SR :: Volume #8

#704: One the service wipes out

Why can like this? In the islands about ten thousand troops were stranded, all people were ignorant, then from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, their these allied armies must rout unexpectedly! 为什么会这样?岛屿上近万人马被困,所有人都懵了,而后从头凉到脚,他们这些联军居然要大败! Demon Chu, in addition the big monster of Kunlun Mountains, wants the destruction about ten thousand people of allied armies, this said the words that who believes? 一个楚魔头,再加上昆仑的大妖,就要覆灭近万人的联军,这说出去的话谁会相信? The people on Penglai islands are scared, their first feeling regretted, does Chu Feng that on Earth this enemy, they have wanted to kill grow to this step unexpectedly? 蓬莱岛屿上的人胆寒,他们第一次感觉后悔,地球上这个对头,他们一直想杀死的楚风竟然成长到到这一步? In their opinion, this hoodwinks the public simply, must extinguish all people depending on strength of the! 在他们看来,这简直是只手遮天,要凭一己之力灭所有人! Kills, I do not believe that he can surround us!” Some person of shouts out, summoned the people to don't be upset, began together, in the hopeless situation escaped. “杀出去,我就不相信他能困住我们所有人!”有人大喝,号召众人不要慌乱,一起动手,绝境中逃生。 Kills!” “杀啊!” This region war cry is shocking, suddenly all people are using the rare treasure, stimulates to movement own strongest energy, attacks Domain, wants to flee. 这片地带喊杀声震天,一时间所有人都在动用秘宝,催动自身的最强能量,进攻场域,想要走脱。 However ground firm like divine gold, various god marks appear, do not move! 然而地面坚固如神金,各种神纹浮现,打不动! In sky, then the thunder, light beam, illuminate the dark green space, the most manic energy falls in torrents, is having the destructive aura. 天空中,则电闪雷鸣,光束一道道,照亮苍宇,最为狂躁的能量倾泻下来,带着毁灭性气息。 Obviously, Domain in ground is very terrifying, once again has absorbed some lightning energies. 显然,地面上的场域很恐怖,又一次吸收了部分闪电能量。 "Ah, is quite sore! ” “啊,好疼!” Scream not from ground, but from the sky, Great Demon Chu in the noisy wail, has hair dishevelled, was submerged by thunder light in middle. 喊叫声不是来自地面,而是源自天空中,楚大魔头在长嚎,披头散发,被雷光淹没在当中。 Such the flash, he has suffered over a hundred thunder and lightning, his whole body that chops braves the azure smoke, lets his body big change, shakes in the midair, the blood scatters. 就这么一瞬间,他就已经挨了上百道雷电,劈的他浑身冒青烟,让他身体剧震,在半空中摇动,血液四溅。 Anomaly!” Chu Feng cursed, this Thunder Tribulation was too fearful, saw from the books him was more astonishing. “变态啊!”楚风诅咒,这雷劫太可怕,比他从书籍上所看到的还要惊人。 The old man of Golden Body level whispered: Then starts, over a hundred lightning bang kill, don't tell me he must overtake archaic Earth Yaoyao, Monster Princess past Thunder Tribulation then terrifying not side!” 金身级的老者低语:“这才开始,就有上百道闪电轰杀,难道他真要追上上古地球妖妖,据悉,妖公主当年的雷劫就恐怖的没边!” By him, Ms. Realm's hearing this has gotten angry similarly immediately, said: You have the free time to worry about his strength strong and weak, we will die possibly here, have not collaborated to break open Domain!” 在他旁边,同样境界的老妪闻言顿时怒了,道:“你还有工夫操心他的实力强弱,我们都可能会死在这里,还不联手破开场域!” First makes them bring death, blood sacrifice piece of Domain!” The old men whispered, looked to various group of Evolver, the dense and numerous person's shadows were all shining, was resisting. “先让他们送死,血祭这片场域!”老者低语,看向各路进化者,密密麻麻的人影全在发光,都在抗争。 Bang! 轰! Some people are blasting out, the symbol that in the ground leaps is too astonishing, touches slightly, makes some Knight meet a cruel death dead together with the mount at the scene. 一些人在炸开,地面上腾起的符号太惊人,稍微触及,就让一些骑士连同坐骑粉身碎骨而死在当场。 Does not want, I do not want dead, I must go on living!” “不要啊,我不想死,我要活下去!” Chu Feng, you quite evil and cruel, puts me to leave!” 楚风,你好歹毒,放我离开!” Kills, the hopes of our only escaping are break open this place Domain!” “杀出去,我们唯一的逃生的希望就是破开此地的场域!” ...... …… In islands thorough chaos, in this in a minute, after Domain activation , the casualty about thousand people, this has killed in a street roller simply! 岛屿上彻底大乱,就在这片刻间,场域激活后已经死伤近千人,这简直是在一路碾杀! As long as attacks the Domain person, all encounters the heavy losses, symbol very magnificently intense that in the ground leaps, rune are various, some are similar to the denticles, some like Divine Chain, such bloom, strangles to death the outstanding heroes. 但凡冲击场域的人,全都遭遇重创,地面上腾起的符号非常盛烈,符文各种各样,有的如同锯齿,有的则如神链,就这么绽放,绞杀群雄。 The rafter that it may be said that raises one's head is rotten first, attack with was sheared wheat on own initiative, large expanse of dropping down, the blood of big piece flows. 可谓出头的椽子先烂,主动出击者跟被割麦子似的,成片的倒下,大片的鲜血流淌。 "Ah...... ” pitiful yell sound continuously, Evolver unceasing dropping down from starry sky, corpse Large expanse, naturally many person skeletons not save, blasts out directly. “啊……”惨叫声此起彼伏,来自星空中的进化者不断的倒下,尸体成片,当然有很多人尸骨无存,直接炸开。 Rushes!” “冲上去啊!” Some people jump toward the sky, wish one could to fly to flee immediately, is also only then a small number can the flying outside Unextinguishable Mountain, most people were suppressed, cannot leave the ground. 有人向着天空中跃起,恨不得立刻飞遁走,可是也只有少部分人可以在不灭山外飞天,大多数人都被压制,离不开地面。 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… What a pity, rushes to Evolver in sky more miserable, is the watermelon is pounded by the giant stone likely, explodes broken in the midair, the scene that type of flesh scatters even if lets see various clan Evolver creepy feeling of life and death, wants to vomit. 可惜,冲上天空中的进化者更惨,像是西瓜被巨石砸中,在半空中爆碎,那种血肉四溅的场面即便让见惯生死的各族进化者都头皮发麻,想要呕吐。 The Domain symbol in sky is more crowded! 天空中的场域符号更密集! Chu Feng you quite ruthless heart!” Some people yelled. 楚风你好狠的心!”有人大叫。 In such short dozens breaths, rushes to the photograph in sky in the dye shop, various colors bloom, is the blood and bone in as well as the organ human body. 就在这么短暂的数十息间,冲上天空中的人像是在开染料铺,各种色彩绽放,都是人体内的血与骨以及器官等。 Chu Feng also called in the pain, contorted one's face in agony, was submerged by thunder light, was surrounded by the lightning, the bruised and lacerated, burnt taste passed on. 楚风也在痛叫,呲牙咧嘴,被雷光所淹没,被闪电所环绕,皮开肉绽,焦糊味都传出来了。 This is unscientific!” He in noisy wail. “这不科学!”他在长嚎。 Even if in this moment, various clan Evolver also wants to shout 'motherfucker', unscientific fuck you his ancestor, has you to plant the monster to be alive receives work is being unscientific, is the heresy. 即便是在这种关头,各族进化者也想骂娘,不科学你大爷他祖宗,有你种怪物在世上活着才不科学,是异端。 Chu Feng yelled: „, My Thunder Tribulation dozens times in others, thunder these many, the lightning so are why crowded, the young master I have spelled, will not die here!” 楚风大叫:“凭什么,我的雷劫数十倍于别人的,雷霆这么多,闪电如此密集,小爷我拼了,绝不会死在这里!” He realized, this time may be the people on islands all extinguish, including him, this just started, thunder strike such overbearing, for a long time gets down, he must be divided turn into ash mostly. 他意识到,这次有可能是岛屿上的人全灭,包括他自己,这才刚开始啊,雷击就这么的霸道,长时间下去,他多半要被劈成灰烬 Fortunately, after his sound transmission direction, Big Black Ox they controls the rotten steamship to crash in Unextinguishable Mountain in secret, not in Domain. 还好,经过他暗中传音指点,大黑牛他们驾驭腐烂大船冲进不灭山,不在场域中了。 In the ground, Saints with amazement, after they raise the head sees Chu Feng bigger and bigger Heavenly Tribulation, the each and every one scalp sends to explode, conversion was their words should be divided. 地面上,诸圣子骇然,他们抬头看到楚风越来越大的天劫后,一个个头皮发炸,换成是他们的话应该被劈死了。 Divides him, after this demon died, perhaps Domain will break.” “劈死他,这个魔头死掉后,说不定场域会破开。” Whom did you say?” Even if Chu Feng by day thundering bang, the whole body is being the electric light, heard this type to have the pleased roaring sound, stared directly, looked downward. “你说谁呢?”楚风哪怕在被天打雷轰,浑身都是电光,也听到了这种带着快意的咆哮声,直接瞪眼,向下看去。 Then, he resorts to the Domain method in thunder light, inspires the profound magnetism, in the ground some region seethes with excitement immediately, the strength of earth magnetism turns into the symbol to run out. 而后,他在雷光中动用场域手段,引动玄磁气,地面上某一片区域顿时沸腾,地磁之力化成符号冲出。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” That Evolver called out pitifully, his clansman together was bellowing, by Domain symbol surrounding, fell into the flame all of a sudden. 那名进化者惨叫,连带着他的族人一同大吼,被场域符号包围,一下子陷入火光中。 Heavenly Fire thunder sound, Domain name so, obviously its prestige energy! 天火雷音,场域名字如此,可见其威能! Chu Feng, shows mercy, with is native Evolver, we with lineage/vein common origin, this is the misunderstanding, puts us to exit!” 楚风,手下留情,同为本土进化者,我们同脉同源啊,这是误会,放我们出去吧!” At this time, some people shouted, anxious and fear feared, incomparable urgent, waved to the sky. 这时,有人大喊,焦急而又惶惧,无比的急迫,冲着天空中挥手。 Chu Feng staring, looks that some people look familiar, then the pupil illumination, is bringing killing intent, unexpectedly is the person in Penglai, this group of people shameless to certain level. 楚风凝视,看着一些人眼熟,而后瞳孔发光,带着杀意,居然是蓬莱的人,这群人的无耻到了一定的层次。 „The person in Penglai, you also had a face saying that with lineage/vein common origin, gave me dead!” “蓬莱的人,你们还有脸说同脉同源,都给我去死!” Chu Feng, you cannot like this, we somewhat misunderstand before, but from now henceforth we full power support you, follows you to go to battle, goes on a punitive expedition against the outside territory troops!” 楚风,你不能这样,以前我们有些误会,但是从今以后我们全力支持你,跟随你出战,征伐域外的人马!” The people in Penglai fly into a rage, words that such gets down again, they must destroy both body and soul, unable to live, because the flame of ground is leaping, is getting more and more exuberant. 蓬莱的人急眼,再这么下去的话,他们都得形神俱灭,一个都活不了,因为地面的火光在腾起,越来越旺盛。 Cultivates the behavior your step is also Realm, puts you to come out that is in the crime, your this humanity destruction!” “做人到你们这一步也是一种境界,放你们出来那是在犯罪,你们都该人道毁灭!” The Chu Feng heartless words transmitted, making the people in Penglai desperate, their strengths were weakest, do not compare outside territory Evolver, already could not support, at this time after hearing this, immediately a pain shouted and curses angrily. 楚风无情的话语传来,让蓬莱的人绝望了,他们的实力最弱,比不上域外进化者,早已支撑不住,此时闻言后顿时一片痛呼与怒骂。 Chu Feng, your this demon really damn, starts to Earth native place Evolver, you are doomed by the day to be extinguished!” 楚风,你这个魔头真的该死啊,对地球本土进化者下手,你注定要被天灭!” You must certainly die under Heavenly Tribulation, likes a sudden thunderclap to perish, you die like a dog!” “你肯定要死于天劫下,五雷轰顶而亡,你不得好死!” Penglai one group of people cursed virulently, under shouted abuse, the person to the final moment, will soon die, did not have what fearfully, they were crazy. 蓬莱一群人恶毒的诅咒,在下方破口大骂,人到最后关头,即将死亡,就没有什么可怕的了,他们都疯狂了。 Then, as Chu Feng looks after them with emphasis, this stretch of region the thunder sound writings, Heavenly Fire is steaming immediately, by tiny symbol construction. 然后,随着楚风重点关照他们,这片地带顿时雷音大作,天火腾腾,由很多细小的符号构建而成。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The person pitiful yell of Penglai, was submerged by flame, turns into the torch, is going all out to struggle, what a pity this is the energy flame that Domain rune guides, they are unable to suppress. 蓬莱的人惨叫,被火光所淹没,一个又一个都化成火炬,在拼命挣扎,可惜这是场域符文引导出的能量火焰,他们无法扑灭。 The people in Penglai encounter the Heavenly Fire thunder sound baptism, is very painful, some people could not endure, knelt to bend down on the ground entreats, some people charged into airborne, but disintegrated in the end, dying was quicker. 蓬莱的人遭遇天火雷音洗礼,痛苦不堪,有些人忍受不了,跪伏在地上哀求,也有人冲向空中,但到头来解体,死的更快。 Shortly , the people in Penglai all extinguish, more than 200 Evolver tragic deaths here, only are too fully positive because of them, drag in lots of people, following outside territory Evolver to come to here to extinguish Chu Feng, person that finally comes has not lived. 不久后,蓬莱的人全灭,足有200多位进化者惨死在这里,只因他们太积极,兴师动众,追随域外进化者来这里灭楚风,结果来的人没有一个活下来。 Brothers are you all right?!” The distant place, Big Black Ox they shout, stand before the Unextinguishable Mountain entrance, somewhat worried. “兄弟你没事吧?!”远处,大黑牛他们喊道,站在不灭山山门前,都有些担忧。 Front that region thunder, Chu Feng is crossing very terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, but the under person shouted horse to call, piece of chaos, the death aura rushed. 前方那片地带电闪雷鸣,楚风在渡非常恐怖的天劫,而下方人喊马叫,一片大乱,死亡气息澎湃。 In thunder light, in the electrical fires, in the islands becomes the scene of carnage. 雷光中,在电火间,岛屿上成为修罗场。 The Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: I am all right, which weapons you settle on ahead of time to refer, I stay behind as far as possible, turn head to pick the treasure!” 楚风开口,道:“我没事,你们看中哪些兵器就提前指出来,我尽量留下,回头捡宝!” Good, I want Deity Race's to murder divine spear, looks like good!” “好,我要天神族的神矛,看起来不错!” „The Xilin Clan building up monster bottle is good, turns head to remain is building up Xilin Clan!” 西林族的炼妖瓶还行,回头留着炼西林族!” Obviously, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Old Donkey wait/etc. are the person of being able to judge the quality of goods, regards as important that several most formidable weapon, is not weak in the previous green demon bow and arrow. 显然,东北虎老驴等都是识货的人,看重那几件最强大的兵器,都不弱于早先的绿魔弓箭。 trump card level weapon that precisely several clans prepare: The brass tower, murders divine spear, to refine the monster bottle and black bottle gourd! 正是几族准备的杀手锏级兵器:黄铜塔、弑神矛、炼妖瓶、黑葫芦 Good!” Chu Feng nods in thunder light, has hair dishevelled freely, whole body burned black, but the look is as before bright, is staring under, overlooks these people. “好!”楚风雷光中点头,尽管披头散发,浑身焦黑,但是眼神依旧灿烂,盯着下方,俯视那些人。 „The Netherworld Race's old fogy, puts down my black bottle gourd, the Great Dream Pure Land's old monster woman, have not spoiled my brass tower carefully!” 幽冥族的老家伙,把我的黑葫芦放下,还有大梦净土的老妖婆你小心点,别弄坏我的黄铜塔!” When Chu Feng this sound hands down from generation to generation, the organizer of allied armies, these grasps the trump card established powerhouses air/Qi to must collapse, is in an uncontrollable rage. 楚风这种声音传下来时,联军的组织者,那些手持杀手锏的老牌强者都气到要崩溃,全都怒不可遏。 How, in their hands has rare treasure, has this and other formidable weapons, but is unable to injure Chu Feng now, was surrounded by Domain. 奈何,他们手中有秘宝,有这等强大的武器,可现在根本无法伤楚风,被场域困住了。 Bang! 轰! Heavenly Fire thunder sound, blasts out in their nears, the fire burns the day, what naturally is most fearful is these Domain symbols, once pesters, that will want the human life. 天火雷音,在他们的近前炸开,大火焚天,当然最为可怕的是那些场域符号,一旦纠缠过来,那就会要人命。 "Ah...... ” some people called out pitifully, after Chu Feng looked after with emphasis, Netherworld Race grasps the black bottle gourd old man to go crazy, the whole body was the flame, and by a Divine Chain separate body of Domain symbol construction, tragic death at the scene. “啊……”有人惨叫,被楚风重点关照后,幽冥族手持黑葫芦的老者发疯,浑身都是火光,且被一条场域符号构建的神链割裂躯体,惨死在当场。 xiū! 咻! Some sawtooth symbols appear, dense and numerous, submerges the Great Dream Pure Land's female, even if she uses the brass tower suppression is also the futile effort, finally turns into beach ashes. 一些锯齿型的符号浮现,密密麻麻,将大梦净土的那么女子淹没,哪怕她动用黄铜塔镇压也是徒劳的,最终化成一滩灰烬。 dang! 当! At the same time, murders divine spear to crash on the ground, Deity Race that established powerhouse is killed violently. 同一时间,弑神矛坠落在地上,天神族那位老牌强者毙命。 In trim Domain, various place flames leap the day, symbol sparkle, even more fearful, the person who even if these had not been looked after by Chu Feng with emphasis cannot bear at this time, in miserable howling. 整片场域中,各处都火光腾天,符号闪耀,越发的可怕,哪怕那些没有被楚风重点关照的人此时也受不了,在惨嚎。 The time is not long, to get close to over ten thousand troops died more than 6000 people, only remaining less than half, this for them is the destructive attack, various clan Evolver are terrified, is struggling, wants to maintain a livelihood, but does not have the opportunity now. 时间不长,接近上万的人马就已经死去6000多人,只剩下小半,这对他们来说是毁灭性打击,各族进化者惶恐,全都在挣扎,想要活命,但现在却没有机会。 Kills, damn small evil livestock!” “杀出去,该死的小孽畜!” "Ah...... ” “啊……” At this time, was Evolver of two Golden Body levels was anxious, the incomparable mania, they broke through several times, but the result failed, was very distressed, has been wounded, rank red point, and battlesuit was burnt down, was bringing the flame. 此时,就是两名金身层次的进化者都焦急了,无比的狂躁,他们数次突围,但结果都失败了,十分狼狈,已经负伤,腥红点点,且战衣被焚烧,带着火光。 „Can all people become extinct in this?” They are scared, raise head to look to Chu Feng in thunder light, felt that is facing peerless Great Demon King likely. “所有人都要绝灭在此吗?”他们胆寒,仰头看向雷光中的楚风,感觉像是在面对一个绝世大魔王 outside territory, is not very tranquil, because the Evolver of some old-fashioned person characters and Golden Body levels of various clans in extraterrestrial waiting news. 域外,很不平静,因为各族的老派人物、一些金身层次的进化者都在地球外等待消息。 Even, has Saint in this. 甚至,有圣人在此。 But in Star Sea is not tranquil, on Beast Source Platform many people heard, today the outside territory allied armies must land Unextinguishable Mountain, wipes out Earth that batch are unfriendly Evolver. 星海中也不平静,原兽平台上许多人都已经听闻,今天域外联军要登陆不灭山,全歼地球那批“不友好”的进化者 “Wú, a service wipes out, wants to come on Earth these so-called Kunlun Mountains big monsters to be killed a cleanness, cannot be left over, if Chu Feng there, died. ” “唔,一役全歼,想来地球上那些所谓的昆仑大妖要被杀个干净,一个都剩不下,如果楚风在那里,也死定了。” A Spirit Race female at the chuckle, the status is not low, she thinks that clansman Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian, will obtain the big good fortune in Unextinguishable Mountain mostly, even more will be henceforth dazzling. 灵族一位女子在轻笑,地位不低,她想到族人万星体徐成仙,多半会在不灭山得到大造化,从此会越发耀眼。 "Um, Earth ended, this war final a number of seeds will be destroyed completely from now on, the recovery of this planet, will only help various outside territory clan juniors. ” Some Saint are nodding. “嗯,地球完了,此战过后最后的一批种子都将被灭掉,这颗星球的复苏,只会成全域外各族子弟。”有圣人都在点头。 Unextinguishable Mountain is very special, has strange fog to cover, has inexplicable Domain to cover up Heavenly Mystery, outside territory Saint could not completely understand, Heavenly Eye also looks does not put on. 不灭山很特殊,有奇异雾霭覆盖,有莫名场域遮掩天机,域外圣人都看不透,天眼亦望不穿。 Therefore, their not knows this time tactical situation! 所以,他们不知道此时的战况!
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