SR :: Volume #8

#714: Selects to turn the place of darkness

The moonlight like the water, the Chu Feng not far several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) makes a long-range raid, after world mutation, greatly becomes incomparably grand, the area increases sharply, but at his current speed, is not anything. 月色如水,楚风不远数万里奔袭,天地异变后,大地变得无比壮阔,面积激增,但是以他目前的速度,也不算什么。 Especially, he has green Emerald Bamboo Boat to ride instead of walking, quick crosses the sea to come, to enter the land deep place, to get close to Mt. Wangwu. 尤其是,他有绿绿竹舟代步,很快就渡海而来,进入陆地深处,接近王屋山 That night is doomed to have the big event! 这一夜注定要发生大事件! The moonlight according to the mountain forest, entire piece of Mountains and Rivers was covered by the silvery brilliance, the mountain, waterfall and river therefore have the dim halo, is sacred. 月光照在山林中,整片山川都被银辉覆盖,高山、瀑布、大河都因此而有朦胧光晕,神圣起来。 Mt. Wangwu is in sight! 王屋山在望! From ancient to present, here has many legends, is honored as the head of grotto-heaven. 自古至今,这里都有很多传说,被誉为洞天之首。 Late at night, the mountain forest and uneasy are static, have the wild animal to shout, there is folding space Mutant Beast to roar, can see that after having the bird of prey opens the wing, is similar to Dark Cloud(s) can camouflage the star light, throws down the big piece in the ground the shadow. 深夜,山林并不宁静,有野兽在嘶吼,也有折叠空间的异兽在咆哮,可以看到有猛禽张开翅膀后如同一朵乌云般能遮蔽星光,在地面投下大片的阴影。 This is a piece of primitive style, Mt. Wangwu and folding space blends, was already different from before. 这是一片原始风貌,王屋山与折叠空间交融,早已跟以前不一样了。 Chu Feng came, in this night, on the face is bringing indifferent killing intent, is holding a big streamer in his right hand, passes sends out the misty blood light, incomparable beautifulness, precisely God blood streamer! 楚风来了,在这深夜中,脸上带着冷漠的杀意,在他的右手中持着一杆大幡,透发出蒙蒙血光,无比的妖艳,正是神灵化血幡! This is big Killing Weapon, tonight he to not chat to come is, but must slaughter, branch that suppress and kill so-called dark Overlord establishes. 这是一件大杀器,今夜他不是为谈笑而来是,而是要大开杀戒,镇杀所谓的黑暗霸主所建立的分部。 Any Assassinating Vault of Heaven, he does not care! 什么刺天穹,他不在乎! Since has opposed, that fights, greatly kills it! 既然已经对立,那就战到底,大杀之! In the Chu Feng's consciousness, the opposite party made war with him, therefore, he will not be forgiving, whole-heartedly, will perform all means to eliminate the opposite party. 楚风的意识中,对方已经和他开战,所以,他不会留情,将全力以赴,尽一切手段杀灭对方。 At this time, even if he comes, he also regards as a war this service! 此时,哪怕是他一个人来,他也将这一役视为一场战争! This is a person to dark Dao Lineage's great war! 这是一个人对一个黑暗道统的大战 In the dim light of night, his murderous aura is reserved, leads the way in mountain forest Zhongdabu, does not have the sound, is similar to ominous tiger that managing of Immemorial time murders, soon will start to hunt in All Heavens! 夜色中,他杀气内敛,在山林中大步前行,没有声息,如同一只太古时代的主掌杀伐的凶虎,即将开始在诸天间狩猎! Chu Feng stature tall, this time is the appearance of adult, the black long hair hangs loose, both eyes are profound, all murderous intention hide in the eyeground deep place. 楚风身材高挑,此时是成年人的样子,黑色长发披散,双目深邃,所有的杀机都藏在眼底深处。 He does not want to alarm this dark Dao Lineage's branch troops ahead of time, he wants to be similar to hunting and killing is close, slaughters with their methods, destroys completely here Youth Training Camp and established killer. 他不想提前惊动这个黑暗道统的分部人马,他想要如同一个猎杀者般接近,用他们的手段来屠杀,灭掉这里的青训营与老牌的杀手。 Mt. Wangwu, Spirit Peak, the Purple Qi transpiration, is one after another indistinct now has the potential of Hidden Dragon ascending to heaven! 王屋山,如今灵峰一座又一座,紫气蒸腾,隐约间有潜龙升天之势! Stands on this lands, looks at shining, energy rich extremely astonishing is, Chu Feng narrowed the eye, careful listening respectfully and induction. 站在这片土地上,看着流光溢彩,能量浓郁度极其惊人的所在,楚风眯起了眼睛,仔细的聆听与感应。 The distant place, the ominous birds and beasts low roar, dozens meters demon apes in standing roared to the moon/month on the mountain, there is mammoth shape of silver ferocious bird in killing fold space. 远处,凶禽猛兽低吼,有数十米长的魔猿在站在大山上对月咆哮,也有银色的凶禽在扑杀折叠空间中的猛犸象。 Late at night, in this piece of Grotto-heaven and Blessed Land is very dim, is very holy, but in the wooded mountains is also bringing the smell of blood. 深夜间,这片洞天福地中很朦胧,也很圣洁,可是山林间也带着血腥味。 This is very good, helping Chu Feng being close, helping him assassinate, sweeps away this place! 这很好,有利于楚风接近,便于他刺杀,横扫此地! He enters Mt. Wangwu heavily, is lost in thought slightly, initially the world the mutation started, here by three big mutant organizations Lord of Cyan Floating Jade Palace captures. 他进入王屋山重地,略微出神,当初天地才异变开始,这里就被三大异人组织的中的碧游宫之主攻下。 Afterward, Chu Feng has not paid attention, after the knows killer organization was not in charge of here, any situation. 后来,楚风就没有理会了,不知道杀手组织入主这里后什么情况。 In addition, Mt. Wangwu here has Mystic Realm, had the antiquity lost clan housing, but wants to come now the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person, even if rushed to here, dares to penetrate in Mystic Realm not necessarily. 此外,王屋山这里有秘境,有上古遗族居住,但想来如今刺天穹的人哪怕赶到这里来,也不见得敢深入秘境中去。 After all, the world has not recovered thoroughly, the person of Golden Body level is very difficult, in Mystic Realm has expert of that progression mostly! 毕竟,天地还没有彻底复苏,金身层次的人很难进来,秘境中多半有那个级数的高手 Chu Feng sought was very long, had not found that Mystic Realm entrance. 楚风寻了很久,都没有找到那秘境入口。 Hopes that the Mystic Realm's person is all right!” He talked to oneself, after all when initially he with day Divine Son in Kunlun Mountains great war, Mt. Wangwu Mystic Realm and Himalaya Mountains Mystic Realm's lost clan once stood this side him, has helped him. “希望秘境的人没事!”他自语,毕竟当初他跟天神子在昆仑大战时,王屋山秘境、喜马拉雅山秘境的遗族都曾站在他这一边,帮过他。 Under the moonlit night, Chu Feng likely is an this one wolf, is having the cold aura, rushes in this stretch of region solitarily, enters Mt. Wangwu heavily! 月夜下,楚风像是一只孤狼,带着冷冽的气息,只身闯进这片地带,进入王屋山重地! Quick, he sees some skeletons, is human, already knows did not die for several months. 很快,他看到一些尸骨,都属于人类,早已不知道死去几个月了。 His vision one cold, the clothing, relic on withered bone, is proving all, these are native Evolver, was born human on Earth. 他目光一凛,枯骨上的服饰、遗物等,无不证明着,这些都是本土进化者,是出生在地球上的人类。 „The Cyan Floating Jade Palace people were extinguished!” Chu Feng makes this judgment, because, some communication equipment in these relics, is three big mutant organizations specially. 碧游宫的人都被灭了!”楚风作出这种判断,因为,在那些遗物中有些通讯设备等,专属于三大异人组织。 The Mt. Wangwu deep place, the mountain massif is broad, old tree Large expanse, silver-colored waterfall hangs down, under moonlight very grand, and does not lose elegantly. 王屋山深处,山体恢宏,古树成片,银瀑垂挂,在月光下非常的壮丽,而又不失秀美。 He saw the house, discovers the person's shadow, that definitely is not Evolver of native place, from outside territory, because they have the bat same wing. 他看到了房屋,也发现人影,那肯定不是本土的进化者,来自域外,因为他们有蝙蝠一样的翅膀。 This is wing Human Race's one, was very strong race, lived the meat wing, when opened the wing, flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, and fleshly body was formidable, liked tearing same step Evolver to the wartime. 这是翼人族的一支,也算是很强的种族了,生有肉翼,张开翅膀时,飞天遁地,且肉身强大,对战时喜欢撕裂同阶进化者 Is silver wing lineage/vein in wing Human Race!” Chu Feng in race to universe understood now gradually, recognizes their identities. “是翼人族中的银翼一脉!”楚风如今对宇宙中的种族渐渐了解,认出他们的身份。 On the other hand, a silver wing lineage/vein reputation is good, is not such bloodthirsty, but the battle efficiency is very strong, once provokes anger can not die with the match continuous. 相对来说,银翼一脉名声还不错,不是那么的嗜血,不过战斗力很强,一旦惹怒的话会与对手不死不休。 Really, looked for one to stand the ethnic group in light shields.” Chu Feng murderous aura is steaming. “果然,找了一个可以站在光明中的族群来掩护。”楚风杀气腾腾。 Since this silver wing clan and Assassinating Vault of Heaven stand, is their exterior troops, that has nothing to have scruples, the photo killed does not harm. 既然这支银翼族与刺天穹站在一起,算是他们的外部人马,那就没有什么可顾忌的了,照杀不误。 However, he does not have to begin immediately, the main goal is that batch of dark hunter! 不过,他没有立刻动手,最主要的目标是那批黑暗狩猎者 The Chu Feng vanguard, is similar to an experienced alone wolf, crosses the mountain forest, avoids this troops, the God blood streamer in hand is lending the terrifying aura. 楚风前行,如同一只经验丰富的独狼,横穿山林,避开这部人马,手中的神灵化血幡在散发着恐怖的气息。 Mt. Wangwu most deep place, energy rich is astonishing, really has the strangeness, by lay out Domain, and there is spirit silhouette hidden in secret. 王屋山最深处,能量浓郁度非常惊人,果然有古怪,被布下场域,且有幽灵般的身影隐在暗中。 Their breathing method are very special, as if congeals with the mountains as one, the surface cannot look at anything, however in their within the body like with solar ball of light, in reserved flesh. 他们的呼吸法很特别,仿佛与山川凝结为一体,表面看不出来什么,但是在他们的体内有如同太阳般光团,内敛血肉中。 Their true strength average people cannot realize, can very good concealment oneself. 他们的真正实力一般人根本察觉不到,可以很好的隐匿自身。 Obviously, the Pegasus clan has not lain, the news is reliable and real, here indeed hides one group of Assassinating Vault of Heaven's troops. 显然,天马族没有撒谎,消息可靠而真实,这里的确是藏匿有一群刺天穹的人马。 Chu Feng revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, closes/obstructs dwell the body vitality, is staring at them, he also integrates in the dark night, here appears and disappears, most powerhouse who he is looking for this place. 楚风运转盗引呼吸法,闭住身体生机,盯着他们,他也融入黑夜中,在这里出没,他在找此地的最强者。 God blood streamer prepares for that person! 神灵化血幡就是为那个人准备的! Otherwise, generally, he will not expose this weapon easily! 不然的话,一般情况下,他不会轻易暴露这件兵器! By Chu Feng now in Earth rare divine awareness, after the observation is very long induces to one weakly to nearly the fluctuation of nihility, after for a long time, discovers being dormant of old man in forest lands. 楚风如今在地球罕有的神觉,也是在观察很久后才感应到一股微弱到近乎虚无的波动,很长时间后才发现一个老者的蛰伏在一片林地中。 He has not begun, frowns, induces once more, shortly after discovered two strength very astonishing existences, are similar to that old man. 他没有动手,皱着眉头,再次感应,不久后又发现两个实力很惊人的存在,跟那老者相仿。 Close Golden Body level established killer, fully three people, moreover other people who surpasses this progression, the energy flame in within the body is actually very exuberant, but has not revealed. 接近金身层次老牌杀手,足有三人,而且远超这个级数的其他人,体内的能量火光其实无比旺盛,只不过没有泄露出来。 Really, Assassinating Vault of Heaven regards as important this place very much, must have the big movement. 果然,刺天穹很看重此地,要有大动作。 Then, Chu Feng is silent, starts to put down the magnet in the mountain forest of distant place, he is arranging Domain, does not prepare to bleed off one. 然后,楚风无声无息,开始在远处的山林放下磁石,他在布置场域,不准备放走一个。 The time press, he does not have time lay out complex large-scale Domain, but detained these people enough. 时间紧迫,他没有时间布下复杂的大型场域,但是拦阻这些人足够了。 Outside abatement three old men, 70-80 person, is in the majority by young, the talent is very astonishing, is the good seedling. 除却三名老者外,还有七八十人,其中以年轻者居多,天赋都很惊人,全都是好苗子。 Obviously, can recover the place young hunter, by the elite who Assassinating Vault of Heaven regards as important, gives opportunity that they swiftly and violently evolve here. 显然,能够来复苏地的年轻狩猎者,都是被刺天穹所看重的精英,给予他们在这里迅猛进化的机会。 Because, Earth is very special, is recovering, is the treasure troves in various clan young Evolver eyes! 因为,地球很特殊,正在复苏,是各族年轻进化者眼中的宝地! Delivers you to start off!” Finally, Chu Feng moved, is similar to together the spirit, silent approaches an old man to be at the position that then sticks out suddenly launches an attack. “送你们上路!”终于,楚风动了,如同一道幽灵,无声的逼近一个老者所在的位置,而后暴起发难。 In his hands, the God blood streamer was treated as the lance to use, appointed the flag flap flap, he double is grasping the thorn to that goal! 在他的手中,神灵化血幡被当做长矛来使用,任大旗猎猎,他双手持着刺向那个目标! Has saying that established hunter that Assassinating Vault of Heaven sends was too fierce, is very keen, unexpectedly at crucial moments induces to Chu Feng's internal energy, fast avoidance. 不得不说,刺天穹所派来的老牌狩猎者太厉害了,无比敏锐,居然在关键时刻感应到楚风的气机,快速躲避。 Mainly is because, he walks hunting and killing in darkness, oneself is skilled in assassinates this Dominion various methods, perceived at the scene. 主要是因为,他是行走在黑暗中的猎杀者,自身最精通的就是刺杀这一领域的各种手段,当场觉察。 Meanwhile, his own strength was too outstanding, is one of the Assassinating Vault of Heaven Moulding Shape Realm's gold medal master craftsmen, comes this to build Youth Training Camp specially. 同时,他自身实力真的太出众了,算是刺天穹塑形境界的金牌老师傅之一,专门来此打造青训营 He does not allow to send in the middle, avoids fatally this has struck, making Chu Feng be startled is not small. 他在间不容发间,躲避过这致命一击,让楚风都吃惊不小。 However, Chu Feng early is prepared, uses one of the oneself strongest methods, left hand there Cave appears, forms the terrifying black vortex, almost attracts the old man. 不过,楚风早有准备,动用自己最强手段之一,左手那里一口石洞浮现,形成恐怖的黑色漩涡,几乎将老者吸进去。 Because, Chu Feng has the plan, ahead of time judges his avoidance direction, strikes to puncture spatially instant, followed up. 因为,楚风有预案,提前判断出他的躲避方向,一击刺空的刹那,就跟进了。 This old killer facial color changed, in the gloomy and cold pupil divine glow rises suddenly, he is similar to a Great Peng bird wants the flying, first got rid said again. 这个老杀手面色变了,阴冷的眸子中神芒暴涨,他如同一头大鹏鸟般想要飞天而起,先摆脱再说。 However, that Cave is really terrifying, affects his speed display, creates the golden opportunity to Chu Feng. 然而,那石洞实在恐怖,影响他的速度发挥,给楚风创造绝佳的机会。 In the Chu Feng hand God blood streamer sweeps away, that flap flap the loud streamer surface covers there directly, wants knows, this is not the genuine lance, but is a fearful streamer. 楚风手中神灵化血幡横扫过来,那猎猎而响的幡面直接覆盖那里,要知道,这并非真正的长矛,而是一杆可怕的幡。 The old men are frightened, this blood streamer one to get close to, his whole body blood essence by the transpiration, was too been fearful. 老者惊悚,这血幡才一接近,他浑身精血就被蒸腾而出,太可怕了。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, his whole body eruption ray, various trump card are uneven, but, many Artifact were swallowed by that Cave, does not have the significance. 下一刻,他浑身爆发光芒,各种杀手锏齐出,但是,许多器物都被那口石洞吞了进去,没有意义。 The streamer surface covers him, making his dispirited, blood energy fall in torrents all of a sudden crazily, he cannot withstand this swallowing. 幡面覆盖他,让他一下子萎靡,血气疯狂倾泄而出,他承受不住这种吞噬。 Bang! 轰! At the same time, Chu Feng stimulates to movement the God blood streamer with psychic energy, his right hand uses World of the Living's Divine Skill-- Lightning Fist! 同一时间,楚风精神能量催动神灵化血幡,他的右手则动用阳间的神技——闪电拳 An energy ebullition, ray writings, this old killer was punctured the body, was covered by the blood streamer, is instant withered, sends out a sad and shrill noisy wail. 一阵能量沸腾,光芒大作,这个老杀手被打穿躯体,也被血幡覆盖,刹那干瘪下去,发出一声凄厉的长嚎。 He bang has blasted out, dies a violent death. 他砰的一声炸开了,死于非命。 That brushes, the Chu Feng withdraw God blood streamer, changes into Reincarnation Blade, such as flies to plunge another position generally, kills the second goal. 刷的一声,楚风收起神灵化血幡,换成轮回刀,如飞一般扑向另一个方位,去杀第二个目标。 However, when he is very unsatisfied, kills the first person unexpectedly does not have one to strike to execute, but alerted the enemy. 不过,他很不满意,杀第一人时居然没有一击格杀,而是打草惊蛇了。 However, he also fearless, he just Transcends Tribulation succeeded, the strength enters greatly, precisely examines own time! 不过,他也无惧,他刚渡劫成功,实力大进,正是检测自己的时候! The sharp organing sends out, in trim region the person's shadow surges, all killers came out, seeks for the intruder. 尖锐的啸音发出,整片地带中人影翻腾,所有杀手都出来了,寻找入侵者。 Bang! 轰! When these people detect, Chu Feng has fought with the second old man, the fight is intense, fearful scarlet red blade light has torn the night tranquility. 当那些人发觉时,楚风已经跟第二名老者交手,战斗激烈,可怕的赤红色的刀光撕裂了夜晚的宁静。 The third powerful old killer naturally was alarmed, fast rushed to rescue, turns into a beam of black light to throw, wanted to besiege together, kills Chu Feng. 第三名实力强大的老杀手自然被惊动,飞快驰援,化成一道乌光扑了过去,想要一起围攻,击毙楚风 Meanwhile, other people see Chu Feng finally. 同时,其他人终于看到楚风 Even if they are the killers, is the heartless generation, understood how to control own mood, at this time also has the young hunter shock, even screamed. 哪怕他们是杀手,是无情之辈,懂得如何支配自己的情绪,此时也有年轻的狩猎者震惊,甚至叫出声来。 Unexpectedly is he, Chu Feng!” “居然是他,楚风!” Cannot accommodate them not startled, some time ago, Chu Feng destroyed completely seed level hunter that they organized in Eastern Sea, gets angry resentment dark Saint, already by their knows. 容不得他们不惊,不久前,楚风东海灭掉他们组织的种子级狩猎者,更是怒怼黑暗圣者,已被他们知道 Moreover, in the starry sky has the order to transmit, pays attention to be dormant, waits to order, momentarily waited for that the powerhouse helps, hunts and kills Chu Feng together. 而且,星空中有命令传来,注意蛰伏,等候命令,随时等待强者来援,一起去猎杀楚风 How can think, such short time, Chu Feng touched here, first launched an attack to them, but these at the matter that the same evening had! 怎能想到,这么短的时间而已,楚风神不知鬼不觉地摸到了这里,抢先对他们发难,而这些都是在同一晚上发生的事! Kill! 杀! At this moment, Chu Feng erupted, whole-heartedly, since has not needed to hide, his aura is similar to Jianghai is turbulent, blood energy is similar to the volcano magma ebullition, explodes crazily sweeps across. 这一刻,楚风爆发了,全力以赴,既然已经无需隐藏,他的气息如同江海般汹涌,血气如同火山岩浆般沸腾,狂爆席卷。 Lightning Fist, cuts the universe. 闪电拳,划破天宇。 The light of Reincarnation Blade, making the world as if die out. 轮回刀之光,让天地都仿佛寂灭了。 ! 噗! A head of old man flew, the horizontal corpse on this, one crowd just rushed and must carry on to assassinate the Chu Feng's person, there is a 7-8 person to fall to the ground, the heads flew, the blood scatters. 一位老者的头颅飞了起来,横尸于此上,一群刚冲上去、要进行暗杀楚风的人,也有七八人倒地,一颗又一颗人头飞了出去,血液四溅。 Here sound was too big, trim Mt. Wangwu was alarmed. 这里的动静太大了,整片王屋山都被惊动。 Under the night moon/month, Chu Feng likely is Great Demonic God, callous incomparable, blade light dazzling, fist mark is broad and boundless, kills the four directions greatly, he dashes, the corpses appear in his, the blood scatters, was cut the time not to be long by Reincarnation Blade will melt, was pounded by fist mark is split up, the corpse block four fly! 夜月下,楚风像是一尊大魔神,冷酷无比,刀光刺目,拳印恢宏而磅礴,大杀四方,他一路冲撞,一具又一具尸体在他脚下出现,血液四溅,被轮回刀斩中者时间不长就会消融,被拳印砸中者则四分五裂,尸块四飞! This is the slaughter, in slaughtering of dark hunter in view of the starry sky, the cold blood killer becomes his prey! 这是屠杀,针对星空中黑暗狩猎者的杀戮,冷血的杀手成为他的猎物!
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