SR :: Volume #8

#713: The wind and cloud is greatly turbulent

Chu Feng aims at Assassinating Vault of Heaven, a person wants duel this to walk the hunting organization in darkness, to this colossus, vibrates the starry sky! 楚风针对刺天穹,一个人要单挑这个行走在黑暗中的狩猎组织,对上这个庞然大物,震动星空! He displays very is strong, regarding the threat of dark Saint, radically fearless, gives the most direct response, refining falls this Dao Lineage's seed level hunter in the presence of everyone. 他表现的非常强势,对于黑暗圣者的威胁,根本无惧,给予最为直接的反应,当众炼化掉该道统的一个种子级狩猎者 Meanwhile, many people realized, he in kidnapping deity, Xilin, Netherworld and other ethnic groups. 同时,许多人意识到,他在绑架天神、西林、幽冥等族群。 This night is doomed unable to be tranquil, Chu Feng challenges the enemy to battle a fearful killer palace, its manifesto and behavior make many people change countenance, for a very long time did not speak. 这个夜晚注定不能宁静,楚风叫阵一个可怕的杀手殿堂,其宣言与行为让很多人动容,久久不语。 Ignorant Earth Indigenous, your anything does not understand, does not respect dark Dominion King and Saint, you will regret the fate that you must face is very pitiful, sometimes you will discover that type pitiful also wanted terrifying ten times and hundred times to continue compared with the death!” “无知的地球土著,你什么都不懂,不尊重黑暗领域王者圣者,你会后悔的,你所要面对的下场很凄惨,有时候你会发现,那种凄惨比死亡还要恐怖十倍、百倍不止!” Sub Saint Level dark hunter is away from the black robe to spread has the demonic nature hoarse sound, then, a pair of pupil is similar to the black hole has swept, ended the dialogue. 亚圣级黑暗狩猎者隔着黑袍传出具有魔性的嘶哑声音,然后,一双眸子如同黑洞般扫过,结束对话。 Chu Feng responded, said: Has words to give to you, elects the wrong match is your lifetime sorrow, so-called Assassinating Vault of Heaven is doomed to disintegrate, so-called killer Divine Land and Holy Land, will unravel finally.” 楚风回应,道:“有句话送给你们,选错对手是你们一生的悲哀,所谓的刺天穹注定要分崩离析,所谓的杀手神土圣地,终将灰飞烟灭。” Dark Saint has not responded, vanishes from Beast Source Platform decisively, only leaves behind one string to let the person have one's hair stand on end sneering sound, brings to disdain also to have the color of despising to leave. 黑暗圣者没有回应,果断从原兽平台上消失,只留下一串让人毛骨悚然的冷笑声,带着不屑还有蔑视之色离开。 In his opinion, Chu Feng was too small and weak, let alone threatens their this to have the innumerable years ancient Dao Lineage, is hunting and killing of Golden Body level they dispatch casually, can easily destruction Chu Feng! 在他看来,楚风太弱小了,别说威胁他们这个存在无数岁月的古老道统,就是他们随便遣出的一个金身层次的猎杀者,都可以轻易覆灭楚风 In fact, the people in the starry sky looks like, Chu Feng this is in the wire walking, now has not left Earth to be good, once walks, will face the darkness without limits to hunt and kill. 事实上,在星空中众人看来,楚风这是在走钢丝,现在没有离开地球还好,一旦走出去,将会面对无止境的黑暗猎杀。 Even if he is strong, don't tell me can also avoid the excessively accidents/surprises? The killers are most fearful, does not put together the true strength with you, critical moment sword to seal/confer throat, gives you to strike fatally! 哪怕他再强,难道还能躲避过一场又一场意外吗?杀手最为可怕,不和你拼真正的实力,关键时刻一剑封喉,给予你致命一击! This matter stirs the controversy on Beast Source Platform, various clans are all discussing. 这件事在原兽平台上引起轩然大波,各族全都在热议。 The disturbance is fermenting, sweeps across the major platforms, many evolution Sect must learn, including numerous established powerhouse revealed the look of surprise, felt that Chu Feng is too crazy. 风波在发酵,席卷各大平台,很多进化门派都得已经悉,连众多老牌强者都露出异色,感觉楚风太疯狂。 For these years, but also nobody dares to challenge the enemy to battle Assassinating Vault of Heaven depending on oneself, because that is courts death, including organization that Saint can hunt and kill, that is the what kind of terrifying, they is a colossus. 这么多年来,还没有人敢凭自己一个人叫阵刺天穹,因为那是找死,连圣人都可以猎杀的组织,那是何等的恐怖,他们是一个庞然大物。 What is most frightening, the back of hearsay organization has Evolver of Shining Upon All Heavens level doubtful, moreover very possible is very ancient existence. 最为让人恐惧的是,传闻该组织的背后疑似有映照诸天级的进化者,而且很可能是一位非常古老的存在。 This is also makes the origin that various clans dread be, ancient lifeforms in Shining Upon All Heavens, once launches an attack, that cannot imagine simply! 这也是让各族忌惮的根由所在,映照诸天中的古老生物,一旦发难,那简直不可想象! Naturally, this is also only a guess, nobody can confirm whether their back has this kind of Evolver. 当然,这也只是一种猜测,无人能证实他们的背后是否真的有这样一个进化者 Even, plot person believes, this is one side darkness of some first ten major and medium clan, is hunting and killing organization that they support! 甚至,阴谋论者认为,这是前十大中的某一族的黑暗一面,是他们扶持起来的猎杀组织! Some also say that this organization is another business agency of Heavenspan Worm-hole Company this colossus, naturally also some people said that this is chaos branches of some ultra star Sect in Broken Universe in this starry sky. 也有人说,该组织是通天虫洞公司这个庞然大物的另一业务部门,当然亦有人说这是混沌中的残破宇宙的某个超星门派在这片星空中的一个分部。 In brief, more goes into seriously, is the understanding, this dark organization even more makes the person dread. 总之,越是深究,越是了解,这个黑暗组织越发的让人畏惧。 For these years, did not have the dynasty and formidable ethnic group can pull up their including root, this explained the issue. 这么多年以来,都没有皇朝与强大的族群能将他们连根拔起,这已经说明问题。 After such one noisy, auctions the atmosphere of grand meeting to be somewhat subtle with exceptionally, although many people think that Chu Feng is very valiant, is very strong, but also some people thought that his prospect is not wonderful, offends Assassinating Vault of Heaven, that possibly is a dead end. 经过这么一闹,拍卖盛会的气氛有些微妙与异常,虽然许多人认为楚风很彪悍,很强势,但也有部分人觉得他前景不妙,得罪刺天穹,那可能就是一条绝路。 Everybody, I need you to feed back immediately, I want the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's news.” When the auction carries on the middle place, the Chu Feng opens the mouth, urged person who participates in various clan bidding. “各位,我需要你们立刻反馈,我想要刺天穹的消息。”当拍卖会进行到中场时,楚风开口,催促参与各族竞拍的人。 Naturally, this is in private the news of transmission, even, Big Black Ox alone has also threatened, does not spread the valuable news decisively the words, at the scene to them living Holy Son makes up the blade! 当然,这是私下传递的消息,甚至,大黑牛还单独一个一个的进行了威胁,不果断传来有价值的消息的话,会当场给他们活着的圣子补刀! Then, Old Donkey puts on despicable airs, reorganizes the very official formal clothes, is responsible for the single track contacting with Deity Race in private, the serious appearance, said: hee-haw hee-haw, the Deity Race buyer of respect, your goods have packed, quick will ask Heavenspan Express Delivery Corporation to deliver goods, please immediately pay money as well as provides tonight the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's details, otherwise exceeds the time limit to terminate to deliver goods, treats as the defective product to get rid in the latrine pit, we take seriously the cargo very much very much the manifestation of quality as well as user, please cooperate, thanks!” 然后,老驴人模狗样,整理自己很正式的礼服,负责私下单线和天神族联系,一脸严肃的样子,道:“儿啊儿啊,尊敬的天神族买家,你们的货已经打包,很快就会请通天快递公司发货,请于今晚立刻付款以及提供刺天穹的底细,不然的话逾期会终止发货,当作残次品抛弃到茅坑中,我们很很重视货物的品质以及用户的体现,请予以合作,谢谢!” The old man who Deity Race is responsible for bidding, is away from the inter-satellite network to stare at Old Donkey stubbornly, if can begin, he will choke to death this donkey directly. 天神族负责竞拍的老者,隔着星际网络死死地盯着老驴,如果能动手的话,他会直接掐死这头驴子。 In any event, they do not allow deity buddhist relics to be brought disgrace on! 无论如何,他们不允许天神舍利子被人辱没! At this time, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Ouyang Feng, Zhou Quan and the others have not been idling, is responsible for with the Xilin Clan, Great Dream Pure Land, Netherworld Race and other one-way contacts. 此时,东北虎欧阳风周全等人也没有闲着,负责跟西林族大梦净土幽冥族等单线联系。 Suddenly, an undercurrent is turbulent. 一时间,一股暗流在汹涌。 Silver-haired Little Loli Ying Xiaoxiao gathers the Chu Feng near, said: You meet greatly troublesome, Assassinating Vault of Heaven is very flagitious, the back water is very deep, will be in our Sub Immortal Clan ordinary circumstances easily will not begin to them.” 银发小萝莉映晓晓凑到楚风近前,道:“你遇上大麻烦喽,刺天穹很凶残,背后的水很深,就是我们亚仙族一般情况下都不会轻易对他们动手。” Ying Zhexian also followed, she did not feel relieved to oneself younger sister 120, the spoken language of this little fellow often shocks everybody, the pit elder sister the pit brother, really does not feel relieved her. 映谪仙也跟了过来,她对自己的妹妹120个不放心,这小家伙的言语时常惊世骇俗,坑姐又坑兄,实在不放心她。 Chu Feng expressed best wishes to their slight nod, he naturally clear understands that this dark Dominion colossus was fearful, even if before , did not understand, today can infer through their words and deeds. 楚风对他们微微点头致意,他自然清楚的明白这个黑暗领域的庞然大物到底有多么可怕,就算以前不了解,今天通过他们言行就能推断出。 These walk hunting and killing in darkness, incomparable being proud, even domineering was excessive, after captured, unexpectedly has dark Saint to appear, orders him to release people directly, this is what kind of overbearing, the stance that only I alone revere, oppresses the aura front surface to throw. 这些行走在黑暗中的猎杀者,无比的自负,甚至跋扈的过头了,被俘虏后,居然有黑暗圣者出现,直接命令他放人,这是何等的霸道,一副惟我独尊的姿态,压迫气息迎面扑来。 Chu Feng since steps onto Evolution Road, did not have to kneel, how can tolerate a dark organization to be bossy to him, like this to his domineering verbal command? 楚风自从走上进化路,还没有“跪过”,怎能容忍一个黑暗组织对他颐指气使,这样对他强势号令? Even if Assassinating Vault of Heaven very fearsome, but this does not matter regarding Chu Feng, including first ten mostly has annoyed, but also feared that many does keep thinking about his killer organization? bring it on! is, refuses to accept to do! 哪怕刺天穹很可怖,但是这对于楚风来说也无所谓,连前十大都惹过,还怕多一个惦记他的杀手组织吗?放马过来就是,不服就干! At this time, Yuan Shicheng also walked, was the Primitive Demon Race's younger generation first person, the status background nature astonishingly, initiated the people to look askance. 这时,元世成也走来,身为始魔族的年轻一代第一人,身份背景自然惊人之极,引发人们侧目。 His sister, under the starry sky the tenth beautiful woman Yuan Yuan with, is also having the charming smiling face, a black skirt the snow white flesh will serve as contrast even more clear. 他的妹妹,星空下第十丽人元媛也跟来,带着妩媚的笑容,一袭黑裙将雪白的肌肤衬托的越发的晶莹。 Needs us to act, helping you mediate?” Yuan Shicheng is handsome and intelligent, has a bearing, is bringing gentle smiling, he came from Primitive Demon Race, but does not have demonic nature manifestation, handsome good young master, abundant god like jade. “需要我们出面吗,帮你说和说和?”元世成一表人才,自有一份气度,带着平和的笑,他来自始魔族,但是却没有一点魔性的体现,翩翩佳公子,丰神如玉。 Yuan Yuan say nothing , the figure beautiful and graceful, the curve was moving, is enchanting and shocking, attracts as if made by heaven, she smiled faintly: We can help you melt.” 元媛就更不用说了,身段婀娜,曲线动人,妖娆而惊艳,魅惑天成,她浅笑道:“我们可以帮你化解一番。” This naturally is winning over, they settle on the Chu Feng's potential! 这自然是在拉拢,他们看中楚风的潜质! The Chu Feng recent performance, already attracted the first ten big attention, can suppress the Myriad Celestial Physique person, can capture alive to capture alive Good Fortune Divine Physique and Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique person solitarily, thinks that does not make the major Dao Lineage vibrations not good. 楚风最近的表现,早已吸引前十大的注意,可以镇压万星体的人,能只身一人生擒活捉无劫神体元磁圣体的人,想不让各大道统震动都不行。 Divine Physique, Saint Physique and Myriad Celestial Physique, in the normal age are the invincible physique, has blood relationship that cannot be fought, any will be born becomes Overlord. 神体圣体万星体,在正常年代都是无敌的体质,拥有不可争锋的血统,任何一个出世都会成为霸主 But in this time, they with place first, was suppressed finally actually by Chu Feng, such contrast, that was too astonishing! 而在这个时代,他们同处一世,结果却被楚风压制,这样一对比,那就太惊人了! Even, some people asserted, Chu Feng possibly is after Yaoyao, in another Invincible Under the Starry Sky character who on this ancient planet rises, can look disdainfully the evildoer/monstrous talent of many time, once grows, is difficult to meet the anti- hand! 甚至,有人已经断言,楚风可能就是继妖妖之后,在这颗古老的星球上崛起的另一位星空下无敌的人物,可以睥睨很多个时代的妖孽,一旦成长起来,难逢抗手! This is also Deity Race and Xilin Clan not at any cost, the joint numerous evolution gates want to kill the Chu Feng reason to be, they were worried. 这也是天神族西林族不惜代价,联合众多进化门来想要干掉楚风原因所在,他们在担心。 Chu Feng thanks to well-meaning expression that they release, but he kneeling Assassinating Vault of Heaven, will not refuse to accept then the war, does not have anything at the worst. 楚风对他们释放的善意表达感谢,但他绝不会“跪”刺天穹,不服就战,没什么大不了。 The time is not long, Yuan Yuan's some complexion non- natures, some time ago she attempted to relate with Assassinating Vault of Heaven, now has fed back, this darkness prevents to reject her proposal, informs explicitly, must kill Chu Feng, even if Chu Feng pays the price of blood now, kneels to bend down in the place apologizes, is unforgivable! 时间不长,元媛的脸色有些不自然,不久前她尝试跟刺天穹联系,现在得到反馈,这个黑暗阻止拒绝她的倡议,明确告知,必杀楚风,哪怕楚风现在付出血的代价,跪伏在地请罪,都不可原谅! He has affronted our dignity!” This is the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's response. “他冒犯了我们的尊严!”这是刺天穹的回应。 Chu Feng has smiled, but somewhat is cold, told Yuan Yuan explicitly with Yuan Shicheng, do not say, he did not want them to be a go-between. 楚风笑了,但是却有些冷,明确告诉元媛与元世成,不要多说,他不要他们牵线。 Affronts their dignity? Then I must tread their facial skin on the ground, steps on ruthlessly explodes!” Chu Feng opens the mouth tranquilly. “冒犯他们的尊严?接下来我还要将他们的脸皮踏在地上,狠狠地踩爆!”楚风平静地开口。 Actually his knows, Primitive Demon Race estimated that can also guess correctly this result, but wants to sell his favor, making him understand that once brought both sides together for him. 其实他知道,始魔族估计也能猜到这个结果,只不过是想卖他人情而已,让他明白曾为他牵线搭桥。 Chu Feng, I a moment ago through others' discussion, knows this dark organization how fearful, this was existed forever the killer organization since old times in starry sky, you should better not to go out of Earth easily.” Jiang Luoshen walks, suggested to him like this, reveals color of the worry obviously. 楚风,我刚才通过别人的谈论,知道了这个黑暗组织多么的可怕,这是自古长存于星空中的杀手组织,你最好不要轻易走出地球。”姜洛神走来,对他这样建议,明显露出一丝担心之色。 Vajra and Silver-winged Deity also appear, believes, stays on not having Earth of de-archiving is safest. 金刚银翅天神也出现,也认为,呆在没有解封的地球上最为安全。 Chu Feng smiled, he was not worried. 楚风笑了笑,他自己并不担心。 The distant place, many Evolver see him to be so calm, one sighed secretly, this heart may be really big, if were others already anxious look over the face. 远处,许多进化者见他这么从容,都一阵暗叹,这位的心可真大,如果是别人早就愁容满面了。 Chu Feng, has the vital information!” At this time, evolution Sect that Old Lama sound transmission, he was responsible for consulting in secret gave a very astonishing news to them unexpectedly! 楚风,有重要消息!”这时,老喇嘛暗中传音,他负责接洽的一个进化门派居然给他们传递来一条非常惊人讯息! This news from the Pegasus clan, they again requests to keep secret, cannot name them, even if said is they provides, they will not acknowledge. 这则消息来自天马族,他们一而再的要求一定要保密,不能供出他们,即便说出是他们提供的,他们也不会承认。 Some ethnic groups are having the intense hostility to Assassinating Vault of Heaven, because once had encountered the assassination, for example the Pegasus clan, has the Inferior Divine Beast blood relationship, is known as one of the cosmic velocity quickest several ethnic groups. 有部分族群对刺天穹带着强烈的敌意,因为曾遭遇过刺杀,比如天马族,拥有亚神兽血统,号称宇宙速度最快的几个族群之一。 Dozens years ago, this clan Sub Saint to study the time speed to be well-known, dominates in the peer, soon Sanctification, finally actually will be killed by Assassinating Vault of Heaven, making this clan hate greatly. 数十年前,该族一位亚圣以研究时光速度而闻名,称雄同辈人中,即将成圣,结果却被刺天穹击毙,让该族大恨。 Similar case also has, therefore these ethnic groups want to provide the message to Chu Feng very much, prepares to sit mountain Guanhu to fight! 类似的案例还有一些,因此这些族群很想给楚风提供消息,准备坐山观虎斗! This news, if, that is not really simple!” Big Black Ox has also collected, whispered. “这消息要是真的,那可不简单!”大黑牛也凑了过来,进行低语。 News that because, the Pegasus clan gives is, Assassinating Vault of Heaven entered Earth, must construct a branch, ancient stars that they regard as important this recover. 因为,天马族给予的消息是,刺天穹已经进入地球,要建一个分部,他们非常看重这个正在复苏的古老星辰。 This dark organization believes that even if another day this planet cannot by here Indigenous leadership, will certainly blossom in radiant splendor in various outside territory macroevolution Sect's hands, becomes the important place. 这个黑暗组织认为,他日这颗星球即便不能被这里的土著主导,也必将会在域外各大进化门派的手中大放异彩,成为重要之地。 Therefore, they also want to participate, controls famous mountains in secret, constructs Youth Training Camp in this, trains hunter of younger generation, evolves with this planet together, together growth. 所以,他们也想参与进来,暗中控制一座名山,在此构建一个青训营,培养年轻一代的狩猎者,跟这颗星球一起进化,一同成长。 Mt. Wangwu!” Chu Feng revealed the look of surprise, this organization is very fierce, regards as important this famous Grotto-heaven and Blessed Land. 王屋山!”楚风露出异色,这个组织很厉害,看重这个负有盛名的洞天福地 However, they do is very covert, supported one to stand the influence in secret in light, but killer Youth Training Camp hid in the Grotto-heaven and Blessed Land deep place. 不过,他们做的很隐蔽,暗中扶持了一股能站在光明中的势力,而杀手青训营则藏在洞天福地深处。 Old Lama informs, said: Assassinating Vault of Heaven's that group of people entered Earth, in the construction branch, the personnel already arrived!” This is the most essential news, a number of dark hunter on Earth! 老喇嘛告知,道:“刺天穹的那批人已经进入地球,在筹建分部,人员都早已到位!”这是最为关键的消息,一批黑暗狩猎者在地球上! Chu Feng has smiled, very bright, was really was just sleepy some people to deliver the pillow, in his heart wants to aim at this organization take action very much immediately, killing intent was boundless, hopes sooner to smash their branch. 楚风笑了,非常的灿烂,真是刚瞌睡就有人送枕头,他心中很想立刻针对这个组织出手,杀意无边,希望早些端掉他们一个分部。 Now knew unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly that group of people came! 现在竟意外得知,那群人已经来了! Moreover, the Youth Training Camp person are many, is hunter full of potential, must grow with this recovery planet synchronously, is a group of people of key trained! 而且,青训营人还不少,都是富有潜力的狩猎者,要与这颗复苏的星球同步成长,是重点培养的一批人! At the same night begins, I have selected them directly, then announced to the outside, is Deity Race tells my news.” Chu Feng said. “连夜动手,我直接去挑了他们,然后对外宣布,是天神族告诉我的消息。”楚风道。 Should such do, making Deity Race take the rap, but also a Pegasus clan favor. The Pegasus clan is really hates in the bone to Assassinating Vault of Heaven, already stared at their dozens years, but Earth like this special, all evolution Sect on a starting line, just came, otherwise is very difficult to discover this dark organization.” “应该这么做,让天神族背黑锅,还天马族一个人情。天马族实在是对刺天穹恨到骨子中,早已盯了他们数十年,而地球这样的特殊,所有进化门派都在一个起跑线上,都刚进来,不然很难发现该黑暗组织。” When the auction carries on is warm the stage once again, Chu Feng leaves quietly, does not make anybody follow, he must sweep away a Assassinating Vault of Heaven's branch solitarily. 在拍卖会又一次进行到热烈时阶段时,楚风悄然离开,不让任何人跟随,他要只身一人去横扫刺天穹的一个分部。 Also in this night, Assassinating Vault of Heaven this organization, in they continue the service in the official platform to issue the news to the outside, the entire universe issues a warrant for arrest Chu Feng, soon will take the crazy hunting and killing action. 也就是在这个夜晚,刺天穹这组织在他们承接业务的官方平台上对外发布消息,全宇宙通缉楚风,即将展开疯狂的猎杀行动。 They declared to the outside, even if Chu Feng kneels in their under feet now, must not have dying of dignity, till to his any opportunity, with the red judge pen his name writing in the death book, will not have died a tragic death until him. 他们对外宣称,哪怕楚风现在跪在他们的脚下,也得毫无尊严的死去,不会给他任何机会,已经用红色的判官笔将他的名字书写在死亡账簿上,直至他惨死为止。 But at this time, a Chu Feng person left to start off at the back of the long blade, crosses Eastern Sea, makes a long-range raid in the moonlit night next ten thousand li (0.5 km), arrives on the land rapidly, directly soars Mt. Wangwu to go! 而此时,楚风一个人背着长刀已经动身上路,横渡东海,在月夜下万里奔袭,飞速来到陆地上,直奔王屋山而去! That night is doomed to detonate world, some big events are going successively to occur! 这一夜注定要引爆世间,一些大事件将要相继发生!
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