SR :: Volume #8

#729: Turns the sword to sweep the world

"Ah! ” “啊!” Great Deity sends out to bellow, this struck was too violent, Grandpa Yaoyao fist mark was great and vast, pounded to fall just like the blue sky, was similar to the hell tilts, the energy terrifying was peerless, hits on his right chest! 大天神发出大吼,这一击太猛烈了,妖妖爷爷的拳印宏大而浩瀚,宛若青天砸落,如同地狱倾覆,能量恐怖绝伦,打在他的右胸膛上! His Full-Body Armor was known as that ice Celestial Stone armor, in Variation Divine Stone by chaos builds, firm degree to get close to Origin Metal, is one of the world most precious materials. 他的这身甲胄号称凌天石甲,以混沌中的异种神石打造而成,坚固程度接近母金,是世间最珍贵的材料之一。 But now is actually pierced, fist mark strikes when this clear radiant Full-Body Armor, making it be cracked, disintegration, then blasts out a big piece, the Full-Body Armor fragment flies is the star is disintegrating likely, is brilliant and dazzling. 可是现在却被洞穿,拳印击在这晶莹璀璨的甲胄上,让它龟裂、崩碎,而后炸开一大片,甲胄碎块飞起来时像是恒星在解体,绚烂而又刺目。 Naturally what is most fearful is the energy in turbulent with falling in torrents, the space dent, flash many meteors have delimited here, that is celestial body is shaken falls. 当然最可怕的是能量在汹涌与倾泻,空间塌陷,一刹那诸多流星划过这里,那是星体在被震落。 Great Deity, the genuine universe Overlord level character, he poses as Divinity, prefix "Great" character, obviously its lofty aspirations and high ideals! 大天神,真正的宇宙霸主级人物,他以神祇自居,前缀了一个大字,可见其雄心壮志! But he now is seriously battered, the right chest was made a blood hole, the blood flows all of a sudden, making him bristle with anger, compared with solar also big golden color pupil twinkle ice-cold and dense murderous intention. 可是他现在遭受重创,右胸被打出一个血窟窿,血液一下子就流了出来,让他怒发冲冠,比太阳还大的金色瞳孔闪烁冰冷与森然的杀机 He roared, wisp of golden blood spurted from his mouth, that was the Deity Race's blood essence, was containing the most fearful complex symbol, hit to the Yaoyao grandfather's forehead, must puncture his mind. 他咆哮间,一缕金色的血液从他嘴里喷出来,那是天神族的血精,蕴含着最为可怕的复杂符号,撞击向妖妖祖父的眉心,要打穿他的脑海。 Roar!” “吼!” The Yaoyao grandfather is roaring lowly, what among his mouth and nose spouts is rich Yang Qi, seems not this world, this energy level too high level. 妖妖的爷爷在低吼,他的口鼻间喷出的是浓郁的阳气,仿佛不属于这个世间,这种能量层次太高级 Yang Qi condensation world Order, god mark interweaves in middle, keeps off before his face, with that day divine blood hit in one, various regular symbols is in full bloom, illustrious universe! 阳气凝聚天地秩序,神纹交织在当中,挡在他的面部前,跟那口天神血撞击在一处,各种规则符号盛开,光耀宇宙! The flash, anything could not see, they were submerged by the infinite god splendor, to the in the world person, this is Divine War! 一刹那,什么都看不到了,他们两人被无穷的神辉淹没,对于世人来说,这就是神战 Bang! 砰! Then, Divine Red Clouds spreads, various energy mushroom cloud composition spray, start the storm, in the universe is similar to the vast expanse of water is surging, magnificently intense is brilliant. 接着,神霞扩散,各种能量蘑菇云组成浪花,掀起风暴,宇宙中如同一片汪洋在涌动,盛烈而绚烂。 After this type of great waves pat, nearby planet in blasts one after another, changes to fine powder, the energy that two worlds burst out is too terrifying. 这种浪涛拍出去后,附近的行星在一颗接着一颗的炸开,化作齑粉,两人间迸发出的能量太恐怖。 Great Deity in stuffy, his corners of the mouth are bringing the blood, before the chest, has a hole, the body shakes fiercely, breathing method is revolving crazily, catches the energy factor in universe. 大天神在闷哼,他的嘴角带着血,胸膛前有个窟窿,身体剧烈摇动,呼吸法在疯狂运转,捕捉宇宙中的能量因子。 In addition, his arm is bleeding, was almost torn, but also is linking, they were resisting a moment ago personal, the Yaoyao grandfather has grabbed his right arm, almost, then tears! 此外,他的一条手臂在淌血,几乎被撕裂下来,还连着一点,他们刚才在贴身对抗,妖妖的爷爷一直抓着他的右臂,就差一点,便撕扯下来! Great Deity roared, was known as he who gods, unexpectedly again made into the severe wound, flew horizontally. 大天神咆哮,号称神明的他,居然一而再的被人打成重伤,横飞出去。 Because, this wound has injured to his Evolution Foundation, the fight of this progression, some all sort of killing types, frequently can transmit in the soul. 因为,这种伤已经伤到他的进化根基,这个级数的战斗,有诸般杀式,动辄就可以传递到灵魂上。 The Great Deity chest fluctuates, breath shortness, in universe various types known, the unknown energy factor comes in swarms, flies toward his wound body, patches its body. 大天神胸膛起伏,呼吸急促,宇宙中各种已知的、未知的能量因子蜂拥而来,向着他的伤体飞去,修补其躯。 The Yaoyao grandfather is fighting with an instinct completely, whole body black growing hair, including the face on so, his experience is too pitiful. 妖妖的爷爷完全是凭着一种本能在战斗,满身黑色的长毛,连面部上都如此,他的经历太可悲。 He came from World of the Living, the experience is rough, in the end loses a child, and loses the granddaughter, three generations of talent, only remaining he, although at this time loses, however his corner of the eye is hanging several drops of tears of blood as before. 他来自阳间,经历坎坷,到头来又丧子,且失去孙女,一门三代天骄,只剩下他自己,此时虽然迷失,但是他的眼角依旧挂着几滴血泪。 His low roar, has killed once more, obsession and some subconscious are controlling him, must revenge for own heir, asks for an explanation. 他一声低吼,再次杀了过去,一种执念、某种潜意识在支配着他,要为自己的子嗣报仇,讨一个说法。 Old ordinary man!” Great Deity evades not to be possible to evade, hides not to be possible to hide, can only the engagement, because he felt the speed of opposite party, the extraordinary rapidness, exceeded him absolutely. “老匹夫!”大天神避无可避,躲无可躲,只能接战,因为他感受到了对方的速度,出奇的快,绝对超越他。 Come, I kill your son, extinguishes your granddaughter, they are not Heaven-Blessed Talent, was all strangled by me, can you my what?” “来吧,我杀你儿子,灭你孙女,他们不都是天纵奇才吗,皆被我扼杀,你能奈我何?” In the Great Deity long and narrow golden color pupil is having the cold meaning, he hopes for that controls the Yaoyao grandfather's subconscious but therefore the mood fluctuation is fierce, thus is unable effectively to control fighting intent and killing intent. 大天神狭长的金色眸子中带着冷冽之意,他希冀,那支配妖妖祖父的潜意识因此而情绪波动剧烈,从而无法有效控制战意杀意 Because, he in the palpitation, feared that this kind of monster massacres him with the instinct in the end. 因为,他在心悸,怕这样一个怪物到头来真的凭着本能而杀掉他。 ! 咯嘣! In his process of meeting the approaching enemy, his right arm continues in together, the wound of chest also heals, so-called drop of blood rebirth, let alone is this person. 在他的迎击的过程中,他那右臂接续在一起,胸膛的伤口亦愈合,所谓一滴血都可重生,更何况是他这种人。 Great Deity on are too more than promising youth of their this clan, not by the Yang Qi thorough suppression of Grandpa Yaoyao, therefore various rules as in own control. 大天神比他们这一族的后起之秀强上太多,没有被妖妖爷爷的阳气彻底压制,因此各种规则依旧在自身的掌控中。 Clang! 锵! He will break the blade to summon, the right hand is holding, chops to the Yaoyao grandfather . Moreover the body in the by inexplicable path movement, is similar to a god fish is fishtailing, moves fast light and lively. 他将断刀召唤过来,右手持着,劈向妖妖的祖父,而且身体在以莫名的轨迹移动,如同一条神鱼在摆尾,轻灵而飘忽。 Bang! 轰! At this time his energy is crazy, the blade glow rises suddenly, he avoids swift and fierce killing of Yaoyao grandfather, simultaneously the get out of the way that Origin Metal chains, awoke using the match unconscious, wants to kill. 此时他的能量是疯狂的,刀芒暴涨,他避开妖妖祖父的一次凌厉扑杀,同时闪开了那条母金锁链,利用对手神智不清醒,想要袭杀。 The critical moment, Yaoyao grandfather in the eyes is bringing endless killing intent, avoids deity blade, is similar to Undying Bird is circling, magnificent hovering, then kills. 关键时刻,妖妖的祖父双目中带着无尽的杀意,避开天神刀,如同一只不死鸟在盘旋,华丽的翱翔,接着又扑杀下去。 Moreover, during this process, Origin Metal Divine Chain in his body flies, change motion trajectory, this is the non- conventional weapons, can change approaches at any time. 而且,在此过程中,他的身体内的母金神链飞起,改变运行轨迹,这是非常规兵器,可以随时变向。 dang! 当! Great Deity is especially prudent, does not hesitate to put together the weapon to be damaged once more, shakes the Origin Metal chains, then the double palm and forehead simultaneously bloom rune, rushes intensely, submerges the front. 大天神格外慎重,不惜拼着兵器再次受损,震开母金锁链,而后双掌与眉心同时绽放符文,激烈澎湃,淹没前方。 The grandfather both arms of Yaoyao shake, different Undying Bird spread the wings, immortal brilliant light, shakes bursts the front rune energy. 妖妖的爷爷双臂一震,不同不死鸟展翅,仙光艳艳,震溃前方的符文能量。 Bang! 轰! Near at hand Great Deity when displaying other principle energies, his back, suddenly presents a flood dragon Dragon's Tail, changes to the whip of Order, pulls out to the Yaoyao grandfather. 近在咫尺的大天神在施展其他法则能量时,他的背后,突然出现一条蛟龙尾,化作秩序之鞭,抽向妖妖的爷爷。 This is his trump card! 这是他的杀手锏 He is fish dragon body, at this time suddenly appears flood dragon Dragon's Tail, the towering bang kills, making people virtually impossible to guard against. 他是鱼龙身,此时突然显出蛟龙尾,突兀的轰杀,让人防不胜防。 Roar!” “吼!” The Yaoyao grandfather roared, when had a premonition the danger, whole body reappearing feathers, all was the energy turns into, just like Undying Bird Nirvana, the feather fell off, to transform, more formidable! 妖妖的祖父咆哮,预感到危险时,周身浮现一片又一片羽毛,全都是能量化成的,宛如不死鸟涅槃,羽毛脱落,为了蜕变,为了更强大! Really, centered on him, the energy storm of eruption has shocked universe Star Sea! 果然,以他为中心,爆发的能量风暴震撼了宇宙星海 The whip of Order the Great Deity flood dragon Dragon's Tail forms was shaken, the energy feather falls in torrents, everywhere dances in the air, strangles to death all, making Great Deity stuffy snort/hum make noise, that tail is bloody, nearly breaks. 大天神的蛟龙尾形成的秩序之鞭被震开,能量羽毛倾泻,漫天飞舞,绞杀一切,让大天神闷哼出声,那条尾巴血淋淋,险些断裂下来。 ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” In Yaoyao grandfather's outside the body, thunder, Yang Qi direct rich a big truncation, is really similar to Undying Bird Nirvana, was more powerful. 妖妖祖父的体外,电闪雷鸣,阳气直接浓郁了一大截,果然如同不死鸟涅槃般,更加强盛了。 Yang Qi constructs battle armour in his outside the body, dazzling, covers on his body, making him be similar to a war-god recovery. 阳气在他体外构建战甲,璀璨夺目,覆盖在他的躯体上,让他如同一尊战神复苏。 He has awakened an ability, this is World of the Living's Divine Skill, originally when his will is complete can display, but is actually compelled triggering now! 他又觉醒了一种能力,这是阳间的神技,原本在他意志完好时才能施展,但现在却被逼触发而出! Then, since the clang clang sound, Yaoyao grandfather's outside the body, leaps nine sword light from the back, the color is various, passes through this piece of Star Sea, the aura was too boundless. 然后,在锵锵声中,妖妖祖父的体外,自背后腾起九道剑光,色彩各不相同,贯穿这片星海,气息太磅礴了。 Opens plume feather just like True Phoenix, then, cuts to kill forward in the sound. 宛若一头真凰张开翎羽,而后,在哧哧声中向前斩杀过去。 Kills!” “杀啊!” Great Deity also roared, formidable such as this grade of Realm, unexpectedly also deity took possession and summon deity in urgent displaying such secret technique, had golden phantom inexplicably to go out from the nihilities, fused the normalizing with him, had the golden bone block to fly from the vault of heaven, integrated in his body. 大天神也咆哮,强大如他这等境界,居然也在急迫的施展“天神附体”与“召唤天神”这样的秘术,有金色虚影莫名从虚无间走出,跟他融合归一,有金色的骨块从苍穹上飞来,融入他的躯体中。 Although is the energy, is rune, but, can condense to come from the nihility, this itself also passes is sending strangely! 虽然是能量,是符文所化,但是,能够从虚无中凝聚而来,这本身也透发着诡异! Initially, when Chu Feng with day Divine Son great war, has met this secret technique. 当初,楚风跟天神子大战时,就遇到过这种秘术 But is better than Great Deity, unexpectedly was also summoning, this passed sends was being strange, slightly obviously terrifying! 而强如大天神,居然也在召唤,这就透发着诡异了,略显恐怖! Bang! 轰! The Yaoyao grandfather's behind nine different color sword light combine sword unexpectedly, turns into a wheel disk, becomes the sword wheel, forward crush in the past. 妖妖祖父身后的九道不同色彩的剑光居然组合成剑阵,化成一个轮盘,成为剑轮,向前碾压过去。 This is true easily accomplished, belongs to World of the Living's peerless Divine Skill, appear here piece of universe. 这是真正的摧枯拉朽,属于阳间的绝世神技,在这片宇宙中出现。 The Great Deity facial color changed, exhausts ability resistance, two people collide in together, bursts out the immeasurable light, submerges Star Sea! 大天神面色变了,竭尽所能对抗,两人碰撞在一起,迸发无量光,淹没星海 Rumble! 轰隆隆! That intense battle, brutal collision, works as in the end, the breaking blade in Great Deity hand flew, full was the fissure, Paramount Weapon ruined comprehensively. 激烈的厮杀,残酷的碰撞,到头来当的一声,大天神手中的断刀飞出去了,满是裂痕,一件究极兵器全面毁掉。 Moreover, he is staggering to back up, the so-called summon deity and deity take possession, has not blocked Grandpa Yaoyao that sword wheel, breaks out his defense, that is the principle sword wheel! 而且,他在踉跄倒退,所谓的召唤天神、天神附体,都没有挡住妖妖爷爷的那个剑轮,生生劈开他的防御,那是法则剑轮! Great Deity almost cut in two at the waist, moreover body densely and numerously is the wound, all the deep obvious bone, his battle armour thorough ruptured, does not exist. 大天神差点被腰斩,而且身上密密麻麻都是伤口,全都深可见骨,他身上的战甲彻底崩开,不复存在。 Yaoyao grandfather's sword round also thorough gloomy, this attack consumption is huge, sword round dispersing, changes into nine different color sword bodies, among in -line universes, palatially is similar to supports the day pillar/backbone! 妖妖祖父的剑轮也彻底暗淡,这种攻击消耗巨大,剑轮散开,重新化为九口不同色彩的剑体,直插宇宙间,巍峨如同撑天支柱! Roar! 吼! The Yaoyao grandfather kills, this time is the fatal attack, wants to tear into shreds Great Deity. 妖妖的爷爷扑杀,这一次是致命的攻击,想撕碎大天神 Always the domineering and Great Deity that the gods pose as, in the heart tremble, he has been afraid, does not dare to spell again, because he is really not a match, this is the dying war! 一向强势、以神明自居的大天神,心中颤栗,他害怕了,不敢再拼下去,因为他真的不是对手,这是死战! Regardless of speed whether can quick the opposite party, he is avoiding vigorously, must construct the wormhole, runs away to the universe edge. 无论速度是否能快过对方,他都在极力躲避,要构建虫洞,逃向宇宙边缘。 He wants with other alliance convergence, to strike this monster! 他想跟其他联盟者汇合,共击这个怪物! In his heart regretted, they disperse in various important highways, in waiting for Broken Universe of Holy Master from chaos comes out, wants to ambush him, the result has not expected in the rear presents the tremendous problem on the contrary. 他心中懊悔,他们分散在各处要道,一直在等待圣师从混沌中的残破宇宙出来,想要伏击他,结果没有料到在大后方反倒出现巨大问题。 This causes, the direction that they aim is completely wrong, has not waited till the succor his great war to the present, these people obviously also on road. 这就导致,他们针对的方向完全错误,他大战到现在都没有等到救援者,那些人显然还在路上。 But, some people should arrive were right!” In his eyes pupil the reappearing cool color, knows, is similar to he has not saved the Netherworld Race giant immediately, some people do not have first to save him. “不过,有些人该到了才对!”他眼眸中浮现冷色,立刻知道,就如同他没有救幽冥族巨头般,有人也没有第一时间救他。 When this forming an alliance does not have the binding force, planet Indigenous that the attack declines, that naturally can walk when the same place, runs into the unyielding person, actually each one calculates. 这种结盟毫无约束力,打击没落的星球土著时,那自然可以走在一起,遇到硬骨头时,却各自有盘算。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Great Deity just entered in the wormhole, was shaken the space by a grandfather palm of Yaoyao, has hit. 大天神刚进虫洞中,就被妖妖的祖父一掌震开空间,生生打了出来。 He spouts three big blood essences, burning down, must display Taboo secret technique, does not hesitate the self-inflicted injury body promotion speed, wanted to be separated from this piece death mire. 他喷出三大口血精,焚烧着,就要施展禁忌秘术,不惜自伤躯体提升速度,想要脱离这片“死亡泥沼”。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” However, now the Yaoyao grandfather's fight consciousness is comprehensively is rising likely, was more terrifying than a moment ago, Origin Metal Divine Chain in within the body departs, ahead of time sentences Great Deity to flee in advance, moreover figures out position that must run away, the direct truncation in the front, has locked in him instant. 然而,现在妖妖祖父的战斗意识像是在全面提升,比刚才更恐怖,体内的母金神链飞出,提前预判出大天神要遁走,而且算出要逃的方位,直接截在前方,刹那锁住了他。 Great Deity creepy feeling, in the heart sinks, was approached the words to body absolutely not to have the good end before by this monster, he struggles furiously. 大天神头皮发麻,心中一沉,被这个怪物接近到身前的话绝对没有好下场,他奋力挣扎。 What make his frightened is, Origin Metal Divine Chain enters in his flesh, makes noise, must melt him likely, inscribes the rune sparkle innumerably on Origin Metal, he is unable to struggle free! 让他惊悚的是,母金神链勒进他的血肉中,嗤嗤作响,像是要熔化他,无数铭刻在母金上的符文闪耀,他无法挣断! Bang! 轰! The Yaoyao grandfather kills near, fist mark is matchless, the bang kills. 妖妖的祖父藉此杀到近前,拳印举世无双,轰杀过来。 Great Deity resists vigorously, the rune circulation, the both arms intersect in the same place, furiously resistance. 大天神极力对抗,符文流转,双臂交叉在一起,奋力对抗。 What a pity, he cannot block, the blood splashes instant, Great Deity called out pitifully, his arm twisted, that fist mark bang put on the defense light screen, entered in his fleshly body. 可惜,他挡不住,血液溅起的刹那,大天神惨叫,他的一条手臂都扭曲了,那拳印轰穿防御光幕,打进他的肉身中。 ! 噗! Moreover this Yaoyao grandfather's trump card executes unceasingly, the sword round reorganizes once more, the suppression, making Great Deity frightened, was pressed under, his ghost all braves, all energies took out from the body, resists the radiant corona that will soon fall. 而且这一次妖妖的祖父的杀手锏不断施出,身后的剑轮再次重组,镇压而下,让大天神惊悚,被压在下方,他亡魂皆冒,将所有能量都从身体中祭出,抵挡那即将落下来的璀璨光轮。 ! 噗! The Yaoyao grandfather attacks, these time thoroughly tears down his right arm, places the mouth to chew. 妖妖的祖父出击,这一次彻底撕下他的右臂,放在嘴里就咀嚼。 After this arm exsomatize, unexpectedly turns into a flood dragon arm claw! 这条臂膀离体后,居然化成一条蛟龙臂爪! "Ah...... ” “啊……” The Great Deity sad and shrill long and loud cry, has not experienced this type of weaponry, after a fearful rival causes heavy losses to him, but must eat him. 大天神凄厉长啸,从来没有经历过这种阵仗,一位可怕的敌手重创他后,还要吃掉他。 He through Yaoyao grandfather's pupil, what sees is Sun and Moon blasts out, the scene of starry sky avalanche, side did not have the bloodshed, he realized that is the intense and deep-seated hatred in opposite party subconscious, now is revenging! 他通过妖妖祖父的眸子,看到的是日月炸开、星空崩塌的景象,还有无边的血海,他意识到,那是对方潜意识中的血海深仇,现在在报仇! He also somewhat regretted, repeatedly stressed that he has strangled Yaoyao and her father, the provocative present old person, said that can be what kind of him? 他还有些后悔,一再强调,他扼杀了妖妖与她的父亲,挑衅眼前的老人,说拿他能怎样? Finally, the time of now retaliating arrived, his don't tell me also wants the footsteps of step Deity Race promising youth, can be accepted uncritically? 结果,现在报复的时刻到了,他难道也要步天神族后起之秀的后尘,也要被生吞活剥? The flash, that flood dragon arm was eaten . Moreover, the Yaoyao grandfather locks in Great Deity, holds his another arm to gnaw to nip directly! 一刹那,那条蛟龙臂就被吃掉了,而且,妖妖的祖父锁住大天神,抓住他的另一条手臂直接就啃咬! "Ah...... ” “啊……” The Great Deity wool, has not seen this fearful match, this is the genuine ruthless stubble, must eat him directly. 大天神真的毛了,从来没有见过这种可怕的对手,这是真正的狠茬子,要直接吃掉他。 Fellow Daoist, you to? When now take action does not treat!” He is roaring. “各位道友,你们可是到了?现在不出手更待何时!”他怒吼着。 Because, he resists sword wheel like this, oneself cannot move, suddenly, another arm was regarded the grand feast, was being eaten, the flood dragon dragon bone appears. 因为,他这样对抗剑轮,自身动弹不得,瞬息间,另一条手臂被当成盛宴,也在被吃掉,蛟龙骨浮现而来。 This scene was collaborated lay out special Heavenly Eye to monitor by universe big platform, all influence by being startled have one's hair stand on end, heavy that frightens. 这番景象被宇宙高大平台联手布下的特殊天眼监测到,各方势力都被惊的毛骨悚然,吓的不轻。 That is Great Deity, unexpectedly must be eaten! 那可是大天神啊,居然要被人吃掉了! Deity Race's Fellow Daoist, I came, your I put to death this liao together, the established mysterious powerhouse of any Earth, lost mental, delivers him to start off!” 天神族的道友,我来了,你我共同诛杀此獠,什么地球的老牌神秘强者,都已迷失心智,送他上路!” The Spirit Race Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse arrived! 灵族映照诸天级强者到了! But the distant place, a pair of indifferent pupil, was similar to two rounds blood dates, disappeared the human the sentiment, opened quickly, he was Wei Xilin, in the past the Xilin Army army regimental commander, Shining Upon All Heavens, has caught up now personally. 而更远处,一对冷漠的眸子,如同两轮血日,泯灭人类的感情,也倏地睁开,他是魏西林,当年西林军的军团长,如今已经映照诸天,亲自赶来。 However, his distance is far, does not have first to kill, stares in the universe deep place. 不过,他的路程还远,没有第一时间杀到,在宇宙深处凝视。 Monster, delivered your heir starting off in the past, today also massacres you, does not remain, stamps out the source of trouble, dares to go against heaven's will depending on your one person?!” The Spirit Race Shining Upon All Heavens level character arrives, bang kills to the Yaoyao grandfather's head. “怪物,当年送你的子嗣上路,今天也杀掉你,一个也不留,斩草除根,凭你一个人也敢逆天?!”灵族映照诸天级人物驾临,轰杀向妖妖祖父的头颅。 Buzz! 嗡! However, in this time, void suddenly splits, a facial features extremely handsome man appears, the face whiten, a silver hair hangs loose, he stands on Copper Coffin, grasps to catch up with the star whip, bang turns, pounds forward. 然而,就在此时,虚空突然裂开,一个面容极其俊朗的男子出现,脸色苍白,一头银发披散,他站在铜棺上,手持赶星鞭,轰的一声轮动开来,向前砸去。 Too sudden, he is Holy Master, resorts to the Domain method, appears towering, previously had not alarmed anybody, the catching up star whip in his hand pulls out in the back line of Spirit Race giant, his big mouth that digs coughs up blood, flies horizontally, the body almost blasts out. 太突然了,他是圣师,动用场域手段,突兀地出现,早先没有惊动任何人,他手中的赶星鞭抽在灵族巨头的后背行,打的他大口咳血,横飞出去,身体差点炸开。 Grandfather!” “爷爷!” The There is still one young girl on that Copper Coffin, keenly intelligent of clock world, the beautiful pupil is containing the tears, is shivering the summon, she is Yaoyao, came back! 在那铜棺还有一个少女,钟天地之灵慧,美眸蕴含着热泪,在颤抖着呼唤,她是妖妖,也回来了!
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