SR :: Volume #8

#724: Starry sky blasting open slaughter Saint

Extraterrestrial, in outer space. 地球外,太空中。 In the war fortress of black sword dynasty, several Saint tea, was quite calm, because they were very assured, this nobody can prevent them. 黑剑皇朝的战争堡垒内,几位圣者在饮茶,相当淡定,因为他们十分笃定,这次没有人可以阻挡他们。 All already prepared, big net opens, outside the Solar System, there is a supreme powerhouse to be dormant, various universe important highways were guarded by top powerhouse. 一切都早已准备好,大网张开,太阳系外,有无上强者蛰伏,宇宙各处要道都被至强者镇守。 This time, was Holy Master comes to cherish hatred, is hard to flee. This service, they must the unexpectedly entire merit, probably solve all disasters! 这一次,就是圣师来了都得饮恨,难以走脱。这一役,他们要竟全功,务必解决所有祸患! What ranks 11 th life ancient land, but also the delusion recovers, but also wants to reconstruct strongest Evolver? This cannot, they sneer, to tolerate how possibly this matter occurrence. 什么排位第11的生命古地,还妄想复苏,还想再造出来最强进化者?这可不能,他们都在冷笑,怎么可能会容忍这种事情发生。 Antiquity time, this planet in the most higher Evolutionary Civilization sequence, had not been slaughtered by them, causes the desolated many time. 就连上古时期,这颗星球处在最高等的进化文明序列内,还不是被他们屠杀一空,导致荒芜很多个时代。 Come, several Fellow Daoist give a try, this type of god tea is very good, was the antiquity time picks from our that planet, un, what a pity, when transplanted the stool, on planet of my clan long was not quite good, the output was very low.” “来,几位道友试试看,这种神茶很不错,是上古时期从我们脚下那颗星球上采摘的,嗯,可惜,移植母株时,在我族的星球上长的不太好,产量很低。” Is bringing bronze mask that old man opens the mouth, please several people judge tea, the leaf blade in that teacup very clear, and some different colors, are releasing radiance, is shining and sacred. 带着青铜面具那老者开口,请几人品茶,那茶杯中的叶片十分晶莹,且有不同色彩,都在释放光华,灿灿而神圣。 Good tea!” Dark Saint nods. “好茶!”黑暗圣者点头。 Another leads the man of ugly face mask also to nod, said: “Wú, the planet also has divine medicine, there is Divine Tree, in the past had not picked with enough time has the accident to occur, Purgatory reappears, has to retreat in a hurry, this time will not miss! ” 另一位带着鬼脸面具的男子也点头,道:“唔,我们脚下的这颗星球还有神药,也有神树,当年没有来得及采摘就有变故发生了,炼狱再现,不得不匆匆退走,这一次不会错过!” "Um, but also some inheritance, as well as various medicine field in famous mountains, are very good. ” “嗯,还有些传承,以及名山中的各种药田,都很不错。” At this time, they were discussing how to carve up the chance and good fortune on Earth, is dividing the famous mountains! 此时,他们已经在商谈,如何瓜分地球上的机缘与造化,在划分名山等! Meanwhile, they receive to report, the hunting and killing motion effect in starry sky is very at present good, in continuing, 69 heads were delivered, is the demon cow, tortoise and other clan of the people. 同时,他们接到禀报,目前星空中的猎杀行动效果很好,在持续中,共有69颗头颅被送回来,全都是魔牛、山龟等族的人。 Person, standing wrong position will be punished, in the past was motionless you not when the time comes, because some Holy Master as well as people are always a malignant tumor, but also in world, eventually must completely solve now.” “人啊,站错位置会受到惩罚的,当年不动你们是不到时候,因为圣师以及部分人始终是个毒瘤,还在世间,现在终究是要彻底解决了。” Turns head I to ask everybody to eat to roast the entire cow, un, Saint Level!” Brings the male opens the mouth of ugly face mask, obviously after him, will aim at demon ox clan Saint to begin. “回头我请大家吃烤全牛,嗯,圣级的!”带鬼脸面具的男子开口,显然他以后会针对魔牛族的圣人动手。 This service gave us Assassinating Vault of Heaven to be OK, we are willing to continue.” The dark Saint opens the mouth, the laughter is cold and gloomy. “这种业务交给我们刺天穹就可以了,我们愿意承接。”黑暗圣者开口,笑声森冷。 At this time, in the starry sky, the blood scatters, the gold medal seed level character in dark hunter is moving, is competing, hunts Evolver of specific several ethnic group. 此时,星空中,血液四溅,黑暗狩猎者中的金牌种子级人物在行动,在进行竞赛,狩猎特定的十几个族群的进化者 "Dang!" “当!” expert of tortoise clan, although the defensive power is extremely high, but, he was used the big sword to break out the carapace eventually, the whole person was cut as two pieces, the blood spout, dies a violent death. 山龟族的一位高手,虽然防御力极高,可是,他终究还是被人用大剑劈开龟甲,整个人被斩为两片,鲜血喷涌,死于非命。 Your this crowd of devils, with no reason at all, why must kill us, was our ancestor antiquity time near that Evolver of Earth followed, but also insufficient the calamity and descendants?” A young tortoise clan Evolver eye is red. “你们这群恶魔,无缘无故,为什么要杀我们,就算我们的祖上上古时期跟地球的进化者走的近,可是也不至于祸及子孙吧?”一位年轻的山龟族进化者眼睛通红。 ! 噗! What a pity, fights short, he was then beheaded a sword! 可惜,短暂交手,他便被人一剑枭首! Why, my clan has not mixed in middle, your this group of executioners!” Demon ox clan old man shouts out, holds the grandchild corpse to back up, the whole body is the blood, item of zi wants to crack, gets angry: I spelled with you!” “为什么,我族没有掺合在当中,你们这群刽子手!”魔牛族的一位老者大喝,抱着自己孙儿的尸体倒退,浑身是血,目眦欲裂,怒道:“我跟你们拼了!” The distant place, Evolver of other ethnic groups were calling out pitifully, this was then the picture that Big Black Ox saw, therefore he then warm-blooded upwelled at the scene, the eye was red. 远处,还有其他一些族群的进化者在惨叫,这是就大黑牛所看到的画面,所以他当场就热血上涌,眼睛都红了。 Launch!” He calls out. “发射!”他嚎叫起来。 At this time, he and Yellow Ox have been able to change from, restore for the person, the big long hair combed straight back turns into the uncombed hair, dances in the air in the hysterical/frenzy, in the eye torches. 此时,他与黄牛都已经能化形,恢复为人身,大背头变成乱发,在狂乱飞舞,眼中喷火。 Rumble! 隆隆! This time Monster Ancestor relic, this great cauldron is recovering, is activating, simultaneously that mechanical sound was warning that they withdraw three zhang (3.33 m). 此时的妖祖遗物,这口大鼎在复苏,在激活,同时那机械般的声音在警告他们退后三丈。 Buzz, in three zhang (3.33 m), forms light screens, in the middle of that great cauldron clear is translucent, above appears not knows many Order symbols. 嗡的一声,三丈内,形成一片光幕,在那当中,大鼎晶莹透亮起来,上面浮现出也不知道多少秩序符号。 Until finally, cauldron mouth there radiance, all symbols to there accumulation, are constructing the rune sea, is seething fiercely, turbulent. 直到最后,鼎口那里一片璀璨,所有的符号都在向那里聚集,构建成符文海,剧烈翻腾着,汹涌着。 Bang! 轰隆! Finally, a big sound sends out, the head of Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng and in Yellow Ox one blank, was vibrated by an inexplicable aura. 最后,一声大响发出,大黑牛欧阳风黄牛的脑袋中都一片空白,被一股莫名的气息所震动。 Fortunately, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor has the discretion, even if it is the terrifying level, can the second kill their this levels innumerable Evolver, but has not caused the damage. 还好,妖祖之鼎非常有分寸,哪怕它是恐怖级的,能秒杀他们这个层次的无数进化者,但是也没有造成伤害。 Because, the energy is centralized, a Order symbol leak, has not flown from cauldron mouth there, gathers a beam of light, the bang to outside territory. 因为,能量非常集中,秩序符号没有一丝外泄,都从鼎口那里飞出去了,聚集成一道光束,轰向域外 The flash, does not see the sunlight all year long Unextinguishable Mountain, covered is struck to disperse in the fog of vault of heaven, sunlight rare has sprinkled, but monster light dreadfully on! 一刹那,终年不见阳光的不灭山,笼罩在苍穹的灰雾被击散了,阳光都难得的洒落了下来,而妖光则滔天而上! Outside Unextinguishable Mountain, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Wu Qifeng, Old Lama and the others shock, all raised head towards sky, whole person petrify. 不灭山外,东北虎吴起峰老喇嘛等人都震撼,全都仰头望天,整个人都石化了。 This light beam is too terrifying, rune is crowded, condenses in together, is spatial just like true understanding Soaring Dragon, is the silver waterfall flows backwards likely together, bang to starry sky. 这光束太恐怖,符文密集,凝聚在一起,宛若一道真龙腾空,又像是一道银色的瀑布倒流,轰向星空中。 hee-haw hee-haw, Old Donkey I am flustered, must call out, cannot bear simply, what situation is this?!” 儿啊儿啊,老驴我心慌,要嚎叫,简直受不了,这是什么情况?!” At this time, do not say them, is outside territory, at this moment instant is also silent, all people are scared, the heart trembles, divine soul is palpitating. 此时,不要说他们,就是域外,这一刻也刹那寂静,所有人都胆寒,心颤,神魂都在悸动。 However, has not affected their safety actually, but an instinct intuition realized, the terrifying matter is occurring. 不过,倒是没有波及到他们的安危等,只是一种本能直觉意识到,恐怖的事情正在发生。 In the war fortress of black sword dynasty, several Saint were drinking tea, in consulting, but must carve up various famous mountains as well as good fortune vestiges on Earth. 黑剑皇朝的战争堡垒中,几位圣人正在喝茶,在相商,还要瓜分地球上的名山以及各种造化遗迹等。 Suddenly, when they feel has been faced with imminent disaster the frightened aura, the each and every one fine body hair is but actually vertical, creepy feeling, back ice-cold, they all jump, to escaping. 突然间,他们感受到了大难临头时的惊悚气息,一个个寒毛倒竖,头皮发麻,后背冰冷,他们全都腾身而起,向外逃。 What a pity, already late, when their hearts have a feeling, in outside territory creature, the light that spurted by Cauldron of Monster Ancestor in arrived at the near frightened, crashed in the dark war fortress. 可惜,已经晚了,在他们心有所感时,在域外生灵惊悚之极,由妖祖之鼎中喷出来的光已经到了近前,冲进黑暗战争堡垒。 That cauldron is too mystical, the Order symbol terrifying that rumbles is boundless, flies the near until the light beam, almost when initiates kills the Saint catastrophe by the person sensation! 那座鼎太神秘,轰出的秩序符号恐怖无边,直到光束飞到近前,几乎引发杀圣大祸时才被人感知到! Bang! 轰! Long and wide achieved hundred li (0.5 km) super holy artifact and war fortress of black sword dynasty, this directly has blasted out, the ray that this scene trembling starry sky, erupted was too dazzling, the whole world was all startled. 长与宽都达到百里超级圣器、黑剑皇朝的战争堡垒,就这样直接炸开了,这一景象震颤星空,爆发出的光芒太刺眼,举世皆惊。 The flame that the Order symbol turns into suddenly submerges here, large explosion continuously. 秩序符号化成的火光瞬息间淹没这里,大爆炸此起彼伏。 The space is annihilating, the innumerable fragment hit to fly! 空间都在湮灭,无数的碎块撞飞出来! "Ah...... ” sad and shrill pitiful yell sound transmits. “啊……”凄厉的惨叫声传来。 This scene, shocking universe Star Sea. 这一景象,震惊宇宙星海 At this time, Beast Source Platform and Dark Blood platform Heavenly Eye of many organizations are monitoring Earth nearby trend, this scene real and clear capture. 此时,原兽平台黑血平台等都诸多组织的天眼都正在监视地球附近的动态,将这一景象真实而清晰的捕捉下来。 What hidden in void, at this time is useless, this war palace wall was hit to explode, appears in front of the picture! 什么隐藏在虚空中,此时没用,这座战争皇城被打爆出来,出现在画面前! The flash, countless person heart big change, from head to foot thinks to tingle with numbness, this scene was too terrifying. 一刹那,无数人都心头剧震,从头到脚都觉得发麻,这一景象太恐怖了。 Wants knows, that is super holy artifact, by far common Saint weapon, the defensive power is astonishing, in the ordinary circumstances, cannot break. 知道,那可是一件超级圣器,远胜寻常的圣人兵器,防御力惊人,一般情况下来说,根本打不破。 Only if Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse take action, or extremely Saint starts fatally strikes. 除非是映照诸天级强者出手,或者绝顶圣人发动致命一击。 Otherwise, does it possibly ruin? 不然的话,它怎么可能毁掉? Especially, it is hiding in void, at the most advantageous position. 尤其是,它正隐藏在虚空中,处在最有利的位置。 But now, is in front of all person, this has over a hundred li (0.5 km) super holy artifact to be hit to explode considerable, is similar to giant fireworks is blooming extraterrestrially, is brilliant and terrifying. 可是现在,当着所有人都面,这个长足有上百里的超级圣器被打爆,如同一朵巨大的烟花在地球外绽放,绚烂而恐怖。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Sad and shrill pitiful yell sound transmits, but that is not in the war fortress transmits, but is the killer who neighbor hidden. 凄厉的惨叫声传来,但那不是战争堡垒中传来的,而是附近隐藏的杀手。 Over ten thousand dark hunter hear order to come Earth fully, person who including 90% in that palace wall, at this time they snort/hum an opportunity does not have, has blasted out, turns into blood mist, then evaporation. 足有上万黑暗狩猎者听到命令前来地球,其中有九成的人在那皇城中,此时他们连哼一声的机会都没有,就已经炸开,化成血雾,而后又被蒸干。 That scene is horrible to look , more than 9000 grasp the killer of big sword to await calmly the order, prepares to attack Earth, finally now almost completely died a tragic death. 那景象惨不忍睹,9000多名手持大剑的杀手原本静待命令,准备进攻地球呢,结果现在几乎全部惨死。 10% troops drift away in, moves in the starry sky, at this time some precisely this people were calling out pitifully, the holy artifact large explosion of that terrifying affected them. 还有一成人马游离在附近,在星空中活动,此时正是这部分人在惨叫,那恐怖的圣器大爆炸波及到了他们。 10% troops are also about thousand people, with below stuffed dumpling, crash of crackle and rattle, then disintegrates, turns into one after another blood mist. 一成人马也就是千人左右,跟下饺子似的,噼里啪啦的坠落,而后又解体,化成一团又一团血雾 This scene is too frigid, is frightened. 这个场面实在太惨烈,过于惊悚。 Wants knows, but in these people many expert, the character in many Golden Body level, even there is a to get close to Sub Saint powerhouse, finally when the super holy artifact large explosion, is a fate. 知道,这些人中可是有不少高手,不乏金身层次中的人物,甚至有接近亚圣的强者,结果在超级圣器大爆炸时,全都是一个下场。 When these pictures were caught by Beast Source Platform and Dark Blood platform at the appointed time, the trim starry sky was shocked, all people in this moment aphonia. 当这些画面被原兽平台黑血平台等捕捉到时,整片星空都被震撼了,所有人都在这一刻失音。 Is this what kind of picture? 这是怎样的画面? The black sword dynasty, was almost ruined! 黑剑皇朝,几乎被毁掉了! Over ten thousand killers, they every time go to battle will destroy completely formidable evolution Sect, frequently slaughters entire planet, is bloody and terrifying synonym. 上万杀手啊,他们每一次出征都会灭掉一个强大的进化门派,动辄就屠戮一整颗星球,是血腥与恐怖的代名词。 But, today they actually become the dust of history, under struck to ruin. 可是,今日他们却成为历史的尘埃,在一击之下葬送掉了。 Was destroyed completely including their super holy artifact palace wall, all elite, over 10,000 people were struck the slaughter, what can they also the remaining?! 连他们超级圣器皇城都被灭掉了,所有精锐,超过10000人都被一击屠杀,他们还能剩下什么?! "Ah...... ” “啊……” Finally, in the disintegration war fortress hears the pitiful yell sound, some people have not died, is attacking vigorously, that ray of light that but flies from Earth was too terrifying, completely is comprised of the Order symbol, but also falls in torrents here, has not stopped. 终于,崩碎的战争堡垒中传来惨叫声,有人未死,在极力冲击,可是从地球飞来的那道光太恐怖了,完全是由秩序符号组成的,还在这里倾泻,还未止住呢。 Who is? Rolls to me!” “是谁?给我滚出来啊!” Dark Saint is whooshing, in noisy wail, his lower half body vanished, the upper body is bloody, horrible to look, in addition his right arm also disappears, the bone stubble of break is white. 黑暗圣者在嘶吼,在长嚎,他的下半截身子消失了,上身血淋淋,惨不忍睹,此外他的右臂也不见了,断裂的骨头茬白森森。 As for his body, full is the wound, a black robe already did not see, this was an old man of having hair dishevelled, the ash sends to cover the face, his eye hatred was incomparable, he howled angrily, was flushing outward. 至于他的身上,满是伤口,一身黑袍早已不见,这是一个披头散发的老者,灰发遮盖了面孔,他的眼睛怨毒无比,他愤怒吼叫,在向外冲。 At this time, his left arm has also blasted out, becomes blood mist, was twisted broken by the Order symbol. Because, he is using that arm to lead the way, wants to strike to disperse the surrounding Order symbol, the result instead is ruined. 此时,他的左臂膀也炸开了,成为血雾,被秩序符号绞碎。因为,他在用那条手臂开路,想要击散周围的秩序符号,结果反被毁掉。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” That wears the old man of bronze mask to call out, the pain is incomparable, because on his residual small half body full is the blood hole, after that ray of light hits, he almost died at the scene. 那个戴着青铜面具的老者在嚎叫,痛苦无比,因为他残留的小半截躯体上满是血窟窿,被那道光击中后,他几乎当场死亡。 At this moment, in the starry sky many person suck in a cold breath, the shock is incomparable, after recognizing loses the bronze mask, his identity, is really Deity Race's Saint! 这一刻,星空中很多人倒吸冷气,震惊无比,认出失去青铜面具后他的身份,果然是天神族的一位的圣人 ! 噗! Finally, he has disintegrated, turns into a bloodstain, blasts out thoroughly in this place, destroy both body and soul. 最终,他解体了,化成一片血迹,彻底炸开在此地,形神俱灭 Slaughter Saint! 屠圣! This matter occurred in all people at present! 这种事情发生在所有人的眼前! "Ah...... ” leads the middle-aged man of ugly face mask to call out, the mask blasts out, he reveals the appearance/portrait, afterward the whole body is the black fog, seething, is protecting oneself, wants to live fleeing. “啊……”一个带着鬼脸面具的中年男子在嚎叫,面具炸开,他露出真容,随后浑身都是黑雾,翻腾着,保护自身,想要活着逃离。 But the next quarter, he also explodes broken, because after previously was hit by that ray of light, he has come to the verge of death, supports is wanting to run away, wants to go on living, but he failed finally. 可是下一刻,他也爆碎,因为早先被那道光击中后,他已濒临死亡,强撑着想要逃走,想要活下去,但是最终他失败了。 He is Netherworld Race's Saint!” Some people said shocking. “他是幽冥族的圣人!”有人震惊地说道。 In the war fortress, that several Saint were calling out pitifully, in the tragic death, the Saint perished is occurring! 战争堡垒中,那几位圣人在惨叫,在惨死,圣殒正在发生!
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