SR :: Volume #8

#705: In world first scrip­tures

In lightning, Chu Feng shape, if dead wood, somewhat is really miserable, the body including appearance one burned black, opens mouth is spurting thunder light, has keeping ringing of lightning glow cī lā cī lā as for the place that the body surface splits. 闪电中,楚风形若枯木,实在有些惨,身体包括面目都一片焦黑,张嘴间都在喷雷光,至于体表裂开的地方更是有电芒刺啦刺啦的响个不停。 Normal, this should be a deceased person, body vitality destroyed fierce, could not live shortly. 正常来说,这应该是一个死人,身体生机被破坏的厉害,眼看是活不成了。 At this time, the thunder in sky arrived at the last act, gradually vanished, his gloomy in the eyes has shone immediately, was similar to the golden torch of flaming combustion. 这时,天空中的雷霆已到尾声,逐渐消失,他暗淡的双目中顿时亮了起来,如同熊熊燃烧的金色火炬。 His knows, this time Heavenly Tribulation have differed from the past, the prestige can be too big, does not give people simply the means of livelihood, he was supposing in the normal condition the Moulding Shape Realm's people must die, destroy both body and soul. 知道自己挺过来了,这次的天劫不同以往,威能太大,简直不给人活路,他估摸着正常情况下来说塑形境界的人都得死,形神俱灭 shit! he looks up to the vault of heaven, the opening mouth first few words are to send regards to Heavenly Tribulation, such inconceivable thunder light fell in torrents, how making the person live, all ended fortunately. 玛德!”他抬头看向天穹,张嘴第一句话就是问候一下天劫,这么不可思议的雷光都倾泻下来了,让人怎么活,还好一切都终结了。 Bang!” “轰!” However, when he spoke these words, in dark green space, five different color thunder light, thick boundless, pounded with five seat stay day props, rumbled completely in his head. 然而,在他说完这句话时,苍宇上,五种不同色彩的雷光,粗大无边,跟五座撑天支柱砸下来般,全部轰在他的头上。 Five colors thunder light any together, can the second kill Eating Rosy Cloud, may compared with the person who kills the Moulding Shape level easily, result towering at the same time chops. 五色雷光任何一道,都能秒杀餐霞者,可比轻易击毙塑形层次的人,结果突兀的同时劈下。 Bang! 砰! The Chu Feng's body pounds to fall in Heavenly Fire thunder sound Domain, the body is at the scene unbending, the head braves the black smoke, just like the black dead wood, was motionless. 楚风的身子砸落在天火雷音场域中,当场身体僵直,头部冒黑烟,宛若黑色枯木,一动不动了。 Brother!” “兄弟!” Unextinguishable Mountain entrance there, Big Black Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others startled yelling, the heart almost jump from the throat. 不灭山山门那里,大黑牛东北虎等人惊的大叫,心都差点从嗓子中跳出来。 Running of their noisy crowd comes out, worries about the extreme. 他们一窝蜂的跑出来,担忧到极点。 In Heavenly Fire thunder sound Domain, the corpse are innumerable, many withered bone as well as well as the human form ashes of big piece, many lifeforms die cannot die again, naturally also some people live, this is in the Chu Feng Transcends Tribulation process is intentional, leaves behind some captives. 天火雷音场域中,死尸无数,更有许多枯骨以及以及大片的人形灰烬,许多生物死的不能再死了,当然也有部分人活下来,这是楚风渡劫过程中有意为之,留下一些俘虏。 Chu Feng, you have today, unexpectedly dies in Heavenly Tribulation, liked a sudden thunderclap , the day hits to be struck by lightning, haha......” some people laugh. 楚风,你也有今天,居然死在天劫中,真的被五雷轰顶了,天打雷劈啊,哈哈……”有人大笑。 Especially the Chu Feng near, on the Holy Son burnt body full is the hole, the body is dry, compared with Chu Feng many, at this time he has revealed fierce smiling, the hands and feet uses, crawls forward. 尤其是楚风近前,有一位圣子被烧的身体上满是窟窿,身体干巴巴,比楚风好不了多少,此时他露出狰狞的笑,手脚并用,向前爬去。 Chu Feng, you cannot think that finally so will be pitiful, will be ripped your head by me!” 楚风,你想不到吧,最后会这么凄惨,将由我割掉你的头颅!” He feels, Chu Feng's within the body does not have the vitality, thoroughly becomes the rock corpse, therefore felt relieved, threw all of a sudden, must cut his head. 他感觉到,楚风的体内没有生机,彻底成为岩石般的尸体,因此非常放心,一下子扑了过去,就要斩掉他的头颅。 Disappointed you!” Chu Feng whiz sits up, turns the hand a palm of the hand to pat, being split up that this person hits, blasts out there. “让你失望了!”楚风嗖的一声坐起,翻手一巴掌拍去,将此人打的四分五裂,在那里炸开。 However, this Holy Son within the body does not have the blood to splash, was baked in Heavenly Fire thunder sound, only sends out a pitiful yell, dies here. 不过,这位圣子体内没有血液溅出,在天火雷音中都被烧干了,只发出一声惨叫,死在这里。 Chu Feng stands up, absorbs nearby energy fast, then once more looks to fully is the sky of fog, said: Young master, some you again has sneak attacked to give a try, comes again together!?” 楚风站起,快速吸收附近的能量,而后再次看向满是灰雾的天空,道:“小爷还是挺过来了,有种你再偷袭试试看,再来一道!?” His skull was almost lifted, but also is braving the black smoke, he has given himself skull, making it recover, no longer dislocation. 他的头盖骨都差点被掀开,还在冒黑烟,他啪的一声给了自己头骨一下,让它复原,不再错位。 Holy Son each and every one that has not died stares dumbfounded, felt...... The good anomaly, heavy is such wound all right? 没有死的圣子一个个瞠目结舌,都感觉……好变态,这么重的伤都没事吗? ka-cha! 喀嚓 Suddenly, Between Heaven and Earth, the lightning reappears, once again chops to Chu Feng, scarlet like blood, moreover is the sphere, one string of globe lightning ball lightnings with the break hand string, fly toward Chu Feng. 突然,天地间,闪电再现,又一次劈向楚风,猩红如血,而且是球形的,一串球状闪电就跟断裂的手串般,向着楚风飞来。 „Do you also really come?!” Chu Feng jumps to run, charges into the upper air, lifts in the hands, throws various metal Artifact to the upper air, the attraction thunder and lightning. “你还真来啊?!”楚风跳起来就跑,冲向高空,抬手间,将各种金属器物投掷向高空,吸引雷电。 However, useless! 然而,无用! This string of sphere lightnings, some melting the metal weapon, some avoid directly, dives to Chu Feng, finally all rumbles on his body, making him fly horizontally. 这一串球形闪电,有的熔化掉金属兵器,有的直接避开,俯冲向楚风,最后全都轰在他的身上,让他横飞出去。 Even, around his body has the translucent hole, was penetrated by the sphere lightning, he dropped on the ground is motionless. 甚至,他的身上有前后透亮的洞,是被球形闪电击穿的,他跌落在地上不动了。 For a long time, the world is silent, all person appearance expressions are stiff. 很长时间,天地寂静,所有人都面目表情僵硬。 Finally, Chu Feng moved, sways to crawl, looks to the sky, expression that calls one to intertwine with hidden bitterness, he wants to scold Three Character Classic very much. 最后,楚风动了,摇摇晃晃爬起来,看向天空,表情那叫一个纠结与“幽怨”,他很想骂三字经。 Brother, bears, do not open the mouth!” Big Black Ox shouts, is really anxious for him, simply is with trepidation. “兄弟,忍住,别开口了!”大黑牛喊道,真为他忧虑,简直是提心吊胆。 At this time, some hard currency-- Holy Son that in Domain, lives, then the each and every one expression is strange, wishes one could to open the mouth to urge him , to continue to scold, curses the heaven, curses Heavenly Tribulation! 此时,场域中,活下来的硬通货——部分圣子,则一个个表情诡异,恨不得开口劝他,继续骂,大骂老天,大骂天劫 Chu Feng waited for the moment, saw that world was thorough, does not have thunder light, then, opened mouth decisively: I @¥&\;#%......” 楚风等了片刻,看到天地彻底宁静,没有雷光了,然后,果断张嘴:“我@¥&\;#%……” He really and has scolded, because, weird Heavenly Tribulation makes him be mad, he thought that really ignominious hateful, making him unable to bear want to send regards. 他真的又开骂了,因为,邪门的天劫让他来气,他觉得实在可耻可恨,让他忍不住想要问候一下。 Bang! 轰! Then, his straight poured, a beam of black light, was having the inexplicable aura, seemed bleeding, middle had Order fragment and other bang on him. 然后,他直挺挺的倒下去了,一道乌光,带着莫名气息,仿佛在淌血,当中有秩序碎片等轰在他身上。 "Ah, Brother, you...... ” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others were alarmed and afraid, worry at the same time, but also a little expects too much, what matter is this? Can we not be earnest? “啊,兄弟,你……”东北虎等人惊惧,担心的同时,还有点恨铁不成钢,这是什么事啊?咱能别叫真吗? Chu Feng is dizzy, this thunder punctures his many bone, was too cruel, but in such flash, he also realizes many interesting parts, because there is a Order fragment to enter within the body, making him touch in this fearful hopeless situation, broke through to Eating Rosy Cloud middle stage directly! 楚风晕晕乎乎,这道雷打穿他的很多根骨头,太暴戾了,但是就在这么一刹那,他也体会到诸多妙处,因为有秩序残片进入体内,让他在这种可怕的绝境中触摸到了,直接突破到餐霞中期 Then, his wound is healing, the opens the mouth attracts, remaining thunder light flies into his mouth, nourishes oneself body. 然后,他的伤口在愈合,张口一吸,残余雷光飞进他的口中,滋养己身。 Eating Rosy Cloud food air/Qi, this is in meal thunder light, the food flashes the electricity, abnormal!” Some people whispered, thought simply frightened. 餐霞食气,他这是在餐雷光,食闪电气,变态啊!”有人低语,简直觉得惊悚。 Chu Feng's recovers some, that he rubs jumped, looks at the universe, intertwines the half of the day, he is not convinced, wants to scold Three Character Classic as before. 楚风的身体恢复一些,他蹭的一声跳了起来,看着天宇,纠结半天,他真的不服气,依旧想骂三字经。 brother Chu Feng, do not scold, the brother asked you, hurried to give up!” The distant place, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger shouts, feared that he was divided! 楚风兄弟,别骂了,老哥求你了,赶紧罢手吧!”远处,东北虎喊道,怕他被劈死! Brother, saves your breath, anything also let alone, silent is the gold/metal!” Big Black Ox also shouts. “兄弟,免开尊口,啥也别说了,沉默是金啊!”大黑牛也喊道。 Is Old Donkey, Yellow Ox and the others is also summoning, making him bear. 就是老驴黄牛等人也都在呼唤,让他忍住。 Chu Feng waited for quite a while, discovered that fog dispersing are many, thorough was really tranquil, he indeed somewhat feels timid, but also has the seeking novelty psychology, finally, has not borne finally. 楚风等了半天,发现灰雾散开不少,真的彻底宁静了,他的确有些犯怵,可是也有猎奇心理,最后,终是没忍住。 He started Three Character Classic, opens mouth then the resentment: @#¥#......” 他开始了三字经,张嘴就怼:“@#¥#……” Because, he is unbearably angry, why to be divided such miserably, complained that several must suffer the thunder and lightning to divide again, trades the words of other people to affirm destroy both body and soul. 因为,他气不过,凭什么被劈这么惨,抱怨几句就要再挨雷电劈,换其他人的话肯定形神俱灭了。 Well, hasn't come?” Chu Feng waited for the moment, sees uneventfully, immediately curls the lip, raises head to look that the vault of heaven sneers saying: Mediocre, has to plant chops again?” “咦,没来?”楚风等了片刻,见到风平浪静,顿时撇嘴,仰头看着天穹冷笑道:“不过如此,有种再劈啊?” All people are speechless, Heavenly Tribulation had finished, what vigor do you also come? 所有人都无语,天劫结束了,你还来什么劲? ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” However, azure thunder light appears together, having the symbol to drag, is above the expectations of all people, the bang on Chu Feng's. 然而,一道青色雷光浮现,带着符号摇曳而下,超乎所有人的预想,轰在楚风的身上。 „Do you come really?!” This is Chu Feng breathless a few words, didn't finish? How to annoy together? “你真来啊?!”这是楚风气急败坏的一句话,不是结束了吗?怎么又惹来一道? His whole body bone powder has put up, caused heavy losses to the assuming one's post point dead. 他浑身骨头都散架了,被重创到差点死掉。 However, the Order fragment that this time he contacts were more than a moment ago, contains in thunder light, enters his within the body, in he is fast regards, careful observing and emulating. 不过,这一次他接触的秩序碎片比刚才还多一些,蕴含在雷光中,进入他的体内,他快速内视,仔细观摩。 Then, Chu Feng starts to inspire crazily, revolution breathing method, patches the wound body, finally is revises the skeleton, sways to stand, starts to display Lightning Fist. 接着,楚风又开始狂吸气,运转呼吸法,修补伤体,最后更是自己修正骨架,摇晃着站起来,开始施展闪电拳 Although has not stimulated to movement the energy, but, his fist intent comprehension was deeper, the attainments rapidly enhance, just like practicing boxing for dozens years, like does not contact shortly. 虽然没有催动能量,但是,他的拳意领悟更深了,造诣迅速提高,宛若练拳数十年,根本不像才接触没多久。 If were seen by the World of the Living's person, certainly will be surprised, this is not entering the Sect, but is reached highest knowledge, starts to contact this Divine Skill essence truly! 如果被阳间的人看到,一定会大吃一惊,这并不是才入门,而是等登堂入室,真正开始接触到这种神技的精髓! This once was highest wonderful technique of some supreme dynasty, initial stage can also start, but afterward wanted to research in thorough detail is very difficult! 这曾经是某个无上皇朝的最高妙术,初期还能入手,但是后来想要精研下去将无比艰难! Now, Chu Feng comprehends when Transcends Tribulation directly, the inspiration in the Order fragment in thunder light bursts out, the one breath promotes a big truncation this fist technique attainments with irresistible force. 现在,楚风直接在渡劫时领悟,在雷光中的秩序碎片中灵感迸发,势如破竹般,一口气将这种拳法的造诣提升一大截。 Unexpectedly has not died, but also is practicing boxing? The Saints indignation, in the heart did not curse continues, thought not to have the natural justice, this disaster has not died!? 居然没死,还在练拳?诸圣子不忿,心中诅咒不止,觉得没天理,这个祸害怎么还不死!? After Chu Feng digests these sensibility, looks at high sky, said: Come, come, come, old does thunder, have to plant you to divide me to give a try? Comes again together!” 楚风消化这些感悟后,看着高天,道:“来,来,来,老雷,有种你劈我试试看?再来一道!” At this time, let alone Saints, is Big Black Ox, Old Donkey and the others thought that he is quite inexpensive, this had finished, is still actually looking for a job, wants to be struck by lightning. 此时,别说诸圣子,就是大黑牛老驴等人都觉得他好贱,这都结束了,却还在找事,想要遭雷劈。 Is Wudang old Grandmaster Wu Qifeng is speechless, is at a loss for words there. 就是武当老宗师吴起峰都无语,在那里张口结舌。 Come, old thunder, your kidney empty? Has to plant chops again gives a try together!” The Chu Feng provocation, stands in the islands speaks the last words. “来啊,老雷,你肾虚吗?有种再劈一道试试看!”楚风挑衅,站在岛屿上叫板。 Saints and have Evolver of two Golden Body levels the severe wound has not died, at this time wants saying that this demon slut, how the heaven you do not enlarge ones vision, cuts down him consider as finished directly. 诸圣子、还有重伤未死的连个两个金身层次的进化者,此时都想说,这个魔头贱人,老天你怎么不开眼,直接劈杀他算了。 Is hears prays in their heart likely, in the sky finally under the bang together thunder light, this is the black and white two colors pesters in the together lightning, is similar to Yin and Yang Qi. 像是听到他们心中的祈祷,天空中最终又轰下一道雷光,这是黑白两色纠缠在一起的闪电,如同阴阳二气 Bang! 砰! This time, Chu Feng flies eight hundreds of zhang (333 m) to be far horizontally, body many flesh shook fell, the bone flip-flop made noise, does not break knows many roots. 这一次,楚风横飞出去八百丈远,身上不少血肉都震落了,骨头更是噼啪作响,断裂不知道多少根。 His time has not feigned death, but is calling, struggles to crawl, when sits in meditation same place, starts to swallow the black and white two air/Qi, restores the wound body rapid capture to enter the Order fragment in body there. 他这次没装死,而是嗷嗷叫着,挣扎着爬起来,在原地打坐,开始吞时黑白二气,在那里修复伤体并迅速捕捉进入躯体中的秩序碎片。 Is this who? This does not die, abnormal! 这是什么人啊?这样都不死,变态! Was burnt remnant one crowd of Holy Son to curse, in the heart shouted, Heavenly Dao is unfair, fucking this seed grafting provocation Heavenly Tribulation's person chops continually unexpectedly does not die, natural justice? 被烧残的一群圣子诅咒,心中大喊,天道不公,特么的这种接连挑衅天劫的人居然劈不死,还有天理吗? Is two Golden Body level powerhouse eyes straightens, is staring at Chu Feng, long time is speechless. 就是两个金身级强者都眼睛发直,盯着楚风,半晌无语。 Bang! 轰! When Chu Feng, sways after own bonesetting is standing, once again starts to provoke, the mouth spits Three Character Classic, because this , is not only because in his heart curious, because also he obtained the solid advantage! 楚风为自己正骨、摇晃着站起来后,又一次开始挑衅,口吐三字经,因为这不仅是因为他心中好奇,还因为他得到了实实在在的好处! That Order fragment of concealed in lightning, not only has the great benefit to his Lightning Fist Divine Skill promotion, but can also promote his whole to practice and evolve, the interesting part is extremely numerous! 那藏在闪电中的秩序碎片,不仅对他的闪电拳神技提升有巨大好处,还能促进他整体修行与进化,妙处极多! He thought that was divided again several times, may probably from Eating Rosy Clouds Realm middle stage break through late stage! 他觉得再被劈几次,有可能要从餐霞境界中期突破到后期 Breaks through from initial stage to middle stage above, he is dissatisfied! 初期突破到中期之上,他并不满足! However, this time, appointed his tongue resplendent lotus flower and mouth spit the foam to be useless, Heavenly Tribulation does not appear, the islands above piece is auspicious and peaceful. 然而,这次任他舌灿莲花、口吐白沫都没用,天劫不出现了,岛屿上方一片祥和与安宁。 Three Character Classic, this first under the heavens scrip­tures are not easy-to-use, old thunder, you instigated really!” The Chu Feng color of face despising, carries on the final provocation, however, does not have thunder light to fall throughout, nobody responds him. “三字经,这天下第一经文都不好用了,老雷,你真怂!”楚风一脸鄙夷之色,进行最后的挑衅,然而,始终没有雷光落下,无人搭理他。 Finally, a he not willing appearance, stares at the sky to be reluctant to part, but his knows completely finished. 最后,他一副不甘心的样子,盯着天空恋恋不舍,但他知道彻底结束了。 This stance, this appearance, making Saints want to shout 'motherfucker', is really not at heart balanced, in the heart is uncomfortable, really thinks unable to bear. 这种姿态,这个样子,让诸圣子想骂娘,心里实在太不平衡了,心中不是滋味,实在觉得受不了。 Really inexpensive!” Is Ouyang Feng is curling the lip, a little cannot bear him, distant despising. “真贱!”就是欧阳风都在撇嘴,有点受不了他,远远的进行鄙视。 outside territory, one crowd of Saint, Supreme Being as well as expert of Golden Body level, is having the smiling face at this time, thought that great war on Earth should end, the news will soon come. 域外,一群圣人大能以及金身层次的高手,此时都带着笑容,觉得地球上的大战该落幕了,消息即将传来。 “Wú, wants to come not to wipe out completely captures, hehe...... ” “唔,想来不是全歼就是全部俘虏,呵呵……”
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