SR :: Volume #8

#721: Divine Physique Chu Feng

In the pile of stones Primal Chaos Qi fills the air, here has the ancient palace, has broad stone mountain, has boundless three full monster cauldrons! 乱石堆中混沌气弥漫,这里有古老的殿堂,有恢宏的石山,更有一座磅礴的三足妖鼎! "Ah...... ” “啊……” Three people yelled, after everyone holds legs, felt that the whole body blood in the transpiration, passes the body, turns into the great cauldron that the red light submerges. 三人大叫,每人抓住一只鼎足后,感觉浑身血液都在蒸腾,透体而出,化成红光没入的这口大鼎中。 Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and Big Black Ox shiver, body in weak, three people must be dried up, are extracted a blood essence and spiritual strength. 黄牛欧阳风大黑牛颤抖,身体在虚弱,三个人都要干枯了,在被抽取一身的血精与精神力 This monster cauldron demands life, Divine King Ouyang spelled with you!” toad bellows, a hand was held by the legs, cannot work loose, his fierce standing upside down, kicks the sending out misty brilliance with the foot but actually great cauldron. “这妖鼎是要索命,欧阳神王跟你拼了!”蛤蟆大吼,一只手被鼎足所吸住,挣脱不了,他猛的倒立而起,用脚倒踢散发蒙蒙光辉的大鼎 dang! 当! The sound is ear-spitting, is also in suddenly, the Ouyang Feng face distortion, the golden streak of whole face almost extrudes together, feels hurting of web. 响声震耳,可是也在一刹那间,欧阳风面孔扭曲,满脸的金色斑纹都几乎挤压到一起,感觉钻心的疼。 That foot must break, bloody, kicks after the monster cauldron, own toe doubtful bone fracture. 那只脚要断裂了,血流如注,踢在妖鼎上后,自身的脚趾头疑似骨折。 Bang!” “轰!” At this time, the Yellow Ox opens the mouth spouted a piece of snow white ray, that was a beginning of the universe essence, the bang on great cauldron, finally instead was actually shaken, she also shook motionless. 这时,黄牛张口喷出一片雪白的光芒,那是一口混元精气,轰在大鼎上,结果却被反震回来,她也撼之不动。 At the same time, three people of Essence, Qi and Spirit pass even more seriously, fleshly body is withered by the speed that can see. 同一时间,三人的精气神流逝越发的严重,肉身以能够看到的速度在干瘪。 „The opinion on Stele misleads, his motherfucker must kill people!” Big Black Ox exclaimed. 石碑上的言论误人,这他妈的是要杀人啊!”大黑牛吼道。 Then, two horn of his head fall off, changes to two full moon sickles to depart , helping Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng, wants to drive out the legs, making them get out of trouble. 然后,他头上的两支犄角脱落,化作两口圆月弯刀飞出,帮助黄牛欧阳风,想要轰开鼎足,让他们脱困。 dāng dāng dāng! 当当当 sparks fly in all directions, Old Ox that rough horn almost breaks, chops on the legs, there is entirely still, sickle oneself almost wants collapsing. 火星四溅,老牛的那根粗糙的犄角几乎断裂,劈在鼎足上,那里纹丝不动,弯刀自身几乎要崩断 ! 噗! At this time, Big Black Ox tore itself on many wounds, caused it blood splattering, incarnadine great cauldron, he exclaimed: Since wants the blood sacrifice, your Grandpa Ox gives you, lets loose them!” 这时,大黑牛撕裂自己身上多处伤口,使之血液喷溅而出,染红大鼎,他吼道:“既然要血祭,你牛爷爷给你,放开他们!” At the same time, the Good Fortune Divine Physique blood medicine that on him was retained also washed one's hands to throw into the cauldron mouth by him, shouted: Goes, gives you!” 同一时间,他身上被保留下来的无劫神体的血药也被他抖手扔进鼎口内,喝道:“去,都给你!” Buzz! 嗡! great cauldron shakes, has flash that the legs are shivering, let toad and Yellow Ox shake suddenly, under struggled furiously gets out of trouble unexpectedly. 大鼎摇动,有那么一瞬间,鼎足都在颤抖,让蛤蟆黄牛猛然一震,奋力挣扎下居然真的脱困了。 Then, they see Big Black Ox at an exceptional pace dry, directly withered, skinny, these living corpse anything has not distinguished with Unextinguishable Mountain. 然后,他们看到大黑牛在以惊人的速度干涸,直接就干瘪了下去,皮包骨头,跟不灭山中那些活死人没什么区别。 Old black!” “老黑!” Yellow Ox bellows, its sound is very immature, but is rending at this time, Big Black Ox this is the source completely loses, almost must die immediately. 黄牛大吼,它的声音很稚嫩,但是此时却撕心裂肺,大黑牛这是本源尽失啊,几乎要立刻死掉了。 Old Ox, insists!” Ouyang Feng also shouted, at the same time, he vibrates oneself peerless picture scroll, another Divine Beast appears, treads on the stars, lies prostrate in worship to him, a picture scroll show, blots out the sky, goes toward the great cauldron bang. 老牛,坚持住!”欧阳风也大喊,同一时间,他震动自己的绝世画卷,一头又一头神兽浮现,踏在星辰上,对他顶礼膜拜,画卷一展,铺天盖地,向着大鼎轰去。 Yellow Ox also erupts, the whole body is the golden symbol, it is similar to bathes holy light flame, unexpectedly is roaring directly, displays the peerless picture scroll at the same time, oneself also holds up the head, hits toward great cauldron. 黄牛也爆发,浑身都是金色的符号,它如同沐浴神圣光焰,居然直接怒吼着,施展出绝世画卷的同时,自身也昂首,向着大鼎撞去。 Big Black Ox was roaring, said: „It is not good, you draw back, what this strange medicine cauldron need is the blood essences of different person, three legs, the present three categories have sufficed now, I continue to provide am, you will leave to build!” 大黑牛在咆哮,道:“不行,你们退开,这古怪的药鼎需要的是不同人的血精,三只鼎足,现在现三种类别够了,我继续提供就是,你们别将自己搭进来!” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! This piece of place large explosion, various symbols turn well up, the energy ebullition, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng threw off finally, all encounters the heavy losses, their attacks do not have an effect. 这片地方大爆炸,各种符号翻涌,能量沸腾,结果黄牛欧阳风都被掀翻出去,全都遭遇重创,它们的攻击不起作用。 Especially, they saw, the blood of Good Fortune Divine Physique Big Black Ox throws also shakes to fall from the cauldron mouth. 尤其是,他们看到,大黑牛投进去的无劫神体的血液也从鼎口中震落出来。 Yellow Ox gathers rapidly, said anxiously: Zhou Shang does not belong to Monster Race, this blood is useless, Old Ox you drink!” 黄牛迅速收取,焦急道:“周尚不属于妖族,这血液没用,老牛你喝下!” It rinses the mouth of Big Black Ox directly, originally Boss Black withered has looked awful, both eyes were gloomy, almost becomes the deceased person. 它直接灌进大黑牛的嘴里,原本大老黑都干瘪的不成样子了,双目都已经暗淡,几乎成为死人。 However, he passes through to contain nourishing of divine medicine's red blood medicine, his life internal energy recovers once more, because, this is the supreme treasure medicine of depuration is continuing the life for him. 但是,他经过蕴含着神药的红色血药的滋养,他的生命气机再次复苏,因为,这是提纯的无上宝药在为他续命。 Big Black Ox lives once again, but, that legs crazily are actually deriving, the time is not long, he skin and bones, skinny. 大黑牛又一次活下来,可是,那只鼎足却在疯狂汲取,时间不长,他又瘦骨嶙峋,皮包骨头。 Moreover, he luminous black fur was already gloomy, and in shedding, the whole body is bare, aged looking awful. 而且,他一身光亮的黑色皮毛早已暗淡,且在大片大片的脱落,浑身光秃秃,老迈的不成样子。 Was bad, we had been harmed by the ancient, was deceived by the Unextinguishable Mountain's legend!” Ouyang Feng item of zi wants to crack. “糟了,我们被古人害了,被不灭山的传说欺骗了!”欧阳风目眦欲裂。 Big Black Ox was too miserable, immediately must end, this makes them feel the frustration, rushing of laughing in the face of death, unexpectedly is this kind of result? 大黑牛太惨了,马上就要完了,这让他们充满挫败感,舍生忘死的闯进来,竟然是这样一个结局? Yellow Ox separates a wound decisively, rushes to Big Black Ox there, with blood irrigation on legs, and must replace Big Black Ox. 黄牛果断割裂出一道伤口,冲到大黑牛那里,用血液浇灌在鼎足上,并且要将大黑牛替换出来。 Big Black Ox is weak, makes an effort to want him to shove open, said: No, Little Yellow...... You get out of the way! Old Ox I recently very vexed, the outside territory person always stirs up trouble, is helpless, this time is not successful then dies for a righteous cause. Do not make the piffle, you are the good seedling, can go on an expedition for our Niu, slaughters, extinguished that flock of tortoise lambs!” 大黑牛非常虚弱,用力想将他推开,道:“别,小黄……你走开!老牛我最近很窝囊,域外的人总是来挑事,却无能为力,这次不成功便成仁。你别做傻事,你是好苗子,可以替我们牛家去征战,去厮杀,灭了那群王八羔子!” Old black, do not play dumb, when we have not arrived at the end of hills and rivers, you cannot die, is living to me!” Yellow Ox shouts. “老黑,你不要犯傻,我们还没到山穷水尽时,你不能死,给我活着!”黄牛喊道。 Old black, words that you dare dead, your so-called good fairy maiden, I married and ensure is not remaining to you!” Ouyang Feng also exclaimed. “老黑,你敢死的话,你那所谓的牛仙子,我娶了,保证不给你留着!”欧阳风也吼道。 Your toad lamb...... Dares air/Qi ox Ye, I...... !” Big Black Ox puts out the last blood, neck crooked, weak lying down there, both eyes was thoroughly gloomy, did not have the gloss. “你个蛤蟆羔子……敢气牛爷,我……噗!”大黑牛吐出最后一口血,脖子一歪,无力的躺在那里,双目彻底暗淡,没有了光泽。 fucking, how Old Ox you can die, lives to me, Uncle Ouyang my big mouth pulls out you!” Ouyang Feng carries Old Ox to make an effort to entrain backward, simultaneously the fan Big Black Ox several big mouths, have wanted to hit to awake him, work as a farm laborer. 特么的,老牛你怎么能死,给我活过来,欧阳大爷我大嘴巴抽死你!”欧阳风拎着老牛使劲向后拽,同时扇了大黑牛几个大嘴巴,想将他打醒,打活过来。 I go...... Does fuck off, pull out me really?” The Big Black Ox opens the mouth, lived unexpectedly. “我去……你大爷的,真抽我啊?”大黑牛开口,居然又活了。 Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng are pleasantly surprised, drags him fast backward, but his body mounts on great cauldron, cannot tow. 黄牛欧阳风惊喜,快速将他向后拖,可是他的身体黏在大鼎上,根本拖不走。 The Big Black Ox weak opens the mouth, said: „The law of this blood sacrifice effective...... But I am not good...... Returning to consciousness just before dying...... toad, after seeing the good fairy maiden, makes sacrifices to one's ancestors not forgets your father.” 大黑牛虚弱的开口,道:“这血祭之法有效……但我不行了……回光返照……蛤蟆,等看到牛仙子后,家祭无忘告乃翁。” Then, his neck one crooked, this time breathed thoroughly. 然后,他脖子一歪,这次彻底咽气了。 Ouyang Feng was anxious, makes an effort to shake his body, hiss exclaimed: Old black fuck you, occupies me to be cheap at the point of death, lives to me, you or live, I have burnt your corpse, has dug your future grave, making you die cannot be peaceful!” 欧阳风急了,用力摇动他的身体,嘶吼道:“老黑你大爷,临死都占我便宜,给我活过来,你要不活过来,我烧了你的尸体,刨了你将来的坟,让你死了也不得安生!” Old awakes black!” Yellow Ox also angrily roars, makes an effort to push his withered body, simply is a skeleton, all Essence, Qi and Spirit passed cleanly. “老黑醒一醒!”黄牛也怒吼,使劲推他干瘪的身体,简直就是一个骷髅,所有的精气神都流逝干净了。 What a pity, the Good Fortune Divine Physique blood medicine has exhausted now, already rinsed the mouth of Big Black Ox, has used up. 可惜,现在无劫神体的血药都耗尽了,早已灌进大黑牛的嘴里,已经用光。 Jiangning, Purple Golden Mountain. 江宁,紫金山 In Small World of center of the earth deep place, the Chu Feng body almost blasts out, full is the fissure, when he sprinkles these pollen after the Origin Metal chain outside ancient coffin, extremely fast backs up. 地心深处的小世界内,楚风身体几乎炸开,满是裂痕,当他将那些花粉洒在古棺外的母金链子上后,极速倒退出来。 Even but if this, the energy that the fluctuation and supreme of powerhouse that terrifying recovers makes him almost blast out as before, nearly destroy both body and soul. 可即便这样,那恐怖的波动、无上强者复苏的能量依旧让他几乎炸开,险些形神俱灭 This is Overlord Chu is protecting his result, it can be imagined, the Yaoyao grandfather has anomaly how, is extremely fearful, if really disappears the sentiment since then, only the knowledge slaughters, that indeed will be a boundless catastrophe! 这还是楚霸王护着他的结果,可想而知,妖妖的祖父有多么的变态,太过可怕,真要是从此泯灭感情,只知杀戮的话,那的确将是一场无边浩劫! Was good, I revolve breathing method to adjust, immediately sinks the dormancy, after the half day recovers, at that time Origin Metal Divine Chain will break falls one section, I kill the starry sky directly, but only breath time!” “好了,我运转呼吸法进行调节,马上沉眠,半日后复苏,那时母金神链将断落一截,我直接杀进星空,但只有一息时间!” This is ancient coffin the sound of emanation, great incomparable, vibrates in this side Small World, each character likely is a mountain pounds in the heart of person. 这是古棺中的发出的声音,宏大无比,在这方小世界内震动,每一个字都像是一座大山砸在人的心头。 Will fight time of breath, bury the black sword dynasty? 一息的战斗时间,会葬下黑剑皇朝吗? If the real destruction falls, and is understood clearly by these dark hunter finally frequently, can be what feelings? A fight of breath, it is estimated that Assassinating Vault of Heaven high and low speechless. 如果真的覆灭掉,而又被那些黑暗狩猎者最后时刻洞悉,会是何感想?一息的战斗,估计刺天穹上下都无言。 At this time, Chu Feng backed up, his astonished discovery, after oneself were shaken the wound , the body overflowed one wisp of another wisp to send out the blue brilliance unexpectedly the blood. 这时,楚风倒退,他惊异的发现,自己被震伤后身体居然溢出一缕又一缕发出淡蓝光辉的血液。 "Um?! ” He is surprised, this was, what had? “嗯?!”他大吃一惊,这是怎么了,发生了什么? He is puzzling, when previous Transcends Tribulation, his body once destroyed looking awful, when the blood or the red of fashion, this how many day of free time, turn into the blue color? 他百思不得其解,上一次渡劫时,他的身体曾经被毁的不成样子,当时流的血液还是红色的,这才几天工夫,怎么变成蓝色的? He thinks carefully, after Transcends Tribulation, his body once had the intense transformation, the blood color change perhaps is since then. 他仔细思索,渡劫后,他的身体曾经发生激烈蜕变,血液颜色的更改或许是从那时开始的。 Dark blue divine blood,...... the Overlord Chu subconscious opens the mouth said with this planet same color. “深蓝神血,和这颗星球一样的色彩……”楚霸王下意识的开口道。 Any divine blood, I do not want, I want the bright red normal blood!” Chu Feng said, his inexplicable exuviate turn into Divine Physique, has not made him feel joyfully, instead somewhat worried. “什么神血,我不想要,我只要鲜红的正常的血液!”楚风道,他莫名蜕变成一种神体,并未让他感觉到喜悦,反而有些担忧。 Has the means solution.” Overlord Chu opens the mouth, but, he has been thinking thinks, said: Forgot.” “有办法解决。”楚霸王开口,但是,他偏着头想了又想,道:“忘了。” This makes Chu Feng slightly relieved, he had not understood that dark blue divine blood is what kind, but, since there is a means solution, that goes forward or retreats depending upon circumstances. 这让楚风稍微安心,他还不了解深蓝神血到底怎样,但是,既然有办法解决,那就进可攻退可守。 divine blood, I had divine blood unexpectedly, how is this achieves?” He talked to oneself, some Cultivator, take the big medicine to obtain. 神血,我竟了有神血,这是怎么做到的?”他自语,有些修士,服食大药可以得到。 don't tell me, he picks divine medicine in Town of Ten Thousand Gods, finally not only feels rejuvenated, now also affects the transformation of bloodlines? 难道说,他在万神之乡采摘到神药,最终不仅返老还童,如今也影响到血脉的蜕变? Any divine blood, Dao Physique wait/etc., has the super extraordinary performance, Chu Feng somewhat anticipated actually whether oneself can transform some terrifying ability. 任何神血道体等,都有超级非凡的表现,楚风倒是有些期待,自己是否可以蜕变出某种恐怖的能力。 However, he favors after obtaining ability, making deep blue divine blood restore bright red. 不过,他倾向于得到能力后,让湛蓝神血恢复成鲜红。 Because, he once listened to Yaoyao to propose one simply, the so-called supreme physique is indeed uncommon, but, the bright red blood is not bad, is perhaps more aloof. 因为,他曾听妖妖简单提过一句,所谓的无上体质的确不凡,但是,鲜红的血液也不差,也许更超然。 Extraterrestrial, in outer space. 地球外,太空中。 In that super holy artifact, in the great war palace wall, the dark Saint indifferent opens the mouth, said: Fish came, a bit faster bit the fish food.” 那超级圣器内,宏大的战争皇城中,黑暗圣者冷漠开口,道:“鱼儿来了吗,快点咬饵料吧。” Several consignors sit well lofty and steadfast, send out the Saint prestige, static and other results, the big net has opened, they hope that holds some big fish completely, so-called decline planet has no reason to be once more prosperous, they must strangle all hopes, cut to kill in the beginning stage, has destroyed the Indigenous forthcoming recovery turning point on this planet. 几位委托者岿然端坐,散发圣威,静等结果,大网已经张开,他们希望将一些大鱼全部抓住,所谓的没落星球没有理由再次繁盛起来,他们要将一切希望都扼杀,斩杀在萌芽阶段,毁了这颗星球上的土著即将到来的复苏契机。 "hē hē, this crowd of Indigenous, degenerated to most low status race communities, with wild animal not different, do not think rose again. So-called hoodwinks the public, exists , the old man will make you understand, among the antiquity years extinguished you, today can break your road of evolution easily! ” “呵呵,这群土著,已经退化到最低等的种族群体间,与野兽无异,就不要想着再崛起了。所谓只手遮天,是真实存在的,老夫会让你们明白,上古年间灭了你们,今天更能轻易断了你们所有人的进化之路!” "Um, one group of low status barbarians, are similar to the beasts, today first captures and kills several big fish, then, solves this planet problem while convenient, after this here will be your I several medicine gardens and domestic animal circles! ” “嗯,一群低等蛮夷,如同兽类,今天先捕杀几条大鱼,然后,也顺便解决这颗星球的问题,从此之后这里将是你我几家的药园子、牲畜圈!” In the battlefield palace wall, several people are having the faint color, when conversation does not have the sentiment to fluctuate, is discussing a not worthy of mentioning minor matter likely. 战场皇城中,几人都带着淡漠之色,交谈时毫无感情波动,像是在谈论着一件微不足道的小事。 Eastern Sea, Unextinguishable Mountain deep place. 东海,不灭山深处。 In an instant, already quick past half day. 转眼间,已经快过去半日了。 Body of Big Black Ox ice-cold, is nearly stiff, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng lower are roaring, at the blood sacrifice, they are holding great cauldron, own skinny, serious that whole body Essence, Qi and Spirit passes. 大黑牛的身体冰冷,近乎僵硬,黄牛欧阳风低吼着,也在血祭,两人都扶着大鼎,自身皮包骨头,浑身精气神流逝的严重。 However, their knows, was similar, soon will grasp this monster cauldron, becomes the Unextinguishable Mountain's master. 但是,他们知道,差不多了,即将掌握这口妖鼎,成为不灭山的主人。 Old Ox, your fucking made Uncle Ouyang sad, you were the place cow, had not had dao companion, such died, lost face!” Ouyang Feng is calling out. 老牛,你特么的让欧阳大爷伤心了,你还是处牛,还未有过道侣,就这么死了,丢不丢人啊!”欧阳风在嚎叫。 Hits the person not to apply makeup...... Curses at people does not expose shortcomings, Ouyang Toad...... I go to fuck off!” In the cauldron, broadcasts the Big Black Ox extremely weak sound, shouts 'motherfucker' there. “打人不打脸……骂人不揭短,欧阳蛤蟆……我去你大爷的!”鼎中,传来大黑牛极其虚弱的声音,在那里骂娘。 "Ah? ” Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng are stunned, then mind big quake, incomparable pleasant surprise. “啊?”黄牛欧阳风都愕然,然后心神大震,无比的惊喜。 Old Ox did your corpse outside, how your ghost run in great cauldron?” Yellow Ox asked. 老牛你尸体在外面呢,你鬼魂怎么跑大鼎中去了?”黄牛问道。 Was boiled, you try harder, immediately has succeeded, withers outside territory that flock of Jun Tuo lambs!” Big Black Ox exclaimed, also said: Ouyang, your Grandpa Ox I wants to kill you!” “被煮呢,你们加把劲,马上成功了,干死域外那群钧驮羔子!”大黑牛吼道,同时又道:“欧阳,你牛爷爷我想打死你!”
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