SR :: Volume #8

#730: All Heavens Divine War!

The Spirit Race Shining Upon All Heavens level giant, is known as Spirit Ancestor, once had experienced the God blood streamer wreaking havoc world time, that time Spirit Race power and influence was extremely prosperous, sweeps away all obstacles! 灵族映照诸天级巨头,号称灵祖,曾经历过神灵化血幡肆虐天下的时代,那时的灵族威势极隆,所向披靡! Arrived linked first ten mostly unable to sit still finally, suppressed that supreme rare treasure, finally dismantled Supreme Treasure forcefully, did not make that evolve to terrifying situation Paramount big Killing Weapon reappears world. 到最后连前十大都坐不住了,压制那件无上秘宝,最后强行拆解至宝,不让那件进化到恐怖地步的究极杀器再现世间。 Now, this experienced Spirit Ancestor of that time to come out, although at that time was was not controlled in that legend by him personally the blood streamer, but he in the antiquity was also ominous clear the generation, has encircled and hunted the Yaoyao father. 现在,这位经历过那时代的灵祖出来了,当时虽然不是由他亲手掌控那传说中的化血幡,但他在上古也是凶名昭著之辈,围猎过妖妖的父亲。 He makes an appearance, threatened that must put to death the Yaoyao grandfather, collaborates with Great Deity, wants to eradicate Earth final fate. 他才一露面,就扬言要诛杀妖妖的祖父,跟大天神联手,想铲除地球最后的“运道”。 Finally, at this moment he was almost put to turn, the back severe pain, the bone splits, the spine breaks off, does that catch up with the prestige of star whip to be how terrorist? 结果,这一刻他差点被放翻,后背剧痛,骨头都裂开,脊椎骨折断,那赶星鞭的威能何其恐怖? The Holy Master weapon, can catch up with the All Heavens star, displays Domain, the arrangement kills the bureau, took him to be helpless including the Shining Upon All Heavens level character in the past. 圣师藉此兵器,能够赶诸天星斗,罗列场域,布置杀局,连映照诸天级人物当年都拿他无奈。 The idle talk said, Holy Master also visits in this Dominion now. 更遑论说,圣师如今也踏足进这个领域中。 Especially this time, he takes the crucial first step, stands in this Dominion, thorough stable, such life internal energy is no longer feeble, he obtains to continue the thing of life in Broken Universe in chaos. 尤其是这一次,他迈出关键性的第一步,站在这个领域中,彻底稳固,不再那么的生命气机衰弱,他在混沌中的残破宇宙中获得续命之物。 All these occur in an instant, in fast, from Spirit Ancestor hit back crack, the whole body is the blood, staggers to fly horizontally, until now, preying is links up , to continue, but also is in progress. 所有这一切都发生在刹那间,电光石火中,从灵祖被打的后背龟裂,满身是血,踉跄横飞出去,到现在为止,搏杀是连贯的,持续的,还在进行中。 Whiz! 嗖! Holy Master has almost not stopped, once more vanishes, bang, presents in Spirit Ancestor, has not allowed him to transfer the body to wield once more catches up with the star whip. 圣师几乎都没有停下,就再次消失,砰的一声,出现在灵祖的身后,还未容他转过身躯再次挥动赶星鞭。 Spirit Ancestor is the what kind of character, before long years walks, passes through many time, his divine awareness is very keen, first haunches the principle symbol, protects oneself body. 灵祖是何等的人物,从漫长岁月前一路走来,贯穿很多个时代,他的神觉无比敏锐,第一时间撑起法则符号,守护己身。 However, the Holy Master subsequent hand continues these, in process that he in catching up, the use catches up with the star whip to display Domain, lay out trump card. 但是,圣师的后手不止这些,他在赶来的过程中,就动用赶星鞭罗列场域,布下杀手锏 As can be seen, the All Heavens star gets together in radiance, the Big Dipper star just like the starry sky sea eye, then the strength of pump infinite star splendor, bang, by the bucket , shells the light of murdering. 可以看到,诸天星斗齐聚光华,北斗星宛若星空海眼,而后抽汲无穷星辉之力,轰的一声,透过勺柄,轰击过来杀伐之光。 This is bunch of celestial body, at this time, other regions, the week Heavenly Star splendor spread, not measured vastly, some places, Star River was a bowstring, opened the universe big bow, killed the energy light beam, attacked this place! 这还是一簇星体而已,这时,其他区域,周天星辉蔓延,浩瀚莫测,有的地方,星河为弓弦,张开宇宙大弓,射杀能量光束,冲击此地! This Domain method, shocks world! 这种场域手段,震撼世间! Therefore, the surroundings inundate Heavenly Star light strength, perhaps a bunch is insufficient the character of wound and this progression, but is inexhaustible, when the focus comes, that energy was scary. 所以,周围漫天星光之力,一簇或许不足以伤及这个级数的人物,但是无穷无尽,聚焦而来时,那能量就骇人了。 The Spirit Ancestor protecting body light screen was punctured, rune was obliterated, then, catches up with the star whip to fall once more. 灵祖的护体光幕被打穿,符文被磨灭,然后,赶星鞭再次落下。 ! 噗! In process that the blood scatters, Spirit Ancestor is stuffy, staggers to evade to draw back, catches up with the star whip to hit hard one after another, pulls out on Spirit Race Old Ancestor, this scene is simply incredible! 血液四溅的过程中,灵祖闷哼,踉跄避退,赶星鞭接连重击,抽在灵族老祖身上,这个场面简直让人难以置信! Spirit Ancestor is coming under attack unexpectedly! 灵祖居然在挨打! The star splendor fills the air, the expansive sky is battlefield, the All Heavens star array, changes to the weapon, some star composition lances, send out the dazzling light burr, some stars compose heavenly blade, across the sky chops to cut, some stars become a big stove, the suppression under! 星辉弥漫,长空为战场,诸天星斗列阵,化作兵器,有的星斗组成长矛,发出刺目的光芒刺来,有的星斗组成天刀,横空劈斩,有的星斗成为一尊大火炉,镇压而下! The infinite stars, they become the magnets, evolves Domain, the lasing leaves various types of energy weapons, the bang kills to forward, this surging forward with great momentum magnificent scene, lets outside territory person petrify, then the back sends coolly. 无穷星辰,它们成为磁石,演化场域,激射出各种能量兵器,轰杀向前,这种波澜壮阔的大场面,让域外的人石化,而后脊背发凉。 In Spirit Ancestor as for field, that say nothing, suddenly has been attacked, falls on all of a sudden leeward, then without enough time counter-attacks, was being pressed hitting! 至于场中的灵祖,那就更不用说了,突然遭袭,一下子落在下风,然后都来不及反击,就被压着打! After this is Holy Master returns, first time so initiative, the lay out unescapable net, locks trapped/sleepy Spirit Ancestor, must cut down him simply at the scene! 这是圣师回归后,第一次这般的主动,布下天罗地网,锁困灵祖,简直要将他当场劈杀了! Spirit Ancestor, mood at this moment can be imagined, he wants to shout 'motherfucker'! 灵祖,此刻的心情可想而知,他想骂娘! Too passive, such was stranded in Domain, one-sided is pressing hitting! 太被动了,就这么被人困在场域中,一边倒的压着打! He is not the masochism, does not have that hobby, but the bone breaks the muscle booklet now, the back must separate, the flesh rotted. 他可不是受虐狂,没有那种嗜好,可是现在骨断筋折,后背都要断开了,血肉都烂掉了。 He goes crazy, is really absurd?! 他发狂,真是岂有此理?! In addition, he is angry, this taking a rash step too, they drag in lots of people, surround Holy Master, finally the person has not stopped up, makes the opposite party sneak here on the contrary, the thorough rear, kills to him. 此外,他恼怒,这一次的太失策,他们兴师动众,围堵圣师,结果人没有堵到,反倒让对方潜行到这里,深入大后方,对他袭杀。 They Discerning Eyes that prepared the god eye of Shining Upon All Heavens level, to have left behind past, can look to put on the chaos simply, can the earliest possible time supervise the Holy Master trend to be right. 他们准备了映照诸天级的神眼、还有昔日留下的火眼金睛,简直能望穿混沌,能第一时间监察到圣师动向才对。 But, under such came into sight to hide by the homicide. 可是,就这么被他杀到眼皮子底下。 ! 噗! The Spirit Ancestor anger, in the hand a blood-color big streamer sweeps away, he finally active, no longer was imprisoned, however the pitiful discovery, his spine is cut off, almost cut in two at the waist! 灵祖愤怒,手中一杆血色大幡横扫,他总算能动了,不再被禁锢,但是可悲的发现,他自己的脊椎骨断掉,几乎被腰斩! That catches up with the star whip to be too sharp, now evolves with Holy Master together, to Shining Upon All Heavens this level! 那赶星鞭太犀利,如今跟着圣师一同进化,到了映照诸天这个层次! Bang!” “轰!” Fortunately, the critical moment, Wei Xilin moved, in the past betrayed the archaic Earth Xilin Army army regimental commander, already truly rose, became a side giant. 还好,关键时刻,魏西林动了,当年背叛上古地球西林军的军团长,早已真正崛起,成为一方巨头。 He lifts in the hands, shakes loose starry sky Order, disturbs Holy Master to arrange Domain. 他抬手间,震散星空秩序,干扰圣师布置场域 Spirit Ancestor goes all out, taking the opportunity works loose, he is so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat in the distant place, was almost killed? This too also terrifying, his body break, is reorganizing rapidly, divine blood flows backwards to return. 灵祖拼命,借机挣脱出来,他在远处惊出一身冷汗,差点就被袭杀?这太也恐怖,他的身体断裂,在迅速重组,神血倒流而回。 He does not dare to imagine, if Wei Xilin does not begin, his don't tell me will be killed with the aid of Domain by Holy Master sleepily here? 他真的不敢想象下去,如果魏西林不动手,他难道会被圣师借助场域困杀在这里? Wei Xilin!” The Holy Master opens the mouth, looked to the distant place past brothers, today's absolutely irreconcilable enemy. 魏西林!”圣师开口,看向远处昔日的兄弟,今日的不共戴天敌人。 Past Wei Xilin, commanded an army, was full of the wild nature, unruly, in the end his ambition as well as Traitor to the Bone have accomplished afterward blood-color disaster. 当年的魏西林,统率一部大军,充满野性,桀骜不驯,到头来他的野心以及反骨造就了后来的血色灾难。 He is a traitor, moves comes, directing outside Dominion the army to push directly into, here troops who kills excessively is caught off guard, many ethnic groups therefore wrote off the clean, thorough extermination of the clan! 他临阵反戈一击,调过头来,引领域外大军长驱直入,杀的自己这边的人马措手不及,许多族群因此而被抹杀干净,彻底灭族! Today, he becomes long of clan, is known as Xilin Clan, in the past Earth talent Wei Heng of extremely, was honored as Number Nine Under the Starry Sky, followed him. 今日,他成为一族之长,号称西林族,当年地球的绝顶天才魏恒,被誉为星空下第九,就是跟他走了。 Yi Chen brother.” Wei Xilin light smiling, in distant place has arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, aura imperceptibly fills the air to come, energy rich is astonishing. 亦尘兄。”魏西林淡淡的笑着,在远方拱了拱手,无形中的气息弥漫而来,能量浓郁度惊人。 Has saying that he is a talented person, in the past did not show one's self, in the end actually Shining Upon All Heavens, compared with the rapidness that so-called antiquity peerless talent must walk, is violent. 不得不说,他是个人才,当年不显山露水,到头来却映照诸天,比很多所谓的上古绝世天骄都要走的快,都要猛烈。 Holy Master, is a gentle person, the state of mind did not have the wave, but now his pale face even more snow white, his two sworn brothers, past once Shining Upon All Heavens, but death actually such pitiful. 圣师,原本是一个平和的人,心绪无波,但是现在他苍白的脸越发的雪白,他的两位结拜兄弟,昔日都曾映照诸天,但死的却那样的凄惨。 archaic Earth was extinguished, bleeds floating scull, Holy Master initially indeed cannot change anything, but, he is actually not able to forgive these traitors, the critical moment holds a person on one's own side blade, reminding him each time, feels the pain, injures for the dead. 上古地球被灭,流血漂橹,圣师当初的确改变不了什么,但是,他却无法原谅那些背叛者,关键时刻捅自己人一刀,让他每次想起,都觉得心痛,为死者而伤。 Holy Master raises catches up with the star whip, points at Wei Xilin of distant place, facing this past also once together the old friend who drank wine and be on intimate terms, in his heart was depressed. 圣师扬起赶星鞭,遥指远方的魏西林,面对这个昔日也曾经一起饮酒、称兄道弟的故人,他心中发堵。 „The Yi Chen brother, has been well since last meeting, we meet must die to fight not necessarily.” Wei Xilin is smiling pale. 亦尘兄,别来无恙,我们见面不见得非要死斗。”魏西林在淡笑。 Bang! 轰! But Holy Master take action, his knows, Wei Xilin, although is unruly, but is not crude, is always discrete, the opposite party this is in the protracted time, waited for that the aid arrives. 可是圣师出手了,他知道,魏西林虽然桀骜不驯,但是却不鲁莽,一向谨慎,对方这是在拖延时间,等待援手到来。 Their impossible this troops, other people, to surround Holy Master, under them full blood qualification. 他们不可能这点人马,还有其他人,为了围堵圣师,他们下足血本钱。 In the field, Spirit Ancestor rapid traverse body, must tear the space, because he discovered, Holy Master is also aiming at him, must be sieged in this place. 场中,灵祖快速移动身躯,要撕裂空间,因为他发现,圣师也在针对他,又要被围困于此地。 He may not want to fall into Domain once more, was being pressed hitting, that taste is too uncomfortable, nearly had the accident/surprise a moment ago. 他不可想再次陷入场域中,被人压着打,那滋味太难受,刚才险些发生意外。 "hē hē...... ” “呵呵……” Suddenly, some people are sneering, a giant metal person appears, stands with Wei Xilin in Star Sea shoulder to shoulder, top of the head Sun, Moon and Stars, eye compared with many natural planet boundless multiple. 突然间,有人在冷笑,一尊巨大的金属人浮现,跟魏西林并肩站在星海中,头顶日月星辰,眼睛比许多性星球都磅礴多倍。 He is a metal person, is Machine Race Old Ancestor, is known as Unextinguishable Vajra! 他是一个金属人,是机械族老祖,号称不灭金刚 He also came, collaborates with Wei Xilin, resists the Holy Master Yi Chen lay out Domain energy, stands there faint smiling, but in the look actually reveals boundless murderous intention. 他也来了,跟魏西林联手,抵住圣师亦尘布下场域能量,站在那里淡漠的笑着,但是眼神中却露出无边杀机 Your also not quick take action!?” “你们还不快出手!?” At this time, Great Deity was whooshing, he to certain region, his two arms both were eaten by the Yaoyao grandfather panic-stricken, oneself locked by Origin Metal, wants to run away is not good. 这时,大天神在嘶吼,他惊恐到一定境地,他两条臂膀都被妖妖的祖父吃掉,自身被母金锁住,想逃走都不行。 He thinks so, oneself was being gnawed, flood dragon Dragon claw arm such rapid disappearance, bloody, if were the ordinary person affirmation collapses. 他就这么看着,自己在被啃噬,蛟龙爪臂就那样迅速的消失,血淋淋,如果是一般的人肯定崩溃了。 Yaoyao has no time beautifully, is a fairy maiden, the white clothing dances in the breeze likely, she stands on Copper Coffin, was summoning own grandfather, she wants to sob! 妖妖美丽无暇,像是一个仙子,白衣飘舞,她站在铜棺上,呼唤着自己的爷爷,她想哭泣! She is not a delicate person, antiquity one post-war, she experiences the tragedy that is with one's family broken up and decimated, the family members died in battle, the fiance also turns around to depart, oneself is die, this aspect, she has not cried! 她不是一个柔弱的人,上古一战后,她经历家破人亡的悲剧,亲人都战死,未婚夫也转身离去,自身更是殒落,这种局面,她都不曾哭! When she with Chu Feng mentioned the past experience, such cloud poor business conditions are light, are bringing smiling, incomparable free and easy. 她跟楚风说起当年的经历时,那样的云淡风轻,带着笑,无比的洒脱。 But today, she sees oneself grandfather, sees him becomes this appearance, the whole body corpse wool, her heart trembles, her knows oneself grandfather was also very bitter in the past, has the reason not to enter the war. Especially now, the old person is similar to the wild animal shouts, the corner of the eye also hangs the tears of blood to fight with all might, this is must revenge for them. 可是今日,她看到自己的爷爷,见到他成为这个样子,满身尸毛,她心颤,她知道自己的祖父当年也很苦,有原因而未参战。尤其是现在,老人如同野兽般嘶吼,眼角还挂着血泪拼杀,这是要为他们报仇。 Therefore, Yaoyao has cried, finally sees the family member, she cannot bear. 所以,妖妖哭了,终于看到亲人,她忍不住。 At this moment, must the old person of Great Deity swallow alive live food, raised the head suddenly, eye as before scarlet such as blood moon/month, when sees Yaoyao, his vision somewhat is gentle. 此刻,正在要将大天神生吞活食的老人,猛然抬起头,眼睛依旧猩红如血月,可是看到妖妖时,他的目光却有些柔和。 This is the instinct, this is the kinship that is unable to give up, has awakened him likely gradually. 这是天性,这是无法割舍的亲情,像是逐渐唤醒了他。 Monster...... Monster!” “妖……妖!” Arrived finally, him makes the ambiguous sound, summoned the Yaoyao name! 到最后,他更是发出含混不清的声音,呼唤出妖妖的名字! My...... Yaoyao!” The old person sobs, has the tears of blood of doubling to tumble once more, his heart most deep place, a will is struggling, but he is actually not able to control oneself thoroughly. “我的……妖妖!”老人哭泣,再次有成双的血泪滚落而出,他心底最深处,有一种意志在挣扎,但他却无法彻底掌控自身。 His subconscious, has recognized Yaoyao, but, his god eyes are also very keen, sees her is phantom, is not real, therefore he flows off the tears of blood. 他的潜意识,认出了妖妖,但是,他的神眼也很敏锐,看到她是虚影,是不真实的,所以他流下血泪。 My Yaoyao...... The granddaughter, I want you to come back.” Arrived finally, just like corpse demon old person, unexpectedly extraordinary gentle moment, makes such sound. “我的妖妖……孙女,我要你回来。”到最后,宛若尸魔般的老人,竟出奇的柔和了片刻,发出这样的声音。 Grandfather!” Yaoyao is also sobbing. “爷爷!”妖妖也在哭泣。 Until finally, the Wei Xilin sound transmits, faint smiling, said: Uncle, for a long time does not see, you reduce to so the situation unexpectedly.” 直到最后,魏西林的声音传来,淡漠的笑,道:“叔叔,好久不见,你竟沦落到如此地步。” Wei Xilin opens the mouth like this, is very tranquil, the look is slightly cold. 魏西林这样开口,很平静,眼神略冷。 He collaborated Unextinguishable Vajra to put together one with Holy Master a moment ago, he is now secure, because, in his, the old monster also rushed. 他刚才联手不灭金刚圣师拼了一记,他现在有恃无恐,因为,在他的身后,还有老怪物也赶到了。 Without a doubt, after the Wei Xilin sound conveys, stimulated the Yaoyao grandfather, the old person has face upwarded to shout, was similar to unparalleled Demon Lord rushes out from the hell, he was angry, did not have sorrow intent completely. 毫无疑问,魏西林的声音传来后,刺激到了妖妖的爷爷,老人仰天嘶吼,如同盖世魔主从地狱中闯出,他愤怒无边,还有无尽的哀意。 He lost control. 他又失控了。 Yaoyao, my good granddaughter, grandfather not good...... The grandfather dies must revive you......” 妖妖,我的好孙女,爷爷不好……爷爷死也要救活你……” At this time, Yaoyao the consciousness of grandfather final time was surging, was similar to the wild animal low roar, the sound was ambiguous, said such words unexpectedly. 这时,妖妖的爷爷最后时刻的意识在激荡,如同野兽低吼,声音含混不清,竟说出这样的话语。 Kills, you must die!” “杀,你们都要死!” The Yaoyao grandfather bellows, then eye by blood red becomes empty, he erupts the immeasurable prestige energy! 妖妖的爷爷大吼,而后眼睛由血红变得空洞,他爆发出无量威能! Uncle, should not be excited.” Wei Xilin light smiling, further stimulates. “叔叔,别激动。”魏西林淡淡的笑着,进一步刺激。 Wei Xilin, you damn!” Disposition very good Holy Master, in this moment in such pledging, obviously his anger how. 魏西林,你该死!”性格很好的圣师,在这一刻都在这样的发誓,可见他多么的愤怒。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Great Deity called out pitifully, he wants to curse, when these people confronted, finally he, the Yaoyao grandfather was gnawing him painstakingly, carried him to go forward, must kill the enemy. 大天神惨叫,他想诅咒,这些人对峙时,最终却苦了他,妖妖的爷爷在啃噬他,拎着他前进,要去杀敌。 Suddenly, the Yaoyao grandfather disappears inexplicably, changed including the facial color of Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, this does not conform to the common sense, that principle rune blooms annihilates, the path is uncertain, to be too weird. 突然间,妖妖的祖父莫名消失,连映照诸天级强者的面色都变了,这不符合常理,那法则符文绽放又湮灭,轨迹不可预测,太邪门。 Finally, one of the bang, the Wei Xilin whole body is the blood, was punctured a fist, he was yelling sad and shrill, flew horizontally, the Yaoyao grandfather appeared in his side unexpectedly, a fist has passed through his body, brought the big piece blood rain! 结果,轰的一声,魏西林满身是血,被人一拳打穿,他凄厉大叫着,横飞出去,妖妖的爷爷竟然出现在他的身边,一拳贯穿了他的躯体,带起大片的血雨!
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