SR :: Volume #8

#706: Everywhere is the treasure

outside territory, Supreme Being twists the beard, said with a smile: Static and other good news are, from over a hundred evolution Sect's more than 9000 Evolver take action, is tramples flat this planet not to have the issue together, the idle talk is to cope with several small monsters, I anticipated very much, hopes Chu Feng that demon also in Unextinguishable Mountain, this can a service entire merit, destruction all evil remnants.” 域外,一位大能手捻胡须,微笑道:“静等好消息就是,来自上百个进化门派的9000多名进化者一起出手,就是踏平这颗星球都没问题,更遑论是对付几个小妖,我很期待,希望楚风那个魔头也在不灭山,这样就可以一役全功,覆灭所有余孽。” Saint nods, said: "Um, wants to come Myriad Celestial Physique and Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique these peerless physique to be going in the ball that this star recovers to rise, sparkles the invincible elegant demeanor, illuminates the trim starry sky, the good fortune is them! ” 一位圣人点头,道:“嗯,想来万星体元磁圣体这些绝世体质者将要在这颗星复苏的球崛起,闪耀无敌风采,照亮整片星空,造化属于他们!” Eastern Sea, Unextinguishable Island. 东海,不灭岛 Heavenly Tribulation finished, the fight ends. 天劫结束,战斗落幕。 Chu Feng looks fierce, is really sore, he mouth was inexpensive a moment ago, provocative Heavenly Tribulation, after finally now is repeatedly tranquil, he thought that oneself must disperse puts up. 楚风龇牙咧嘴,真疼啊,他刚才嘴贱,一再挑衅天劫,结果现在平静下来后,他觉得自己要散架了。 In fact, he indeed almost cannot boil, the whole body has several big holes, is the thunder penetrates, not only broke as for the bone most probably, some burned black. 事实上,他的确差点熬不住,浑身有好几个大窟窿,都是雷霆击穿的,至于骨头不仅断了大半,有些都焦黑了。 The flesh of body surface and other withered cracks, some motley hard lumps fall off, simply quick nobody appearance. 体表的血肉等干枯龟裂,更是有部分斑驳硬块脱落下来,简直快没人模样了。 Also precisely because of so, him, although was divided True Body, but also nobody detected, because in immature face dark, is still belching smoke including the nose to the present, has the electric arc blowout along with the breath. 正是因为如此,他虽然被劈出真身,但是也没有人发觉,因为稚嫩的面孔上黑乎乎,到现在连鼻子都还在冒烟,随着呼吸而有电弧喷出。 Also the eye is only bright, even if other places are the earlobe burned black, whole body by the thunder light baptism, impact thorough of. 也唯有一双眼睛还算明亮,其他地方哪怕是耳垂都焦黑,浑身都被雷光洗礼,冲击的很彻底。 Does Chu Feng sway to stand up, he looks at oneself appearance, speechless, let alone compares with the deceased person, buries in the underground several hundred years of dry corpses compared with him, his whole body is dark. 楚风摇摇晃晃站起,他看着自己的样子,一阵无语,别说跟死人比,就是埋在地下几百年的干尸都比他强,他全身上下都黑乎乎。 He looked down anxiously looked, said: fucking, Great Peng was almost roasted by the thunder and lightning ripe!” 他紧张地低头看了又看,道:“特么的,大鹏都差点被雷电烤熟!” Not far away, has Holy Son also to live, two Holy Daughter see his stealthy tense appearance, first is stunned, then awakens, finally blushes, all wants saying that is not concerned about face! 不远处,有圣子还活着,更有两名圣女看到他鬼鬼祟祟的紧张模样,先是愕然,而后醒悟,最后脸红,全都想说,不要脸! What looks at to look, hasn't seen ten thousand people of fans? Be careful long needle eye!” Chu Feng scolds them seriously, actually face slightly red, discovers battlesuit to throw over hurriedly on the body, the stance of exhibiting speaking righteously. “看什么看,没见过万人迷吗?当心长针眼!”楚风一本正经地呵斥她们,其实老脸微红,急忙找出战衣披在身上,摆出一副义正词严的姿态。 Two Holy Daughter: @#¥¥......” 两位圣女:“@#¥¥……” Other Holy Son are also speechless, always thought that Chu Feng is a non- typical demon, is a little inexpensive. 其他圣子也无语,总觉得楚风是一个非典型魔头,有点贱。 Chu Feng no longer pays attention to them, to raise head towards sky, said: Plain-clothed security policeman, walks, does not deliver!” 楚风不再理会他们,抬头望天,道:“雷子,一路走好,不送!” Naturally, he after determining Heavenly Tribulation abates thoroughly, when will not appear again, stance opens the mouth that this to despise. 当然,他是在确定天劫彻底消退后,不会再出现时,这才以鄙夷的姿态开口。 Because, suffers two thunder again the words, he was supposing could not support, already quickly to the limit. 因为,再挨两道雷霆的话,他估摸着自己撑不住了,已经快到极限。 After one group of people see, is very speechless. 一群人看到后,都很无言。 At this time, Yellow Ox, Boss Black, Wu Qifeng, Old Lama and the others dashed about wildly to come, to appear in Heavenly Fire thunder sound field outside territory, was kind. 这时,黄牛大老黑吴起峰老喇嘛等人已经狂奔而来,出现在天火雷音域外,非常关切。 At first, they were also worried, inquired whether anxiously he has the sickness, but the quick words changed flavor, because discovered that he is all right. 起初,他们还很担心,急切的询问他是否有恙,但很快话语就变味了,因为发现他真没事。 Was not old is black I to say you, what air/Qi the brothers you set at with old thunder, how, quickly became seven mature beef steaks?” Big Black Ox coerces him. “不是老黑我说你,兄弟你跟老雷置什么气,咋地,快成七成熟的牛排了吧?”大黑牛挤对他。 The Old Donkey knife edge a pair of long ear, is also giving a tongue-lashing the big thread chaser, said: Brother, must remember the words of past worthies, good that ancient Lv said that installs 13 to be struck by lightning, from the beginning chops ***, hurries under the inspection, avoids leaving a legacy of trouble lifelong!” 老驴也支棱着一对长耳朵,呲着大板牙,道:“兄弟,要牢记前贤的话啊,古驴说的好,装13遭雷劈,从头劈到***,赶紧检查下,避免遗祸终身!” After Chu Feng hears, wants to hit the person, the fist light delimits the universe together, Old Donkey has flown up at angle immediately, this was Chu Feng just in Heavenly Tribulation broke through Lightning Fist, immediately made the Old Donkey four limbs twitch, high and low burned black, kept calling there hee-haw hee-haw pain. 楚风听闻后想打人,一道拳光划过天宇,老驴顿时斜飞出去,这可是楚风刚在天劫中突破后的闪电拳,顿时让老驴四肢抽搐,上下焦黑,在那里儿啊儿啊痛叫个不停。 Chu Feng is dragging the wound body, walks appearance outside territory, starts therapy. 楚风拖着伤体,走到场域外,开始疗伤。 Yellow Ox and Zhou Quan carry three most important captives to come, precisely Myriad Celestial Physique, Good Fortune Divine Physique and Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, three big invincible physique were suppressed! 黄牛周全拎着三个最重要的俘虏过来,正是万星体无劫神体元磁圣体,三大无敌体质者都被镇压! Three people are sewing the lance, was pierced several strategic points, discarded, because this person, once gives them the opportunity, erupts absolutely immediately, incomparable danger. 三人身上钉着长矛,被洞穿几处要害,都已经废掉,因为这种人一旦给他们机会,绝对会立刻爆发,无比危险。 Those present also only then Chu Feng, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Toad can fight, other people definitely are not the matches. 在场的人也只有楚风黄牛欧阳蛤蟆可以一战,其他人肯定不是对手。 toad searches non- tribulations Divine Son, twists the mouth sidewise the big mouth at the scene, not being able to close up that smiles: Hiss, this quality of goods good thing are really many, unexpectedly has the deity fluid, where is this comes? Doesn't he say Earth True Son?” 蛤蟆搜索无劫神子,当场就咧开大嘴,笑的合不拢:“嘶,这货身上好东西真多,居然有天神液,这是哪里来的?他不是自称地球真子吗?” hū lā, one group of people have encircled, digs up to draw Good Fortune Divine Physique, picks the treasure on him. 呼啦一声,一群人都围了上来,扒拉无劫神体,在他身上捡宝。 In a clear crystal jar, four drops of liquids, each other have not melted in the same place, likely is the shining illumination that four small Sun resembles, is very sacred. 一个晶莹的水晶罐子中,有四滴液体,彼此没有融在一起,像是四轮小太阳似的灿灿发光,十分神圣。 This is the Deity Race's special product, when the use is huge, connects the breakthrough, takes this fluid to extinguish the disaster trouble, invaluable and priceless. 这是天神族的特产,用处巨大,接连突破时,服食此液可以消弭灾患,价值连城 This type of god fluid is Deity Race is insufficient, therefore never for sale abroad , can only occasionally have the auction to spell in the universe black market, the price arrives high oddly, making people very difficult to accept. 这种神液就是天神族内部都不够用,因此从来不外销,也只能在宇宙黑市中才偶尔有拍卖拼,价格高到离谱,让人很难接受。 Zhou Quan cries out strangely, said: Well, three Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, which this goods from obtain, on Earth has this type of thing? On value 80 billion universe coins!” 周全怪叫,道:“咦,还有三颗六道轮回丹,这货是从哪得到的,地球上有这种东西吗?一颗就值80000000000宇宙币啊!” Then, he hurries to pour one grain from the jar, Chu Feng that gives fiercely. 然后,他赶紧从瓶子中倒出一粒,送给正在龇牙咧嘴的楚风 Continues to search for!” Chu Feng swallows down, while makes them look carefully. “继续搜!”楚风一边吞下去,一边让他们仔细找。 At this time Zhou Shang awaking revolutions, both eyes torching, he is known as Good Fortune Divine Physique, but unexpectedly degenerates into the captive now, was searched, for him this is the great shame. 此时周尚醒转,双目喷火,他号称无劫神体,可现在居然沦为阶下囚,被人搜身,对他来说这是奇耻大辱。 In his life plan, has not been defeated this word, he wants Gao Ge to advance vigorously, sweeps away Earth all Evolver, becomes is only creature of good fortune. 在他的人生规划中,没有失败这个词,他想一路高歌猛进,横扫地球所有进化者,成为唯一得造化的生灵 Thorough that very but now, he defeats. 可是现在,他败的很彻底。 "kuāng dāng ”, Old Donkey has given him directly a black donkey hoof, his forehead that pounds at the scene swelling a large bowl that big package, sore Zhou Shang sees stars, almost faints, because he an energy has not protected the body now. “哐当”一声,老驴直接给了他一记黑驴蹄子,当场砸的他脑门肿胀起海碗那么大的一个包,疼的周尚眼冒金星,差点昏过去,因为他现在没有一丝能量护体。 hee-haw hee-haw, what you stare, hasn't been convinced? How a donkey master minute of minute teaches you to make the donkey!” Old Donkey teaches him. 儿啊儿啊,你瞪什么,还不服气吗?驴爷分分钟教会你如何做驴!”老驴教训他。 Donkey!” Zhou Shang was knocked the head by head length ear donkey spirit like this, hurts the air/Qi to the liver, becomes angry out of shame. “驴子!”周尚被一头长耳朵驴精这样敲脑袋,气到肝疼,恼羞成怒。 Old Donkey, the black donkey hoof raises, this time covered directly on his face, immediately made Zhou Shang mouth and nose spurt the blood, hurt to yell. 老驴二话没说,黑驴蹄子扬起,哐的一声,这次直接盖在他脸上了,顿时让周尚口鼻喷血,疼到大叫。 Instantaneous, his face chest cavity then swelling became the steamed stuffed bun. 瞬间而已,他的脸膛就肿胀成包子了。 This Divine Sword is good, is the rare rare treasure, can not be damaged with the Chu Feng's Reincarnation Blade collision, good thing!” “这口神剑不错,是稀世秘宝,能跟楚风的轮回刀碰撞而不受损,好东西啊!” Without a doubt, Zhou Shang falls in this group of big monster does not have the good end, from top to bottom by, any space bracelet, had been protected body Full-Body Armor, to leaves behind underpants to him finally, the metal fought the boots to be robbed, by the toad set on own foot. 毫无疑问,周尚落在这群大妖手里没有好下场,从上到下被都被过了一遍,什么空间手链,护体甲胄,到最后就给他留下一个裤头,就连金属战靴都被抢走了,被蛤蟆套在自己的脚上。 The distant place, one crowd also living Holy Son Holy Daughter is speechless, this group of people simply are the most flagitious bandits! 远处,一群还活着的圣子圣女都无语,这群人简直是最为凶残的土匪! Myriad Celestial Physique awakes, what good thing does your body have? If no is careful I to cut you to feed the Eastern Sea's old sea turtle!” Big Black Ox the big mouth, is patting his face chest cavity. 万星体醒一醒,你身上有什么好东西?没有的话当心我剁掉你去喂东海的老鳌!”大黑牛咧着大嘴,拍他的脸膛。 Xu Chengxian wakes up, discovered that wears the big sunglasses, to hold in the mouth the cigar, to comb the middle-aged man of big long hair combed straight back to overlook him, but also in fan his face, is angry immediately. 徐成仙醒来,发现一个戴着大墨镜、叼着雪茄烟、梳着大背头的中年男子正在俯视着他,还在扇他的脸,顿时大怒。 Indigenous, you roll to me!” He is young, was covered by divine ring since childhood, now 17-18 year, very proud, the temperament is very big. 土著,你们都给我滚!”他年少轻狂,从小就被神环笼罩,如今才十七八岁,非常的骄傲,脾气很大。 „”, He has suffered a Big Black Ox foot first, the trampled face distorted, then has suffered a Old Donkey hoof, finally had been carried by toad, educates. “哐”的一声,他先是挨了大黑牛一脚,被踹的脸都变形了,接着又挨了老驴一蹄子,最后又被蛤蟆拎了起来,进行教育。 Young thief, what you said that how forgot Divine King Ouyang to educate your?” At this moment, Ouyang Feng of whole body golden color streak, big mouth to ear accident there, saliva pouring, all spurts on the body of Xu Chengxian, making him all over the head and face wet, with laundering. “小贼,你说什么呢,忘了欧阳神王是怎么教育你的了吧?”这一刻,满身金色斑纹的欧阳风,大嘴咧到耳岔子那里,口水倾盆,全喷在徐成仙的身上,让他一头一脸都湿漉漉,跟水洗的似的。 "Ah...... ” Myriad Celestial Physique called out pitifully, rending, that called a pitifulness, then started to retch here, spat crazily. “啊……”万星体惨叫,撕心裂肺,那叫一个悲惨,而后开始在这里干呕,狂吐不已。 toad despises, said: You are really disgusting, such big person, but also vomits anywhere, who, the extraterrestrial man is really uncivilized!” 蛤蟆鄙夷,道:“你真恶心,都这么大的人了,还随地呕吐,什么人啊,外星佬真不文明!” The distant place, one crowd of Holy Son Holy Daughter all want to shout 'motherfucker', you such spurted the person saliva, but also felt all right saying that others were uncivilized, who was spurted a stream of abuse also to be able help retching by you. 远处,一群圣子圣女全都想骂娘,你都那样喷人口水了,还好意思说别人不文明,谁被你喷个狗血淋头也忍不住要干呕啊。 What look is your? Why such looks at me?” toad discovered that one crowd of Holy Son Holy Daughter eye miraculous types, very draw out the belly immediately, casts a sidelong glance slantingly they. “你们那是什么眼神?为什么那样看我?”蛤蟆发现一群圣子圣女神异样,顿时挺起肚子,斜睨他们。 All Holy Daughter have scared, feared that was spurted the saliva by him, all closes the mouth, a few words do not dare to say. 所有圣女都吓坏了,怕被他喷口水,全都闭上嘴巴,一句话也不敢说。 Well, this is any liquid, brilliance, is exceptionally sacred.” Zhou Quan uncovers something from Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian, in a jar thinks of many stars likely, fills the moonlight, flashes Yao Xinghui, was too brilliant and beautiful. “咦,这是什么液体,光辉点点,异常神圣。”周全万星体徐成仙身上搜出一些东西,其中一个罐子中像是装着许多星辰,弥漫月光,闪耀星辉,太绚烂与美丽了。 The Yellow Ox opens the mouth, reveals startled accommodates, said: This is the stars fluid, one strange material, breeds in some special star nuclei. Worthily is Myriad Celestial Physique, unexpectedly can find this type of thing, its value is not inferior to the deity fluid, the hell ant fluid, a drop then the value several hundreds hundred million, here has several drops fully!” 黄牛开口,露出惊容,道:“这是星辰液,一种奇异的物质,孕育在一些特殊的星核中。不愧是万星体啊,居然能找到这种东西,其价值不亚于天神液、地狱蚁液等,一滴就价值数百亿,这里足有十几滴!” Haha, has sent, sent!” toad laughed, has given a Myriad Celestial Physique toad palm, has spurted his face saliva, he who held together fainted. “哈哈,发了,发了!”蛤蟆大笑,给了万星体一记蛤蟆掌,又喷了他一脸口水,直接气的他昏死过去。 „, Do not kill carefully, had better be able press for an answer various types of rare books!” Chu Feng reminder. “你们小心点,别弄死,最好能逼问出各种秘籍!”楚风提醒。 After he takes a Six Paths of Reincarnation pill, the body flip-flop keeps ringing, flesh regeneration, some old skin in split, soon will fall off, he transforms unceasingly. 他服食一颗六道轮回丹后,身体噼啪响个不停,血肉再生,有些老皮在干裂,即将脱落,他不断的蜕变。 Gradually, on him no longer burned black, reveals the suet jade new life flesh, the effect was too tangible. 渐渐的,他身上不再焦黑,露出羊脂玉石般的新生肌肤,效果太明显了。 Chu Feng's blood energy is multiplying, the energy is growing, he is similar to life Divine Furnace, the fire of life even more exuberant, the aura that lends makes all Holy Son frightened, felt that was facing prehistoric Divine Demon likely! 楚风的血气在滋生,能量在增长,他如同一座生命神炉,生命之火越发的旺盛,散发出的气息让所有圣子都惊悚,感觉像是在面对一头史前神魔 Bang! 轰! After the moment, the Chu Feng thorough restoration, the back to one crowd of Holy Son, the skeleton with parched beans, explodes keeps ringing, when he has transferred the body once more, the face is no longer immature, is not big with the grown Chu Feng difference. 片刻后,楚风彻底复原,背对一群圣子,骨骼跟炒豆子似的,爆响个不停,当他再次转过身躯时,面孔不再稚嫩,跟成年的楚风差别不大。 "Um, the lives of you two old fogy are really big, is living as before. ” Chu Feng does not care about these Holy Son and Holy Daughter, he only slightly dreaded to Evolver of that two Golden Body levels. “嗯,你们两个老家伙的命还真大,依旧活着。”楚风不在意那些圣子圣女,他只对那两个金身层次的进化者略有忌惮。 His stand forth, then, whole-heartedly, activates Heavenly Fire thunder sound Domain, carries on to extinguish kills. 他向前走去,而后,全力以赴,激活天火雷音场域,进行灭杀。 Young people have the words saying that this world does not have the enmity of not being able to melt, any matter can sit to discuss, nothing else but benefit two characters.” “年轻人有话好说,这个世界没有化解不开的仇怨,什么事都可以坐下来谈,不外乎利益两字。” That old woman opens the mouth, looks at Chu Feng, in her heart lacks self-confidence, because weakly cannot withstand now, in Heavenly Fire by Domain was burnt down again, that may want die. 那名老妪开口,看着楚风,她心中没底,因为现在虚弱不堪,再被场域中的天火焚烧一番,那可真要殒落了。 Was a pity, you make the qualifications that I discussed not have, was not clan Holy Son, was not special physique, regarding your ethnic groups, died also died, sold you unable to attain too many ransom money mostly. Moreover, leaves behind your many to be somewhat dangerous, is starting off.” “可惜,你们连让我一谈的资格都没有,既不是一族圣子,也不是特殊体质者,对于你们的族群来说,死也就死了,卖你们多半拿不到太多的赎金。而且,留下你们多少有些危险,还是上路吧。” Bang! 轰! Chu Feng further activates large-scale Domain, concentrates all energy refining they, various symbols dense and numerous leaps, submerges two people. 楚风进一步激活大型场域,集中所有能量炼化他们,各种符号密密麻麻的腾起,淹没两人。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Two big expert called out pitifully, the final fate was very miserable, was burnt by Heavenly Fire while still alive, the flesh was withered, becomes a skeleton. 两大高手惨叫,最终的下场很惨,被天火活活烧死,血肉干枯,成为骷髅。 Puff! 噗噗! Chu Feng stands in the distant place releases flying sword, cuts two people heads, finally makes up the blade with Reincarnation Blade, Evolver of lamentable two Golden Body levels, cannot true take action, be killed from beginning to end, dying is too injust. 楚风站在远处释放飞剑,斩掉两人的头颅,最后更是用轮回刀补刀,可叹两位金身层次的进化者,自始至终都没有能真正出手,就被击毙,死的太冤。 The face of one crowd of Holy Son and Holy Daughter was green, two big Golden Body expert were killed violently, making them not report thoroughly has hope that without any possibility of running away. 一群圣子圣女的脸都绿了,两大金身高手毙命,让他们彻底不报希望了,没有任何逃走的可能。 Chu Feng said: Everywhere is the treasures, look, which rare treasure you like, oneself elect.” 楚风道:“遍地都是宝,看一看,你们喜欢哪件秘宝,自己选吧。” Old Donkey said: These many weapons put at present, which how many chooses well? Really makes the person have a headache. Oh, the alien is warm, not the far trillion li (0.5 km) run up to Earth to give a present, sprinkles warm-blooded, inspiring.” 老驴道:“这么多兵器摆在眼前,选哪几件好呢?真是让人头疼。唉,外星人就是热情,不远亿万里跑到地球送礼,一路洒热血,可歌可泣。” Saints wants to kill people, but, actually can only silent by right. 诸圣子想杀人,但是,却只能沉默以对。 A toad face appearance proudly, said: „The gift anything characteristics of these goods, my has not wanted, not to have any meaning, so long as I Good Fortune Divine Physique am the trainer, kills his 18, whets my Divine King Body!” 蛤蟆一脸傲然的样子,道:“这些货的礼物没啥特色,我一件也不要,没什么意思,我只要无劫神体当陪练,杀他18遍,磨砺我的神王身!” Was careful that this place be not hiding the big fish!” Yellow Ox reminder. “小心此地别藏着大鱼!”黄牛提醒。 Chu Feng nods, leading one group of people to enter in Domain, starts to pick the treasure, is making up the blade. 楚风点头,带领一群人进入场域中,开始捡宝,也在补刀。 All Holy Son's complexions pale bloodless, because, after Chu Feng admission, that may really be the blood and iron is heartless, picks up the lance, great halberd from the ground, pierces their strategic points directly, gives to sew on ground, appointed the bloody water flows. 所有圣子的脸色都苍白无血,因为,楚风入场后,那可真是铁血无情,从地上捡起长矛、大戟等,直接洞穿他们的要害,都给钉在地上,任血水流淌。 Big Black Ox and the others are making up blade, paralyzes their bodies, even if Evolver of Golden Body level is treated like this, must discard, will lose a strength. 大黑牛等人则在补刀,瘫痪他们的身体,哪怕是金身层次的进化者被这样对待,也得废掉,会失去一身战力。 This occasion, is benign countenance Old Lama in treasure portrait dignified praying to Buddha number, while under the extreme methods, abandon this crowd of Holy Son. 此际,就是慈眉善目的老喇嘛都在一边宝相庄严的念佛号,一边下死手,废这群圣子 At first, these Holy Daughter are also having the hope, as a result, they had not been given favored treatment, similarly was sewn by the lance in Domain, was being discarded the body. 起初,那些圣女还抱着希望,结果发现,她们没有被优待,同样被长矛钉在场域中,在被废掉身体。 Also really has the big fish!” Clarity that Chu Feng Discerning Eyes, looks, even if some people want to hide not to hide the truth from him, discovers a Golden Body level Evolver. “还真有大鱼啊!”楚风火眼金睛,看的真切,哪怕有人想隐藏也瞒不过他,发现一名金身层次的进化者 He did not have saying that Reincarnation Blade flashed, cuts the severed head of this person, the bone tumbles common, finished this expert life. 他没有多说,轮回刀一闪,斩掉此人的首级,骨碌碌滚落出去,结束这名高手的性命。 74 Holy Son Holy Daughter live, but these people in Heavenly Fire by Domain were not burnt remnantly, they were given to discard by Chu Feng, loses the strength. 共有74名圣子圣女活下来,不过这些人不是被场域中的天火烧残,就是被楚风他们给废掉,失去战力。 All people by spirit tying rope or metal Divine Chain wait/etc. bunches of solidity, degenerate into the captive! 所有人都被捆灵绳或者金属神链等捆个结结实实,沦为阶下囚! When Chu Feng Transcends Tribulation, intends to control Domain, these people mostly will be burnt, cannot be left over several. 若非楚风渡劫时,有意控制场域,这些人大多都会被烧死,剩不下几个。 Chu Feng said: This time discards them thoroughly, the striking back primary form, then contacts with their clansmen to pay the ransom money!” 楚风道:“这次将他们彻底废掉,打回原形,然后再联系他们的族人交赎金!” Previous time sold various resources that Holy Son obtained to exhaust, for example Six Paths of Reincarnation pill and others, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng as well as one crowd of Kunlun Mountains big monsters were encircled and hunted, several times nearly died, luckily had these Medicinal Pill to support. 上一次卖圣子得到的各种资源都耗尽了,比如六道轮回丹等,黄牛欧阳风以及一群昆仑大妖被人围猎,数次险些死掉,幸亏有那些丹药支撑。 These time happen to can sell out this crowd of Holy Son Holy Daughter, received exchange for scripture book, the big medicine. 这一次正好可以把这群圣子圣女卖掉,换取经书、大药等。 More than 9000 Evolver die here, the thing that leaves behind were too many, although turns into the repercussions, but also many goods remain, can not bad Artifact naturally be the treasure. 9000多名进化者死在这里,留下的东西太多了,虽然很多都化成劫灰,但也有不少物品留下来,能够不坏的器物自然都是宝贝。 And, some materials can smelt, cast the rare rare treasure! 其中,有些材料可以重新熔炼,铸成稀世秘宝! Has sent, these many rare weapons, can refine their Concise Essence, casts some divine treasure.” “发了,这么多稀有兵器,可以提炼它们的精粹,铸出一些神宝。” They pick the treasure, finally piles in the same place, forms a Magical Treasure mountain, various Artifact have everything expected to find, bright with many colors, is colorful and gorgeous. 他们捡宝,最后堆在一起,形成一座法宝山,各种器物应有尽有,五光十色,色彩斑斓而又绚丽。 Extraterrestrial, one crowd of Supreme Being and Saint are waiting for the news, this group of people are very steady, is bringing gentle smiling, because the allied armies of that lineup are impossible to suffer defeat. 地球外,一群大能圣人都在等待消息,这群人很稳重,都带着平和的笑,因为那种阵容的联军不可能败北。 Report!” Some people rush to the outer space, to their to report. “报!”有人冲到外太空,向他们禀报 But at this time, in Star Sea, major Sect's Evolver were also waiting for, through Beast Source Platform wait/etc., paid attention to this matter, thinks first to understand the victory. 而此时,星海中,各大门派的进化者也都在等待,通过原兽平台等,关注这件事,想第一时间了解战果。 Extraterrestrial, Supreme Being brings to smile pale, said: Said slowly, should not be anxious.” 地球外,一位大能带着淡笑,道:“慢慢说,不要急。” All extinguishes...... All extinguishes!” Rushes to that Evolver big mouth in outer space to gasp for breath, the full head sweat, likely is very excited, because the body is shivering, is trembling including the lip. “全灭……全灭啊!”冲上外太空中的那名进化者大口喘气,满头汗水,像是非常激动,因为身体都在颤抖,连嘴唇都在哆嗦。 "hē hē, very normal result. ” On the female Saint Mu Qinghan face of Spirit Race is bringing temperate smiling, she nodded, said: All completely are expected.” “呵呵,很正常的结果。”灵族的女圣人穆青涵脸上带着温和的笑,她点了点头,道:“一切尽在预料中。”
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