SR :: Volume #8

#718: Earth card in a hand

Chu Feng left, crossed Eastern Sea, after thorough land, he went to Purple Golden Mountain, sees own swearing brotherhood big brother. 楚风离开,渡过东海,深入陆地后他一路前往紫金山,去看望自己的结拜大哥。 Jiangning, Purple Golden Mountain. 江宁,紫金山 In the Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace topography is very tranquil, after arriving here, Chu Feng a little feels timid, here is dwelling, but did the Yaoyao grandfather, a while call? 太上八卦炉地势内很宁静,真到这里后,楚风有点发怵,这里栖居着的可是妖妖的爷爷啊,一会儿怎么称呼? Although that unconscious, but, making Yaoyao knows he profit like this, later definitely kills him! 尽管那位神智不清,可是,让妖妖知道他这样占便宜,以后肯定打死他! This time, Chu Feng enters cautiously underground, he decides, called by the senior directly, cannot the rash chaotic name. 这一次,楚风小心翼翼进入地下,他打定主意,直接以前辈称呼,不能再冒失的乱称呼了。 A burrow, just like the furnace body, the Chu Feng careful induction, then starts to summon. 一个地穴,宛若炉体,楚风仔细感应,然后开始呼唤。 At first does not have any sound, stimulates to movement Domain until him, making this place eight position all flame shine, then he realizes a terrifying aura. 起初没有任何动静,直到他催动场域,让这片地方八个方位所有火焰都亮起来,然后他体会到一种恐怖的气息。 The sound of iron chain just like coming from the hell, conveys by stone wall, then big silhouette, whole body black growing hair pushes from stone wall, but the rock is perfect, what uses puts on the wall technique. 铁链的声音宛若来自地狱,透过石壁传来,接着一个高大的身影,浑身都黑色的长毛从石壁中挤出来,而岩石完好无损,用的是穿墙术。 Senior!” Chu Feng salutes immediately. “前辈!”楚风立刻施礼。 On that big silhouette face is the black grows hair, makes the fuzzy sound, said: Two...... Younger brother!” 那个高大的身影脸上是黑色长毛,发出模糊的声音,道:“二……弟!” Chu Feng is at a loss for words, is a little dumbstruck, is exceptionally stunned, this old gentleman brain is not miraculous, is precisely an incarnation, how suddenly straightening out? 楚风张口结舌,有点发懵,异常错愕,这位老爷子脑子不灵光,且是一具化身,怎么突然“开窍”了? Unexpectedly called his Second Brother! 居然叫他二弟! He believes firmly that oneself has not misunderstood, is that name. 他确信自己没有听错,就是那个称呼。 Mammoth shape and starry sky gold sheep and Immemorial demon rhinocero......” this old gentleman enunciation is unclear, the whole body black grows hair to send out black light, has exploded some races names without consulting anybody. “猛犸象、星空黄金羊、太古魔犀……”这位老爷子口齿不清,浑身黑色长毛发出乌光,径自爆了一些种族的名称。 Then, the old gentleman has also scratched the mouth, is scratching the saliva likely. 然后,老爷子还擦了擦嘴巴,像是在擦口水。 Chu Feng understands immediately, previous time gives this old gentleman some eating, he became addicted, the present is demanding food. 楚风立刻明白,上次送给这位老爷子一些吃的后,他上瘾了,现在是在索要食物。 Fortunately, Chu Feng is prepared, before thinks of these, must be the Yaoyao grandfather provides some delicacies. 还好,楚风有准备,在来之前就想到这些,原本就要为妖妖的祖父送上一些佳肴。 On Unextinguishable Island once was burnt more than 9000 Evolver, many alien races leave behind the huge corpse, was thoroughly ripe, was admitted the space bracelet to be many by Chu Feng. 不灭岛上曾经被烧死9000多位进化者,有不少异族都留下庞大的尸体,都熟透了,被楚风放进空间手链不少。 Then, here spreads the meat to be fragrant, this old gentleman made chewing motions greatly quickly. 然后,这里传出肉香,这位老爷子大快朵颐。 Chu Feng comes to here is to emit Grandpa Yaoyao True Body! 楚风来这里是想放出妖妖爷爷的真身 He guessed that is a terrifying of Shining Upon All Heavens level exists, even may compare the same level people to be fiercer, after all this old gentleman resolves to enter World of the Living, asks that human world's supreme powerhouse to revenge. 他猜测,那是一位映照诸天级的恐怖存在,甚至有可能比同级的人都要厉害许多,毕竟这位老爷子立志要打进阳间,找那人世间的无上强者报仇。 If no many skills, the Yaoyao grandfather does dare to have that faith? 如果没有两把刷子,妖妖的祖父怎么敢有那种信念? What a pity, Yaoyao grandfather oneself had problems, the intelligence does not accommodate, the dementia, has sunk the dormancy in the core deep place! 可惜,妖妖的爷爷自身出了问题,神智不容,精神错乱,一直沉眠在地核深处! Otherwise, in the past Yaoyao grandfather, if has not missed that decided that Earth destiny antiquity great war, all completely are perhaps different. 不然的话,当年妖妖的祖父如果没有错过那场决定地球命运的上古大战,一切或许完全不一样。 If he enters the war, perhaps the history will be rewritten! 他若是参战,历史也许会被改写! However, the life cannot come again, without that many, if, the antiquity years passed, said anything late. 然而,人生不能重来,没有那么多的如果,上古岁月已逝,说什么都晚了。 The Yaoyao grandfather disappeared in the past, he most intimate person not knows where. 妖妖的祖父当年消失,连他最亲近的人都不知道在哪里。 Chu Feng harbors a ray of hope, invites this old gentleman, so long as this person can sober in a minute, soars, Chu Feng believes, a palm of the hand can clap the holy artifact-- war palace wall on broken vault of heaven. 楚风怀着一线希望,来请这位老爷子,只要此人能清醒片刻间,腾空而起,楚风相信,一巴掌就能拍碎天穹上的圣器——战争皇城。 Moreover, should be able to hold to kill that to be known as ten thousand hunter, including middle dark Saint! 而且,也应该可以一掌打死那号称过万的狩猎者,包括当中的黑暗圣者 If so, frightens the starry sky sufficiently, significance is profound, from now Assassinating Vault of Heaven as well as first ten mostly must dread, does not dare to regard here is the back garden. 如果是这样的话,足以震慑星空,意义深远,从此以后刺天穹以及前十大都要忌惮,不敢视这里为后花园。 After for a long time, Overlord Chu is satisfied, no longer feed. 很长时间后,楚霸王才满足,不再进食。 Then, in Chu Feng unceasingly with the situation that in he exchanges, tall Overlord Chu brings Chu Feng to vanish from here, enters the center of the earth deep place. 然后,在楚风不断跟他交流的情况下,身材高大的楚霸王带着楚风从这里消失,进入地心深处。 Here has Primal Chaos Qi, there is a fearful earth magnetism, becomes side Small World. 这里有混沌气,也有可怕的地磁,自成一方小世界 This is a stretch of nihility region, has stars, has Star River to reverse, exceptionally mysterious, ancient coffin is piles up by the stars likely, very bright. 这是一片虚无地带,有繁星点点,有星河倒转,异常的神秘,一口古棺像是由星辰堆积而成,非常的灿烂。 Is twining many divine gold chains in its above, is especially thick, is Origin Metal, is bringing billowing Yang Qi. 在它的上面缠绕着很多神金链子,其中一条格外粗大,是一种母金,带着滚滚阳气 That is the World of the Living's High Supreme Being type in Yaoyao grandfather within the body! 那是阳间的无上大能种在妖妖祖父体内的! This piece of void baleful aura was too heavy, Chu Feng must suffocate simply, he wants to approach ancient coffin, but oneself actually as if must break to pieces, body severe pain. 这片虚空煞气太重了,楚风简直要窒息,他想接近古棺,可是自身却仿佛要碎掉了,身体剧痛。 Chu Feng summoned here, the result has not gotten any response, in that ancient coffin incomparable silence, however the invisible aura wanted collapse here all, indicates Evolver that here indeed is unable to imagine in deep sleep. 楚风在这里呼唤,结果没有得到任何回应,那口古棺中无比的寂静,但是无形的气息要崩毁这里的一切,预示着这里的确有一个无法想象的进化者在沉睡。 Then, Chu Feng seeks help Overlord Chu, this corpse demon is Rebirth from a drop of Blood, is a Yaoyao grandfather's incarnation. 然后,楚风求助楚霸王,这位尸魔乃是滴血重生的,是妖妖祖父的一具化身。 However, by the silhouette sound, he was also been really unconscious, slightly has the confusion, said: I remember some past events, the genuine shackles from that Origin Metal, are condensing the World of the Living's symbol, the rash action words, will have the catastrophe, True Body regains consciousness, will massacre innocently.” 不过,受真身影响,他也是神智不清的,略有混乱,道:“我想起一些旧事,真正的桎梏来自那根母金,凝聚着阳间的符号,妄动的话,会有大祸,真身苏醒,会乱杀无辜。” The Overlord Chu words somewhat said is unclear, but Chu Feng can understand thoroughly, can understand what is heard. 楚霸王的话语还是有些说的不清,但是楚风已经能够洞彻,可以听明白。 That Origin Metal chain......” Chu Feng stares at ancient coffin, this is planted artificially, takes root in the Yaoyao grandfather True Body flesh. “那条母金链子……”楚风凝视古棺,这是被人为种下的,扎根在妖妖祖父真身的血肉中。 He does not lose heart, summon repeatedly, wants to awaken this outstanding expert, because his knows at present only then the Yaoyao grandfather can kill all enemies! 他不死心,一遍又一遍的呼唤,想要唤醒这位盖代高手,因为他知道眼下只有妖妖的爷爷能杀一切敌! He like this lightly calls , to continue the half-day time, in that ancient coffin sends out a ka-cha light sound unexpectedly, is the chains is moving! 他就这样轻唤,足足持续半天的时间,那古棺中居然发出喀嚓一声轻响,是锁链在动! This makes him shock, has the response?! 这让他震惊,算是有回应了吗?! Then, he becomes dark at present, the whole person must blast out, Chu Feng hears the sound that oneself heart has been going to disrupt, including whole body bone. 然后,他眼前发黑,整个人都要炸开了,楚风听到了自己心脏将要碎裂的声音,包括浑身骨头等。 Is this possible? He evolves swiftly and violently, now arrives at this world, under some type of aura, must disintegrate unexpectedly! 这怎么可能?他进化迅猛,如今都走到这步天地了,在某种气息下,居然就要解体! Is this Shining Upon All Heavens level the strength of powerhouse? 这就是映照诸天级的强者的实力吗? Overlord Chu moved, first blocks Chu Feng after behind, leaps the big piece black light, covers in this place, blocks aura that type has filled. 楚霸王动了,第一时间将楚风拦在身后,腾起大片的乌光,覆盖在此地,挡住了那种无意间弥漫过来的气息。 Second Brother...... Do not fear.” Overlord Chu sound vibrato. “二弟……别怕。”楚霸王的声音略带颤音。 He is very strong, is hard to estimate, when faces own True Body as before so, suppressed to not any temperament. 他很强,难以揣度,但是面对自己的真身时依旧如此,被压制的到没有任何脾气。 The next quarter, Overlord Chu vibrates suddenly, moreover in the pupil ray a big magnificence burst, turned into the green suddenly, was similar to wants the sudden rising generally. 下一刻,楚霸王突然抖动,而且眸子中光芒突然大盛,变成了绿色,如同要诈尸了一般。 Moreover, at this time, his sound changed, dignified incomparable, said: Who you are, why rushes to this place?!” 而且,这个时候,他的声音变了,威严无比,道:“你是谁,为何闯到此地?!” So the flash, the Chu Feng fine body hair but is actually vertical, his knows, Overlord Chu changed, should be controlled by Yaoyao the True Body consciousness of grandfather's. 就这么一瞬间,楚风寒毛倒竖,他知道,楚霸王变了,应该是被妖妖的祖父的真身意识主宰了。 My Chu Feng, is the boy of later generation......” Chu Feng flip-flop, the rapid and brief introduction, mentioned Yaoyao, speaks of the antiquity to elapse, talks about now the embarrassed shape of Earth. “我名楚风,是后世的一个小子……”楚风噼啪一顿,迅速而简短的介绍,提到妖妖,说到上古逝去,谈到如今地球的窘状。 My knows, I have missed the antiquity!” “我知道,我错过了上古!” Yaoyao grandfather's voice is low and deep, is bringing endless moved, a sorrow of difficult word, he is restraining vigorously, but could not bear erupt finally, must face upward to shout. 妖妖祖父的声音低沉无比,带着无尽的伤感,还有一种难言的悲恸,他在极力克制,但是最后还是忍不住爆发了,要仰天嘶吼。 However the final time, his body was stiff, motionless, sends out black light to shelter Chu Feng. 不过最终时刻,他的身体僵硬了,一动不动,发出乌光庇护着楚风 But ancient coffin there, the Primal Chaos Qi large explosion, that side region splits void, the world is chaotic, becomes side Small World, is annihilating directly, ancient coffin is vibrating, and interior sends out the painful the shouting sound. 古棺那里,混沌气大爆炸,那边地带虚空裂开,天地混乱,自成一方小世界,直接在湮灭,古棺在震动,并且内部发出痛苦的嘶吼声。 That is a deep lamentation and regret, he already the knows antiquity had anything! 那是一种深沉的悔恨与遗憾,他早已知道上古发生什么! But, I am unable to leave now, if gets out of trouble, will become will slaughter the machine, will not divide the enemy and ourselves, will destroy all.” “可是,我现在也无法离开,若是脱困走出去,会成为杀戮机器,不分敌我,毁灭一切。” Leaves, immediately, my time are not much, soon must go crazy once more, must sink the dormancy!” “离开,马上,我时间不多,即将又要再次发疯,必须要沉眠!” Quick, quick, quick!” “快,快,快!” Yaoyao grandfather's True Body was urging, obviously his oneself has the major problem, in the past vanished, in self- captivity, otherwise he will destroy all. 妖妖祖父的真身在催促,显然他自身有大问题,当年消失,就是在自我囚禁,不然他会毁灭一切。 Even has the possibility, the planet that his family member, his disciple, he dwells will be destroyed completely by him personally. 甚至有可能,他的亲人,他的弟子,他所栖居的这颗星球都会被他亲手灭掉。 Here becomes side Small World, is imprisoning his strength, he in self- captivity. 这里自成一方小世界,禁锢着他的力量,他在自我囚禁。 Chu Feng is not willing, yells: Senior, you leaves cannot in a minute, does not want you to enter the universe deep place, in extraterrestrial, the killer dynasty, must rule this planet, must conquer by killing this place, needs you to attack!” 楚风不甘心,大叫道:“前辈,你离开片刻间都不能吗,不是要你进入宇宙深处,就在地球外,有一个杀手皇朝,要君临这颗星球,要血洗此地,需要你出击!” He believes that so long as Yaoyao grandfather take action, a palm of the hand can solve the complete problem! 他相信只要妖妖的祖父出手,一巴掌就能解决掉全部问题! However, at this time Overlord Chu was frightened, bringing Chu Feng extremely fast to back up, is separated from the piece of Small World of center of the earth instant, runs out of the chaos wall. 然而,这时楚霸王却惊悚,带着楚风极速倒退,刹那脱离地心的这片小世界,冲出混沌界壁。 Then, Chu Feng induced, inside had the large explosion, filled with the tyrannical aura, was bringing boundless killing intent, performing destroys and air/Qi of murdering. 然后,楚风感应到了,里面发生大爆炸,充满暴虐性的气息,带着无边的杀意,尽是毁灭与杀伐之气。 Kills, kills, kills......” “杀,杀,杀……” In that spreads seven to kill the character, that is one crazy mood, brings to extinguish the world fluctuation! 在那里面,传出七个杀字,那是一种疯狂的情绪,带着要灭世般的波动! Chu Feng is frightened, if he does not draw back, certainly must be twisted broken by the invisible energy, top powerhouse in Shining Upon All Heavens cannot estimate. 楚风惊悚,他如果不退出来,肯定要被无形的能量绞碎,映照诸天中的至强者不可揣度。 He , if stained with the blood, is a road of no return, possibly is unable to turn head again, cannot return to this place, can only slaughter in the universe, moreover does not have self-......” Demon King Chu saying that his intelligence was clear and bright were likely many. “他若是沾血,就是一条不归路,可能再也无法回头,回不到此地,只能在宇宙中大开杀戒了,而且没有自我……”楚魔王说道,他的神智像是清明了不少。 Also knows how long, in Small World in center of the earth, had not spread the sound, said: Goes to Kunlun Mountains, takes the weapon refining Holy Tree pollen, perhaps I have breath take action time.” 也不知道过了多久,地心中的小世界内,传出声音,道:“去昆仑,取炼兵圣树的花粉来,我或许有一息的出手时间。” Then, the tyrannical aura erupts once more. 然后,暴虐的气息再次爆发。 Chu Feng is stunned, is then pleasantly surprised, making Overlord Chu lead him to return to the surface, then he turns around to walk. 楚风愕然,而后惊喜,让楚霸王带着他回到地表,然后他转身就走。 Among breaths, existed regarding the terrifying of Shining Upon All Heavens level was completely enough, should be able to destroy all, even in that war fortress, if had the big fish, perhaps must be hit to explode completely! 一息间,对于映照诸天级的恐怖存在完全足够了,应该能摧毁一切,甚至那战争堡垒中如果有大鱼,说不定也要全部被打爆! Chu Feng nonstop, rushes to Kunlun Mountain, what he a little has a headache, previous time has not discovered weapon refining Holy Tree in Kunlun Mountain great war, where knows it did not run up. 楚风马不停蹄,一路闯向昆仑山,他有点头疼的是,上次在昆仑山大战没有发现炼兵圣树,不知道它跑到哪里去了。 Perhaps entered the Town of Ten Thousand Gods deep place!” “或许进入了万神之乡深处!” He believes, this old tree in Kunlun Mountains, has not been far away. 他相信,这棵老树还在昆仑,没有远离。 Initially, his Vajra Cutter is weapon refining Holy Tree helps him smelt successfully, shook the full tree pollen, making Origin Metal change from. 当初,他的金刚琢就是炼兵圣树帮他熔炼成功的,摇动满树花粉,使母金化形。 old tree, the old Saint, the old god, the old friend comes visiting!” 老树,老圣,老神,故人来访!” Chu Feng shouted, runs in Kunlun Mountain, did not fear that was discovered that because by his present strength on Earth had not feared that really meets the match. 楚风大喊,在昆仑山中奔跑,不怕被人发现,因为以他现在的实力在地球上还真不怕遇上对手。 Then, he rushes in Town of Ten Thousand Gods, after this inside, does not dare across the sky, because of here topography terrifying, previous time dead again at will many people, was almost stranded including him in inside. 然后,他一路闯进万神之乡,到了这里面后不敢再随意横空,因为这里的地势恐怖,上一次死了很多人,连他都差点被困在里面。 old tree, old Saint, you where?!” Chu Feng shouted unceasingly. 老树,老圣,你在哪里?!”楚风不断大喊。 A towering sound resounds, old tree uses the root hair as both feet, crops up from the distant place, visits him vigilantly, said: Boy, your previous time has harmed me, all pollen almost use on your bracelet, looks for me, does not have the good deed certainly!” 一个突兀的声音响起,一株老树以根须为双足,从远处冒头,警惕的看着他,道:“小子,你上次把我坑苦了,所有花粉都几乎用在你的手环上,又来找我,准没好事!” Big brother, Brother, I want dead you!” After Chu Feng sees it, immediately the great happiness, has not thought such successfully, directly found, really in Town of Ten Thousand Gods. “大哥,老哥,我想死你了!”楚风看到它后顿时大喜,万万没有想到这么顺利,直接就找到,果然在万神之乡 Meanwhile, Unextinguishable Mountain, Big Black Ox also makes the significant resolution. 与此同时,不灭山,大黑牛也做出重大决断。 Big Black Ox said: I enter Unextinguishable Mountain most deep place with Little Yellow and little Ouyang, seizes this Monster Race smelting trial Holy Land's control, once takes, the fortress of this war machine crush that so-called dark dynasty, extinguished them sufficiently completely!” 大黑牛道:“我跟小黄、小欧阳进不灭山最深处,去夺这妖族试炼圣地的控制权,一旦拿下,这座战争机器足以碾压那所谓的黑暗皇朝的堡垒,灭他们全部!” The (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger whole face is anxious, said: Old is black your line, in Unextinguishable Mountain is too dangerous, after is Little Yellow and Ouyang this peerless talent goes, each time is the severe wound returns, we feared that you have the danger!” 东北虎满脸忧虑,道:“老黑你行吗,不灭山内太危险,就是小黄与欧阳这种绝世天赋进去后,每次都是重伤而归,我们怕你发生危险!” „It is not good also on, Old Ox I believe that I can boil, can rush to the end point, this time spelled!” Big Black Ox exclaimed, he does not want each time to be Chu Feng to front, blocked all archenemies, he also wants also take action, to share the pressure. “不行也得上,老牛我相信自己能熬过去,能闯到终点,这次拼了!”大黑牛吼道,他不想每次都是楚风冲在前面,挡住所有大敌,他也想也出手,分担压力。 I go with you together!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger with Big Black Ox already was life and death intimate friendship, like this exclaimed. “我跟你一起去!”东北虎大黑牛早已是生死莫逆之交,这样吼道。 I...... Went also to bring death.” Old Donkey is discouraged, had self-knowledge very much. “我……去了也是送死。”老驴气馁,很有自知之明。 I and you go together!” Wu Qifeng opens the mouth. “我与你们同去!”吴起峰开口。 Then Old Lama prayed to Buddha, wants to go together. 接着老喇嘛念佛,也想同去。 However, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng shake the head, here is Monster Race trains the Monster Saint place, Human Race has no way to go in truly thoroughly. 不过,黄牛欧阳风都摇头,这里是妖族培养妖圣的地方,人族没法真正深入进去。 Then, one crowd of big monsters of Kunlun Mountains were shouting, must with killing, fills the pit with the life, paves the way, killed the end. 然后,昆仑的一群大妖都嚷着,要跟着杀进去,拿命去填坑,去铺路,杀到尽头。 Big Black Ox said: Do not struggle, this is not the issue that the person many can solve, first makes Old Ox I explore the way with them, I am not good, you try again! Moreover, who said that I can be defeated? Old Ox I have not wanted dead, I also want the cow to tread the starry sky, gets married the good fairy maiden, overlooks ten thousand clans, Sanctification will not be my end point, sooner or later Old Ox I must go to World of the Living, will go to true human world to look!” 大黑牛道:“别争了,这不是人多就能解决的问题,先让老牛我跟着他们去探路,我不行,你们再试!再者说,谁说我一定要失败的?老牛我还不想死呢,我还要牛踏星空,迎娶牛仙子,俯视万族呢,成圣都不会是我的终点,早晚有一天老牛我要去阳间,去真正的人世间看一看!”
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