SR :: Volume #8

#722: The transformation of god

Old black, you rest, when the time comes the good fairy maiden I help you look, go, walks!” The Ouyang Feng mouth owes very much, but mood is excellent. “老黑,你安息吧,到时候牛仙子我帮你照料,去吧,一路走好!”欧阳风嘴巴很欠,但心情大好。 His knows, Big Black Ox had not died thoroughly, perhaps that leaves Spiritual Will of body to come back to life, but can also live. 知道,大黑牛没彻底死去,或许那离开躯体的精神意志能够还魂,还能活过来。 At this time, Yellow Ox that withered body also emits the weak ray, its spirit inspires greatly, Big Black Ox can also curse at people, but can also such rough shouting, this explain that the situation will not be awful. 此时,黄牛那干枯的躯体也放出微弱的光芒,它精神大振,大黑牛还能骂人,还能这么粗犷的叫嚷,这说明情况不会十分糟糕。 However, at this time it and Ouyang Feng situation were poor, soon the step Big Black Ox footsteps, their whole body was skinny. 不过,这时它与欧阳风的情况却是不怎么好,即将步大黑牛的后尘,他们浑身皮包骨头。 Golden golden fur quickly fell off cleanly, horrible to look, was similar to the gem big eye also already was gloomy soulless, oneself could not halt. 黄金的一身金色的皮毛都快脱落干净了,惨不忍睹,原本如同宝石般的大眼也早已暗淡无神,自己都站不住了。 Ouyang Feng also is actually very miserable, golden streak radiance on face completely goes, just like one after another birthmark, moreover is wrinkled, after he spurts Big Black Ox, did not have the spirit. 欧阳风其实也很惨,脸上的金色斑纹光华尽去,宛若一条又一条胎记,而且皱巴巴,他喷完大黑牛后就没了精神。 don't tell me Uncle Ouyang must die here, Heavenly Dao is unfair, I also not grown, I have the ideal of life not to realize, I have not become Divine King, what is most important, I am same as that old place cow, but also does not have dao companion, your Grandpa Divine King Ouyang is not willing!” Ouyang Feng yelled. 难道欧阳大爷要死在这里,天道不公,我还没成年啊,我还有人生理想没有实现,我还没有成为神王,最重要的是,我跟那头老处牛一样,还没有道侣,你欧阳神王爷爷不甘心啊!”欧阳风大叫。 What a pity, the body of Big Black Ox pours there, if can move, he wants certainly liao kicking to stand, face black like bottom of the pot, even if so, he cannot bear shout 'motherfucker' in the cauldron. 可惜,大黑牛的身体倒在那里,如果能动弹的话,他肯定要尥蹶子站起来,老脸会黑如锅底,即便如此,他也在鼎中也忍不住骂娘。 „The Ouyang Toad bastard, some you said again gives a try, Old Ox I cannot kick to death you!” 欧阳蛤蟆崽子,有种你再说一句试试看,老牛我踹不死你!” Ouyang Feng called out: Locates ox elder brother, when I, Uncle Ouyang could not support, travels together with your Yellow Springs road on, butchered the yama together, we strive for hegemony to World of the Dead, sweep away the yama palace, henceforth is the Lord of World of the Dead!” 欧阳风叫道:“处牛哥,等我,欧阳大爷也支撑不住了,跟你黄泉路上同行,一同去宰了冥王,咱们到阴间去争霸,横扫冥王殿,从此做阴间之主!” Yellow Ox said: Shut up, now we in World of the Dead, not in World of the Living, you, if died has all rested then all things, endured!” 黄牛道:“闭嘴,现在我们就在阴间,没在阳间,你要是死了就万事皆休,挺住!” However, its words fall finish, Ouyang Feng stretched the legs, rolls the eyes, then the person turns backward, straight but actually, was motionless, both eyes do not have thoroughly gloomily up. 然而,它话语才落毕,欧阳风就蹬腿了,翻白眼,然后人向后一翻,直挺挺的倒了下去,一动不动了,双目彻底暗淡无光。 Locates toad, you die quite miserable......” Big Black Ox Spiritual Will cries loudly without tears in the cauldron. “处蛤蟆,你死的好惨啊……”大黑牛精神意志在鼎中干嚎。 Yellow Ox struggles, carries on final blood sacrifice, but, it cannot support in the end, silent reversing, body gradually ice-cold. 黄牛挣扎,进行最后的血祭,但是,到头来它也支撑不住,无声无息的翻倒,身体渐渐冰冷下去。 This place is silent, only then a Big Black Ox will occasionally weak shouts several, filled was unwilling and helpless. 此地寂静,只有一个大黑牛的意志偶尔虚弱的嚷嚷几句,充满了不甘与无奈。 Extraterrestrial, in outer space. 地球外,太空中。 In the war fortress of black sword dynasty, that body hid Saint in black robe in the gloomy and cold opens the mouth, said: Indigenous on Earth, you disappoint me, these many years gradually recovered in the past, now Evolver of resembles appearance has not appeared, but also is the low level barbarian stages, compared with the wild nature beast many, might as well wild planet, most minimum there will also be born 1-2 formidable barbarian gods. Having Indigenous dares to come up? Steps onto several moves with my disciples and followers.” 黑剑皇朝的战争堡垒内,那身体藏在黑袍中的圣者在阴冷的开口,道:“地球上的土著,你们真让我失望啊,这么多年过去才渐渐复苏,如今连个像样子的进化者都没有出现,还都是低级蛮夷阶段,比也野性十足的走兽强不了多少,还不如一颗蛮荒星球,最起码那里会诞生一两个强大的蛮神。有没有土著敢上来?和我的徒子徒孙走上几招。” @#¥!” “@#¥!” The response gives him is Unextinguishable Mountain one crowd of big monsters Three Character Classic, shouted abuse on Beast Source Platform directly. 回应给他的是不灭山一群大妖的三字经,直接在原兽平台上破口大骂。 Old man, your his mother cocky anything, the Earth branch made a Chu Feng person extinguishing, but also had a face to raise your descendants, the old goods you had to plant, hee-haw hee-haw, donkey master I, as soon as kicked to kick you!” “老梆子,你他妈得瑟什么,地球分部都让楚风一个人给灭了,还有脸提你的子孙,老货你有种下来,儿啊儿啊,驴爷我一蹶子踢死你!” Old goods, have to plant you to get down, your tiger master I ensure you eat you, making you one group of muck, sprinkles honorably in famed scenery, nourishes the different tree.” “老货,有种你下来,你虎爷我保证你吃掉你,让你成为一团粪土,光荣洒落在名山大川间,滋养异树。” Unextinguishable Mountain's one crowd of big monsters, that may really puncture the thorn head, by having the battle of words comes, who with fighting. 不灭山的一群大妖,那可真是刺头中的刺头,论起骂战来,谁与争锋。 Was they were most mainly angry, Chu Feng and Yellow Ox, old black and the others were uncertain of one's fate, the killer of this group of disgusting people also such was not concerned about face, carries on the shame. 最主要是他们气坏了,楚风黄牛、老黑等人生死未卜,这群恶心人的杀手还这么的不要脸,进行羞辱。 They naturally cannot be polite, do not hit, that prepares...... Scolded! 他们自然不会客气,打不过,那就准备……骂死! Then, on Beast Source Platform has lived it up, this crowd of big monster each and every one have registered, attracts countless people to surround, scolded Sun to raise starting from dawn of Earth is very high. 然后,原兽平台上热闹了,这群大妖一个个都是登录了,吸引无数人围观,从地球的黎明开始骂到太阳升起很高。 Dark Saint: #@¥%......” 黑暗圣者:“#@¥%……” He was also speechless, wants to make several employers relax the spirit, looked for some words of pleasant to hear saying that finally like this held the hornet's nest. 他也是无语了,原本是想让几位雇主放松精神,找一些好听的话说,结果就这样捅了马蜂窝。 Kills!” “杀!” Dark Saint scolds lightly, told that person seeks for the suspicious object in the extraterrestrial outer space, thus slaughters, vents grievances. 黑暗圣者轻叱,吩咐人在地球外太空寻找可疑对象,从而大开杀戒,发泄不满。 Jiangning, Purple Golden Mountain. 江宁,紫金山 The underground most deep place, a side Small World edge, the Chu Feng complexion was pale, wishes one could to kill outside territory to go immediately, extinguished them completely. 地下最深处,一方小世界边缘,楚风脸色铁青,恨不得立刻杀到域外去,灭了他们全部。 „The matter, I went to Great Dream Pure Land to step onto, One Night Dream Dao Hundred Years, I must promote the strength as soon as possible, the time will not be remote, extinguished you personally completely!” “此间事了,我就去大梦净土走上一趟,一夜梦道百年,我要尽快提升战力,时间不会太久远,去亲手灭了你们全部!” At this time, the Small World deep place, in that ancient coffin is indistinct transmits the sound, Origin Metal Divine Chain is about to break. 此时,小世界深处,那口古棺中隐约间传来咯嘣咯嘣的声响,母金神链快断裂了。 Calculates the time, is about not far from that half day, has drawn near. 算一算时间,离那半日之约不远矣,已经快到了。 Eastern Sea, Unextinguishable Mountain deep place. 东海,不灭山深处。 Also knows how long, silent stone forest, the chaos fog had not wound around, in three full monster cauldrons presents the sound. 也不知道过了多久,原本寂静的石林,混沌雾缭绕,三足妖鼎中出现声音。 Locates ox to be black, our was wants on the Yellow Springs road, old was whoops black you to dare to hit Uncle Ouyang!?” “处牛老黑,咱这是要上黄泉路了吗,哎呦,老黑你敢打欧阳大爷!?” „The small toad lamb, I cannot kill you!” Boss Black shouts. “小蛤蟆羔子,我打不死你!”大老黑喊道。 Then, in this cauldron pingpong keeps ringing, fierce shaking. 然后,这口鼎内乒乓响个不停,一阵剧烈摇动。 The Yellow Ox opens the mouth, said: Do not hit, what condition our is, is the ghost, hasn't died?” 黄牛开口,道:“别打了,我们这是什么状态,是鬼魂吗,还是未死?” At this time, they each other stare, in great cauldron the Primal Chaos Qi transpiration, they three Spiritual Will, silhouette are also empty, was being steamed. 此时,他们彼此凝视,大鼎混沌气蒸腾,他们三个的精神意志还在,身影虚淡,在被蒸煮着。 However, the liquid in this cauldron is a little special, likely is not the common material, is influential to their divine soul. 不过,这鼎中的液体有点特别,不像是一般的物质,对他们的神魂都有影响。 Thump thump...... 咕咚咕咚…… Then, the ebullism in great cauldron, three people started to shriek and howl wildly, somewhat could not bear, was too sore, felt that the soul must be boiled thoroughly. 然后,大鼎内的液体沸腾了,三人开始鬼哭狼嚎,有些受不了,太疼了,感觉灵魂都要被煮熟了。 toad called out pitifully: This is 18 hells, was our by below wok with cooking oil? Is unfair, Uncle Ouyang should go to Divine Kingdom, how can experience this torture.” 蛤蟆惨叫道:“这是18层地狱啊,我们这是被下油锅了吗?太不公平了,欧阳大爷应该去神国,怎么能经历这种酷刑。” Then, Ouyang Toad starts to study the wolf to call: "Áo...... ” 然后,欧阳蛤蟆开始学狼叫:“嗷嗷嗷……” He really sore not being able to bear, runs and leaps in great cauldron, but cannot run away pitifully, by a mysterious strength imprisonment in cauldron, locking in firmly. 他实在疼的受不了,在大鼎中连窜带跳,但可惜逃不走,被一股神秘的力量禁锢在鼎中,牢牢的锁住。 Cannot bear, was thoroughly ripe.” “受不了,要熟透了。” Moo!” Big Black Ox was also calling, previously not this, after their three recovered, the ebullism in this great cauldron, making their souls unable to stand. “哞!”大黑牛也在叫,早先不这样,当他们三个都复苏后,这大鼎中的液体沸腾,让他们的灵魂都禁受不住。 Old Ox, I smelled beef steak taste, five points of ripeness, happen, was fragrant and tender, come, making Uncle Ouyang bite one. I go to fuck off, Old Ox, you dare to force in my mouth the good hoof, Uncle Ouyang spell with you!” 老牛,我闻到牛排味了,五分熟,正好,又香又嫩,来,让欧阳大爷咬一口。我去你大爷的,老牛,你敢将牛蹄子塞进我嘴里,欧阳大爷跟你拼了!” Moo!” Old yelled black. “哞!”老黑大叫。 Yellow Ox first two big, caress the head with the hand, these two also fight in this moment, whom also did not have. 黄牛一个头两个大,用手抚头,这两人在这种关头还掐架,也是没谁了。 Finally, three people cannot bear in the cauldron, the body wants to crack, finally inflates unceasingly, they feel the severe pain, but also the accident/surprise discovered that each other divine soul is increasing, in concise, is real. 最后,三人在鼎中都受不了,身体欲裂,最后不断膨胀,他们感觉剧痛,但是也意外发现彼此的神魂在变大,在凝练,在真实。 „? What's the matter, our Spiritual Will in...... Enhancement?” “诶?怎么回事,我们的精神意志在……增强?” Bang! 轰! The next quarter, they were being swept across by astonishing Monster Qi, departs from the cauldron mouth, then respectively was entered in own body, returns to fleshly body all of a sudden. 下一刻,他们被一股惊人的妖气席卷着,从鼎口内飞出,而后各自被打进自身的躯体中,一下子重归肉身内。 Quick, three people leap sits, but, falls down directly on the ground, they felt that divine soul expands one section, was nourished, innate qualification incomparable vigor! 很快,三人都腾的坐起来,但是,又直接栽倒在地上,他们感觉神魂壮大一截,从本质上被滋养,先天本钱无比的雄浑! However, their fleshly body are very weak, where also has the life to fluctuate, this clearly is a deceased person, cannot withstand their formidable Spiritual Will. 但是,他们的肉身却很虚弱,哪里还有生命波动,这分明是死人,承受不住他们的强大的精神意志 The flash, their withered bodies are almost split up. 一刹那而已,他们那干枯的躯体就差点四分五裂。 Fortunately, three full monster cauldrons started to shine at this time once more, spurts to be thin three blood from cauldron mouth there, separately irrigation to three people. 还好,这个时候三足妖鼎再次开始发光,从鼎口那里喷薄出三股血液,分别浇灌向三人。 That was previously was them, but by the blood essence of great cauldron absorption, now unexpectedly is actually returned, poured into the respective body separately, made their withered bodies fast abundant all of a sudden. 那是早先属于他们、但却被大鼎吸收的血精等,现在居然返回,分别注入各自的躯体中,一下子让他们的干枯的身体快速丰盈起来。 This is not the light is the blood essence, the life energy, had other saying that did not scavenge the unclear material! 这可不是光是血精,还有生命能,更有其他说不清道不明的物质! Quick, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and Big Black Ox determined, these blood fine materials their previous is purer, is more astonishing, is containing the formidable energy, and some brand mark fragment implication in their blood. 很快,黄牛欧阳风大黑牛确定,这些血精物质等比他们早先的更加纯粹,更加惊人,蕴含着强大的能量,且某种烙印碎片蕴含在他们的血液中。 "Um, this is the Divine Beast brand mark fragment, belongs to my race inheritance? ” The Ouyang Feng shock, he is cursed Divine Beast, the inheritance is incomplete, but, he feels to obtain Heavenly Mystery now, obtains thing that was him to obtain. “嗯,这是神兽的烙印碎片,属于我的种族传承?”欧阳风震惊,他是一只被诅咒的神兽,传承并不完整,但是,现在他感觉获得天机,得到了属于他应该得到的东西。 And, he thought that the blood was more powerful than before, was deputed, was refined, making his physique grow one section! 并且,他觉得血液比以前更强盛了,被提纯,被提炼,让他体质增长了一截! Yellow Ox all over the body blooming golden light, even more clear, in its blood also has the brand mark fragment , the blood changes to the golden color, terrifying even more is extraordinary, similarly has the transformation. 黄牛通体绽放金光,越发的晶莹,它的血液中也有烙印碎片,且,血液化作金色,越发的恐怖非凡,同样发生蜕变。 But if the theory changes in a big way, that naturally is Big Black Ox. 可是如果论变化最大,那自然属大黑牛 Because, Yellow Ox or Ouyang Feng, were formidable, evolve at present the top stage of this level. 因为,无论是黄牛还是欧阳风,原本就已经非常强大,进化到了目前这个层次的顶尖阶段。 Even if divine soul strengthens, the physique promotion, the relative scope specially is not scary, but Boss Black is different, he and moo moo keeps calling strangely. 哪怕神魂增强,体质提升,相对幅度也不可是特别吓人,但大老黑就不一样了,他嗷嗷与哞哞怪叫个不停。 Sinks the dormancy to activate in within the body the gene of Immemorial Barbaric Ox comprehensively, substitutes for the original physique, he is transforming, divine medicine that in addition, in Good Fortune Divine Physique refines once injected into his within the body, at this time makes him experience some transformation similarly. 沉眠在体内的太古莽牛的基因全面激活,取代原有的体质,他在蜕变,除此之外,无劫神体内提炼出来的神药都曾注入他的体内,此时让他同样在经历某种蜕变。 Such in a minute, the Old Ox strength rises suddenly, his talent, his potential is carrying on the promotion of terrifying rank simply, grows a big truncation. 就这么片刻间,老牛实力暴涨,他的天赋,他的潜能简直是在进行恐怖级别的提升,增长一大截。 I felt, I turned into Good Fortune Divine Physique likely, this is not the misconception, simultaneously ancestor's gene resurrected, I now am...... Non- tribulations the Immemorial Barbaric Ox body!” “我感觉,自己像是化成了无劫神体,真的,这不是错觉,同时祖先的基因复活了,我现在是……无劫太古莽牛体!” Big Black Ox shocks, cannot bear the tremor, he does not dare believe simply, keeping ringing of oneself fleshly body crackle and rattle, whole body a while golden light a big magnificence burst, a while black light rises suddenly, finally turns into the dark golden color. 大黑牛震撼,忍不住颤动,他简直不敢相信,自己肉身噼里啪啦的响个不停,浑身一会儿金光大盛,一会儿乌光暴涨,最后化成暗金色。 However finally his fur or the shiny black, were more aggressive than a former bigger overwhelming power. 不过最终他的皮毛还是黑亮的,比以前更加高大威猛霸气了。 Also knows how long, three people also had not jumped, not only recovers, but also the strength increases sharply, particularly Big Black Ox can be called rises suddenly a big truncation! 也不知道过了多久,三人同时跃起,不仅身体恢复,而且实力都激增,尤其是大黑牛称得上暴涨一大截! In a flash, they understood, this monster cauldron is Monster Race Supreme Treasure, previously do not kill them, but helps them raise the blood refinement essence, boils down divine soul, finally returns nurturing to parents, lets their Soul Power and fleshly body become stronger are many! 一瞬间,他们明白了,这口妖鼎乃是妖族至宝,早先并不是要害死他们,而是帮他们提炼血精,熬炼神魂,最后进行反哺,让他们的魂力肉身变强很多! Screens out the blood, to purify, to refine, then makes it stronger, activates the strongest genes in their body! 抽走血液,是为了纯化,是为了提炼,然后使之更强,激活他们身体内的最强基因! Some brand mark fragments that divine soul also so, they obtain, that belongs to their race inheritance. 神魂亦如此,他们得到的一些烙印碎片,那都是属于他们的种族传承。 Worthily is Monster Race's supreme Divine Land, no wonder dares in view of Monster Saint saying that training two characters, such is doing, has that inside story!” Was convinced including Ouyang Feng. “不愧是妖族的无上神土,难怪敢针对妖圣说‘培养’二字,真的在这么做,有那种底蕴!”连欧阳风都服气了。 The flash, they simultaneously are revolving breathing method, belongs to Monster Race's to high breathing method, Divine Beast, other Monster Race are suitable. 一刹那,他们同时在运转一种呼吸法,属于妖族的至高呼吸法,无论是神兽、还是其他妖族都适用。 Previously, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng obtained was incomplete, now was complete! 早先,黄牛欧阳风得到的不完整,现在圆满了! One of this piece of universe ten big breathing method, Monster Race can supreme breathing method, can arrange in forefront several!” “这片宇宙十大呼吸法之一,妖族能的无上呼吸法,可以排在最前面几名内!” "Um, fused some Divine Beast breathing method! ” Ouyang Feng nods. “嗯,融合了部分神兽呼吸法!”欧阳风点头。 Actually, Divine Beast breathing method not compared with first ten big weak, but the average person could not lead a pious life, because various requests were too harsh, the potential of needing was too big. 其实,神兽呼吸法不比前十大弱,不过一般人修行不了,因为各种要求太苛刻,需要的潜能太大。 Buzz! 嗡! When three people touch monster cauldron once more, immediately induces, trim Unextinguishable Mountain is grasping, their knows this line of goal successes! 当三人再次触摸妖鼎时,立刻感应到,整片不灭山都在掌握中,他们知道此行的目的成功了! This three full monster cauldrons unexpectedly are the lethality weapons, first gives outside territory to come!” Big Black Ox said. “这座三足妖鼎居然就是致命性的武器,先给域外来一下!”大黑牛道。 Good, kills them!” The Ouyang Feng local ruffian air/Qi very much said. “好,弄死他们!”欧阳风很痞气地说道。
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