一只晶莹的玉手,很自然地搭在他的肩头,绽放神光,裹带着他,极速而去。 Big brother, no, Grandfather, saves me!” Chu Feng called out to Overlord Chu. “大哥,不,爷爷,救我啊!”楚风冲着楚霸王叫道。 Overlord Chu a face dumbstruck appearance, stands in immediately same place, has been pondering over good long while, looks at the Yaoyao back, he is in trance. 楚霸王顿时一脸发懵的样子,站在原地,偏着头琢磨了好半天,看着妖妖的背影,他神情恍惚。 This causes, Chu Feng was calling out pitifully, vanished from here, Overlord Chu has not paid attention and detained. 这就导致,楚风惨叫着,从这里消失,楚霸王没理会与拦阻。 Shortly , the mountain forest deep place thunder, behind the mountain massif, the thunder big quake, Chu Feng has not come out for a long time, that piece of region sound is big. 不久后,山林深处电闪雷鸣,山体后方,雷霆大震,好长时间楚风都没有出来,那片地带动静非常大。 Eastern Sea, Unextinguishable Mountain, one crowd of big monsters start off, is very excited, previously had related with Chu Feng, knows that unparalleled invincible old gentleman is he puts. 东海,不灭山,一群大妖上路,无比兴奋,早先跟楚风联系过,已经知道那位盖世无敌的老爷子是他放出来的。 Therefore, this group of people came. 所以,这群人都来了。 Is headed by Big Black Ox, he stimulates to movement a space steamship, leading one group of brothers to run here to acknowledge as relatives, wants to celebrate this time win together. 大黑牛为首,他催动一件空间大船,带着一群兄弟跑这里来认亲,想一起庆祝这次的大胜。 When they rush, happen to saw that a Overlord Chu person stands there alone, is pondering likely, is recalling anything. 当他们赶到时,正好看到楚霸王一个人孤零零的站在那里,像是在沉思,回忆着什么。 Big Black Ox is sharp-eyed, is away from sees very much, immediately the great happiness, said: Was needless saying that this definitely was our swearing brotherhood big brothers!” 大黑牛眼尖,隔着很远就看到,顿时大喜,道:“不用说了,这肯定是咱们的结拜大哥!” He jumps down the warship, reorganizes black western-style clothes, has gathered together the big long hair combed straight back, with long hurried strides rushed over, warm incomparable, said: Big brother!” 他跳下战船,整理黑西服,又拢了拢大背头,大步流星就冲了过去,热情无比,道:“大哥!” Although Big Black Ox is the human form, but this time is retaining pair of big horn, at this time is shaking the head, the enthusiasm to is inappropriate, introduced oneself. 大黑牛虽然是人形,但这次保留着一对大犄角,此时摇动着头颅,热情到让人受不了,自我介绍。 Big brother, Old Ox I thought you to come!” “大哥,老牛我看你来了!” Then, his rear area, one crowd of big monsters, including (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Old Donkey and Ouyang Feng, Zhou Quan and Horse King and the others, shouted the big brother together. 然后,他的后方,一群大妖,包括东北虎老驴欧阳风,还有周全马王等人,一起跟着喊大哥。 This crowd of person attire are almost consistent, outside abatement Yellow Ox, other people are the black western-style clothes and brightly burnished black leather shoes, naturally this time to express politeness, takes off the black sunglasses, has not held in the mouth the cigar. 这群人装束几乎一致,除却黄牛外,其他人都是黑西服、锃亮的黑皮鞋,当然这次为了表示礼貌,都摘下黑墨镜,也没有叼雪茄。 Entire gang, uniform, lowers the head to shout the big brother. 整个一黑社会团伙,整齐划一,低头喊大哥。 Overlord Chu raised the head, a face dumbstruck appearance, if before , when his brain is not sober, it is estimated that a palm of the hand clapped, must make into the muddy flesh. 楚霸王抬头,一脸发懵的样子,如果以前他脑子不清醒时,估计一巴掌就拍过去了,都要打成肉泥。 However, recently he gradually Opening Wisdom, even can recall that past something, all was not that hot tempered. 但是,最近他逐渐开智,甚至能回想到过去的一些事,所有不是那么暴躁了。 He is a little puzzled, the appearance that being in a daze, looks at this group of people. 他有点不解,一副发呆的样子,看着这群人。 Big brother, I am your Third Brother, I called Ox Demon King!” Big Black Ox introduced, he was bigger than Chu Feng, but he dislikes Second Brother title, does not think, when Old Second, tries to get close directly like this, poses as the third child. “大哥,我是你三弟啊,我叫牛魔王!”大黑牛介绍,原本他比楚风大,但是他讨厌二弟这个称谓,不想当老二,直接这样套近乎,以老三自居。 Before (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger also gathers up, said: Big brother, I am your Fourth Brother, my childhood name called Siberia, the given name to call Northeast!” 东北虎也凑上前,道:“大哥,我是你四弟啊,我小名叫西伯利亚,大名叫东北!” hee-haw hee-haw......” Old Donkey opens mouth, just cried out, finally has suffered in an instant the 6-7 hoof, for example ox Tizi, bear's paws and horse Juezi and others. 儿啊儿啊……”老驴张嘴,刚叫唤起来,结果刹那间就挨了六七蹄子,比如牛蹄子、熊掌、马蹶子等。 He hurries the big thread chaser to change a statement, said: Big brother, I am your Fifth Brother, I called Lu Feiyang, the year fragrance 410, you can call old .” 他赶紧呲着大板牙改口,道:“大哥,我是你五弟啊,我叫吕飞扬,年芳410,您可以叫老吕。” Big brother, I called......” “大哥,我叫……” Such one crowd of big monsters gather up to come, are accompanied by a retinue, acknowledges as relatives together, this called a liveliness, was crowding around Overlord Chu, surrounded him in the center. 这么一群大妖凑上前来,前呼后拥,一块认亲,这叫一个热闹,拥簇着楚霸王,将他环绕在中心。 Only then Ouyang Toad is braving the cold air, draws back quietly backward, because he saw Yaoyao! 只有欧阳蛤蟆在冒寒气,悄然向后退,因为他看到了妖妖 That elder sister, is walking lithely from wooded mountains, making Ouyang Feng frighten shrinks the neck, he also gathered up to go a moment ago, wants to acknowledge as relatives. 那位姐姐,正从山林间轻盈地走来,让欧阳风吓得直缩脖子,他刚才也凑上前去了,也想认亲的。 But this little while free time he wants to understand, even if this old gentleman is only an incarnation, is Rebirth from a drop of Blood, background big scary, cannot call randomly. 可是这会儿工夫他想明白了,哪怕这位老爷子只是个化身,是一滴血重生的,也来头大的吓人,不能乱称呼。 The Ouyang Feng family background origin has the clue to track down, is very likely to come from Yaoyao, with strong Divine Beast that this clan raises is related, where he dares to recognize the relative randomly! 欧阳风的出身来历有线索可追寻,极有可能来自妖妖家,跟该族养的至强神兽有关,他哪敢乱认亲戚啊! At this time, Yaoyao is similar to the surging waves fairy maiden, is treading the leave of grass the line, to near. 此时,妖妖如同凌波仙子,踏着草叶而行,到了近前。 Monster...... Princess!” After Big Black Ox and the others saw Yaoyao, all shivered, straight that each and every one stands, then the whole body had goosebumps. “妖……公主!”大黑牛等人看到妖妖后,全都打了个冷颤,一个个都站的笔直,而后浑身都起了一层鸡皮疙瘩 They also saw Chu Feng, discovers him in rags, dishevelled hair and dirty face, is not completely right. 他们也看到了楚风,发现他衣衫褴褛,蓬头垢面,完全不对头。 These person of fast transfer topics, because perceived that the situation is not wonderful! 这些人快速转移话题,因为都觉察到情况不妙! brother Chu Feng you, how were how black and blue, but also some place big pieces burned black, was this suffers to be struck by lightning?” 楚风兄弟你咋了,怎么鼻青脸肿的,还有的地方大片焦黑,这是挨雷劈了吧?” Brother, was not I says you, daily installed, will be hit to be struck by lightning by the day absolutely, this definitely should say!” “兄弟,不是我说你,天天装,绝对会遭天打雷劈的,这肯定是应言了!” One group of youngest brothers teased intentionally, wants to work as the shield with Chu Feng. 一群老兄弟故意取笑,想拿楚风当挡箭牌。 However, Chu Feng these time turns around to walk, does not help them be a scapegoat. 然而,楚风这一次转身就走,不帮他们背锅。 "cough, I have the matter, you chatted slowly, I looked for Holy Master. ” Chu Feng does not return rushes underground. “咳,我有事,你们慢慢聊,我去找圣师。”楚风头也不回的闯进地下。 Then, here one group of people startle shivered spirit, bang, all people start to scatter in all directions to flee, prepare to run out of Purple Golden Mountain, returns to Eastern Sea. 然后,这里一群人激灵灵打了个冷颤,轰的一声,所有人都开始四散奔逃,准备冲出紫金山,逃回东海 However, the next quarter, this place thunder, the strong winds writings, the thunder bang top, one crowd of big monsters shriek and howl wildly, this called pitiful, all braved the black smoke, divided yelled, the whole body shivered all over, all around has lain down place, how a miserable character. 但是,下一刻,此地电闪雷鸣,狂风大作,雷霆轰顶,一群大妖鬼哭狼嚎,这叫一个凄惨,全都冒黑烟,被劈的嗷嗷大叫,浑身乱颤,四面八方躺了一地,怎一个惨字了得。 Including Yellow Ox, is also lying down on the ground hmph hmph, actually it is gentle, had not joined in the fun to acknowledge as relatives a moment ago, finally was also struck by lightning. 包括黄牛在内,也在躺在地上哼哼,其实它还算文静,刚才没凑热闹去认亲,结果也被雷劈了。 Is more injust than Dou E as for the Ouyang Feng feeling, calling out pitifully: Elder sister, the deity, this has nothing to do with me, I do not have recognize the relative randomly, you are my biological elder sister, chops that group of bastards, I help you stare,...... Do not divide me!” 至于欧阳风感觉比窦娥还冤,惨叫着:“姐姐,神仙,这跟我无关,我没乱认亲戚啊,您是我亲姐姐,劈死那群王八蛋,我帮您盯着,啊……别劈我啊!” He did not cry out, cried out by the thunder was fortunately more, in the ear eye outward was braving the azure smoke, mouth and nose to spurt the thunder and lightning. 他不叫唤还好,一叫唤挨的雷霆更多了,耳朵眼里都在向外冒青烟,口鼻喷雷电。 Old Lama is also very injust, just like his apprentice Horse King, two bald was divided black, lying down of being sprawled there. 老喇嘛也很冤,跟他的徒弟马王一样,两颗光头都被劈黑了,四仰八叉的躺在那里。 Fortunately, Wudang Mountains old Grandmaster is responsible for guarding the Unextinguishable Island islet, has not come, otherwise also unavoidably suffers to be struck by lightning. 还好,武当山老宗师负责镇守不灭岛屿,没有来,不然的话也免不了挨雷劈。 Also knows how long, Chu Feng had not accompanied Holy Master to walk from Small World of center of the earth deep place, saw to lie down a place big monster, quickly roasted ripe, here mumbled. 也不知道过了多久,楚风陪着圣师从地心深处的小世界走了出来,看到躺了一地的大妖,都快烤熟了,在这里哼哼唧唧。 The Chu Feng corners of the mouth twitch, in line with the spirit of dead person of same belief not dead this poor Daoist, he hid in a moment ago underground, comes back to see this, he pays silent tribute for these people. 楚风嘴角抽搐,刚才本着死同道不死贫道的精神,他躲进地下,回来看到这一幕,他为这些人默哀。 Chu Feng this bastard, must kill us simply, aiyu!” toad lies down there, now whole body returns the charging, unceasing convulsion, electric arc one after another. 楚风这个王八蛋,简直要害死我们所有人啊,哎呦!”蛤蟆躺在那里,现在浑身还过电呢,不断痉挛,电弧一道又一道。 Also was given favored treatment then Yellow Ox slightly, after by electricity several next, was beckoned by Yaoyao, receives and instructs own side, has not stuck its electricity. 也就黄牛稍微受到优待,被电了几下后,就被妖妖招手,接引到自己身边,没将它电糊。 Chu Feng puts on airs, said: Highly improper, gets up, great war had not finished!” 楚风装模作样,道:“成何体统,都起来,大战还未结束呢!” One group of people do not do immediately, Big Black Ox called out: Brothers you are not really tasteful, did not remind our one!” 一群人顿时不干了,大黑牛叫道:“兄弟你真不讲究,也不提醒我们一声!” The Old Donkey indignation, did not say: Monster Princess, Chu Feng also punched somewhat distressed, were we almost been why ripe by the electricity? Is unfair!” 老驴更是不忿,道:“妖公主,楚风也就是被揍的有些狼狈而已,为啥我们却差点被电熟?不公平!” Chu Feng wants to pass beats savagely Old Donkey again, unexpectedly thinks that he launches again. 楚风想过去再暴打老驴一顿,居然想他再下水。 Ouyang Feng mouth and nose spurts the electric arc, said: Yes, yes, is Chu Feng shouted that we come, previously told us, must know the book to reach the principle, shouted that the old gentleman is a big brother!” 欧阳风口鼻喷电弧,道:“是啊,是啊,是楚风喊我们来的,早先告诉我们,一定要知书达理,喊老爷子为大哥!” The Chu Feng eyelid jumps, a foot steps in the mouth of Ouyang Feng, said: Shut up, what your knows had I experienced a moment ago? Almost crossed complete Thunder Tribulation? Has carried on profoundly introspection, to restore to come, I ate up a Six Paths of Reincarnation pill!” 楚风眼皮直跳,一脚踩在欧阳风的嘴巴上,道:“闭嘴,你们知道我刚才经历过什么吗?几乎渡了一场完整的雷劫吗?进行了最为深刻的‘反省’,为了恢复过来,我都吃下一颗六道轮回丹了!” People hearing this immediately heart startled, reveals the color of sympathy. 众人闻言顿时心惊,露出同情之色。 The Holy Master opens the mouth, said: Right that Chu Feng said that great war truly had not finished, I think that they came back, in extraterrestrial waiting and seeing, the innermost feelings is definitely unwilling. However, no matter what said, this time they will be painful, but the ranks of some ethnic groups are doomed to drop!” 圣师开口,道:“楚风说的对,大战确实还未结束,我想他们又回来了,肯定都在地球外观望中,内心不甘。不过,不管怎样说,这次他们都会非常痛苦,而有些族群的排名注定要下降!” His silver hair like the snow, reveals one wisp to smile pale, said: Also good, attracts them here, facilitates Chang Ming they to begin.” 他银发如雪,露出一缕淡笑,道:“也好,将他们都吸引在这里,方便常明他们动手。” He mentioned Uncle Ming, obviously before has contacted with Uncle Ming! 他提及明叔,显然在来之前跟明叔接触过! This time Uncle Ming is opening the second war field, people that gets out of trouble from the universe dark prison cell does wantonly with one batch, is divided into several gangs of troops, turns into the universe roving bandit, attacks separately, plunges several formidable races heavy! 此时的明叔正在开辟第二战场,跟一批从宇宙黑牢中脱困的人大肆行动着,分成数股人马,化成宇宙流寇,分头出击,扑向几个强大种族的重地! These people greatly have the background, old Saint that once suffered disaster, many are the genuine ruthless stubbles, was detained these many years, in the heart the resentment was too heavy, now goes crazy, destructive power terrifying! 这些人都大有来头,是曾经遭难的老圣人,不少都是真正的狠茬子,被关押这么多年,心中怨气太重了,现在发狂,破坏力恐怖! Meanwhile, before the motion, they still recruited one batch to flee the villain in the universe black market, has not told them to make anything, but said the bulk bargain. Until moves after truly, that group of villains are shocked, but, this group of people are more ruthless, what usually does does not have a business, now some people of driveheads, the repayment possibly makes the person tremble, their each and every one is cruel, killing forwards! 同时,在行动前,他们还在宇宙黑市中招收了一批亡命凶徒,没有告诉他们要去做什么,只是说有大买卖。直至真正行动后,那群凶徒才震惊,但是,这群人更狠,平日就做的是无本买卖,现在有人打头,回报可能让人颤栗,他们一个个如狼似虎,扑杀向前! motherfucker, kills, snatches, the powerhouses of their Shining Upon All Heavens level are not at home in any case, now turned out in full strength, runs up to Earth to surround, we looted a cleanness, then put to burn down their old nest!” 妈的,杀进去,抢啊,反正他们映照诸天级的强者都不在家,现在倾巢而出,跑到地球去围堵了,我们洗劫个干净,然后再放一把火烧了他们的老窝!” Deity Race has several direct descendant successor, is not weak in their Divine Son, kills to me! motherfucker, initially that several people unexpectedly want to receive my grandchild for the retinue, from did not give to abandon, today the old man must extinguish them!” 天神族有几个嫡系传人,不弱于他们的神子,都给我干掉!妈的,当初那几人居然想收我孙儿为仆从,不从就给废了,今天老夫要灭了他们!” Walks, kills, while wants them to assign randomly! Who goes Spirit Race with me? Heard that there has divine medicine, their medicine field pull light!” “走,杀啊,趁乱要他们命!谁跟我去灵族?听说那里有神药,将他们的药田拔光!” „Do youngest brothers, some people go to Xilin Clan? There has some treasures as well as Divine Tree that carries over from archaic Earth, but might have past Number Nine Under the Starry Sky Wei Heng to assume personal command, here had Saint extremely, if can block Wei Heng, this time in the time that Xilin Clan clan head Wei Xilin just died, happen to can smash their this clan, robbed all good fortunes!” “老兄弟们,有人去西林族吗?那里有从上古地球带出的一些瑰宝以及神树,不过有可能有昔日的星空下第九魏恒坐镇,我们这里有绝顶圣人吗,要是能挡住魏恒,这次在西林族族长魏西林刚死亡的时刻,正好可以端掉他们这一族,抢走所有的造化!” To some people, Deity Race, Netherworld Race and other places the foundation is solid, can only sneak attack, fires off and snatches, sets on fire must run, because the water is too deep. 在一些人看来,天神族幽冥族等地毕竟底蕴深厚,只能偷袭,打完与抢完,放把火就得跑,因为水太深。 But Xilin Clan was a big fat, Wei Xilin just died in battle absolutely, this clan anything has not protected to teach Paramount Weapon, before other established strong clans have not responded, they are before all people, happen to can loot and swallow up here all. 西林族绝对是块大肥肉,魏西林刚战死,该族没什么护教究极兵器,趁其他老牌强族没有反应过来前,他们先于所有人,正好可以洗劫与鲸吞这里的一切。 Naturally, the premise is, some people can kill Number Nine Under the Starry Sky Wei Heng. 当然,前提是,有人能干掉星空下第九魏恒 Relax, I estimated that Wei Heng may run ahead of time, he will be afraid Holy Master to ask him to criticize, kills!” “放心,我估计魏恒有可能会提前跑路,他会害怕圣师找他去清算,杀啊!” Everybody, has organized a group, our group of people must go to Machine Race, legend clan has Divine Pond, middle do not extinguish the god fluid to help the person refine Indestructible Vajra Body, myriad evils will not invade, kills!” “各位,组团了,我们这批人要去机械族,传说该族有一口神池,当中的不灭神液能帮助人炼成金刚不坏身,万邪不侵,杀啊!” The universe deep place, a confusion, dark big wave is turbulent, some established Saint and ominous people are moving, many people were misled! 宇宙深处,一片混乱,暗涛汹涌,一些老牌圣者与凶人在行动,还有很多人被蛊惑起来!
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