SR :: Volume #8

#703: Heavenly Fire thunder sound

Netherworld Race there, an old man leans on the walking stick to go out, is having the faint smiling face, due to the breathing method reason, outside his body has the thin black fog. 幽冥族那里,一个老者拄着拐杖走出,带着淡漠的笑容,由于呼吸法的原因,他的身体外有稀薄的黑雾。 His at a moderate pace opens the mouth, quite calm, said: Young people, have the confidence to be very good, but is proud excessively is stupid. Has your such Evolver on planet of this decline is also Anomaly, this made me think of the antiquity, that group star radiant age, the young people on this planet were very shocking, our Netherworld Race's gold one generation of pressing almost must suffocate. But in the end how? Un, the so-called group star is bright, to turned into the meteor finally, the dazzling ray, illuminates the present age temporarily, but actually also only then that short illumination time, finally completely on the wane.” 他不紧不慢的开口,相当的从容,道:“年轻人,有信心很好,但自负过头就是愚蠢。在这颗没落的星球上有你这样的进化者也算是异数,这让我想到上古,那个群星璀璨的年代,这颗星球上的年轻人都很惊艳,压的我们幽冥族的黄金一代几乎要窒息。可是到头来又如何呢?嗯,所谓群星灿烂,到最后都变成了流星,耀眼的光芒,暂时照亮当世,但却也只有那么短暂的发光时间,最后全部凋零。” Then, he shows light smiling face, said: “Wú, forgot that said with you, our Netherworld Race's gold one generation grew, now is Supreme Being, including that Number Eight Under the Starry Sky! ” 接着,他露出淡淡的笑容,道:“唔,忘记和你说了,我们幽冥族的黄金一代成长起来了,如今都已经是大能,包括那位星空下第八!” Also what Xu he said, Chu Feng is not how clear, Netherworld Race's rises, is treading on this planet the innumerable corpses, but high-rank. They obtain Deity Race and other giants to support, other verbal command strong clans, attack archaic Earth together, finally wins. 又何需他说,楚风怎么不明白,幽冥族的崛起,是踏着这颗星球上无数尸体而上位的。他们得到天神族等巨头支持,号令其他强族,一起进攻上古地球,最终大胜。 Chu Feng has not lost one's temper, very tranquil opens the mouth, said: Old fogy you do not take advantage of own seniority before me, this spoken language is very disgusting, with your fold is shamelessly same, likely is together the tattered old pigskin. Shows off your calm and calmness, publicized your Netherworld Race's to be formidable, making you realize the sense of achievement? Previous time cuts your family Divine Son in a Kunlun Mountains blade, he is really too disappointing, therefore, you are withdraw this set, do not boast before me, your this crowd of person non- person ghost not clever races, have not really thought how tyrannical.” 楚风没有动怒,十分平静的开口,道:“老家伙你别在我面前倚老卖老,这种言语很恶心,就跟你那褶皱的老脸一样,像是一块破烂的老猪皮。卖弄你的淡定与镇静,宣扬你幽冥族的强大,让你体会到了成就感吗?哦,上次在昆仑一刀剁掉你家神子,他真是太差劲,所以,你还是收起这一套吧,别在我面前吹嘘,你们这群人不人鬼不鬼的种族,实在没觉得多么强横。” The Netherworld Race's old man complexion is bringing light smiling, does not have what anger, said: No matter what said, we think somewhat regrettably, your this Anomaly was dying eventually, before young people you at the point of death, what last words had? Said that looks.” 幽冥族的老者脸色带着淡淡的笑,没有什么怒意,道:“不管怎样说,我们还是觉得有些遗憾,你这种异数终究是要死了,年轻人你临死前还有什么遗言吗?说说看。” In secret, Chu Feng branch society Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and the others, returned the rotten steamship, making them prepare to rush in Unextinguishable Mountain at any time. 暗中,楚风已经支会大黑牛黄牛欧阳风等人,退回腐烂大船,让他们随时准备闯进不灭山 These people are very serious, already stood on the steamship, this makes Chu Feng relieved, these warships belong to Unextinguishable Mountain, was ruined very much difficultly. 这些人都很严肃,早已站在大船上,这让楚风安心,这些战船属于不灭山,很难被毁掉。 Chu Feng opens the mouth once more, said: „Under old fogy, did you want the extreme methods evidently? However, a you such calm calm appearance, a while, if disastrous defeat, will whole army has been annihilated, have what feelings?” 楚风再次开口,道:“老家伙,看样子你们是要下死手了是吗?不过,你这么一副从容淡定的样子,一会儿如果惨败,甚至全军覆灭,会有何感想?” At this time, many person facial colors changed, Saints incomparably dreaded to Chu Feng, witnessed him to send divine might greatly, a person captured alive to capture alive two big physique, who wasn't worried? 这时,不少人面色都变了,诸圣子对楚风无比忌惮,亲眼目睹他大发神威,一个人生擒活捉两大体质者,谁不担心? The old man facial color slightly has the stiffness, but smiled finally, the Netherworld aura is even more strong, in his surrounding black fog surges. 老者面色略有僵硬,但最后还是笑了笑,幽冥气息越发浓烈,在他周围黑雾翻腾。 At this time, Spirit Race, Xilin Clan, Deity Race, Great Dream Pure Land wait/etc. had the elders characters to stand, they are the organizer of this time allied armies. 这时,灵族西林族天神族大梦净土等都有老辈人物站出,他们是这次的联军的组织者。 Chu Feng, as the same race person, I gives you a suggestion, follows us, Xilin Clan is your best home to return.” A red hair old man haha said with a smile, but, looked that his look was having the evil intention of not covering up, visible invitation, but the vision was very cold, actually wishes one could to execute Chu Feng immediately. 楚风,作为同族人,我给你一个建议,跟我们走吧,西林族是你的最好归宿。”一个红发老者哈哈笑道,不过,看他的眼神带着不加掩饰的恶意,明着邀请,但是目光很冷冽,其实恨不得立刻毙掉楚风 Chu Feng said: Xilin Clan that pig dog is inferior, your Divine Son were butchered by me, troubles you to give your ancestor Wei Heng belt/bring words, cleans the neck, so-called Number Nine Under the Starry Sky, I will cut his head sooner or later.” 楚风道:“猪狗不如的西林族,你们的神子被我宰了,麻烦你给你们的祖宗魏恒带话,洗净脖子,所谓星空下第九,我早晚会斩掉他的头颅。” Canine advantage tooth, dies to being imminent to return stubborn to admit mistakes, you thought that today can also maintain a livelihood?” At this time, a female opens the mouth, although indeed is the elders character, but looked like obviously is not old, she came from Great Dream Pure Land. “尖牙利齿,死到临头还嘴硬,你觉得今天自己还能活命吗?”这时,一位女子开口,虽然的确是老辈人物,但是看起来却不显老,她来自大梦净土 Grandma, your this saying said does not have the meaning especially, clear/pain young masters continuously live is very good.” Chu Feng response. “老奶奶,你这话说的特没意思,楚小爷一直都活的很好。”楚风回应。 Grandma? The female complexion was black immediately, at her evolution level, how this age can be called as the grandma, her vitality is very exuberant. 老奶奶?那女子脸色顿时黑了,以她的进化层次来说,这个年岁怎么能被人称作老奶奶,她的生机还很旺盛。 Chu Feng also said: Was right, the old monster woman, I asked while convenient, Qin Luoyin was raising the embryo, how to have come?” 楚风又道:“对了,老妖婆,我顺便问下,秦珞音是在养胎吗,怎么没有来?” From grandma excessively to the old monster woman, was mentioned Qin Luoyin to raise the embryo, making Great Dream Pure Land one group of females get angry, shared a common hatred. 从老奶奶过度到老妖婆,又被提及秦珞音养胎,让大梦净土一群女子都怒了,同仇敌忾。 Chu Feng looks at their expressions, a doubt, said: What don't tell me has to misunderstand, your knows she is not raising the embryo, therefore to my such unfeeling?” 楚风看着她们的表情,一阵狐疑,道:“难道这其中有什么误会,你们不知道她在养胎,所以对我这么绝情?” This words, making various clans in an uproar, is this is whiling away the time intentionally Great Dream Pure Land? Too dissolute, simply put, is Qin Luoyin illegibile with him? 这种话语一出,让各族哗然,这是在故意消遣大梦净土吗?太放肆了,言下之意,秦珞音跟他不清不楚? Chu Feng, the demon, you can die is very miserable!” The Great Dream Pure Land's person angrily rebukes. 楚风,魔头,你会死的很惨!”大梦净土的人怒斥。 Such died to people who I spoke, for example Xilin Clan, Deity Race and Netherworld Race's Divine Son, mentioned also interestingly, your Divine Son had been chopped by me, therefore formed the united front, now not the far trillion li (0.5 km) do run to deliver the head/number of people once more?” “这么跟我说话的人都死了,比如西林族天神族幽冥族的神子,唔,说来也有意思,你们的神子都被我剁了,所以结成统一战线,如今不远亿万里再次跑来送人头?” Chu Feng this words suitable hatred, making one crowd of person complexions pale. 楚风这种话语相当的拉仇恨,让一群人都脸色铁青。 It seems like you are secure.” “看来你有恃无恐啊。” These established powerhouses disperse, the line, Chu Feng surrounding, is holding the rare treasure slowly by far in their hands respectively, is big Killing Weapon. 这几名老牌强者分散开来,缓缓而行,远远地将楚风包围,在他们的手中各自持着秘宝,全都是大杀器 For example, some people are holding a brass tower, some people carry are murdering divine spear, has the manpower to hold to refine the monster bottle, some people are raising black bottle gourd...... 比如,有人持着一座黄铜塔,有人拎着弑神矛,有人手持炼妖瓶,有人提着黑葫芦…… The people are terrified, some Holy Son recognize these things, is the unusual weapons, can the second kill Eating Rosy Clouds Realm's Evolver, can strike to kill the Moulding Shape Dominion person easily. 人们悚然,一些圣子认出那些东西,都是超凡武器,能秒杀餐霞境界的进化者,也能轻易击杀塑形领域的人。 Depends on your scrap copper and iron, insufficiently looks.” Chu Feng shakes the head. “就凭你们这些废铜烂铁,还是不够看啊。”楚风摇头。 His words were quite self-confident, making several established powerhouse facial colors change, how they really could not find out the opposite party also to make a comeback, this was must die the bureau. 他的话语相当自信,让几位老牌强者面色变了,他们实在想不出对方还怎么翻盘,这是必死之局。 Because, the weapons in their hand, any type is fiercer than the previous green demon bow and arrow, kills the eminent character in younger generation sufficiently. 因为,他们手中的兵器,任何一种都比早先的绿魔弓箭还要厉害,足以射杀年轻一代中的翘楚人物。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Suddenly, the Chu Feng facial color changed, shouted to Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and the others: Fast draws back, returns to Unextinguishable Mountain!” 突然,楚风面色变了,冲着黄牛欧阳风等人喝道:“速退,回不灭山!” He felt that dangerous aura, came the person very formidable, making him terrified. 他感觉到了危险的气息,来人非常的强大,让他悚然。 divine awareness is actually very keen, but the young people your tone of is too big, now wants to retreat, all late.” At this time, an old man appeared, whole body golden light 神觉倒是挺敏锐,呵,不过年轻人你的口气实在太大,现在想要退走,一切都晚了。”这时,一位老者出现,周身金光点点 His aura is terrifying, just like having not the body of going bad, fleshly body is firm, passes the stamina quantity to be vigorous, this is Evolver of Golden Body level. 他的气息非常恐怖,宛若拥有不坏之身,肉身坚固不朽,通体能量雄浑,这是一个金身层次的进化者 How possible?!” The distant place, Big Black Ox and the others cried out strangely. “怎么可能?!”远处,大黑牛等人怪叫。 The old man light opens the mouth, said: What is impossible, I cut the Golden Body level strength, nearly died, enters the Earth principal space difficultly, finally slowly restores, fulfils expectations, lives by luck, had not written off by Earth Order.” 老者淡淡的开口,道:“没什么不可能,我自斩金身级实力,险些死掉,艰难进入地球主空间,终于慢慢恢复,不负所望,侥幸活下来,没有被地球秩序抹杀。” Another old woman also opens the mouth, said: Old body is also so. In order to extinguish you, uses our such Golden Body level character, you died also die content!” 另外一名老妪也开口,道:“老身也是如此。为了灭你,动用我们这样的金身级人物,你死也瞑目了!” Their came from Netherworld Race, came from Xilin Clan, incomparably attaches great importance to Earth, so, the expenditure price will be very big. 他们一个来自幽冥族,一个来自西林族,对地球无比重视,才会如此,花费代价很大。 Two people lend the formidable aura to frighten the island, they reveal teasing the look, is staring at Chu Feng, is similar to the cat catch mouse. 两人散发强大的气息震慑全岛,他们露出戏虐的神色,盯着楚风,如同猫捉老鼠。 The old woman said: knows , to continue our two to cut Golden Body cultivation base to enter this planet, other people come, but was a pity that died, the idle talk restores the strength, for you, our several clans is the loss is also serious, today you do not die, the natural justice is intolerable!” 老妪道:“知道吗,不止我们两个自斩金身修为进入这颗星球,还有其他人进来,但可惜都死了,更遑论恢复实力,为了你,我们几族也算是损失惨重,今天你不死,天理难容!” Natural justice is intolerable, did your this group of people also match to speak this words?” Chu Feng is gloomy the face. “天理难容,你们这群人也配说这种话?”楚风阴沉着脸。 Old man golden light, said: "hē hē, our two make an appearance rapidly, is fears you to flee, was worried that these so-called big Killing Weapon and trump card cannot block, but makes you run into the Unextinguishable Mountain deep place, now do you also hold true by going on living, salt fish, waits for death! ” 老者金光点点,道:“呵,我们两个迅速露面,就是怕你遁走,担心那些所谓的大杀器杀手锏都拦不住,而让你逃进不灭山深处,现在你还有什么理由活下去,咸鱼一条,等死吧!” Evolver of two Golden Body levels moved, arrives downward, must suppress Chu Feng. 两位金身层次的进化者都动了,向下降临,要镇压楚风 The so-called strength falls ten meetings, Evolver of this rank, possibly is not Chu Feng can contend, they think the crush! 所谓一力降十会,这个级别的进化者,根本不可能是楚风所能抗衡的,他们想碾压! In the islands, various clan Holy Son relax immediately, laughs to make noise, because in their hearts final dreaded to vanish, Chu Feng must die without doubt. 岛屿上,各族圣子顿时放松,大笑出声,因为他们心中最后的忌惮消失了,楚风必死无疑。 But previously that several established powerhouse also revealed the happy expression, their knows does not have Evolver of two Golden Body levels to appear, kills towering. 而早先那几个老牌强者也都露出喜色,连他们都不知道有两个金身层次的进化者会出现,突兀杀到。 When really the young master quite bullies, since to this moment, should come also to come, then all of you die!” Chu Feng shouted. “真当小爷好欺负啊,既然到了这一刻,该来也都来了,那么你们所有人都去死吧!”楚风喝道。 Centered on him, in the ground the ripples interweave, the rune twinkle, the entire islands were activated all of a sudden likely, the ray is dreadful. 以他为中心,地面上涟漪交织,符文闪烁,整座岛屿一下子像是被激活了,光芒滔天。 The old people of two Golden Body levels, are all frightened, halts instant, was blocked by rune. 两位金身层次的老人,全都惊悚,刹那止步,被符文挡住了。 The old woman is fearful and apprehensive, said: This is...... Character who large-scale Domain, may threaten the Golden Body level, to be how possible, he is only Domain Master, impossible lay out this Domain to be right!” 老妪心惊肉跳,道:“这是……大型场域,可威胁到金身级的人物,怎么可能,他只是一位场域大师,并不可能布下这种场域才对!” "Ah...... It is not good! ” As for other people, various group of Holy Son wait/etc. startled yelled, they were surrounded, some people in the flurry runs, finally was separated the body. “啊……不好!”至于其他人,各路圣子等都惊慌大叫,他们被困住了,在慌乱间有人奔跑,结果被割裂身体。 This islands become incomparably fearful, the energy in the ebullition, the light beam is interweaving, the islands are similar to a checkerboard, there are various lines vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered overlapping, deductive murdering Domain. 这座岛屿变得无比可怕,能量在沸腾,光束在交织,岛屿如同棋盘,有各种线条纵横交叉,演绎杀伐型场域 Some people whispered, was very terrified, said: Is impossible, previously when landed on island, we invited the arrangement in Domain Master continually broken journey, altogether had 12th Layer Domain to be disintegrated, did the thorough security, how appear?” 有人低语,很是惶恐,道:“不可能,早先登岛时,我们请场域大师连破路途上的布置,共有十二重场域被瓦解,彻底安全了,怎么又出现了?” Chu Feng taunted, said: That 12th Layer is I leaves you to break, how the true preparation will extinguish your large-scale Domain possibly ahead of time to expose, needs you to arrive to be in place is activated, when really the young master I have stayed will the place be so accessible?!” 楚风嘲讽,道:“那十二重是我留给你们破的,真正准备灭你们的大型场域怎么可能提前暴露,需要你们都到到位才会被激活,真当小爷我呆过的地方那么容易接近吗?!” The old woman sinking sound said of Golden Body level: Don't be upset, does not have anything at the worst, the Domain researcher of this rank could not have surrounded the Golden Body level expert, he could not have revolved this large-scale Domain, needs the energy to be really great, he also can only activate the moment short, I and others will get quickly out of trouble.” 金身层次的老妪沉声道:“不要慌,没什么大不了,他这个级别的场域研究者还困不住金身层次的高手,他还运转不了这种大型场域,所需能量甚巨,他也只能短暂激活片刻,我等很快就会脱困。” Right, Domain Master is very fierce, but impossible lay out large-scale Domain, we not to need to fear like this!” Some people are suddenly enlighted. “对啊,场域大师很厉害,但是不可能布下这样的大型场域,我们不用怕!”有人恍然大悟。 "hē hē, lets you, when understands ghost. ” Chu Feng soars, then, bang, appears in his top of the head above lightning, deafening. “呵,让你们当明白鬼。”楚风腾空,接着,轰的一声,在他头顶上方一道闪电浮现,震耳欲聋。 What situation? All people are dumbstruck, after Chu Feng lay out Domain, were almost attacked how on the contrary. 什么情况?所有人都发懵,楚风布下场域后,怎么自己反倒差点被攻击。 Chu Feng stands there, said: "Um, in the normal condition, my lay out this large-scale Domain is also useless, indeed did not activate. However today is not a problem completely, I activate sufficiently! ” 楚风站在那里,道:“嗯,正常情况下来说,我布下这种大型场域也没用,的确激活不了。但是今日完全不成问题,我足以激活!” Bang! 轰! Above his top of the head, the thunder reappears, is very flaming, rumbles to go toward him. 他的头顶上方,雷霆再现,无比炽盛,向着他轰去。 Heavenly Tribulation!” Some people yelled, finally understood. 天劫!”有人大叫,终于明白了。 Chu Feng brings to smile pale, said: Right, in the near future I have wanted to cross a tribulation, happen to be used to activate this piece of large-scale Domain, as energy catalyst, should be enough.” 楚风带着淡笑,道:“没错,近期我一直想渡个劫,正好可以用来激活这片大型场域,作为能量引子,应该是足够了。” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! He does not speak, because his Heavenly Tribulation approached, was very huge, the far supernormal person, this let with be the Eating Rosy Clouds Realm's person is scary, this Heavenly Thunder was too strong, inconceivable, the second killed this level sufficiently most people. 他不说话了,因为他的天劫来临,无比巨大,远超常人的,这让同为餐霞境界的人骇人,这种天雷太强了,不可思议,足以秒杀这个层次的大多数人。 „It is not good, rushes!” Some people yelled. “不好,闯出去!”有人大叫。 Because, thunder light blots out the sky, but after next, the entire islands were activated, Domain rune interweaves, the after thunder and lightning energy of space by attraction, during pours into, large-scale Domain in thorough is radiant. 因为,雷光铺天盖地而下后,整座岛屿被激活,场域符文交织,天上的雷电能量被吸引来后,注入当中,大型场域在彻底璀璨起来。 "Ah...... ” some people of bursting were hit by the Domain symbol, blasts out instant. “啊……”有些乱闯的人被场域符号击中,刹那炸开。 Kills!” Let alone other people, are Evolver of two Golden Body levels are also scared, wants to run away. “杀出去!”别说其他人,就是两名金身层次的进化者也都胆寒,想逃出去。 What a pity, this large-scale Domain blocks their ways, is unable to flee. 可惜,这种大型场域挡住他们的去路,无法走脱。 Only several rotten steamships, under the Chu Feng's direction, unceasingly move, goes toward Unextinguishable Mountain there! 唯有几艘腐烂大船,在楚风的指点下,不断移动,向着不灭山那里而去! everyone, this Domain named Heavenly Fire thunder sound, enjoys slowly, I come to ignite for you!” The Chu Feng indifferent opens the mouth, his head thunder light are innumerable, chops to fall downward, pours into large-scale Domain! 诸位,此场域名为天火雷音,慢慢享受吧,我来为你们引燃!”楚风冷漠开口,他的头上雷光无数,向下劈落,注入大型场域中! Arrived this step, large-scale Domain was activated thoroughly, covers to get close to over ten thousand troops, soon certainly will kill. 到了这一步,大型场域被彻底激活,笼罩接近上万人马,即将绝杀。
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