SR :: Volume #8

#726: The demon swallows Shining Upon All Heavens

At this time, extraterrestrial, Evolver of various clans deeply feel frightened, a killer dynasty such by destruction, moreover in suddenly, vanishes in a puff of smoke, was too simply stirring. 此时,地球外,各族的进化者都深感惊悚,一个杀手皇朝就这么被覆灭,而且是在一刹那间,灰飞烟灭,简直太震撼人心了。 This time, black sword dynasty dragged in lots of people, overall control that super holy artifact palace wall came, the result was what kind, crossed ten thousand killers to extinguish, the whole struck to kill! 这一次,黑剑皇朝兴师动众,整体驾驭那座超级圣器皇城而来,结果怎样,被人连带过万的杀手全灭,整体击杀! Extraterrestrial, interstellar explorer, universe pirate and others, gathered the big piece troops, now they thought that the spine is braving the cold air, this planet where is any paradise, the words that thinks so, are not worth exploring, take risks! 地球外,星际探险者、宇宙海盗等,聚集了大片的人马,现在他们觉得脊椎骨都在冒寒气,这颗星球哪里是什么乐园,这么看的话,根本不值得去探索,去冒险! You gloomy lifeforms, I make you kill my grandchild, you accept your coming fate!” At this time, Old Ox was insane, melts the main body, dashes about wildly in the starry sky, chases down a killer. “你个阴暗的生物,我让你杀我孙儿,你纳命来!”此时,一头老牛疯了,化出本体,在星空中狂奔,追杀一位杀手。 Black sword dynasty more than 10,000 people of destruction, including dark Saint, but also some fish slip through, previously followed orders to attack and carry on to hunt and kill these people of competition, kills with these ethnic groups that archaic Earth is on good terms. 黑剑皇朝10000多人都覆灭了,包括黑暗圣者,不过还有些漏网之鱼,就是早先奉命去出击、进行猎杀而竞赛的那些人,去杀与上古地球交好的那些族群。 These people have not died, is far from the war fortress enough. 这些人没有死,离战争堡垒足够远。 However, as the dark dynasty unravelled directly, these person of heart and galls were all cold, is unable again the stealth, panic-stricken, revealed the whereabouts, was chased down. 不过,随着黑暗皇朝直接灰飞烟灭,这些人心胆皆寒,无法再隐身,惊骇之下,露出行踪,被人追杀。 Black sword, is black your ancestor, accept your coming fate, your also my elder brother life comes!” Another side, a mountain Turtle was roaring, a severe impact killer. “黑剑,黑你祖宗的,纳命来,你还我兄长性命来!”另一边,一头山龟也在咆哮,猛力撞击一位杀手。 On Earth, Big Black Ox they use monster clarity shortly, stimulates to movement that to gather directly in the same place four mountains, has not taken the trouble, shakes gently. 地球上,大黑牛他们动用妖眼看的清楚,直接催动那合在一起的四座大山,没有费力,轻轻一震。 shuā! 刷! a beam of light departs together, will disperse in exploding that the dozens killers in various places shake directly opens, blood mist blooms one after another, these people die a cleanness. 一道又一道光束飞出,直接将分散在各处的数十位杀手震的爆开,一团又一团血雾绽放,这些人死个干净。 And the killer is especially formidable, quick to get close to Sub Saint, he has lain concealed void, wants to flee. 其中有一个杀手格外强大,都快接近亚圣了,他隐伏虚空中,想要遁走。 What a pity, under the monitoring of monster eye, he does not have to hide, bang, he runs upon by the mountain that across the sky comes directly, instant becomes ashes. 可惜,在妖眼的监控下,他无所遁形,砰的一声,他被那横空而来的大山直接撞上,刹那成为一片灰烬。 Extraterrestrial, various clan Evolver all souls palpitate, the final victory makes them unable to speak. 地球外,各族进化者皆灵魂悸动,最终的战果让他们都说不出话来。 Also far more than they, Beast Source Platform and Dark Blood platform gathered innumerable attention, really and saw this fight through Heavenly Eye directly. 又何止他们,原兽平台黑血平台等聚集了无数的关注者,通过天眼真实而直接的看到了这一场战斗。 Such in a minute slaughter, deeply makes all people greatly be vibrated. 这么片刻间的屠杀,深深让所有人都大受震动。 Just stepped onto the child of road of evolution, was already Sanctification many years of old monster, at this moment by being startled is not good, this is a asymmetrical fight. 无论是刚走上进化之路的孩童,还是早已成圣多年的老妖怪,这一刻都被惊的不行,这是一场不对称的战斗。 In the hearts of all people, ancient planet of that decline is a weak side, the killer dynasty and Saints collaborated, the absolute domineering, led all. 原本在所有人的心中,那个没落的古老星球是弱势一方,杀手皇朝与诸圣联手,绝对的强势,主导一切。 However, contrast so intense, with the expectation of people bad was too far. 然而,反差是如此的强烈,跟人们的预想差的太远了。 Assassinating Vault of Heaven, it is estimated that wants the liver to hurt, lung to hurt, the black sword dynasty was their top three branch, such was extinguished, the chicken dog did not keep, the person who went to together with that super holy artifact-- palace wall, all fell by the slaughter, kills quite thorough!” 刺天穹,估计要肝疼、肺疼,黑剑皇朝是他们前三甲的分部,就这么被灭了,鸡犬不留,去的人连同那件超级圣器——皇城,全部被屠掉,杀的好彻底!” Deity Race, Netherworld Race, Spirit Race, Xilin Clan wait/etc. had Saint die, even if their this strong clans must become dark at present, this is not the small attack!” 天神族幽冥族灵族西林族等有圣人殒落,即便是他们这种强族也要眼前发黑,这是不小的打击!” I thought, such result is wonderful, finally makes them kick the sheet iron, what situation does your killer dynasty rampant to dare to launch a war flagrantly? Is then strong, the whole makes into the flying ash, gets what one deserves, exciting!” “我觉得,这样的结局才妙啊,终于让他们踢到铁板,你一个杀手皇朝得嚣张到什么地步才敢明目张胆的发动一场战争?这下再强势啊,让人整体打成飞灰,活该,大快人心!” Right, comfortable of looking . My uncle master was assassinated dead by them, now finally has met the ruthless person, making the person extinguishing, happy, when drank a large cup of wine as a penalty for losing in a finger-guessing game!” “没错,看的舒服。我的一位叔爷就是被他们刺杀死的,现在终于遇上了狠人,让人给灭了,痛快,当浮一大白!” Good that Deity Race and Netherworld Race, their Saint die, for these years, shouts out various clans, usurps a lot of resources planet, enslaves some Evolutionary Civilization rank not high races, they also meet the ruthless stubble today finally, retribution!” “还有天神族幽冥族,他们的圣人死的好,这么多年来,呼喝各族,强占很多资源星球,奴役一些进化文明等级不高的种族,他们今天终于也遇上狠茬子了,报应!” In the inter-satellite network an ebullition, there are many to puncture to jump, the courage is big, vents resentment thought in heart, expressed pleasantly surprised to this victory. 星际网络上一片沸腾,有很多刺头跳出来,胆子非常大,发泄心中的怨念,对这一战果表示惊喜。 However, discussion sound starts, then stops suddenly. 但是,议论声才开始,便有戛然而止。 Because, Heavenly Eye catches, trim Milky Way as if burns down, in the ebullition, a beam of light was too terrifying, such delimits the universe, extremely fast has come, to charge into Earth. 因为,天眼捕捉到,整片银河系都仿佛焚烧起来,在沸腾,一道光束太恐怖了,就这么划过宇宙,极速而来,冲向地球。 That is together terrifying silhouette, huge boundless, sometimes does not have the avoidance, cracks-up some planets, so is rampant and overbearing hurrying along. 那是一道恐怖的身影,庞大无边,有时候都不带躲避的,撞碎一些行星,就这么嚣张而霸道的赶路而来。 Around him, the black hole appears hidden, too fearsome, sometimes he crosses the universe, sometimes walks the wormhole, rushes to the spot from the Milky Way deep place instant. 在他周围,黑洞浮现又隐去,太可怖,他有时候横渡天宇,有时候走虫洞,刹那就从银河系深处赶到事发地。 This is huge silhouette, stands is there, the eyeball has Earth to be so big, vast boundless, when launches in salvos silk swinging, makes the person unable to withstand. 这是一尊庞大的身影,立身在那里,眼球都有地球那么大,浩瀚无边,连发丝摆动时,都让人承受不了。 At this moment, nearby Earth, Evolver of various clans are all scared, in a twinkling knelt to bend down, was uncontrolled, trembling with fear, shook chaff physically weak. 这一刻,地球附近,各族的进化者全都胆寒,霎时间跪伏了下去,不受控制,战战兢兢,体弱筛糠。 Even if Saint is toughing it out, is trembling, the soul vibrates. 哪怕是圣人硬挺着,也都在颤栗,灵魂抖动。 Buzz! 嗡! This person reduces, finally becomes, only then ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, stands in extraterrestrially, overlooks below dark blue stars. 这个人缩小,最后变得只有万丈高,站在地球外,俯视下方的深蓝星辰。 He has a golden long hair, radiant boundless, is similar to Sun condenses, but his eye is similar to two black holes, can absorb all radiance, is staring under. 他拥有一头金色的长发,璀璨无边,如同太阳凝聚而成,而他的眼睛如同两口黑洞,能吸收所有光华,盯着下方。 Various clan powerhouses are frightened, the major platforms all of a sudden were also peaceful, visits him anxiously, who knows, a super powerhouse arrived. 各族强者都惊悚,各大平台也一下子安静了,紧张看着他,谁都知道,一尊超级强者到了。 Some people recognize, the words that this is a Deity Race's peerless powerhouse, the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, nobody is his match. 有人认出,这是天神族的一尊绝世强者,映照诸天级强者不出的话,没有人是他的对手。 In the antiquity, he is extremely Saint! 在上古时,他就已经是一尊绝顶圣人 Now, his foot is among the Shining Upon All Heavens ranks, another foot also steps most, only the remaining foot heels, reluctantly calculated on this Dominion creature. 如今,他一只脚跨入映照诸天行列,另一只脚也迈进来大半,也只剩下一个脚后跟了,勉强算的上这个领域生灵 Naturally, if must haggle over, his also slightly bad less than half body. 当然,如果非要计较,他还略差小半身位。 Has saying that destiny type of thing can swallow likely, since antiquity by Deity Race leadership great war, this clan welcomed eruption to grow, old Saint become stronger, the new Saint increased, was like this difficult including Shining Upon All Heavens the unclimbable peak, some people touched, was really fearful. 不得不说,气运这种东西像是可以吞噬,自从上古由天神族主导的大战过后,该族迎来爆发式增长,老圣变强,新圣增多,连映照诸天这样艰难不可攀登的高峰,都有人触摸上去,实在是可怕。 Like such that some people mentioned, Deity Race and Netherworld Race seized imperceptibly were the archaic Earth fate! 就像有人提及的那样,天神族幽冥族无形中夺走了属于上古地球的运道! Now, this powerhouse benefitted from antiquity great war, terrifying character who then rose suddenly. 现在,这尊强者就是得益于上古大战,然后猛然崛起的恐怖人物。 Unextinguishable Mountain, one of the Monster Race's supreme Mystic Realm!” At this time, Deity Race this powerhouse opens the mouth, the incomplete Shining Upon All Heavens level energy filled the air. 不灭山,妖族的无上秘境之一!”这时,天神族这位强者开口,不完全的映照诸天级能量弥漫。 In his outside the body, forms piece of radiant ball of light, covers him, making him look like even more sacred. 在他体外,形成一片璀璨光团,将他笼罩,让他看起来越发的神圣。 Is only the Monster Ancestor relic, false alarm, did not leave any unparalleled expert, the place of decline is impossible to rise again! In the past hit remnantly you, this how possibly to you opportunity, if made you resurge, that simply was a joke!” “只是妖祖的遗物,虚惊而已,并非出了什么盖世高手,没落之地不可能再崛起!当年将你们打残,这一世怎么可能会给你们机会,如果让你们死灰复燃,那简直是个笑话!” He in opens the mouth coldly faintly, empty both eyes had the brilliance gradually, is having disdaining, despises below planet. 他在冷幽幽地开口,空洞的双目渐渐有了光彩,带着不屑,蔑视下方的星球 Because, his knows, even if Indigenous on Earth can activate Unextinguishable Mountain, the attack that carries on is also limited, cannot make a name, when the energy exhausts, requires the time to derive the new energy, the short-term is unable to launch an attack again. 因为,他知道,哪怕地球上的土著能激活不灭山,所进行的攻击亦有限,成不了气候,当能量耗尽时,需要时间去汲取新能量,短期无法再发难。 Was a pity that several mixed fish has not come to present this accident, I have to come to rush to this place ahead of time.” “可惜,那几条杂鱼还没有来就出现了这种变故,我不得不提前现身赶到此地。” He was whispering, mixed fish in his mouth refers to Uncle Ming and the others, according to the duty of assignment, he was responsible for cleaning up with this planet related Saint, once entered this piece of Star Sea, was detected by him, struck to kill a cleanness directly! 他在低语,他口中的杂鱼是指明叔等人,按照分配的任务,他负责清理跟这颗星球有关的圣人,一旦进入这片星海,被他发觉,直接击杀个干净! Uncle Ming and the others have not appeared, finally, he made an appearance on the contrary passively. 明叔等人还没有出现,结果,他反倒被动露面了。 At this time, outside the Solar System, a pair of fearful pupil has opened, each fully has Sun to be so big, the terrifying is boundless, at this moment makes true Saint tremble, then kneels to bend down, cannot endure. 此时,太阳系外,一对可怕的眸子睁开了,每一只都足有太阳那么大,恐怖无边,这一刻让真正的圣人都发抖,然后跪伏下去,忍受不住。 Nearby him, black fog surges, must submerge the trim Solar System simply! 在他附近,黑雾翻腾,简直要淹没整片太阳系! Deity Race that incomplete Shining Upon All Heavens level promising youth has transferred the body, looks to the Solar System edge, saluted, said: Has seen the Netherworld Race's senior!” 天神族那位不完全的映照诸天级“后起之秀”转过身躯,看向太阳系边缘,施了一礼,道:“见过幽冥族的前辈!” Even if he came from Deity Race, the status expensive cannot say, but faces this genuine established powerhouse, the top evolution in universe exists, must salute upon meeting. 哪怕他来自天神族,身份贵不可言,可是面对这种真正的老牌强者,宇宙中的顶级进化存在,也得见礼。 Because, to that level, the race is not the boundary, they depend upon oneself, must make various clans probably prostrate oneself. 因为,到了那种层次,种族不是界限,他们依靠自身,就得让各族都要膜拜。 Otherwise , may be called existence of Shining Upon All Heavens level? 不然的话,又怎么可能会被称之为映照诸天级的存在? In the altars of many Evolutionary Civilization ethnic groups, hangs their brand mark, is similar to the gods is consecrated generally, year after year must offer the sacrificial offering. 在许多进化文明族群的祭坛上,都悬有他们的烙印,如同神明一般被供奉着,年年都要敬献祭品。 Cannot think that the place of decline, the Monster Ancestor favor, his cauldron crashes unexpectedly here!” The Netherworld Race's Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse opens the mouth, is heartless and indifferent. “想不到啊,没落之地,竟得妖祖青睐,他的鼎坠落在这里!”幽冥族的映照诸天级强者开口,无情而冷漠。 That contrasts in the solar terrifying pupil unable to see that greatly a sentiment fluctuates, as if already unfeeling certainly nature. 那对比太阳还大还恐怖的眸子中看不到一丝感情波动,仿佛早已绝情绝性。 „If no Purgatory, when this place extinguishes. Even if so, creature on this piece of abandoned land always can not rise, this is I and other common Dharma Decree, forever will lock this place, all Evolver must strike back the primitive beast and ferocious bird shape, can not evolve.” “若无炼狱,此地当灭。即便如此,这片废土上的生灵也将永世都不得崛起,这是我等共同的法旨,永锁此地,所有进化者都要被打回成原始走兽、凶禽的形态,不得进化。” Netherworld Race's giant, fearful existence of Shining Upon All Heavens level, here indifferent announcement, this is he and other top powerhouse Dharma Decree. 幽冥族的巨头,一尊映照诸天级的可怕存在,在这里冷漠的宣告,这是他与其他至强者法旨 They must let the lifeforms degeneration of Earth, can not evolve again, must lock sleepily, withers away until here. 他们要让地球的生物退化,不得再进化,要锁困,直至这里消亡。 However, planet of this recovery, actually must be used by them, what they aim is only Indigenous in their mouth. 不过,这颗复苏的星球,却要被他们所利用,他们所针对的只是他们口中的土著 At this time, Unextinguishable Mountain, Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng creepy feeling, they already summoned that four mountain massifs, the look straighten. 此时,不灭山,大黑牛黄牛欧阳风都头皮发麻,他们早已召唤回来那四座山体,眼神发直。 Can this also hit? They were joyful and excited a moment ago, destroy completely five Saint, wiped out the killer dynasty, was this shocking success? 这还能打吗?刚才他们还在欣喜与激动,灭掉五尊圣人,全歼杀手皇朝,这是何等惊世的战绩? But at present, they are imposing, heart sank thoroughly. 可是眼下,他们凛然,心彻底沉了下去。 Wants, when the Holy Master return can solve the disaster? 真的要等到圣师回归才能解决祸患吗? But, this these people, since dares to come, Big Black Ox and the others believe, they affirmed the preparation to be sufficient, have prepared trump card, Holy Master, Uncle Ming and the others, if appeared, may have the fatal disaster. 可是,此次这些人既然敢来,大黑牛等人相信,他们肯定准备充足,预备了杀手锏,圣师明叔等人若是出现,可能会有杀身之祸。 Holy Master, I wait for you here, I guessed, you will unable to bear, must come to see eventually, how this time I look run away, how to live!” 圣师,我在这里等你,我猜测,你会忍不住,终究是要来看一看,这次我看怎么逃走,如何活下来!” Deity Race that incomplete Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse opens the mouth, the full head golden color sends the silk to rise suddenly, is similar to Sun shines the golden ray, dazzling! 天神族那位不完全的映照诸天级强者开口,满头金色发丝暴涨,如同太阳般普照金色光芒,刺眼之极! At this moment, Chu Feng arrives in the surface, finds out the situation, because he discovered that the time will draw near, the Yaoyao grandfather will soon get out of trouble! 此刻,楚风来到地表上,了解情况,因为他发现时间快到了,妖妖的祖父即将脱困! Then, he is then startled, because, outside territory unexpectedly great war, the war fortress has become the detritus, what is most fearful, had the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse to arrive! 然后,他便是一怔,因为,域外竟然大战过,战争堡垒成为碎屑,最为可怕的是,有映照诸天级强者到了! Old Donkey and tiger elder brother......” Chu Feng contacts with them, understood quickly the special details, heart big change, he has not thought Big Black Ox and the others had made these many, expected when breaks into the Unextinguishable Mountain restricted area underwent various life and death tribulations! 老驴、虎哥……”楚风联系他们,很快了解到具体情况,心头剧震,他没有想到大黑牛等人做了这么多,料想闯不灭山禁地时经历了各种生死磨难! Was laborious you, was living well!” Chu Feng whispered, then whiz broke in underground, his knows, should ask the Yaoyao grandfather to recover! “辛苦你们了,活着就好!”楚风低语,然后嗖的一声冲入地下,他知道,该请妖妖的爷爷复苏了! After entering the center of the earth, he hears the iron chain collapsing sound, hears the terrifying the low roar, Overlord Chu hurries to protect him, otherwise, this place simply does not have his foothold. 进入地心后,他听到铁链崩断的声响,也听到恐怖的低吼声,楚霸王赶紧护住他,不然的话,这地方根本没有他立足之地。 Senior, the situation changes, outside territory has the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse......” Chu Feng rapid and detailed informing, he feared that the Yaoyao grandfather has the accident/surprise. “前辈,情况有变,域外映照诸天级强者……”楚风迅速而详细的告知,他怕妖妖的爷爷出意外。 Also has to kill, happen to!” In ancient coffin, broadcasts this cold sound, the ice cold to letting Chu Feng thought that must be been frozen stiff. “又不是没杀过,正好!”古棺中,传来这种冷冽的声音,冰寒到让楚风都觉得要被冻僵了。 But, the aura of there sending out is entirely different, is burning down just like innumerable Sun, Yang Qi strong shocking. 可是,那里散发的气息却截然不同,宛若无数的太阳在焚烧,阳气浓重的骇人听闻。 I...... Returned!” “我……归来了!” Is accompanying this kind of low roar, must split the universe just like unparalleled Overlord, the air/Qi swallows Star Sea, was too terrifying, then a ka-cha resounding, Origin Metal Divine Chain broke a big truncation, the Yaoyao grandfather vanished directly. 伴着这样一声低吼,宛若盖世霸主要裂开宇宙,气吞星海,太恐怖了,然后喀嚓一声脆响,母金神链断了一大截,妖妖的祖父直接消失。 I, if cannot come back on time, you use the pollen to light that section of Origin Metal!” “我如果不能按时回来,你用花粉点燃那截母金!” This information, directly makes a sound in the Chu Feng's brains. 这则信息,直接响在楚风的头脑中。 Bang! 轰! The flash, the outer space disintegration, huge silhouette appears, neglects the influence of time, is extremely terrifying, the whole body is black growing hair, in Demon Lord just like chaos! 一刹那,外太空崩碎,一尊庞大的身影出现,忽略时光的影响,太过恐怖,周身都是黑色的长毛,宛若一尊混沌中的魔主 Roar! 吼! Such the flash, he huge to the region that is unable to imagine, has opened the big mouth, is going to Deity Race that powerhouse. 就这么一瞬间,他庞大到无法想象的境地,张开了血盆大口,对着天神族那个强者而去。 You......!” The Deity Race powerhouse, has not been considered as that existence of complete Shining Upon All Heavens Dominion, but was almost also similar, is he now actually uncomfortable incomparable, was roasted by terrifying Yang Qi is roasting, the whole person must burn down. “你……啊!”天神族强者,还不算是完全的映照诸天领域的存在,但也几乎差不多了,可是他现在却难受无比,被恐怖的阳气炙烤着,整个人都要焚烧起来了。 Moreover, he is forced to melt the main body unexpectedly, this is a golden monster, resembles the fish non- fish, resembles the flood dragon non- flood dragon, huge boundless, is struggling. 而且,他居然被迫化出本体,这是一条金色的怪物,似鱼非鱼,似蛟龙非蛟龙,庞大无边,在挣扎。 However, the Yaoyao grandfather is too fearful at this time, is roaring lowly: I...... Came back!” 但是,妖妖的爷爷此时太可怕,低吼着:“我……回来了!” His body rises suddenly unceasingly, after running out of Earth, compared with Earth must greatly many times, last Deity Race powerhouse swallow in the import, ka-cha, his mouth splashes the big piece blood. 他的身体不断暴涨,冲出地球后,比地球都要大很多倍,最后一口将天神族强者吞进口中,喀嚓一声,他的嘴里溅起大片的血液。 Roar!” “吼!” Then, he kills directly to the Solar System, kills the near of Netherworld Race giant, Yang Qi is dreadful, shocks the universe starry sky, the terrifying is infinite! 接着,他直接扑杀向太阳系外,杀到幽冥族巨头的近前,阳气滔天,震撼宇宙星空,恐怖无穷! Your these mixed fish, dare to kill my child, the death!” The Yaoyao grandfather bellows! “你们这些杂鱼,敢杀死我的孩儿,死!”妖妖的祖父大吼!
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