SR :: Volume #8

#728: The monster master fights Great Deity

Since the recent antiquity, universe Star Sea has never looked like such has shocked today, across All Heavens, all Evolver all palpitate in this day soul. 近古以来,宇宙星海从未像今天这么震撼过,诸天各地,所有进化者全都在这一日灵魂悸动。 Because, great war of Shining Upon All Heavens level erupted, moreover some people of die, surmount Holy Master that time, this Deity Race and Netherworld Race in deceased person! 因为,映照诸天级的大战爆发了,而且有人殒落,超越圣师那一次,这一次天神族幽冥族都在死人! Usually, some people said that certain campaign various clans focus attention on, but that is only a general view, is impossible to achieve. 平日,也有人说某些战役各族瞩目,但那只是个笼统的说法,不可能做到。 However now, true widely-noted, across trim universe, as long as there is Evolver's planet, as long as covers the inter-satellite network the region, all people are paying attention! 但是现在,真正的举世瞩目,整片宇宙各地,但凡有进化者的星球,但凡覆盖星际网络的区域,所有人都在关注! No one has thought that since recent antiquity was broken quietly like this, including some Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse person of die, was swallowed one! 谁都没有想到,近古以来的沉寂被这样打破,连映照诸天级强者都有人殒落,被人一口吞掉! When the news disseminates, when that picture shows when everyone at present, regional Evolver petrify, brave the cold air from head to foot, was frightened. 当消息传播开来,当那画面展现在每一个人的眼前时,各地的进化者石化,从头到脚冒寒气,受到惊吓。 That boundless demon body, that unparalleled stance, swallows with Deity Race's promising youth, is this what kind of one scene? Countless people tremble. 那磅礴的魔体,那盖世的姿态,一口吞掉跟天神族的“后起之秀”,这是怎样的一种景象?无数人颤栗。 Moreover, Netherworld Race that giant is also cherishing hatred, was torn up the both arms with a leg, carries in the hand, treats as the weapon to use, to Great Deity! 而且,幽冥族那位巨头也在饮恨,被人撕掉双臂与一条腿,拎在手里,当作兵器在用,对上了大天神 Especially, this mysterious powerhouse not from first ten big, not well-known strong clan from universe, but came from place of decline. 尤其是,这位神秘强者不是来自前十大,也不是来自宇宙中的知名强族,而是源自一片没落之地。 This made the person shock, already discarded in bystander opinion, including the ancients by slaughter light ancient planet, what but also there is to hope? 这就让人震撼了,一个在外人看来早已废掉、连先民都被屠光的古老星球,还有什么希望? However he has given all person one today pleasantly surprised, earth-shaking! 然而就在今日他给了所有人一个“惊喜”,石破天惊! In Milky Way, the Great Deity whole body golden light trillion zhang (3.33 m), the whole person was too radiant, to their this ranks, was very difficult to cast Full-Body Armor wait/etc., is the energy, because lacks that equivalent the material. 银河系中,大天神浑身金光亿万丈,整个人实在太璀璨了,到了他们这个级别,很难铸就甲胄等,都是能量所化,因为缺少那个等阶的材料。 Few Origin Metal are insufficient! 少量的母金根本不够用! Their rare gods expected use on the weapon. 他们的稀珍神料都用在兵器上了。 But, the body of Great Deity actually puts on battlesuit, like gold but not gold, like stone but not stone, the symbol is dense and numerous, presents in the body and spirit, making him all over the body sacred and dazzling. 可是,大天神的身上却穿着一种战衣,似金非金,似石非石,符号密密麻麻,呈现在体魄上,让他通体都神圣而刺目。 He looks like it is not old, the face of middle-aged person, the skin color is fair, the eye is long and narrow, the gold/metal pupil is fearful, a golden long hair hangs loose, hangs Star River likely! 他看来其并不老,中年人的面孔,肤色白皙,眼睛狭长,金眸慑人,一头金色的长发披散开来,像是一挂星河般! His body enough hugeness, able to support both heaven and earth is not enough to describe, around him, these planets looks like is very small, did not have his nail to be big. 他身体足够的巨大,顶天立地都不足以形容,在他周围,那些行星看起来都很小,还没有他的指甲大。 This person spurts the thin golden light, forms to protect the body ray, as if all generations are immortal, eternal does not crash! 这个人喷薄金光,形成护体光芒,仿佛万劫不朽,永恒不坠落! Bang! 轰! Two people collide fiercely, because the Yaoyao grandfather comes up to kill then the bang, the eye was red, in the heart gets angry resentfully boundless. 两人剧烈碰撞,因为妖妖的爷爷上来就轰杀,眼睛都红了,心中怒怨无边。 In this moment, in the starry sky the large explosion, the boundless energy rolling wells up, is similar to Star Sea in the ebullition! 在这一刻,星空中大爆炸,无边的能量滚滚而涌,如同星海在沸腾! shuā! 刷! Great Deity shifts, he is somewhat surprised, stares at this whole body is being overwhelming power Demon God that the black grows hair. 大天神横移出去,他有些吃惊,盯着这个浑身都是黑色长毛的威猛魔神 At this time, who he has understood clearly this is! 此时,他已经洞悉这是谁! In the past, you absented that war, cannot think that unexpectedly was also living!” The Great Deity long and narrow golden color eye pupil stands, is similar to two Milky Way releases the immortal brilliance, fearful. “当年,你缺席那一战,想不到居然还活着!”大天神狭长的金色眼眸立起,如同两道天河释放不朽的光辉,慑人之极。 He does not get angry from the prestige, in heart the killing intent ebullition, because, the promising youth in their ethnic group ended, he could not feel life internal energy of this person. 他不怒自威,心中杀意沸腾,因为,他们族群中的后起之秀完了,他已经感受不到此人的生命气机 The bloodstained in the grandfather corners of the mouth of Yaoyao, he puts out some fish bones, this has eaten obviously exactly, the Deity Race bloodlines that has boundless prospects were destroyed completely. 妖妖的爷爷嘴角间血迹斑斑,他吐出一些鱼骨,这明显是给活吃掉了,一位前途无量的天神族血脉被灭掉。 Kills!” “杀!” Great Deity is furious, Full-Body Armor and fleshly body fitting in the same place, spurts the thin endless golden light, he attacks to kill on own initiative, must destroy completely this crazy Demon Lord existence. 大天神震怒,甲胄肉身贴合在一起,喷薄无尽的黄金光,他主动攻杀,要灭掉这个疯狂的魔主般的存在。 Roar!” “吼!” The Yaoyao grandfather is also sending out, is crazier, the wheel begins the human form weapon, has pounded then the bang toward Great Deity. 妖妖的祖父也在出动,更为疯狂,轮动手中的人形兵器,向着大天神就轰砸了过去。 This is the Netherworld Race's giant, had not died thoroughly, but, he is very pitiful, the soul has been split up, and was imprisoned in fleshly body, did not flee. 这可是幽冥族的巨头,还没有彻底死去,但是,他很悲惨,灵魂已经四分五裂,且被禁锢在肉身中,根本走脱不了。 In his heart has the resentment, when had the sorrow, Great Deity previously came, but did not have take action to save him, especially made him feel what was sorrowful, the solemn Shining Upon All Heavens level existed in the end actually such pitifully, was regarded the human form weapon to brandish, unprecedented. 他心中有怨气,更有悲哀,大天神早先时就来了,但却没有出手救他,尤其让他觉得悲哀的是,堂堂映照诸天级存在到头来却这么的凄惨,被人当成人形兵器抡起来,前所未有。 If such died, was too rather aggrieved, never has the giant who has gone down in the world like this, the latter common people mentioned, naturally cannot have anything to be good to appraise! 若是这么死去,未免太憋屈了,从未有过这样落魄的巨头,后世人提及,自然不会有什么好评价! Bang! 轰! The Yaoyao grandfather fight instinct was too fierce, attacks route and take action crucial moment and other assurances as wonderful as the summit, at all likely is not one loses the self- person. 妖妖的爷爷战斗本能太厉害了,进攻路线、出手的火候等把握的妙到毫巅,根本不像是一个迷失自我的人。 He advances on, avoids a palm of Great Deity, but own alone foot bronze statue spear actually effective, but the prestige can the terrifying bang to the opposite party near. 他进击,避开大天神的一掌,而自身的“独脚铜人槊”却有效而威能恐怖的轰到对方近前。 The Great Deity vision is cold, has not cared about the life of Netherworld Race giant, in his hands presents a long blade, golden yellow dazzling, forward detachment. 大天神目光冷冽,根本就没有在意幽冥族巨头的死活,在他的手中出现一柄长刀,金黄刺目,哧的一声,向前劈去。 Great Deity you......” Netherworld Race giant anger soars to the heavens, however his soul roaring sound is actually not able to transmit, was intended to cover by Great Deity. 大天神你……”幽冥族巨头怒火冲霄,但是他的灵魂咆哮声却无法传递出去,被大天神有意掩盖了。 At this moment, that blade light is bright as snow, separates the body of Netherworld Race powerhouse all of a sudden, the flesh and blood flying in all directions, nearly cuts open his chest thoroughly. 这一刻,那刀光雪亮,一下子割裂幽冥族强者的躯体,血肉横飞,近乎将他胸部彻底剖开。 Great Deity is unfeeling, has not treated as the living creature him, but regards as the weapon that the attack comes, prestige of the blade, the principle symbol circulation, almost picks out the skeleton him. 大天神冷酷无情,根本就没有将他当作活物,而是视为攻击而来的兵器,一刀之威,法则符号流转,差点将他剔成骷髅。 Has saying that the body of Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse is tenacious, the unusual terrifying, withstands such blade, the bone has not broken thoroughly, the body is as before complete. 不得不说,映照诸天级强者的身体坚韧不朽,异常的恐怖,承受这样一刀,骨头并未彻底断裂,身体依旧完整。 Also is the Yaoyao grandfather strength goes against heaven's will, under the grief and indignation, can tear up him exactly. 也就是妖妖的祖父战力逆天,悲愤之下,才能将他给活撕掉。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 The flash, the Great Deity back, leaps over ten thousand blade light, appears just like heavenly blade one after another, murderous aura floods in full this piece of Star Sea. 一刹那,大天神的背后,腾起上万道刀光,宛若一口又一口天刀浮现,杀气充斥满这片星海中。 Suddenly, some planets blast out directly, some celestial body become the meteors, leaves the original track, flies horizontally, here star flies randomly. 瞬息间,有些行星直接炸开,有些星体则成为流星,离开原有的轨道,横飞出去,这里星斗乱飞。 Great Deity was antiquity leadership attacks one of the Earth prime culprits, collaborated once to hunt and kill the Yaoyao father with some people, but now, he does not have what guilty, and because of the later generation tragic death of family, wished one could to kill a cleanness all Indigenous on that dark blue planet again, must the present old man exterminating! 大天神是上古主导进攻地球的元凶之一,更与一些人联手曾猎杀妖妖的父亲,但是现在,他没有什么愧疚,且因为自己家族的后辈惨死,恨不得再将那颗深蓝星球上的所有土著杀个干净,更要将眼前的老者给灭绝! I have killed your son, was makes the person you extinguish your granddaughter, how can you? Your this monster acts like a madman, thinks that can kill me?!” “我杀了你儿子,更是让人你灭了你孙女,你又能如何?你这个怪物疯疯癫癫,以为能杀我吗?!” Great Deity was roaring, fought the air/Qi to well up crazily, he attacked forward. 大天神在咆哮,战气狂涌,他向前攻伐。 The flash, blade light is eternal, he is known as Great Deity, takes this clan as the given name, and with "Great" character, the natural strength terrifying is boundless, this is a genuine universe Overlord level exists. 一刹那,刀光永恒,他号称大天神,以该族为名号,且冠以一个大字,自然实力恐怖无边,这是一位真正的宇宙霸主级存在。 Buzz! 嗡! The star light falls in torrents, the universe shivers, he attacks to come, blade light strikes to disperse all, various celestial body are crushing, becomes fine powder, this scene was too fearful. 星光倾泻,宇宙颤抖,他攻伐而来,刀光击散一切,各种星体都在粉碎,成为齑粉,这一景象太可怕了。 The long blade in his hand, is having behind over ten thousand assorted heavenly blade rays, the non-solution, sweeps away to come simply, he cried loud and long, the air/Qi swallowed Star Sea. 他手中的长刀,带着身后上万道各色的天刀光芒,简直无解,横扫而来,他长啸间,气吞星海 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… Yaoyao the alone foot bronze statue spear in grandfather hand, this time, not only picked out the flesh, the bone is also breaking, was divided looking awful that cuts by that deity blade. 妖妖的爷爷手中的独脚铜人槊,这一次不仅被剔掉血肉,骨头也在断裂,被那天神刀劈斩的不成样子。 Finally, the Netherworld Race giant is wailing, the body shortens unceasingly, gradual disappearance, his divine soul is also defeated and dispersed. 最后,幽冥族巨头哀嚎着,身体不断变短,逐渐的消失,他的神魂也在溃散。 Bang! 轰! Finally, accompanies Yaoyao grandfather great fist mark to rumble, Netherworld Race this giant clamps between two big powerhouses, fine Divine Nucleus heart ball of light of whole person is split up with some remnant bodies together, then explodes broken! 最后,伴着妖妖祖父一记宏大的拳印轰出,幽冥族这位巨头夹在两大强者间,整个人的精神核光团与部分残体一起四分五裂,而后爆碎! The flash, various phenomenon numerous, the blood rain falls in torrents, the black Netherworld flowers bloom, innumerable clever soldiers and other wails, are the bright corpse demon body crash. 一刹那,各种异象纷呈,血雨倾泻,黑色的幽冥花朵绽放,还有无数的鬼兵等哭嚎,更是有神尸魔躯坠落。 Naturally, this is the phenomenon, is not the real scenery, is the energy. 当然,这都是异象,并非真实的景物,是能量所化。 The person of this level, true Shining Upon All Heavens, had been consecrated by many Evolutionary Civilization , once died, simply is similar to the calamity. 这个层次的人,真正映照诸天了,被许多进化文明所供奉着,一旦死去,简直如同天塌地陷般。 This occasion, knows does not have many regions, in the altar of strong race occurred exceptionally, the brand mark disruption that Netherworld Race this giant leaves behind, then blasts out. 此际,也不知道有多少地域,多强种族的祭坛上发生异常,幽冥族这位巨头留下的烙印碎裂,而后炸开。 Meanwhile, in these altars, blows the cold wind, has the inexplicable blood rain. 同时,这些祭坛上,都刮起阴风,下起莫名的血雨。 This is the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, once were consecrated, displays the shrine, after they died such terrifying, vibrates the entire universe. 这就是映照诸天级强者,一旦被供奉起来,摆上神坛,连他们死后都这样的恐怖,震动全宇宙。 On the other hand, Deity Race that promising youth has not been in this situation! 相对来说,天神族那位后起之秀还没到这个地步! "Ah...... ” “啊……” Netherworld Race ancestral land, a piece by the bleak grave that under the endless skeleton submerges, since the high antiquity, here did not allow anybody to visit. 幽冥族祖地,一片被无尽尸骨所淹没的荒凉坟地下,自远古时代开始,这里就不允许任何人踏足。 However today, here ghost crying god is howling, sinks the ancient monster of dormancy to be awakened, calls out continues, is an evil spirit comes back from the hell likely. 但是今日,这里鬼哭神嚎,一个沉眠的古老怪物被惊醒,嚎叫不止,像是一个厉鬼般从地狱回来。 In Milky Way, Great Deity does not care at all, when with Yaoyao grandfather great war, two people stand up to divide the Netherworld Race Shining Upon All Heavens powerhouse, he is not guilty. 银河系中,大天神毫不在意,跟妖妖的爷爷大战时,两人一起立劈掉幽冥族映照诸天的强者,他一点也不愧疚。 So-called ally, when also looks, now runs into this terrifying enemy, his where dares to divert attention to rescue, moreover their Deity Race died a promising youth, if Netherworld Race does not die a giant, then balanced must be broken, the ethnic group that is listed 11 th will possibly threaten their Old Tenth! 所谓盟友,也看什么时候,现在遇到这种恐怖的敌人,他哪里敢分心相救,而且他们天神族死了一个后起之秀,如果幽冥族不死一个巨头,那么平衡就要被打破了,排名第11的族群可能会威胁到他们的这个“老十”! Chī! 哧! Has saying that Great Deity is too fearful, has such title, is joined to peerless lethal weapon deity blade again, that really has the strength beyond comparison. 不得不说,大天神太可怕,拥有这样的称号,再配上绝世凶器天神刀,那真是拥有无以伦比的战力。 The golden long blade chops the dance, is similar to the innumerable lightnings is interweaving, illuminates the jet black universe, tears the eternal starry sky! 金色长刀劈舞,如同无数的闪电在交织,照亮漆黑的宇宙,撕裂永恒的星空! ! 噗! In the end, over ten thousand wisps of blade light that his back leaps, as he brandishes a sword cuts together forward, has cuts open the Yaoyao grandfather's lower abdomen together, makes there bloody. 到头来,他的背后腾起的上万缕刀光中,随着他挥刀一起向前斩,有一道剖开妖妖祖父的小腹,让那里血流如注。 Bang! 轰! However, at the same time, Yaoyao grandfather's fist mark also pounds, the Yang Qi ebullition, hits on the long blade, is away from Great Deity that this terrifying weapon shakes to cough up blood, backs up to be very far. 然而,同一时间,妖妖祖父的拳印也砸来,阳气沸腾,打在长刀上,隔着这件恐怖的兵器震的大天神咳血,倒退出去很远。 Monster, you do not have Paramount Weapon, died!” Although Great Deity is wounded, but in the heart had some energy, because the opposite party lost, is defective needs eventually in miraculous glow that” in the fight displays. “怪物,你没有究极兵器,死定了!”大天神虽然负伤,但是心中却有了一些底气,因为对方迷失了,终究是欠缺一些需要在战斗中发挥的“灵光”。 In addition opposite party not while convenient to the strong weapon, is doomed to suffer a loss! 再加上对方没有趁手的至强兵器,注定要吃大亏! Roar!” “吼!” Yaoyao grandfather bellows, the group star shivers all over, some even rustle crash, blasts out directly. 妖妖的爷爷一声大吼,群星乱颤,有些甚至簌簌坠落,直接炸开。 He in agglomerating Yang Qi, forms a great halberd in hand, he is suddenly overbearing, Yang Qi turns into fights the halberd, stood to divide forward, this was Heavenly Halberd's Nine Form Fighting Skill! 他在积聚阳气,在手中形成一柄大戟,一刹那间,他霸道绝伦,阳气化成战戟,向前立劈了过去,这是天戟九式战技 Old fogy, your was knows, the final time, I ripped your son's head in the past personally?” Great Deity stimulates the Yaoyao grandfather intentionally. “老家伙,你可知道,当年最后时刻,是我亲手割掉你儿子的头颅?”大天神故意刺激妖妖的爷爷。 He thought that although this person lost, but the innermost feelings should also slightly have the subconscious, can the feelings to all of outside, otherwise is insufficient to fight like this. 他觉得,这个人虽然迷失了,但是内心应该是也略有潜意识的,能感触到外界的一切,不然不至于这样战斗。 Therefore, he wants to stimulate the Yaoyao grandfather, revealed in the past the inside story of bloody battle. 所以,他想刺激妖妖的祖父,揭开当年血战的内幕。 Has saying that your son is very strong, incomparable shocking, then young then Shining Upon All Heavens, causes the taboos of our these old fogies, but also fears him to reach, nobody may keep in balance. At that moment, breaks out his head, bathes his warm-blooded, that feeling was too wonderful.” “不得不说,你的儿子很强,无比的惊艳,那么年轻就映照诸天了,引起我们这些老家伙的忌讳,还真怕他登顶,无人可制衡。那一刻,劈开他的头颅,沐浴他的热血,那种感觉太美妙了。” Great Deity was saying indifferently, corners of the mouth are bringing brutal smiling. 大天神冷漠的说着,嘴角带着残酷的笑。 Roar!” “吼!” The grandfather corner of the eye of Yaoyao drops out tears of blood once more, he diverges the energy great halberd, displays World of the Living's fist mark, the fist is similar to several hundred Sun in the release quantity of heat, billowing Yang Qi seethes with excitement, he goes crazy fiercely attacking. 妖妖的爷爷眼角再次滴出血泪,他散去能量大戟,施展阳间的拳印,拳头如同数百颗太阳在释放热量,滚滚阳气沸腾起来,他发疯般的猛攻。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… His fist mark collides with Paramount Weapon, the palm referred to having bled, he did not draw back as before, fiercely attacked. 他的拳印究极兵器碰撞,掌指都出血了,他依旧不退,进行猛攻。 I must cut your head today, making your fathers and sons reunite!” Great Deity is sneering shouting. “我今天也要斩下你的头颅,让你们父子去团聚!”大天神冷笑着喝道。 Chī! 哧! When blade light flashes through together, grandfather shoulder of Yaoyao there bloody, almost, chops his neck. 又一道刀光闪过时,妖妖的祖父肩头那里血流如注,就差一点而已,就劈中他的颈项。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, Yaoyao grandfather fist mark thoroughly changed, is similar to bath fire Undying Bird, leaps the flame in his back, leaps divine glow, exudes the Undying Bird's songs and calls. 突然间,妖妖的祖父拳印彻底变了,如同一头浴火的不死鸟,在他的背后都腾起火光,腾起神芒,发出不死鸟的鸣叫声。 Plundering Guide Breathing Method, coordinating World of the Living's one type to belong to Undying Bird Race's Divine Skill, shows in this, Great Deity of bang, shakes flies horizontally, lets his corners of the mouth once more overflowing blood. 盗引呼吸法,配合阳间的一种属于不死鸟族的神技,在此展现,轰的一声,震的大天神横飞,让他的嘴角再次溢血。 I do not believe that do not have Paramount Weapon, you can contend with me!” Great Deity exclaimed. “我就不信,没有究极兵器,你能抗衡我!”大天神吼道。 The Paramount Weapon addition, the influence was too huge, had that type of supreme weapon to this progression in the hand, can make the strength rise dramatically! 究极兵器的加成,影响太巨大了,到了这个级数有那种无上兵器在手中,可以让战力飙升! Bang! 轰! The next quarter, Undying Bird phantom reappears, the Yaoyao grandfather under Plundering Guide Breathing Method, displays Undying Bird Race's Divine Skill, unexpectedly is bravely irreversible. 下一刻,不死鸟虚影再现,妖妖的爷爷在盗引呼吸法下,施展不死鸟族的神技,居然勇不可挡。 Great Deity coughs up blood once more! 大天神再次咳血! Moreover, at this time, Grandpa Yaoyao within the body suddenly transmitted the sound of iron chain, then Origin Metal Divine Chain passed the body, above was dense and numerous, full was rune, was releasing the immortal immortal light, was brandished suddenly by him, Origin Metal Divine Chain swept away Great Deity to go. 而且,就在这个时候,妖妖爷爷的体内突然传来铁链的声响,接着一条母金神链透体而出,上面密密麻麻,满是符文,释放着不朽的仙光,被他猛然抡动起来,母金神链横扫大天神而去。 dang! 当! The Great Deity complexion changed, prevents with deity blade. 大天神脸色变了,用天神刀去阻挡。 However, the fearful scene appears, rune on Origin Metal Divine Chain dazzlingly, making Shining Upon All Heavens Supreme Being feel the stabbing pain to be incomparable, that Yang Qi comes in waves, scary incomparable. 然而,可怕的场面出现,母金神链上的符文耀眼之极,让映照诸天大能都感觉刺痛无比,那阳气滚滚而来,骇人无比。 The must know, this Origin Metal Divine Chain has no alternative including the Yaoyao grandfathers, is World of the Living's High Supreme Being when he is young the type in his within the body, and has engraved to high rune. 须知,这条母金神链妖妖的爷爷都无可奈何,是阳间的无上大能在他年轻时种在他体内的,且刻上了至高符文 ka-cha, Paramount Weapon deity blade break of Great Deity. 喀嚓一声,大天神究极兵器天神刀断裂。 Moreover, Yang Qi, was too rich, making the Great Deity palm feel the severe pain to be hard to endure, was corroded after by Yang Qi, makes noise, must melt likely. 而且,阳气袭来,太浓郁了,让大天神手掌都感觉剧痛难忍,被阳气侵蚀后哧哧作响,像是要熔化了。 Bang, break deity blade lets go, in crash starry sky. 砰的一声,断裂的天神刀脱手,坠落星空中。 Naturally, under Origin Metal also break a tiny part, but this does not have anything to affect, this Origin Metal is always growing, to collect to use. 当然,母金也断裂下一小段,不过这没什么影响,这条母金总是在生长,就是为了采集用的。 Roar! 吼! The Yaoyao grandfather plunges to go, holds the arm of Great Deity. 妖妖的爷爷扑向前去,抓住大天神的臂膀。 You boil to me!” Great Deity does not feel wonderfully, he in shouts out. “你给我滚开!”大天神感觉不妙,他在大喝着。 However, how at this time he can get rid, , the Yaoyao grandfather is making an effort, rips open his deity Full-Body Armor, is makes that arm blood stream continue, must break. 然而,此时他怎么能摆脱掉,噗的一声,妖妖的爷爷在用力,生生撕开他的天神甲胄,更是让那条臂膀血流不止,要断裂下来了。 "Ah...... ” Great Deity called out pitifully, the face upwarding noisy wail, released the endless rune resistance. “啊……”大天神惨叫,仰天长嚎,释放无尽符文对抗。 Bang! 轰! However, he encounters Grandpa Yaoyao layer on layer/heavily strikes, fist mark like great sun, such as Undying Bird across the sky, penetrates his Full-Body Armor! 但是,他遭遇妖妖爷爷的重重一击,拳印大日,如不死鸟横空,击穿他的甲胄
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