SR :: Volume #8

#733: Divine War expansion

Even if since the recent antiquity has had the peerless character to confront, is insufficient so, Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse one after another birth , the Divine War scale is promoting fiercely! 近古以来哪怕有绝世人物对峙,也不至于如此,映照诸天级强者接二连三的出世,神战规模在剧烈升级! Divine War, lets the person palpitation truly, lets various clan scared campaigns, will frequently affect the major galaxies, can ruin some life planet. 神战,真正让人心悸,让各族恐慌的战役,动辄就会波及各大星系,无意间就能毁掉一些生命星球 Now, the fight is continuing, gets stronger and stronger, has terrifying silhouette to stand erect in the dark universe deep place, huge boundless, only then the eye is clearly discernible, magnificently intense is fearful, is 100,000 li (0.5 km) long bright as snow blade edge, coldly is staring at the Yaoyao grandfather and Holy Master likely! 现在,战斗在持续,越演越烈,有恐怖的身影屹立在黑暗的宇宙深处,庞大无边,只有眼睛清晰可见,盛烈而慑人,像是100000里长的雪亮刀锋,冷冷地盯着妖妖的爷爷与圣师 Also some silhouette in silent to get close to, was covered by the chaos, nearby many planets him submerges, anything could not see, a haziness. 还有的身影在无声无息接近,被混沌笼罩,将他附近的很多行星都淹没,什么都看不到了,一片迷蒙。 Around fuzzy silhouette is withered bone, throws over is having Full-Body Armor that ancient times the skeleton composed, is riding Bone Dragon, the imposing manner is threatening, close to here! 还有模糊的身影周围全都是枯骨,披着有远古骨架组成的甲胄,骑着一头骨龙,气势逼人,临近这里! The enemy side launches an attack, Spirit Ancestor first beginning, because his has been once overawed the Star Sea Taboo weapon-- God blood streamer, fearful. 敌方发难,灵祖第一个动手,因为他得到曾经威震星海禁忌兵器——神灵化血幡,慑人之极。 This streamer shakes, the expansive sky cracks, the starry sky almost must be destroyed, is extremely terrifying! 此幡一抖,长空崩裂,星空几乎要被毁灭了,太过恐怖! The streamer surface is scarlet, slightly is obsolete, full is the fissure, when is similar to the porcelain crack, dense and numerous, above veined pattern is similar to a spider web, but it is fearful, covers the starry sky. 幡面猩红,略显陈旧,满是裂痕,如同瓷器龟裂时,密密麻麻,上面的纹路如同蛛网,但是它却是可怕的,遮盖星空。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Such the flash, nearby the Yaoyao grandfather has some planets to blast out, when the streamer surface strokes does not have anything to prevent, easily accomplished. 就这么一刹那,妖妖的爷爷附近就有一些行星炸开,在幡面拂过来之际没有什么能够阻挡,摧枯拉朽。 Wū wū...... 呜呜…… Meanwhile, calling out sound that in universe starry sky resounds, likely is the Divine Demon sob, likely is the evil spirit in hell in unwilling roaring, is the Conghua blood streamer passes on. 同时,宇宙星空中响起起来的嚎叫声,像是神魔哭泣,又像是地狱中的厉鬼在不甘的咆哮,都是从化血幡传出来的。 Although the Yaoyao grandfather loses, but, he can actually the sensation arrive at the danger, is similar to the illusion spatial flower, from vanished same place, has avoided. 妖妖的祖父虽然迷失,但是,他却能够感知到危险,如同梦幻空花,从原地消失,躲避了出去。 Holy Master follows to move, avoids the Spirit Race Supreme Treasure point. 圣师跟随而动,也避开灵族至宝的锋芒。 Bang! 轰! That streamer surface sweeps across to be obsolete, this place blasts out, the starry sky annihilation, presents giant black holes, the God blood streamer destroys the hardest defenses! 那幡面席卷而过时,这片地方炸开,星空湮灭,出现一片巨大的黑洞,神灵化血幡无坚不摧! Monster, you have to fear? Come, comes to go crazy again, today Old Ancestor I use this streamer to receive your souls, refining up your energetic nuclei, I thought where you walk!” “怪物,你们也有怕的时候?来啊,再过来发疯啊,今天老祖我用此幡收你们的魂魄,炼你们的精神原核,我看你哪里走!” The Spirit Ancestor rib region gives birth to pair of devil transparent shark's fins, extremely fast kills, grasps the God blood streamer, the bang to the Yaoyao grandfather and Holy Master, when he previously was being pressed hitting by Holy Master, has suppressed a lot of fires, now has the opportunity, naturally whole-heartedly. 灵祖肋部生出一对恶魔肉翅,极速杀来,手持神灵化血幡,轰向妖妖的爷爷与圣师,他早先时被圣师压着打,憋了一肚子火,现在得到机会,自然全力以赴。 The Yaoyao grandfather avoids rapidly, Holy Master arranges the stars, composes the Domain resistance. 妖妖的祖父迅速躲避,圣师则排列星辰,组成场域对抗。 However, now the enemy are too many, not far away some people of take action, one of the bang, one full is the big hand racket of azure scale falls, directly disturbs Holy Master to arrange Domain. 然而,现在对头太多,不远处又有人出手,轰的一声,一个满是青色鳞片的大手拍落下来,直接干扰圣师布置场域 Chī! 哧! Has the population to spit the sword light, such as hangs Star River to fly, illuminates the dim universe, too dazzling, Sword Qi disintegrates many celestial body! 更有人口吐剑光,如一挂星河飞来,照亮昏暗的宇宙,太刺目了,剑气瓦解诸多星体 Haha, many thanks Fellow Daoist, begins to seize to kill them together!” Spirit Ancestor laughs. “哈哈,多谢道友,一起动手擒杀他们!”灵祖大笑。 God blood streamer really worthily is forbidden tool, even more fearful, after the streamer surface launches, covers this starry skies, the blood-color is having the breakage trace appearance, the prestige can be vast. 神灵化血幡真的不愧为禁器,越发的可怕,幡面展开后,覆盖这片星空,血色而带着破裂痕迹的样子,威能浩瀚。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 At this moment, the Yaoyao grandfather or Holy Master felt that own blood essence is running out, submerges in that streamer surface! 这一刻,无论是妖妖的爷爷还是圣师都感觉到自身血精在冲出,没入那幡面中! Buzz, the Yaoyao grandfather exudes one to shout, wields Great Deity to pound forward. 嗡的一声,妖妖的爷爷发出一声嘶吼,挥动大天神向前砸去。 This moment Great Deity mood is rotten to the core, and some fears fear, he like this becomes a weapon, momentarily will be discarded, how could Deity Race reduces to this step, simply is most aggrieved Overlord. 这一刻的大天神心情糟糕透顶,且有些惶惧,他就这样成为兵器,随时会被人废掉,天神族何曾沦落到这一步,简直是最憋屈的霸主 "Ah...... ” Great Deity called out pitifully, his blood was flying rapidly, on the body some spots got down witheredly, that God blood streamer moved the antiquity, indeed did not have the unwarranted reputation, scared, was being plundered the life energy including his person of this progression. “啊……”大天神惨叫,他的血液在迅速飞出去,身体上有些部位干瘪下去,那神灵化血幡名动上古,的确不是只有虚名,让人胆寒,连他这种级数的人都在被掠夺生命能量。 Meanwhile, this starry skies blast out once again! 同时,这片星空又一次炸开! Spirit Ancestor grasps this streamer to have simply cannot resist with all one's strength the potential, by a weapon, he can achieve this step, it can be imagined this precious. 灵祖手持此幡简直有不可力敌之势,凭借一件兵器而已,他就能做到这一步,可想而知此器的珍贵。 Spirit Ancestor, do you want to kill me?” Great Deity exudes the low and deep roar. 灵祖,你想杀死我吗?”大天神发出低沉的吼声。 Great Deity you could rest assured that I have the discretion, you slightly are injured now, my clan Supreme Treasure will not harvest your life really!” Spirit Ancestor in secret sound transmission. 大天神你放心,我有分寸,你现在只是略微受伤,我族至宝不会真的收割你的性命!”灵祖暗中传音 At this time, the Yaoyao grandfather was compelled the disadvantageous position, that region had a whole body to cover existence of bone Full-Body Armor, was riding Bone Dragon, momentarily must launch an attack, this was an old monster, passes abnormal breath that sent out formidable! 这时,妖妖的爷爷被逼到不利位置,身后那片区域有一位满身覆盖着骨质甲胄的存在,骑着骨龙,随时要发难,这是一个老怪物,透发出的气息异常的强大! Kills!” “杀!” When God blood streamer unfolds once more, Star Sea is split up, has this weapon simply to sweep away the universe, makes territory that a piece of nobody may keep off. 神灵化血幡再次展动时,星海四分五裂,拥有这件兵器简直可以横扫宇宙,打出一片无人可挡的疆土。 Bang! 轰隆! Finally the moment, the Yaoyao grandfather not only wields Great Deity, making him keep off in the front, skinny, blood energy loses most, he has also stimulated to movement trump card. 最后关头,妖妖的祖父不仅挥动大天神,让他挡在前方,皮包骨头,血气丢失大半,他自己也催动了杀手锏 The sword round leaves again! 剑轮再出! Of bang, the swords of nine colorful energy revolve, sword round flaming incomparable, collides in that God blood streamer together, blood energy and color light bursts out together, illuminates the vast universe starry sky. 轰的一声,九口色彩斑斓的能量之剑旋转,剑轮炽盛无比,跟那神灵化血幡碰撞在一起,血气与彩光一起迸发,照亮浩大的宇宙星空。 Countless people are panic-stricken, even if the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouses is backing up, this collision is too astonishing, the space cuns (2.5 cm) annihilation of that stretch of region, many planets turn into fine powder, degenerates into the cosmic dust. 无数人惊骇,哪怕是映照诸天级强者都在倒退,这种碰撞太惊人,那片地带的空间寸寸湮灭,许多行星化成齑粉,沦为宇宙尘埃。 The sword round can block this vibration past and present unexpectedly forbidden tool! 剑轮竟然可以挡住这件震动古今的禁器 Spirit Ancestor big mouth respite, the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, his face color with amazement, nobody melts blood streamer terrifying how compared with his clearer this, with the world regular resonance, interweaves with universe Order, when attack, making the striking power explosion several fold of continue! 灵祖大口喘息,嘴角溢血,他一脸骇然之色,没有人比他更清楚这化血幡多么的恐怖,跟天地规则共鸣,跟宇宙秩序交织,进攻时,让施法者的攻击力都跟着激增数倍不止! In addition, it can also swallow blood energy and energy of rival, the strength of murdering is boundless. 此外,它还能吞食敌手的血气与能量等,杀伐之力无边。 But now, the Yaoyao grandfather has not used the weapon, but has blocked the God blood streamer with Divine Skill, he who shakes coughs up blood. 可是现在,妖妖的祖父没有动用兵器,只是凭着一种神技就挡住了神灵化血幡,震的他咳血。 Meanwhile, he flashes the item to watch, discovers in the streamer surface these fissures, somewhat expanded, what is most fearful, even the place breaks a small corner/horn, making him grieved and frightened. 同时,他闪目观看,发现幡面上那些裂痕,有些扩大了,最为可怕的是,甚至有一处地方断裂一小角,让他心痛而惊悚。 Your this monster!” He angrily roars, slightly what makes him relax, the grandfather head sword round dissipation of Yaoyao, this strikes the consumption to be huge. “你这个怪物!”他怒吼,不过让他稍微松了一口气的是,妖妖的爷爷头上的剑轮消散,这一击消耗巨大无边。 Moreover, old person's corners of the mouth also wisp of hematorrhea leaves, exudes the sound, is similar to the boiling water appears in the world of ice and snow, Yang Qi of blood is too heavy. 而且,老人的嘴角也有一缕血溢出,发出哧哧声,如同沸水出现在冰天雪地中,血液的阳气太重。 I thought that you can block me several to strike!” Spirit Ancestor shouted. “我看你能挡住我几击!”灵祖喝道。 „Do you want to kill me?!” Great Deity was anxious, these two die the words that knocks, he definitely predeceases, he currently has the feeling that plants to live to might as well die. “你想害死我吗?!”大天神急了,这两人死磕的话,他肯定先死,他现在就有种生不如死的感觉。 His body is tattered, is exceptionally withered, the blood essence passes many. 他的身体破破烂烂,异常干枯,血精流逝过多。 Fellow Daoist on together, do not stand by again!” Spirit Ancestor shouted. “各位道友一起上,不要再作壁上观!”灵祖喝道。 In fact does not need him to roar, some people began, was cut open void, silent, blood red Divine Sword appears, goes straight to Yaoyao the back of the head of grandfather's. 事实上不用他吼,就有人动手了,虚空被切开,无声无息,一口血红的神剑出现,直抵妖妖的爷爷的后脑海。 Until approaching, this kills saying that Supreme Treasure blooms the flaming red light, surrounding blood energy is similar to the magma ebullition, breaks the space! 直到临近,这口杀道至宝才绽放炽盛的红光,周围的血气如同岩浆沸腾,震碎空间! The moon has burnt viciously, this method naturally is to stem from Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Old Ancestor, lived the old monster of long years, he is dark hunter, to kill the enemy to resort to all means. 太阴狠毒辣了,这种手段自然是出自刺天穹的老祖,一个活了漫长岁月的老怪物,他是黑暗狩猎者,为杀敌而不择手段。 dang! 当! The critical moment, the sword wheel reappears, killing of this red light shining trim universe said that Supreme Treasure shakes. 关键时刻,剑轮再现,将这口红光照耀整片宇宙的杀道至宝震开。 Suddenly, Sword Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered surges, the sword of red murdering chops unceasingly, the domineering is incomparable, with a sword round showdown. 一时间,剑气纵横激荡,红色的杀伐之剑不断劈来,强势无比,在跟剑轮对决。 This lets the person with amazement, who is clear that sword round to be fearful, but currently Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Supreme Treasure unexpectedly has this prestige energy, is almost not weak in God blood streamer many, may with a sword round showdown. 这让人骇然,谁都清楚那剑轮多么可怕,可是现在刺天穹的至宝竟有这种威能,几乎不弱于神灵化血幡多少,可跟剑轮对决。 This is the Shining Upon various All Heavens level powerhouse yearn for something even in one's dreams treasure. 这是映照诸天级强者梦寐以求的瑰宝。 Kills!” Holy Master Yi Chen shouted, displays the star, used Domain, must seize that red Divine Sword. “杀!”圣师亦尘喝道,罗列星斗,动用场域,要夺那口红色的神剑 "hē hē, everybody, hunts together, the top is inferior to numerous Le Le happily. ” The Assassinating Vault of Heaven's old monster invited the people to begin together. “呵呵,各位,一起狩猎吧,独乐乐不如众乐乐。”刺天穹的老怪物邀请众人一起动手。 Good!” Immediately some people responded. “好!”立时有人响应。 It is not everyone has this and other peerless weapons, as long as Shining Upon All Heavens are terrifying, even if the bare-handed attack sufficiently is also fatal. 不是每一个人都有这等绝世兵器,可是但凡映照诸天者都是恐怖的,哪怕是徒手攻击也足以致命。 Is riding Bone Dragon that person take action, he came from Netherworld Race, goes out from ancestral land, comes to revenge for the clansman. 骑着骨龙的那个人出手,他来自幽冥族,从祖地中走出,来为族人报仇。 Previously, the Yaoyao grandfather has executed the Netherworld Race's giant! 早先,妖妖的爷爷格杀了幽冥族的巨头! Haha, puts to death this liao in this time, we are together thorough the destruction they, erases hidden danger that the antiquity left.” Unextinguishable Vajra laughs, is approaching fast. “哈哈,诛杀此獠就在此时,我们一起彻底覆灭他们,抹掉上古留下的隐患。”不灭金刚大笑,在快速逼近。 Meanwhile, a azure big hand covers the scale, extremely fast is searching, pats the broken starry sky, divine might is shocking! 同时,一只青色大手覆盖着鳞片,极速探来,拍碎星空,神威惊世! ...... …… In a flash, all parties launch an attack! 一瞬间,各方都发难! dang! 当! The critical moment, Holy Master makes Yaoyao hide in azure Copper Coffin, but this coffin also becomes a weapon, resists various enemy. 关键时刻,圣师妖妖躲进青铜棺中,而此棺也成为兵器,对抗诸敌。 The Yaoyao grandfather noticed that oneself granddaughter is dangerous under this region, was compelled to hide in the coffin, he was stimulated likely, sends out the wild animal my shouting sound, lost, now passes the aura that sends out more fearful. 妖妖的爷爷看到自己的孙女在这种境地下非常危险,被逼躲进棺中,他像是受到刺激,发出野兽俺的嘶吼声,原本就已迷失,现在透发出的气息更加可怕。 Roar! 吼! When he bellows, Star Sea is shaking, displays fist mark, stimulates to movement the sword wheel, that Origin Metal Divine Chain of release within the body, strikes the group enemy horizontally. 他大吼时,星海都在摇动,施展拳印,催动剑轮,释放体内的那条母金神链,横击群敌。 However, he is formidable, must cherish hatred facing such besieging, because these are fearful existences of Shining Upon All Heavens level, what is most essential, has killing that the God blood streamer as well as in Assassinating Vault of Heaven blood pond breeds to say Supreme Treasure, was too big to his threat, frequently can injure to the soul. 然而,他再强大,面对这样的围攻也要饮恨,因为这些都是映照诸天级的可怕存在,最为关键的是,有神灵化血幡以及刺天穹血池中孕育出来的杀道至宝,对他的威胁太大了,动辄就能伤到灵魂。 This starry sky ebullition, Order rune interweaves, is similar to the phoenix plume feather, brilliant dazzling. 这片星空沸腾,秩序符文交织,如同凤凰翎羽,绚烂刺目。 This stretch of world was hit to collapse, Holy Master and Yaoyao grandfather encounters the danger, the whole body is the blood, is seriously battered. 这片天地被打崩了,圣师妖妖的爷爷遇到危险,浑身是血,遭受重创。 Uncle, we walk!” “叔叔,我们走!” The Holy Master Yi Chen opens the mouth, is leading the Yaoyao grandfather, arranges Domain, must step into a star road. 圣师亦尘开口,带着妖妖的爷爷,布置场域,就要踏入一条星路中。 Yi Chen, you also want to run away, the path of trim universe was interrupted by us, your cannot get away, must die, this old fogy is not very fierce, today same must be beheaded, was similar to he that heaven blessed genius son was ordinary in the past!” 亦尘,你还想逃,整片宇宙的道路都被我们截断,你们一个都走不了,全都要死,这个老家伙不是很厉害吗,今天一样要被枭首,就如同他当年那个天纵之资的儿子一般!” Spirit Ancestor exclaimed. 灵祖吼道。 four directions, the Shining Upon All Heavens rank exists does not say a word, the silent attack, launches the strongest offensive. 四野,映照诸天级别存在都不发一言,沉默的攻击,发动最强攻势。 ! 噗! Holy Master flies horizontally, the hit big mouth coughs up blood, his Domain was used the brute force to break, and Domain of distant place arrangement also loses the contact unexpectedly. 圣师横飞,被打的大口咳血,他的场域被人用蛮力破掉,且远方布置的场域竟也失去联系。 Finally must run away, crosses in Broken Universe in chaos with this coffin, Uncle, you come with me!” Holy Master said, receives and instructs the Yaoyao grandfather. “终于还是要逃了,以此棺横渡进混沌中的残破宇宙中,叔叔,你跟我来!”圣师道,接引妖妖的爷爷。 Yi Chen is very regrettable, his knows, if the old person intelligence is sober, that strength wants certainly the bursting, can kill some matches mostly directly, rushes directly. 亦尘很遗憾,他知道,如果老人神智清醒,那战力肯定要爆棚,多半能直接杀死一些对手,径直闯出去。 At this time, Unextinguishable Mountain, Big Black Ox is anxious, said: Quick!” 此时,不灭山,大黑牛焦急,道:“快啊!” He was urging Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, the situation was too critical, however the thing of this inheritance was making the mechanical sound throughout, was reasonable to him, said that it cannot leave Unextinguishable Mountain. 他在催促妖祖之鼎,情况太危急,然而这个传承之物始终在发出机械的声音,跟他讲道理,说它不能离开不灭山 Rolls your egg, you do not leave, our several people have spelled with you, discards this place, not, when Monster Ancestor so-called disciple, we, as soon as pats two powder!” Ouyang Feng exclaimed. “滚你个蛋,你不离开,我们几人跟你拼了,舍弃此地,不当妖祖所谓的门徒,咱们一拍两散!”欧阳风吼道。 Let alone Big Black Ox and Ouyang Feng, were good nature Yellow Ox have gotten angry, makes an effort to be in charge pats on great cauldron, stared with it. 别说大黑牛欧阳风,就是好脾气的黄牛也怒了,用力将掌印拍在大鼎上,跟它瞪眼。 Finally, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor agreed, said: Good, after the eternity, many people already forgot the prestige of Monster Ancestor, not knows he strong, actually knows Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is not the weapon of any progression, today reappears world, kills greatly!” 最终,妖祖之鼎同意,道:“好吧,时隔千古,很多人都早已遗忘妖祖之威,不知道他到底有多强,更不知道妖祖之鼎究竟是什么级数的武器,今日再现世间,大杀一番!” Buzz, it borrows not many energies to depart Unextinguishable Mountain, enters in the universe, flashed vanishes! 嗡的一声,它借用已经不多的能量飞出不灭山,进入宇宙中,一闪就消失了! Suddenly, it then to/clashes the admission, the mechanical sound resounds in the Holy Master ear bank, transmits him to the grandfather heart of Yaoyao. 瞬息间,它便冲入场,机械的声音在圣师耳畔响起,也传递他到妖妖的爷爷心中。 In the end, Holy Master has not begun, unexpectedly is the Yaoyao grandfather stemming from an instinct, overtook this cauldron, then, is raising this cauldron, the crazy deposited energy, aims at the rival the cauldron mouth, carries on the bang to kill. 到头来,圣师还未动手,居然是妖妖的祖父出于一种本能,将此鼎抢了过去,而后,提着这口鼎,疯狂注入能量,将鼎口对准敌手,进行轰杀。 The dazzling monster light departs from cauldron mouth there together, punctures Unextinguishable Vajra, lets lowering the head that he does not dare believe that looks at the big hole on body, then he was calling out pitifully backing up. 一道刺目的妖光从鼎口那里飞出,将不灭金刚打穿,让他不敢相信的低头,看着身体上的大窟窿,而后他惨叫着倒退。 dang! 当! The next quarter, the cauldron mouth there together monster light departs, the bang on the God blood streamer, that streamer surface exudes ka ka the resounding sound unexpectedly, the original these fissures are all expanding, then the streamer facial features are the porcelain suffer to hit hard, fragment large expanse of shedding. 下一刻,鼎口那里又一道妖光飞出,轰在神灵化血幡上,那幡面居然发出咔咔的脆响声,原来的那些裂痕全都在扩大,而后幡面像是瓷器遭受重击般,碎块成片的脱落。 "Ah, no! ” Spirit Ancestor called out pitifully, this was supreme Supreme Treasure of their this clan, his heart pain to was unendurable. “啊,不!”灵祖惨叫,这是他们这一族的无上至宝,他心痛到难以忍受。 ! 噗! However, in great cauldron cauldron mouth, when the monster light flies together, was also hit including him, the Spirit Ancestor lower half body blasts out directly, becomes blood mist. 然而,大鼎的鼎口中,又一道妖光飞来时,连他也被打中,灵祖下半截身子直接炸开,成为血雾 In addition, after the Yaoyao grandfather grasps this great cauldron, own striking power is also rising suddenly, both blend, at the resonance, can enlarge the attack the energy. 此外,妖妖的爷爷手持这口大鼎后,自身的攻击力也在暴涨,两者交融,在共鸣,能放大进攻的能量。 At this time, above the Yaoyao grandfather top of the head sword wheel reappeared, was more radiant than before, beyond comparison. 这时,妖妖的爷爷头顶上方的剑轮再现,比以前更璀璨,无以伦比。 Bang! 轰! A sword round crush in the past, in the universe covered entirely the arm of azure scale to be truncated to fall directly, and sword round easily accomplished, assumed the invincible potential, has delimited the starry sky, nearly twisted Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Old Ancestor broken, let his whole body is the blood, everywhere was the wounds of deep obvious bone, backed up in extremely fast, in his hand the sword of red murdering was shivering, was exceptionally gloomy! 剑轮碾压过去,宇宙中一只布满青色鳞片的手臂直接就被削落下来,且剑轮摧枯拉朽,呈无敌之势,划过星空,又险些将刺天穹的老祖绞碎,让他浑身是血,到处都是深可见骨的伤口,在极速倒退,他手中红色杀伐之剑都在颤动,异常暗淡!
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