SR :: Volume #8

#727: One the breath cracks Netherworld

The huge body, the whole body is black growing hair, incomparable fearful, is in chaos sinks Divine Demon of dormancy to recover likely, the air/Qi swallows Star Sea 庞大的身体,周身都是黑色的长毛,无比的慑人,像是一尊混沌中沉眠的神魔复苏回来,气吞星海 Roar! 吼! The giant roar, as well as that pair is more radiant than Sun as well as greatly many time of both eyes, is bringing fearful internal energy, flows golden glow, fills killing intent, he directly to the Solar System outside. 巨大的吼声,以及那双比太阳还璀璨以及大很多倍的双目,带着慑人的气机,流淌金芒,充满杀意,他直接到了太阳系外。 His speed was too fast, comes out from Earth, to swallowing the Deity Race powerhouse, arrives outside the Solar System again, all completes in an instant! 他的速度实在太快了,从地球出来,到吞天神族强者,再到太阳系外,全都是刹那间完成! The Netherworld Race's giant, a true Shining Upon day All Heavens terrifying exists, even if in the use principle, stimulates to movement the Order symbol to back up, without enough time. 幽冥族的巨头,一位真正映照诸天的恐怖存在,哪怕在动用法则,催动秩序符号倒退,都来不及了。 The Yaoyao grandfather lifts the fist to kill then bang, firm and fierce is aggressive, is similar to the thunder blooms in the dark night, dazzling, cuts the universe! 妖妖的爷爷举拳就轰杀,刚猛霸气,如同雷霆在黑夜中绽放,刺目之极,划破宇宙! On that fist is also covered with black growing hair, but is bringing strong Yang Qi, sends out the flaming ray, burning down is void, making all twist with the avalanche. 那拳头上也长满黑色的长毛,但是却带着浓重的阳气,散发炽盛的光芒,焚烧虚空,让一切都扭曲与崩塌。 Netherworld Race's powerhouse eyes pupil cold and gloomy is also having the shock, he has not thought that started to decline planet that from the antiquity, was already hit by them remnantly, including past that group of Evolver's descendants killed nearly exterminated, unexpectedly can also jump out this fearful character. 幽冥族的强者眼眸森冷中也带着震惊,他怎么也没有想到,从上古就开始没落的星球,早已被他们打残,连当年那群进化者的后代都被杀的近乎灭绝了,居然还能跳出这种可怕的人物。 His palm lays out, All Heavens' Stars is shivering, is shining, the path that as he puts, condenses the boundless Order symbol, suppresses with him together. 他一掌拍出,周天星斗在颤动,都在发光,随着他划出的轨迹,凝聚出来无边的秩序符号,跟着他一起镇压。 Meanwhile, his outside the body black fog surges, is similar to a yama from hell, murders the air/Qi to be boundless. 同时,他体外黑雾翻腾,如同一尊来自地狱的冥王,杀伐气无边。 Bang! 砰! Outside the Solar System, there is a planet to blast out, this is they controls the energy incomparably accurate result, only locks the enemy, does not waste one drop of one. 太阳系外,有行星在炸开,这还是他们掌控能量无比精准的结果,只锁定敌人,不浪费一滴一毫。 The fluctuation that among them shakes was too fearful, breaks nearby some asteroids. 他们之间震出的波动太可怕了,震碎附近的一些小行星。 Who old ghost are you?!” “老鬼你是谁?!” Netherworld Race's giant startled and anger, he is flown directly horizontally, cracks-up a giant planet that fights with the fists, the palm full is the blood, entire arm in convulsion. 幽冥族的巨头又惊又怒,他被那一拳打的直接横飞出去,撞碎一颗巨大的行星,手掌满是血,整条手臂都在痉挛。 He is very difficult to imagine, this puts in an appearance, has this matter. 他很难想象,这才一个照面,就发生这种事。 In fact, the time seems framing as before, because he is the Yaoyao grandfather, uses divine soul to pronounce, the twinkling spreads. 事实上,时间依旧仿佛在定格中,因为无论是他还是妖妖的爷爷,都动用神魂发音,瞬息传出。 Even, the person in Star Sea, reveals itself the present not to respond from the Yaoyao grandfather, the movement of Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse is too quick. 甚至,星海中的人,从妖妖的爷爷出世到现在还没有反应过来呢,映照诸天级强者的动作太快。 All these regarding the people, are the lightning are pestering likely, likely is the immortal light in the lasing, has not arrived among breaths. 这一切对于众人来说,像是闪电在纠缠,像是仙光在激射,还未到一息间。 Mixed fish, you encircle and hunt my son, kills my granddaughter Yaoyao, one flock of ants, damn!” The Yaoyao grandfather bellows, soul fluctuation is too terrifying. “杂鱼,你们围猎我儿,又害死我孙女妖妖,一群蝼蚁,都该死啊!”妖妖的祖父大吼,灵魂波动太恐怖。 Front, a piece of planet in the crack, then blasts out directly! 前方,一片行星直接在龟裂,而后炸开! This scene, must vibrate the universe absolutely! 这种景象,绝对要震动宇宙! When his opens the mouth, on that snow white tooth is bringing the blood, meanwhile can see, his mouth has struggling that the half body exhausts ability, is arriving at his tooth with both hands, does not make them fall. 在他张口时,那雪白的牙齿上带着血,同时还可以看到,他的嘴里有半截躯体竭尽所能的挣扎,在用双手抵着他的牙齿,不让它们落下去。 This occasion, has Saint extremely to observe, in the remote region, opens Heavenly Eye to see this secretly, does not dare believe own eye simply. 此际,有绝顶圣人在观战,在遥远的地带,睁开天眼看到这一幕后,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Deity Race's that thumb, unexpectedly so pitiful, this almost Shining Upon All Heavens, but actually borders on the dead boundary now, struggles desperately, is arriving at the tooth in others' mouth, is this what kind of one scene? 天神族的那位巨擘,居然如此的凄惨,这位可是几乎映照诸天了啊,可现在却濒临死境,苦苦挣扎,在别人的嘴里抵着牙齿,这是怎样的一种景象? The must know, is Saint can use the principle fragment, controlled the strength of Order, can tear the space, runs away from place instantaneously. 须知,就是圣人都可以动用法则碎片等,掌控秩序之力,能够撕裂宇宙空间,从一地瞬间逃走。 But Deity Race's this big powerhouse actually cannot flee, that both hands are bloody, the white bones stubble is dense, cannot block the tooth to fall. 可是天神族的这位大强者却走脱不了,那双手血淋淋,白骨茬森森,挡不住牙齿落下。 In addition, his body already broke three sections, some fish flood dragon bodies, there are partially is the human form, although he tries hard to turn into the human form, but cannot change anything as before. 此外,他的身体早已断裂成三截了,有部分鱼蛟身,也有部分是人形,虽然他努力重新化成人形,但依旧改变不了什么。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” His divine soul is calling out, in gives the information to the universe, he wants to seek help, in ancient ancestor by own clan was rescued him, because he is not good. 他的神魂在嚎叫,在向宇宙中传递信息,他想求助,让自己族中的古祖来援救他,因为他不行了。 The tooth falls shaking the fist that instant, he makes an effort, wants the rumbling broken Grandpa Yaoyao tooth, to puncture his mouth, what a pity all are the futile efforts, useless. 牙齿落下的刹那,他使劲的挥拳,想轰碎妖妖爷爷的牙齿,要打穿他的嘴巴,可惜一切都是徒劳的、无用的。 His that can puncture the fist of chaos and smashing starry sky, now shakes the motionless Yaoyao grandfather's tooth and mouth radically. 他那可以打穿混沌、粉碎星空的拳头,现在根本撼之不动妖妖祖父的牙齿与嘴巴。 In this bloody huge mouth, various Order Divine Chain interweave, comprised of the god mark, locks in him, he is similar to the fish that was caught, struggles in the net, hope that has not escaped. 在这血淋淋的巨口中,各种秩序神链交织,由神纹组成,将他锁住,他如同被人捞起的鱼,在网中挣扎,没有逃生的希望。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 When Yaoyao grandfather when mouth on closed, has the blood to splash once more, Deity Race this up-and-coming generation Deity, to get close to gods have the sad and shrill pitiful yell. 妖妖祖父的的嘴巴闭合上时,再次有血液溅起,天神族这位后起神人,接近神明般的存在凄厉惨叫。 This scene simply is a torture! 这种景象简直是一种酷刑! What is swallows whole? The present Deity Race powerhouse demonstrates in the coordination, lets extremely Saint have one's hair stand on end. 什么叫生吞活剥?眼前的天神族强者在配合演示,让绝顶圣人毛骨悚然 At this time, let alone tragic death litigant, is the opposite Netherworld Race giant also will be soon scared, he backs up in extremely fast, from the start does not want to save the Deity Race's person. 此时,别说即将惨死的当事人,就是对面的幽冥族巨头也胆寒,他在极速倒退,压根就没有想救天神族的人。 In fact, all these are among fast occur, the fight never stops, all are link up, the Yaoyao grandfather is killing the Netherworld Race's terrifying to exist. 事实上,所有这些都是电光石火间发生的,战斗从未停止,一切都是连贯的,妖妖的祖父在扑杀幽冥族的恐怖存在。 In Solar System, the person of Golden Body level could not see to have anything, do not say that Evolver that they were weaker. Because, the speed of Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse is too fast, transcends their thoughts, surmounts their reaction rates. 太阳系中,金身层次的人根本看不到发生了什么,就更不要说比他们弱的进化者了。因为,映照诸天级强者的速度太快,超越他们的思维,超越他们的反应速度。 Among breaths has not arrived. 一息间还未到。 Only has the condition outside Saint obviously Solar System. 只有圣人可见太阳系外的境况。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Outside the Solar System, the Netherworld Race giant cracks-up the big stars, is retroceding vigorously, only from being away from the test is willing the Dingyuan super velocity of light. 太阳系外,幽冥族巨头撞碎一颗又一颗大星,在极力后退,单是从距离上来测试肯定远超光速。 Because, during this process, he in the unceasing construction wormhole, wants to run away like this. 因为,在此过程中,他在不断的构建虫洞,想这样逃走。 However, every time was struck against by the Yaoyao grandfather, every time appears in Star Sea, the Netherworld Race's giant will initiate the terrifying the annihilation phenomenon. 然而,每一次又被妖妖的祖父生生拍击出来,每一次出现在星海中,幽冥族的巨头就会引发恐怖的湮灭现象。 Also knows does not have many planets to be cracked-up by him, some stars also blast out, becomes dazzling ball of light! 也不知道有多少行星被他撞碎,有些恒星也炸开,成为刺目的光团 The fight of this rank, has been far in excess of the imagination of people! 这种级别的战斗,远远超越了人们的想象! What situation?” “什么情况?” The universe deep place, the powerhouses of various clans shocked. 宇宙深处,各族的强者都震撼了。 Especially arrived in Milky Way Deity Race Old Ancestor is trembling with fear, he receives the distress signal that this clan promising youth spreads, under the shock, almost does not dare believe. 尤其是已经抵达银河系天神族老祖更是在惊颤,他接到该族“后起之秀”传出的求救信号,震惊之下,几乎不敢相信。 Bang! 轰! In Star Sea, the Yaoyao grandfather pursued, he by the Yang Qi package, richly to letting many stars gloomily did not have the light, surmounted all, killed the near. 星海中,妖妖的祖父追上去了,他被阳气包裹,浓郁到让许多恒星都暗淡无光,超越一切,扑杀到近前。 He locks the Netherworld Race's Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, fist mark pounds, is outspoken, the blood energy pressed and covered Sun and Moon starry sky, rolling wells up, seethes with excitement. 他锁定幽冥族的映照诸天级强者,拳印砸出,毫无保留,血气压盖日月星空,滚滚而涌,沸腾起来。 This piece of universe is trembling. 这片宇宙都在颤栗。 Netherworld Race giant divine soul palpitates, to this moment, he has been able not to dread? Even has not the good premonition, because this Divine Demon existence was too fearful, Yang Qi is strong, burns down his body, causing the soul not to be unstable. 幽冥族巨头神魂悸动,到了这一刻,他怎能不忌惮?甚至生出不好的预感,因为这个神魔般的存在太可怕了,阳气浓烈,焚烧他的躯体,导致魂魄都不稳固。 He is a snowman meets a hot person likely, was restrained inborn. 他像是一个雪人遇上一个火人,天生被克制。 Bang! 砰! Really, in this second showdown, he stuffy snort/hum makes noise, that arm by the Yang Qi package, unexpectedly had the sign of melting, burns down. 果然,在这第二次对决中,他闷哼出声,那条手臂都被阳气包裹,居然有熔化的迹象,焚烧起来。 „Didn't your this old ordinary man, die in the past?!” The Netherworld Race's giant angrily roars, he naturally early has understood thoroughly its status from the Yaoyao grandfather's words. “你这个老匹夫,当年不是死了吗?!”幽冥族的巨头怒吼,他自然早已经从妖妖祖父的话语中洞彻其身份。 The Yaoyao grandfather jumps, kills, one group of divine light completely comprised of the strange symbol, locks in that arm of Netherworld Race giant, makes an effort to tear. 妖妖的祖父跃起,扑杀下来,一团神光完全由诡异符号组成,锁住幽冥族巨头的那条手臂,用力撕扯。 ! 噗! The blood splashes, that arm is splitting, the Netherworld Race giant opens the mouth spouts Primal Chaos Qi, attacks the Yaoyao grandfather, but in the chaos middle is containing a beam of black light, composes deep Wang Jian! 血液溅起,那条臂膀在裂开,幽冥族巨头张口喷出一口混沌气,冲击妖妖的祖父,而混沌中当中蕴含着一道乌光,组成冥王剑! Clang! 锵! This sword, Star River changes colors, the star shivers all over, Sword Qi that particularly overflows makes the surrounding some planets turn into fine powder, murderous intention was too strong. 此剑一出,星河失色,星斗乱颤,尤其是溢出的剑气让周围的一些行星化成齑粉,杀机太浓重了。 However, the Yaoyao grandfather is only one shouts, among mouth and nose spouts Yang Qi, is similar to immortal mountain-like, ray dazzling, and arrives at the pinnacle flamingly, presses forward. 然而,妖妖的祖父只是一声嘶吼,口鼻间喷出一股阳气,如同一座仙山般,光芒刺目,并且炽盛到极致,向前压去。 Zheng! 铮! That deep Wang Jian who turns into by black light disintegrates, is split up, after remaining black light departs, the starry sky is tattered, some stars are disintegrating, is split up. 那口由乌光化成的冥王剑解体,四分五裂,残余乌光飞出后,星空破烂,一些星斗在解体,在四分五裂。 But during this process, the Yaoyao grandfather has not stopped, the violent force rips, in the starry sky the Netherworld blood is similar to Jianghai is turbulent, scatters. 而在此过程中,妖妖的祖父根本就没有停下,猛力一撕,星空中幽冥血如同江海汹涌,四溅而起。 The Netherworld Race giant called out pitifully, the entire arm was torn, the right arm left the body, making his severe pain hard to endure, how many years haven't been wounded? Today encounters this grade of heavy losses unexpectedly. 幽冥族巨头惨叫,整条臂膀被撕扯下去,右臂离开身体,让他剧痛难忍,多少年没有负伤了?今天竟然遭遇这等重创。 His noisy wail, what among mouth and nose sends out is Order rune, his divine soul roared, that was the spiritual strength storm, making the starry sky blast out! 他长嚎,口鼻间发出的是秩序符文,他的神魂咆哮,那是精神力风暴,让星空炸开! However this was as before useless, cannot change anything, tore off the right hand arm! 但是这依旧无用,改变不了什么,被人扯掉右手臂! He backs up in extremely fast, his knows meets a monster, at all is not the match, was pestered to die again without doubt, he now a little has suspected in fact, can flee. 他在极速倒退,他知道遇上一个怪物,根本不是对手,再被纠缠下去必死无疑,事实上他现在都有点怀疑了,能否走脱。 Bang! 轰! The Yaoyao grandfather, displays inexplicable movement technique, crosses Star Sea, the whole body illumination, the black grows hair to dance in the breeze all over the body, he is similar to unparalleled Demon Lord, kills all of a sudden, a foot falls, treads to the rival. 妖妖的祖父,施展莫名步法,横渡星海,周身发光,通体黑色长毛飘舞,他如同盖世魔主,一下子就杀到,一脚落下,踏向敌手。 You dare!” “你敢!” The Netherworld Race giant displays spiritual martial arts, roaring, the principle is interweaving, turns into the cauldron of starry sky, the strength of casting affiliation various Heavenly Stars, by the spiritual strength guidance. 幽冥族巨头施展精神武功,咆哮着,法则交织,化成星空之鼎,藉诸天星辰之力浇铸而成,以精神力引导。 dang! 当! great cauldron receives the Yaoyao grandfather, the cauldron lid closes up. 大鼎妖妖的祖父收进去,鼎盖合拢。 However, the next quarter, great cauldron blasts out, the star splendor rushes, innumerable meteors across the sky, because many celestial body fell from the sky, in a grandfather foot treads of Yaoyao the chest of Netherworld Race giant, regards the tread to put on, bloody. 然而,下一刻,大鼎炸开,星辉澎湃,无数流星横空,因为不少星体都陨落了,妖妖的祖父一脚踏中幽冥族巨头的胸口,当成蹬穿,血淋淋。 This piece of region Netherworld black fog surges, rolling wells up. 这片地带幽冥黑雾翻腾,滚滚而涌。 The terrifying of Netherworld Race Shining Upon All Heavens level exists, is in an uncontrollable rage, he felt that the situation is not wonderful, simultaneously feels the humiliations, he was trampled like this, is actually incapable of resisting. 幽冥族映照诸天级的恐怖存在,怒不可遏,他感觉情况不妙,同时充满羞辱感,他被人这样践踏,却无力对抗。 The Yaoyao grandfather leaves the foot one after another, is in the upper air, kicks on the body of match, causes heavy losses to the Netherworld Race giant, flutters, breaks some celestial body. 妖妖的祖父接连出脚,身在高空中,踢在对手的身上,将幽冥族巨头重创,翻飞出去,砸碎一些星体 My pitiful child!” At this time, Yaoyao grandfather that tumbles out the tears of blood compared with solar also magnificently intense in the eyes, he is sober at this time, thought of the antiquity past event, oneself were stranded the center of the earth deep place, was powerless, the heir was killed, heaven blessed genius granddaughter die, his full grief and indignation erupted in this moment! “我可怜的孩子!”此时,妖妖的祖父那比太阳还盛烈双目中滚出血泪,他此时是清醒的,想到上古旧事,自己被困地心深处,无力回天,子嗣被杀,天纵之资的孙女殒落,他满腔的悲愤在这一刻爆发出来! Roar!” “吼!” He just like surmounting the speed of light, affected time, inexplicable arrived at the near, held the Netherworld Race giant. 他宛若超越光速,影响时光,莫名就到了近前,一把抓住幽冥族巨头。 All these, as before are in an instant matters, transcends the thought of average person to respond, at this time also only then Saint saw their fights, the common person could not have realized. 所有这一切,依旧是刹那间的事,超越普通人的思维反应,这时也只有圣人看到他们的战斗,寻常人还体会不到。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The Netherworld Race giant struggles, the resistance, whole body is the black symbol, fills the air, he kills the Yaoyao grandfather at the strength of bang use principle, but does not move unexpectedly! 幽冥族巨头挣扎,对抗,周身都是黑色符号,弥漫而出,他在动用法则之力轰杀妖妖的祖父,但是竟然打不动! In Yaoyao grandfather's outside the body, the halo that the Yang Qi construction does not extinguish, ten thousand laws do not moisten the body, strength of surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries defense! 妖妖祖父的体外,阳气构建不灭的光晕,万法不沾身,防御之力震古烁今 But at the same time, Yaoyao grandfather that loudly pounds to fall compared with the planet also big fist, penetrates the chest of Netherworld Race giant, lets his bone break not knows many roots, bloody. 而与此同时,妖妖的爷爷那比星球还大的拳头轰然砸落,击穿幽冥族巨头的胸膛,让他的骨头断裂也不知道多少根,血淋淋。 Old ghost!” The Netherworld Race giant spirit shouts, exhausts ability, but, could not get rid as before, various types murder wonderful technique and rune ray bloom unceasingly, does not have the means to shake the opposite party. “老鬼!”幽冥族巨头精神嘶吼,竭尽所能,但是,依旧摆不脱了,各种杀伐妙术符文光芒不断绽放,都没办法撼动对方。 Then, grandfather another fist of Yaoyao falls, enters in the opposite party mouth, in the tooth collapsed flew away process, the fist passes through directly, puts from the nape of Netherworld Race powerhouse, is translucent. 接着,妖妖的爷爷又一拳落下,打进对方的口中,在牙齿崩飞的过程中,拳头直接贯穿出去,从幽冥族强者的后颈上方穿出,前后透亮。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The Netherworld Race giant this time was panic-stricken, the soul was roaring, exhaust ability struggled, his method completely left, the key was, he did not move the opposite party, this Demon God existed was too terrifying, making him have a dilutedness. 幽冥族巨头这次惊恐了,灵魂在咆哮,竭尽所能地挣扎,他手段尽出,关键是,他打不动对方,这个魔神的般存在太恐怖了,让他生出一股无力感。 Especially now, he was caught by the opposite party, cannot run away. 尤其是现在,他被对方抓到手中,逃不走。 Bang! 砰! His divine soul runs out of the skull, must flee, however, a Yang Qi ebullition, gave to extrude him, returned to fleshly body once more. 他的神魂冲出头盖骨,就要遁走,然而,一股阳气沸腾,生生将他给挤压了回去,再次回归肉身中。 ! 噗! The flash, the left hand arm also exsomatize of Netherworld Race giant goes, by the Yaoyao grandfather tearing up. 一刹那,幽冥族巨头的左手臂也离体而去,被妖妖的爷爷给撕掉了。 The must know, each fleshly body is damaged, his divine soul also caused heavy losses, because, their respective attack goes directly to the soul now, cuts to kill the nucleus of spirit. 须知,每一次肉身受损,他的神魂也跟着被重创,因为,现在他们各自的攻击都直达灵魂,斩杀精神之核。 Then, a Netherworld Race giant thigh also by the distortion that a grandfather foot of Yaoyao kicks, then breaks, painful he face upwards, sends out the spiritual strength storm, the soul is roaring. 接着,幽冥族巨头一条大腿也被妖妖的祖父一脚踢的变形,而后断裂下去,痛的他仰天而起,发出精神力风暴,灵魂在怒吼。 Earth, before Purple Golden Mountain. 地球,紫金山前。 The Chu Feng's facial color changed, he whispered: Was bad!” 楚风的面色变了,他低语道:“糟了!” From start to the present, great war in starry sky is instantaneously is completing, interweaves just like the lightning, arrives at this occasion sustainably, already among over breaths! 从开始到现在,星空中的大战都是在瞬间完成的,宛若闪电交织,可持续到此际,已经超过一息间! The Chu Feng whole face worried look, fight in his knows starry sky deep place, however the Yaoyao grandfather has not come back according to the time of stipulation, lets him immediately creepy feeling! 楚风满脸忧色,他不知道星空深处的战斗情况,但是妖妖的爷爷没有按照规定的时间回来,让他顿时头皮发麻! At this time in the universe, outside abatement extremely powerhouse, the average people have not realized the heaven shaking great war eruption. 此时宇宙中,除却绝顶强者外,普通人都还没有意识到惊天大战爆发。 However, there is an omen, because of Beast Source Platform and Dark Blood platform, successively black screen instantaneous, Heavenly Eye that because, the fierce combat of Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, breaks nearby at first directly monitored. 不过,也有预兆,因为原兽平台黑血平台等,都先后黑屏瞬间,因为,起初映照诸天级强者的激战,直接震碎附近正在监测的天眼 Fortunately, they have the plan, the different starry sky Coordinate have Heavenly Eye, moreover simultaneously turns on the protective device. 还好,他们有预案,不同的星空坐标都有天眼,而且同时开启保护装置。 When the major platforms can once more live transmission, the people see some remnant broken pictures, was shocked simply, picture that then the major platform cooperation, the mutual conformity respectively catches. 当各大平台再次能够直播,人们看到一些残碎的画面,简直被惊呆了,而后各大平台合作,相互整合各自捕捉到的画面。 Finally, people knows had anything! 终于,人们知道发生了什么! Does swallow the Deity Race's accurate Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse? This returns the myth compared with the myth, in shocking universe! 一口吞掉天神族的映照诸天级强者?这比神话还神话,震惊宇宙中! Netherworld Race's giant, was ripped fiercely?! 幽冥族的巨头,也被撕烈了?! The entire universe is terrified, various clan Evolver does not dare believe. 全宇宙悚然,各族进化者不敢相信。 At this time, in the starry sky, the Yaoyao grandfather's aura changed, the eye becomes by golden light magnificently intense scarlet, fearful boundless, is similar to two rounds blood months hangs. 此时,星空中,妖妖祖父的气息变了,眼睛由金光盛烈变得猩红,可怕无边,如同两轮血月高悬。 However, the Netherworld Race's Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse cannot run away as before, did not get rid. 但是,幽冥族的映照诸天级强者依旧逃不走,摆脱不了。 Moreover, when grandfather palm of Yaoyao searches next, , pierces five to refer to the hole the skull of Netherworld Race giant, then bang raises to fly his skull. 而且,妖妖的祖父一只手掌探下时,噗的一声,将幽冥族巨头的头盖骨洞穿出五个指洞,而后砰的一声将其头盖骨掀飞出去。 "Ah...... ” Netherworld Race's this powerhouse called out pitifully sad and shrill, the great storms have experienced, in the past was to besiege the Yaoyao father, caused in that history youngest Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse die. “啊……”幽冥族的这位强者凄厉惨叫,大风大浪都经历过,当年更是围攻过妖妖的父亲,导致那位史上最年轻的映照诸天级强者殒落 Now, he is also bearing pain, soon destruction. 现在,他自己也在承受痛苦,即将覆灭。 His divine soul suffers the heavy damage, lifts that only furry big hand of his top of the head to bring the blood, is tearing his soul, this is must become extinct he. 他的神魂遭受巨创,掀开他天灵盖的那只毛茸茸的大手带着血,在撕裂他的灵魂,这是要绝灭他。 No!” He is struggling, shouts facing universe deep place, in the transmission signal, he wants to go on living, he does not want dead. “不!”他挣扎着,面对宇宙深处嘶吼,在传递信号,他想活下去,他不想死。 Unexpectedly, he induced, exclaimed: Great Deity, you, since came, why not take action? Saves me!” 蓦地,他感应到了,吼道:“大天神,你既然来了,为何不出手?救我!” On Earth, Chu Feng also saw the picture of lag through Light Brain, the heart mentioned the throat slightly all of a sudden, anxious incomparable, the time passed, the Yaoyao grandfather in the starry sky, has not been willing to return! 地球上,楚风也通过光脑看到了稍微滞后的画面,心一下子提到嗓子眼,紧张无比,时间过了,妖妖的祖父还在星空中,不肯回归! In Star Sea, a whole body is ray silhouette slowly arrives, the huge body makes the star tremble, his pupil is golden yellow, just like two Sun that eternal does not fall. 星海中,一尊浑身都是光芒的身影缓缓降临,庞大的身体让星斗都在颤栗,他的眸子金黄璀璨,宛若永恒不坠的两轮太阳。 This is Deity Race's Old Ancestor, is known as Great Deity, the strength is immeasurably deep! 这是天神族的老祖,号称大天神,实力深不可测! My child, you can blame me......” at this time, the Yaoyao grandfather is flowing the tears of blood, simultaneously he also fluctuates in the sending out cruel mood, he lost control. “我的孩儿,你们可以怪我……”此时,妖妖的爷爷在流淌血泪,同时他也在散发暴戾的情绪波动,他失控了。 Because the time arrived, he has not actually returned! 因为时间已到,他却没有回归! I must revenge...... he to face upward to bellow for you, the uncombed hair dances in the air, the both eyes blood stream drops, then, he treats as the alone foot bronze statue spear the Netherworld Race's giant, turns, goes to Great Deity. “我要为你们报仇啊……”他仰天大吼着,乱发飞舞,双目血流滴落,然后,他将幽冥族的巨头当作独脚铜人槊,轮动起来,冲着大天神而去。 Kills!” Yaoyao grandfather's bellows, is accompanying infinite killing intent, falls in torrents him from the antiquity to the present regrettable as well as boundless pain, he must kill Great Deity. “杀!”妖妖祖父的一声大吼,伴着无穷的杀意,倾泻出他自上古到现在的遗憾以及无边的痛苦,他要杀大天神 Even if he must lose thoroughly, he must destroy completely the executioner who this kills his heir by the instinct. 哪怕他要彻底迷失了,他也要凭借本能去灭掉这个害死他子嗣的刽子手。
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