SR :: Volume #8

#720: To brandish Holy Land to pound the starry sky

The extraterrestrial outer space, the war fortress of black sword dynasty was similar to Dark Cloud(s), in pressed and covered dark green space, but general Evolver could not see, it can the stealth. 地球外太空,黑剑皇朝的战争堡垒如同一朵乌云,压盖苍宇中,可是一般的进化者根本看不到,它能隐身。 Its length and width fully have hundred li (0.5 km), is super large space holy artifact, has certainly the boundless prestige energy, can tear the space easily, crosses the universe. 它的长与宽都足有百里,是一件超级大型空间圣器,拥有强绝无边的威能,能轻易撕裂空间,横渡宇宙。 Naturally, this long-distance range navigates, the energy of needs is also very terrifying. 当然,这种远距离航行,所需要的能量也是很恐怖的。 In the war fortress, over ten thousand black robe people are holding the big sword respectively, can chop into pieces the vault of heaven simply, the destruction world myriad things, passes murderous aura that sends out to be too fearful. 战争堡垒中,上万黑袍人各自持着大剑,简直可以劈碎苍穹,毁灭天地万物,透发出的杀气太可怕。 Conceivable, if they simultaneously lift sword, the scene of detachment, formidable evolution Dao Lineage also insufficiently looks together forward, can by ten thousand sword destruction! 可以想象,他们如果同时举剑,一起向前劈去的场面,一个强大的进化道统也不够看,会被万剑覆灭! A little meaning, it seems like could fish to several big fish, at present some small fish bite the bait.” “有点意思,看来或许能钓到几条大鱼,目前有些小鱼咬饵了。” In this war palace wall, in the broad and grand palace, an old man whole body was covered by the black robe, sits there, voice hoarse. 这座战争皇城中,恢宏而雄伟的殿堂内,一个老者全身都被黑袍笼罩,坐在那里,嗓音嘶哑。 In his side, is relaxing the hands to stand including Sub Saint Level hunter, not having the qualifications to sit down. 在他的旁边,连亚圣级狩猎者都在垂手而立,没有资格坐下。 Obviously, black robe old man is dark hunting Saint! 显然,黑袍老者是一位黑暗狩猎圣者 In addition, in this palace, several mysterious guests, some are bringing the bronze mask, some are bringing the ugly face mask, but also on some faces is one group of chaos fog, several people are Saint. 此外,在这座殿堂中,还有几个神秘宾客,有的带着青铜面具,有的带着鬼脸面具,还有的脸上是一团混沌雾,几人都是圣者 This is the consignor and Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Saint is collaborating, static and other in the starry skies the big fish comes Earth to rescue, under they think the extreme methods, destroys completely Uncle Ming and the others. 这是委托者与刺天穹的圣者在联手,静等星空中大鱼来地球救援,他们想下死手,灭掉明叔等人。 “Wú, really hopes that this Holy Master also comes, if he appears again, all star roads will be blocked by top powerhouse, he cannot escape again, forever certainly disaster! ” A Saint opens the mouth, clearly their ethnic groups have the arrangement. “唔,真希望这一次圣师也来啊,他若再出现,所有星路都会被至强者封死,他再也逃脱不了,将永绝祸患!”一位圣人开口,显然他们的族群有布置。 „Are the mixed fish of how many Golden Body levels spying on? Cut!” Dark Saint opens the mouth. “几个金身级的杂鱼在窥探?斩了!”黑暗圣者开口。 Then, that Sub Saint Level hunter vanishes. 然后,那位亚圣级狩猎者消失。 The extraterrestrial outer space, expert of many Golden Body levels, hide in the distant place, even there is Saint also to look out. 地球外太空,有很多金身层次的高手,都躲在远方,甚至有圣人也在瞭望。 And Evolver of several Golden Body levels, is not absolutely peeps, but, dark Saint has found, the ancestor of that several people of ethnic group once related with antiquity Saint of Earth well, now he uses something as a pretext. 其中几个金身层次的进化者,绝对算不上窥视,但是,黑暗圣者已经了解到,那几人的族群的祖上曾与地球的上古圣人关系不错,现在他不过是借题发挥。 This dark Saint to let the employer is happy and satisfied, does not care kills several people to add to the fun temporarily. 这位黑暗圣者在为了让雇主开心与满意,不在乎临时杀几人助兴。 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… In the extraterrestrial outer space, Evolver of five Golden Body levels bleed, towering stands with the big sword chops for two halves, incomparable bloodiness. 地球外太空中,有五位金身层次的进化者喋血,被人突兀的用大剑立劈为两半,无比的血腥。 Near creature that this planet follows, in the past, is now, should relax, self- introspection.” “跟这颗星球走的过近的生灵,无论是过去,还是现在,最好都悠着点,自我反省一番。” In the war palace wall spreads the quiet cold sound, overbearing and gloominess that could not say. 战争皇城中传出幽冷的声音,说不出的霸道与阴森。 They are secure, since considered the Holy Master factor in middle, nature fearless! 他们有恃无恐,既然将圣师的因素都考虑在当中了,自然无惧! Well, came some characteristics small fish, killed!” “咦,来了一个有些特色的小鱼,杀了!” At this time, dark Saint opened the mouth once more. 这时,黑暗圣者再次开口。 Evolver stands in void, is looking into the distance, is indistinct shows the faint trace Sub Saint aura continuously, this will be one soon becomes existence of Sub Saint. 一位进化者站在虚空中,正在眺望,隐约间透出丝丝缕缕的亚圣气息,这是一个即将成为亚圣的存在。 Perhaps other people cannot induce, but dark Saint and several consignor strengths are too strong, can the clarity of sensation. 其他人或许感应不到,但是黑暗圣者与几名委托者实力太强,能感知的真真切切。 Then, Sub Saint Level hunter attacks, he rushes to nearby moon, comes there suddenly, a sword wields, sneak attack suddenly, cuts a that person of arm, is at the scene bloody! 然后,亚圣级狩猎者出击,他冲到月亮附近,在那里突然现身,一剑挥出,瞬息间的偷袭,斩掉那人的一条臂膀,当场血淋淋! You, hunter?!” This almost becomes Sub Saint Evolver startled and anger, sees the symbol on dark hunter robe sleeve, recognizes him is the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person. “你,狩猎者?!”这名几乎成为亚圣进化者又惊又怒,一眼看到黑暗狩猎者袍袖上的标志,认出他是刺天穹的人。 ! 噗! What a pity, nobody responded to him, the next quarter his sword, the chest spurted the blood once more, he got angry extremely and resists furiously, then tears jade talisman, from vanished directly same place. 可惜,没有人回应他,下一刻他再次中剑,胸口喷血,他怒极而奋力抵抗,然后更是撕裂一个玉符,直接从原地消失。 Obviously, this is one escapes sacred relic, can lead him to cross Star Sea instant. 显然,这是一件逃命圣物,可以带着他刹那横渡星海 Also wants to walk?” In the war fortress, dark Saint finds out big hand, camouflages the starry sky, catches him, bails out from void, then carries the dark palace wall. “还想走?”战争堡垒内,黑暗圣者探出一只大手,遮蔽星空,一把将他抓到,从虚空中捞出,然后拎回黑暗皇城。 All people with amazement, a big hand towering appearance near moon, seize this person, the strength was too terrifying. 所有人都骇然,一只大手突兀的出现在月亮附近,抓走此人,实力太恐怖了。 "Um, you is a descendant of Immemorial demon cow clan, your ancestor was once deep with a Barbaric Ox lineage/vein friendship of Earth, hears some time ago also Barbaric Ox Saint on sacrificial offering Earth before some planet big grave, this time gives you color to look. ” “嗯,你是太古魔牛一族的后裔,你的祖上曾与地球的莽牛一脉交情深厚,听闻不久前还在某颗星球的大坟前祭祀地球上的莽牛圣人,这次给你们颜色看一看。” Is bringing the Saint opens the mouth of bronze mask, the sound vibration starry sky. 一位带着青铜面具的圣人开口,声音震动星空。 Dark Saint has smiled immediately, is similar to a night owlet, said: If needs to assassinate that old demon cow, can look for us, this service I can personally take action.” 黑暗圣者顿时笑了,如同一头夜枭般,道:“如果需要刺杀那头老魔牛,可以找我们,这种业务我可以亲自出手。” In the starry sky, various clan powerhouses are frightened, the consignor and Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person is unscrupulous, this was also too overbearing and extremely arrogant! 星空中,各族强者都惊悚,委托者与刺天穹的人肆无忌惮,这也太霸道与狂妄了! ! 噗! Finally, the people noticed that an demon cow was ground by a black big hand in void, turns into one group of blood mist. 最后,人们看到一头魔牛在虚空中被一只黑色的大手生生碾碎,化成一团血雾 "Ah...... ” this innocent powerhouse only with enough time sends out pitiful yell then destroy both body and soul. “啊……”这位无辜的强者只来得及发出一声惨叫便形神俱灭 Also are some people ignorant of current affairs? Hehe, the must know, planet of this decline must degenerate into the hunting fields of various clans thoroughly, becomes the smelting trial place of young juniors, here Indigenous or were plundered by various clans, or was conquered by killing. The people, more importantly must see clearly Great Influence, otherwise to dying is only a stupid muddled ghost.” “还有人不识时务吗?呵呵,须知,这颗没落的星球要彻底沦为各族的狩猎场了,成为年轻子弟的试炼地,这里的土著或被各族掠走,或被血洗。人啊,重要的是要看清大势,不然到死都只是个愚蠢的糊涂鬼。” Dark Saint careless opens the mouth, a very optional appearance. 黑暗圣者漫不经心的开口,一副很随意的样子。 Late at night, Unextinguishable Mountain. 后半夜,不灭山 The bright moonlight overhangs, silver white dim. 明月高挂,银白朦胧。 The Big Black Ox whole body is the blood, could not insist quickly, bone break many roots, around body the translucent blood hole are many, was forced to drink Good Fortune Divine Physique some blood medicines. 大黑牛满身是血,快坚持不住了,骨头断裂很多根,身上前后透亮的血窟窿不少,被强迫喝下无劫神体的部分血药。 Is here, expert of Golden Body level will come possibly dead, we kept off here.” Yellow Ox sighed. “就是这里,金身层次的高手来了都可能会死,我们被挡在这里了。”黄牛叹道。 At this time, they had rushed to eight smelting trial regions, arrived here difficultly. 此时,他们已经闯过八个试炼区域,艰难走到这里。 They carefully have studied ninth pass/test here Stele, thinks that can invite the foreign aid, but does this also can only be pass through, is actually not able to grasp Unextinguishable Mountain finally. 他们仔细研究过第九关这里的石碑,认为可以请外援,但这样做也只能算是过关,却无法最终掌握不灭山 Obviously, this is a significance extraordinary super test. 显然,这是一次意义非凡的超级考验。 Spelled!” Big Black Ox exclaimed. “拼了!”大黑牛吼道。 After he drinks non- has plundered divine blood, within the body shines, is far ancient ancestor first gene to recover, his head horn is even more rough greatly, a vigorous Immemorial Barbaric Ox aura is releasing. 他喝过无劫神血后,体内发光,一些属于远古祖先的基因在复苏,他头上的犄角越发粗糙巨大,一股雄浑的太古莽牛气息在释放。 „Is the blood of this Good Fortune Divine Physique so astonishing?!” Big Black Ox are startled. “这无劫神体的血液这么惊人?!”大黑牛自己都吃惊。 Because, he thought that in blood were many a strength, even presents some brand mark fragments in the blood, that belongs to an inheritance of Immemorial Barbaric Ox clan. 因为,他觉得血液中多了一股力量,甚至在血液中出现一些烙印碎片,那是属于太古莽牛一族的传承。 „It is not the blood of Good Fortune Divine Physique is astonishing, but is he has eaten divine medicine goes against heaven's will, causing the physique to have the transformation, becomes Divine Physique, at the present refines to give you to take the property in Zhou Shang blood, naturally can also make you transform.” Ouyang Feng said. “不是无劫神体的血液惊人,而是他吃过的一株神药太逆天,导致体质发生蜕变,成为神体,而今将周尚血液中的药性提炼出来给你服食,自然也可以让你蜕变。”欧阳风道。 I felt that condition unprecedented good, should not become Good Fortune Divine Physique? Walks, kills!” Big Black Ox said. “我感觉状态前所未有的好,该不会成为无劫神体吧?走,杀进去!”大黑牛道。 Bang! 轰! After half double-hour, Big Black Ox blocks hundreds of thousands of jin (0.5 kg) falling iron stones to strike for Yellow Ox together, the entire human bones break the muscle booklet, the big mouth spurts the blood, flies horizontally. 半个时辰后,大黑牛黄牛挡住一块数十万斤的陨铁石一击,整个人骨断筋折,大口喷血,横飞出去。 Old black!” Yellow Ox yelled, hurries to hold him, the small face is pallid, anxious color. “老黑!”黄牛大叫,赶紧将他扶起来,小脸煞白,充满担忧之色。 This place is too dangerous, in the sky has the weapon across the sky to cut unceasingly, has the meteorite bang to fall. But in ground, then have several the endless monster, dense and numerous, kills unceasingly. 这地方太危险,天空中不断有兵器横空斩过,有陨石轰落下来。而地面上,则有数之不尽的怪物,密密麻麻,不断杀来。 The distant place, the Primal Chaos Qi transpiration, there has the palace, has Cave, three full monster cauldrons in the pile of stones, three people furiously wants to kill forward. 远处,混沌气蒸腾,那里有殿堂,有石洞,在乱石堆中还有一座三足妖鼎,三人奋力想向前杀去。 All right, I die, obtains three full monster cauldrons to be good, now cannot die absolutely!” Big Black Ox goes all out, has stood once more. “没事,我就是死,也得到三足妖鼎近前才行,现在绝对不能死!”大黑牛拼命,再次站了起来。 They kill together forward. 他们一起向前杀去。 Afterward, they rush to a high ridge, is quite relatively safe. 随后,他们闯上一座高岗,相对较为安全。 However, at this time humming sound the sound transmitted unceasingly, they are shivering, finally suppressed obviously melts the main body. 然而,这个时候嗡嗡声不断传来,他们都在颤动,最后被压制的显化出本体。 Three people of bodies tremble, changes into the human form without Fa Xian. 三人的身体都颤动,无法显化为人形。 Obviously, this is the Monster Race's supreme restricted area is revealing the prestige and ensure can only appear for pure blood Monster Race here, this examines their blood relationships, believes firmly that is not creature of other ethnic groups. 显然,这是妖族的无上禁地在显威,保证只能为纯血妖族出现在这里,这是检测他们的血统,确信不是其他族群的生灵 From now on, they are unable to change from temporarily. 从现在开始,他们暂时都无法化形了。 Round bright moonlight overhangs, the gentle silvery brilliance shines, however, this stretch of region actually fills murderous aura. 一轮明月高挂,柔和的银辉普照,然而,这片地带却充满杀气 Finally has wrestled, to that monster cauldron is about five li (0.5 km) far!” Big Black Ox said, the mouth spits the criticism, he mounts a high ridge, sets firm resolve, must kill. “最后一搏了,离那妖鼎不过五里地远!”大黑牛道,口吐人言,他登上一座高岗,下定决心,要杀过去。 Yellow Ox is shining at this time, becomes a golden luster calf, pats a wine pot, it starts to drink to heart's content, was burnt by own blood, soon will carry on the final sprint and blood spells. 黄牛此时金灿灿,成为一头黄金色泽的小牛,拍开一个酒坛,它开始痛饮,让自己的血燃烧起来,即将进行最后的冲刺与血拼。 Ouyang Feng is slanting the eye, is staring at the front, prepares to kill! 欧阳风斜着眼睛,盯着前方,也准备杀过去! Kills!” “杀!” Yellow Ox jumps, turns into the golden lightning to cross high ridge together, the dive in the past, must cross the final several li (0.5 km) forward, must approach three full monster cauldrons. 黄牛跃起,化成一道金色的闪电越过高岗,向前俯冲过去,要横渡最后的数里地,要接近三足妖鼎。 Bang! 轰! Void, nine flood dragons appear, the considerable thousand zhang (3.33 m), are the silver, is sending out the dazzling ray, they are Energy Body, almost can strike to kill the Golden Body level powerhouse, hits suddenly. 虚空中,九头蛟龙浮现,都长足有千丈,都是银色的,散发着刺目的光芒,它们是能量体,几乎可以击杀金身级强者,猛然撞击。 This is life and death test, to Yellow Ox and the others is not cross Great Realm suppress and kill, this simply is the dead end! 这是生死考验,对黄牛等人来说已经不是跨一个大境界镇杀,这简直是死局! Moo!” Big Black Ox angrily roars, turns into the a beam of black light horizontal day, has killed. “哞!”大黑牛怒吼,化成一道乌光横天而起,跟着杀了过去。 Grandpa Ouyang came!” The Ouyang Feng noisy wail, has also spat saliva, leaps to the front. “欧阳爷爷来了!”欧阳风也长嚎,吐了一口口水,跃向前方。 They impossible to shake with nine silver energy flood dragons hardly, in avoids vigorously, finally in the sky hears the fierce bellow, three people were chased down unceasingly. 他们不可能跟九头银色的能量蛟龙硬撼,在极力躲避,结果天空中传来剧烈的轰鸣声,三人在不断被追杀。 The road ahead broke, nine flood dragons across the sky! 前路已断,九头蛟龙横空! Meanwhile, the ground presents another black big ant, all has the mammoth so to be likely big, will be the hell ant puppet soldier, when body with the stone collision of ground will send out the fearful metal vibrato, moreover all will soar, will surround three people crazily. 同时,地上出现一头又一头黑色的大蚂蚁,全都有猛犸象那么大,是地狱蚁傀儡兵将,身体跟地面的石头碰撞时发出可怕的金属颤音,而且全都腾空,疯狂围堵三人。 Then, in sky, meteorite like rain, crowded incomparable, cuts the horizon, pounds toward three people! 接着,天空中,陨石如雨,密集无比,划破天际,向着三人砸去! Bang! 轰! The ground blasts out, red magma ebullition, comes out turbulently flying sword, lance, assassinates three people intensely. 地面炸开,红色的岩浆沸腾,汹涌出来飞剑、长矛等,激烈刺杀三人。 Here becomes Danger Land! 这里成为绝地 Three people bring many rare treasures, the weapon that because Chu Feng once destruction outside territory more than 9000 Evolver in the Unextinguishable Island islet, left behind were too many, battle armour, rare treasure piled up. 三人带来很多秘宝,因为楚风曾在不灭岛屿上覆灭域外9000多位进化者,留下的兵器太多了,战甲、秘宝等堆积如山。 Now, they took out outward not awfully, prevents vigorously. 现在,他们不要命的向外祭出,极力阻挡。 However, the weapon was shattered, Full-Body Armor rots, they caused heavy losses. 然而,兵器破碎,甲胄烂掉,他们还是被重创。 Old black!” Ouyang Feng calls out in alarm, Big Black Ox blocked an attack of hell ant for him a moment ago, oneself was almost torn up a foreleg, bloody. “老黑!”欧阳风惊叫,刚才大黑牛为他挡住一头地狱蚁的攻击,自身差点被撕掉一条前肢,血淋淋。 Bang! 砰! Big Black Ox roared, jumped to the sky suddenly, helped Yellow Ox block one of the energy flood dragon time to fishtail to pull out strikes, own within the body bone flip-flop broke a big piece, the body distorts. 大黑牛咆哮,猛然向天空跃起,又帮黄牛挡住能量蛟龙的一次摆尾抽击,自身体内骨头噼啪断裂一大片,身体都变形了。 Old black!” “老黑!” The Yellow Ox eye was red! 黄牛眼睛都红了! It with Ouyang Feng knows, Big Black Ox thought that own cultivation base is inferior to them, wants to use this way display afterheat, helping them block these to attack fatally, making them be short by some wounds. 它与欧阳风知道了,大黑牛觉得自身修为不如他们,就是想用这种方式发挥余热,帮他们挡住那些致命攻击,让他们少受些伤。 Old black, we do not want to make you for dying, later must enter World of the Living together, but also wants to go to look for a good fairy maiden for you, do not give up themselves!” They exclaimed. “老黑,我们不想让你替死,以后还要一起打进阳间呢,还想去为你找个牛仙子呢,你不要放弃自己!”他们吼道。 Jiangning, under Purple Golden Mountain, in Small World of center of the earth deep place. 江宁,紫金山下,地心深处的小世界中。 Chu Feng clenches teeth, said: Has spelled, extinguishes outside territory that flock of Jun Tuo lambs!” 楚风一咬牙,道:“拼了,灭域外那群钧驮羔子!” He has decided that must sprinkle the weapon refining Holy Tree pollen on Copper Coffin, making the Yaoyao grandfather be born, extinguishes kills outside territory that group of rampant troops! 他决定了,要将炼兵圣树的花粉洒在铜棺上,让妖妖的爷爷出世,去灭杀域外那群嚣张的人马! The Unextinguishable Mountain deep place, the Big Black Ox mouthful is a bloody foam, almost or was good, drags by Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng, hides in high ridge. 不灭山深处,大黑牛满嘴都是血沫子,几乎要不行了,被黄牛欧阳风拖回来,躲到高岗上。 A moment ago, Big Black Ox blocked several times the fearful attack for them, finally the hit body distorted seriously, the bone broke dozens. 刚才,大黑牛为他们两人挡住数次可怕的攻击,结果自己被打的身体严重变形,骨头断裂数十根。 Good Fortune Divine Physique blood medicine!” 无劫神体的血药!” Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng two people are roaring lowly, fills to the mouth of Big Black Ox. 黄牛欧阳风两人低吼着,向大黑牛的嘴里灌进去。 Old black, endures!” “老黑,挺住!” After for a long time, Big Black Ox within the body flip-flop makes noise, once again closes before the dead gate returns from the grave, stands, said: Relax, before does not arrive at monster cauldron, I will not die!” 很长时间后,大黑牛体内噼啪作响,又一次从死门关前还阳,站起来,道:“放心,不到妖鼎前我不会死!” He finds out a big hoof, must block nine flood dragons again, but, he suddenly halts, said: These attacks, probably some rules.” 他探出一只大蹄子,就要再去阻击九头蛟龙,不过,他又突然止步,道:“这些进攻,好像有些规律。” "Um?! ” Yellow Ox hears, is startled. “嗯?!”黄牛听闻,便是一怔。 A Ouyang Feng also startled, careful recollection. 欧阳风也一惊,仔细回想。 Finally, three people of mind big change, said: Likely is breathing method!” 最后,三人都心神剧震,道:“像是呼吸法!” Right, the following part of Monster Race Holy Land highest breathing method, hid in a moment ago these attacks, that was the breath rhythm!” “没错,妖族圣地最高呼吸法的后续部分,藏在刚才那些进攻中,那是呼吸的节奏!” Three people of great happiness, start to estimate, until finally, them fiercely attacks once more. 三人大喜,开始揣摩,直到最后,他们再次猛攻。 After two double-hour, three people of severe wounds dying, but has passed through this pass/test, dragging the exhausted body to arrive in chaotic stone forest, here has the palace, has Primal Chaos Qi, has three full monster cauldrons! 两个时辰后,三人重伤垂死,但闯过了这一关,拖着疲惫之躯来到乱石林中,这里有殿堂,有混沌气,更有一座三足妖鼎! Withers outside territory that flock of Jun Tuo lambs!” Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng and Yellow Ox bellow, their holds the legs of monster cauldron! “干死域外那群钧驮羔子!”大黑牛欧阳风黄牛大吼,他们一人抓住妖鼎的一只鼎足! Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, is always slanting the eye to look at Ouyang Toad of person, their what appearance? Asked the person to draw, was appropriate and real, the words that wants to look, searched Chen Dong in the slightly letter, in addition the Chen Dong slightly letter public number, transmitted three people of line these three characters to me, can see. 大黑牛,黄牛,还有总是斜着眼睛看人的欧阳蛤蟆,他们到底什么样子?请人画出来了,非常贴切与真实,想看的话,在微信上搜索辰东,加上辰东的微信公众号,对我发送三人行这三个字,就能看到。
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