SR :: Volume #8

#732: Explodes

The Yaoyao grandfather is tall, the whole body black grows hair, the grand appearance is boundless, carries Great Deity from there one to clash, such a fist breaks Wei Xilin, making him disintegrate, blood splashing universe starry sky. 妖妖的爷爷身材高大,满身黑色长毛,雄姿磅礴慑人,拎着大天神从那里一冲而过,就这么一拳震碎魏西林,让他解体,血溅宇宙星空。 This fist was too overbearing, that is the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, moreover is a universe celebrity, was famous in the antiquity time, by such blast of bang! 这一拳太霸道了,那是可映照诸天级强者,而且是一位宇宙名人,在上古时期就非常出名,被这么轰的炸开! The blood and broken bone disperse, making some planets blast out, in the dark universe blooms many ball of light, stirring. 血与碎骨飞散开来,让一些行星都跟着炸开,黑暗的宇宙中绽放起很多股光团,震撼人心。 Wei Xilin such was rumbled to kill, can't the people believe? This was too terrifying. 魏西林就这么被轰杀,众人不敢相信?这太恐怖了。 He was Xilin Clan clan head, antiquity ranks on 11 th life planet the strongest army regimental commander, although this moral behavior had the issue, brain young man Traitor to the Bone, but can nobody decide his great strength, this was existence of Shining Upon All Heavens, enlivened from the antiquity to since! 他是西林族族长,上古排位第11的生命星球上最强的军团长,虽然此人品性有问题,脑后生反骨,但没有人会否定他的强大,这是一个映照诸天的存在,从上古活跃到至今! At this moment, trim starry sky short silent, all Evolver were blown. 这一刻,整片星空都短暂寂静,所有进化者都被镇住。 At this time, the people see the Yaoyao grandfather, even more thinks him to be immeasurably deep, the body just like the demon body, stands erect in the universe, unattainable. 此时,人们看到妖妖的爷爷,越发觉得他深不可测,身体犹如魔躯,矗立在宇宙中,高不可攀。 Especially, he is carrying Great Deity, like this leads a person to clash, the bang has killed Wei Xilin, even more appears his vigor and aggression. 尤其是,他拎着大天神,这样带着一个人一冲而过,轰杀了魏西林,越发显得他的雄浑与霸气。 At this time, Great Deity this name moves universe long years the Overlord level to exist, without doubt becomes powerful some background wall, becomes contrast. 此时,大天神这个名动宇宙漫长岁月的霸主级存在,无疑成为一个强力有的“背景墙”,成为一种衬托。 His character can be called the peerless powerhouse actually, very certainly, but is very unfortunate today, was carried in the hand, once for prey and spoils of war. 他这种人物其实称得上绝世强者,非常强绝,但今日很不幸,被人拎在手中,曾为猎物与战利品。 He is more formidable, obvious that more serves as contrast. 他越强大,越衬托的明显。 The Yaoyao grandfather, this war shocks the entire universe! 妖妖的祖父,这一战震惊全宇宙! In addition, in his direction, the Unextinguishable Vajra chest gets down hollowly, fearful footprints, and chin does not exist, melted in the mouth nose together, becomes the iron lump. 此外,在他的身后那个方向,不灭金刚胸膛凹陷下去,有一个可怕的脚印,且下巴不复存在,跟嘴巴鼻子等熔在一起,成为铁疙瘩。 This huge Machine Race powerhouse, by existence that Unextinguishable Vajra says, degenerates into the background wall, after he cracks-up a major planet, stands, looks angrily at this direction. 这个庞大机械族强者,以不灭金刚自称的存在,也沦为背景墙,他撞碎一颗大行星后,重新站起来,怒视这个方向。 His ominous flame, as well as angry, cannot change anything, fought a moment ago intensely, they end the defeat! 他的凶焰,以及愤怒,改变不了什么,刚才激烈交手,他们都完败! Died, does Wei Xilin such vanish from world?” “死了,魏西林就这么从世间消失?” Long of such formidable clan, was killed the simple bang unexpectedly, doesn't suit?” “这么强大的一族之长,居然被人简单轰杀,不太对劲吧?” „The peerless powerhouse, archaic Earth the old person was too fearful, really just like invincible Demon Lord, where does this is return?” 绝代强者,上古地球的这个老人太可怕了,真的宛若一尊无敌魔主,这是从哪里归来的?” Each region, an ebullition, all person palpitations, the mood surges fluctuating, shocked heavy. 各地,一片沸腾,所有人都心悸,情绪激荡起伏,被震撼的不轻。 "Um, is not right! ” “嗯,不对!” On Earth, Chu Feng sees exceptionally. 地球上,楚风看到异常。 Meanwhile, in the universe many Evolver realized, that starry skies had the light to jump, then condensation. 与此同时,宇宙中很多进化者都察觉到了,那片星空有光在跳跃,而后凝聚。 In fact, Holy Master already ahead of time forewarned, and has committed suicide the past, charges into a position, carries on space greater teleportation with the aid of the Domain energy. 事实上,圣师早已提前预警,并亲自杀了过去,冲向一个方位,借助场域的能量进行空间大挪移 Wei Xilin, you give me dead!” Holy Master in shouts out, full head silver long hair dances in the air, his clothes robe also flap flap the vibration, he turns into a ray of light to appear in the front. 魏西林,你给我去死!”圣师大喝,满头银色长发飞舞,他的衣袍也猎猎抖动,他化成一道光出现在前方。 He does not see right, Wei Xilin soul also , but also is living. 他看出不对头,魏西林的灵魂还在,还活着。 Meanwhile, all person vigilances arrived, thinks of Wei Xilin before the body blasts out once lowered the roar Undying Silkworm manifestation technique, now looked like he succeeds. 同时,所有人都警觉到了,想到魏西林在身体炸开前曾经低吼不死蚕化生术,现在看来他成功了。 Holy Master knew about him very much, if this person has not grasped, is impossible such at risk of life to resist, obviously he has the card in a hand, is this not dead technique. 圣师对他很了解,这个人如果没有把握,不可能这么拼死对抗,显然他有底牌,就是这种不死术。 Undying Silkworm, in the universe miraculous lifeforms, is an exceptionally formidable race, the clansman, although the quantity are not many, but the marvelous ability is shocking. 不死蚕,宇宙中一种神异生物,是一个异常强大的种族,族人虽然数量不多,但是神功惊世。 As long as they leave behind a slim chance of survival, can die to regenerate. 他们但凡留下一线生机,都可以死而再生。 Wei Xilin grasps to have the non- world marvelous ability of this clan, is very formidable secret technique, absolutely is peerless Divine Skill! 魏西林掌握有该族的不世神功,是一宗非常强大的秘术,绝对是绝世神技 He previously dares to go all out to grasp the Yaoyao grandfather, seems like wants to destroy indiscriminately, is actually because in the heart has the energy, he can escape the dead tribulation. 他早先敢拼命抱住妖妖的爷爷,看似要玉石俱焚,其实就是因为心中有底气,他能逃过死劫。 His method is truly sinister, if the powerhouses of several other Shining Upon All Heavens levels rush at the right moment, takes advantage of opportunity the encirclement, to Yaoyao grandfather suppress and kill, that will be very really terrifying. 他的手段确实毒辣,另外几位映照诸天级的强者如果适时赶到,顺势合围,对妖妖的祖父镇杀的话,那真的会很恐怖。 However, good that very he plans, is also ruthless to oneself enough, but the great strength of Yaoyao grandfather is above his expectation, really makes him not have the temperament to the final moment, oneself confidence vacillated, creepy feeling, the feeling is frightened. 然而,他计划的很好,对自己也足够狠,可妖妖祖父的强大超乎他的预料,实在让他到最后关头没脾气,自己信心都动摇了,头皮发麻,感觉惊悚。 The Yaoyao grandfather got rid of the imprisonment that he and Great Deity collaborates at that time directly, kicks to turn Unextinguishable Vajra, nearly the bang kills. 妖妖的爷爷那时直接摆脱他与大天神联手的禁锢,将不灭金刚踢翻,险些轰杀。 But finally extinguished his Wei Xilin fleshly body directly, and makes his soul also disintegrate, becomes the fragment! 而最后更是直接灭了他魏西林肉身,且让他的灵魂也跟着瓦解,成为碎片! If others, even if Shining Upon All Heavens, must fall by the slaughter mostly, even if had not died thoroughly, was made up by that great fist mark strikes, must extinguish. 如果是别人,哪怕映照诸天,也多半要被屠掉,即便还未彻底死去,被那宏大的拳印补上一击,也得灭。 Because, so-called Rebirth from a drop of Blood needs the soul, but that fist, broke the Wei Xilin soul spirit a moment ago directly. 因为,所谓的滴血重生是需要灵魂的,而刚才那一拳,直接也震碎魏西林的魂魄精神。 Bang! 轰! Void, in the Wei Xilin flesh fragment, runs out of wisp of another wisp of light, turns into the small silkworm, tens of thousands, dense and numerous, extremely fast moves, swallows the energy in the universe drifting away. 虚空中,魏西林的血肉碎片中,冲出一缕又一缕光,都化成小蚕,成千上万,密密麻麻,极速而动,吞食宇宙中游离的能量。 The innumerable small silkworms are similar to the lightning are moving, extremely fast to/clashes, then gathers in the same place, this is Undying Silkworm wonderful technique that goes against heaven's will, peerless Divine Skill. 无数的小蚕如同闪电在移动,极速冲起,而后聚拢在一起,这就是逆天的不死蚕妙术,一种绝世神技 In front of people, they get together, NC rapid prototyping. 当着众人的面,它们聚合,快速成型。 Bang, after all small silkworms unite, becomes a big silkworm, was covered by the light screen, outside the body presents a cocoon. 砰的一声,所有小蚕合一后,成为一个大蚕,而后被光幕笼罩,体外出现一层茧。 Bang! 轰! Meanwhile, Holy Master Yi Chen kills, the wheel moved to catch up with the star whip to pound, this gentle person so hated Wei Xilin, obviously obsession depth in heart how, an antiquity war, his heart injured was too deep. 与此同时,圣师亦尘杀到,轮动赶星鞭就砸了下去,他这种平和的人都如此恨魏西林,可见心中的执念多么的深,上古一战,他的心被伤的太深。 , Undying Divine Silkworm outside cocoon blasts out, simultaneously Wei Xilin reappears, stuffy, he is seriously battered once again, whole body crack. 啪的一声,不死神蚕外面的茧炸开,同时魏西林再现,一声闷哼,他又一次遭受重创,浑身龟裂。 Because, he was hit to explode by the Yaoyao grandfather, even if there is not a dead marvelous ability in the body, is the vitality damages severely, the source harms. 因为,他被妖妖的爷爷打爆,哪怕有不死神功在身,也是元气大伤,本源有损。 At this time, he was attacked again, has one misfortune after another, once again almost blasted out. 这个时候,他再次被攻击,雪上加霜,又一次差点炸开。 In fact, Yaoyao grandfather, if did not lose, if sober, will not display this Divine Skill opportunity to him, before he has not reorganized, directly makes up a fist, will make him die thoroughly, dissipation world. 事实上,妖妖的祖父如果不是迷失了,若是清醒的话,根本就不会给他施展此神技的机会,趁他没有重组前,直接补上一拳,就会让他彻底死亡,消散世间。 Bang! 轰! When the Holy Master catching up star whip falls once more, Wei Xilin keeps off in the front both arms breaks off, blood mist fills the air. 圣师的赶星鞭再次落下时,魏西林挡在前方的双臂折断,血雾弥漫。 But catches up with the star whip not to stop in light of this , to continue to fall, then bang, pulls out to fly Wei Xilin, nearly chops his slanting shoulder is two. 而赶星鞭没有就此止住,继续落下,接着砰的一声,将魏西林抽飞出去,近乎将他斜肩劈为两段。 The body of Wei Xilin is nearly separated, is only linking! 魏西林的躯体近乎分开,只连着一点而已! You also on not quick?!” Wei Xilin angrily roars, his estimate mistake, now is step by step wrong, was too passive, nearly builds oneself. “你们还不快上?!”魏西林怒吼,他一步估量错误,现在步步错,太被动了,险些将自身搭进去。 Kills!” “杀!” Unextinguishable Vajra kills, Spirit Ancestor also kills, simultaneously that whole body hides old monster also finally first beginning in black robe. 不灭金刚扑杀过来,灵祖也杀到,同时那个浑身都藏在黑袍中的老怪物也终于第一次动手。 Especially that old monster, vanishes unexpectedly, then when again appears, grasps a black big sword, silent, cuts to the Yaoyao grandfather's head, lethality killing, bullies unconscious its. 尤其是那个老怪物,蓦地消失,而后再出现时,手持一口黑色的大剑,无声无息,斩向妖妖祖父的头颅,致命性的袭杀,欺其神智不清。 What a pity he wants using the opportunity that the match soul loses, has not succeeded, the Yaoyao grandfather instinct is too fearful, whiz puts aside the body, then the nine energy Divine Sword composition sword wheels of head, suppressed the past, bang cut fine powder that black big sword. 可惜他想利用对手灵魂迷失的机会,没有成功,妖妖的祖父本能太可怕,嗖的一声移开躯体,而后头上的九口能量神剑组成剑轮,压制过去,砰的一声将那口黑色大剑斩成齑粉 Then, sword round forward crush, this is the invincible potential! 接着,剑轮向前碾压,这是无敌之势! Previously was obvious to all, Great Deity, Wei Xilin and Unextinguishable Vajra this sword round suppression did not have the temperament. 早先有目共睹,这种剑轮压制的大天神魏西林不灭金刚没脾气。 However, this black robe old man is fearful, vanishes directly baseless, disappears all of a sudden, how no one has seen clearly him to leave. 不过,这个黑袍老者非常可怕,径直凭空消失,一下子不见了,谁都没有看清他是怎么离开的。 On Earth, Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, he realized, this is the ruthless stubble, has this speed facing Yaoyao grandfather peerless powerhouse, vanishes instant, could threaten the Yaoyao grandfather! 地球上,楚风倒吸冷气,他意识到,这才是狠茬子,面对妖妖祖父这种绝代强者还有这种速度,刹那消失,或许能威胁到妖妖的爷爷! Across the universe, some old-fashioned person characters are frightened, they realized that who this was. 宇宙各地,一些老派人物惊悚,他们意识到这是谁了。 Legend real, in Assassinating Vault of Heaven had an old fogy really already Shining Upon All Heavens!” Formidable Evolver is imposing. “传说是真的,刺天穹中有一个老家伙果然早已映照诸天!”许多强大的进化者凛然。 Method that because, this black robe person shows, is the dark hunter style, to the strong assassination method, this person is virtually impossible to guard against. 因为,这个黑袍人所展现的手段,是黑暗狩猎者的风格,是至强的刺杀手段,这种人防不胜防。 Especially, he evolves to this step, already Shining Upon All Heavens , he to kill anyone, that was too easy! 尤其是,他进化到这一步,早已映照诸天,他若是想杀谁,那太容易了! Also is the Yaoyao grandfather, the instinct is formidable, can the earliest possible time understand thoroughly, all had not been assassinated. 也就是妖妖的爷爷,本能强大,能第一时间洞彻,所有没有被刺杀。 Bang! 轰! Really, the next quarter, the terrifying fist light appears together again, that black robe old man towering kills from a direction bang to the Yaoyao grandfather's head. 果然,下一刻,一道恐怖的拳光再次出现,那个黑袍老者突兀的从一个方向轰杀向妖妖祖父的头颅。 Then is the Shining Upon All Heavens character, at this time sees this situation also suck in a cold breath, is really most formidable dark hunter, this assassinates the Dominion ancestor level character. 便是映照诸天的人物,此时见到这种情况也倒吸冷气,果然是最为强大的黑暗狩猎者,这是刺杀领域的祖宗级人物。 What is shocking, then, among fast, this established killer has carried on several assassinations, the angle is too cunning, making people virtually impossible to guard against. 让人震惊的是,接下来,电光石火间,这个老牌杀手进行了十几次刺杀,角度太刁钻,让人防不胜防。 Was Unextinguishable Vajra, Spirit Ancestor and Great Deity complexion changed, this old monster let they incomparable dreading! 就是不灭金刚灵祖大天神的脸色都变了,这个老怪物让他们都无比的忌惮! Bang! 轰! When the 19 th assassination arrival, the Yaoyao grandfather wields fist mark suddenly, hits with a fist that in void presents inexplicably together. 当第19次刺杀到来时,妖妖的祖父猛然挥动拳印,跟虚空中莫名出现的一个拳头撞击在一起。 Bang! 轰! Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the ghost crying god is howling, this starry skies blast out. 天崩地裂,鬼哭神嚎,这片星空炸开。 This scene makes all giants be startled, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Old Ancestor is too fierce, unexpectedly can withstand Yaoyao grandfather that to bring to just Yang Qi fist mark strikes. 这种场面让各方巨头都吃惊,刺天穹的老祖宗太厉害,居然能承受妖妖祖父那带着至刚阳气拳印的一击。 When must know, previously, other people cannot withstand, particularly Netherworld Clan and Deity Race respectively died an extremely powerhouse! 须知,早先时,其他人都承受不住,尤其是冥族天神族都各自死掉一位绝顶强者了! However, that fist of old killer trembles lightly, extremely fast vanishes. 不过,老杀手的那只拳头略带轻颤,极速消失。 Buzz! 嗡! In fact, the Yaoyao grandfather is more terrifying, this time he grasped the path of rival relying on the instinct intuition, the sword wheel has swept away, suppressed to some void. 事实上,妖妖的祖父更恐怖,这一次他凭着本能直觉把握住敌手的轨迹,剑轮横扫了出去,镇压向某一处虚空。 ! 噗! A blood splash splashes, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Old Ancestor is wounded, an arm was almost cut by the sword wheel, his extremely fast escapes, vanishes instant. 一片血花溅起,刺天穹的老祖宗负伤,一条手臂差点被剑轮切下来,他极速远遁,刹那消失。 This makes in Star Sea all Evolver tremble, is then speechless, dark hunter is wounded, instead was almost assassinated! 这让星海中所有进化者都震颤,而后无言,黑暗狩猎者负伤,差点被反刺杀! Roar! 吼! Meanwhile, the Yaoyao grandfather is raising the body of Great Deity, treats as the weapon, flushed, kills once more to Wei Xilin there. 同时,妖妖祖父提着大天神的躯体,当作兵器,冲了出去,再次杀向魏西林那里。 Because, Holy Master meets troublesome, was attacked by three big powerhouses, otherwise, he will possibly seize the opportunity, kills Wei Xilin that the vitality damages severely. 因为,圣师遇到麻烦,被三大强者攻击,不然的话,他可能会把握住机会,将元气大伤的魏西林干掉。 A grandfather foot of Yaoyao took to kill, his subconscious fluctuation was fierce, as if when faced Wei Xilin has a response of instinct, so long as the Wei Xilin soul still, can attract his attention, killed once more. 妖妖的爷爷一脚迈出就杀到了,他的潜意识波动剧烈,似乎面对魏西林时有着一种本能的反应,只要魏西林的灵魂还在,就能吸引他的注意力,再次杀来。 Wei Xilin creepy feeling, his knows troubled in a big way. 魏西林头皮发麻,他知道麻烦大了。 Bang! 轰! Once more when collision, Wei Xilin full is the fissure wound body disintegrates, the half body falls off, flies horizontally, in his heart sinks, felt that may probably be struck to kill. 再次碰撞时,魏西林满是裂痕的伤体瓦解,半边身子脱落,横飞出去,他心中一沉,感觉有可能要被击杀。 dang! 当! Yaoyao grandfather fist mark makes, the metal body distortion of Unextinguishable Vajra pounds! 妖妖的祖父拳印打出,砸的不灭金刚的金属躯体变形! But when Spirit Ancestor facing this ominous crazy fierce person, the heart shivers, cannot help but backs up. 灵祖面对这种凶狂猛人时,心头颤抖,不由自主就倒退。 What draws back, this condition could not kill his words, later also?!” Wei Xilin bellows, finally shouted: Spirit Ancestor, uses the Taboo weapon-- God blood streamer in your clan, my knows, it definitely also in!” “退什么,他这种状态都杀不了他的话,以后还了得?!”魏西林大吼,最后更是喝道:“灵祖,动用你们族中的禁忌兵器——神灵化血幡,我知道,它肯定还在!” God blood streamer, once was the Taboo goods, vibrated the trim universe, finally linked first ten mostly to worry, after the group, suppressed Spirit Race, dismantled the components of this Supreme Treasure. 神灵化血幡,曾经是禁忌物品,震动整片宇宙,最后连前十大都担忧了,组后压制灵族,拆解这一至宝的零件等。 Spirit Ancestor one startled, has not responded. 灵祖一惊,没有回应。 The Great Deity eye has shone, he was killed quickly, becomes the human form weapon in others hand, the incomparable aggrievedness, shouted immediately: Uses the God blood streamer, this time first ten big will not call to account your clan, has me to take on, facing this ominous person, when does not kill now treats!” 大天神眼睛亮了,他都快被杀死了,成为别人手中的人形兵器,无比的憋屈,顿时喝道:“动用神灵化血幡,这一次前十大不会责问你族,有我担着,面对这种凶人,现在不杀更待何时!” Fellow Daoist, you came, take action, cannot let off this monster, otherwise later greatly troublesome!” Unextinguishable Vajra also shouted, looked to the starry sky deep place. “各位道友,你们来了吗,出手吧,决不能放过这个怪物,不然以后会有大麻烦!”不灭金刚也喝道,望向星空深处。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Really some people came, this is human form lifeforms, was covered by the chaos, hidden True Body. 果然有人来了,这是一个人形生物,被混沌笼罩,隐藏真身 In addition, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's old killer goes to return, arranges a altar, was summoning anything there. 此外,刺天穹的老杀手去而复返,摆下一座祭坛,在那里召唤着什么。 God blood streamer!” However, what is most astonishing is Spirit Ancestor there, he meditates some incantation word, finally summoned that Taboo weapon loudly. 神灵化血幡!”但是,最为惊人的是灵祖那里,他默念某种咒言,最后大声呼唤那件禁忌兵器。 Buzz! 嗡! The universe starry sky splits, a fearful big streamer emergence, the streamer surface blood red, full is the fissure, pieces together likely. 宇宙星空裂开,一杆可怕的大幡出现,幡面血红,满是裂痕,像是拼凑起来的。 At this time, streamer surface swinging, must camouflage the trim starry sky simply. 此时,幡面摆动,简直要遮蔽整片星空。 Haha, this is true Paramount Weapon, supreme Supreme Treasure, appointed your huge ability must cherish hatred!” Spirit Ancestor is all of a sudden fully-confident, in the past this weapon, swept away all obstacles! “哈哈,这是真正的究极兵器,无上至宝,任你天大的本领也要饮恨!”灵祖一下子信心百倍,当年这件兵器一出,所向披靡! Meanwhile, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Old Ancestor also in take action, stands in the altar is summoning anything. 与此同时,刺天穹的老祖宗也在出手,站在祭坛上召唤着什么。 Finally, blood-color Divine Sword from universe most deep place flies, is bringing boundless blood energy, killing intent is boundless, this is Assassinating Vault of Heaven's to the high weapon, usually buries in blood pond, was nourished, this is kills to say Supreme Treasure. 最后,一柄血色的神剑从宇宙最深处飞来,带着无边的血气,杀意无边,这是刺天穹的至高兵器,平日间埋在血池中,被滋养,这是杀道至宝 A its beginning appearance, makes this stretch of region hike up the blood rain, this is all murders Paramount Weapon that the air/Qi raises by Assassinating Vault of Heaven in! 它始一出现,就让这片地带飘起血雨,这是以刺天穹内所有杀伐气养出来的究极兵器 Meanwhile, universe deep place, other people in to get close to, is fearful existence of Shining Upon All Heavens level, the most fearful time arrives. 同时,宇宙深处,还有其他人在接近,是映照诸天级的可怕存在,最为可怕的时刻到来。 When they summoned the fearful weapon, the Yaoyao grandfather only recognized accurate Wei Xilin, the violent bang killed, but Holy Master coordinated wholeheartedly, locked the trapped/sleepy starry sky with Domain. 在他们召唤慑人的兵器时,妖妖的祖父只认准魏西林,猛烈轰杀,而圣师更是一心配合,用场域锁困星空。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Wei Xilin called out pitifully, was illuminated the fist of Star Sea to hit by Yaoyao grandfather that ray exploded once more broken! 魏西林惨叫,被妖妖的祖父那光芒照亮星海的拳头打的再次爆碎! shuā! 刷! The innumerable small silkworms are moving, want rush out, wants to run away, what a pity was intercepted. 无数的小蚕在移动,想要冲出去,想要逃走,可惜被截住。 At this time, the Yaoyao grandfather head sword round illumination , the crush in the past, the innumerable small silkworms screamed, was similar to hell all ghosts at the wail. 这时,妖妖祖父头上的剑轮发光,一路碾压过去,无数小蚕尖叫,如同地狱所有的鬼魂在哭嚎。 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… Explodes, the sword wheel sweeps away, strikes to kill all small silkworms. 一路爆到底,剑轮横扫,将所有小蚕都击杀。 "Ah! ” “啊!” The Wei Xilin final pitiful yell sound stops suddenly, vanishes directly in light of this, was arrived to explode by true killing, then into thin air! 魏西林最后的惨叫声戛然而止,直接就此消失,被真正的杀到爆,而后人间蒸发! However, at this time the Yaoyao grandfather also has Holy Master to meet the biggest trouble, the situation is worrying, the extremely difficult time arrives. 但是,此时妖妖的爷爷还有圣师遇上最大的麻烦,处境堪忧,极艰难时刻到来。 Because, some universe deep place silhouette walk, in to get close to, is bringing the formidable weapon. 因为,宇宙深处有些身影走来,在接近,都带着强大的兵器。 But here, the God blood streamer show moves, obstructs gathers together the universe, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's that lipstick shines, flaming killing saying that Supreme Treasure is also shivering, lasing divine glow, tears the universe. 而近前这里,神灵化血幡展动,遮拢宇宙,刺天穹的那口红的发亮、炽盛的杀道至宝也在颤动,激射神芒,撕裂宇宙。 These weapons are too fearful, but the person who comes were also more. 这些兵器太可怕,而来的人也更多了。 Unextinguishable Mountain, Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng are anxious, was talking with Cauldron of Monster Ancestor. 不灭山,大黑牛黄牛欧阳风都焦急,在跟妖祖之鼎对话。 „Are that several weapons what kind of?” “那几件兵器怎样?” Is astonishing, can kill the soul of Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, compared with that soldier/weapon who Great Deity breaks to pieces.” The monster cauldron makes mechanical sound. “非常惊人,能杀映照诸天级强者的灵魂,比大天神碎掉的那件兵强多了。”妖鼎发出机械般的声音。 You, the Monster Ancestor relic, can your prestige be what kind of?” Big Black Ox asked. “你呢,妖祖的遗物,你的威能怎样?”大黑牛问道。 I am the Monster Ancestor weapon, the natural prestige can unparalleled!” The monster cauldron gives the response. “我是妖祖的兵器,自然威能无双!”妖鼎给予回应。 Big Black Ox makes a determined effort saying: That was good, goes, enters the starry sky, making that old gentleman stimulate to movement you, the bang kills all people, he lacks a weapon while convenient, today piercing the Heavens, even if split up great war to the universe!” 大黑牛发狠道:“那太好了,去吧,进星空,让那位老爷子催动你,轰杀所有人,他缺少一件趁手的兵器,今日捅破天,哪怕大战到宇宙四分五裂!” At the same time, in some piece of Star Territory, Uncle Ming summoned one group of old men, the words of careful identification, once detained the person in universe dark prison cell, in that dark prison cell that some time ago in Xilin Clan was responsible for guarding got out of trouble. 同一时间,某一片星域中,明叔召唤来一群老者,仔细辨认的话,都是曾经关押在宇宙黑牢的人,不久前在西林族所负责镇守的那座黑牢中脱困。 They are the same day Chu Feng and Uncle Ming put. 他们都是当日楚风明叔放出来的。 Today, Uncle Ming relates to many people, gathers. 今天,明叔联系到很多人,聚集在一起。 Youngest brothers, we also do a ticket to be big, the Shining Upon All Heavens level characters walked, the rear area is greatly void, we copy their dens, this nobody is keeping off us, nobody can kill us, goes to their supreme headquarters, confiscates family's property, kills!” “老兄弟们,我们也去干一票大的,映照诸天级人物都走了,后方大空虚,我们去抄他们的老巢,这一次没有人挡着我们,没有人能杀我们,去他们的大本营,抄家,杀啊!” Uncle Ming was summoning, is ready for any sacrifice thoroughly, opens another war! 明叔在号召,彻底豁出去,开启另一场战争!
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