SR :: Volume #8

#712: The ancestor of darkness

In the nighttime sky, fiery red stove illumination, was stranded from Assassinating Vault of Heaven's hunter, what a pity, he now and its status is incompatible, instead to to become prey. 夜空中,火红的炉子发光,来自刺天穹的狩猎者被困在当中,可惜,他如今与其身份不符,反到成为猎物。 He grasps that azure bronze medal, maintains total silence, as before coldly is staring at Chu Feng, was stranded there, withstands the Domain symbol to suppress, he not startled, instead is indifferent, and is watching intently Chu Feng. 他手持那个青铜牌,一语不发,依旧冷冷的盯着楚风,被困在那里,承受场域符号压制,他没有惊慌,反而冷漠,且在逼视楚风 As before indifferent, maintains total silence, are you forcing me?” Chu Feng has smiled, but is somewhat cold. “依旧冷漠,一语不发,你在逼迫我?”楚风笑了,不过有些冷。 Also sinks as for Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and the others the face, is having the anger, they feel intuitively are, this hunter is secure. 至于大黑牛黄牛欧阳风等人也都沉下脸,带着怒意,他们最直观的感受就是,这个狩猎者有恃无恐。 He assassinates, finally after being seized, this stance, the person of this organization also is really insolent! 他来刺杀,结果被捉后还这个姿态,这个组织的人还真是张狂! Chu Feng begins! 楚风动手! Along with hand-held god Magnetic Mountain Seal, gently during vibrations, rune of steamship even more crowded, all to/clashes, flies to the sky, integrates that fiery red stove. 随着的手持神磁山印,轻轻震动间,大船的符文越发的密集,全部冲起,飞向天空中,融入那个火红的炉子。 Regarding this, does not open the mouth from Assassinating Vault of Heaven's hunter as before, but the pupil is similar to a knife, although was stranded in the upper air, but actually in swift and fierce overlooking Chu Feng . Moreover, holds up that azure bronze medal high, before placing the body, likely was warning , is frightening the four directions likely. 对此,来自刺天穹的狩猎者依旧不开口,只是眸子如同刀子般,虽然被困高空中,但却在凌厉的俯视楚风,而且,将那青铜牌高高举起,放在身前,像是在警告,也像是在震慑四方。 At this time, that azure bronze medal becomes dark red, afterward has the blood threads to flow! 此时,那青铜牌变得殷红,随后有血丝流淌出! This is the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's bronze blood-color warned, if lets go the person, they can not go into one's past, termination this time duty, no longer plots to assassinate Chu Feng in light of this, since then the main road walks the half upwards respectively.” Some people whispered. “这是刺天穹的青铜血色警告,如果放走来人,他们可以既往不咎,就此终止这次的任务,不再谋刺楚风,从此大路朝天各走半边。”有人低语。 Big Black Ox asked: "Oh, does not calculate admitting defeat that admitted defeat? I want to ask, after letting go him, he no longer assassinates Chu Feng, the other people of their Assassinating Vault of Heaven this organization? ” 大黑牛问道:“哦,不算服软的服软吗?我想问下,放走他后,他不再刺杀楚风,那他们刺天穹这个组织的其他人呢?” This...... My knows, this seed level player should not continue actually in any case.” Some people said. “这个……我倒是不知道,反正这个种子级选手应该不会继续了。”有人说道。 When hears this opinion, Chu Feng sneers, said: „The bronze medal that good overbearing Assassinating Vault of Heaven, the assassination failure, Supreme Being bestows can request not to go into one's past by assassination, moreover can feel grateful to their this organizations?” 当听到这种言论,楚风冷笑,道:“好霸道的刺天穹,刺杀失败,一位大能赐下的铜牌就可以要求被刺杀者既往不咎,而且还要对他们这个组织感激吗?” Bang! 轰! At this moment, after Chu Feng vibration god Magnetic Mountain Seal, in sky stove red body dazzling, the Domain symbol is astonishing, internal big Flame Bear bear burning down. 就在这时,楚风震动神磁山印后,天空中火炉红体刺目起来,场域符号惊人,内部大火熊熊焚烧。 Moreover, presents big hand in the middle of that furnace fire, as can be seen, covers to go toward that youth hunter back black wing. 而且,在那炉火当中出现一只大手,可以看到,向着那个青年狩猎者背后的黑色羽翼覆盖而去。 The people discovered astonished, Chu Feng on steamship grasps seal, is acting, the big hand that in the upper air the Divine Furnace that only Domain symbol turns into is consistent with his movement. 人们惊愕的发现,大船上的楚风一手持印,一手正在动作,高空中神炉的那只场域符号化成的大手跟他的动作一致。 Bang!” “砰!” In the fiery red stove, raging flames, that youth hunter is struggling, body burnt down trembling, simultaneously his back wing was held. 火红的炉子中,烈焰腾腾,那个青年狩猎者在挣扎,躯体被焚烧的颤栗,同时他背后的翅膀被一把抓住了。 Stop!” His shouts out said. “住手!”他大喝道。 Finally opened the mouth!” Chu Feng sneers saying that but remains unmoved, that hand, result fiery red furnace body that big hand pulls that as before directly to the wing, must extract downward! “终于开口了!”楚风冷笑道,但不为所动,那只手依旧在动,结果火红炉体中的那只大手直接扯那对翅膀,要拔下来! Chu Feng, does this my duty failure, how stop? Never, this life I will not assassinate you again.” This young man voice is very cold. 楚风,这次我任务失败,到此为止如何?从未以后,这一生我都不会再刺杀你。”这个青年男子声音很冷。 All person revealed the look of surprise, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person one by one is hard to deal with, nobody knows their dens where, this is they can deter one of the various macroevolution Sect's reasons, now a seed level powerhouse is helpless to Chu Feng, assassination failure, and admitted defeat, amazing. 所有人都露出异色,刺天穹的人一个比一个难缠,没有人知道他们的老巢在哪里,这是他们可以威慑各大进化门派的原因之一,现在一个种子级强者对楚风无奈,刺杀失败,且服软了,让人惊异。 In many people thought perhaps when the Chu Feng intent moves, his positive motion, but is only that hand, , he pulls apart in the furnace forcefully the black wing of imprisoned that young man, blood splash splattering. 就在许多人觉得楚风或许意动时,他的确动了,不过只是那只手在动,噗的一声,他硬生生扯断炉中被禁锢的那个青年男子的黑色羽翼,血花喷溅。 At this moment, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's youth hunter is similar to a fallen angel, raised the head suddenly, black hair chaotic dance, eye pupil fearful like black hole, roared to continue loudly! 这一刻,刺天穹的青年狩猎者如同一头堕落天使,猛然抬头,黑发乱舞,眼眸可怕如黑洞,大声咆哮不止! Chu Feng!” He roars! 楚风!”他怒号! The response of Chu Feng coldly, is very calm, said: What thing you are, after assassinates me, dares to adopt this stance to me, your clear/pain masters my Deity Race's Saint have killed on Sky Vine, but also feared that your this being probable not exposed to light, only does match to walk lifeforms in darkness?” 楚风冷冷的回应,无比镇定,道:“你算什么东西,来刺杀我后,也敢对我摆出这种姿态,你楚爷我连天神族的圣人都在天藤上杀过,还怕你这种见不得光、只配行走在黑暗中的生物?” Many people call out in alarm, no one has thought that Chu Feng is so simple, the domineering is incomparable, pulls this to get close to Golden Body level directly the wing of hunter! 许多人惊呼,谁都没有想到楚风这么干脆,强势无比,直接就扯下来这位接近金身层次的狩猎者的翅膀! As can be seen, in furnace bloody, that youth is roaring lowly, was roaring, a pair of pupil was cloudy and cold, is staring at Chu Feng, held that hand of azure bronze medal to pinch was very tight, turned green. 可以看到,炉中血淋淋,那个青年在低吼,在咆哮,一双眸子阴冷无比,盯着楚风,持青铜牌的那只手捏的很紧,都已经发青了。 At this time, many people called out in alarm make noise. 这时,不少人惊叫出声。 Then, Big Black Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Zhou Quan and the others also responded, because, some people were looking at Light Brain, they collected to discover the issue was. 接着,大黑牛东北虎周全等人也反应过来了,因为,有人在看光脑,他们凑过去发现了问题所在。 Has an old man to do matter!” Big Black Ox hints Chu Feng, making him look at Beast Source Platform. “有个老梆子在搞事!”大黑牛示意楚风,让他看原兽平台 At this time, in the starry sky is not tranquil, vibrated thoroughly. 此时,星空中也不平静,彻底震动了。 Assassinating Vault of Heaven take action, which reactionary reign of terror, not making various clans dread, they have killed Saint more than 1-2, have been representing the blood-color terrifying! 刺天穹出手,哪一次不血雨腥风,让各族都忌惮,他们杀过的圣人都不止一两个了,代表着血色恐怖! Some people said that before they compare, ten big also fearful, when because you knows they will never brave, gives you to strike fatally! 有人说,他们比之前十大还可怕,因为你永远不知道他们什么时候会冒出来,给予你致命一击! This occasion, in the Beast Source live transmission platform has a fearful person to express the opinion. 此际,原兽直播平台上有一个可怕的人在发表言论。 This is an old man, whole body is covered by the black robe, does not reveal the face, on the sleeves mounts Assassinating Vault of Heaven's to symbolize, a black lance punctures thoroughly the vault of heaven. 这是一个老者,周身都被黑袍覆盖,不露面孔,衣袖上镶嵌着刺天穹的标志,一杆黑色长矛刺透天穹。 In addition, on his sleeve the There is still one golden moon, is very curved, is dropping the blood, this on behalf of his status, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Sub Saint! 除此之外,他的袖子上还有一个金色的月亮,很弯,滴着血,这代表他的身份,刺天穹的亚圣 Chu Feng, I give you last opportunity, lets loose my Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person, this duty is defeated, henceforth will again not assassinate you.” 楚风,我给你最后一次机会,放开我刺天穹的人,他这次任务失败,从此不会再刺杀你。” Sub Saint Level dark hunter, making Saint be scared, dreads incomparably, because they do not press the common sense to play a card, never meets the upfront fight, making people virtually impossible to guard against. 亚圣级黑暗狩猎者,让圣人都会发毛,忌惮无比,因为他们不按常理出牌,从不会正面战斗,让人防不胜防。 He failed, you organize other people, will again come whether also?” Big Black Ox asked. “他失败了,你们组织其他人呢,是否还会再来?”大黑牛问道。 But Chu Feng is very tranquil, has not opened the mouth. 楚风很平静,没有开口。 The Sub Saint Level dark hunter indifferent response, said: If also some people post a reward, the price is high enough, we organize other people to receive the duty, I will not give you in this any commitment!” 亚圣级黑暗狩猎者冷漠回应,道:“如果还有人悬赏,价格足够高,我们组织其他人可以接下任务,我在此不会给你们任何承诺!” "hē hē...... ” Chu Feng is smiling, in the spoken language completely is cold intent, anything had not said that but started to begin directly, because, this organization was too rampant, was too overbearing, dared to say this words with him! “呵呵……”楚风在笑,言语中尽是冷意,什么都没有说,而是开始直接动手了,因为,这个组织太嚣张,太霸道了,竟敢跟他说出这种话! In the red stove, that the big hand that turns into by the Domain symbol is only moving, tears the arm of that youth killer, blood splattering. 红色的炉子中,那只由场域符号化成的大手在动,一把撕裂那个青年杀手的臂膀,鲜血喷溅。 Meanwhile, black wing that crashes was burnt down by the furnace fire, turn into ashes! 同时,那坠落的黑色羽翼被炉火焚烧,化成灰烬 "Ah...... ” in red stove, the youth calls out, at this time his right arm was ripped, his looking pale is incomparable, first time reveals the flurried color. “啊……”红色火炉中,那青年嚎叫,此时他的右臂膀被撕下来,他的面色苍白无比,第一次露出慌乱之色。 However, his bone is very indeed hard, has not begged for mercy. 不过,他的骨头的确很硬,还是没有求饶。 Chu Feng, you are disobeying a dark Saint good intention, must die!” At this time, on Beast Source Platform that old man cold sound said. 楚风,你在拂逆一位黑暗圣者的好意,必死!”这时,原兽平台上那个老者寒声道。 You are nothing!” This is the Chu Feng's response. “你算个屁!”这是楚风的回应。 The flash, entire Beast Source Platform seethed with excitement. 一刹那,整个原兽平台都沸腾了。 Countless people are watching, seeing Chu Feng dares such strong contradicting Assassinating Vault of Heaven's dark Saint, all greatly to be touched. 无数人都在观看,见到楚风敢这么强硬的顶撞刺天穹的一位黑暗圣者,全都大受触动。 Asked them, several people dare such unyielding, meets this matter to dread absolutely incomparably. 试问他们,有几个人敢这么的硬气,遇上这种事情绝对会忌惮无比。 Chu Feng, I give you last opportunity, lets loose him, I can let your dignified dying.” On Beast Source Platform, that whole body by old man ice-cold saying of the black robe covers. 楚风,我给你最后一次机会,放开他,我可以让你体面的死去。”原兽平台上,那个全身都被黑袍笼罩的老者冰冷的说道。 Obviously, he settles on this seed level hunter, but also carries on the final rescue in the attempt. 显然,他非常看中这个种子级狩猎者,还在尝试进行最后的救助。 Naturally, his knows, Chu Feng was impossible to change the intention, harshness that very therefore his condition displayed. 当然,他也知道,楚风不可能改变心意了,所以他的条件又表现的很苛刻。 At this time this occasion, this dark Saint psychology is very unexpectedly contradictory. 此时此际,这个黑暗圣者的心理竟然很矛盾。 Wordy . Moreover, you are sick!” This is Chu Feng's responds, not cares a whoop, does not give the dark Saint face. “啰嗦,另外,你有病!”这是楚风的回应,丝毫不在意,不给黑暗圣者面子。 Whole body hidden old man in black robe, the cold spooky opens the mouth said: From now, nobody entrusted Assassinating Vault of Heaven, we will also kill you, chased down you by destroy both body and soul, this was a commitment!” 浑身都隐在黑袍中的老者,冷幽幽的开口道:“从此以后,没有人委托刺天穹,我们也会杀你,追杀你到形神俱灭为止,这是一种承诺!” All guests are imposing, pay attention to Beast Source Platform, looks to Chu Feng, a demon to terrifying Dao Lineage, then some looked. 所有宾客都凛然,关注原兽平台,又看向楚风,一个魔头对上了一个恐怖道统,这下有的看了。 „Is Assassinating Vault of Heaven, what thing? Your Chu Feng young master dares with all over the sky the Evolver battle, to fight the alliance that destruction over a hundred evolution Sect compose, strikes to kill more than 9000 powerhouses, but also feared organization that your must not exposed to the light, in addition your how?!” 刺天穹,算什么东西?你楚风小爷敢跟满天进化者争斗,一战覆灭上百进化门派组成的联盟,击杀9000余名强者,还怕你们一个见不得光的组织,再加上你们一个又如何?!” Chu Feng disdains, is leading cold intent, is having the arrogance, speaks the last words directly. 楚风不屑,带着冷意,带着傲气,直接叫板。 On Beast Source Platform, the dark Saint vision is cold and gloomy, all people are frightened, as if can feel that boundless killing intent by the inter-satellite network. 原兽平台上,黑暗圣者目光森冷,所有人都惊悚,仿佛可以透过星际网络感受到那种无边的杀意 Your Grandpa Chu Feng same extinguishes including Deity Race, kills including Xilin Clan and Netherworld Race photo does not harm, your Assassinating Vault of Heaven has something arrogant, but hides the place mouse that must not exposed to the light in the cavern, dares to annoy me, all extinguishes!” “你楚风爷爷连天神族都一样灭,连西林族幽冥族都照杀不误,你们刺天穹有什么可傲慢的,不过是躲在洞穴中见不得光的地老鼠而已,敢惹我,全灭!” Such domineering manifesto, making all people greatly be vibrated. 这么强势的宣言,让所有人都大受震动。 Worthily is Great Demon Chu, did not fear Assassinating Vault of Heaven, fierce!” “不愧是楚大魔头,连刺天穹都不怕,厉害!” This...... Very Chu Feng!” “这……很楚风!” Some person of many people sighed. 有人不少人感叹。 Now adds auction, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's seed level killer, who wants?” Chu Feng shouts. “现在加一个拍卖物,刺天穹的种子级杀手,谁要?”楚风喊道。 Base price how many?” Big Black Ox asked. “底价多少?”大黑牛问道。 1000 Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, 1000 drops of hell ant fluids!” Chu Feng light opens the mouth. “1000枚六道轮回丹,1000滴地狱蚁液!”楚风平淡的开口。 All people understand, this is shaming Assassinating Vault of Heaven. 所有人都明白,他这是在羞辱刺天穹 This is making clear, his Assassinating Vault of Heaven's seed level players dare to auction, what fearing has, this is must die to knock! 这是在昭示,他连刺天穹的种子级选手都敢拍卖,何惧之有,这是要死磕到底! Chu Feng you are very stupid, god came unable to save you!” Dark Saint coldly said. 楚风你很愚蠢,神来了都救不了你!”黑暗圣者冷冷的说道 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng stimulation of movement red stove, making inside exude the pitiful yell sound, that loses the wing, is similar to the degeneration angelic young man makes sad and shrill, but is useless, he was burnt down, an cuns (2.5 cm) break in the raging fire, turns into the hard coke. 楚风催动红色火炉,让里面发出惨叫声,那个失去翅膀、如同堕落天使般的青年男子凄厉挣动,但是没有用,他被焚烧,在烈火中寸寸断裂,化成焦炭。 Similar to in carrying on the last judgment, this male quick tragic death in the upper air, the stove disintegration, all ends finally. 如同在进行末日审判,这个男子很快惨死在高空中,最后火炉解体,一切才终结。 Chu Feng, you annoyed should not the person of annoying, we walked King in darkness and Saint, you ended!” That whole body dark old man gets angry said. 楚风,你惹了不该惹的人,我们是行走在黑暗中的王者圣者,你完了!”那个浑身都黑暗的老者怒道。 I also want to say to you, you annoyed should not the person of annoying, dark King and Saint were nothing, your Grandpa clear/pain I was the ancestor of darkness! You think that the assassination is very strong, is very fierce? Your Grandpa clear/pain I can various destruction group of troops, take action be neater than you solitarily in the same old way, will otherwise not have this auction grand meeting. Has a look at you, but hides in the cavern, must not exposed to the light, can become any important matter!” “我也想对你们说,你们惹了不该惹的人,黑暗王者圣者算个屁,你楚爷爷我是黑暗之祖!你们自以为刺杀很强,很厉害吗?你楚爷爷我只身一人照样可以覆灭各路人马,出手比你们更干净利落,不然的话也不会有这次拍卖盛会。看看你们,不过是躲在洞穴中,见不得光,能成什么大事!” This is naked humiliation and taunt. 这是赤裸裸的折辱与嘲讽。 Then, Chu Feng shouts: Tonight, as long as bids the successful person, outside the abatement original universe coin, must give me again additionally one about the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's news, I must extinguish them!” 接着,楚风又喊道:“今晚,但凡竞拍成功的人,除却原有的宇宙币外,必须再额外给我一条关于刺天穹的消息,我要灭他们!” He supplemented, said: Deity Race, you must be a model, since inherits so remote, you understand should be more, gives me the news, sells at a discount to you, little receives a Six Paths of Reincarnation pill. Un, other people have this preferential benefit. Otherwise, uses Deity Race as an example, that deity buddhist relics do not want, I throw into the latrine pit. If other organizations do not coordinate, your Holy Son, then must be cut by my one blade one!” 他又补充,道:“天神族,你们得做个表率,既然传承如此久远,你们了解的应该更多,给我消息的话,给你们打个折扣,少收一颗六道轮回丹。嗯,其他人也有这优惠。不然的话,以天神族为例,那颗天神舍利子就别想要了,我扔进茅坑中。其他组织如果不配合,你们的圣子,则要被我一刀一个都剁掉!” Flash, trim starry sky short tranquil. 一刹那,整片星空都短暂宁静。 This fellow...... Also is really fearful Great Demon, at this moment many people believe truly, he compared with it Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person as if also terrifying. 这家伙……还真是一个可怕的大魔头,这一刻许多人真正认为,他比之刺天穹的人似乎还恐怖。 This is must mobilize the strengths of various clans, he wants to clutch Assassinating Vault of Heaven, then aims at!” Some people whispered. “这是要调动各族的力量啊,他想将刺天穹揪出来,而后针对到底!”有人低语。 This also is really one...... Terrifying Demon King, goes beyond compared with Assassinating Vault of Heaven!” “这还真是一个……恐怖魔王,比刺天穹有过之而无不及!”
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