SR :: Volume #8

#709: Eastern Sea grand feast

In three brass cauldrons, medicine greets the nostrils fragrant, inside water thump thump was boiled, mixes various types of raw materials for medicine also to have the bright red liquid, was being refined. 三口黄铜鼎内,药香扑鼻,里面的水咕咚咕咚被烧开了,混着各种药材还有鲜红的液体,正在被提炼。 The distant place, Zhou Shang, Xu Chengxian and Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique suffocate, these three days they were let blood dozens times, so-called divine blood, ten thousand star blood and holy blood dry time and time again, was refined a cleanness. 远处,周尚徐成仙元磁圣体奄奄一息,这三天来他们被放血数十次,一身所谓的神血、万星血、圣血一次又一次的干涸,被提炼个干净。 However, now has not terminated, whenever their blood are dry, after the whole person faints, the mouth will force in some hematic tonics. 但是,现在还没有完结,每当他们血液干涸,整个人昏死过去后,嘴里都会被塞进一些补血药剂。 And, Ouyang Feng, Big Black Ox wait/etc. began personally, helping them revolve the energy, making Divine Physique and Myriad Celestial Physique recover, displays own physique proper various mystery. 并且,欧阳风大黑牛等亲自动手,帮他们运转能量,让神体万星体复苏,发挥出自身体质应有的各种玄妙。 Their was squeezed unceasingly, the body dries up time and time again, the vitality nearly was excavated cleanly. 他们三人被不断压榨,身体一次又一次枯竭,元气近乎被人采掘干净。 You......” Xu Chengxian hates incomparably, he felt that oneself was abandoned , the Myriad Celestial Physique source drains seriously, dissipated over 70% through the blood, words that such gets down, he must end really! “你们……”徐成仙仇恨无比,他感觉自己真的被废了,万星体的本源流失严重,通过血液等消散七成以上,这么下去的话,他真的要完了! He clear oneself matter, he is because eats Myriad Star Grass, the physique has the transformation, had today's illustrious prestige. 他自己清楚自己的事,他是因为吃掉一株万星草,体质才发生蜕变,有了今天的赫赫威名。 However now Great Demon Chu regards one medicine to boil down him, lets blood unceasingly, the extraction property, must lose to him finally! 然而现在楚大魔头将他当成一种药来熬炼,不断放血,萃取药性,到最后他必然要失去所有! Zhou Shang lowly is also roaring, he is angry, he had been let blood 41 times, the whole person is quick skinny, in within the body divine blood dry dozens times, were all squeezed. 周尚也在低吼,他愤怒无边,他已经被放血41次了,整个人都快皮包骨头,体内神血干涸数十次,全被压榨出去。 The distant place, brass cauldron traditional Chinese medicine greets the nostrils fragrant, that is non- tribulations divine blood to mix in various types of raw materials for medicine together, is quenching. 远处,一座黄铜鼎中药香扑鼻,那是无劫神血与各种药材混合在一起,正在淬炼。 Effect is good, after the examination, the property is astonishing, can boil down the big medicine!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger said, he is nursing three copper furnaces. “效果不错,经过检测,药性惊人,能熬炼出大药!”东北虎道,他在看护三座铜炉。 Chu Feng said: Is very good, I believe that finally can boil down their source property, when they become the waste bodies, when finished, at that time property extraction was similar.” 楚风道:“很好,我相信最终能熬炼出他们的本源药性,什么时候他们成为废体,什么时候结束,那个时候药性提取的就差不多了。” Chu Feng, you by retribution, sooner or later by day thundering bang!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique clenches jaws, calls out there, he despaired, is unable to run away, finally must be eliminated own holy blood, will discard thoroughly. 楚风,你会遭报应的,早晚有一天会遭天打雷轰!”元磁圣体咬牙切齿,在那里嚎叫,他已经绝望,无法逃走,最终还要被剥夺自身圣血,会彻底废掉。 Your this threat and a curse significance, have not traded one again, your Uncle clear/pain I some time ago was hit to be struck by lightning by the day, finally now has not jumped for joy, that so-called Heavenly Tribulation is mediocre.” “你这种威胁与诅咒没有一点意义,再换一个吧,你楚大爷我不久前就被天打雷劈了,结果现在还不是活蹦乱跳,那所谓的天劫不过如此。” Tidies up, charity dinner was about to start, our welcomed the guest.” Chu Feng said. “收拾一下,慈善晚宴快开始了,我们的得去迎接客人。”楚风道。 One group of people have smiled, the abatement Chu Feng's parents as well as old Grandmaster Wu Qifeng and other minority not outside the person who is willing to join in the fun, other people start dao to put in order, must pass. 一群人都笑了,除却楚风的父母以及老宗师吴起峰等少数不愿去凑热闹的人外,其他人都开始捯饬,要一齐过去。 old does bear, look at me to be what kind of?” Old Donkey is giving a tongue-lashing the big thread chaser, asked the black bear king there. “老熊,看我咋样?”老驴呲着大板牙,在那里问黑熊王。 Wears the mask to be quite good.” Black bear king said. “戴上口罩比较好。”黑熊王说道。 Your what meaning?” Old Donkey asked him. “你啥意思?”老驴问他。 Thread chaser is too big!” The black bear king quite directly told him. “板牙太大!”黑熊王相当直接的告诉他。 hee-haw hee-haw, the black bear, hits the person not to apply makeup to curse at people does not expose shortcomings, you were too ungrateful!” 儿啊儿啊,黑熊,打人不打脸骂人不揭短,你太不够意思了!” The final result is, this crowd of people half styles are close, almost all receives the influence of Big Black Ox, the big long hair combed straight back and black sunglasses of clear water, give extra to hold in the mouth the carrot that thick cigar. 最终的结果是,这群人大半都风格相近,几乎全都受大黑牛的影响,清一水的大背头、黑墨镜,外带叼着胡萝卜那么粗的雪茄烟。 Speechless that Chu Feng looks, this crowd really likely is not a good person, sees likely is the big brother, such collects in the same place, looks like does not have one likely is the kindhearted generation. 楚风看的无语,这一群真不像是好人,怎么看都像是道上的大哥,这么凑在一块,看起来就没有一个像是良善之辈。 Great Forest Temple Old Ape of Duke of Thunder mouth, slanting the eye to look that Ouyang Feng of person, opens mouth occupies person cheap Old Donkey and in the big long hair combed straight back to hide four horn Zhou Quan, does not have one looks like normal. 雷公嘴的大林寺老猿、斜着眼睛看人的欧阳风、张嘴就占人便宜的老驴、大背头中藏着四根犄角周全,就没一个看起来正常的。 As for hoodlum chief Boss Black that say nothing, has gathered together the big long hair combed straight back, holds in the mouth the cigar to walk, black western-style clothes, when takes a step first. 至于流氓头子般的大老黑那就更不用说了,拢了拢大背头,叼着雪茄走来,一身黑西服,当先迈步。 Also calculates the benign countenance then Old Lama, kills has not listened to them to transform, if his also that dresses up, reveals greatly baldly, that pleasure was big, will make the person even more believe absolutely, here does not have the good person, is the villains. 也就老喇嘛还算慈眉善目,打死也没听他们改造型,要是他也那身装扮,露出个大光头,那乐子就大了,绝对会让人越发的信服,这里没好人,都是恶棍。 However, Horse King has made up his vacancy, the hoodlum -type black western-style clothes, is rocking brightly burnished big bald, mixes in the team, that called aggressive. 不过,马王补了他的空缺,流氓式的黑西服,晃动着锃亮的大光头,混在队伍中,那叫一个凶悍。 Brothers your this is not serious, today attended the evening banquet, must wear the formal dress!” Big Black Ox there cocky, said that Chu Feng is not tasteful. “兄弟你这也太不郑重了,今天可是出席晚宴,得穿正装!”大黑牛在那里得瑟,说楚风不讲究。 My this is extorts, traffic in persons, does not feast.” Chu Feng corrects, quite direct. “我这是去敲诈勒索,去贩卖人口,不是真个赴宴。”楚风纠正,相当的直接。 female dragon smiled faintly, the blue color sent silk illumination, pair of dragon horn in long hair partly visible, her figure was slender, skin white such as blood/snow, was exceptionally beautiful, her wear was fortunately normal, the water blue color long skirt towed on the ground, performed obviously the beautiful graceful bearing. 龙女浅笑,蓝色发丝发光,一对龙角在长发中若隐若现,她身段修长,肤白如雪,异常美丽,还好她的穿着还算正常,水蓝色长裙拖在地上,尽显绝美风姿。 Takes that crowd also living Holy Son Holy Daughter, as well as these food, set sail!” “带上那群还活着的圣子圣女,以及那些食材,开船!” Then, one crowd was tying up Holy Son Holy Daughter, the hitch becomes one big long string, was caught up with huge seven color god ships, when this is the allied armies attack keeps the biggest hull in sea level. 然后,一群被绑着的圣子圣女,栓成一大长串,被赶上一艘巨大的七彩神船,这是联军进攻时留在海面上的最大船体。 It is said that this is the private car of some share of universe pirate, is a very astonishing rare treasure, can realize the spatial transition. 据说,这属于某一股宇宙海盗的座驾,算是一件很惊人的秘宝,可以实现空间跃迁。 One crowd of Holy Son and Holy Daughter now are listless, depressed incomparable, this time they have planted thoroughly, worried and resentful incomparable, is similar to the cattle is caught up, must sell out. 一群圣子圣女现在都无精打采,沮丧无比,这一次他们彻底栽了,苦恼与愤懑无比,如同牛羊般被人赶着,要去卖掉。 Walks quickly, slow-going, who does not coordinate, a while has boiled who!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger urged. “快走,磨磨蹭蹭,谁不配合,一会儿煮了谁!”东北虎催促道。 Big Black Ox is also threatening, said: That several Holy Daughter were you said that the cook was good, the evening banquet feast depended entirely on you, otherwise Old Ox I will cook you personally ripe!” 大黑牛也在威胁,道:“那几位圣女是你们自己说的,厨艺不错,晚宴大餐全靠你们了,不然的话老牛我会亲自把你们炖熟!” One crowd of Holy Son Holy Daughter clench teeth in secret, at present is too pitiful, degenerates into the captive, was berated, but must be various coolies and others. 一群圣子圣女暗中咬牙,眼下太悲惨,沦为阶下囚,被人喝斥,还要做各种苦力等。 For example, after some Holy Son by Divine Chain penetration shoulder blade, but also is responsible for controlling the steamship, navigates in the sea. 比如,有些圣子神链穿透肩胛骨后,还在负责驾驭大船,在海上航行。 Finally, to assigning place, has been separated from the dense fog area that Unextinguishable Mountain is, seven color steamships float above Eastern Sea, it is very indeed big, is similar to a mountain massif hangs in the sea level. 终于,到了指定的地点,脱离不灭山所在的迷雾区,七彩大船漂浮在东海之上,它的确很大,如同一座山体悬在海面上。 At this time, red glowing sun west falls. 此时,红日西坠。 The glowing red sunset glow incarnadine sea level, the western sea level, a sea day color, the sunset glow is having the pale gold/metal gloss particularly, the Shining Upon space and sea level one redness, and burns the eye shiningly. 红彤彤的晚霞染红海面,尤其是西部海面,海天一色,晚霞带着淡金光泽,映照的天上与海面都一片赤红,且灿灿灼眼。 Guest came, Old Donkey greets.” Big Black Ox just like has become the steward, directs Old Donkey there. “客人来了,老驴迎接。”大黑牛俨然成了管家,在那里使唤老驴 Old Donkey changes the formal clothes, although turns into human form, but that pair attracts attention the ear greatly so obviously, he leads several Holy Daughter to stand broad side there, the big thread chaser smile to receive a guest. 老驴换上礼服,虽然化成人形,但是那一对大招风耳朵还是如此的明显,他领着几位圣女站在船舷那里,呲着大板牙微笑迎客。 Welcome visits!” “欢迎光临!” Along with Old Donkey with the Holy Daughter uniform shouts of several captured, the Chu Feng nose is almost mad crookedly, said: Unbearably vulgar, your entire which play, entire small restaurant pattern.” 随着老驴与几名被俘虏的圣女整齐划一的喊声,楚风鼻子差点气歪,道:“俗不可耐,你们整的哪一出戏,整个一小餐馆模式。” I also think irritable, you smiled to stand in both sides were good, the handsome elegant demeanor of complementing donkey master, then donkey master received a guest.” Old Donkey incautiously reveals a donkey hoof, changes form not completely, then hurries to hide in the sleeve, starts to welcome guests officially, said: hee-haw hee-haw hee-haw, welcome.” “我也觉得别扭,你们微笑站在两旁就好了,映衬驴爷的英俊风采,接下来驴爷自己迎客。”老驴一不小心露出一只驴蹄子,化形不完全,而后又赶紧藏在袖子里,开始正式迎宾,道:“儿啊儿啊二啊,欢迎光临。” Chu Feng looked, did not have temperament thoroughly, turned around to walk! 楚风一看,彻底没脾气了,转身就走! Big Black Ox mediates, said: All right, to really extort in any case today, does not need to do fresh refined.” 大黑牛打圆场,道:“没事,反正今天是为了敲诈勒索,真没必要搞的清新脱俗。” He also comes the help, stands with (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger in both sides respectively, is bringing the greatly black sunglasses, is two hoodlum gates is an excellent likeness simply likely! 他也过来帮忙,跟东北虎各自站在两旁,都带着大黑墨镜,简直像是两尊流氓门神似的! Destiny Immortal Physique?!” In the deck, hears the Old Donkey crying out strangely sound, he has not thought that welcomed one big fish, such already caught up. 天命仙体?!”甲板上,传来老驴的怪叫声,他没有想到迎来一条“大鱼”,这么早就赶来了。 Then, Chu Feng also turned around, sized up Destiny Immortal Physique, this person has battled with him in Kunlun Mountain, has not thought that was really skill expert is brave, unexpectedly dares to feast. 然后,楚风也转身回来了,打量天命仙体,此人在昆仑山跟他激战过,没有想到还真是艺高人胆大,居然敢来赴宴。 Brother Chu, you disguised as the bronze mask thief before, I and you fight to arrest a thief, misunderstands, today wants to bid selects and purchases some Artifact, only discussed the business, did not take up arms.” 楚兄,以前你假扮青铜面具大盗,我与你交手不过是为了缉盗,误会一场,今天想竞拍选购一些器物,只谈生意,不动干戈。” Destiny Immortal Physique is actually very confident, sends silk clear, the pore proper energy fills the air, this person is not the general great strength, making Yellow Ox serious. 天命仙体倒是很坦然,发丝晶莹,毛孔内能量弥漫出来,这个人不是一般的强大,让黄牛都郑重起来。 Said, in Dao Brother requested personally . Moreover, has not consulted the given name.” Chu Feng is also bringing smiling, has not gotten angry to begin. “好说,道兄里面请,另外,还未请教大名。”楚风也带着笑,没有翻脸动手。 Zheng Tianming!” Destiny Immortal Physique replied. “郑天明!”天命仙体答道。 Zheng does Tianming, struggle the destiny?” Chu Feng nods, asking Destiny Immortal Physique to walk to. “郑天明,争天命?”楚风点头,请天命仙体向里走。 A piece of auspicious clouds floats, bright with many colors, making the sunset glow gloomy, this initiated coastal water screams. 一片祥云飘来,五光十色,让晚霞都都暗淡了,这引发附近海域一片惊呼声。 Because, some people recognize several people on pink clouds, they come from Sub Immortal Clan. 因为,有人认出彩云上的几人,他们来自亚仙族 Ying Wudi, the heroic bearing is tall and straight, has an imposing appearance, looks is in the person Dragon and Phoenix, has unusual refined makings, is known as one of the piece of universe most formidable several young expert! 映无敌,英姿挺拔,气宇轩昂,一看就是人中龙凤,有种超凡脱俗的气质,号称这片宇宙最强大的几位年轻高手之一! Ying Zhexian, figure beautiful and graceful is tall and graceful, accompanies the mist, the silver hair is dancing in the breeze, the beautiful pupil is hazy, she is Number Three Beauty Under the Starry Sky. 映谪仙,身段婀娜挺秀,伴着薄雾,银发飘舞间,美眸迷蒙,她是星空下第三美人 Last is silver-haired Little Loli, when the ancient spirit demon, looks to Chu Feng, the big eye back and forth winks. 最后一个则是一个银发小萝莉,古灵精怪,看向楚风时,大眼来回眨动。 Good clever and attractive little miss, walks, the wind Elder Brother leads you to look at the whale.” “好乖巧与漂亮的小姑娘,走,风哥哥带你去看鲸鱼。” These words, the complexions of many people were black, in the middle of this naturally has the silver-haired Little Loli Ying Xiaoxiao elder brother and elder sister. 这句话一出,许多人的脸色都黑了,这当中自然有银发小萝莉映晓晓的兄长与姐姐。 Face black person also includes Chu Feng, because this was not he said that was Ouyang Feng, after he somewhat , after knowing thinks, finally understands why in this goods name also had the wind character, the critical moment can add to stop up to him. 脸黑的人也包括楚风,因为这不是他说的,是欧阳风,他真有点后知后觉,终于明白这货为啥名字中也有个风字,关键时刻可以给他添堵。 Ouyang Feng whole face golden color streak, the big mouth is smiling, collects, tries to get close with Ying Xiaoxiao, must lead her to look at the whale. 欧阳风满脸金色斑纹,咧着大嘴笑眯眯,凑过去,跟映晓晓套近乎,要带她去看鲸鱼。 Silver-haired Little Loli both eyes are bright, saw, he is actually young, said: Your this dead toad, bean Ding big, dares the student to install the strange uncle, dies!” 银发小萝莉双目炯炯,一眼看出,他实际年龄不大,道:“你这个死蛤蟆,豆丁大,也敢学人装怪蜀黍,去死!” The toad direct squint, must spurt the saliva, hurrying makes Chu Feng digging up to draw to broad side there, lets in his saliva completely spurting sea, a result big piece of dead fish appears, is turning the white belly float in the sea level. 蛤蟆直接斜眼,就要喷口水,赶紧让楚风给扒拉到船舷那里,让他的口水全部喷进海中,结果一大片死鱼出现,翻着白肚皮漂浮在海面上。 Quite poisonous!” Old Donkey cries out strangely. “好毒!”老驴怪叫。 One group of people were speechless, looks at Ouyang Toad. 一群人都无语了,看着欧阳蛤蟆 Ying Wudi nods to Chu Feng, but hasn't spoken, obviously is bad to its impression, because Chu Feng has looted his elder sister and younger sister. 映无敌楚风点头,但是没说什么话,显然对其印象较差,因为楚风洗劫过他姐姐与妹妹。 Ying Zhexian smiles to express best wishes actually, even if once were knocked down, was robbed the rare treasure bunch waistband, at this time has not gotten angry. 映谪仙倒是微笑致意,哪怕曾被打晕,被抢走秘宝束腰带等,此时也没有翻脸。 Chu Feng greets with a smile, greeted to her, said: Fairy Ying invited, under saw the victory to be well-known, such as the bright moonlight in the sky, had no time seriously brightly, the not eating the food of common mortals air/Qi, had no qualms the Zhexian name.” 楚风笑脸相迎,对她打招呼,道:“映仙子这边请,一见之下更胜闻名,当真如明月当空,皎洁无暇,不食人间烟火气,无愧谪仙名。” Silver-haired Little Loli in side sweet smiles, say/way hee hee, Chu Feng, do you want to be my brother-in-law? The difficulty is very big, our family/home that crowd of old monsters are very mechanical, you saw Ying Wudi, the small age did intentionally to prepare clothing for the deceased deeply, you can guess correctly our family/home that group of old men to how old-fashioned.” 银发小萝莉在旁边甜甜的笑起来,道“嘻嘻,楚风,你是不是想做我姐夫啊?难度很大哦,我们家那群老怪物都很刻板,你看到映无敌了吗,小小年纪就故作深沉装老成,你就能够猜到我们家那群老头子得多么的古板。” This little fellow is prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements simply. 这个小家伙简直是语不惊人死不休。 She encounters her elder sister to clutch ear directly, carrying, has avoided by the result of Ying Wudi direct suppression. 她直接遭遇她姐姐揪耳朵,给拎走了,也避免了被映无敌直接镇压的结局。 Various group of troops rush unceasingly, Chu Feng thinks that many people, in the starry sky these should through the network auction be right in Sect that auctioning to be interested, has not thought, many Dao Lineage sent out the representative, personally arrived at the scene! 各路人马不断赶到,楚风以为来不了多少人,星空中那些对拍卖感兴趣的门派应该通过网络拍卖才对,没有想到,不少道统都派出代表,亲自来到现场! Meanwhile, Evolver on Earth. 同时,还有地球上的进化者 For example, a wheat skin color and body vigorous and healthy, are keeping the youth of short hair, rides to sit on a parrot, appears here. 比如,一个小麦肤色、身体健壮、留着短发的青年,骑坐在一头鹦鹉上,出现在这里。 Vajra?!” Chu Feng is astonished however, first recognizes. 金刚?!”楚风讶然,第一时间认出。 Initially, when the world started the mutation, the younger generation had four big mutant, respectively was: Silver-winged Deity, Vajra and Fire Spirit king and White Tiger. 当初,天地才开始异变时,年轻一代有四大异人,分别为:银翅天神金刚火灵王、白虎 Meanwhile, when Chu Feng also recognizes his mount, precisely in Taihang Mountains great war, that shouted that Vajra rides the pig the parrot! 同时,楚风也认出他的坐骑,正是在太行山大战时,那个喊金刚骑猪的鹦鹉! Chu Feng is speechless, a little in wind disorderly. 楚风无语,有点风中凌乱。 Result that parrot opens the mouth, said: fucking, this wild boar Knight is the naked retaliation, Great Demon Chu Feng saves a life, I do not think, when his mount, I suffered hardships and calamities for more than one year.” 结果那鹦鹉开口,道:“特么的,这个野猪骑士是赤裸裸的报复,楚风大魔头救命啊,我不想当他坐骑,我都受苦受难一年多了。” Regarding this request, Chu Feng does not pay attention, he thought when heart shame to Vajra, initially some homicide plutocrat Diety Biomedical Group's expert, Vajra helped him take the rap several times. 对于这种要求,楚风不理会,他觉得心中愧对金刚,当初他杀财阀天神生物的一些高手时,金刚数次帮他背黑锅。 Brother Chu does not see for a long time, cannot think that we arrive this step.” Vajra has sigh with emotion likely. 楚兄好久不见,想不到啊,我们都走到这一步。”金刚像是颇有感慨。 In the Vajra brother requests personally, a while we detailed chatted!” Chu Feng is patting his shoulder, is very warm, personally entertainment. 金刚兄里面请,一会儿我们详聊!”楚风拍着他的肩头,很热情,亲自招待。 Then, presents unexpected guest, for example Yang declares, Hu Qingcheng, Qing Lan, Chu Feng have smiled immediately, after moving forward to meet somebody, is very intimate, shouted elder brother-in-law and sister-in-law directly. 接下来,出现很多意想不到的客人,比如杨宣、胡倾城晴岚,楚风顿时就笑了,迎上去后无比亲热,直接喊大舅哥、大姨子。 Finally, these three people of faces were at the scene black. 结果,这三人的脸当场就黑了。 Chu Feng sees their behind Yang Shan, Hu Ruoxian, this restrains. 楚风看到他们身后的杨珊、胡若仙,这才收敛起来。 North Pole Primeval Magnetic Immortal Cave's Princess Lin also came, met with Chu Feng once more, that is really the look is complex, she initially thinks that Chu Feng is impossible to rise, will be suppressed by outside territory Divine Son, for this reason also once discarded a good reason, at that time when Chu Feng entered Mt. Lushan to encounter the Hundred Transformations Holy Son Yu Wenfeng blockade she does not have to warn ahead of time. 北极元磁仙窟的琳公主也来了,再次跟楚风相见,那真是神色复杂,她当初认为楚风不可能崛起,会被域外神子压制,为此还曾经舍弃一份善缘,当时楚风庐山遭遇百化圣子宇文风阻击时她没有提前示警。 Relative Princess Lin, please!” Chu Feng hints. “戚琳公主,请!”楚风示意。 Cannot think that you arrive unexpectedly this step.” Qi Lin does not control self opens the mouth, this is really hard to expect the result , the indigenous people on Earth sweep away various group of Divine Son and Holy Daughter unexpectedly, grasped one after another, had held the auction several times, she still thought that was not very real. “想不到啊,你居然走到这一步。”戚琳不自禁地开口,这真是难以预料到的结果,地球上的原住民居然横扫各路神子圣女,抓了一堆又一堆,数次举行拍卖会,她至今都觉得很不真实。 Then, the outside territory representative catches up one after another, there are much to bid oneself Holy Son comes, some people Holy Daughter news that to inquire oneself vanishes. 然后,域外的代表相继赶来,有不少都是为了竞拍自家圣子而来,也有人为了打探自家消失的圣女的消息。 Afterward , some Earth native place old friends come, for example Old Mountain Turtle of Golden Winged Peng and Kongtong Mountains of Mount Hua. 随后,又有一些地球本土故人前来,比如华山的金翅大鹏、崆峒山的老山龟等。 Then, relates quite complex Jiang Luoshen to appear with Chu Feng, beautiful as before, has no qualms its national goddess title, bringing her good best friend Xia Qianyu to come together. 接着,跟楚风关系较为复杂的姜洛神出现,美丽依旧,无愧其国民女神称号,带着她的好闺蜜夏千语一起前来。 Chu Feng, really has not thought, you such can toss about, now can damage the alien.” The Jiang Luoshen such light language said, actually her innermost feelings is a little intense, until now, but can also speak with Chu Feng at will like this? 楚风,真是没有想到,你这么能折腾,现在都可以祸害外星人了。”姜洛神这么轻语道,其实她内心有点紧张,时至今日,还能随意跟楚风这样说话吗? Obviously she has thought that Chu Feng has not put on the airs of anything, as before as before. 显然她多想了,楚风并未摆什么架子,依旧如故。 You will also sell rare treasure today, if I settle on, can discount?” The Jiang Luoshen beautiful woman, asked with a smile. “你今天也会卖秘宝,我如果看中,能不能打折?”姜洛神明眸皓齿,笑着问道。 Naturally does not have the issue, our anything relates, once was strange bedfellows, when the time comes settles on anything, I deliver you.” Chu Feng negligent beckoning with the hand. “当然没问题,我们什么关系,曾经同床共枕,到时候看中什么,我送你。”楚风大咧咧的摆手。 Dies!” Jiang Luoshen shames and air/Qi, hurries to walk to. “去死!”姜洛神又羞又气,赶紧向里走。 However, the Xia Qianyu look is strange, asked in the place of nobody low voice: Luoshen, you are really open, be careful had.” 然而,夏千语眼神怪怪的,在无人之地小声问道:“洛神,你真开放,当心有了。” Must die, spoke irresponsibly anything!” “要死啊,乱说什么!” Afterward, the Vermilion Bird fairy maiden and Young Master Undying Silkworm and Yuan Shicheng and other ticket important personage also rush with the Yuan Yuan brother and sister, the person of doubtful special physique also presents several! 随后,朱雀仙子、不死蚕公子、元世成与元媛兄妹等一票重要人物也都赶到,还有疑似特殊体质的人也出现几个! Everybody, entertainment inconsiderately, but also please be broad-minded.” Big Black Ox with big hoodlum, the suit and dress shoes, after the big long hair combed straight back rubs the oil brightly burnished, unexpectedly is responsible for managing. “各位,招待不周,还请海涵。”大黑牛跟个大流氓似的,西装革履,大背头抹油后锃亮,居然负责主持。 When (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger his assistant, Old Donkey runs back and forth, Ouyang also toad also follows about, is responsible for the patrolling field. 东北虎当他的副手,老驴跑前跑后,欧阳也蛤蟆也跟在左右,负责巡场。 Such combination, making the people of attending a meeting thorough speechless. 这样的组合,让赴会的人都彻底无语。 Food is actually good.” Some people whispered. “食物倒是不错。”有人低语。 After many Evolver optional some food revealed the look of surprise, because does not think compared with the outside territory rare meat dishes difference. 很多进化者自选了一些食物后露出异色,因为觉得不比域外珍肴差。 Shortly, some manpower hold the high foot wine glass, gathers together talked, the atmosphere but was actually harmonious. 不久后,一些人手持高脚酒杯,聚在一起交谈,气氛倒算是融洽。 Some people asked: brother Chu Feng, these are any food, I feel quite well, invites the guest delicacy not more inferior than when it major top Dao Lineage.” 有人问道:“楚风兄,这些都是什么食材,我感觉相当不错,比之各大顶级道统宴请客人时的美味都不逊色。” As the majordomo, Big Black Ox grinned immediately, continued, said: Was not I said, outside territory these so-called grand feasts could not compare here, what your knows ate was what? After top Holy Son main body, small platoon that fries.” 作为大管家,大黑牛顿时咧嘴,接过话茬儿,道:“不是我说,域外那些所谓的盛宴也比不上我们这里,你知道自己吃的是什么吗?一位顶级圣子化出本体后煎出来的小排。” What you said that which Holy Son?!” “你说啥,哪位圣子?!” Golden goat Holy Son.” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger takes the assistant, immediately goes forward, is responsible for explaining. “黄金山羊圣子。”东北虎作为副手,顿时上前,负责解答。 That person at the scene petrify, motionless. 那个人当场石化了,一动不动。 toad stands, immediately disdains to curl the lip, is slanting the eye to visit him, said: Extraterrestrial man, the experience are few, hasn't eaten?!” 蛤蟆站在旁边,立时不屑撇嘴,斜着眼睛看他,道:“外星佬,见识少,没吃过吧?!” I...... Fuck! That is Holy Son of my clan!” This guest has cried, grasps directly crazily. “我……!那是我族的圣子啊!”这位客人哭了,直接抓狂。 What food is this?!” Nearby one group of people all stand, inquired own food earnestly. “这是什么食材?!”附近一群人全都站起来,认真询问自己的食物。 This is the white jade trunk, this is five colors deer Pu, this should be the tri-colored glazed pottery ovary and digestive gland cake, un, remember, this is the starry sky deep place is known as the god crab a clan.” “这是白玉象鼻,哦,这个是五色鹿脯,这一盘应该是三彩蟹黄糕,嗯,记住,这可是星空深处号称神蟹的一族。” Old Donkey is very warm-hearted, here introduced, finally surrounding one crowd of faces were green, because eats is Divine Son and Holy Daughter level character, unexpectedly takes them as the food! 老驴很热心,在这里介绍,结果周围一群人脸都绿了,因为吃的都是神子圣女级人物,居然以他们为食材! The Big Black Ox negligent introduction, said: “Eh, the previous time does not have many Evolver to be stranded in Heavenly Fire thunder sound Domain, some people have not boiled, died, we in line with the spirit that cannot waste, collected is roasted the ripe food massively, look everybody had the luck of having good things to eat. ” 大黑牛大咧咧的介绍,道:“呃,上次不是有很多进化者被困在天火雷音场域中吗,有些人没熬住,死去了,我们本着不能浪费的精神,收集了大量被烤熟的食材,这不,大家有口福了。” Many representatives of various clans wanted simply insanely, each and every one all wants to kill people, the god special had the luck of having good things to eat, many people want to say that luck of having good things to eat your younger sister! 各族的许多代表简直要疯了,一个个全都想杀人了,神特么有口福,很多人都想说,口福你妹啊!
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