SR :: Volume #8

#715: The serious statement is responsible for

This crowd of dark hunter were being hunted and killed, this is the lopsided slaughter, in the forest the blood smell irritates the nose, corpse getting down but actually one after another. 这群黑暗狩猎者在被猎杀,这是一面倒的屠杀,林中血腥气味刺鼻,尸体一条又一条的倒下去。 Chu Feng is the thunder is moving likely together, the place visited, these killers are similar to the crops Large expanse was harvested, under Reincarnation Blade not live soul, before Lightning Fist, does not have the corpse. 楚风像是一道雷霆在移动,所过之处,这些杀手如同庄稼般成片的被收割,轮回刀下无活魂,闪电拳前无完尸。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The pitiful yell sound, one after another, the Chu Feng's murder method is too continuously fearful, such horizontally pushes. 惨叫声此起彼伏,一声接着一声,楚风的杀人手段太可怕,就这么一路横推过去。 Assassinating Vault of Heaven Earth branch, in this moment bitter experience ruination attack. 刺天穹地球分部,在这一刻遭遇毁灭性打击。 Chu Feng...... Demon Chu!” Behind, old man of that having hair dishevelled goes all out to pursue, but cannot follow the Chu Feng's speed, can only see his afterimage, Chu Feng in this stretch of region vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the unceasing across, cuts to kill in all directions. 楚风……楚魔头!”后方,那个披头散发的老者拼命追赶,但是跟不上楚风的速度,只能看到他的残影,楚风在这片地带纵横,不断横掠,四处斩杀。 Even if these people are the killers, year to year walks in the darkness, is scared, has not seen such demonic nature person, blade light that a dark-red long blade bursts out, magnificently intense is incomparable, connectig to heaven and penetrating the earth, sweeps away, must some people break is two sections, flies horizontally. 哪怕这些人是杀手,常年行走在黑暗中,也都胆寒,就没有见过这么魔性的人,一口暗红色长刀迸发的刀光,盛烈无匹,通天彻地,横扫而过,必有人断为两截,横飞出去。 But the fist of that demon is fearful, the energy is vigorous, under a fist, these so-called young elites, even if promotes to the Eating Rosy Clouds Realm's outstanding person , the shaken big mouth spits blood, the arm breaks off, then the body is the crack, the whole body is the bloodstain. 而那魔头的拳头更是可怕,能量雄浑,一拳之下,那些所谓的年轻精英,哪怕是晋升到餐霞境界的佼佼者,也被震的大口吐血,手臂折断,而后身体更是龟裂,浑身都是血痕。 Bang! 砰! Under Lightning Fist, another young expert is split up, flies to all around, brings the big piece blood rain. 闪电拳下,又一位年轻的高手四分五裂,飞向四面八方,带起大片的血雨。 The bright moonlight overhangs, the silvery brilliance sprinkles, entire mountain scene is very gentle, is throwing over a thin layer of smoke likely, but, the smell of blood irritated the nose, destroyed the element pale hazy beautiful scene and Concept. 明月高挂,银辉洒落,整片山地很柔和,像是披着一层薄烟,但是,血腥味太刺鼻了,破坏了素淡朦的美景与意境 Chu Feng, you will pay the price of blood for this reason, the death was not your end point, you will perish in the darkness, bear the boundless pain, struggled in the suffering of years!” 楚风,你会为此付出血的代价,死亡不是你的终点,你将在黑暗中沉沦,承受无边的痛苦,在岁月的煎熬中挣扎!” A middle-aged killer cursed, because, he despaired thoroughly, when a Chu Feng blade truncated the arm, although he helps oneself, cut the shoulder, finally was passed through the chest by a Chu Feng fist, the body was similar to the porcelain in the crack, soon will disintegrate. 一位中年杀手诅咒,因为,他彻底绝望了,被楚风一刀削断手臂时,他虽然自救,将肩膀都自斩下去,结果又被楚风一拳贯穿胸膛,身体如同瓷器在龟裂,即将瓦解。 Really, after he angrily roars, , does not exist! 果然,他怒吼过后,噗的一声,不复存在! Under moonlight, in mountains silver-colored waterfall, pine and small stream, originally harmonious tranquil, exquisite and rich holy aura, but now all changed. 月光下,山川中银瀑、青松、小溪,原本和谐宁静,优美而富有圣洁气息,但是现在全变了。 Even if the killer, year to year walks in the darkness, but sees Chu Feng such overbearingly, is similar to Great Demonic God, is dyeing their blood, harvests the life unceasingly, these people also feared, has been afraid, some people are trembling. 哪怕是杀手,常年行走在黑暗中,可是看到楚风这么的霸道,如同一尊大魔神般,染着他们的血液,不断收割性命,这些人也恐惧了,害怕了,有人在颤栗。 Who is dark hunter, who is the ethnic group that is skilled in the assassination method?! 到底是谁是黑暗狩猎者,谁是精通刺杀手段的族群?! Now all, they received the order in turn, understood that the newest situation, this must be assassinated the person who and beheaded to kill in that night by them, annihilates the enemy, kills them horizontally, cannot imagine simply. 现在一切都反过来了,他们已经接到命令,了解到最新情况,这个要被他们刺杀与枭首的人在当夜就杀了过来,犁庭扫穴,横杀他们,简直不可想象。 Old gold medal chief instructor altogether has three people, the result comes up to be killed two by Chu Feng, wants knows, they approached the Golden Body level! 年老的金牌教头共有三人,结果一上来就被楚风干掉两个,要知道,他们都接近金身层次了! As for other people radically is not the match, these middle-aged chief instructors, died six people, nearly exterminates. 至于其他人根本就不是对手,那些中年教头,已经死了六人,近乎灭绝。 As for the young elite, is considered that has the disciple of potential and talent, such short instance, died more than 60 people, almost puts in an appearance falls by the Chu Feng slaughter, violent killing! 至于年轻的精英,被认为非常有潜力与天赋的弟子,这么短暂的瞬间,死了60多人,几乎一照面就被楚风屠掉,猛烈的击毙! Chu Feng at this time becomes true Demon God, the body scarlet point, is the blood of enemy, as long as take action then the Somalian life, sweeps away the branch that this killer organizes. 楚风此时成为真正的魔神,身上猩红点点,都是敌人的血,但凡出手就索命,横扫这个杀手组织的分部。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Has the youngster killer to collapse, the 16-17 year, the potential is huge, the talent is astonishing, planet that will otherwise not be delivered to this recover. 有少年杀手崩溃,十六七岁,潜力巨大,天赋惊人,不然也不会被送到这颗正在复苏的星球 In this night, he saw baleful aura dreadful Chu Feng, saw indifference and heartlessness in his look, has witnessed his blood and iron method. 在这个夜晚,他看到了煞气滔天的楚风,看到了他眼神中的冷漠与无情,更见证了他的铁血手段。 At this moment, several youngster throw down the weapon, turns around to run away, in the mouth is calling out, faith avalanche. 这一刻,有几名少年丢下兵器,转身就逃,口中嚎叫着,信念崩塌。 They once were proud are hunter, but they degenerate into the cattle today unexpectedly, was slaughtered at will, does not have the strength of resistance, making several youngster desperate. 他们曾经自豪为狩猎者,可是今日他们竟然沦为牛羊,被人随意屠戮,毫无抗争之力,让几名少年绝望。 Other person of facial colors changed, from start to the present, even if not beat Chu Feng, these people are also ambushing, look for the opportunity assassination, is now, some of them are scared, the response that makes really disobey ordinary day training. 其他人面色变了,从开始到现在,哪怕不敌楚风,这些人也都在潜伏,找机会刺杀,可是现在,他们中的一些人胆寒,做出的反应实在又违平日的培训。 Chu Feng, accept your coming fate!” 楚风,纳命来!” That gold medal senior chief instructor shouts, bristles with anger, he is a killer, should lie concealed in secret, gives the enemy to strike fatally. 那个金牌老教头嘶吼,怒发冲冠,他是杀手,原本应该隐伏的暗中,给予敌人致命一击。 But he now is actually unable to be calm, his grandchild dies under the Chu Feng's blade, he has pursued in behind, actually cannot keep up with the speed of opposite party. 可是他现在却无法冷静,他的孙儿死于楚风的刀下,他一直在后面追赶,却赶不上对方的速度。 Slayer, the person kills it permanently!” This is Chu Feng's responds, since the killer of this crowd of cold blood receives the order, must aim at him and his friend, that does not have anything saying that needing the slaughter fall, cuts to kill a cleanness. “杀人者,人恒杀之!”这是楚风的回应,既然这群冷血的杀手接到命令,要针对他与他的朋友,那没什么好说的,必须要屠掉,斩杀个干净。 Bang! 轰! blade light leaps together, just like thunder, sound terrifying, ray dazzling, has broken out the vault of heaven likely! 一道刀光腾起,宛如雷霆般,声音恐怖,光芒刺目,像是劈开了苍穹! At this time, Chu Feng welcomed to that old man, killed. 此时,楚风迎向那名老者,一路杀过去。 But during this process , some people are killed violently, some people heads fly, some people were split as two pieces, bringing the big piece bloody water to fall down, then melts. 而在此过程中,又有一些人毙命,有的人头颅飞起,有的人被剖为两片,带着大片的血水倒在地上,而后又消融。 In fact, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's troops surpass Chu Feng's to expect, is not the 70-80 person, has to kill share of troops from the mausoleum chamber unexpectedly, in addition has over 150 people fully. 事实上,刺天穹的人马超出楚风的预料,不是七八十人,竟从地宫中有杀出一股人马,加起来足有150人以上。 The blade and thin thorn sword simultaneously kills to the opposite party, Chu Feng encounters with this old man, nearby person kills was similar, he stares at finally this also threatening gold medal senior chief instructor. 刀与细刺剑同时杀向对方,楚风跟这老者遭遇,附近的人杀的差不多了,他盯上最后这个还有威胁的金牌老教头。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Old man take action is cunning, Sword Qi surges, such as a poisonous snake is attacking, often will give a fatal kiss. 老者出手刁钻,剑气激荡,如一条毒蛇在出击,不时就会给予致命的一吻。 Moreover, he disappears unceasingly, goes into hiding void, many assassination methods, emerge one after another incessantly, this is a very hard to deal with ruthless role! 而且,他不断消失,隐匿虚空中,许多刺杀手段,层出不穷,这是一个非常难缠的狠角色! Without a doubt, in killing to say in Dominion, this person experience was too rich, this was to take a life specially, but or living executioner! 毫无疑问,在杀道领域中,这个人经验太丰富了,这是专为杀生而或活着的刽子手! Perhaps if he in the battlefield, in ten thousand army, is lackluster, the energy of but one-on-one, under this region, he releasing is the danger level, the terrifying is incomparable. 如果他在战场上,在万军中,或许表现一般,但是单对单,在这种境地下,他释放的能量是危险级的,恐怖无比。 What a pity, he has met Chu Feng, the alone war, is the group war, Chu Feng now the strength fearful astonishment. 可惜,他遇上了楚风,无论是独战,还是群战,楚风现在都实力可怕的惊人。 Clang! 锵! He truncates the thin thorn sword of opposite party, the person like the flood dragon, across the sky, one after another chops dozens blades, fast avoidance that old man compels, several times vanished in void. 他削断对方的细刺剑,人如蛟龙,横空而起,接连劈出数十刀,将那老者逼的快速躲避,数次消失在虚空中。 Death!” “死!” However, accompanies Chu Feng last to scold lightly, after he chops several hundred blades, this old man forehead bleeds, presents the fissure, on the body is similar to the spider web is denser more and numerous, is the blood-color fine lace. 然而,伴着楚风最后一声轻叱,他一口气劈出数百刀后,这个老者眉心淌血,出现裂痕,身体上更是如同蛛网般密密麻麻,全是血色细线。 Finally, the blood overflows, spreads from all red thin marks, in this old man blade dozens times, the whole person disintegrates suddenly, crashes. 最后,鲜血溢出,从所有的红色细痕中蔓延,这一次老者中刀数十次,整个人忽然间解体,坠落下去。 After Chu Feng scolds lightly, again has not looked at his one eyes, turns around to walk directly, enters in the crowd! 楚风轻叱过后,都没有再看他一眼,直接转身就走,杀入人群中! This is a night of bleeding! 这是一个流血的夜晚! This match, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven more than 150 hunter complete corpses on the ground, half people of skeletons not saved, die under Reincarnation Blade, half people broke the arm stump residual limb, bloody, the corpse on the ground ground, was exploded by the Lightning Fist bang! 此役,刺天穹150多名狩猎者全部伏尸,半数人尸骨无存,死于轮回刀下,半数人断臂残肢,血淋淋,伏尸地上,被闪电拳轰爆! Wants knows, but in the middle of some ruthless roles, are the gold medal chief instructor as well as the seed level character, but, was extinguished! 知道,这当中可是有些狠角色,属于金牌教头以及种子级人物,但是,都被灭了! This dark organization in the branch that Earth sets up, is not in very long time is put down by Chu Feng! 这个黑暗组织在地球设立的分部,在并不是很长的时间内被楚风扫平! Mainly is also because, is related with his lay out Domain, these people cannot run away. 主要也是因为,跟他布下场域有关,这些人逃不走。 Not far away, the silver wing clan is scared, the body is trembling, they are the peripheral organization, not direct descendant, witnesses this war, from the beginning as cool as foot. 不远处,银翼族胆寒,身体都在发抖,他们属于外围组织,不算嫡系,亲眼目睹这一战,从头凉到脚。 Chu Feng raises the blade, walked under the moonlight gradually, has hair dishevelled, the whole body is wet, the bloodstained, is the enemy blood. 楚风提刀,在月光下一步一步走了过去,披头散发,浑身湿漉漉,血迹斑斑,全是敌血。 Bang! 轰! Lightning Fist across the sky, he once more slaughters! 闪电拳横空,他再次大开杀戒! This stretch of region, his also lay out Domain, blocks the possibility that the silver wing clan fled, these people were all stranded in this mountain scene forest. 这片地带,他也布下场域,拦住了银翼族逃离的可能,这些人全被困在这片山林中。 Finally, this crowd follows Assassinating Vault of Heaven and also to be beheaded for the silver wing clan troops who they cover! 最终,这群跟随刺天穹、为他们打掩护的银翼族人马也被斩首! Space stars, the bright moonlight is bright, this mountain scene forest dies the general peace, all birds beasts are trembling, are dormant, does not dare to sound the mosquito again. 天上繁星点点,明月皎洁,这片山林死一般的安静,所有的飞禽走兽都在颤栗,蛰伏起来,连蚊虫都不敢再鸣叫。 Chu Feng stands in waterfall lay out, the flushing body, changes the clean clothing, carries the long blade, turns around to leave. 楚风站在瀑布下,冲洗身体,换上干净的衣物,背起长刀,转身离开。 His several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) make a long-range raid, destroy completely Assassinating Vault of Heaven not to spend very long time in the branch of Earth, finally, he controls Emerald Bamboo Boat to submerge the Eastern nighttime sky, the direct impact sea goes. 他数万里奔袭,灭掉刺天穹在地球的分部并没有花去很长的时间,最后,他驾驭绿竹舟没入东方的夜空,直冲大海而去。 When Chu Feng comes back, auction is also in progress, had not finished, moreover sees one climax after another, some rare treasures, these Holy Son Holy Daughter, in aggressively carries on the auction. 楚风回来时,拍卖会还在进行中,并未结束,而且高潮迭起,一些稀珍的宝物,还有那些圣子圣女,都在紧锣密鼓的进行拍卖中。 Brother Chu, where did you go to a moment ago?” Crown Prince Primitive Demon Race Yuan Shicheng asked that he was bringing surprise look, because of by his formidable divine awareness, he believes firmly that Chu Feng once left a moment ago, not on ship. 楚兄,你刚才去了哪里?”始魔族太子元世成问道,他带着异色,因为以他强大的神觉,他确信刚才楚风曾经离开,不在船上。 Body blood energy is impeded, has moved physique.” Chu Feng replied. “身体血气不畅,去活动了一下筋骨。”楚风答道。 At this time, Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Old Donkey and the others saw Chu Feng, saw his tranquil return, immediately understands, the matter was smooth, ended. 这时,大黑牛黄牛老驴等人都看到楚风,见他平静的归来,顿时明白,事情顺利,已经落幕。 They reveal the happy expression, felt relieved thoroughly. 他们都露出喜色,彻底放下心来。 Chu Feng, you are unfair to us, during the stay in Kunlun Mountain, why sneak attacked us to loot.” 楚风,你对不起我们,在昆仑山时,为什么偷袭我们并洗劫。” At this time, Yuan Yuan sent a punitive expedition, but the big eye somewhat was charming, but the Vermilion Bird fairy maiden also stood in her side, the red battlesuit beat flashes on and off the uncertain flame, watched intently Chu Feng. 这时,元媛兴师问罪,可大眼却有些妩媚,而朱雀仙子也站在她的身边,红色战衣跳动明灭不定的火焰,逼视楚风 Chu Feng stands in the deck, grasps the wine glass, hints to them, then, the manner is sincere, the earnest explanation, said that at that time admitting mistakes person, thinks that they are concerned with Deity Race, because finally does not determine their status, therefore is only the looting, but has not murdered. 楚风站在甲板上,手持酒杯,向她们示意,然后,态度诚恳,认真解释,说当时认错人了,以为她们与天神族有关,最后因为不确定她们的身份,所以只是洗劫,而没有害命。 Yuan Yuan casts a sidelong glance slantingly, how this nonsense can believe that but she pours does not want to get angry, wants to win over Chu Feng, now talks, looks to cut the entrance. 元媛斜睨,这种鬼话怎么能相信,不过她倒也不想翻脸,原本还想拉拢楚风呢,现在不过藉此交谈,找个切入口。 Primitive Demon Race, wants to draw dragon Chu Feng! 始魔族,想要拉龙楚风 Silver-haired Little Loli Ying Xiaoxiao mysteriously appears and disappears, runs over to undermine, said: Big swindler, you knock faint my elder sister to do, don't tell me she also looks like the Deity Race's person, hasn't seen our silver hair?!” 银发小萝莉映晓晓神出鬼没,跑过来拆台,道:“大骗子,那你敲晕我姐姐作甚,难道她也像天神族的人吗,没看到我们一头银发吗?!” I think that you are the Xilin Clan people, the sending silk color of that ethnic group is very mixed!” Replying that Chu Feng face loyalty does not jump. “我以为你们是西林族的人,那个族群的发丝颜色很杂!”楚风脸不红心不跳的答道。 Ying Zhexian and Ying Wudi that hearing this is walking, is speechless, this also is really the opens the mouth! 正在走来的映谪仙映无敌闻言,都是一阵无语,这还真是张口就来! The auction is in progress, along with time lapse, but since the night, two double-hour passed, in the universe the Assassinating Vault of Heaven organization is unable to be tranquil. 拍卖会在进行中,随着时间推移而进入深夜,两个时辰过去了,宇宙中刺天穹组织无法平静了。 Because, they are deploying troops that night, must send out most experienced trump card hunter, comes Milky Way, enters Earth to kill Chu Feng! 因为,他们当夜就在调兵遣将,要派出最有经验的王牌狩猎者,来银河系,进入地球杀楚风 However, when they, are wanting to find out some situations with the Earth branch relation, does not have the sound, there death aura heavy, anybody has not responded. 然而,当他们在跟地球分部联系、想要了解一些情况时,毫无动静,那里死气沉沉,没有任何人回应。 Then, they contact the surrounding member, finally the silver wing clan did not respond. 接着,他们跟外围成员联系,结果银翼族也毫无反应。 The Earth branch loses the association! 地球分部失联! This absolutely is the big event, in their hearts sank at that time, dispatches the person of Earth to lose the association unexpectedly completely, is really funny and laughable. 这绝对是大事件,他们心中当时就是一沉,派往地球的人居然全部失联,实在滑稽而可笑。 In the end, they can only contact with the interstellar explorer, the expenditure large sum of money, buys the news to these organizations, making them inquire about. 到头来,他们只能联系星际探险者,花费重金,向这些组织买消息,让他们去探寻。 The interstellar explorer has many organizations, naturally some members on Earth, this person usually occasionally have the intercourse in service with Assassinating Vault of Heaven, at this moment orders directly. 星际探险者有很多组织,自然有些成员在地球上,这种人平日间偶尔跟刺天穹有业务上的往来,此刻直接接单。 Because this duty was too easy, so long as rushes to the destination to look and that's the end. 因为这种任务太容易了,只要赶往目的地看一看就是了。 That night, a news of shocking starry sky spreads, the explosion speed spreads in Star Sea, making many Dao Lineage shock, stares dumbfounded! 当夜,一则震惊星空的消息传出,以爆炸般的速度在星海中扩散,让许多道统震撼,瞠目结舌! The interstellar explorer they usually explores, the excavation buried treasure, helps the person inquire about the news, these paid, and buyer is not the uniqueness. 星际探险者他们平日探险、挖掘宝藏,也帮人探寻消息,这些都是有偿的,且买家不是唯一性。 They may not have the duty to keep secret. 他们可没有义务保密。 When they rush to the Mt. Wangwu deep place, immediately smells the smell of blood that irritates the nose, then, they see corpse everywhere, as well as many human form ashes, on the residual battlesuit sleeve have the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's mark, they realized, this is the dark hunter den, is they in the branch of Earth! 当他们赶到王屋山深处时,立刻闻到刺鼻的血腥味,然后,他们看到满地的尸体,以及许多人形灰烬,残留的战衣袖子上有刺天穹的标记,他们意识到,这是黑暗狩猎者的老巢,是他们在地球的分部! These people all died! 这些人全都死了! After they told these news to Assassinating Vault of Heaven, this darkness the high level of colossus was furious! 当他们将这些消息告诉给刺天穹后,这个黑暗中的庞然大物的高层震怒! Meanwhile, other Dao Lineage also obtain news, initiates dreadfully **. 同时,其他一些道统也得到消息,引发滔天**。 Heaven, who is this does? Dark hunter was hunted and killed on the contrary, all extinguishes, cannot run away!” 天啊,这是谁做的?黑暗狩猎者反倒被人猎杀了,全灭,一个都没有能够逃走!” The earthquake, the news spreads in the starry sky. 大地震,消息在星空中扩散。 Some time ago, they in the official platform line of issue news, did not say that must start hunting Chu Feng, finally...... Oneself had an accident first!” “不久前,他们不是在官方平台行发布消息,说要开始狩猎楚风吗,结果……自己先出事了!” This...... Occurs in Earth? Should not be......” some people pupil glittering, had the astonishing association. “这……是在地球发生的?该不会是……”一些人眸光闪烁,有了惊人的联想。 Quick, the Eastern Sea auction scene, many bidders also obtain the news, has been shocked, many people set out, then whispers, discusses spiritedly. 很快,东海拍卖会现场,许多竞拍者也得到消息,都惊呆了,许多人起身,而后交头接耳,议论纷纷。 Chu Feng, this should not be you will do?!” At this time, is Ying Wudi brings startled to allow, to look to opposite Great Demon Chu. 楚风,这该不会是你做的吧?!”此时,就是映无敌都带着惊容,看向对面的楚大魔头 The Chu Feng shaking red wine, steps onto the stage very much tranquilly, opens the mouth to all people, said: Temporarily holds the release conference.” 楚风摇动红酒,很平静走上高台,对所有人开口,道:“临时开个发布会。” Then, he is very brief , very earnest statement, said: I to Mt. Wangwu the event said is responsible for!” 然后,他很简短,也很认真的表态,道:“我对王屋山的这起事件表示负责!”
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