SR :: Volume #8

#716: Happy

An auction scene silence, falling the needle may hear! 拍卖会现场一片寂静,落针可闻! In the starry sky has raised a rumpus, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven Earth branch was smashed, is this how big matter? Finally, he is here superficial, indicates to be responsible. 星空中闹翻天了,刺天穹地球分部被人端掉,这是多么大的事?结果,他在这里轻描淡写,表示负责。 But so even more appears, he has brandished the big hand likely, the fan Assassinating Vault of Heaven's big mouth! 可是越是如此越发显得,他像是抡圆了大手,扇刺天穹的大嘴巴! The must know, some time ago, Assassinating Vault of Heaven informed Star Sea, must hunt and kill Chu Feng, incomparably serious discharge news, words Philippic in official platform he. 须知,不久前,刺天穹昭告星海,要猎杀楚风,无比郑重的放出消息,在官方平台上言辞激烈的抨击他。 Finally, Chu Feng in that night, that evening, responds with the practical action, his first take action, directly has annihilated the enemy, destroys completely a Assassinating Vault of Heaven branch. 结果,楚风就在这一夜,就在当晚,用实际行动予以回应,他抢先出手了,直接犁庭扫穴,灭掉刺天穹一个分部。 Obviously, this organization tragedy, consumed many painstaking care very much, the fee/spent has been mad with every effort, this formed a den, made the person extinguishing. 显而易见,该组织很悲剧,耗了很多心血,费尽力气,这才组建起来一个老巢,就让人给灭了。 Moreover, but also hitting the face such, is working as entire world, is in front of entire universe person, pulled out big slap and slap in the face sound. 而且,还这么的打脸,当着全天下,当着全宇宙人的面,被抽的大耳光啪啪响。 They want to cover up the truth not to be good, had not looked that in the stage that is holding the press conference? Although his spoken language that simple, only then a few words, expressed that is responsible for the Mt. Wangwu event. 他们想掩盖真相都不行,没看高台上那位正在开新闻发布会吗?尽管他的言语是那么的简单,只有那么一句话,表示对王屋山事件负责。 However, this was enough, making Assassinating Vault of Heaven grasp crazily. 但是,这足够了,让刺天穹抓狂。 Everyone is conceivable this organization the top member currently to have fire how to be big, it is estimated that the seven orifices are torching, this has really applied makeup, they announce hunt and kill Chu Feng, the result violent temperament demon deliver gift in the evening, revenges does not bring overnight! 谁都可以想象该组织的高层成员现在有多么的火大,估计七窍都在喷火,这实在太打脸了,他们宣布猎杀楚风,结果这位暴脾气的魔头当晚就送大礼,报仇都不带隔夜的! This is big mouth, they suffer is too resounding, severe pain. 这顿大嘴巴,他们挨的太响亮,剧痛。 Especially tonight is very special, is a focus of public attention, in watching the attention auction originally, Chu Feng holds the brief press conference in this situation, effect nature good extraordinary. 尤其是今晚很特殊,万众瞩目,都在看关注原本的拍卖会,楚风在这种场合下召开简短的新闻发布会,效果自然好的出奇。 This...... Whom did not have! 这……也没谁了! The news first passes to the universe, various clan all knows. 消息第一时间传到宇宙中,各族全都知道 In the stage in auction scene, Chu Feng opens the mouth once more: Thank Deity Race to provide the valuable message, destroyed completely the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's merit to have your half.” 拍卖会现场的高台上,楚风再次开口:“感谢天神族提供有价值的消息,灭掉刺天穹的功劳有你们的一半。” Deity Race: My @#¥#......” 天神族:“我@#¥#……” Toothache that a few words that Chu Feng such suddenly comes, let Deity Race many human spirits, even if the knows Demon Chu buttocks are not positive, has spoken the last words with them, but such opens the eye to talk nonsense, slings mud at to their heads, makes them feel the anger. 楚风这么突然来的一句话,让天神族很多人气的牙疼,即便知道楚魔头屁股不正,一直跟他们叫板,可是这么睁着眼睛说瞎话,向他们头上扣屎盆子,还是让他们感觉愤怒。 They are not worried about the Assassinating Vault of Heaven retaliation, because, this framing by planting stolen goods on frames unable to withstand to deliberate, renown, Deity Race has the big enmity with Chu Feng. 他们不担心刺天穹报复,因为,这种栽赃陷害经不起推敲,举世皆知,天神族楚风有大仇。 Also precisely because of so, the bright knows people does not believe, the Chu Feng also such mouthful talked nonsense, the opens the mouth came, made Deity Race not be feeling well, this was intentionally disgusting they. 正是因为如此,明知道人们不会相信,楚风还这么满嘴胡说八道,张口就来,就更加让天神族不爽了,这是成心恶心他们。 In the universe, many people do not know whether to laugh or cry. 宇宙中,不少人啼笑皆非。 The people by heavy of being startled, Assassinating Vault of Heaven had suffered a loss after all, but the people want to smile now, this press conference is really is a little not proper. 原本人们被惊的不轻,毕竟刺天穹都吃大亏了,可现在人们又想笑,这位的新闻发布会还真是有点不正经。 Finally, the Chu Feng summary speech, said: Regarding the victim, I in this sad and extremely painful mourning, the dead is over, looks at the Assassinating Vault of Heaven living to take warning.” 最后,楚风总结性发言,道:“对于死难者,我在此悲切而沉痛的哀悼,死者已矣,望刺天穹生者引以为戒。” shit! 玛德! Many person petrify, were all speechless. 许多人石化,全都无语了。 This is in the presence of everyone provocative Assassinating Vault of Heaven, speaks the last words in front of entire universe Evolver! 这是当众挑衅刺天穹,在全宇宙进化者面前叫板! At this moment, in the major galaxies, first is tranquil, then seethes with excitement, knows many Evolver were not discussing, was stimulated to is not good. 此时此刻,各大星系中,先是宁静,而后沸腾,不知道多少进化者在讨论,都被刺激到不行。 Aiyu feeds, this demon brothers may really be violent temperament, the conduct were too neat, the having a grudge direct report, fucking, this free time in an instant, the auction is also in progress, he extinguished Assassinating Vault of Heaven troops, was too aggressive, but also holds the press conference!” “哎呦喂,这魔头兄弟可真是暴脾气,行事太干脆利落了,有仇直接报,特么的,这才一转眼的工夫,拍卖会还在进行中呢,他就灭了刺天穹一部人马,太霸气了,还开新闻发布会!” „, Low voice, do you want to stare by dark hunter? However speaks the truth, this Assassinating Vault of Heaven really disgraced proficient, puts that big thunder, thinks that they must send the big move, finally actually......” “嘘,小声点,你想被黑暗狩猎者盯上吗?不过说实话,这次刺天穹真的丢人到家,放那么大的雷,都以为他们要发大招,结果自己却……” No one knows, the matter is possible such to end, Chu Feng this vigorous and resolute, such overbearing, Assassinating Vault of Heaven that hits was suddenly ignorant, but then certainly must have the violent storm, must have the big event to appear! 谁都知道,事情不可能这么终结,楚风这次雷厉风行,这么的霸道,打的刺天穹一时间懵了,但是接下来肯定要有狂风暴雨,必有大事件出现! Because, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven Altair and Vega airborne most formidable these ethnic groups dreaded, they for these years, always do not deteriorate, can exist forever to have its fearful place. 因为,刺天穹连星空中最强大的那些族群都忌惮,他们这么多年来,始终不衰败,能够长存下来自有其可怕之处。 In fact, this time dark hunter organization, its each branch has murderous aura to fill the air. 事实上,此时的黑暗狩猎者组织,其各个分部都有杀气弥漫。 Among them some people were indeed ignorant, after the news passes on, a hunter palm of the hand of that Sub Saint Level claps the broken entire main hall, lifts mount that the foot kicks to death a Golden Body level, he is in an uncontrollable rage. 他们当中有些人的确懵了,消息传回来后,那位亚圣级狩猎者一巴掌拍碎整座大殿,抬脚踹死一头金身层次的坐骑,他怒不可遏。 Must ask that who the most aggrieved person is, when the nature is he, because this matter is, tonight's all that he handles with his decision-making are related. 要问最憋屈的人是谁,自然当属他,因为这件事是他所经手的,今晚的一切都跟他的决策有关。 This mentality, how Sanctification?” “这种心态,如何成圣?” At this moment, in dark void, ancient and sound towering emanation of great changes, making Sub Saint from the beginning coolly arrive at the foot, is very immediately respectful and prudent, listens respectfully to the instruction. 就在这时,黑暗的虚空中,一个古老而沧桑的声音突兀的发出,让亚圣从头凉到脚,顿时很恭谨,聆听教诲。 Matter occurred, the recovery is, extinguished him.” That old sound words are simple, then, in the darkness, fuzzy lifeforms goes far away in light of this, enters the starry sky. “事情发生了,补救就是,灭了他。”那个苍老的声音话语简单,而后,黑暗中,一头模糊的生物就此远去,进入星空。 Sub Saint Level hunter has wiped sweat of forehead, he has not thought that top dark Saint appears unexpectedly certainly, that is ancient existence of hopeful Shining Upon All Heavens! 亚圣级狩猎者擦了一把额头的汗水,他没有想到竟有一位绝顶级黑暗圣者出现,那是有希望映照诸天的古老存在! This is one of the they Assassinating Vault of Heaven true trump cards, has walked the places of that darkness in the chaos, today appears unexpectedly, inspects here! 这是他们刺天穹真正的王牌之一,一直行走在混沌中那片黑暗之地,今日竟然出现,巡视到这里! This night, is doomed unable to be tranquil! 这个夜晚,注定不能宁静! In Eastern Sea, sings and dances, has Holy Daughter to dance, does not have the means that Great Demon Chu fierce power is too abundant, some of he very friendly inquiry Holy Daughter, whether for the guest to demonstrate talent and skill, finally they are similar to the chicken pecking meter/rice, that complies with called rapid. 东海中,载歌载舞,有圣女在起舞,没有办法,楚大魔头凶威太盛,他只是很友好的询问一些圣女,能否为宾客展示一下才艺,结果她们如同小鸡啄米,答应的那叫一个迅速。 Because, this violent temperament, this style, making one crowd not understand that his Holy Son Holy Daughter feels timid, first two big. 因为,他这暴脾气,他这种行事风格,让一群不了解他的圣子圣女发怵,一个头两个大。 Wanted knows, the auction to enter to the last act, most of them were bid by oneself clansman, prepared to get back, finally must get out of misery, the Great Demon that if annoyed in the final moment not satisfactory pleasant, forcefully what to do if left behind them? That may not have the place to cry. 知道,拍卖会进入到尾声了,他们中大多数都被自己的族人竞拍下来了,准备领回去,终于要脱离苦海,如果在最后关头惹的这个大魔头不顺心如意,万一强行留下他们怎么办?那可真没地方哭去。 The so-called illustrious ominous name, is Chu Feng like this personally sets an example to demonstrate. 所谓赫赫凶名,就是楚风这样身体力行展示出来的。 Final auction grand meeting is happy, all guests are quite satisfied, all Holy Son Holy Daughter had finalized, that pile of small mountain-like rare treasure was also bought most. 最终的拍卖盛会皆大欢喜,所有宾客都比较满意,所有圣子圣女都成交了,那一堆小山般的秘宝也被买走大半。 Old Donkey is giving a tongue-lashing the big thread chaser, to moon/month noisy wail: hee-haw hee-haw, later Six Paths of Reincarnation pill can work as the sugar bean to eat!” 老驴呲着大板牙,对月长嚎:“儿啊儿啊,以后六道轮回丹能当糖豆吃!” This let one group of guest and Holy Son Holy Daughter joyous feelings did not have immediately, each and every one hated greatly, this may be their buying life money. 这让一群宾客与圣子圣女的喜悦之情顿时没了,一个个大恨,这可都是他们的买命钱。 The Old Donkey words have naturally exaggerated, but this Chu Feng they indeed harvest very in a big way, must wait for Heavenspan Worm-hole Company to send Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, the deity fluid, the hell ant fluid, that is not 12 cans so is simple, but is one pile! 老驴的话自然是夸张了,不过这一次楚风他们的确收获非常大,真要等通天虫洞公司六道轮回丹、天神液、地狱蚁液等送来,那可不是12罐那么简单,而是一堆! When the time comes, their this group of people, even if can again the calamity calamity, enough used! 到时候,他们这群人即便再能祸祸,也足够用了! Finally, Old Ape brandishes the big club, announced that the auction ended. 最后,老猿抡动大棒子,宣布拍卖会结束。 Big Black Ox is glowing with health, a big black face is not unexpectedly black, catches anyone to come a warm hug, numerous guest that called chatty. 大黑牛红光满面,一张大黑脸居然都不黑了,逮到谁都来个热情拥抱,众多宾客那叫一个腻歪。 Especially participates to bid oneself ethnic group Holy Son Holy Daughter person, fucking wants to beat dead he! 尤其是参与竞拍自己族群圣子圣女的人,特么的都想捶死他! Old Donkey follows the example, comes the hug . Moreover the mouth has not been idling, read his four character Daoist scriptures, profited everywhere, finally made the full head large package that Ying Xiaoxiao hit, liao kick to run away. 老驴有样学样,也过来拥抱,而且嘴里还不闲着,念他的四字真经,到处占便宜,结果让映晓晓打的满头大包,尥蹶子逃。 Under the moonlit night, Chu Feng and Ying Wudi and Yuan Shicheng often clink glasses, good that discussed that they want to carry out some transaction, these two want to buy non- tribulation divine blood, ten thousand star precious blood and Primeval Magnetic Holy Blood. 月夜下,楚风映无敌、元世成不时碰杯,谈的不错,他们想进行某种交易,这两人想买走无劫神血、万星宝血元磁圣血 They do not want the person, only wants the purest blood, because of their knows Chu Feng already in depuration blood medicine! 他们不要人,只想要最纯净的血液,因为他们知道楚风已经在提纯血药! Two people spoke, bring back to the clan to go to the elixir, they suspected that three people took the elixir to have that physique, therefore wants to return this returns the source. 两人明言,带回族中去炼药,他们怀疑,那三人是吃了仙药才有了那种体质,因此想返本还源。 In the end the Zhou Shang three people had not finalized, Chu Feng decides to stay behind first, then studies, most at least he must refine the properties in ten thousand star blood. 到头来周尚三个人没有成交,楚风决定先留下,再研究一番,最起码他要提炼出万星血中的药性来。 Because, Yaoyao need! 因为,妖妖需要! As for non- tribulations divine blood and Primeval Magnetic Holy Blood to a brother , to promote their potential. 至于无劫神血元磁圣血可以给一干兄弟,提升他们的潜力。 In the starry sky, Spirit Race was anxious, the Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique back influence was also anxious, what making Chu Feng accidental/surprised is, in the starry sky a safety of mysterious influence to Good Fortune Divine Physique is also very anxious, flies into a rage. 星空中,灵族急了,元磁圣体背后的势力也急了,让楚风意外的是,星空中一股神秘势力对无劫神体的安危也无比紧张,亦急眼。 This makes his both eyes reveal the cold heartless color, this Good Fortune Divine Physique does Zhou Shang also really come from outside territory? 这让他双目露出冷冽无情之色,这无劫神体周尚还真来自域外 Where manages you to come from, in must to me who Earth obtains spit, discards you again, really will not be good to abandon the body to chop the block to sell finally!” “管你来自哪里,在地球得到的都得给我吐出来,再废掉你们,实在不行最后将废体剁块卖出去!” Spirit Race is most urgent, this night is unexpectedly low they all along the arrogant head, requests to talk over the telephone with Chu Feng, said that all discussed well, so long as returns Myriad Celestial Physique, regardless of any condition can sit to discuss. 灵族最急迫,这个夜晚居然低下他们一贯高傲的头颅,要求跟楚风通话,说一切都好商量,只要放回万星体,无论什么条件都可以坐下来谈。 Promotes mutated fruit of Golden Body level powerhouse to deliver a wicker basket to me!” Chu Feng daylight robbery. “晋升金身级强者的异果给我送一箩筐来!”楚风狮子大开口 Even if Spirit Race, at this time obtains this news, the face of established powerhouse is responsible for negotiating was also green, works as that is really the cabbage. 哪怕是灵族,此时得到这种消息,负责谈判的老牌强者的脸也绿了,真当那是大白菜啊。 „A wicker basket does not have, but, delivers several not to have the issue.” Spirit Race is submissive, is really worried must die, fears Myriad Celestial Physique to ruin, at this time various conditions can discuss. “一箩筐没有,但是,送上几颗还是没问题的。”灵族低声下气,真的担心的要死,怕万星体毁掉,此时各种条件都能谈。 Then the Spirit Race person also advised, said: Little friend, the fruit of Golden Body level you cannot use temporarily, you should knows, Eating Rosy Cloud and Moulding Shape these two Realm need the years polish, must boil down for a long time can cast Golden Body very much, nobody can walk the shortcut!” 接着灵族的人又劝告,道:“小友,金身层次的果实你暂时用不到,你应该知道,餐霞塑形这两个境界需要岁月打磨,要熬炼很久才能铸就金身,没有人可以走捷径!” You deceive the ghost, isn't Great Dream Pure Land can at a night Dream Dao hundred years of chance?” Chu Feng said, such directly said that not covered up. “你骗鬼啊,大梦净土不是又可以在一夜间梦道百年的机缘吗?”楚风道,就这么直接说出来,不加掩饰。 The Spirit Race person curls the lip, secretly thought, that chance you also match to obtain, does not have the qualifications to go, dares to appear in Great Dream Pure Land , must be taken at the scene, will be sliced to study! 灵族的人撇嘴,暗道,那种机缘你也配得到,没资格进去,真敢出现在大梦净土,必然要被当场拿下,会被切片研究! I told you, mutated fruit of Golden Body level delivered a wicker basket, otherwise has not resulted in discussed! Moreover, wants the quality to be high, the worthless people do not deliver!” “我告诉你们,金身层次的异果送一箩筐来,不然没得谈!而且,要品质高的,歪瓜裂枣就别送了!” Finally, condition that Chu Feng by this type very difficultly accepted, temporarily Spirit Race going against. 最终,楚风以这种很难被人接受的条件,暂时将灵族给顶回去了。 Generally speaking, this auction is happy, most minimum one crowd of Holy Son Holy Daughter can live departure, but Chu Feng they also obtain large quantities of resources. 总的来说,这次拍卖会皆大欢喜,最起码一群圣子圣女能活着离开,而楚风他们也得到大批资源。 Three days later, some bottles of cans of fed in the Eastern Sea's fold space one after another, Heavenspan Worm-hole Company makes Chu Feng gather. 三天后,一些瓶瓶罐罐陆续被送进东海的折叠空间,通天虫洞公司楚风去收取。 Chu Feng receives a number of big medicines, scripture book and other resources every time, then express walks Holy Daughter or Holy Son, each time intimate is patting others shoulders, said: Walks, in our turning head universe sees!” 楚风每收到一批大药、经书等资源,就快递走一位圣女圣子,每次都亲热的拍着人家的肩头,道:“一路走好,咱回头宇宙中见!” As long as was delivered starting off Holy Son Holy Daughter, maintains total silence, in the heart cursed 100 him, this whole life does not want to see him. 但凡被送上路的圣子圣女,都一语不发,心中将他诅咒100遍,这辈子都不想见他了。 However, fact so marvelous, in the near future will perhaps have the date of reunion. 然而,事实就是如此的奇妙,不久的将来或许就有重逢之日。 Ten days later, payment for goods settled! 十天之后,“货款”两清 Various clans spend huge price, asking Heavenspan Worm-hole Company to open superior grade wormhole, Holy Daughter Holy Son that to save them earlier cared about. 各族都花费巨大的代价,请通天虫洞公司开启了超级虫洞,为的是早点救走他们在意的圣女圣子 The thing that Unextinguishable Mountain happy talks and laughters, obtain are too many, if makes them purchase, cannot withstand. 不灭山一片欢声笑语,得到的东西太多,如果让他们自己去购买,根本承受不起。 Wū wū......” the bugle of war sounds, in extraterrestrial, the terrifying is boundless, this is a strange bugle, is similar to the evil spirit at the wail. “呜呜……”战争的号角吹响,在地球外,恐怖无边,这是一支奇异的号角,如同厉鬼在哭嚎。 Star Sea vibrated, after some people hear the news, first distinguishes, this was the dark dynasty of Assassinating Vault of Heaven, this was a they very formidable strength, ruled Earth! 星海震动了,有人听到消息后,第一时间辨别出,这是刺天穹旗下的一个黑暗皇朝,这是他们一股非常强大的力量,君临地球! Cannot see the person's shadow, war bugle horn sound that only hears. 看不到人影,只听到的战争号角声。 The dark dynasty of Assassinating Vault of Heaven came, this is calling the killer, some knows many hunting and killing will not come in swarms, launches the assassination. 刺天穹旗下的黑暗皇朝来了,这是在召集杀手,不知道有多少猎杀者会蜂拥而来,展开刺杀。 Was rampantly excessive, killer, but also wants to launch the war, flagrant sounding the bugle corner/horn?!” Big Black Ox is angry. “嚣张过头了,杀手而已,还想发动战争,明目张胆的吹号角?!”大黑牛大怒。 Courts death!” Ouyang Feng said directly like this. “找死!”欧阳风直接这样说道。 Chu Feng glances through the material, after Light Brain inquired Assassinating Vault of Heaven the information under of dark dynasty, reveals grave expression. 楚风翻阅资料,通过光脑查询刺天穹下的黑暗皇朝的信息后,露出凝重之色 Such makes widely known, definitely has big came, noisy is not good is dark Saint, what to do?!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger said. “这么张扬,肯定有大个的来了,闹不好就是黑暗圣者,怎么办?!”东北虎道。 Naturally all extinguishes!” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “自然是全灭!”楚风开口。
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