SR :: Volume #8

#723: The whole world treats startled changes

Although already late in the morning, but Sun on vault of heaven cannot shine, the monster cauldron in stone forest is plain, fills Primal Chaos Qi. 虽然已经日上三竿,但是天穹上的太阳也照射不下来,石林中的妖鼎非常古朴,弥漫出混沌气 Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng and Yellow Ox are all smiling, although this time a narrow escape, but harvested was too big, they prepared to attack outside territory! 大黑牛欧阳风黄牛全都在笑,这次虽然九死一生,但是收获太大了,他们准备进攻域外 That group of dark killers in outside territory, after definite Coordinate, the bang kills them!” Big Black Ox said. “那群黑暗杀手都在域外,确定坐标后,轰杀他们!”大黑牛道。 Then, each of them is holding the cauldron wall, is further familiar, controls Unextinguishable Mountain's all comprehensively, thus must make war to outside territory, comes ruthlessly! 然后,他们每人都扶着鼎壁,进一步熟悉,全面掌控不灭山的一切,从而要对域外开战,来一下狠的! In a flash, a mechanized sound appears in their hearts. 一瞬间,一种机械化的声音出现在他们的心田中。 „The outstanding Monster Race later generation, congratulates you to overcome an obstacle first successfully, obtains the approval of Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, hope your later smooth Sanctification, makes persistent efforts, thus Shining Upon All Heavens.” “杰出的妖族后人,先恭喜你们闯关成功,获得妖祖之鼎的认可,愿你们以后顺利成圣,再接再厉,从而映照诸天。” who? Three people are surprised, then they discovered, is fluctuation that in this cauldron spreads. 什么人?三人都大吃一惊,然后他们发现,是这口鼎中传出的波动。 This...... Inherits Energy Tower likely, but exists in the form of cauldron. 这……像是传承能量塔,不过以鼎的形式存在。 Beyond abatement these words, in their hearts also presents Monster Race's highest breathing method, some that as well as corresponds belong to Monster Race's wonderful technique specially! 除却这些话语外,他们的心中还出现妖族的最高呼吸法,以及相对应的一些专属于妖族的妙术 Gives up study, is containing Divine Skill!” “绝学篇,蕴含着神技!” The flash, three people cry out strangely, look scorching, each other looks at each other, other anything has forgotten, was flooded in the heart by this huge joyful feeling. 一刹那,三人都怪叫起来,眼神火辣辣,彼此相视,其他什么都忘了,被这种巨大的喜悦感充斥心中。 Moo, Old Ox steps a supreme road since then, tries the sword world, how many brothers abatement my, who with fighting? Dares to provoke, cannot kill you!” “哞,从此老牛踏上一条无上路,试剑天下,除却我的几个兄弟,谁与争锋?敢挑衅者,打不死你们!” Ouyang Feng excitedly is also crying out strangely: gua, hēi hēi, Uncle Divine King Ouyang more walks on the invincible road is farther, after this, life mostly lonely such as snow.” 欧阳风也在兴奋怪叫:“呱,嘿嘿,欧阳神王大爷在无敌的路上越走越远,从此之后,人生多半寂寞如雪啊。” Yellow Ox is calm, the astonishing ray that but in eye blooms has also revealed the joyful and strong mood of its innermost feelings fluctuates. 黄牛还算沉稳,但是眼中绽放的惊人光芒也揭示了它内心的欣喜与强烈的情绪波动。 Then, various information emerge in their hearts, Monster Race supreme Divine Land took over control of by them comprehensively. 接下来,各种信息涌入他们的心中,妖族无上神土被他们全面接管。 This great cauldron, is really similar to the energy inheritance tower, but is fiercer, it has the physical main body, can launch the attack of terrifying, this is surmounts the holy artifact level the thing. 这座大鼎,果然类似于能量传承塔,但是更厉害,它有实物本体,可以进行恐怖的攻击,这是超越圣器层次的东西。 Hiss!” Big Black Ox suck in a cold breath. “嘶!”大黑牛倒吸冷气 Because, this is the weapon that Monster Ancestor remained in the past, this most at least is Supreme Treasure of Shining Upon All Heavens level, this is Paramount Weapon! 因为,这是妖祖当年遗存下来的武器,这最起码是映照诸天级的至宝,这是究极兵器 Meanwhile, is slightly different, because it is also responsible for inheriting, has the attribute of nearly black science and technology. 同时,也略有不同,因为它还负责传承,有着近乎黑科技的属性等。 For example, it can examine the Monster Race blood, controls trim Unextinguishable Mountain, as well as transfers the materials and energies of various checkpoints. 比如,它能检测妖族血液,控制整片不灭山,以及调动各种关卡的资料与能量等。 Monster eye monitor!” Yellow Ox told. “妖眼监测!”黄牛吩咐道。 Then, this great cauldron leaps a symbol, likely is together the instruction, to is very high, submerges some Unextinguishable Mountain's position. 接着,这座大鼎腾起一片符号,像是一道指令,冲起很高,没入不灭山的某一个位置。 That stretch of region, a strange pupil shines, opens quickly, then looks to outside territory. 那片地带,一颗诡异的眸子亮起,倏地睁开,而后望向域外 The flash, in the outer space the troops of various clans do not have to hide, all was caught by the monster eye institute, in the great cauldron cauldron mouth obviously, there piece of Primal Chaos Qi wound around, now the cauldron mouth model of domestic virtue like the screen, obviously melts the outside territory scene. 一刹那,外太空中各族的人马无所遁形,全都被妖眼所捕捉到,在大鼎的鼎口内显化,原本那里一片混沌气缭绕,现在鼎口内则如屏幕般,显化域外景象。 These many troops, un, labels, lifeforms of Golden Body level many, Saint!” Ouyang Feng is startled, simultaneously changes countenance regarding the ability of monster eye. “这么多人马,嗯,还有标注,金身层次的生物好多啊,还有圣人!”欧阳风吃惊,同时对于妖眼的能力更是动容。 Had found, a length and width fully have hundred li (0.5 km) dark palace wall, there has Sword Qi to appear intermittently, some red, this is indicates that is the big fish?!” “找到了,一座长与宽都足有百里的黑暗皇城,那里有剑气隐现,有一颗又一颗红点,这是预示着都是大鱼吗?!” Big Black Ox cries out strangely, locks on the goal. 大黑牛怪叫,锁定目标。 Withers this group of grandsons!” Ouyang Feng spits the saliva, while casts a sidelong glance slantingly, he has suppressed a lot of air/Qi, because to resist that group of killers, they closed on the Unextinguishable Mountain deep place, a narrow escape, is almost killed violently in this. “干死这群孙子!”欧阳风一边吐口水,一边斜睨,他可是憋了一肚子气,因为为了对抗那群杀手,他们被逼进不灭山深处,九死一生,差点全毙命于此。 Warning, outstanding Monster Race later generation, because your strength is too low, but also is unable to stimulate to movement the Monster Ancestor relic, did not suggest to use, otherwise oneself will be dangerous.” “警告,杰出的妖族后人,因为你们实力太低,还无法催动妖祖遗物,不建议使用,否则自身都将会危险。” The monster cauldron makes the sound, likely is one black technical product, carries on the severe warning, said that they are too weak, once stimulates to movement, three people must by the suck dry. 妖鼎发出声音,像是一种黑科技产物,进行严厉警告,说他们太弱,一旦催动起来,三个人都要被吸干。 At this moment, three people were discouraged, grasps Unextinguishable Mountain, can actually 't attack? 这一刻,三人都泄气了,掌握不灭山,却不能进攻? In view of the fact that you have the strong request, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor can launch an energy, but, is only light of inherent annihilation, by the Order symbol construction, cannot manifest the Monster Ancestor relic the true prestige energy.” “鉴于你们有强烈要求,妖祖之鼎可以发射一记能量,不过,只是一记固有的湮灭之光,由秩序符号构建而成,不能体现妖祖遗物的真正威能。” The mechanical sound prompts once more. 机械般的声音再次进行提示。 Ok, does not have the issue!” Three people are surprised, then, the Moroccan fist scratches, uses the monster eye to aim at outside territory, prepares take action at any time. “可以,没问题!”三人深感意外,然后,摩拳擦中,动用妖眼瞄准域外,随时准备出手 However, three people are very not really willingly, Big Black Ox also asked: „Didn't don't tell me have other method? Outside army threatens the border, we are actually incapable take action, was too aggrieved, as Monster Ancestor successor, how can so vexed!” 不过,三人真的很不甘心,大黑牛又问道:“难道就没有别的手段了吗?外面大军压境,我们却无力出手,太憋屈了,身为妖祖传人,怎么能如此窝囊!” The great cauldron illumination, that mechanical sound somewhat is proud, said: „The Monster Ancestor life is not weak in people, is the 100.011 million years ago universe no.1 expert Dragon Race powerhouses also not necessarily is the Monster Ancestor match, can his later generation vexed? The Monster Ancestor relic is too strong, world few people can stimulate to movement, but, you may wield Unextinguishable Mountain several times.” 大鼎发光,那机械般的声音有些自负,道:“妖祖一生不弱于人,就是100011000年前的宇宙第一高手龙族强者也不见得是妖祖的对手,他的后人怎能窝囊?只是妖祖遗物太强,世间没有几人可以催动,但是,你们可挥动不灭山数次。” Unextinguishable Mountain?!” 不灭山?!” Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng three people are startled, look to four directions, so-called Unextinguishable Mountain is the giant mountain massif that seven reach to the sky greatly. 大黑牛黄牛欧阳风三人都吃惊,望向四野,所谓的不灭山是七座宏大而高耸入云的巨大山体。 Their aura is boundless, at the present, they are in seven mountains. 它们气息磅礴,而今,他们三人就是在七座大山间。 Unextinguishable Mountain, although is smelting trial Holy Land, but compares it holy artifact to be extremely strong, can strike Saint horizontally!” The Monster Race inheritance cauldron makes tranquil sound. 不灭山,虽然为试炼圣地,但比之绝顶圣器还要强,可以横击圣人!”妖族传承鼎发出平静的声音。 At this moment, three people of suck in a cold breath, then the eye at that time had shone, incomparable rousing! 这一刻,三人都倒吸冷气,而后眼睛当时就亮了,无比的振奋! The monster cauldron prompt, said: But, you are too as before weak, oneself is incapable of stimulating to movement, in a short time can only the energy activation that stockpiles by here several times, kill the enemy.” 妖鼎提示,道:“不过,你们依旧太弱,自身无力催动,短时间内只能凭借这里储备的能量激活数次,进行杀敌。” Ouyang Feng is slanting the eye, laughs, said: Good, was good, this is safer, kills that crowd of dark lifeforms, I make you probably not exposed to the light, let your aggrieved dying directly, killed completely.” 欧阳风斜着眼睛,哈哈大笑,道:“好,太棒了,这就稳妥多了,弄死那群黑暗生物,我让你们见不得光,直接让你们憋屈的死去,全部干掉。” Then, he also yelled, said: Aiyu, the eye hurts!” 接着,他又大叫了起来,道:“哎呦,眼疼!” „The selected Monster Race outstanding later generation your body has the sickness, the eye is serious, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor helps you rectify!” “被选中的妖族杰出后人你的身体有恙,眼睛严重歪斜,妖祖之鼎帮你矫正!” toad: I @#¥%......” 蛤蟆:“我@#¥%……” At this time, outside territory, in outer space. 此时,域外,太空中。 Various clans expert of Golden Body level hide distant, does not dare to approach Earth, because, even if could not see the dark dynasty the war fortress, but people also knows, that big Killing Weapon came, in nearby! 各族的金身层次的高手都躲的远远的,不敢过于靠近地球,因为,哪怕看不到黑暗皇朝的战争堡垒,但是人们也知道,那宗大杀器已经来了,就在附近! Many people deeply feel frightened, the person of killer dynasty came, when sword light one after another, previously they once had seen ten thousand troops walk from the wormhole, has a premonition, Earth possibly really must end. 许多人都深感惊悚,杀手皇朝的人来了,剑光一道又一道,早先时他们曾看到过万的人马从虫洞中走出来,都预感到,地球可能真的要完了。 Exactly said, was these Indigenous on Earth must end, will be destroyed completely with several formidable races by the black sword dynasty, the best result reduces to the slave, here becomes the back gardens of several big strong clans, waited for that the famous mountains recovered, but the type medicine, reared in a pen ominous birds and beasts.” “确切的说,是地球上的那些土著要完了,会被黑剑皇朝与几个强大种族灭掉,最好的结局就是贬为奴隶,这里将成为几大强族的后花园,等待名山复苏而种药,圈养凶禽猛兽。” Some people speculated like this, because, dark Saint has taken a stand explicitly, after here, becomes the medicine garden as well as the raising livestock circle. 有些人这样推测,因为,黑暗圣者明确表态过,这里以后将成为药园子以及畜牧圈。 Assassinating Vault of Heaven was too overbearing, but wants to come definitely also to have Deity Race, Xilin Clan and other take action, was they have hired this killer organization, this was must become extinct thoroughly was once bright magnificent rank 11 th ancient land!” 刺天穹太霸道了,不过想来肯定也有天神族西林族出手,是他们雇佣了这个杀手组织,这是要彻底绝灭曾经灿烂辉煌的排位第11的古地!” The people also can only heave a deep sigh, after this place, mostly becomes the private plots of several big strong clans. 人们也只能摇头叹息,这地方以后多半成为几大强族的自留地。 Was a pity, our these interstellar explorers did not have the opportunity to enter this planet mostly.” “可惜,我们这些星际探险者多半没有机会进入这颗星球了。” The people discuss spiritedly. 人们议论纷纷。 Earth, the Mt. Lushan deep place, the Purple Qi transpiration, silver-colored waterfall hangs down 3000 chi (0.33 m), 地球,庐山深处,紫气蒸腾,银瀑垂挂3000尺, Brother Ying, how do you see?” Crown Prince Primitive Demon Race Yuan Shicheng was asking Ying Wudi. 映兄,你怎么看?”始魔族太子元世成在问映无敌 Yuan Yuan also here, their this clan relates with Sub Immortal Clan's complex, but with on Earth, both sides altogether swims now, is pulling closer the relations. 元媛也在这里,他们这一族跟亚仙族的关系复杂,但是如今同在地球上,双方共游,彼此间在拉近关系。 Ying Wudi said: This planet will soon have disaster, if no accident/surprise, under Deity Race and Xilin Clan this wants the cruel methods, did not hesitate to win over Assassinating Vault of Heaven.” 映无敌道:“这颗星球即将有大难,如果没有意外的话,天神族西林族这是要下狠手了,不惜拉拢刺天穹。” The Yuan world becomes enlightened: Sub Immortal Clan does not intervene, like this makes them go well, was too rather relaxed, this planet now priceless.” 元世成道:“亚仙族不干预吗,这样让他们得手,未免太轻松了,这颗星球如今是无价的。” Any clan, is impossible to monopolize, first ten mostly are looking, Deity Race is strong, cannot keep everything for oneself.” At this time, Destiny Immortal Physique opens the mouth, he also here, with several people with roaming. “任何一族,都不可能独占,前十大都在看着,天神族再强势,也不能吃独食。”这时,天命仙体开口,他也在这里,跟几人同游。 Yuan Shicheng smiled, their Primitive Demon Race ranked tall many compared with first ten big last Deity Race, nature knows, that several clans collaborated not to dare to have sole possession. 元世成笑了笑,他们始魔族比前十大最后一名的天神族排名高多了,自然知道,那几族联手也不敢独吞。 However, if was really taken this place by these people, in the interest distribution, Deity Race, Xilin Clan wait/etc. must certainly occupy the big end. 不过,真要是被那些人拿下此地,利益分配上,天神族西林族等肯定要占大头。 This time, Chu Feng must be struck to kill mostly, this person real Heaven-Blessed, a little had been a pity.” The Yuan world becomes enlightened. “这一次,楚风多半要被击杀了,这个人原本真的天纵了得,有点可惜。”元世成道。 Ying Wudi nodded saying: Several clans collaborate, considered including the Holy Master factor, calmly had ancient ancestor he to appear, on this Earth Chu Feng these people were doomed mostly, what a pity.” 映无敌点了点头道:“几族联手,连圣师的因素都考虑进来了,有古祖静等他出现,这一次地球上楚风这些人多半在劫难逃,可惜啊。” Yuan Yuan opens the mouth, said: Is very regrettable, I also want to draw him to enter my clan, words that but rescues now, Deity Race and Assassinating Vault of Heaven will be mostly angry, I do not want to touch the mildew head.” 元媛开口,道:“是很遗憾,我还想拉他进我族呢,不过现在去营救的话,天神族刺天穹多半会愤怒,我不想触霉头。” At this time, has not had for a long time Number Three Under the Starry Sky beautiful woman Ying Zhexian whole body winding around white fog that opened the mouth, said: Has not dropped the curtain, all did not say, Old Ancestor of my clan once mentioned, the water on Earth was very deep, in the past he once had run into a person, Yang Qi rich shocking, making him probably yield and withdraw, was why not knows, that person was missing unexpectedly.” 这时,久未开口的星空下第三丽人映谪仙周身缭绕白雾,道:“还未落下帷幕,一切都不好说,我族的老祖宗曾提及,地球上的水很深,当年他曾遇到过一个人,阳气浓郁的骇人听闻,让他都要退避三舍,可是不知道为什么,那人居然失踪了。” Fairy Ying wants to be many, what appearance this planet declined, if had such expert, but also as for falling to this paddies? 映仙子想多了,这颗星球都没落成什么样子了,如果真有那样的高手,还至于落到这步田地吗? At this time, Young Master Undying Silkworm and Peacock Race Ji Cheng and Ji Xuan brother and sister also came, obvious one group of talents gathered here, static and other Earth were startled change the occurrences! 这时,不死蚕公子与孔雀族纪呈纪萱兄妹也来了,显然的一群才俊都聚集在此,静等地球惊变发生! In fact, widely-noted, was waiting for that startled changes the time arrives! 事实上,举世瞩目,都在等待惊变时刻到来! outside territory, in the war fortress of black sword dynasty, that whole body covered, in feared black Saint was smiling, was very cold, was very gloomy, said: Similar, that several big fish should also come.” 域外,黑剑皇朝的战争堡垒中,那位全身都笼罩在黑怕中的圣者在笑,很冷,也很阴森,道:“差不多了吧,那几头大鱼也该来了。” "Um, was inferior that we add fire, stimulates, making them come out. ” Is bringing the old man opens the mouth of bronze mask, he is Saint! “嗯,不如我们加把火,刺激一下,让他们出来。”一位带着青铜面具的老者开口,他是一尊圣人 You exit, begins to an demon cow clan and a tortoise clan, in addition also several clans, the antiquity time also on Evolver with Earth related well, you can hunt and kill according to this list, each other competition, looked at many that who killed.” “你们都出去,对魔牛一族、山龟一族动手,此外还有十几族,上古时期也跟地球上的进化者关系不错,你们可以按照这个名单去猎杀,彼此竞赛,看谁杀的多。” Dark Saint throws aside an animal skin, above has the list, making them begin. 黑暗圣者掷下一张兽皮,上面有名单,让他们动手。 That Sub Saint hearing this, the pupil glittering, said: Saint, begins some waste like this, they not in our assassination lists.” 那位亚圣闻言,眸光闪烁,道:“圣者,这样动手有些浪费,他们不在我们的刺杀名单上。” Dark Saint is indifferent, said: You understand anything, among antiquity years we also once on Evolver to this planet began, now this place has the recovery to reappear the magnificent sign unexpectedly, not only this time for business, for us, must begin!” 黑暗圣者冷漠无情,道:“你懂什么,上古年间我们也曾对这颗星球上的进化者动手,如今此地竟有复苏再现辉煌的迹象,这次不光是为了生意,为我们自己,也得动手!” Unextinguishable Mountain, Big Black Ox their all are ready, is preparing the bang to kill! 不灭山,大黑牛他们一切准备就绪,正在准备轰杀! At this time, they monitor through Heavenly Eye, has dark hunter to begin, nearby some ethnic groups to Earth kills, in an instant, then the blood splash, dozens heads tumbles. 此时,他们通过天眼监测到,有黑暗狩猎者在动手,对地球附近的一些族群袭杀,转眼间而已,就血液飞溅,数十颗人头滚落。 fucking, what did I see? Has the demon ox clan brothers to be reduced the head by the killer, irritated your Grandpa Ox, gave me to rumble to kill!” Big Black Ox exclaimed. 特么的,我看到了什么?有魔牛族的兄弟被杀手砍掉头颅,气死你牛爷爷了,给我轰杀!”大黑牛吼道。 Receives the instruction, is ready, energy starts, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor resurrecting!” That mechanical sound resounds, is having a demonic nature, making the person heart palpitate! “接到指令,准备就绪,能量启动,妖祖之鼎复活!”那机械般的声音响起,带着一种魔性,让人心头都在悸动!
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