SR :: Volume #8

#725: Extinguishes a cleanness

The slaughter Saint, this matter is occurring unexpectedly! 屠圣,这种事居然正在发生! The must know, this is not Saint die, in a minute, two big powerhouses are killed violently, moreover is continuing, this is a slaughter, earth-shaking! 须知,这可不是一尊圣人殒落,片刻间,两大强者毙命,而且还在持续中,这是一场屠杀,石破天惊! How many years haven't had this matter? Now, this is performing, moreover through Heavenly Eye of several big platforms, catches the process clearly, all people shock. 多少年没发生这种事情了?现在,这一幕正在上演,而且通过几大平台的天眼,清晰捕捉到过程,所有人都震撼。 At this moment, whole world all lonesome! 这一刻,举世皆寂! Too sudden, who can think that this fearful matter is performing, direct dead several Saint, were struck to harvest the life, making all parties terrified. 太突然了,谁能想到这种可怕的事情正在上演,一口气而已,直接死去数尊圣人,被一击之下收割走性命,让各方悚然。 Many people realized, since the recent antiquity tranquility, has been breaks. 许多人意识到,近古以来的宁静,算是打破了。 Deity Race and Netherworld Race's two Great Saint are killed violently successively, the remaining three people, are struggling, lives evidently does not grow, they are attacking difficultly, wants to escape from this piece of Order symbol escape the region. 天神族幽冥族的大圣人先后毙命,剩下的三人,在挣扎,看样子也活不长了,他们艰难冲击着,想要逃出这片秩序符号逸散的地带。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The dark Saint noisy wail, has hair dishevelled, his four limbs have blasted out, degenerates into the blood and broken bone in void, now he is struggling furiously, unexpectedly flees successfully. 黑暗圣者长嚎,披头散发,他的四肢都炸开了,在虚空中沦为血与碎骨,现在他奋力挣扎着,居然成功逃离。 However, he is only. 不过,他是唯一的。 In this process, he is very miserable, was cracked including the body, the big sword that so-called dark holy artifact, he carried completely crushed, became the metal detritus. 在这个过程中,他很惨,连身体都龟裂了,那所谓的黑暗圣器,他背着的大剑彻底粉碎,成为金属碎屑。 Dark Saint escapes, horrible to look, his body vanishes, only remaining heads, after finally to outside, this head also explodes one group of blood splashes, vanishes half. 黑暗圣者逃出,惨不忍睹,他的身体消失,只剩下一颗脑袋,结果到了外面后这颗头颅也爆起一团血花,消失半颗。 However, he lived, in half head hides is having black light, is glittering, likely is a black Sun, that is his spiritual source light group. 但是,他活了下来,半颗头颅中藏着有乌光,在闪烁,像是一轮黑太阳,那是他的精神本源光团。 Dark Saint is roaring lowly, the remaining eyes, alone in the eye is only bringing the blood, cold has swept the starry sky, then the vision goes to Earth, fills baleful aura. 黑暗圣者在低吼,仅剩下一只眼睛,独目中带着血,冷冽的扫过星空,而后目光又投向地球,充满煞气 In his heart whether there is the side indignation, wishes one could immediately under destruction dark blue planet, wants to conquer by killing the trim galaxy simply, this loss is too big, he is hard to accept. 他的心中有无边的怨愤,恨不得立刻覆灭下方的深蓝星球,简直想血洗整片星系,这一次的损失太大,他难以接受。 Ten thousand killers, this has been an elite, was the black sword dynasty can set up the world the basis to be, from Eating Rosy Cloud to Moulding Shape, arrived at Golden Body again, these intermediate levels almost died certainly! 过万杀手啊,这都是精英,是黑剑皇朝得以立世的根本所在,从餐霞塑形,再到金身,那些中层几乎死绝了! Many years of painstaking care is destroyed in a moment! 多年的心血毁于一旦! In addition, Sub Saint Level hunter, his right-hand was also extinguished, after that said the light beam bang of Order symbol construction comes, vanishes in a puff of smoke! 此外,亚圣级狩猎者,他的左膀右臂也被灭了,在那道秩序符号构建的光束轰来后,灰飞烟灭! The abatement outside their several Saint, other creature suddenly become the flying ashes. 除却他们几个圣人外,其他生灵瞬息间成为飞灰。 This is the huge calamity! 这是天大的厄难! The dark Saint heart in drop blood, is similar to the this one wolf is common, to the starry sky noisy wail, is exuding the hatred roaring voice of vibration trim Solar System, wishes one could to extinguish the world. 黑暗圣者心都在滴血,然后如同孤狼一般,对着星空长嚎,发出震动整片太阳系的怨毒咆哮声,恨不得灭世。 However, he actually does not dare to stay, half head is bringing the bloodstain, goes in extremely fast, and runs away runs away again! 不过,他却不敢停留,半颗头颅带着血迹,在极速而去,并且一逃再逃! What a pity, his wound was too heavy, the whole person was almost destroyed completely, the speed does not have to be usually fast, cannot frequently cross the starry sky. 可惜,他的伤太重了,整个人几乎被灭掉,速度远没有平日快,不能动辄就横渡星空了。 He injures may, not only fleshly body, has been split up including the fine Divine Nucleus heart of most source, therefore on the other hand he did not have Sub Saint to be quick now. 他伤的可不只是肉身,连最本源的精神核心都已经四分五裂,所以现在相对来说他还没有亚圣快。 At this moment, in Unextinguishable Mountain, Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng and Yellow Ox all joyfully yelled, moreover does not have the moment to stay, watches the outside territory scene by the monster eye, attacks decisively once more. 就在这时,不灭山中,大黑牛欧阳风黄牛皆喜悦大叫,而且没有片刻停留,透过妖眼观看到域外的景象,果断再次出击。 The monster cauldron cannot use, that mechanical sound already informed them, can only begin using strikes! 妖鼎不能动用了,那个机械的声音早已告知他们,只能启用一击! Unextinguishable Mountain, gets up!” 不灭山,起!” Yellow Ox shouts out, personally management. 黄牛大喝,亲自主持。 When Ouyang Feng has spat a saliva, saliva with raining, he also rushes goes, does not fall behind willing, the hand caresses the monster cauldron, orders. 欧阳风吐了口唾沫,口水跟下雨时似的,他也冲上前去,不甘心落后,手抚妖鼎,跟着下命令。 Outstanding Monster Race later generation, in view of the fact that you not only look askance , the doubtful mouth is crooked, causes the saliva long class, helping you rectify.” In the monster cauldron issues the instruction, to wield in the Unextinguishable Mountain's process, it also spreads such sound. “杰出的妖族后人,鉴于你不仅眼斜,也疑似嘴歪,导致口水长流,帮你矫正。”在妖鼎发出指令、挥动不灭山的过程中,它还传出这样的声音。 toad: #¥%......” 蛤蟆:“#¥%……” Then, he is unable the opens the mouth, to be sealed somebody's lips by a ray of light, making an effort is rousing the cheek, ballooning special is fierce, but is unable to spout the saliva, finally causes the saliva to flow backwards, he who chokes coughs again and again, Ouyang Feng rolls the eyes, was mad to is not good. 然后,他就无法张口了,被一道光封住嘴巴,使劲鼓着腮帮子,鼓胀的特别厉害,但就是无法喷出口水,最后导致口水倒流,呛的他自己咳嗽连连,欧阳风直翻白眼,被气到不行。 But boundless mountain vibration that during this process, the thunder, seven reach to the sky plainly, all over the body pitch-black, just like Immemorial Demon God of deep sleep, fierce rising straight from the ground, ripped open the space, the twinkling to outside territory. 而在此过程中,电闪雷鸣,七座古朴而高耸入云的磅礴大山震动,其中一座通体乌黑,宛若一头沉睡的太古魔神,猛的拔地而起,撕开空间,瞬息到了域外 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” outside territory, knows does not have many people to look, on Beast Source Platform already was detonated, now saw that on Earth runs out of a beam of black light once more, the whole world is all startled. 域外,也不知道有多少人看着,原兽平台上更是早已被引爆,现在看到地球上再次冲出一道乌光,举世皆惊。 In the eyes of people, this time deep blue planet is dangerous, is extremely terrifying, can extinguish the Saint, moreover so mysterious, a ray of light soars to the heavens, making the person soul palpitate. 在人们的眼中,此时的湛蓝星球是危险的,极度恐怖,能够灭圣,而且如此的神秘,又一道光冲霄,让人灵魂悸动。 Well, is only the Sub Saint Level strength?” The distant place, there are Saint of other clans to look into the distance, had already shunted, but distant looks. “咦,只是亚圣级力量?”远处,有其他族的圣人在眺望,早就躲开了,只是远远的看着。 However, this was also enough, after black mountain massif, sends first, is similar to hits the fly, bang breaks the starry sky, pounds on dark Saint that half head. 但是,这样也足够了,黑色的山体后发先至,如同打苍蝇般,轰的的一声震碎星空,砸在黑暗圣者那半颗头颅上。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Dark Saint saw that a mountain presses, he is roaring, Rebirth from a drop of Blood, takes half head as the source, extremely fast grows, in an instant the body grew, an eyeball that was shaken also reappears. 黑暗圣者见到一座大山压来,他怒吼着,滴血重生,以半颗头颅为源头,极速生长,刹那间身体就长了出来,那被震掉的一颗眼球也再现。 During this process, he fast is running away as before. 在此过程中,他依旧在飞快逃遁。 However, even if his body recovered , the strength drops the valley land, bang, cannot avoid the suppression of that black mountain. 不过,哪怕他身体复原了,也实力跌落到谷地,轰的一声,躲避不开那黑色大山的镇压。 Such one, his body once more is split up, the body that just grew turns into blood mist, has blasted out, even continually the previous that half head also full is the fissure. 就这么一下而已,他的身体再次四分五裂,刚生长出来的躯体就化成血雾,炸开了,甚至连早先的那半颗头颅也满是裂痕。 Happy!” “痛快啊!” The Unextinguishable Mountain deep place, arrives at this Big Black Ox to be excited through the monster shortly, makes an effort to make a fist, said: Came several to extinguish him again, a mountain massif prestige can slightly obviously insufficient!” 不灭山深处,通过妖眼看到这一幕的大黑牛非常激动,用力握拳,道:“再来几下灭了他,一座山体威能稍显不足!” In line with the forms of defensive action that energy consumption calculates few, only set out one. However in view of the fact that in the starry sky is full of the uncertainty, has the external force intervention anytime, now accepts your instruction.” “本着能量消耗最少计算出的攻击方式,只出动了一座。不过鉴于星空中充满不确定性,随时有外力干预,现在接受你的指令。” That mechanical sound response said. 那机械般的声音回应道。 Then, in Eastern Sea, there is a Sanzuoshan body to rise straight from the ground, is bringing dazzling radiance, tears the space, arrived at outside territory instant, kills toward the dark Saint bang. 然后,东海中,又有三座山体拔地而起,带着刺目的光华,撕裂空间,刹那到了域外,向着黑暗圣者轰杀过去。 Bang! 砰! At this time, dark Saint flies into a rage, stirs the boundless energy, Rebirth from a drop of Blood, he is using fleshly body to protect the energetic source once more, feared that was extinguished the killing intent knowledge. 此时,黑暗圣者急眼,鼓荡起无边的能量,再次滴血重生,他在用肉身保护精神本源,怕被灭杀意识。 Moreover, he is tearing space forcefully, wants to flee. 而且,他在强行撕裂空间,想要遁走。 However, he failed, the time that the undercapacity, requires to spend is too long, finally was given to shake to fall by a mountain. 但是,他失败了,能量不足,需要花费的时间过长,结果被一座大山生生给震落出来。 Earth of decline, the place of this barbarian, nowadays indigenous people compared the beast and savage on most low status Evolutionary Civilization planet many, this was...... Strength that which comes?!” “没落的地球,这片蛮夷之地,现如今的原住民比最低等的进化文明星球上的走兽与野人强不了多少,这是……哪来的力量?!” Dark Saint shouts, he is angry, the air/Qi of hatred is erupting, he thinks can write off on this planet easily all Evolver. 黑暗圣者嘶吼,他愤怒无边,怨毒之气在爆发,原本他认为能轻易抹杀这颗星球上所有的进化者 He has scruples is also only Domain on Earth. 他所顾忌的也只是地球上的场域而已。 How can expect, today, his black sword dynasty has ruined, his oneself also anxious such as stray cur, in an extremely difficult situation, crashes into the hopeless situation. 怎能料到,今日,他的黑剑皇朝毁掉了,他自身也急急如丧家之犬,狼狈不堪,坠入绝境中。 Bang! 轰! The response gives him is four mountains, hits to come to his here from four position positions, extrudes him in middle. 回应给他的是四座大山,从四个方位方位向他这里撞击而来,将他挤压在当中。 The flash, he was calling out pitifully, wailing, the body after Rebirth from a drop of Blood was rotting once more, is unable to protect the mental consciousness core again, his head also became the rotten watermelon. 一刹那,他惨叫着,哀嚎着,再次滴血重生后的躯体又烂掉了,无法再保护精神意识核心,他的头颅也已成为烂西瓜。 One group of spirits are wailing, was roaring, shocks the Solar System, creepy feeling of countless person, this was Saint, unexpectedly was killed by mistreatment. 一团精神在哀嚎,在咆哮,震动太阳系,无数人的头皮发麻,这可是一位圣人啊,居然被虐杀。 Bang! 轰! Finally, four mountains about in the same place, the prestige can rise suddenly, a divine soul cuns (2.5 cm) break of dark Saint shakes, the annihilation of extremely fast. 最终,四座大山合在一起,威能暴涨,震的黑暗圣者神魂寸寸断裂,极速的湮灭。 Eastern Sea, Unextinguishable Mountain deep place. 东海,不灭山深处。 Big Black Ox the big mouth, is laughing to continue, said: Old ordinary man, walks in the killer who in darkness must not exposed to the light, do you have today? Haha......” 大黑牛咧着大嘴,大笑不止,道:“老匹夫,行走在黑暗中见不得光的杀手,你也有今日?哈哈……” They have killed dark Saint, felt that killing Deity Race and Netherworld Race's Saint also wants the mood to be happier, because this group of killers are too rampant. 他们干掉了一个黑暗圣者,感觉比杀天神族幽冥族的圣人还要心情痛快,因为这群杀手太嚣张。 Unexpectedly has ten thousand killers to attack massively, threatened that must launch a war, tramples flat this ancient planet, really overbearing excess. 居然有过万的杀手大规模来袭,扬言要发动一场战争,踏平这颗古老的星球,实在霸道的过分。 Now, they ruined this killer dynasty personally, and has destroyed completely their highest leader, making several people of blood seethe with excitement, the mood exploded. 现在,他们亲手毁掉这个杀手皇朝,并且灭掉了他们的最高首领,让几人血液都沸腾起来,心情爆好。 In the Solar System, the fine Divine Nucleus heart of dark Saint was ground, vanishes in a puff of smoke, does not exist. 太阳系中,黑暗圣者的精神核心被碾碎,灰飞烟灭,不复存在。 This makes countless people silent, looks. 这让无数人默然,怔怔的看着。 Even if Beast Source Platform and these magnanimous attention in Dark Blood platform, was silent, the heart trembles, is away from the starry sky to realize that cold piercing chill in the air. 即便是原兽平台黑血平台上的那些海量的关注者,也都寂静了,心头颤栗,隔着星空都能体会到那种冷冽刺骨的寒意。 In the cognition of people, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's killer is most formidabe, usually, the people rather offend five Saint, is not willing to provoke dark Saint, because against on does not guard, stared to be equal to that by the powerhouse of this rank was announcing the death. 在人们的认知中,刺天穹的杀手最难对付,通常来说,人们宁可去得罪五位圣人,也不愿意招惹一位黑暗圣者,因为防不上防,被这个级别的强者盯上等于在宣告死亡。 Now, black sword dynasty , a leader Assassinating Vault of Heaven most formidable branches, such was destroyed completely, moreover death does not have the dignity. 现在,黑剑皇朝,刺天穹最强大的分部之一的头领,就这么被灭掉,而且死的毫无尊严。 This result stems from the expectations of all people, decline planet, unexpectedly erupts such trump card. 这个结果出乎所有人的预料,没落的星球,居然爆发出这样的杀手锏 At this time, about reverses in the same place four mountains, crosses to the place of war fortress destruction, the suppression of bang under. 此时,合在一起的四座大山倒转回来,横渡向战争堡垒毁灭之地,轰的一声镇压而下。 Here two Saint, have not gotten out of trouble, they have not died, not because of strong in Deity Race and Netherworld Race's Saint, but is enough luck, is not been broken by the rune light beam direct bang of monster cauldron. 这里还有两位圣人,没有脱困,他们未死,不是因为强于天神族幽冥族的圣人,而是足够的幸运,不曾被妖鼎的符文光束直接轰碎。 However, at this time they are also very miserable, are towing the body of break, struggles difficultly, to was finally similar to dark Saint, only heads are separated from there. 不过,此时他们也很惨,拖着断裂的躯体,艰难挣扎,到最后跟黑暗圣者差不多了,只余头颅脱离那里。 What a pity, waited for that they are four mountains gather in same place suppress and kill. 可惜,等待他们是四座大山合在一起的镇杀 Does not want!” This is Spirit Race a big cry of female Saint, resounds through nearby Earth, before making the people see she at the point of death pale face, was having the panic-stricken color. “不要啊!”这是灵族的一位女圣的大叫声,响彻地球附近,让人们看到了她临死前的苍白面孔,带着惊恐之色。 When Saint also so, facing death similarly is afraid, similar fear. 圣人亦如此,面对死亡时同样害怕,同样的恐惧。 ! 噗! She was extinguished! 她被灭了! The next quarter, the body of another Saint's small half crack also blasts out, the Xilin Clan Saint tragic death, this thoroughly dissipates. 下一刻,另一位圣人的小半截龟裂的躯体也炸开,西林族圣人惨死,就这样彻底消散。 Under a service, black sword dynasty over ten thousand troops were extinguished a cleanness, five Saint died a tragic death, one of the Assassinating Vault of Heaven most formidable branches vanishes in a puff of smoke. 一役之下,黑剑皇朝上万人马被灭个干净,五位圣人跟着惨死,刺天穹最强大的分部之一灰飞烟灭。 This success, various shocking universe starry sky clans. 这种战绩,震惊宇宙星空各族。 Is this decline planet? All person petrify! 这还是没落的星球吗?所有人都石化 The Assassinating Vault of Heaven headquarters receive the news, the topmost level, existences of deep sleep innumerable years in Mystic Realm was awakened, the pupil opens instant, greatly like planet, making Sun in that piece of galaxy be overshadowed. 刺天穹总部接到消息,最高层,一个在秘境中沉睡无数岁月的存在被惊醒,眸子睁开的刹那,大如星球,让那片星系中的太阳都黯然失色。 In addition, in Milky Way, defends peerless powerhouse here also quickly to open both eyes, turns into stream of light, crosses the endless stars, kills to Earth. 此外,银河系中,守在这里的某位绝世强者也倏地睁开双眼,化成一道流光,横渡无尽的星辰,杀向地球。 Earth, Purple Golden Mountain, outside Small World of center of the earth deep place. 地球,紫金山,地心深处的小世界外面。 Chu Feng is standing this piece of singular space outside, he in the computing time, the Yaoyao grandfather should be born silently! 楚风在站这片奇异空间的外部,他在默默计算时间,妖妖的祖父该出世了! At this time, heaven shaking big event that his knows Boss Black they have not made, he is only thinking, after time, immediately asks this outstanding powerhouse to destroy completely the enemy of All Heavens! 此时,他还不知道大老黑他们做出的惊天大事件,他只想着,时间一到后,立刻请这位盖代强者去灭掉诸天之敌!
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