SR :: Volume #8

#717: Black sword dynasty

Extraterrestrial, is similar to bugle horn sound that the evil spirit wails resounds through the dark green space, lets person creepy feeling, the dark dynasty attack, the wind and cloud surged! 地球外,如同厉鬼哀嚎的号角声响彻苍宇,让人头皮发麻,黑暗皇朝来袭,风云激荡! In Star Sea, ebullition! 星海中,沸腾! These many years pass by, Assassinating Vault of Heaven little starts this large-scale assassination, perhaps this can call the war! 这么多年过去,刺天穹很少发动这种大规模的刺杀行动,或许这可以称之为战争! The predecessor of dark dynasty, was the branch that the Assassinating Vault of Heaven strength was listed eighth, was dark hunter on that planet was afterward getting stronger and stronger, finally took the black sword as the symbol unexpectedly, founded a dynasty. 黑暗皇朝的前身,原本为刺天穹旗下实力排名第八的分部,可是后来那颗星球上的黑暗狩猎者越来越强,最后竟然以黑剑为标志,开创一个皇朝。 Now, some people think that they already in various Assassinating Vault of Heaven branches, leaps to the top three in sufficiently, was called as the black sword dynasty! 现在,有人认为他们已经在刺天穹各分部中,足以跃居到前三甲内,称作黑剑皇朝! The black sword dynasty recent for 500 years, sounded the bugle three times, started the large-scale assassination, several life planet that finally destruction formidable incomparably Dao Lineage, the implementation extermination of the clan, three times, that three big Dao Lineage controlled each time were conquered by killing. 黑剑皇朝最近500年来,共吹响号角三次,发动大型刺杀行动,结果每次都覆灭一个无比强大的道统,实施灭族,前后三次,那三大道统所统驭的十几颗生命星球被血洗。 This absolutely was a cold blood dynasty, as long as was utterly destroyed with that three Dao Lineage concerned troops completely! 这绝对是一个冷血皇朝,但凡跟那三个道统有关的人马全部被斩尽杀绝! Only extinguished because of that three big Dao Lineage has killed their direct descendant trump card killer, their retaliation hearts were too strong, told the common people by the bloody fact, annoyed them not to have the good end. 只因那三大道统曾经灭杀过他们的嫡系王牌杀手,他们的报复心太强了,以血淋淋的事实告诉世人,惹了他们没有好下场。 Also precisely this terrifying success, making the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person more and more overbearing! 正是这种恐怖战绩,让刺天穹的人越来越霸道! Although was known as the dark dynasty, but their actually where nobody can find, some people said them to be of no fixed abode, loafed in the trim universe. 虽然号称黑暗皇朝,但是他们究竟在哪里没有人能找到,有人说他们居无定所,在整片宇宙中游荡。 Some also say that they have the attractive status, the surface looks like the status is noble and bright, in the reality is famous formidable Dao Lineage. The critical moment, needs their times, they will reveal the fierce lackey, hunts and kills in secret! 也有人说,他们有光鲜的身份,表面看起来身份高贵而灿烂,在现实中是一个富有盛名的强大道统。关键时刻,需要他们的时候,他们才会露出狰狞的爪牙,暗中去猎杀! Even, some people said, this dark dynasty was actually in the reality true ancient imperial court, when until hunting, in secret changes the body, sovereign Imperial court expert turned out in full strength. 甚至,有人说,这个黑暗皇朝其实是现实中一个真正的古皇朝,直到狩猎时,才会暗中变身,皇朝中高手倾巢而出。 Obviously, the black sword dynasty arrived Earth, this was the influence enormous event, all parties focused attention on and are shocked. 显然,黑剑皇朝驾临地球,这是影响极大的事件,各方瞩目与震动。 In the extraterrestrial outer space, many troops of some clans, the massive universe pirates, the interstellar explorer and others, in the Golden Body level, the time were waiting for that moment that they can arrive, wants to swarm to seize the good fortune. 地球外太空中,原本有各族的不少人马,还有大量的宇宙海盗,星际探险者等,很多都在金身层次,时刻在等待他们能够降临的那一刻,想蜂拥进去夺造化。 However now they are backing up, such as the tide evacuates generally, stays behind enough space, feared that ran upon with hunter of black sword dynasty. 然而现在他们都在倒退,如潮水一般撤离,留下足够的空间,怕跟黑剑皇朝的狩猎者撞上。 At present, nobody can discover where the bugle sounds, but, void, has heard the intermittent sword whining noise, then the people noticed that several hundred black big swords appear, across the sky. 目前,没有人能发现号角在什么地方吹响,不过,虚空中,已经传来阵阵剑鸣声,然后人们看到数百口黑色大剑出现,横空而过。 „The war fortress of black sword dynasty arrived, goes into hiding in void . Moreover, several hundred hunting and killing earliest possible time accepts the summon, this was must start!” “黑剑皇朝的战争堡垒到了,隐匿在虚空中,而且,有数百猎杀者第一时间接受召唤,这是要发动了!” Some person sinking sound tracks. 一些人沉声道。 In fact, this Assassinating Vault of Heaven's is determined to surpass the imagination of people, this is must pledge extinguishes Chu Feng, wages a war. 事实上,这一次刺天穹的决心超过人们的想象,这是要发誓灭楚风,大动干戈。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Shivers void, on the same day, people discovered, over ten thousand black long swords appear, opens in void that to run out from some splinter, then fast vanishes. 虚空颤抖,当日间,人们发现,上万口黑色长剑出现,从某一片裂开的虚空中冲出,而后又快速消失。 Heaven, ten thousand hunter had been convened to come, this cannot imagine simply!” 天啊,过万的狩猎者被召集而来,这简直不可想象!” The people believe firmly, this is really a war! 人们确信,这真的是一场战争! So-called war fortress, is a dark palace wall, was the large space weapon of black sword dynasty, can cross the universe, now appears is extraterrestrial! 所谓的战争堡垒,是一座黑暗皇城,属于黑剑皇朝的大型空间武器,能够横渡宇宙,如今出现在地球外! However, this thing is very special, same can hide with Chu Feng's Emerald Bamboo Boat in void, was not realized. 不过,这东西很特殊,跟楚风的绿竹舟一样能够隐藏在虚空中,不被人所察觉。 precisely this super space weapons, making famous Dao Lineage hear the changes countenance, it momentarily can sneak in some piece of galaxy, towering starts exterminates the clan great war. 正是这个超级空间武器,让许多负有盛名的道统都闻之变色,它随时可以潜入某一片星系中,突兀的发动灭族大战 However, like today, black sword dynasty flagrant came, the main strength threatens the border, this is in despising Evolver on Earth, does not place in the eye. 不过,像今天这样,黑剑皇朝明目张胆的来了,大兵压境,这是在蔑视地球上的进化者,不放在眼中。 We came, we slaughter!” “我们来了,我们杀戮!” On the same day, in the extraterrestrial outer space had this manifesto, was indifferent and heartless, simultaneously was having disdaining, they must kill Chu Feng, wants to found a more formidable branch here. 当天,地球外太空中有这种宣言,冷漠而无情,同时带着不屑,他们要击毙楚风,更想在这里开创一个更加强大的分部。 Otherwise, does not need to drag in lots of people like this. 不然的话,没有必要这样兴师动众。 Then, in the outer space then did not have what sound. 然后,太空中便没有什么动静了。 Occasionally, there is a black sword light to burst out, over ten thousand dark hunter are dormant, hidden in outside territory, prepares ten thousand swords to fire at any time, kills in Earth. 只是偶尔间,有黑色的剑光迸发,上万黑暗狩猎者蛰伏,隐在域外,随时准备万剑齐发,杀进地球中。 Once had Saint to peep, then, black fuzzy silhouette went out together, vanishes in the Solar System, making Saint of that other ethnic groups frightened, turned around to walk. 曾有圣人窥视,然后,一道黑色的模糊身影走出,消失在太阳系内,让那位其他族群的圣人惊悚,转身就走。 Even if to their this levels, does not want to annoy dark Saint, is not willing to stare by the killer of same step. 哪怕是到了他们这个层次,也不想惹到黑暗圣者,不愿被同阶的杀手盯上。 Evolver on this planet was too weak, the stars will was protecting, causing our people not to be good to arrive.” “这颗星球上的进化者还是太弱了,星辰意志在保护,导致我们的人不好降临。” The extraterrestrial outer space, has the hoarse sound discussion. 地球外太空,有沙哑的声音谈论。 Can consult with the native influence, if there is this planet important Energy Tower, then can receive and instruct our safe pasts.” “可以跟本土势力接洽,若是有这颗星球的重要能量塔,便可以接引我们平安的过去。” This is the material, on planet of this decline has Penglai, abbot, Yingzhou and other places to use, but is not clear whether has Energy Tower.” “这是资料,这颗没落的星球上有蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲等地可以利用,但目前还不清楚是否有能量塔。” Does not have mostly, otherwise, other Dao Lineage already went well, the army penetrated, tries to find the solution again. Invited our these little fellows and interstellar explorers unearths the vestige, strove to find an appropriate energy inheritance tower, received and instructed us to go.” “多半没有,不然的话,其他道统早已得手,大军深入了,再想办法。请我们的那些小家伙与星际探险者去挖掘遗迹,争取找到一座合适的能量传承塔,接引我们进去。” This is Sub Saint Level talks, hunter of this level arrives at Earth, the words that must penetrate are really unrivaled! 这是亚圣级对话,这种层次的狩猎者来到地球,真要深入进来的话无人可敌! This occasion, Chu Feng is looking into the distance sky over Eastern Sea, he flies into above the cloud layer, opens a pair of pupil, Discerning Eyes, divine glow explodes to shoot to be very long. 此际,楚风正在东海上空眺望,他飞进云层上方,睁开一双眸子,火眼金睛,神芒爆射出去很长。 Especially in this night, scene is too astonishing, two golden light beams go directly to outside territory! 尤其是在这个夜晚,景象太惊人,两道金色光束直达域外 Then, he saw, a length and width fully have over a hundred li (0.5 km) black palace wall float in the extraterrestrial outer space, even if can the stealth, was caught by his golden eyes! 然后,他看到了,一座长与宽都足有上百里的黑色皇城悬浮在地球外太空中,哪怕可以隐身,也被他的金睛捕捉到! Hearsay is really, the black sword dynasty had the large-scale war fortress, seemed like a palace wall, can cross the universe, arrived extraterrestrially!” “传闻是真是,黑剑皇朝有大型战争堡垒,看起来像是一座皇城,能横渡宇宙,来到地球外!” Chu Feng knows, the appetite of opposite party was too big, wants to settle down in this place, seizes the golden opportunity of Earth recovery, making this dynasty overall strength increase sharply. 楚风知道,对方的胃口太大了,想落户此地,抓住地球复苏的绝佳机会,让这一皇朝整体实力激增。 Especially, the attraction of current Earth regarding young Evolver is too big, the advantage are too many. 尤其是,目前的地球对于年轻的进化者来说诱惑力太大,好处太多。 "hē hē...... ” “呵呵……” In the vault of heaven, the moon/month bright star is thin, hears the cold laughter, the bone of stabbing pain person. 苍穹中,月朗星稀,传来冷冽的笑声,刺痛人的骨头。 Ants common thing, dares to look up to the dark deliberation hall site, you are very lucky, obviously small and weakly is similar to the ant insect, has brought in me and others, even if were pinched, was sufficiently proud. However, kills you while convenient, whets the descendants later generation. More importantly, we want to be in charge of this planet, lives this place. From now, here Indigenous, is our exterior members, if not dare, since, only keeps the blood and bone.” “蝼蚁一般的东西,也敢仰望黑暗朝堂所在地,你很幸运,明明弱小如同蚁虫,还是引来了我等,哪怕是被捏死,也足以自傲了。不过,杀你只是顺带为之,磨砺子孙后人而已。重要的是,我们想入主这颗星球,长居此地。从此以后,这里的土著,都是我们的外部成员,若敢不从,只留血与骨。” In the outer space, hands down this callous sound unexpectedly, transmits in the Chu Feng's heart clearly. 太空中,竟传下这种冷酷的声音,清晰传递到楚风的心田内。 outside territory, some Sub Saint discovered that Chu Feng is spying on! 域外,有亚圣发现楚风在窥探! The killer organization that gloomy, must not exposed to the light, one group of clumsy mischief-doers, do not have the facial skin, does not dare to walk under Guangyang, feels all right insolent? Under has to plant you to come now, your clear/pain young master foot kicks to explode your skull!” “阴暗、见不得光的杀手组织而已,一群跳梁小丑,没有脸皮,不敢行走在光阳下,也好意思张狂?有种你现在就来下,你楚小爷一脚踢爆你的脑壳!” Brushes shuā! 刷刷刷! In the war fortress, presents several silhouette, some people are very young, lower the head to overlook below planet, their in the eyes divine light rise suddenly. 战争堡垒中,出现十几道身影,有些人还很年轻,低头俯视下方的星球,他们的双目中神光暴涨。 A whole body covers the man in black robe, is proud also has contemptuous, said: Chu Feng, oneself computing time, you living date and time not many.” 一个浑身都笼罩在黑袍中的男子,自负中也有轻蔑,道:“楚风,自己计算时间吧,你活着的时日无多了。” Another hidden female opens the mouth in black robe, said: I give you an opportunity, if you think that dignified dying, comes immediately, to a war fortress to chat, was granted you dead by us.” 另一位隐在黑袍中的女子开口,道:“我给你一个机会,如果你想体面的死去,立刻过来,到战争堡垒一叙,由我们赐予你死亡。” @#¥!” “@#¥!” Regarding the stances of these people, Chu Feng uses the Earth first scrip­tures-- Three Character Classic directly, carries on the enthusiastic response! 对于那些人的姿态,楚风直接动用地球第一经文——三字经,进行热烈回应! In the sky, this crowd of dark hunter are the leaders, is the people of Golden Body level, must found the main top member of new branch in Earth. 天空中,这群黑暗狩猎者都是头领,都是金身层次的人,是要在地球开创新分部的主要高层成员。 Some people on the other hand very young, is only dozens years old, evolutionary rate super terrifying, was not only the promising youth of black sword dynasty, in entire Assassinating Vault of Heaven famous, the potential was boundless. 有些人相对来说很“年轻”,只有几十岁,进化速度超级恐怖,不仅是黑剑皇朝的后起之秀,就是在整个刺天穹中都负有盛名,潜力无边。 Now, they encounter the Chu Feng's Three Character Classic, the look is one stiff. 现在,他们遭遇楚风的三字经,神色都是一僵。 "hē hē, the ants, you are any thing, you coordinate us to talk, wait to be extinguished. If not holds to here Indigenous hopes, wants to look whether to activate your ancestor blood, develops to become our hunter young blood base, decides however meets the blood to wash and arrange nicely planet all lifeforms, but this time you have with your concerned person, will die a cleanness, enjoys final life time. ” “呵呵,蝼蚁,你算什么东西,你配和我们对话,等着被灭吧。如果不是对这里的土著抱有一些希望,想看一看能否激活你们的祖血,发展成为我们的狩猎者的新成员基地,定然会血洗整颗星球所有生物,不过这一次你还有跟你有关的人,都将死个干净,去享受最后的生命时光吧。” In the sky, hunter of female Golden Body level disdains, was to Chu Feng said likely several words will lower oneself status. 天空中,一位女性金身层次的狩猎者十分不屑,像是对楚风多说几句话就会拉低自己的身份似的。 @#¥!” “@#¥!” Chu Feng responded by Three Character Classic again, truth said does not pass, that was kind and warm regards one. 楚风再次以三字经回应,道理讲不通,那就亲切而热烈的问候一下吧。 Then, from this late starts, Earth Three Character Classic, country scolded Concise Essence particularly, was popular in the starry sky. 然后,从这一晚开始,地球三字经,尤其是其中的国骂精粹,红遍星空。 After some Evolver become angry out of shame, will then open Chu Three Character Classic, finally causes one group of people to imitate, because the lethality is very big. 有些进化者恼羞成怒后,便会开启楚氏三字经,结果导致一群人效仿,因为杀伤力很大。 Regarding many ethnic groups, thinks that is the higher civilization, already did not have this type of scrip­tures, after accepting this baptism, thinks really crude serious. 对于很多族群来说,自认为是高等文明,早已没有这种经文,接受这种洗礼后觉得实在粗暴的不得了。 Lives gloomy lifeforms in dark night, you wait for death!” Chu Feng said finally, turns around to depart. “活在黑夜中的阴暗生物,你们等死吧!”楚风最后说道,转身离去。 After not shortly afterward, he shoots up to the sky, intrudes in the atmosphere, in the sound, blade light rises suddenly, sneaks hunter of Earth to cut the head eight quietly, swaggers away. 不过不久后,他又冲天而起,闯入大气层中,在哧哧声中,刀光暴涨,将八名悄然潜入地球的狩猎者斩掉头颅,扬长而去。 This was the troops of black sword dynasty, was too weak, the person who earlier lowered the Golden Body level came!” Chu Feng laughs, vanishes in Eastern Sea. “这就是黑剑皇朝的人马,太弱了,早点降下金身层次的人来!”楚风大笑,消失在东海 Insect, quick is clear, you can die is very miserable, refines a wick of dark oil lamp you, burns down the millenniums, guarantees you to live throughout.” “虫子,很快就见分晓,你会死的很惨,将你炼制成一盏黑暗油灯的灯芯,焚烧千年,保你始终活着。” Ants, you and your parents and family members, the members in nine generations wait for death!” “蝼蚁,你与你的父母、亲人,九族以内的成员都等死吧!” On the vault of heaven, there is promising youth in secret sound transmission in killer, intimidates in view of Chu Feng, what a pity the strength of gold/metal deep level is unable to penetrate. 天穹上,有杀手中的后起之秀暗中传音,针对楚风进行恫吓,可惜金深层次的力量无法深入下来。 Unextinguishable Mountain, Chu Feng was discussing with Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng, Wu Qifeng, Yellow Ox and the others. 不灭山,楚风大黑牛欧阳风吴起峰黄牛等人正在讨论。 These dark hunter want to direct Uncle Ming take action, is the scheme is bigger, wants to stimulate Holy Master, thus makes him sit on Copper Coffin the Broken Universe return from chaos? 这些黑暗狩猎者是想引明叔出手,还是图谋更大,想刺激圣师,从而让他坐在铜棺上从混沌中的残破宇宙归来? Chu Feng and Yellow Ox and the others believe, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person is not simple crazy, they are covering up some truth, this possibly accepts the request that the terrifying had, must fish the big fish! 楚风黄牛等人都一致认为,刺天穹的人不是简单的疯狂,他们在掩盖某种真相,这可能是接受了恐怖存在的委托,要钓大鱼! The Unextinguishable Mountain's people believe, only kills Chu Feng should not such to drag in lots of people, at this time this occasion, this is drawing a bow , is hanging the sword, wants to hunt the genuine giant. 不灭山的人都认为,只杀一个楚风不应该这么兴师动众,此时此际,这是在张弓,也是在悬剑,想狩猎真正的巨头。 Even to establish the Assassinating Vault of Heaven branch of Earth, does not need so. 哪怕是想重新建立地球的刺天穹分部,也无需如此。 Assassinating Vault of Heaven should collaborate to the strong race with the universe, accepted some super assassination request.” 刺天穹应该已经跟宇宙中一些至强种族联手,接受了某种超级刺杀委托。” After a conversation, Chu Feng prepares to depart, he must look to destroy completely this dark dynasty the strength! 一番交谈后楚风准备离去,他要去找灭掉这个黑暗皇朝的力量! Does not need Uncle Ming to begin, does not need to stimulate Holy Master, we strive to give to destroy completely them!” Chu Feng said. “不用明叔动手,也无需刺激到圣师,我们争取将他们都给灭掉!”楚风道。 After Chu Feng departs, Unextinguishable Mountain is unable to be tranquil. 楚风离去后,不灭山无法宁静。 Always makes Chu Feng this kind of person rush in the front line, in our hearts has the shame, this time we make a ticket to be big!” Big Black Ox opens the mouth suddenly, below decides some determination, looks to Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng. “总是让楚风这样一个人闯在最前方,我们心中有愧,这一次我们做一票大的!”大黑牛突然开口,下定某种决心,看向黄牛欧阳风 Ok, to outside territory all person one pleasantly surprised!” Yellow Ox serious nod. “可以,给域外所有人一个‘惊喜’!”黄牛郑重点头。
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