SR :: Volume #8

#731: Recent antiquity strongest war

Earth-shaking, is too towering, the Yaoyao grandfather carried on special flickering to move, the people final sensation did not arrive at the strength of his Order to fluctuate, he appeared in this place. 石破天惊,太突兀,妖妖的爷爷进行了一种特殊的瞬移,人们最终感知不到他的秩序之力波动,他就出现在此地。 A fist, Yang Qi is prosperous, falls in torrents like the mountain torrent, resembles the volcano spout, the fist glow is too radiant, cuts the jet black universe, penetrates the body of Wei Xilin. 一拳而已,阳气鼎盛,像山洪倾泻,似火山喷涌,拳芒太璀璨,划破漆黑的宇宙,击穿魏西林的身体。 At this time, Xilin Clan clan head angrily roars, the whole person face twisted, the body is similar to the sun-dried shelled shrimp rickets, splatters warm-blooded. 此时,西林族族长一声怒吼,整个人面孔都扭曲了,身体更是如同虾米般佝偻着,喷溅出热血。 He encounters the heavy losses, was too sudden, he was gentle a moment ago, indifferent consoles the Yaoyao grandfather to be not excited, targeted stimulates. 他遭遇重创,太突然了,刚才他还文质彬彬,淡然的劝解妖妖的爷爷莫要激动,有针对性的进行刺激。 Finally, next flash, his oneself encounters the old person layer on layer/heavily to strike, almost cracking that he hits! 结果,下一刹那,他自身就遭遇老人重重一击,差点将他打的崩裂! However, Wei Xilin eventually right and wrong average man, even if were passed through by fist mark, body uncontrolled convulsion and curve, but he immediately reacts, is similar to together the light of fluctuation, backs up in the dark and ice-cold universe, avoids following fatal kills certainly! 不过,魏西林终究是非常人,哪怕被拳印贯穿,身体不受控制的痉挛、弯曲,可他还是在第一时间做出反应,如同一道浮动的光,在黑暗与冰冷的宇宙中倒退,避开接下来的致命绝杀! His mouthful is the blood, coughs unceasingly, the blood upwells, surges from mouth and nose, grandfather fist of conceivable Yaoyao has seriously how! 他满嘴是血,不断咳嗽,鲜血上涌,从口鼻间涌动出来,可以想象妖妖的爷爷这一拳有多么的重! At this time, countless people turn very quiet across the universe, passes major platform anxious watching. 此时,无数人在宇宙各地屏住呼吸,通过各大平台紧张的观看。 Widely-noted! 举世瞩目! Good, has killed him!” “好啊,杀了他!” On Earth, was Chu Feng this Evolver cannot bear jump, made an effort to wield the fist, yelled, the feeling was carefree. 地球上,就是楚风这种进化者都忍不住跳了起来,用力挥动拳头,大叫了一声,感觉畅快无比。 Because, at the beginning he was really harbored evil thoughts, feared that the Yaoyao grandfather has the accident/surprise, hates the shamelessness of Wei Xilin, was in this absolutely irreconcilable situation, Wei Xilin also very indifferent shouted that the Yaoyao grandfather was an uncle, sent regards maliciously, said how the old person reduced to this region. 因为,开始时他实在被憋坏了,怕妖妖的祖父出意外,更恨魏西林的无耻,都到这种不共戴天的地步了,魏西林还很淡然的喊妖妖的爷爷为叔叔,恶意问候,说老人怎么沦落到这个境地。 Now, he was passed through by a grandfather fist of Yaoyao, after blood splash, Chu Feng thought immediately grows foul odor. 现在,他被妖妖的爷爷一拳贯穿,血液飞溅后,楚风顿时觉得长出一口恶气。 In the starry sky, many person breath shortness, calls out in alarm, this fights the change to be too quick, Shining Upon All Heavens possibly momentarily meets die, affects the will of the people. 星空中,很多人呼吸急促,跟着惊叫,这一战变化太快,映照诸天都可能随时会殒落,牵动人心。 Now the major platforms are all full, but the Dark Blood platform inside story is in the final analysis formidable enough, others do not have clear that they monitor. 现在各大平台全都爆满,不过说到底还是黑血平台底蕴足够强大,别人都没有他们监测的清晰。 Because, they have Discerning Eyes of Shining Upon All Heavens level, after is long years previous top powerhouse dies, leaves behind, they obtain one. 因为,他们有一颗映照诸天级的火眼金睛,是漫长岁月前一位至强者死后遗留的,他们得到一颗。 Therefore, other platform, even if Heavenly Eye protected good, with installs the defense specially, but will ruin in this fight complementary waves, even if distanced enough far! 所以,别的平台即便天眼被保护的很好,用特殊装置防御,但还是会在这种战斗余波中毁掉,哪怕相距足够远! Only has the Dark Blood platform, at this time is stablest, for the super big plutocrat in universe, spells with ancient Heavenspan Worm-hole Company some worthily. 唯有黑血平台,此时最为稳定,不愧为宇宙中的超级大财阀,跟古老的通天虫洞公司有的一拼。 The Unextinguishable Mountain deep place, Big Black Ox is also shouting: Hits, explodes Wei Xilin, this domestic animal is too hateful, must massacre him!” 不灭山深处,大黑牛也在大喊着:“打啊,爆掉魏西林,这个畜生太可恨,一定要杀掉他啊!” Outside Unextinguishable Mountain, Old Donkey, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and other group of people cannot be quiet, are excited, are all being ready to fight, wish one could to kill in the starry sky. 不灭山外面,老驴东北虎等一群人也不能平静,心情激动,全都在摩拳擦掌,恨不得跟着杀进星空中去。 Has killed this Traitor to the Bone young, hee-haw hee-haw hee-haw, you damn!” “杀了这个反骨仔,儿啊儿啊二啊,你该死啊!” But across the universe, initiates the great unrest. 而宇宙各地,更是引发轩然大波。 "Ah...... ” Wei Xilin raises to roar fiercely, the whole body in the blooming regular symbol, he likely is a fierce alone wolf, cried loud and long to the moon/month, but the body was also flying upside down, moved aside, avoids chasing down of Yaoyao grandfather. “啊……”魏西林猛地扬起头咆哮,浑身都在绽放规则符号,他像是一头凶猛的独狼,对月长啸,但身体还在倒飞,躲闪,避开妖妖祖父的追杀。 Although in his bone unruly, but usually actually performance gentle of , even some scholarly, but now his face is twisting, the seven orifices bleed, is somewhat fierce. 他骨子里虽然桀骜不驯,但平日却表现的很平和,甚至有些儒雅,而现在他的面孔扭曲着,七窍淌血,有些狰狞。 However, he has not broken out of the crisis, the grandfather body illumination of Yaoyao, Yang Qi such as together the bolt of white silk with locking him, connects two people, closely associated. 然而,他并未摆脱危机,妖妖的祖父身体发光,阳气如一道匹练跟锁定他,连接两人,如影随形。 Moreover, their distances are too near, almost overtook instant. 而且,他们的距离太近,几乎刹那就追上了。 Kills!” Unextinguishable Vajra began, flushes away forward, he stood with Wei Xilin is not far, now rescues. “杀啊!”不灭金刚动手了,向前冲去,他原本就跟魏西林站的不远,现在进行救援。 Renown, Machine Race and Xilin Clan relate sworn friend, at that time when including their Divine Son arrived at Earth is hand in hand the line, at that time once some large quantities of battleships horizontally in outer space. 举世皆知,机械族西林族关系莫逆,连当时他们的神子降临地球时都是联袂而行,那时曾有大批战舰横在太空。 Extinguished this monster!” Spirit Ancestor also in shouts out, summoned the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse who in universe catches up with encircles and hunts, common take action kills the Yaoyao grandfather. “灭了这个怪物!”灵祖也在大喝,号召宇宙中赶来的映照诸天级强者围猎,共同出手击毙妖妖的祖父。 Kills!” Whooshes the sound to get up, the universe starry sky shivers. “杀啊!”嘶吼声响起,宇宙星空颤动。 At this moment, in the major galaxies, innumerable life planet, Evolver of various clans all stand up, with overwhelmed by emotions, the blood flows rapidly, the mood surges. 这一刻,各大星系内,无数的生命星球,各族的进化者全都站起身来,跟着心潮澎湃,血液奔流,情绪激荡。 Formidable Evolver knows, Divine War opened! 强大的进化者知道,神战开启了! Only has life and death preying of Shining Upon All Heavens level, may call Divine War! 唯有映照诸天级的生死搏杀,才可称之为神战 This is Shining Upon All Heavens level the war of life and death, since has been the recent antiquity most Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering decisive battle! 这是映照诸天级的生死之战,是近古以来最为惊天动地的大决战! Bang! 轰! The Yaoyao grandfather speed is too fast, is similar to Undying Bird spreads the wings to hover, is raising Great Deity, struck him quickly remnantly, the Deity Race's powerhouse was bloody, many place bones revealed. 妖妖的祖父速度太快,如同一头不死鸟展翅翱翔,提着大天神,将他快击残了,天神族的强者血淋淋,不少地方骨头露出。 At this time, the Yaoyao grandfather leads various strength of Heaven, each movement frightens world, when both feet treads, nearby planet shaking that shakes, but the time seems flowing backwards, is too quick! 此时,妖妖的爷爷带动诸天之力,每一个动作都震慑世间,双足踏出时,震的附近的行星摇动,而时光都仿佛在倒流,太快! He overtakes Wei Xilin, a fist rumbled once more in the past, the domineering and overbearing, must by a looking disdainfully world stance, the bang kill this excessively the evil person who betrayed archaic Earth and accent to kill his heir. 他追上魏西林,再次一拳轰了过去,强势而霸道,要以一种睥睨天下的姿态,轰杀这个出卖上古地球、调过头来害死他子嗣的恶徒。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Wei Xilin bellows, his some chests are stuffy, is very aggrieved, this is not manifestation of his strength, because after he was locked, was being suppressed by Yang Qi, whole body divine blood revolves impeded, without adjusting the optimum condition, was being pressed hitting. 魏西林大吼,他有些胸闷,很憋屈,这不是他实力的体现,因为他被锁定后,被阳气压制着,周身神血都运转不畅,没有调整到最佳状态,就被压着打。 His passive defensive, has to face the Yaoyao grandfather once more, his both hands paddle, the say/way of deductive Yin-Yang, wants to wear away the rock with water, prevents fatally strikes. 他被动防御,不得不再次面对妖妖的爷爷,他的双手划动,演绎阴阳之道,想要以柔克刚,阻挡住致命的一击。 Meanwhile, his body makes noise sonorously, appears Full-Body Armor, this is special in armor, conceals in the flesh, the critical moment appears in outside the body. 同时,他的身体铿锵作响,浮现一层甲胄,这是特殊的内甲,藏于血肉中,关键时刻出现在体外。 This time, is not very towering, he uses this god armor with enough time! 这一次,不算很突兀,他来得及动用这种神甲! However, when Undying Bird long cry, Yaoyao the fist of grandfather's suddenly becomes clear, even was sharp, the rune construction bird beak, appears just like the phoenix mouth! 然而,不死鸟长鸣时,妖妖的爷爷的拳头忽然变得晶莹,甚至在恍惚间尖锐了,符文构建鸟喙,宛若凰嘴出现! Chī! 哧! His fist mark drives out the defense of Wei Xilin, punctures thoroughly that light screens, so-called wearing away the rock with water has not played the proper role, was broken. 他的拳印轰开魏西林的防守,刺透那片光幕,所谓的以柔克刚没有起到应有的作用,被打破了。 Especially, on both arms of Wei Xilin bloody, some places are similar to by the crane are pecked, the flesh vanishes, reveals to bring the bone of blood threads. 尤其是,魏西林的双臂上血淋淋,有些地方如同被仙禽啄过,血肉消失,露出带着血丝的骨头。 Then, his Full-Body Armor also sends out the resounding, was pierced by fist mark, grandfather fist of Yaoyao is too heavy, after passing through, sends out the ray, must shatter him. 而后,他的甲胄也发出脆响,被拳印洞穿进去,妖妖的祖父这一拳太重,贯穿进去后,发出光芒,要将他震裂。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Wei Xilin yelled, the body is trembling, the soul is palpitating, he felt that oneself must disintegrate, after valuable armor was broken, his blood long class continues. 魏西林大叫,身体在颤栗,灵魂在悸动,他感觉自己要解体了,宝甲被破掉后,他的血液长流不止。 However, he is a ruthless person, on the face is hanging cold smiling eventually as before, controls oneself, the infinite energy gathers crazily, goes toward that wound. 不过,他终究是一个狠人,脸上依旧挂着冷冽的笑,控制住自身,无穷的能量疯狂聚集,向着那伤口而去。 And, his pair reveals the both hands of bone to grasp Yaoyao grandfather's that arm bloody and even, grips this fist with the body, he was ready for any sacrifice thoroughly. 并且,他那双血淋淋、甚至露出骨头的双手抱住妖妖祖父的那条手臂,用身体夹住这一拳,他是彻底豁出去了。 Uncle, for a long time does not see, we exchange much!” He is roaring lowly, then to the people who extremely fast catches up with, said: Kills him, when at this time doesn't begin to treat?!” “叔叔,好久不见,我们多多交流!”他低吼着,而后又冲着极速赶来的众人,道:“杀他,此时不动手更待何时?!” The people are one startled, thought that this Wei Xilin is a ruthless person, unexpectedly dares to do this, he not awfully? Yaoyao grandfather fist mark is how terrifying, if the violent force devastates, he must disintegrate, divine soul could but therefore thorough destruction! 众人都是一惊,觉得这个魏西林是个狠人,居然敢这样做,他不要命了吗?妖妖的祖父拳印何其恐怖,若是猛力摧残,他必然要解体,神魂可能都要因此而彻底覆灭! What mystique method don't tell me does he have to be inadequate? 难道他有什么秘法不成? The distant place, Holy Master Yi Chen extremely fast comes, and uses the stars, evolves the strength of Domain, prevents the people there, wants to block other powerhouses. 远处,圣师亦尘极速而来,并且利用一颗又一颗星辰,演化场域之力,在那里阻止众人,想挡住其他强者。 Because, his knows Wei Xilin, although is unruly, but actually discrete, will not take risk to place oneself in the deathtrap, possibly has the subsequent hand. 因为,他知道魏西林虽然桀骜不驯,但其实一向谨慎,不会冒险将自己置身于死地,可能有后手。 Kills!” Holy Master wields catches up with the star whip, sweeps off forward, light beam heaven shaking, the group star shakes, some celestial body construct a big bow, condenses inundates Heavenly Star bucket of energies, projects the fearful arrow feather! “杀!”圣师挥动赶星鞭,向前扫去,光束惊天,群星摇动,有的星体构建成一张大弓,凝聚漫天星斗能量,射出可怕的箭羽! Monster, you give me dead!” “怪物,你给我去死!” At this moment, Great Deity long and narrow golden color pupil also sends out the cold light, mean incomparable, his both arms were eaten, was carrying with the hand by Yaoyao grandfather another, but he is actually shining, body surface rune are innumerable, the lock to the Yaoyao grandfather, wants to imprison him with Wei Xilin together. 就在这时,大天神狭长的金色眸子也发出寒光,阴狠无比,他的双臂都被吃掉了,被妖妖的爷爷另一只手提着,但是他却在发光,体表符文无数,锁向妖妖的爷爷,想跟魏西林一起禁锢他。 Bang! 轰! Above Yaoyao grandfather that the sword wheel comprised of nine colorful energy swords suppresses, must rumble to kill them. 妖妖的爷爷头上方那由九口色彩斑斓的能量剑组成的剑轮镇压下来,要轰杀他们。 But these two have gone all out, in top of the head to/clashes the endless ray, is similar to supports the day pillar/backbone, resists the sword wheel, the radiant regular symbol twinkle, they clench teeth to insist, is not willing to loosen the Yaoyao grandfather, wants to wait till other people to rush, thus suppress and kill! 可是这两人也拼命了,天灵盖中冲起无尽光芒,如同撑天支柱,抵住剑轮,璀璨的规则符号闪烁,他们咬牙坚持,就是不肯松开妖妖的祖父,想等到其他人赶到,从而镇杀 Monster, your heir died certainly, you also flaunted any ominous, might as well also go!” Unextinguishable Vajra bellows, his first approaching, but there is Holy Master Domain to prevent, when he is close is not very smooth. “怪物,你的子嗣都死绝了,你还逞什么凶,不如也去吧!”不灭金刚大吼,他第一个临近,不过有圣师场域阻挡,他接近时很不顺畅。 At this moment, all people are tense, great war arrives at intensified, will frequently divide the life and death in the flash, now happen to arrives at the critical moment. 此时此刻,所有人都紧张无比,大战白热化,动辄就会在一瞬间分生死,现在正好又到关键时刻。 In the universe, the innumerable Evolver breath must stop, feels intensely incomparable, body stretching cannot help but is straight, the eye does not dare to wink, feared that misses anything. 宇宙中,无数进化者呼吸都要停止了,感觉紧张无比,身体都不由自主的绷直,眼睛都不敢眨动,怕错过什么。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, the fight is intense, the Yaoyao grandfather turns to move Great Deity, with him, when the weapon uses, the bang to Wei Xilin, simultaneously his right fist mark suddenly vibrates in the body of Wei Xilin, that fearful strength was too crazy, can see the blood to scatter, the Wei Xilin body was cracked, bitter experience extremely serious wound. 此时此刻,战斗激烈,妖妖的爷爷轮动起大天神,拿他当兵器用,轰向魏西林,同时他的右拳印魏西林的身体中猛然震动,那股可怕的力量太疯狂了,可以看到血液四溅,魏西林身体都龟裂了,遭遇极其严重的创伤。 Such gets down again, he must blast out! 再这么下去,他就得炸开! Monster, has your granddaughter to reunite with your son, your family must converge eventually!” Unextinguishable Vajra kills. “怪物,跟你的儿子还有你的孙女去团聚吧,你们一家人终究要汇合!”不灭金刚杀到。 He is displaying the fine divine wind violent, its sound is great, sweeps across this void, that is spiritual strength is spreading, attacks the Yaoyao grandfather. 他在施展精神风暴,其音宏大,席卷这片虚空,那是精神力在蔓延,攻击妖妖的祖父。 At the same time, an inexplicable old monster also silent appearance, in not far away, whole body in black robe, energy aura gloomy and cold, kills forward. 同一时间,一个莫名的老怪物也无声无息的出现,就在不远处,周身都在黑袍中,能量气息阴冷,向前杀来。 The Holy Master Yi Chen facial color changed, wields furiously catches up with the star whip, must separate this starry skies, must chop their road ahead, Domain rune interweaves, is provided the energy by the All Heavens star. 圣师亦尘面色变了,奋力挥动赶星鞭,要隔断这片星空,要劈断他们的前路,场域符文交织,由诸天星斗提供能量。 Bang! 轰! The front large explosion, Unextinguishable Vajra staggers, body big change, but that old monster is discrete, is not willing to tie down by Domain, vanished instant, has traded a position. 前方大爆炸,不灭金刚踉跄,身体剧震不已,而那个老怪物更是谨慎,不愿被场域缠住,刹那消失,换了一个方位。 The Spirit Ancestor fate is not good, was intercepted by Holy Master personally, Spirit Ancestor had the wound, the arrow feather collection that the big bow that was also composed of stars resonating together projects hits the shoulder, making him splash a big blood splash, staggering. 灵祖运道不好,被圣师亲自拦击,灵祖原本就有伤,又被一道星辰共振而组成的大弓射出的箭羽集击中肩头,让他溅起一大片血花,踉踉跄跄。 In the end, Unextinguishable Vajra first kills the near, he relates the sworn friend with Wei Xilin, two clans are the most intimate alliance relationships, he rushes to the Yaoyao grandfather, he lifts the hand then the bang to old person's back of the head, wants to strike to execute. 到头来,不灭金刚第一个杀到近前,他跟魏西林关系莫逆,两族是最亲密的同盟关系,他赶到妖妖祖父的身后,他抬手就轰向老人的后脑,想要一击格杀。 The situation is very critical, two Shining Upon All Heavens level characters tie down the Yaoyao grandfather, keeping him as if from separating the mind, was locked there. 情况无比危急,两位映照诸天级人物缠住妖妖的爷爷,让他似乎无法分开心神,被锁在那里。 At this time this occasion, in the entire starry sky countless person breath shortness, chest fluctuating is fierce, all surprised is staring! 此时此际,全星空中无数人呼吸急促,胸膛起伏剧烈,全都吃惊的盯着! Starting off, your family reunites!” Unextinguishable Vajra displays the fine divine wind violent once more, roaring, this energy is attacking the Yaoyao grandfather's soul. “上路吧,你们一家人去团聚!”不灭金刚再次施展精神风暴,咆哮着,这种能量在冲击妖妖祖父的魂魄。 In the Great Deity eye beats the hope light, if this strikes to massacre the Yaoyao grandfather, he thoroughly has gotten out of trouble, therefore goes all out displays principle rune, must tie down the match. 大天神眼中跳动起希冀之光,如果这一击杀掉妖妖的祖父,他就彻底脱困了,因此更加卖力的施展法则符文,要缠住对手。 But Wei Xilin oneself will soon blast out, many flesh are separated, the white bones are dense, but he also in whole-heartedly grips Yaoyao grandfather's that arm, exhausts the method to implement the imprisonment. 魏西林自身即将炸开,很多血肉脱离,白骨森森,可他还在全力以赴的夹住妖妖祖父的那条手臂,用尽手段实施禁锢。 Uncle, you start off, a person lives in this world is too lonely!” His corners of the mouth are bringing the blood, such smiles, making people think some round of to terrify. “叔叔,你还是上路吧,一个人活在这世间太孤单!”他嘴角带着血,那样笑着,让人觉得有些发瘆。 Time suddenly, is too strange, as if eternal, appears somewhat is unexpectedly long, all parties in anxious is staring, all will branch out the result in this fast. 一刹那间的时光,太诡异,仿佛永恒般,竟显得有些漫长起来,各方都在紧张的盯着,一切都将在这电光石火间分出结果。 At this time, all Evolver on Earth incomparably are afraid, the Chu Feng, Yellow Ox and other will of the people mentioned the throat, uneasy, feared the old person dead an untimely death, was hunted and killed by these people. 此时,地球上的所有进化者都无比害怕,楚风黄牛等人心都提到嗓子眼,忐忑不安,怕老人横死,被这些人猎杀。 Bang! 轰! The critical moment, the time seems flowing backwards, twists all, although the Yaoyao grandfather lost, however the formidable fight instinct, is fearful. 关键时刻,时光仿佛在倒流,扭曲一切,妖妖的爷爷虽然迷失了,但是强大的战斗本能还在,非常可怕。 Final moment, his body, although cannot move, however head sword round displaces instant, this is World of the Living's peerless Divine Skill, nine party color Divine Sword composition sword wheels, suppress all! 最后的关头,他身体虽然不能动,但是头上的剑轮刹那偏移,这是阳间的绝世神技,九口不同彩色的神剑组成剑轮,镇压一切! He in an instant, relaxes to the defense and suppression of Great Deity and Wei Xilin, the sword wheel resists the attack as well as Unextinguishable Vajra of behind fine divine wind violent to strong fist mark strikes! 他在刹那间,放松对大天神魏西林的防御与压制,剑轮抵住身后的精神风暴的侵袭以及不灭金刚的至强拳印一击! He uses a sword round resistance, blocks behind enemy, under lets fall innumerable radiance, cannot injure his body! 他用剑轮对抗,挡住身后的敌人,垂落下无数的光华,不能伤他的躯体! dang! 当! At the same time, the Yaoyao grandfather body leans forward, the right leg kicks backward but actually, is similar to the shoes swings the tail, bang kicks in temporarily by sword round imprisonment the chest of Unextinguishable Vajra, kicks his chin. 同一时间,妖妖的爷爷身体前倾,右腿向后倒踢,如同鞋子摆尾,轰的一声踢在暂时被剑轮禁锢的不灭金刚的胸口,又踢到他的下巴。 In a flash, the metal body of Unextinguishable Vajra is all of a sudden hollow, chest distortion, but the chin was looking awful of distortion, the mouth is blocked, vanished, became a big pig iron lump. 一瞬间,不灭金刚的金属躯体一下子凹陷下去,胸部变形,而下巴更是扭曲的不成样子,嘴巴都被堵上,消失了,成为一大块铁疙瘩。 What is most important, this strikes to contain the light of soul murdering, has attacked his soul, making his big change, finally kicked flies horizontally. 最为重要的是,这一击蕴含着灵魂杀伐之光,也攻击了他的魂魄,让他剧震不已,最后被踢的横飞出去。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” At this time, Wei Xilin was also yelling, he could not insist, Grandpa Yaoyao fist mark jumped the assuming an awe-inspiring pose energy in his within the body at this time, must ruin him. 这时,魏西林也在大叫,他根本坚持不住了,妖妖爷爷的拳印在他体内此时迸发威能,要毁掉他。 Undying Silkworm manifestation technique!” The Wei Xilin low roar, whole-heartedly, the body illumination, he wants to get rid of the dead end, does not want to be rumbled to kill. 不死蚕化生术!”魏西林低吼,全力以赴,身体发光,他想要摆脱死局,不想被轰杀。 Roar!” The response gives him is Grandpa Yaoyao bellows, vibrates the universe starry sky, his right fist mark erupts the brilliant ray. “吼!”回应给他的是妖妖爷爷的一声大吼,震动宇宙星空,他的右拳印爆发绚烂的光芒。 ! 噗! During Yaoyao the fist mark vibrations of grandfather, Wei Xilin disintegrates all of a sudden, the body becomes the fragment, here blasts out, the blood scatters, incarnadine starry sky! 妖妖的爷爷的拳印震动间,魏西林一下子解体,身体成为碎块,在这里炸开来,血液四溅,染红星空!
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