SR :: Volume #8

#710: Auction grand meeting

Suddenly, at the banquet knows does not have many people to pound the table, is angry directly, must say with Big Black Ox, Old Donkey, Chu Feng and other theories, asks for an explanation. 一时间,宴会上也不知道有多少人拍案而起,直接大怒,要跟大黑牛老驴楚风等论道,讨个说法。 „The god fucking luck of having good things to eat, goes too far, Great Demon Chu Feng and Ox Demon King you must give us a view!” A middle-aged man was roaring. “神特么的口福,欺人太甚,楚风大魔头牛魔王你们必须给我们一个说法!”一位中年男子在咆哮。 That leaps, Chu Feng stands, directly very calmly and asked him calmly, said: „Do you mention names to want me to give you a view?!” 腾的一声,楚风站起来,直接很冷静与镇定的问他,道:“你指名道姓想要我给你一个说法?!” This......” middle-aged man makes excuses at the scene, the onset and retreat can not, after he calm down slightly, can not be afraid? This young demon one breath buries alive more than 9000 Evolver, anything does not dare to do. “这……”中年男子当场支吾,进退不得,他稍微冷静下来后怎能不害怕?这个年轻的魔头一口气坑杀9000多名进化者,没有什么不敢做的。 Now this speaks the last words him in the presence of everyone, this...... Suspicion that somewhat makes, he has been at the scene afraid, is in a dilemma. 现在这样当众叫板他,这……有些作死的嫌疑,他自己当场就害怕了,进退维谷。 Old Donkey mediates, asking Chu Feng to sit. 老驴上来打圆场,请楚风坐回去。 hee-haw hee-haw hee-haw, I said everybody, your this is unfair to the person.” He comes up to cry out, making one crowd of person this call one to dislike, has not seen has such not been concerned about face, comes up to profit. 儿啊儿啊二啊,我说各位,你们这是冤枉人。”他上来就叫唤,让一群人这叫一个膈应,没见过这么不要脸的,上来就占便宜。 Old Donkey then opens the mouth, said: Our hospitality, offers best rare meat dishes, you want knows, is Deity Race, Xilin Clan, Great Dream Pure Land and Spirit Race, like this formidable Sect, they do not give up to you make the Divine Son feast, makes Holy Daughter rare meat dishes, hasn't this been able to explain the issue?” 老驴接着开口,道:“我们热情好客,奉上最佳珍肴,你们要知道,就是天神族西林族大梦净土灵族,这样的强大门派,他们都舍不得给你们做神子大餐,做圣女珍肴,这还不能说明问题吗?” After like this Old Donkey did not say fortunately, mentioned, some people at the scene have a fit of bad temper, some people shouted in confusion, was creating a clamor. 老驴不说还好,这样提及后,部分人当场炸毛,更有一些人吵嚷,在鼓噪。 Donkey, you are really hateful!” The opposite old man shouted. “驴子,你真是可恶!”对面一个老者叫嚷。 Old Donkey does not like listening, said: A moment ago old goat, you ate is more fragrant than anyone, after finishing eating, actually gets angry with me, what welldoing?” 老驴不爱听,道:“老山羊,你刚才吃的比谁都香,吃完后却跟我翻脸,什么德行啊?” You have eaten anything to me, golden goat Holy Son's rib platoon,...... My shame to Holy Son!” The old man makes an effort the pushing tears, wants to flow out several drops. “你给我吃了什么,黄金山羊圣子的肋排,呜……我愧对圣子啊!”那老者使劲挤眼泪,想要流出几滴。 Old Donkey does not do, said: This is the buffet, is you elects, we offer best rare meat dishes, I clearly noticed that looked you take the meal time and time again!” 老驴不干了,道:“这是自助餐,是你自己选的,我们奉献上最好的珍肴,我分明看到看你去取餐一次又一次!” My knows that is not my clan Holy Son, you are ignominious, hoodwink me!” “我不知道那是我族圣子,你可耻可恨,蒙蔽我!” At this time, over toad, was slanting the eye to despise saying: Your illiterate person, by each dish has that big character, clarity that writes, understanding of introduction, the extraterrestrial man does not have the culture to be really fearful.” 这时,蛤蟆出头,斜着眼睛鄙视道:“你文盲啊,每一道菜品旁都有那么大的字,写的清楚,介绍的明白,外星佬没文化真可怕。” His Sir, was despised by squint toad, not only that old man gets angry and hate, is many other people also suddenly is speechless, in the heart wants to curse, because their many people do not know these characters. 他大爷的,被一只斜眼蛤蟆鄙视,不仅那老者恼恨,就是其他不少人也一时间无语,心中都想诅咒,因为他们很多人都不认识那些字。 This was antiquity divine symbol, we did not know.” Some person of small sound tracks. “这是上古神文吗,我们不认识。”有人小声道。 „Is this is the Earth commonly used language good, the long dessert, a much study writing, you are really...... Has neither learning nor skill!” Ouyang Toad shakes the head there. “这是地球通用语好不好,长点心,多学点文字,你们真是……不学无术!”欧阳蛤蟆在那里摇头。 One group of people want to spit blood immediately, fucking, the Earth modern writing, who can know, is not specially famous Evolutionary Civilization ethnic group, in their mind, Earth at present is also together wilderness, belongs to barbarian planet, already declined to having no way to mention. 一群人顿时想吐血,特么的,地球现代文字而已,谁能认识,又不是特别出名的进化文明族群,在他们的心中,地球目前还算是一块“野地”,属于蛮夷星球,早已没落到没法提及了。 Then, the people discovered that after that Old Donkey and Ouyang Toad wait/etc. participated, changed the subject thoroughly. 然后,人们发现,那头老驴欧阳蛤蟆等参与进来后,彻底跑题了。 Many people are discontented, express the indignation. 许多人不满,表达愤慨。 Therefore, Big Black Ox smiles to act, very genial appearance, expressed in the presence of everyone this is the work fault, immediately labels various types of food with the universe commonly used language. 为此,大黑牛笑眯眯出面,很和善的样子,当众表示这是工作失误,立刻用宇宙通用语标注各种食物。 Meanwhile, he will trade food for that young some discontented guests. 同时,他将为那一小部分不满的宾客换一份食物。 Indeed, only then some small people are not in luck, eat this clan Holy Son, other people are very shocked and novel, after all, even if at some universe important grand meetings, is impossible to eat this type of food. 的确,也只有小部分人不走运,吃到本族圣子,其他人还是很震惊与新奇的,毕竟,哪怕是在宇宙一些重要盛会中,也不可能吃到这种食材。 In fact, the matter that here has first feeds in the starry sky, initiates the great unrest. 事实上,这里发生的事第一时间传回星空,引发轩然大波。 Without a doubt, related to minority races, their murderous aura is dreadful, their leaders and dynasty rulers fly into a rage, wish one could to put to death Chu Feng immediately. 毫无疑问,涉及到的少数种族,他们杀气滔天,他们的掌门、皇朝统治者勃然大怒,恨不得立刻诛杀楚风 However, on Beast Source Platform, more people such as the landslide tsunami ebullition, a piece clamored. 但是,原兽平台上,更多的人则如山崩海啸般沸腾,一片喧哗。 Aiyu feeds, really envies envy to hate, can eat the Holy Son ingredients, the Divine Son small platoon, as well as Holy Daughter ovary and digestive gland cake...... This was the non- world chance, this whole life is really worth boasting.” “哎呦喂,真是羡慕嫉妒恨,能吃到圣子料理,神子小排,以及圣女蟹黄糕……这实在是不世机缘,这辈子都值得吹嘘了。” Luxury and waste, I also want that type of feast!” “奢侈浪费啊,我也想吃那种大餐!” ...... …… Then, Earth reaches the starry sky picture to show, eight chef backgrounds were very big, look at straight eyes of one group of people. 然后,地球传进星空的画面显示,八位厨师来头都很大,看直了一群人的眼睛。 At this time this occasion, Big Black Ox gets one group of female cooks to be taken to the threshing ground, eats up for fellow distinguished guests, inquires after the well being. 此时此际,大黑牛领着一群厨娘登场,为各位贵宾加餐,嘘寒问暖。 I poke, that is not herd fine jade Holy Daughter, she unexpectedly is one of the master chefs!” “我戳,那不是牧璇圣女吗,她居然是大厨之一!” Yo, I saw anyone, Su Fei the fairy maiden, she is being the maidservant, helping the person serve tea to pour water.” “诶呦,我看到了谁,苏绯仙子,她在当侍女,帮人端茶倒水。” Without a doubt, some pictures of Eastern Sea grand feast live, making in the starry sky various clan many Evolver unable to sit still, wishes one could to feast immediately. 毫无疑问,东海盛宴现场的一些画面,让星空中各族许多进化者都坐不住了,恨不得立刻去赴宴。 Gentlemen of respect, ladies, welcome to the Eastern Sea charity dinner scene, Old Ox thank everybody to support on behalf of Chu Feng and Unextinguishable Mountain.” At this time, Big Black Ox is not only a steward, is the management, is incessant there, after a saluting word, said: Here our solemn statement, auctions tonight obtained free of charge will contribute to Unextinguishable Mountain, supports there Evolver to rise, we ensure does not embezzle tiny bit.” “尊敬的先生们,女士们,欢迎来到东海慈善晚宴现场,老牛代表楚风不灭山衷心的感谢各位捧场。”此时,大黑牛不仅是管家,还是主持,在那里滔滔不绝,一番致敬词后,又道:“在这里我们郑重声明,今晚拍卖所得都将无偿捐献给不灭山,扶持那里的进化者崛起,我们保证不克扣一分一毫。” One group of people want to throw his smelly egg, but looked for quite a while not to have. 一群人想扔他臭鸡蛋,可是找了半天也没有。 Many Evolver shout 'motherfucker' in the heart, the curse, isn't this auction that Unextinguishable Mountain one group of bandits hold? Must sell various group of Holy Son, now unexpectedly adds such fresh refined, is really ignominious! 许多进化者都在心中骂娘,诅咒不已,这不就是不灭山一群土匪举行的拍卖会吗?要售卖各路圣子,现在居然还说的这么清新脱俗,实在是可耻! Silence.” Old Lama enters the stage, is throwing over cassock, treasure portrait is dignified, looks to all guests, then announces, said: Auction formally starts!” “肃静。”老喇嘛出场,披着袈裟,宝相庄严,看向所有宾客,然后开口宣布,道:“拍卖正式开始!” One group of people feel dizzy, did Buddha Race also mix? 一群人眼晕,佛族也掺和进来了? Hey, Buddha Race's Eight Precepts Grandmaster, is I, old Wu, in Milky Way, un, right, attended an auction on Earth, saw that your Buddha Race's person is supporting Great Demon Chu, I a little feel dizzy. What, a Buddha Race lecture of fate, doesn't your knows what situation, decide along with the reason? Hey, Eight Precepts Grandmaster, you spoke.” “喂,佛族的八戒大师在吗,是我啊,老吴,在银河系呢,嗯,对,在地球上参加一场拍卖会,看到你们佛族的人在力挺楚大魔头,我有点眼晕。啥,佛族讲缘分,你也不知道什么情况,随缘而定?喂,八戒大师,你说话啊。” Some people contact with the Buddha Race's powerhouse on the spot, is very afraid. 有人现场联系佛族的强者,很心虚。 Because, Buddha Race with Dao Race race that but in universe ranks among the best, formidable oddness. 因为,佛族道族可是宇宙中数一数二的种族,强大的离谱。 Have not related, you think really shaves baldly is the Buddha Race's person, you looked that there also has to wear in a big way the sunglasses, are holding in the mouth the cigar bald, in the big stuttering meat, the large bowl drinks, definitely is not Buddha Race.” Some people pout, hint to look to Horse King there. “别联系了,你真以为剃个光头就是佛族的人啊,你看那里还有戴着墨镜、叼着雪茄的大光头呢,在大口吃肉,大碗喝酒,肯定不是佛族。”有人努嘴,示意看向马王那里。 Amida, Horse King master three eyes, but also is believes in Buddhism really!” Horse King stares. “弥陀佛,马王爷三只眼,还真就是信佛的!”马王瞪眼。 The two see that immediately shouted secretly unluckily. 那两人见状,顿时暗叫晦气。 Has saying that atmosphere warm, can perhaps be said as-- is also very chaotic, to/clashes is slanting the eye to look at toad of person, the local ruffian air/Qi full Big Black Ox, the head lives four horn Zhou Quan, bald brightly burnished Horse King wait/etc., these non-conventional monsters combine in together, thinks that is tranquil not possible. 不得不说,现场气氛“热烈”,或许也可以说是——很乱,就冲斜着眼睛看人的蛤蟆,痞气十足的大黑牛,头生四根犄角周全,光头锃亮的马王等,这些非常规怪物组合在一起,想平静下来都不可能。 Peaceful, now please look at the first something by auction.” Great Forest Temple Old Ape also enters the stage, when the auctioneer, his Duke of Thunder mouth, is carrying a big club, when the hammer uses, strikes there. “安静,现在请看第一件拍卖品。”大林寺老猿也出场,当拍卖师,他雷公嘴,拎着个大棒子,当锤子用,在那里敲打。 The people in an uproar, first auctioned is a beautiful woman, can be called the rare beautiful woman. 人们哗然,第一个被拍卖的就是一位美女,称得上罕见的丽人。 This is...... Nine Lives Cat Race Holy Daughter, she was seized, falls on this place, but also is really astonishing!” “这是……九命猫族圣女,她都被捉住了,落在此地,还真是让人吃惊!” At this time, many people shock inexplicably, because, Nine Lives Cat Race Holy Daughter, but under the starry sky in the younger generation ranks sixty expert! 此时,许多人都震撼莫名,因为,九命猫族圣女可是星空下年轻一代中排位六十几位的高手 This rank overlooks younger generation countless people sufficiently, this will be the future is doomed Sanctification aptitude, unexpectedly captured, was suppressed in this. 这种排名足以俯视年轻一代无数人,这是未来注定要成圣资质,居然被俘虏,被镇压在此。 Before this, people unexpectedly not knows! 此前,人们居然不知道 It can be said that the short instance, the scene all of a sudden was peaceful, the people were really blown. 可以说,短暂的瞬间,现场都一下子安静了,人们实在被镇住了。 But person who in Star Sea, watches the live transmission, trembles, each and every one stares dumbfounded! 星海中,观看直播的人,也都震颤,一个个瞠目结舌! Big Black Ox looked that the situation does not suit, he thinks to want the awkward silence, because the ranks of his not clear this cat clan Holy Daughter, signal with the eyes to (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger immediately, making him work as the request! 大黑牛一看情况不对劲,他觉得要冷场,因为他不清楚这各猫族圣女的排名,立时向东北虎使眼色,让他当托! Everybody, passed through to pass by do not miss, you saw this daughter, this was the pure tiger clan powerhouse! Saw her white clothing such as the snow, quite left the dust to be attractive, I told you explicitly, her status was noble. Un, the person who does not understand possibly believes, she is the person of cat clan, is in effect it is not so, she is White Tiger Race.” “各位,走过路过不要错过,你们看到这位小娘子了吗,这可是纯正的虎族强者!看到她白衣如雪了吗,相当出尘漂亮,我明确告诉你们,她身份高贵。嗯,不了解的人可能会认为,她是猫族的人,其实不然,她是白虎族的。” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger spittle horizontally flies here, he thought, so-called cat clan Holy Daughter definitely cannot compare the tiger clan, therefore vigorously fabrication, thinks the price pushing here. 东北虎在这里唾沫星子横飞,他觉得,所谓的猫族圣女肯定比不上虎族,所以在这里极力“造假”,想哄抬价格。 One group of people quite speechless, thought that he does not understand the quotation, the backgrounds of knows nine cat clans big, many tiger clan cannot compare! 一群人都相当的无语,觉得他不懂行情,不知道九名猫族的来头有多大,很多虎族都根本比不上! Old Donkey small sound said: Brother, from the stage, do not raise prices quickly, I saw on Beast Source Platform the appraisal of that group of grandsons, was scolding you, said that you did not understand to pretend to understand, this was Nine Lives Cat Race Holy Daughter, can pat a sky-high price absolutely!” 老驴小声道:“兄弟,快从台上下来吧,别抬价了,我看到原兽平台上那群孙子的评价了,都在骂你呢,说你不懂装懂,这是九命猫族圣女,绝对能拍一个天价!” Really, when (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is black face is jumping down the stage, directly many people are fighting for the offer, suddenly, fries Nine Lives Cat Race Holy Daughter to a sky-high price. 果然,当东北虎黑着脸跳下台时,直接有很多人争抢着报价,瞬息间,将九命猫族圣女炒到一个天价。 Afterward, her clansman is entering the scene, looking disdainfully those present, are warned that these bidders in starry sky, buy their Holy Daughter finally successfully. 随后,她的族人登场,睥睨在场的人,更是警告星空中的那些竞拍者,最后成功买下她们的圣女 Final knockdown price was, five Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, ten drops of deity fluids! 最终的成交价格是,五颗六道轮回丹、十滴天神液! This price is really startled a place eyeball, all parties focus attention on, was too luxurious. 这个价格实在是惊掉一地眼球,各方瞩目,太奢侈了。 In the past, Chu Feng has sold that many Holy Son, outside abatement day Divine Son, other people are one dozen can change a Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, today a person can trade these many, absolute sky-high price. 过去,楚风卖了那么多圣子,除却天神子外,其他人都是一打才能换一颗六道轮回丹,今天一个人就能换这么多,绝对的天价。 dang! dang! dang! 当!当!当! Great Forest Temple Old Ape is stretching the Duke of Thunder mouth, is very serious, turns the big club three times one after another, finally shouted the sound: Deal!” 大林寺老猿绷着雷公嘴,很严肃,接连轮动大棒子三次,最后喊了声:“成交!” The people look is speechless. 众人看的又是一阵无语。 Was good, the second treasure that then, we must auction is a fine horse!” Shouting that Big Black Ox goes all out, transfers the atmosphere on the scene. “好了,接下来,我们要拍卖的第二件宝物是一头龙驹!”大黑牛卖力的喊道,调动在场的气氛。 Then, very big Divine Horse was pulled, quite vigorous, four hooves are shining, part of fur are silver white, a little looks like silk fabrics, very god steed. 然后,一头很高大的神马被牵来,相当的雄健,四只蹄子都在发光,有一部分皮毛银白锃亮,有点像绸缎子似的,很神骏。 Naturally, there is major part fur to be gloomy, for example long neck hair and tail and other places, were bare. 当然,也有一大部分皮毛暗淡,比如说鬃毛与尾巴等地,都光秃秃了。 Big Black Ox said: Excuse me, brother Chu Feng is the Domain researcher, sometimes needs some spiritual brush to outline the Domain symbol, therefore had the hair of spirituality to be pulled out up this fine horse, my brother turned head to prepare to make a magical brush. However you could rest assured that this fine horse physique was strong, how long cannot want to be long.” 大黑牛道:“不好意思,楚风兄弟场域研究者,有时候需要一些灵笔勾勒场域符号,所以将这头龙驹一些有灵性的毛发被拔光了,我兄弟回头准备做一支神笔。不过你们放心,这头龙驹体质非常强,要不了多久就能长好。” The people are in a daze, this...... Pitiful Pegasus clan Holy Son, was known as one of quickest several people in the universe the younger generation runs, the movement is astonishing. 人们都发呆,这……可怜的天马圣子,号称宇宙中年轻一代跑的最快的几人之一,身法惊人。 It was seized unexpectedly, cannot be inescapable, but also falls to this paddies. 它居然被人捉住,跑不了,还落到这步田地。 Old Donkey is entering the scene, introduced earnestly, naturally also to boast, the raising prices standard, said: Asked everybody to be able rest assured that I came to appraise to it as its main family, this mule guaranteed the thief who ran was quick, has amazingly quick!” 老驴登场,认真介绍,当然也是为了吹牛,抬价格,道:“请大家放心,我以它本家的身份来对它鉴定,这头骡子保证跑的贼快,拥有神速!” Mule? One crowd of person almost stagger to fall down on the ground! 骡子?一群人都差点一个趔趄栽倒在地上! As for Pegasus clan Holy Son, then nearly the person stands, goes all out with Old Donkey, the eye was at that time red. 至于天马圣子,则险些人立而起,跟老驴拼命,眼睛当时就红了。 "Dang!" “当!” Finally, Old Donkey was sneak attacked by Pegasus, trampled a foot, the Old Donkey pain calls, under liao kicking, is crashing the stage, that called a distress. 最终,老驴天马偷袭,踹了一脚,老驴痛的嗷嗷直叫,尥着蹶子,坠落下高台,那叫一个狼狈。 However, he is very professional, said: Everybody is laughed, this mule temperament is a little big, has not related, so long as can tame and ensure makes you be similar to rides one like lightning, the thief who it runs is quick.” 不过,他很敬业,道:“各位见笑,这骡子脾气有点大,没关系,只要能驯服,保证让你如同乘坐一道闪电般,它跑的贼快。” Big Black Ox beckons to him, said: Old Donkey gets down, on Beast Source Platform that crowd of Jun Tuo eggs scolded you miserably, said that your donkey eye did not know Pegasus, quickly scolded you turned, hurried, left the chaotic price pushing, this was really...... A little disgraced.” 大黑牛冲他招手,道:“老驴下来吧,原兽平台上那群钧驮蛋把你骂惨了,说你驴眼不识天马,都快把你骂翻了,赶紧回来,别乱哄抬价格了,这真是……有点丢人。” Finally, the Pegasus Holy Son's knockdown price was higher than it Nine Lives Cat Race Holy Daughter, many people had a liking for his limiting velocity. 最终,天马圣子的成交价格比之九命猫族圣女还要高,有许多人都看上了他的极限速度。 He is Holy Son of Pegasus clan, will be doomed is in trim Star Sea one of the future speed quickest several lifeforms! 他是天马族的圣子,注定将会是整片星海中未来速度最快的几个生物之一! Is so odd, mule value six Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, these people insane?” Old Donkey is in a daze. “这么离谱,一头骡子值六颗六道轮回丹,那些人疯了吗?”老驴发傻。 dang! dang! dang! 当!当!当! Great Forest Temple Old Ape, turns the big club, made an effort to pound continuously three, announced the deal. 大林寺老猿,轮动大棒子,连续用力砸了三下,宣告成交。 Big Black Ox starts introduction next auction, said: Words as the saying goes, toad of three legs are not good to look, person some of two legs are, look today we seize gold/metal toad of three leg fortunately, everybody please glance!” 大黑牛开始介绍下一个拍卖物,道:“俗话说的话,三条腿的蛤蟆不好找,两条腿的人有的是,这不,今天我们有幸捉到一只三条腿的金蛤蟆,各位请上眼!” Then, Big Black Ox, Old Donkey, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others saw, Ouyang Feng has come to power decisively, walks toward that auction. 然后,大黑牛老驴东北虎等人看到,欧阳风果断跟着上台了,向那拍卖物走去。 They hurry to advise, said: Brother Ouyang, your don't coming up price pushing!” 他们赶紧劝阻,道:“欧阳兄弟,你就别上去哄抬价格了!”
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