SR :: Volume #8

#734: Executes the god to end

The rapidness of situation reversal, making people suddenly unable to accept. 形势逆转之快,让人一时间无法接受。 Naturally, what is unable to accept is the outside territory loose alliance, was perplexed, is not willingliest by Spirit Ancestor, he almost directly was discarded! 当然,更无法接受的是域外的松散联盟,被打蒙了,以灵祖最为不甘心,他几乎就被直接废掉! The Assassinating Vault of Heaven's old monster, have one's hair stand on end, the sword round left behind over a hundred wounds on him, the white bones stubble reveals, bloody, was nearly beheaded. If not he is killer Supreme, usually is good at with being dormant with the stealth, to strike weakly, these time will definitely cherish hatred. 还有刺天穹的老怪物,毛骨悚然,剑轮在他身上留下上百道伤口,白骨茬都露出来了,血流如注,险些被斩首。若非他是杀手至尊,平日间善于用隐形与蛰伏,以弱击强,这一次肯定会饮恨。 What is not fearful, everybody on, extinguished him together!” Spirit Ancestor stands in the distant place, dragging the God blood streamer loudly to exclaim. “没什么可怕的,大家一起上,灭了他!”灵祖站在远处,拖着神灵化血幡大吼道。 At this time, his heart in the drop blood, in the hand the forbidden tool streamer surface has been short of a bulk, scatters in this piece of universe, the scarlet fragment, that may be the peerless rare material refines. 此时,他的心都在滴血,手中禁器的幡面少了一大块,散落在这片宇宙中,猩红的碎块,那可都是绝世稀珍材料炼制成的。 The Yaoyao grandfather is carrying great cauldron, before stimulating to movement this long years, Supreme Treasure that leaves behind, has given him once more, as soon as strikes. 妖妖的爷爷拎着大鼎,催动这件漫长岁月前遗留下来的至宝,再次给了他一击。 Spirit Ancestor creepy feeling, but can also prevent with the God blood streamer? He fears to ruin, he shifts the body, exhausting ability avoidance that ray of light. 灵祖头皮发麻,还能用神灵化血幡阻挡吗?他真的怕毁掉,他横移身体,竭尽所能的躲避那道光 However, his frightened discovery, the monster light follows the displacement, close to his body, arrived at the near. 然而,他惊悚的发现,妖光跟随偏移,临近他的身体,已经到了近前。 God streamer helps me!” He bellows, the double hand-held blood streamer, the violent force wields, sweeps to behind monster light. “神幡助我!”他大吼,双手持化血幡,猛力挥动,扫向身后的妖光。 Bang! 轰! This time, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, evil wind sweeps across this starry skies, various types belong to Monster Race's rune to bloom specially, submerges the God blood streamer there. 这一次,天崩地裂,妖风席卷这片星空,各种专属于妖族的符文绽放,将神灵化血幡淹没在那里。 ka-cha...... 喀嚓…… The Spirit Race Paramount Weapon bitter experience disaster, the streamer surface blasts out thoroughly, does not exist, these scarlet fragments are the Supreme Treasure fragment, flies to all around, charges into the universe deep place. 灵族究极兵器遭遇劫难,幡面彻底炸开,不复存在,那些猩红的碎片都是至宝碎块,飞向四面八方,冲向宇宙深处。 Spirit Ancestor yelled: No!” 灵祖大叫:“不!” His eye is torching, Spirit Race abandoned the big strength to collect these fragments in the past, now is hit to collapse! 他的眼睛在喷火,灵族当年废了多大力气才收集回这些碎片,如今又被打崩! In the past, first ten big had over the old monster respectively, tore down the blood streamer forcefully, at the present this treasure meets Great Calamity to be difficult. 当年,前十大各有老怪物出头,强行拆掉化血幡,而今此宝又遇大劫难。 “Chi!” “哧!” Holy Master wields catches up with the star whip, Domain reappears, locks trapped/sleepy Spirit Ancestor, keeping him from fleeing. 圣师挥动赶星鞭,场域再现,锁困灵祖,让他无法遁走。 everyone, comes at once to cut to kill this liao!” Spirit Ancestor bellows. 诸位,速来斩杀此獠!”灵祖大吼。 However, that rides to sit in Bone Dragon Netherworld Clan old monster, after hearing this words, turns around to walk, organizes, vanishes does not see. 然而,那骑坐在骨龙身上的冥族老怪物,听到此话后,转身就走,一个腾挪,消失不见。 Bang! 轰! At this time, the Yaoyao grandfather stimulated to movement great cauldron, the light beam of cauldron mouth departure turns into the thunder, hit on Spirit Ancestor, he avoided does not pass. 这时,妖妖的爷爷催动大鼎,鼎口飞出的光束化成雷霆,打在灵祖身上,他躲避不过去。 Spirit Ancestor called out pitifully, disintegrated here, blasted out instant, when Shining Upon All Heavens level character die, this piece of space everywhere was the blood. 灵祖惨叫,噗的一声在这里解体,刹那炸开,映照诸天级人物殒落时,这片空间到处都是血液。 stream of light departs, is very gloomy, pierces void, escapes from this stretch of battlefield that wants to be quietly, that is the Spirit Ancestor energetic nucleus. 道流光飞出,很暗淡,想要悄无声息的洞穿虚空,逃出这片战场,那是灵祖的精神原核。 What a pity, Yaoyao grandfather, although is not sober, but the fight consciousness is too strong, has induced, as long as with it for the enemy then under extreme methods, his head sword wheel flies, grinds fine powder that energetic nucleus! 可惜,妖妖的爷爷虽然不清醒,但是战斗意识太强烈,有所感应,但凡与之为敌者便下死手,他头上的剑轮飞出去,将那精神原核碾成齑粉 The Spirit Ancestor tragic death, in the blood rain, vanishes in a puff of smoke. 灵祖惨死,在血雨中,灰飞烟灭。 However, the metal bar of God blood streamer whiz pierces void, bringing some streamer surface fragments like this to vanish. 不过,神灵化血幡的金属杆嗖的一声洞穿虚空,带起部分幡面碎片就这样消失。 This thing really spiritual wisdom, oneself knows runs away, seizes the chance to be separated from the battlefield unexpectedly! 这东西果然通灵,自己都知道逃遁,竟趁机脱离战场! Mainly is the Yaoyao grandfather's attention already not on its body. 主要是妖妖的爷爷的注意力已经不在它的身上。 Spirit Ancestor dies on the scene, touches to people are too big, the God blood streamer has not kept off the enemy, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is too astonishing, naturally, mainly is also because, the God blood streamer own full is the fissure, in the past destroyed heavy. 灵祖死在场中,对众人触动太大,神灵化血幡都没有挡敌人,妖祖之鼎太惊人,当然,主要也是因为,神灵化血幡自身满是裂痕,当年被毁的不轻。 Even if so, all people to realize, this Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is too fierce, the non- first ten big Sect Protecting weapons cannot resist! 即便如此,所有人都以意识到,这妖祖之鼎太厉害,非前十大的镇教兵器不能对抗! Only if the first ten big uses protect the supreme weapon that their mother star, will not set out easily, otherwise, other Artifact are not good. 除非前十大动用守护他们母星、轻易不会出动的无上兵器,不然的话,其他器物根本不行。 Until at this time, the people realized, Netherworld Clan that old monster rides Bone Dragon to turn around to run, this is not timid, but quite decisive. 直到此时,人们才意识到,冥族那个老怪物骑着骨龙转身就跑,这不是怯懦,而是相当的果断。 Was rumbled to put on the body , to depend upon to overwhelm with numerical strength to hunt and kill Yaoyao grandfather's Unextinguishable Vajra, at this time feels terrified, he also wants to look for opportunity killing, now hurriedly flees. 被轰穿躯体、还想依靠人多势众而猎杀妖妖祖父的不灭金刚,此时感觉悚然,他原本还想找机会扑杀呢,现在则急忙遁走。 But, Yaoyao grandfather to his take action, this occasion with monster cauldron resonance, just like fusing together, each other shines, erupts immeasurable divine glow. 可是,妖妖的爷爷已经对他出手,此际跟妖鼎共鸣,宛若融为一体,彼此都发光,爆发无量神芒 Of bang, the person and cauldron rushed over together, the Yaoyao grandfather is carrying great cauldron, pounds on the body of Unextinguishable Vajra. 轰的一声,人与鼎一起冲了过去,妖妖的爷爷拎着大鼎,砸在不灭金刚的身上。 In these people are the Unextinguishable Vajra defensive power is most astonishing, because is the metal body, he does not extinguish firmly, even once had also swallowed some rare divine gold, even little Origin Metal, with evolve. 这些人中当属不灭金刚的防御力最惊人,因为是金属体,他坚固不灭,甚至还曾吞食过一些稀有神金、甚至少许母金,用以进化。 However, these are useless, now after he was pounded, the whole person erupts ball of light, has blasted out, Machine Race the Vajra is roaring, sends out the soul to roar, fills unwillingly. 然而,这些都没用,现在他被砸中后,整个人爆发成光团,炸开了,机械族的这位金刚怒吼着,发出灵魂咆哮,充满不甘。 But, he is powerless in the end, is split up, the soul reveals from the metal body. 可是,到头来他无力回天,四分五裂间,灵魂从金属躯体中显露出来。 Bang! 轰! great cauldron pounds to fall once more, the bang in his soul, Unextinguishable Vajra calls out sad and shrill, in this starry skies various phenomenon numerous, the blood-color lotus flower blooms, the ghost numerous, black tornados towering present in the universe...... 大鼎再次砸落,轰在他的灵魂上,不灭金刚凄厉嚎叫,这片星空中各种异象纷呈,血色莲花绽放,鬼影重重,黑色的旋风突兀呈现宇宙中…… ! 噗! His soul blasts out, vanishes in a puff of smoke. 他的灵魂炸开,灰飞烟灭。 At this time, do other people also dare to stay here? All at-large, after being similar to the corpse demon old man grasps this cauldron, own strength increases sharply, who with fighting? 此时,其他人还敢呆在这里吗?全都在逃,如同尸魔般的老者掌握此鼎后,自身的战力跟着激增,谁与争锋? First ten big, even needs to be situated Sect Protecting Supreme Treasure of first several strongest ethnic group to block this cauldron. 前十大,甚至需要排行前几名的最强族群的镇教至宝才能挡住此鼎。 All person knows, after this level, such cauldron can add holds the energy of control, most minimum amplification over four times, absolute terrifying. 所有人都知道,到了这个层次后,这样的鼎能加持掌控者的能量,最起码增幅四倍以上,绝对的恐怖。 The Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouses are retreating, does not dare to offend the front! 映照诸天级强者都在撤退,不敢撄锋! This scene makes the universe each region people be startled, deeply feels inconceivable, originally their heart in the eye strongest one row of Evolver will also be afraid, has does not dare to resist with all one's strength. 这个场面让宇宙各地众人都吃惊,深感不可思议,原来他们心目中的最强一列进化者也会害怕,有不敢力敌的时候。 Chī! 哧! Holy Master is beginning, he forces to hide in the Domain method in the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's old monster in secret, wants to block his all escape routes. 圣师在动手,他以场域手段逼迫出隐藏在暗中的刺天穹的老怪物,想封死他所有的退路。 Without a doubt, this old monster strength is as deep as a well, has not lost heart, wants to assassinate as before, but after being detected, he pours also decisively, turns around to walk. 毫无疑问,这个老怪物实力高深莫测,还不死心,依旧想刺杀呢,但是被发觉后,他倒也果断,转身就走。 However, the Yaoyao grandfather is savage at this time, fight instinct side of vicious tendencies appears, both eyes send the hemorrhage light, the cauldron mouth aim at the front, the thick light beam departs together, is accompanying the chaos thunder, rumbled directly in the past. 不过,妖妖的爷爷此时非常凶残,战斗本能中的戾气的一面显现出来,双目发出血光,鼎口对准前方,一道粗大的光柱飞出,伴着混沌雷霆,直接轰了过去。 Assassinating Vault of Heaven's old monster suck in a cold breath, he by some rule locking, but, he was wielded unexpectedly again begins blood-color Divine Sword. 刺天穹的老怪物倒吸冷气,他居然被某种规则锁定,无奈之下,他再次挥动手中的血色神剑 When a big sound, sparks fly in all directions, is spreads ka-cha one finally, the sword body breaks off one-third . Moreover the thunder conducts in his body. 当的一声大响,火星四溅,最后更是传出喀嚓一声,剑体折断1,而且雷霆传导进他的身体中。 Bang! 砰! His half body is blood, caused heavy losses. 他的半边身子都是血,被重创。 The Assassinating Vault of Heaven's old monster loves dearly wants dead, the strongest weapon that their this killer organizes is damaged is too serious, knows do not place in blood pond nourish many years to restore. 刺天穹的老怪物心疼的想死,他们这一杀手组织的最强兵器受损太严重,不知道要放在血池温养多少年才能修复。 Bang!” “轰!” The next quarter, the Yaoyao grandfather is similar to Undying Bird hovers, separates the universe starry sky, held cauldron extremely fast to fly, the time seemed twisted. 下一刻,妖妖的爷爷如同不死鸟翱翔,割裂宇宙星空,持鼎极速飞了过去,时光都仿佛都被扭曲了。 Walks!” “走!” The Assassinating Vault of Heaven's old monster eventually is the generation of can accomplish all the good fortune, own is powerful, cuts locking of principle rune with broken sword forcefully, rushes in the wormhole. 刺天穹的老怪物终究是功参造化之辈,自身实力非常强大,强行用断剑斩开法则符文的锁定,闯进虫洞内。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, the Yaoyao grandfather shoots great cauldron, pounds in the wormhole, there has the large explosion immediately. 这一刻,妖妖的爷爷将大鼎掷出,砸进虫洞内,那里顿时发生大爆炸。 "Ah...... ” Assassinating Vault of Heaven's old monster entire life first time eats such big owing, is he has assassinated others since the youth, lets other person of frightened, today is one's turn his oneself to be in danger, was being hunted and killed. “啊……”刺天穹的老怪物生平第一次吃这么大的亏,从年轻时代开始一直是他刺杀别人,让其他人恐惧,今天轮到他自身遇险,在被猎杀。 His body by the great cauldron bang , an cuns (2.5 cm) break, the blood rain was spurted, to only the remaining heads, turned into one group of red light to wrap by broken sword finally, vanishes quickly. 他的身体被大鼎轰中,寸寸断裂,血雨飞洒,到最后只剩下头颅,被断剑化成一团红光包裹着,倏地消失。 Even if Holy Master is sighing, what a pity! 即便是圣师都在叹,可惜! Across universe, the people exclaimed in surprise, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Old Ancestor almost thoroughly was struck to kill unexpectedly, making many people think regrettable, if executes him, this killer organized thoroughly to end! 宇宙各地,人们惊叹,刺天穹的老祖居然几乎就被彻底击杀,让许多人都觉得遗憾,如果毙掉他,这个杀手组织就彻底完了! At this time, here was peaceful, when the Yaoyao grandfather turns around to seek for the match again, these people all ran, has not remained! 此时,这里安静了,妖妖的祖父再转身寻找对手时,那些人全都跑了,一个没剩! Roar!” “吼!” The old person bellows, raises the cauldron to pursue in the starry sky directly, on the way actually staggers, the corners of the mouth overflow a wisp of blood, great war, he was also continually wounded. 老人大吼,提着鼎直接追进星空中,不过在途中时却一个踉跄,嘴角溢出一缕血,连番大战,他也负伤了。 Then, he Great Deity will have lifted with the cauldron was raising together. 接着,他一把将跟鼎一块提着的大天神举了起来。 No!” The Great Deity fine body hair is but actually vertical, he felt that the incomparable aggrievedness, today's fight makes him want to go crazy, has been carried, has regarded the weapon. “不!”大天神寒毛倒竖,他感觉无比的憋屈,今天的战斗让他想发疯,一直被人拎着,当成了兵器。 ! 噗! In the end, the Yaoyao grandfather tears two pieces him, then uses great cauldron, pounds down suddenly, shakes blood mist it, makes into the flying ash! 到头来,妖妖的祖父将他撕裂成两片,而后动用大鼎,猛然砸下,将其震成血雾,打成飞灰! Then, the Yaoyao grandfather pursues once more to the starry sky. 然后,妖妖的祖父再次追向星空中。 „It is not right, the uncle we halts, do not pursue!” Holy Master alerts, he felt that universe deep place has the danger, has the old monster to be dormant. “不对,叔叔我们止步,不要追了!”圣师警醒,他感觉宇宙深处有危险,有老怪物在蛰伏。 He feared that the first ten big people raise the Sect Protecting weapon in clan to come, that troublesome was big, who will be the winner, is hard to expect. 他怕有前十大的人提着族中的镇教兵器前来,那麻烦就大了,鹿死谁手,难以预料。 Mainly is because, the Yaoyao grandfather lost, is not the normal condition. 主要是因为,妖妖的爷爷已经迷失,不是正常的状态。 Yaoyao comes out from Copper Coffin, she makes the old person peaceful successfully, has not pursued again, but is actually not able to make him sober. 妖妖铜棺中出来,她成功让老人安静下来,没有再追击,不过却无法让他清醒。 At this time this occasion, the Chu Feng state of mind fluctuates, these time so ends unexpectedly, outside territory alliance who native Evolver hits flee and become separated, cannot imagine. 此时此际,楚风心绪起伏,这一次居然如此收场,本土进化者打的域外联盟者逃散,真的是不可想象。 He turns on a jar in hand with great speed, in that is the weapon refining Holy Tree pollen, then, he reverses to section of Yang Qi magnificently intense to pinnacle Origin Metal on. 他火速将手中的一个罐子开启,那里面是炼兵圣树的花粉,然后,他倒向一截阳气盛烈到极致的母金上。 Before this is the Yaoyao grandfather leaves, stays behind, told him, if unable to come back finally on time, can so do. 这是妖妖的爷爷离开前留下的,告诉他,若是最终无法按时回来,可以如此做。 Previously, Chu Feng has not begun, because of Holy Master in outside territory, accompanied side the Yaoyao grandfather, did not need him to be worried. 早先,楚风没有动手,因为圣师域外,陪在妖妖的爷爷身边,不用他担心。 Now fought to finish, moreover they no longer pursued the enemy, Chu Feng will do this not to affect the fight of outside territory. 现在战斗结束,而且他们不再追敌,楚风这样做不会影响到域外的战斗。 ...... 哧哧…… Origin Metal is melting, the interior is hiding astonishing mysterious rune, then leaps faint trace flowing light continuously, fires into the universe, attracts with Origin Metal of Yaoyao grandfather within the body mutually, echoes. 母金在熔化,内部藏着惊人的神秘符文,然后腾起丝丝缕缕的流光,冲向宇宙中,跟妖妖祖父体内的母金相互吸引,进行呼应。 Divine War ends, service Gods! 神战落幕,一役诸神 Star Sea big change, who can think that can be this kind of result? Shocks outside territory! 星海剧震,谁能想到会是这样一个结果?震撼域外 World-wide ebullition! 举世沸腾! Various clans are discussing, all was discussing, the trim starry sky noisily boiled. 各族都在热议,全都在谈论,整片星空都喧沸起来。 But, Holy Master was sighing, in the past an antiquity war, they lose the loser, their these friends, old friends, the ally allied armies seemed like extinguished cleanly. 可是,圣师却在叹息,当年上古一战,他们是失败方,他们的那些朋友、故人、盟友联军等看来都被灭干净了。 Present age, these people are unable to appear again! 当世,那些人再也无法出现! Holy Master is very moved, although was startled these extremely powerhouse, but was difficult to cover the decline of Earth, now also only remaining he and Yaoyao grandfather can fight. 圣师很伤感,虽然惊走了那些绝顶强者,可是却难掩地球的没落,如今也只剩下他与妖妖的爷爷可以一战。 Shortly , the Yaoyao grandfather has induced, roaring, shouting, eye blood red, but, actually the tone flies finally toward Earth, must go to Purple Golden Mountain. 不久后,妖妖的爷爷有所感应,咆哮着,嘶吼着,眼睛血红,但是,最终却调头向着地球飞去,要去紫金山 This time, Holy Master naturally follows up Earth, the landing, he feared together the Yaoyao grandfather went crazy, has destroyed here all. 这一次,圣师自然跟进地球,一同降落,他怕妖妖的爷爷发狂,毁了这里的一切。 Yaoyao also came back, sits on Copper Coffin, finally has her, her grandfather is gradually peaceful, has not continued to go crazy. 妖妖也回来了,坐在铜棺上,最终有她在,她的爷爷渐渐安静,没有继续发疯。 Holy Master, Yaoyao, Old gentleman!” Chu Feng stands before Purple Golden Mountain, excited incomparable, here greets. 圣师,妖妖,老爷子!”楚风站在紫金山前,激动无比,在这里迎接。 His also one person, that is Yaoyao grandfather's that says Rebirth from a drop of Blood incarnation-- Overlord Chu. 他的身后还有一人,那就是妖妖祖父的那道滴血重生的化身——楚霸王 Then, a name of Overlord Chu, nearly lets Chu Feng startled the soul flies away and scatters, feels first two big. 接下来,楚霸王的一个称呼,险些让楚风惊的魂飞魄散,感觉一个头两个大。 Second Brother......” Overlord Chu walks from rear area, like this called Chu Feng. “二弟……”楚霸王从后方走来,这样称呼楚风
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