SR :: Volume #8

#719: Chapter 719 gale has the cloud to fly upwards

Wind whinny Yi Shuihan, Old Ox goes no longer also......” “风萧萧兮易水寒,老牛一去兮不复还……” On point of departure , the Big Black Ox large bowl drinks, the bulk eats the meat, to bright moonlight Gao Ge of space, is distinguishing with the people. 临别之际,大黑牛大碗喝酒,大块吃肉,对着天上的明月高歌,跟众人分别。 One group of people are all silent, although said that Boss Black has not entered the Unextinguishable Mountain deep place, but, perhaps result such that just like he sang, after this went, could not see again. 一群人皆默然,虽然说大老黑还未进不灭山深处,但是,或许结局正如他自己所唱的那样,此去之后再也见不到了。 Old Ox should not be pessimistic, we believe that you can live coming back!” 老牛别悲观,我们相信你能活着回来!” Good elder brother, really not good do not go, listening to you to work as the song to the moon/month like this, Old Donkey my heart has broken to pieces, wants to burst into tears.” “牛哥,实在不行别去了,听你这样对月当歌,老驴我心都碎了,想流泪啊。” One group of people open the mouth, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger rare loyalty one time, drinks said drunkenly, can replace Big Black Ox to go, the head fell is not the grinding pan so is big a scar, did not have anything at the worst! 一群人开口,东北虎难得的义气一次,喝的醉醺醺说,可以代替大黑牛前往,脑袋掉了不就是磨盘那么大一个疤吗,没什么大不了! Where your depressed anything, uses sighing, Old Ox my this is thought on point of departure when does not come a poetry, appears I slightly loses the literary talent, is not as good coquettishly, come, come, come, comes one again.” Big Black Ox clear throat, then high sound said: Gale has the cloud to fly upwards, within the four seas returns to the hometown!” “你们沮丧什么,哪里用的着叹气,老牛我这是觉得临别之际不来一段诗歌,显得我略输文采,稍逊风骚,来,来,来,再来一段。”大黑牛清嗓子,而后高声道:“大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡!” What kind, was gone forever a moment ago, now doesn't sing? Old Ox I am living inevitably coming back and ensure reappears world!” Big Black Ox said, then fiercely has filled jug liquor, bang throws down and breaks the wine pot, said: Starting off!” “怎么样,刚才一去不返,现在不就唱回来了吗?老牛我必然活着回来,保证再现世间!”大黑牛道,而后猛灌了一坛子酒,砰的一声摔碎酒坛,道:“上路!” Then, he started off with Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng, enters the entrance deep place. 然后,他跟黄牛欧阳风就上路了,走进山门深处。 Good elder brother, this is bringing!” “牛哥,这个带着!” One group of people pursue, forces in a jade jar his hand. 一群人追来,将一个玉罐子塞进他手里。 „It is not good, this big medicine stays behind, do not waste on me!” Big Black Ox rejection. “不行,这种大药还是留下吧,别浪费在我身上!”大黑牛拒绝。 Old Ox, you are taking, you must do the important matter, must result in preserves the life!” One group of people make him take. 老牛,你就拿着吧,你要去干大事,必须得保住命!”一群人都让他带上。 Is Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng also consistently nods, finally Old Ox withdraw one can of golden solutions, this is refines from Good Fortune Divine Physique Zhou Shang within the body. 就是黄牛欧阳风也一致点头,最终老牛收起一罐金色的药液,这是从无劫神体周尚体内提炼出来的。 Do not look at such a small pot, is the essence! 别看这么一小罐,全是精华! Good Fortune Divine Physique Zhou Shang was put only dozens blood, boils down and deputes unceasingly, finally obtained such one can of big medicines, the people takes to Old Ox! 无劫神体周尚被放净数十次血液,不断熬炼与提纯,最后得到这么一罐大药,众人给老牛带上了! Then, Old Ox, Ouyang Feng and Yellow Ox thorough Unextinguishable Mountain smelting trial place. 然后,老牛欧阳风黄牛深入不灭山试炼地。 Flash, after they enter in dense fog, just like the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, anything changed, sees off person and the sound vanishes instant. 一刹那而已,当他们走进迷雾中后,宛若沧海桑田,斗转星移,什么都改变了,身后的送行人与声音刹那消失。 In their front, north wind volume white Caozhe, ground withered bone is flying, this is a stretch of battlefield, performs obviously the desolate air/Qi, the somewhat broken flag inserts in the ground, flap flap makes noise in the wind. 在他们前方,北风卷地白草折,地上枯骨都在跟着飞起,这是一片战场,尽显苍凉之气,有些残破的大旗插在地上,在风中猎猎作响。 What are more is the skeleton, stretches to the horizon, sky over the dark-red land exudes wū wū the wind sound/rumor. 更多的是尸骨,一望无垠,暗红色的土地上空发出呜呜的风声。 In addition, silhouette indistinctly, came from the distance, is calling out, kills to them. 此外,还有影影绰绰的身影,从远处走来,而后嚎叫着,向他们三人杀来。 These are the living corpses, skinny, at this time their in the eye socket is flowing the dazzling ray, does not have the sober intelligence, but has to slaughter consciousness. 那些都是活死人,皮包骨头,此时他们的眼窝中流动着刺目的光芒,没有清醒的神智,但却有杀戮意识。 Kills!” “杀!” Three people bellow, forward comes up. 三人大吼,一路向前上去。 Here also has moon, overhangs in sky, but actually somewhat cold and dreary, even in the fierce combat along with battlefield, that round full moon catches the blood-color, is somewhat scarlet. 这里也有月亮,高挂天空中,但是却有些凄冷,甚至随着战场中的激战,那轮圆月染上血色,有些猩红。 dāng dāng dāng! 当当当 sparks fly in all directions, even if Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng more than once come not to dare to be negligent, is carrying a long sword and great halberd respectively, here violent take action. 火星四溅,哪怕黄牛欧阳风不止一次进来也不敢大意,各自拎着一口长剑与大戟,在这里猛烈出手 Any demons and monsters, Grandpa Ox came, today must rush, moves that three full monster cauldrons with Little Yellow and Ouyang together, henceforth can long roost Unextinguishable Mountain, grasps this place, but does not become the so-called traveler!” “什么妖魔鬼怪,牛爷爷来了,今天要闯进去,跟小黄、欧阳一起搬动那三足妖鼎,从此可以长栖不灭山,掌握此地,而不是成为所谓的过客!” Big Black Ox roars, has been going all out, the time is not long, on him dyes with blood, presented two full moon sickles in his hands, that is his horn, turns into the cutter body, was carried by him in the hand, chops to cut crazily. 大黑牛吼着,已经拼命,时间不长,他身上已经染血,在他的手中出现两口圆月弯刀,那是他的犄角,化成刀体,被他拎在手中,疯狂劈斩。 But, this stretch of ancient battlefield, the innumerable shadows are dense and numerous, put on Full-Body Armor, kills unceasingly. 可是,这片古战场,无数的黑影密密麻麻,穿着甲胄,不断杀来。 Roar......” living corpse is bellowing, is crowded, tens of thousands, is similar to one crowd of evil spirits rushes out from the hell, kills to here. “吼……”活死人在大吼,非常密集,成千上万,如同一群厉鬼从地狱中闯出,向这里杀来。 In the sky, transmits roaring of ominous birds and beasts, deafening. 天空中,更是传来凶禽猛兽的咆哮,震耳欲聋。 As can be seen, several pterodactyls flutter the tattered wing, puts out the big piece the black fog, but downward dive. 可以看到,几头翼龙拍动破烂的翅膀,吐出大片的黑雾,向下俯冲而至。 In addition, the Black Dragon, Silver Dragon in West wait/etc., were having the decayed aura, opens mouth to put out together another Dao rune ray, kills from the upper air. 此外,还有西方的黑龙、银龙等,带着腐朽的气息,张嘴吐出一道又一道符文光芒,从高空杀来。 But the ground also has Bone Dragon, Taotie, Winged Tiger wait/etc., was the ancient Inferior Divine Beast skeleton, at this time just like the recovery, the ruptured earth, the mist and dust filled the nighttime sky, shouting, was similar to the startled thunder clap world, the innumerable monsters appeared, eye pupil blood red, killed forward. 而地上还有骨龙,还有饕餮穷奇等,都是古代的亚神兽尸骸,此时宛若复苏,崩开大地,烟尘弥漫夜空,嘶吼着,如同惊雷震世,无数的怪物出现,眼眸血红,向前杀来。 Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and Boss Black goal only has one, that is the restricted area deep place, three full monster cauldrons. 黄牛欧阳风大老黑的目标只有一个,那就是禁地深处,一座三足妖鼎。 The conclusion that after this is they repeatedly conscientiously study, draws, that is Monster Race Holy Land's key Artifact, needs three creature to grasp legs respectively, carries on the blood sacrifice, may the control, and obtains this place approval. 这是他们反复认真研究后得出的结论,那是妖族圣地的关键器物,需要三个生灵各自抱住一只鼎足,进行血祭,才有可能掌控,并得到此地认可。 Because, they had studied Unextinguishable Mountain's many Stele for serveral days, loses according to the predecessor carves, speculated the lots. 因为,这些天他们研究了不灭山的很多石碑,依据前人遗刻等,推测出很多东西。 Kills!” Shouted " kill " heavenshaking, when killed afterward, various living corpses, monsters in this piece of battlefield as if truly resurrected, can open the mouth shouts out, noisy wail. “杀啊!”喊杀震天,杀到后来时,这片战场上的活死人、各种怪物等都仿佛真正复活了,可以开口大喝、长嚎等。 And, the blade edge chops on their bodies, no longer is similar to chops the wood/blockhead, but will splash truly the blood. 并且,刀锋砍在他们的身上,也不再如同砍木头般,而是真正会溅起血液等。 Slaughters intensely, on Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng had the wound, dyes with blood, but they were also actually advancing, fiercely attacked forward. 激烈厮杀,黄牛欧阳风身上都出现伤口,染血了,但是他们却也在一路推进,向前猛攻。 Is somewhat frigid as for Big Black Ox, the chest was pierced by the iron lance, the shoulder inserts broken sword, the back is staring at the bone lance, the abdomen is having the indentation of giant beast. 至于大黑牛有些惨烈,胸部被铁矛洞穿,肩头插着断剑,后背盯着骨矛等,腹部更是有巨兽的齿痕。 His whole body is the blood, but is very fierce, kills the redeye, carries full moon sickle that own big horn is turning into, kills forward fiercely. 他浑身是血,但是却很勇猛,杀红眼睛,拎着自己的大犄角化成的圆月弯刀,向前猛杀。 Finally, they are separated from this stretch of battlefield, enters the vigorous sign of life vigorous region, however under the moonlight, has a type of cold aura. 终于,他们脱离这片战场,进入一片生机勃勃的地带,但是在月光下,却也有种冷冽的气息。 Here has mutated fruit, but also has the plant of murder, as well as various fearful lifeforms, be careful!” Yellow Ox reminder. “这里有异果,但也有杀人的植物,以及各种可怕的生物,小心!”黄牛提醒。 It just said, a fist big golden color ant flies then extremely fast, the tooth is very sharp, is similar to two knives that the cold light sparkles, must clamp the throat of broken person Yellow Ox. 它刚说完,一只拳头大的金色蚂蚁就极速飞来,牙齿很锋利,如同寒光闪闪的两口刀子,要夹碎人黄牛的喉咙。 Bang! 砰! Yellow Ox fights with the fists, breaking. 黄牛一拳打出,将之震碎。 However, buzz, in the jungle one flock of golden ants soar, kills toward here, moreover not far away also has bites gold/metal beast, is similar to the wolf, but whole body silver white, likes eating the metal, likes taking a life, throws crazily. 但是,嗡的一声,丛林中一群金色蚂蚁腾空,向着这里杀来,而且不远处还有许多噬金兽,如同豺狼,但是浑身银白,喜欢吃金属,也喜欢杀生,疯狂扑来。 pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” When kills from here, Big Black Ox, from top to bottom were staggering many several blood holes, named the monster of Land Dragon to puncture thoroughly by one name, their more than one foot are long, whole body hard like sharp sword, can pierce the metal, mountain massif easily. 当从这里杀出去时,大黑牛踉踉跄跄,浑身上下多了十几个血窟窿,是被一种名叫地龙的怪物刺透的,它们不过一尺多长,周身坚硬如利剑,能轻易洞穿金属、山体等。 Three people facing over ten thousand, Big Black Ox were inferior eventually Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng, are seriously battered. 三人面对上万只,大黑牛终究是不如黄牛欧阳风,遭受重创。 Old black, is really not good we to deliver you!” This time, is not squinting Ouyang Feng, very earnest opens the mouth, he worried that Big Black Ox cannot support. “老黑,实在不行我们将你送出去吧!”这一次,连欧阳风都不在斜视,很认真的开口,他担心大黑牛支撑不住。 Big Black Ox shakes the head, insists on going, said: „It is not good, on the record according to Stele, that three full monster cauldrons needs three people able to stimulate to movement, words that I do not go, your strength has been again short of one person.” 大黑牛摇头,执意前往,道:“不行,按照石碑上的记载,那三足妖鼎需要三个人才能催动,我不去的话,你们实力再强还是少了一人。” Drinks to select the Good Fortune Divine Physique blood medicine.” Yellow Ox makes him therapy, does not want the big medicine in parsimonious hand. “喝点无劫神体的血药。”黄牛让他疗伤,不要吝啬手中的大药。 Big Black Ox shakes the head, said: „It is not good, this thing is remaining first, I always thought when that three full monster cauldron blood sacrifices may use some special divine blood.” 大黑牛摇头,道:“不行,这东西先留着,我总觉得那三足妖鼎血祭时可能会用上一些特殊的神血。” Ouyang Feng said: Old black, do not spell, you drink, Uncle Divine King Ouyang blood is also divine blood, when the time comes can offer sacrifices.” 欧阳风道:“老黑,不要太拼,你喝吧,欧阳神王大爷的血也是神血,到时候可以献祭一些。” The Big Black Ox nod said: First is remaining, really could not insist that I will drink.” 大黑牛点头道:“先留着,实在坚持不住我会喝的。” Old black, do not impulse, my knows you hide together Stele, above has the laws of blood sacrifice three full monster cauldrons the predecessor infers, said that must offer sacrifices oneself, do not believe.” Yellow Ox is serious, making him not impulse. “老黑,你别冲动,我知道你藏起来一块石碑,上面有前人推断出的血祭三足妖鼎之法,说是要献祭自身,你别相信。”黄牛严肃无比,让他别冲动。 In fact, it peeped that Stele, although by Big Black Ox hiding, but was seen actually already by Yellow Ox. 事实上,它偷看到了那块石碑,虽然被大黑牛给藏了起来,但其实早就被黄牛看到了。 After Ouyang Feng hears was startled, said: Old black, has really your, do not play dumb, if you offering sacrifices, having enabled yourself us to accept, can look helplessly the brothers do die? Also, Chu Feng will not comply, do you want to let us guilty for a lifetime?” 欧阳风听到后吃了一惊,道:“老黑,真有你的,别犯傻,你要是把自己给献祭了,让我们怎么能接受,能眼睁睁的看着兄弟去死吗?还有,楚风也不会答应的,你想让我们内疚一辈子吗?” My this did not think that always holds back, finally the time can shine the opportunity of giving off heat, wants to give a try, relax, Old Ox my hard skin and strong flesh, the blood are most, cannot die!” Big Black Ox said negligently. “我这不是觉得总是拖后腿吗,终于有一次可以发光发热的机会了,就想试试看,放心,老牛皮糙肉厚,血最多,死不了!”大黑牛大咧咧地说道。 „It is not good!” Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng shake the head together. “不行!”黄牛欧阳风一起摇头。 Walks, starting off!” After Big Black Ox restores to come, waves, when flushes away first forward. “走,上路!”大黑牛恢复过来后,一挥手,当先向前冲去。 Kunlun Mountains, the Chu Feng tongue resplendent lotus flower, the mouth spits the foam, spoke the truth with old Holy Tree finally passed, obtained big can of pollen of its here. 昆仑,楚风舌灿莲花,口吐白沫,总算是跟老圣树将道理讲通了,从它这里得到一大罐的花粉。 Careful, do not contaminate on you, will otherwise smelt you, turns into a flesh weapon!” weapon refining Holy Tree reminder. “小心点,别沾染在你身上,不然会把你自己熔炼,化成一块人肉兵器!”炼兵圣树提醒。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng vanishes directly, does not have shadow instantaneously. 楚风直接消失,瞬间没影。 Young brat, obtained the advantage to run, reaches an agreement accompanied my old person to chat, person?!” old tree shouted. “小兔崽子,得到好处就跑,说好了陪我老人家唠唠嗑的,人呢?!”老树叫嚷。 Chu Feng already beyond the thousand li (500 km), he really could not bear, accompanies old tree to chat the greater part of the night, the saliva must do, the throat has belched smoke, finally old tree listens, he must spit blood with great interest. 楚风早已在千里之外,他实在受不了,陪老树聊了大半夜,唾沫都要干了,嗓子都冒烟了,结果老树还是听的津津有味呢,他已经要吐血了。 Especially, old tree are words discusses, said together, endless. 尤其是,老树自己还是个话唠,跟着一起说,没完没了。 Jiangning, Purple Golden Mountain. 江宁,紫金山 Chu Feng came, direct thorough underground found Overlord Chu, then makes him bring to arrive in Small World that center of the earth deep place that piece of Primal Chaos Qi winds around. 楚风又来了,直接深入地下找到楚霸王,然后让他带着来到地心深处那片混沌气缭绕的小世界中。 You came, but you thought that once I walked from here, perhaps will be unpredictable, I again cannot return, will murder henceforth boundlessly, conquered by killing the starry sky, becomes the disaster source, particularly regarding this planet......” “你来了,但你想好了吗,我一旦从这里走出去,将不可预料,或许我再也回不到过去,将从此杀伐无边,血洗星空,将成为灾难源头,尤其是对于这颗星球而言……” That low and deep sound, the hoarse words, transmit from ancient coffin, are bringing crazy, side did not have the tyranny, is a malicious ghost gets out of trouble in the waiting likely. 那低沉的声音,沙哑的话语,从古棺中传来,带着一丝疯狂,还有无边的暴虐,像是一只恶鬼在等待脱困。 At this moment, Chu Feng hesitated, his palpitation, this is rescuing mother star, is in the release blood and chaotic? 这一刻,楚风犹豫了,他一阵心悸,他这是在救母星,还是在释放血与乱? Even, he was suspecting, oneself had problems by that brain, only remaining tyrannically with slaughtering the old person of will deceiving, actually does he want to get out of trouble? 甚至,他在怀疑,自己是否被那脑子出了问题、只剩下暴虐与杀戮意志的老人给欺骗了,其实他自己想脱困? Considered that good to give me, this type of pollen may smelt Origin Metal, but actually also requires the time, particularly World of the Living's Origin Metal is more terrifying, moreover middle has High Supreme Being's rune, most little needs quite a while above.” In ancient coffin broadcasts the low and deep sound, the fierce respite sound, was similar to prehistoric ferocious beast in the savings strength, thinks that broke through the shackles. “考虑好就给我,这种花粉可熔炼母金,但是却也需要时间,尤其是阳间的母金更恐怖,而且当中有无上大能的符文,最少需要半天以上的时间。”古棺中传来低沉的声音,还有剧烈的喘息声,如同一头史前凶兽在积蓄力量,想好冲破牢笼。
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