SR :: Volume #8

#711: Assassinating Vault of Heaven

I want to write two chapters of same places, but looked at the time unable again late, good, even if a greatly long chapter, turned head to write one chapter to go again. 原本我是想将两章一起写出来的,但一看时间不能再晚了,好吧,就算一个大长章吧,回头再写一章去。 The stage is very open, Three Legged Golden Toad is supporting the belly, the ballooning the cheek, stares, is staring at the people, very not indignation. 高台很开阔,一只三足金蟾正在挺着肚子,鼓胀着腮帮子,瞪着眼睛,盯着众人,十分不忿。 It is the auspicious beast, has the extraordinary ability, can the mouth spit money, falls the person rare treasure and weapon, the strength is very strong. 它算是瑞兽,有非凡本领,可以口吐金钱,落人秘宝与兵器等,实力很强。 After it thinks toad comes up, with Old Donkey and (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger will be also same, depends with this guardian must the resembles, comes to talk nonsense, price pushing. 它以为蛤蟆上来后也会跟老驴东北虎一样,仗着和本家长得像,前来胡说八道,哄抬价格。 I am different from you, I am the auspicious beast, our clan quantity in the universe is scarce, whoever please walk me, appropriately becomes consecrates.” “我跟你不一样,我是瑞兽,在宇宙中我们这一族数量稀少,无论谁将我请走,都得当成供奉。” The Three Legged Golden Toad drum cheek and staring, there vitality/angry, are sneering the opens the mouth, is proud. 三足金蟾鼓腮、瞪眼,在那里生气,冷笑着开口,非常自傲。 Indeed so, in Evolver's large-scale war, this lifeforms frequently welcome before, once makes war, has the Saint Level terrifying Three Legged Golden Toad mouth to spit everywhere money inevitably, captures opposite party the weapon of Evolver army forcefully. 的确如此,进化者的大型战争中,这种生物经常会被请到阵前,一旦开战,必然有圣级的恐怖三足金蟾口吐漫天金钱,将对方的进化者大军的兵器给强行收缴。 Because this lifeforms and rare, even if has not composed evolution Sect , the status is very high, was regarded as important by various clans. 由于这种生物及其稀有,即便没有组成进化门派,也都地位很高,被各族所看重。 Therefore now Three Legged Golden Toad was not worried, instead is proud, pents up anger there, casts a sidelong glance slantingly Ouyang Feng, appearance that incomparably is proud. 所以现在三足金蟾一点也不担心,反而自傲,在那里生闷气,斜睨欧阳风,一副无比自负的样子。 However, it thought. 然而,它多想了。 After Ouyang Feng mounts the stage, full is the face of golden streak is somewhat cloudy, after coming up without delay, one tramples to Three Legged Golden Toad randomly, then carries it, flip-flop a pain beats. 欧阳风登台后,满是金色斑纹的脸有些阴沉,上来后二话不说,对三足金蟾哐哐一顿乱踹,然后又将它拎起来,噼啪一顿痛殴。 „The thing that does not make every effort to succeed, I called you to become a captive, shit, you also dared to be slanting the eye to see this Sir, saw that your this instigated the type master was mad, I let you am the golden color, I made you have gold/metal Chanshen, this did not ruin the reputation of master, thinks that you and my same race, your this coward, I could not kill you!” “不争气的东西,我叫你成为俘虏,玛德,你还敢斜着眼睛看本大爷,看到你这怂样爷就来气,我让你是金色的,我让你也有金蟾身,这不是败坏爷的名声吗,以为你和我同族,你这个孬种,我打不死你!” Ouyang Toad tramples the belt/bring to truncate, Three Legged Golden Toad that hits continually calls, really cannot bear, thorough was ignorant, after it thinks Ouyang Feng mounts the stage, will go all out to praise it, the price pushing, in the end is actually such a result. 欧阳蛤蟆连踹带削,打的三足金蟾嗷嗷直叫,实在受不了,彻底懵了,它以为欧阳风上台后会拼命夸它,哄抬价格,到头来却是这么一个结果。 Yo I go! What situation?” “诶呦我去!什么情况?” One group of people see dumbstruck, this time is not the price pushing, how is to punch fat? 一群人看到发懵,这次不是哄抬价格,怎么是胖揍啊? All guests are speechless, some people are supposing, this is the latest method of raising prices, does not take the common road. 所有宾客都无语,有人估摸着,这是抬价的最新手段,不走寻常路。 Then, some people create a disturbance. 然后,有人起哄。 Tramples two foot Three Legged Golden Toad again is also that price!” “再踹两脚三足金蟾也是那个价格!” Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… In the stage, Three Legged Golden Toad is black and blue, all over the body golden light hit was gloomy, its whole body twitches, sheds bitter tears, begs for mercy there. 高台上,三足金蟾鼻青脸肿,通体金光都被打的暗淡了,它浑身抽搐,痛哭流涕,在那里求饶。 Do not hit, is toad, we sprang from the selfsame root, should you kill me with burning anger!” “别打了,都是蛤蟆,本是同根生,相煎何太急!” Three Legged Golden Toad was dug to spit the foam, yelled, falling treasure money of energy formation one after another, sprinkles everywhere is. 三足金蟾被打口吐白沫,嗷嗷大叫,还有能量化成的落宝金钱一枚又一枚,洒落的满地都是。 Ouyang Feng has not stopped, said: Also entrains the article? I kill your this dead toad, I called you to change the body become my appearance, I told you, the master was Divine Beast, was not the monsters of your this department, at present temporarily is at this condition.” 欧阳风没有停下,道:“还拽文?我打死你这个死蛤蟆,我叫你变身成我的样子,我告诉你,爷是神兽,不是你们这一系的怪物,目前只是暂时处在这个状态。” I cry, this is my main body.” Three Legged Golden Toad cries, then, the decisive change is a person. “我哭,这是我的本体啊。”三足金蟾大哭,然后,果断的变化为一个人。 On the other hand its underkill, therefore had not been imprisoned, pierces the shoulder blade without Divine Chain. 相对来说它杀伤力不足,因此没有被禁锢,无神链洞穿肩胛骨等。 At this time, he becomes a whole face is the youth of golden copper coin mark, suffering from injustice, withstands the Ouyang Feng experience and skill there. 此时,他成为一个满脸都是金色铜钱印记的青年,委委屈屈,在那里承受欧阳风的老拳。 The people look quite speechless, particularly behind is waiting for auctioned these Holy Son and Holy Daughter, thought that changes form has the risk, mounts the stage is discrete. 众人看的相当无语,尤其是后面等着被拍卖的那些圣子圣女,觉得化形有风险,登台需谨慎。 Ok, Brother, on Beast Source Platform one group of people select to praise for you, all praised you, hurried to receive the hand.” Big Black Ox hurries to advise, feared that hit waste Three Legged Golden Toad to have no way to sell by some chance. “行嘞,兄弟,原兽平台上一群人为你点赞,全都夸你呢,赶紧收手吧。”大黑牛赶紧劝阻,怕万一打废三足金蟾就没法卖了。 (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and Old Donkey were not happy immediately, is shouting in confusion. 东北虎老驴顿时不高兴了,都吵嚷着。 This called any matter, I sold only the cat, was scolded, Brother Ouyang beat toad some people to praise on the contrary!” “这叫什么事,我卖只猫而已,就被人骂死,欧阳兄弟殴打一只蛤蟆反倒有人夸!” hee-haw hee-haw hee-haw, is really unfair, the donkey master sold a mule, on Beast Source Platform that group of grandsons shouted hits to shout "kill", said that my donkey eye did not know gold/metal Xiangyu, the achoo!” 儿啊儿啊二啊,真是不公啊,驴爷不过卖了头骡子,原兽平台上那群孙子就喊打喊杀,说我驴眼不识金镶玉,阿嚏!” The reason is very simple, in Evolver's great war, the Three Legged Golden Toad function is very big, causes their always arrogance, where arrives at to be supplied, is bossy, is frequently supporting the belly, is rousing the cheek, does not take is seeing the person. 原因很简单,进化者的大战中,三足金蟾作用很大,也导致他们一向傲气,走到哪里都被人供着,颐指气使,动辄就挺着肚子,鼓着腮帮子,不拿正眼看人。 Therefore, now saw that some people of pains beat the talent of this clan, nature one group of people applaud. Naturally, must wait till some Sect to bid really it, that manner was a different matter. 所以,现在看到有人痛殴这一族的天才,自然一群人叫好。当然,真要等到某个门派将它竞拍回去,那态度又是另一回事了。 Whiz, Ouyang Feng jumps down the stage to go. 嗖的一声,欧阳风跳下台去。 Finally, Three Legged Golden Toad finalized with a Pegasus Holy Son price, after the Great Forest Temple Old Ape three clubs fall, decides the sound! 最终,三足金蟾天马圣子一个价格成交,大林寺老猿三棒子落下后定音! Was developed, cannot think that these goods so are unexpectedly expensive, early knows brother Chu Feng at that time should show mercy, little burns several Holy Son, this may be Six Paths of Reincarnation pill.” “发达了,想不到这些货居然这么贵,早知道楚风兄弟当时就该手下留情,少烧死几个圣子,这可都是六道轮回丹啊。” However, following several auction were not marketable, the knockdown price was not high. 不过,接下来的几个拍卖物就没那么抢手了,成交价格并不高。 Hey, that double headed gold/metal lion, looks at your such overwhelming power, the strength is not very weak, has not gained including a Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, are you like this how cheap?!” Old Donkey shouts. “喂,那只双头金狮,看你这么威猛,实力也不算很弱,连一颗六道轮回丹都没有赚回来,你怎么这样便宜?!”老驴喊道。 Zhou Quan and old bear king and others also indicated unable to understand, said the person of participation bidding keeps prices down. 周全、老熊王等也表示无法理解,说参与竞拍的人压价。 The golden Lion King has the impulsion that plants to cry immediately, was captured the auction, has sufficed disgraced, now is still being disliked the small advantage. 金色狮子王顿时有种想哭的冲动,被人俘虏拍卖也就罢了,已经够丢人,现在还在被人嫌便宜。 It thinks really bites to death that donkey, a palm of the hand claps that four horn human form monster. 它真想一口咬死那头驴子,一巴掌拍死那四根犄角的人形怪物。 Night Eastern Sea, surges up, round bright moonlight overhangs, Shining Upon in the sea level, was often patted by the spray broken becomes silver slivers. 夜晚的东海,波澜起伏,一轮明月高挂,映照在海面上,不时被浪花拍碎成一片又一片碎银。 On mountain steamship brilliantly illuminated, the auction carries on methodically. 山岳般的大船上灯火通明,拍卖会有条不紊的进行。 Chu Feng walked, he had chatted with Vajra a moment ago , the accident/surprise discovered that Silver-winged Deity in four big mutant, talked to him was very long. 楚风走出来了,他刚才跟金刚聊过,也意外发现四大异人中的银翅天神,跟他谈了很久。 Silver-winged Deity mentioned Lin Nuoyi, whether inquired Chu Feng knows her whereabouts, since Lin Nuoyi vanished, Diety Biomedical Group became worse and worse, let alone compared with outside territory Evolver, set the base in the financial group. 银翅天神提到林诺依,询问楚风是否知道她的下落,自从林诺依消失后,天神生物每况愈下,别说跟域外进化者比,就是在财团中都垫底了。 After one discussed that Chu Feng left, alone a person stood in the deck, raised head to look to the starry sky, frowns, in the heart slightly had disappointed. 一番相谈后,楚风离开,独自一个人站在甲板上,仰头望向星空,皱着眉头,心中略有怅然。 Lin Nuoyi left was very long, since recently somewhat faded from the memory unexpectedly, when was remembering seriously he also sighed. 林诺依离开很久了,最近以来竟有些淡忘,不过当真正想起时他又叹了一口气。 Because, he a little suspected whether Lin Nuoyi still in this piece of Star Sea, now recalls, what she grasps is an ultra star inheritance tower. 因为,他有点怀疑,林诺依是否还在这片星海中,现在回想起来,她掌握的可是一座超星传承塔。 That tower is very special, unexpectedly can be divided into two halves, is similar to the Yin and Yang opposition. 那座塔很特殊,居然能分成两半,如同阴与阳对立。 Therefore, he once had inquired Yaoyao, has asked Uncle Ming, that was one of the Earth era most important Energy Tower, once was studied has not made for a long time thoroughly. 为此,他曾询问过妖妖,也问过明叔,那是地球上古时代最重要的能量塔之一,据悉曾被研究很长时间都没有弄透彻。 Even, some great person also once specially comprehended its many years. 甚至,某位大人物还曾专门参悟它很多年。 Until Chu Feng in Purple Golden Mountain underground discovered when Yaoyao grandfather's secret, again with the Uncle Ming telephone conversation, before Uncle Ming told, that research that mentioned surpassed the mysterious great person in star tower is the Yaoyao grandfather. 直到楚风紫金山地下发现妖妖的爷爷的秘密,再跟明叔通话时,明叔才告诉以前所提到的那个研究超星塔的神秘大人物就是妖妖的祖父。 The Yaoyao grandfather obtains, research very long one to be divided into two halves accidentally/surprisingly Yin-Yang Energy Tower absolutely is not every thing! 妖妖的爷爷意外得到、研究很久的一座可分成两半的阴阳能量塔绝对不是凡物! Chu Feng thought, Lin Nuoyi can the accident/surprise obtain the above inheritance, definitely triggered some factor, otherwise is difficult to attain. 楚风觉得,林诺依能够意外获得上面的传承,肯定触发了某种因素,不然的话难有所获。 Moreover, he even suspected, this time Lin Nuoyi not necessarily in this piece of universe, perhaps broken Yu within/inner in chaos? He indulges in flights of fancy. 而且,他甚至怀疑,此时的林诺依不见得在这片宇宙中了,或许在混沌中的残破宇内?他不禁胡思乱想。 Thing that because, the Yaoyao grandfather studies, is related with World of the Living, he wants to strike back World of the Living to go! 因为,妖妖的爷爷所研究的东西,都跟阳间有关,他想打回阳间去! Then, Chu Feng had discovered Sub Immortal Clan's Ying Zhexian, is holding her younger sister's hand, arrives in another side deck, watches the Earth seascape after recovery. 然后,楚风发现了亚仙族的映谪仙,牵着她妹妹的手,也来到另一边的甲板上,过来观看复苏后的地球海景。 Obviously, they are not pure thin enjoy the beautiful scene, side also with an old woman, in looking into Eastern Sea under dim light of night, is watching spiritual energy rich. 显然,她们不是单纯的细赏美景,旁边还跟着一位老妪,在眺望夜色下的东海,在观看灵气浓郁度。 “Wú, the past seabed cave mansion were many, it is estimated that most famous several must wait previous to be born some time. ” “唔,当年的海底洞府不少,估计最出名的几座还要等上一段时间才有可能出世。” The old woman lip opening and closing, does not have slight sound to spread, the clarity that but Chu Feng Discerning Eyes, looks, can understand the universe commonly used language through her movement. 老妪嘴唇翕动,无丝毫声音传出,但是楚风火眼金睛,看的真切,能通过她的动作读懂宇宙通用语。 "Ah, Great Demon Chu Feng you also, want knows, the person is scary. ” Ying Xiaoxiao called out, they discover Chu Feng. “啊,楚风大魔头你也在,要知道,人吓人吓死人。”映晓晓叫道,他们发现楚风 Chu Feng very natural walked, tries to get close, pulls closer the relations, he will enter quickly also in the starry sky, if can avoid, he does not think the world-wide all enemy. 楚风很自然的走了过去,套近乎,拉近关系,他很快还会进入星空中,如果能避免的话,他不想举世皆敌。 First ten major and medium had Deity Race to suffice him to be busy at work. 前十大中有一个天神族就已经够他忙活了。 Chu Feng, you have looted us, snatches my between-meal snack.” Silver-haired Little Loli called out, loves to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points. 楚风,你洗劫过我们,抢我零食。”银发小萝莉叫道,哪壶不开提哪壶。 The next second, her mouth the Chu Feng resembles conjured with some type of between-meal snack inserting, wū wū could not speak. 下一秒钟,她的嘴巴就被楚风像变戏法似的用某种零食给塞上了,呜呜说不出话来。 Then, Chu Feng talked with Ying Zhexian, appearance that feeling sorry not to have met sooner, incomparable enthusiasm. 然后,楚风映谪仙交谈起来,一副相见恨晚的样子,无比的热情。 Nearby old woman quite old-fashioned, stands unemotionally there, until looked finally several times to Chu Feng, guards against the appearance of big tail wolf. 旁边的老妪相当的古板,站在那里面无表情,直到最后数次看向楚风,一副防备大尾巴狼的样子。 This makes Chu Feng quite speechless! 这让楚风相当的无语! Chu Feng, you have untied my elder sister's waistband, that rare treasure?!” The silver-haired Little Loli enunciation is unclear, eats the thing while shouted. 楚风,你解开过我姐姐的腰带,那条秘宝呢?!”银发小萝莉口齿不清,一边吃东西一边叫嚷。 This, but also you.” Chu Feng turns in the space bracelet looks, then, a little sweats, because inside has several, forgot which with is Number Three Beauty Under the Starry Sky. “这个,还你们。”楚风在空间手链中翻找,然后,有点冒虚汗,因为里面有好几条,忘记哪跟是星空下第三美人的了。 Silver-haired Little Loli is quick of eye and hand, gave to grasp all of a sudden, ya ya called: These many, are lady's bunch waistbands, your this sexual harasser, the misdemeanor does completely.” 银发小萝莉手疾眼快,一下子都给抓出来了,哇呀呀直叫:“这么多,都是女士的束腰带,你这个色狼,坏事做尽。” In this time, the Vermilion Bird fairy maiden is going out, comes to Chu Feng, looks at own that waistband. 正在这时,朱雀仙子正好走出,就是冲着楚风来的,一眼望到自己的那条腰带。 In her behind, Primitive Demon Race's Yuan Yuan. 在她身后,还有始魔族的元媛。 These two backgrounds are very big, is the rank extremely high beautiful woman, observes closely Chu Feng together! 这两位来头都很大,也是排位极高的丽人,一起盯住楚风 I have the matter, we then chatted!” Chu Feng has seized several with the special waistband that spirit tying rope refines, forces in the space bracelet, turned the head to run. “我还有事,咱回头聊!”楚风一把夺过几条用捆灵绳炼制成的特殊腰带,塞进空间手链中,转头跑了。 He does not prepare simultaneously to deal with several women, even if the vanishing past animosity, dispels the misunderstanding, one-to-one taking your time, stops up in the same place, that estimate can have an accident, will be crusaded against together. 他可不准备同时应付几个女人,哪怕冰释前嫌,化解误会,也得一对一的慢慢来,都堵在一起的话,那估计会出事,会被人一起讨伐。 Brother, Close Horizon, divine foot passage and Shrink the Ground to an Inch that you want, some people have provided the first three volumes separately!” Big Black Ox sees him, is bringing smiling face sound transmission. “兄弟,你要的天涯咫尺神足通缩地成寸,分别都有人提供了前三卷!”大黑牛看到他,带着笑容传音 Chu Feng the great happiness, he has the Close Horizon first two volumes immediately, once seized the Shrink the Ground to an Inch first volume on other Holy Son, in starry sky famous with some speed related wonderful technique is these types, if each type complete, may be called Divine Skill! 楚风顿时大喜,他有天涯咫尺前两卷,也曾在其他圣子身上缴获到缩地成寸第一卷,星空中出名的与速度有关有的妙术就是这几种,每一种若是齐全的话,都堪称神技 He wants to study, finds the opportunity to verify mutually, hopes that can refine essence in several wonderful technique. 他想都研究一遍,找机会相互印证,希望可以提炼几种妙术中的精华。 At this time, in the Chu Feng eye divine glow appears intermittently, is taking a fast look around all guests, he has been guarding, avoids the outside territory person coming to mix chaotically, causes the unnecessary casualties. 此时,楚风眼中神芒隐现,在扫视所有宾客,他一直在提防,避免有域外的人进来掺乱,造成不必要的伤亡。 In person who because, this time comes somewhat true extremely young expert, for example Yuan Shicheng, Ying Wudi, Destiny Immortal Physique and Young Master Undying Silkworm and Peacock Race Ji Cheng. 因为,这次来的人中有些真正的绝顶年轻高手,比如元世成、映无敌天命仙体不死蚕公子、孔雀族纪呈等。 This is on outwardly, the people of these hidden status are not no need to say. 这还是明面上的,那些隐藏身份的人就不必说了。 "Um?! ” His Discerning Eyes, can completely understand all fabricatedly, at this time a brow wrinkle, but can also have an accident really inadequately? “嗯?!”他火眼金睛,能看透一切虚妄,此时眉头一皱,还真要出事不成? He felt that has several people of energy aura to be very strange, the surface looks like very ordinary, but, he uses Discerning Eyes to see clearly, their within the body are similar to the big fireballs, just like Sun, is very radiant, is hiding the terrifying energy! 他感觉到有几人的能量气息很古怪,表面看起来很普通,但是,他用火眼金睛可以看清,他们的体内如同大火球,又宛若太阳,很璀璨,藏着恐怖的能量! After the auction is in the warm stage, Chu Feng found an opportunity, the back to them, gives them a very good take action opportunity. 在拍卖会进入热烈阶段后,楚风找了个机会,背对他们,给他们一个很好的出手的机会。 But in secret, he grasps treasure-- god Magnetic Mountain Seal that seizes from Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique there, frequently prepares to launch an attack. 而暗中,他手持从元磁圣体那里夺来的瑰宝——磁山印,时刻准备发难。 This thing is exceptionally rare, is primarily the god magnetism, meanwhile holds to some magnetic marrow, this is equal regarding the Domain researcher to a sharpest weapon, can control with in addition holds Domain, can strengthen the Yuan magnetism energy! 这东西异常稀珍,以神磁为主,同时还粘着部分磁髓,对于场域研究者来说这相当于一件最犀利的兵器,能控制与加持场域,更能增强元磁能量等! He lay out massive the Yuan magnets on this steamship, had already made the transformation to the hull, guards against some outside territory people to disturb for drawing! 他早已在这艘大船上布下大量的元磁石,对船体进行过改造,就是为拉防备域外有人来捣乱! Heaven, unexpectedly is deity Buddhist relics!” Some people call out in alarm. 天啊,居然是一颗天神舍利!”有人惊叫。 The auction enters to the high tide stage, after Deity Race Saint die , the essence bone integument that leaves behind is called the deity Buddhist relics, unexpectedly took the auction. 拍卖会进入到高潮阶段,天神族圣人殒落后所遗留的精华骨珠被称为天神舍利,居然被拿出来拍卖。 Was a pity, the essence in this deity buddhist relics early was absorbed cleanly, and others did not have to use regarding me greatly, commemorates the commemorative significance not to be small regarding Deity Race, because after the deity Buddhist relics generally are extremely Saint die, remains.” “可惜,这颗天神舍利子中的精华早被吸收干净,对于我等来说没有大用,对于天神族来说纪念纪念意义不小,因为天神舍利一般都是绝顶圣人殒落后所留。” At this time, the Big Black Ox opens the mouth, said: This broken bead is useless, when is our battlefield cleanup found from a corpse of Deity Race old man, is only a memorial. Who wants to bid? Very cheap, base price also then eight Six Paths of Reincarnation pill.” 此时,大黑牛开口,道:“这破珠子没什么用,是我们打扫战场时从天神族一个老梆子的尸体上找到的,只是个纪念物。谁想竞拍?很便宜,底价也就八颗六道轮回丹而已。” The people had no way to speak, cursed in secret, the heart was too black. Their knows, this is for pit Deity Race the base price of preparation! 众人都没法说话了,暗中诅咒,太心黑了。他们知道,这是为坑天神族而准备的底价! Big Black Ox said: „Does nobody want? Has been a pity, that flows the racket, turns head I to mount on fighting the boots, such brightly burnished bead is attractive.” 大黑牛道:“没人要吗?太可惜了,那就算流拍吧,回头我镶嵌在战靴上,这么锃亮的珠子多好看啊。” This with has any relations attractively, the people unstated criticism, in a clan can present many position extremely Saint from ancient to present, its buddhist relics are equal to that Saint skeleton. 这跟好看有什么关系,众人腹诽,一族之内自古至今又能出现多少位绝顶圣人,其舍利子就等于那位圣者的尸骨。 Deity Race such does Dao Lineage, how possibly tolerate other families the later generation of match to be humiliated by they have mopped up and gone on a punitive expedition against particularly like this? 天神族这样的道统,怎么可能容忍外族尤其是被他们扫灭与征伐过的对手的后人这样折辱? Old man participates in bidding!” “老夫参与竞拍!” Finally, in inter-satellite network, some Deity Race people open the mouth, bid eight Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, this is clenching teeth absolutely the spitting blood initial price. 最终,星际网络上,天神族有人开口,出价八颗六道轮回丹,这绝对是在咬牙吐血开价。 This initiates the stir immediately! 这顿时引发轰动! Also when at this moment, in the auction lets various group of troops emotions run high, Chu Feng feels, that several people had three people to move! 也就是在此刻,在拍卖会让各路人马情绪高涨时,楚风感觉到,身后那几个人有三人动了! Their some people are quietly, likely is hunter in dark night, approaches Chu Feng! 他们有人悄无声息,像是暗夜中的狩猎者,逼近楚风 Also some people are the same with other bidders, expresses the fierce mood to fluctuate, was shouting in confusion loudly, but actually unknowingly already close to Chu Feng! 也有人跟其他竞拍者一样,表现出剧烈的情绪波动,大声吵嚷着,但是却在不经意间已经临近楚风 A person, had not been careful that with sprinkles the red wine in hand, disguises to reorganize the correct manners discipline, in fact takes out big Killing Weapon, that is one pile of Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, wants the bang to Chu Feng! 还有一人,不小心跟将手中的红酒洒落一些,假装整理仪容,事实上取出大杀器,那是一堆紫晶天雷,要轰向楚风 Buzz! 嗡! The flash, the steamship shakes! 一刹那,大船摇动! The Domain symbol is crowded, that several people were isolated, a golden furnace appears, is comprised of the golden symbol, wraps during that three people. 场域符号密集,那几人被隔绝,一座黄金炉出现,全都是由金色的符号组成,将那三人包在当中。 Then, they soar in a flash, appears along with the golden furnace in the nighttime sky, stands erect in leaving the steamship very far above universe. 接着,他们一瞬间腾空而起,随着黄金炉浮现在夜空中,矗立在离大船很远的上方天宇中。 Three people of stunned, the body stiffened, because was stranded the Domain symbol construction in Divine Furnace, is unable to get out of trouble, what is most fearful, Amethyst Heavenly Thunder in person of hand had one to be detonated. 三人愕然,身体都僵住了,因为被困场域符号构建的神炉内,无法脱困,最为可怕的是,其中一人手中的紫晶天雷有一枚被引爆了。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, in the sky has the large explosion! 下一刻,天空上发生大爆炸! "Ah...... ” three people called out pitifully, because several Amethyst Heavenly Thunder were detonated one after another, in that narrow and small Domain gold furnace, they evaded not to be possible to evade, was swallowed by the terrifying energy. “啊……”三人惨叫,因为几颗紫晶天雷相继被引爆,在那狭小的场域黄金炉中,他们避无可避,被恐怖的能量吞噬。 Arrived afterward, the golden furnace has also disintegrated, obviously of energy! 到了后来,黄金炉也解体了,可见能量之强! Three people are turning into flesh fragment instantaneously, becomes the remnant corpse, was killed. 三人在瞬间变成血肉碎块,成为残尸,都被炸死了。 How, to have what?!” “怎么了,发生了什么?!” Many people call out in alarm, a flurry. 许多人惊叫,一片慌乱。 Great Demon Chu started to us, the everyone quick take action revolt, we run away together!” Some people while bellow randomly, poison people's minds. 楚大魔头对我们下手了,诸位出手反抗,我们一起逃出去!”有人趁乱大吼,蛊惑人心。 Understanding that Chu Feng looks, precisely is creating a clamor by that group fire in other two who he stares, wants to fan all person together take action. 楚风看的明白,正是被他盯上的那个团火中的另外两人在鼓噪,想要扇动所有人一起出手 After all, here also has Ying Wudi, Yuan Shicheng, Destiny Immortal Physique and other group of extremely young powerhouses, the words that must fight really at risk of life, might as well be able to destroy completely Chu Feng! 毕竟,这里还有映无敌、元世成、天命仙体等一群绝顶年轻强者,真要拼死一战的话,未尝不能灭掉楚风 The Chu Feng opens the mouth, the sound vibrates Eastern Sea, said: Everybody don't be upset, several mixed fish, want to confuse the auction, but now wants while to stir up trouble randomly, does not need to be surprised, please sit down, I take them!” 楚风开口,声音震动东海,道:“各位不要慌乱,几条杂鱼而已,想要搅乱拍卖会,而现在更是想趁乱兴风作浪,不必惊讶,都请坐好,我拿下他们!” Buzz! 嗡! In this time, the people discovered that fiery red Divine Furnace appears, covers a man and a woman, binds to bring on their cane the upper air. 就在此时,人们发现一座火红的神炉浮现,将一男一女笼罩,裹带着他们藤上高空。 At this time, Chu Feng grasps god Magnetic Mountain Seal, the face is indifferent, is staring at the upper air, said: You court death!” 此时,楚风手持神磁山印,面孔冷漠,盯着高空,道:“你们找死!” He resorts to the complete method, in two people by Domain refining sky, that female was calling out pitifully, turned into the flying ash at the scene. 他动用全部手段,以场域炼化天空中的两人,其中那个女子惨叫着,当场化成飞灰。 All people with amazement, because induced, that was Eating Rosy Clouds Realm's expert, finally has not supported in a minute, is extinguished kills. 所有人都骇然,因为感应到了,那是一位餐霞境界的高手,结果都没有支撑片刻间,就被灭杀。 Suddenly, the people dread to Chu Feng! 一时间,众人都对楚风忌惮不已! In the fiery red furnace body of Domain symbol construction also has the black robe young man, at this time, he raises head to roar, the back appears a pair of black wing, the violent force fans, the black fog is dreadful, he is similar to degeneration angelically, erupts the immeasurable prestige energy. 场域符号构建的火红炉体中还有个黑袍青年男子,此时,他仰头咆哮,背后浮现出一对黑色的羽翼,猛力扇动,黑雾滔天,他如同一头堕落天使般,爆发无量威能。 Close Golden Body Realm, this person good terrifying!” “接近金身境界了,这个人好恐怖!” That is......” some people shocks, sees that black robe man the mark of robe sleeve, that is a black lance punctures thoroughly the design of vault of heaven. “那是……”有人震惊,看到那个黑袍男子的袍袖的标记,那是一根黑色的长矛刺透苍穹的图案。 Heaven, he is Assassinating Vault of Heaven's hunter!” Some person of shocking shouting. 天啊,他是刺天穹的狩猎者!”有人震惊的喊道。 These words, all people are imposing, feel chill down the spine. 这句话一出,所有人都凛然,感觉毛骨发寒 Assassinating Vault of Heaven, a assassination organization in universe, is one is very formidable and ancient history terrifying Dao Lineage, the disciples is a killer, said by hunter. 刺天穹,宇宙中的一个刺杀组织,也是一个无比强大而又历史久远的恐怖道统,门人都是杀手,以狩猎者自称。 They usually various indirect types post a reward, assassinates goal, with whet oneself body. 他们平日间接各种悬赏,去刺杀目标,用以磨砺己身。 Their terrors, the trim starry sky is known to everybody! 他们的恐怖,整片星空无人不知! Because, they assassinate the Saint's duty to dare to meet, dares to kill Saint! 因为,他们连刺杀圣人的任务都敢接,敢杀圣人 Moreover, they can succeed, have cut the Saint's severed head, this success lets teach really respectively frightened, who did not dread, which isn't afraid? 而且,他们能成功,斩过圣人的首级,这种战绩着实让各教惊悚,谁不忌惮,哪个不害怕? Now, Chu Feng stared by them, some people hunt and kill him. Moreover, this is hunter of seed level leads evidently. 现在,楚风被他们盯上了,有人来猎杀他。而且,看样子这是一个种子级的狩猎者带队。 Really, this person is very formidable, in the fiery red furnace body, he had not died, but also is resisting, wants , the look is cold and gloomy, is staring at Chu Feng. 果然,这个人无比强大,在火红的炉体内,他没有死去,还在对抗,想要冲出来,眼神森冷,盯着楚风 However, several times after diligently, he failed, cannot rush out. 不过,数次努力后,他都失败了,没有能闯出。 Then, he lifts the hand to reveal that a azure bronze medal, shook shaking to Chu Feng, above writes an amnesty character. 然后,他抬手亮出一块青铜牌,对楚风晃了晃,上面写着一个赦字。 Many person suck in a cold breath! 很多人倒吸冷气 What meaning?” The Big Black Ox unclear its meaning, cannot bear ask. “什么意思?”大黑牛不明其意,忍不住问道。 This is Assassinating Vault of Heaven's seed level hunter, that is the god sign that this clan Supreme Being bestows, if they were seized, can show this sign, preserves a life.” “这是刺天穹的种子级狩猎者,那是该族大能赐下的神牌,他们若是被捉,可以出示此牌,保住一命。” fucking, assassinates us, but also wants to maintain life depending on a broken sign, makes any century Great Dream!” Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng, Old Donkey and the others got angry. 特么的,来刺杀我们,还想凭一个破牌子保命,做什么千秋大梦!”大黑牛欧阳风老驴等人都怒了。 Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Supreme Being, that is in universe most terrifying existence, can hunting Sub Saint, assassinate Saint!” Some person of small sound tracks. 刺天穹的大能,那是宇宙中最恐怖的存在,可以狩猎亚圣,刺杀圣人!”有人小声道。 Sees this sign, when releases people, is respects Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Supreme Being......” some people in the opens the mouth. “见此牌当放人,算是尊重刺天穹的大能……”有人在开口。 In this time, is stranded that seed level hunter in fiery red furnace body shakes to begin once more azure bronze medal, the pupil is cold. 正在此时,被困在火红炉体中的那个种子级狩猎者再次晃动手中的青铜牌,眸子冷冽。 The Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: „After assassinating me, but also such elegantly beautiful noble, maintains total silence, shakes the bronze medal to me again, is ordering me, is urging to ask me? Dares so to profane, are you court death? Courts death! Assassinating Vault of Heaven, how can also!” 楚风开口,道:“刺杀我后,还这么冷艳高贵,一语不发,一而再对我摇动铜牌,在命令我,还是在催问我?敢如此轻慢,你是找死呢?还是找死呢!刺天穹,又能如何!”
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